Resolution 568-1992 J" P,~_' I,,',()P! FlLEDF(r.., - " Grants Management '92 DEe 14 P 3 :58 .., ,,' . ;- RBSOLUTION NO. 568 -1992 I) ;, ~,~ r' - " CU',;i.1(i~p~UTION OF THB MONROB COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONBRS ~tQHROE UJi"tf.rB:bitIZING THB SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THB DBPARTMENT OF COMMBRCB, BCONOMIC DBVBLOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, BCONOMIC DBVBLOPMENT ASSISTANCB PROGRAM TO SBCURB FINANCIAL ASSISTANCB FOR MONROB COUNTY IN AN AMOUNT OF UP TO AND INCLUDING $125,000 FOR THB DBVBLOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL BCONOMIC ADJUSTMENT STRATBGIBS IN RBSPONSB TO THB SUDDEN AND SEVBRB BCONOMIC DISLOCATION ACCOMPANYING HURRICANB ANDRBW. WHEREAS, The Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) has announced a funding cycle for 1992 to support projects designed to address economic dislocations resulting from sudden, major job losses; and WHEREAS, the EDA has judged that Monroe County is eligible to apply for up to and including $125,000 for adjustment strategy and adjustment implement projects as a result of the sudden and severe economic dislocation afflicted on Monroe County by Hurricane Andrew; and WHEREAS, Mr. William J. Day, Economic Development Representative, EDA, via phone conversation of 11/4/92, with Mary S. Broske, Director, Monroe County Grants Management Department, has stated that his office will recommend 100% funding for Monroe County's grant application; and WHEREAS, Monroe County desires to develop adjustment and implementation strategies to alleviate the economic dislocation afflicted on Monroe County by Hurricane Andrew; and now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, that 1. The County Administrator is authorized to submit a grant application to the Economic Development Administration for an amount up to and inCluding $125,000 for the funding of adjustment and implementation strategies to alleviate the sudden and severe economic dislocation experienced by Monroe County as a result of Hurricane Andrew, and that 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission and the execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~h day of November , 1992. Mayor london Mayor protem Chea I Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Seal) ~~ l ~ Attest: _;..c,. t. Clerk By ~ ':'", AS Tt1 r",":.'.1 A ,,'- -, ,ue" -," ','~y' t..... _.' I. .'-"...'''1..'' . " , --1's ' ", '1 0cU.'~C__"u Dats