Resolution 586-1992 782982 ~tE I 2 5 4 PAGEl 9 7 7 RESOLUTION NO. 586 -1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AFFIRMING PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. P32-92 GRANTING A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE REQUEST FILED BY RAYBOB INC. DBA ITALIAN FISHERMAN MARINA FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE ALLOWING EXPANSION OF THE MARINA, WHICH WILL INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL BATHROOM AND THE NEW ADDf'rION OF A 4,868 SQUARE FOOT STORAGE BUILDING. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 104000 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, AND IS DESCRIBED AS BEING SITUATED IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 61 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. tiC-- \Q -'1 t.....l :T] C- ',:'; ::::=> , , --;~...... ~) u_ Vi " , " , '1 _.._-~ "; c::; <_:J '..A., '~'J ~ :~::J WHEREAS, on December 20th, 1991, John Baiamonte, owner of Italian Fisherman Marina, filed an application for a change to an existing Major Conditional Use which would allow for the addition of a bathroom and new 4,868 square foot storage building; and WHEREAS, the subject property, known as The Italian Fisherman Marina, is located at 104000 Overseas Highway, and is more particularly described as being situated in Section 11, Township County, Florida, Mile Marker 104. 61 South, Range 39 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Largo, Monroe The Land usei3 Desig~ti~ is ~: b ',-, Suburban Commercial (SC); and Page 1 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,92005 Initials :::t:> W ::0 N ex u~ v f-...J -J ~ .t:::. C':J ~::CJ WHEREAS, the staff report to the Development Review Committee by Donna Bosold, Development Review Planner, dated January 29th, 00 1992, March 11th, 1992, June 1st, 1992, and recommended denial of "- en the change to the existing Major Conditional Use request, subject ......... "-=> ~ to being in non- compliance with the Monroe County Code, -:::r lJ"') ('o.J Amended, but supported further review as being appropriate, since the items of non-compliance could be resolved; and 14..(.) I4..W Co:; WHEREAS, the staff report to the Planning Commission by ~ co ~ C'J co ...... Donna Bosold, Development Review Planner, dated August 7th, 1992, recommended approval of the change, subject to certain specified conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed addition and expansion on September 3rd, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at said public hearing reviewed the Development Review Committee report, the various Departmental staff reports, and heard testimony from Mr. Richard E. Hopkins, agent for John Biamonte, owner of Italian Fisherman Marina; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted unanimously at said public hearing to approve the addition of the bathroom and the Page 2 of 5 MJITALI.27jTXTDR,9200S Initials en r- en new expansion of a storage building, subject to certain specific conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 24th, 1992, the Chairman of the ........., c.'::.:l ~ expansion as Planning Commission Resolution P32-92; and Planning Commission issued a Resolution for the proposed .::.:r l.f') C"'-J to.. <-> lo-W 00:: C'oI co cn ("000..1 co r- WHEREAS, according to Section 9.S-69(e) of the Monroe County Code, Amended, that Resolution has been placed on the Consent Agenda of this Board; and WHEREAS, no person has appealed that Resolution to this Board, and no member of this Board desires to remove the Resolution from the Consent Agenda; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That Planning Commission Resolution #P32-92, including all the conditions terms, and requirements contained therein, is hereby attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2. That Planning Commission Resolution #32-92, including all the conditions terms, and requirements contained therein, is hereby affirmed. Page 3 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,9200S Initials Lr") C'-J 1.&..(.) I.&..LoJ Ocz:: C'."t co 0') C"-J co "- Section 3 . That this Board's Findings of Fact and c:;:) co 0') Conclusions of Law are predicated upon those specified in Planning Commission Resolution #32 - 92, and which this Board ......... "= ~ hereby adopts as it's own. -=J... Section 4. That as required by Section 9.5 -72 (a) (1) of the Monroe County Code. Amended: a. Application (s) for a building permit (s) shall be made within six (6) months of the date of this approval; and that b. All required certificates of occupancy shall be procured within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the initial building permit. Section 5. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. Section 6. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Page 4 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,92005 Initials Lr:> ('.J I.&..U 1.&..\.0.1 ocr: C'o.I co en C".I 00 ro- co 0") PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of ~ c:.= -;:: =- Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on .-'- the 8th day of December, A.D. 1992. Mayor London Yes Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Freeman Yes Commissioner Reich Yes BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF~~OUNTY' FLORIDA )4Ld~~~. MAYOR/CHAIRMAN ( (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~~c. 4J~ DEPUTY C~K APPRQ AND L ,y Page 5 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,92005 Initials C".I co 0') ......... c..:::> -:c <:::..- .;:.;- u") C"oJ lI...(.) lI......, o a:; <"I co 0') C".I co "'- Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. P32-92 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING THE REQUEST BY RICHARD E. HOPKINS, AGENT FOR JOHN BAIAMONTE, SR. FOR A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE FOR ITALIAN FISHERMAN MARINA. THIS WAS A REQUEST TO ADD A BATHROOM AND NEW 4868 SQUARE FOOT STORAGE BUILDING ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS 104000 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, KEY LARGO, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission during a regular meeting held on September 3rd, 1992, conducted a public hearing on the request fi led by Richard E. Hopkins, agent for John Baiamonte Sr., Raybob Inc., dba Italian Fisherman Marina located on Lot 24, Block 9, Plantation Key Colony Subdivision, Section 5, Township 63 South, Range 38 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, and located at approximately Mile Marker 91. The land use designation is Suburban Commercial (SC); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission information via the following: presented with was 1. The Application for Development Approval filed by John Baiamonte, Sr., Raybob Inc., dba Italian Fisherman Marina; and 2. The case file prepared by stCl.ff of the Planning Department for the Planning Commission's hearing on this matter, which file includes the staff report prepared by Donna Bosold, Upper Keys Development Review Planner, dated August 7th, 1992 which recommended approval; and which file is hereby incorporated by reference as a part of the record of said hearing; and 3. The sworn testimony by members of the Monroe County Planning Department, and 4. The presentation and sworn testimony of Richard E. Hopkins, agent for Mr. Baiamonte; and 5. The comments of Garth Coller, Esquire, Planning Commission counsel, and Assistant County Attorney; and .1'1J.I.T~JdI. 2PI.TXTDR, 92005 ~w Tl1it-i~l!=; .. .... WHEREAS, ~he Planning Commission has made the following Eindings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: C"") ex:> 0") ......... c..~":':J -c:: "'- -.-J- Ln "" IA...(.) IA...\AJ 00::: 4. N <X) 5 . 0') C'.I <X) "- 6. 1. The communi ty character of the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development is predominantly developed, with commercial uses such as marinas, restaurants and a hotel under construction on the bayside of U.S. 1 and less intense commercial uses and residential uses on the oceanside of U.S. 1; and that 2. The proposed development as approved minimizes adverse ef- fects, including visual impact of the proposed use on adj a- cent properties by the use of additional buffers and improved site access; and that 3. There are adequate public faci li ties to serve the proposed use as approved; and that A new septic tank has been approved; and that The applicant has the financial and technical capacity to complete the development as proposed and will have made adequate legal provision to guarantee the provision and de- velopment of any open space and other improvements associated with the proposed development; and that The development will not adversely affect a known archaeolog- ical, historical or cultural resource; and that 7. Public access to public beaches and other waterfront areas is unaffected by the proposed development; and that 8. The proposed use complies with all additional standards im- posed on it by the particular provi sion of the development regulations authorizing such use and by all other applicable requirements of the Monroe County Code with the exceptions of the need for revised drainage calculations and a legally binding access agreement, both of which have are conditions of this approval; NOW THEREFORE The proposed development as approved by staff is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and standards of the plan and the development regulations and specifically the purpose of the Mixed Use District; and that NOW THEREFORE, the Planning Commission hereby conditions this approval of a change to a major conditional use as follows: 1. That the Affadavit of Temporary Access meet the legal sufficiency standards of the Monroe County Attorney's office and is signed by applicable parties and is recorded; and that 2. That the applicant shall submit a final development plan showing corrected drainage calculations; and that 3. These condi tions must be met prior to this approval being effective; NOW THEREFORE MJITALI.20/TXTDR,9200S ~~w Initials BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMI SS ION OF MONROE COUNTY, .FLORIDA, that the preceding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, support thei r deci sion to GRANT the change to an exi sting Maj or Condi tional Use, as condi tioned, to John Baiamonte, Sr., Raybob Inc., dba Italian Fisherman Marina to add a bathroom and a new 4868 square foot storage building on property described as ~l04000 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida. ex;:) en U,..j c.:..::> ~ County, -:::- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of Monroe Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 3 rd day of Lf") ('o.J September, 1992. lL.(.,) ~~ Chair Haskell N/A N/A Vice-Chair Mravic Commissioner Kloski YES c..... co en ('o.J CO r- Commissioner Mannillo YES~ Commissioner Miller YES . PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By , 'j- '~ 1_,: I ~ ,'. /" I " ;.. / / ' _/ f- ,: Monica Haskell, Chair Signed this day of -.' - :( ~. I, ( : \- , 1992. NOTICE This instrument shall not take effect for thirty (30) days following the date of memorialization thereof, and during that time period shall be subject to appeal as provided in Section 9.5-523(d) of the Monroe County Code, Amended. An appeal shall stay the effectiveness of this instrument until resolved. Also, pursuant to Chapter 9J-1, Florida Administrative Code, this instrument shall not take effect for forty-five (45) days following proper rendition to the Florida Department of Community Affai rs, and wi thin the forty- fi ve (45) day review period the Department of Community Affairs can appeal this instrument to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, and that such an appeal stays the effectiveness of this instrument until the appeal is resolved by agreement or order. MJITALI.20/TXTDR,92005 ~(O)~~ ,~ ...~ ... ........ ~... ~ ';f. . .- '...... '.. ---'~ ~'<l~: ! _ 1ft yC',,: '. '. 1 ~4 1Wft ('~.., Initials RESOLUTION No..58Gt -1992 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AFFIRMING PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. P32-92 GRANTING A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE REQUEST FILED BY RAYBOB INC. DBA ITALIAN FISHERMAN MARINA FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE ALLOWING EXPANSION OF THE MARINA, WHICH WILL INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL BATHROOM AND THE NEW ADDITION OF A 4,868 SQUARE FOOT STORAGE BUILDING. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 104000 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, AND IS DESCRIBED AS BEING SITUATED IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 61 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. \Q -" l_v -- :-" e_ el ::::::> -:"1 _..~ ") !'....... ; l1\ J 1 -- C-~ '_:J \ '<_: J ~~ : _::J WHEREAS, on December 20th, 1991, John Baiamonte, owner of Italian Fisherman Marina, filed an application for a change to an existing Major Conditional Use which would allow for the addition of a bathroom and new 4,868 square foot storage building; and WHEREAS, the subject property, known as The Italian Fisherman Marina, is located at 104000 Overseas Highway, and is more particularly described as being situated in Section 11, Township 61 South, Range 39 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, Mile Marker 104. The Land Use Designation is Suburban Commercial (SC); and Page 1 of 5 MJITALI.27jTXTDR,92005 Initials ~_....,.._" WHEREAS, the staff report to the Development Review Committee by Donna Bosold, Development Review Planner, dated January 29th, 1992, March 11th, 1992, June 1st, 1992, and recommended denial of the change to the existing Major Conditional Use request, subject to being in non-compliance with the Monroe County Code. Amended, but supported further review as being appropriate, since the items of non-compliance could be resolved; and WHEREAS, the staff report to the Planning Commission by Donna Bosold, Development Review Planner, dated August 7th, 1992, recommended approval of the change, subject to certain specified conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed addition and expansion on September 3rd, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at said public hearing reviewed the Development Review Committee report, the various Departmental staff reports, and heard testimony from Mr. Richard E. Hopkins, agent for John Biamonte, owner of Italian Fisherman Marina; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted unanimously at said public hearing to approve the addition of the bathroom and the Page 2 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,9200S Initials new expansion of a storage building, subject to certain specific conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 24th, 1992, the Chairman of the Planning Commission issued a Resolution for the. proposed expansion as Planning Commission Resolution P32-92; and WHEREAS, according to Section 9.5-69(e) of the Monroe County Code. Amended, that Resolution has been placed on the Consent Agenda of this Board; and WHEREAS, no person has appealed that Resolution to Board, and no member of this Board desires to remove Resolution from the Consent Agenda; NOW THEREFORE, this the BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That Planning Commission Resolution #P32-92, including all the terms, conditions and requirements contained therein, is hereby attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2. That Planning Commission including all the terms, conditions contained therein, is hereby affirmed. Resolution #32-92, and requirements Page 3 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,92005 Initials .. Section 3. That this Board's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are predicated upon. those specified in Planning Commission Resolution #32 - 92, and which this Board hereby adopts as it's own. Section 4. That as required by Section 9.5 -72 (a) (1) of the Monroe County Code. Amended: a. Application (s) for a building permit (s) shall be made within six (6) months of the date of this approval; and that b. All required certificates of occupancy shall be procured within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the initial building permit. Section 5. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. Section 6. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Page 4 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,92005 Initials '" PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 8th day of December, A.D. 1992. Mayor London Yes Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Freeman Yes Commissioner Reich Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~~;~ FLORIDA ..~~~. MAYOR/CHAIRMAN BY ( (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ~~G.~~ DEPUTY C~K Page 5 of 5 MJITALI.27/TXTDR,92005 Initials Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. P32-92 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING THE REQUEST BY RICHARD E. HOPKINS, AGENT FOR JOHN BAIAMONTE, SR. FOR A CHANGE TO AN EXISTING MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE FOR ITALIAN FISHERMAN MARINA. THIS WAS A REQUEST TO ADD A BATHROOM AND NEW 4868 SQUARE FOOT STORAGE BUILDING ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS 104000 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, KEY LARGO, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission during a regular meeting held on September 3rd, 1992, conducted a public hearing on the request filed by Richard E. Hopkins, agent for John Baiamonte Sr., Raybob Inc., dba Italian Fisherman Marina located on Lot 24, Block 9, Plantation Key Colony Subdivision, Section 5, Township 63 South, Range 38 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, and located at approximately Mile Marker 91. The land use designation is Suburban Commercial (SC); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission information via the following: was presented with 1. The Application for Development Approval filed by John Baiamonte, Sr., Raybob Inc., dba Italian Fisherman Marina; and 2. The case file prepared by staff of the Planning Department for the Planning Commission's hearing on this matter, which file includes the staff report prepared by Donna Bosold, Upper Keys Development Review Planner, dated August 7th, 1992 which recommended approval; and which file is hereby incorporated by reference as a part of the record of said hearing; and 3. The sworn testimony by members of the Monroe County Planning Department, and 4. The presentation and sworn testimony of Richard E. Hopkins, agent for Mr. Baiamonte; and 5. The comments of Garth Coller, Esquire, Planning Commission counsel, and Assistant County Attorney; and MJITALI.20/TXTDR.9200S ~w , " Tn;+;~l~ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: 1. The community character of the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development is predominantly developed, with commercial uses such as marinas, restaurants and a hotel under construction on the bayside of U.S. 1 and less intense commercial uses and residential uses on the oceanside of U.S. 1; and that 2. The proposed development as approved minimizes adverse ef- fects, including visual impact of the proposed use on adj a- cent properties by the use of additional buffers and improved site access; and that 3. There are adequate public faci I i ties to serve the proposed use as approved; and that 4. A new septic tank has been approved; and that 5. The applicant has the financial and technical capacity to complete the development as proposed and will have made adequate legal provision to guarantee the provision and de- velopment of any open space and other improvements associated with the proposed development; and that 6. The development will not adversely affect a known archaeolog- ical, historical or cultural resource; and that 7. Public access to public beaches and other waterfront areas is unaffected by the proposed development; and that 8. The proposed use complies with all additional standards im- posed on it by the particular provision of the development regulations authorizing such use and by all other applicable requirements of the Monroe County Code with the exceptions of the need for revised drainage calculations and a legally binding access agreement, both of which have are conditions of this approval; NOW THEREFORE The proposed development as approved by staff is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and standards of the plan and the development regulations and specifically the purpose of the Mixed Use District; and that NOW THEREFORE, the Planning Commission hereby conditions this approval of a change to a major conditional use as follows: 1. That the Affadavit of Temporary Access meet the legal sufficiency standards of the Monroe County Attorney's office and is signed by applicable parties and is recorded; and that 2. That the applicant shall submit a final development plan showing corrected drainage calculations; and that 3. These conditions must be met prior to this approval being effective; NOW THEREFORE MJITALI.20/TXTDR,92005 ~w Initials BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, support their decision to GRANT the change to an existing Maj or Conditional Use, as conditioned, to John Baiamonte, Sr., Raybob Inc., dba Italian Fisherman Marina to add a bathroom and a new 4868 square foot storage building on property described as 104000 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of September, 1992. Chair Haskell N/A Vice-Chair Mravic N/A Commissioner Kloski YES Commissioner Mannillo YES~ Commissioner Miller YES PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By I ' .'/' _ / / ' i ! i ..- , ,.. ,". ..' ( . - . " .. ." I'" c, -._ _i -, -- Monica Haskell, Chair Signed this day of '-"_:(- ..,'..i.._ ,1992. NOTICE This instrument shall not take effect for thirty (30) days following the date of memorialization thereof, and during that time period shall be subject to appeal as provided in Section 9.5-523(d) of the Monroe County Code, Amended. An appeal shall stay the effectiveness of this instrument until resolved. Also, pursuant to Chapter 9J-1, Florida Administrative Code, this instrument shall not take effect for forty-five (45) days following proper rendition to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and within the forty-five (45) day review period the Department of Community Affairs can appeal this instrument to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, and that such an appeal stays the effectiveness of this instrument until the appeal is resolved by agreement or order. MJITALI.20/TXTDR,92005 ~(Q)~~ Initials