04/01/1968 Lease
THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE, made and entered into by and between
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR"), and
SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC., a Florida corporation (hereinafter referred
to as "LESSEE"),
WHEREAS. Lessor owns an airport known as Key West International
Airport, located in Monroe C~)Unty. State of Florida (hereinafter called the
"AIRPORT"), and
WHEREAS, Lessee is engaged in the business of transportation with
respect to persons, property. cargo and mail at the Airport. and
WHEREAS, Lessee desires to lease certain premises, facilities and
rights in connection with and on the Airport and Lessor is willing to lease
.same to Les see upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated,
, .
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of
the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, and other valuable
considerations, Lessor does hereby demise and let unto Lessee and Lessee
does hereby hire and take from Lessor certain premises, facilities and
rights in connection with and on the Airport as follows, to-wit:
ARTICLE I - TERM: The term of this lease shall be for a period of
one year, commencing on the 1 st day of April
. A. D. 1968, and
ending on the 3 1 s t
day of March
, A. D. 1%9.
ARTICLE II - RENTAL: Lessee agrees to pay Lessor for the use
-of the Airport, all premises. facilities and rights granted hereunder for do-
mestic operations only, except as hereinafter set forth, an annual rental of
$6,000.00, payable in equal monthly amounts of $500,00 each, such payments
to be made within ten days of receipt of Lessor's billing therefor; but not
earlier than the first day of each month for which the rent is applicable.
The above payments are based upon the Lessee's use of facilities
assigned to it in the Airport Terminal Building, and the pri~lege of operating
three (3) flights per day. In the event Lessee operates more than three nights
per day, Les.ee shall then pay to the Leeeor an additional sum of $2.50
p.r filght OV.r and above the thr.e (3) flight. p.r day, .uch paym.Plg, 10
be in addition to the monthly payments contemplated hereunder. ~ .
The exclusive u.e of lh. .pac. r.f.rr.d to und.r Articl. II h.r.in for .uch
Uses as the Lessee may desire to make thereot in connection with or inciden_
tal to Its op.ratlon of a dom..tic air tran.portatlon .y.t.m, inclUding .p._ .
ciflcally but not by way of limitation the U.. ol said .pac. for tick.t COUnt.r
area. operations room and carlO storaae area.
~ND FACILITi&s: A. dulyauthori'.d by cO"'p.t.nt Gov.rn",.nlal authority,
L..... .hall have lh. right to operate a dom..tlc tran.pottation .y.t.m, at.
the Airport, by aircraft, for the carriage of p.r.on., prop.rly, cargo and
,mail, which right shall include the following:
(1) The ri,ht to uae. in common 'With other domestic operators
authorl..d to do .0.. tha c.....m... area. of the Mrport and appurtenanc.. th.r._
to, whlchhav. b..n d.signat~d by Le..or for common u.e, inclUding, but not
IImit.d to, landing a..... aprone. taxl..ay., roadway., flood lights, ramp
lighting. b.acon., .lgn.Is, radio ald., .....ra... control tow.r. lIr. and
cr"h .qulp"'.nt and other COn...nt.nc.. for flyl.... landing. .nd tak.-ofls of
aircraft of Lesaee.
(Z) Th. rl.ht to I.nd. tak.-oU. fly. taxi, tow on the ground. load and
unload .Ircraft and .qulpment u..d by L..... In It. op.r.UOn of a dom..tic
air trallapol1ation .y.tem 011 the Airport.
1'3) The right to m.ke repair., t..t. maint.ln, condltinn. ..rvic. with
fu.l. 011. gr..... or oth.r .uppll.., park or .tore aircraft or oth.r .qulpm.nt
of L..... or. with prlorp.rmi..ion of L.esor. of any othar .chcduled dom.._
tic .Ir tnn.portatlon COrn_yo On p..mls.. I....dto L..... Or On pr.ml....
I....d to .uch oth.r .ch.dulod d"",..tfc . r r I r.,,, "j""'laLiuu LUU'P"hi...
(4) Th. rl,lht 10 lrain personnel in Ihe .mploy of, or to b. .mploY.d by,
the 1.e...e.
(5) The right to install, maintain and operate, at lessee's expense,
by L.ssee alone or in conjunction with any other air transportation companies
who are les..es at the Airport, or through a nominee, radio, telephdne, tele-
type and other communications equipment, meteorological and aerial navi-
gation equipment and facilities in or on premiae. leased exclusively to Les-
..e, subject to the approval of Lessor 1110 a. to enable Lessor to prevent in-
terference with the reasonable use of the Airport by other authorized persons,
such ,approval not to be unreasonably withheld,
(6) The right to buy, 8ell, exchanae or otherwise dispose of Lessee's
aircra.ft, engine., acce.sories, gasoUne, oil, greases, lubricants, fuel,
food and other equipment or .upplie8, including any article or goods used by
or bought for use by Lessee in connection with ita conduct of domestic air
trailsportation~ provided that such rigbt shall not be construed as autltorizing
the conduct of a separate busineBs by Lessee, but shall permit Lessee to per-
. .
form such functions as are incident to its conduct of domestic air transporta-
tion and further provided that Lessee shall not sell gasoline, fuel, propellants,
greases and other lubricants, except to .. subsidiary or affiliated company, un-
le.s authorized so to do by L.sBor.
(7) The dgbt to in.tall, maintain and operate, or cau.e to be installed,
maintained or operat.d, without C08t to Le.sor, in a hangar or any other
buildings exclusively leased to the Le.see, a cafeteria. restaurant or other
plant for the purpose of preparing, cookina and dispensing of foods and bev-
erages for con.umption on Les..ets aircraft, or for' Lessee's employees, but'
.hall not hlC~lude the right to maintain or operate a public cafeteria or restau-
rant for the purpose of ..Uina lood or beveraaea to the public. .Any space ex-
clusively lea.ed to the Les.ee hereunder .hall require an additional rental to be
paid other than the r.ntal let forth in "Article n - Rental" herein, to be agreed
upon by the L....e and Le.Bor when .aid additional .pac. is necessary. Neither
.hall .aid right be considered to authoriae the in.tallation and operal inn of :\'1l0 _ .
matte vending macbin.. ot any nature at allY plac. on the Airport.
(8) The right to install, maintain and operate, without cost to Lessor,
by Le.eee alone, or in conjunction _ith any other air transportation compan-
ies who are le8sees at the Airport, or through a nominee, a messag.e tube
syetem and other communication .ystems between suitable locations in the
aircraft loading a.reae and suitable locatione in or about Lessee's hangars
and between any or all of the said locations and Lesseels offices, the locatioll8
to be subject to the approval of Le.80r, iri so far as the interests of safety and
convenience of all are concerned, which approval shall not be unreasonably
(9) The right, directly, or through a contractor of Lessee's choice, to
transport Lessee's cario, property and mail to, from and at the Airport by
such vehicles as LeB.ee or Lessee's contractor may desire or re9uire. This
operation of iluch vehicles shall be subject to the reasonable regulations of the
Airport relative to the use of ground vehicle. on Airport property.
(10) The right to inltall and operate o.n th.e interior of the pretnises ex-
elusively lealed, at Lesl.e's expense, adverthing sign. representing its busi-
neS8, which liine sball be lub8tantially uniform in size, type and location with
those of other air tran'portation companies leasing space on the premises.
The number, sh~e, type, design and location of all 8uchsigns shall be subject,
how....er, to the prior written approval of the Le8 SOl",
(11) ConloUdation 01 Grou.ud Services: The rights and privi1~ges granted
. the L.slee herein. with respect to the performance 01 ground services and ac-
tlvities in conneetion with ita air transportation operation at the Airport, may
be exerciled by Leele. for and on behalf of any other domeltic air tranaporta-
tion company or cotnpanie. authorized by Lel80r to use the Airport. Without
limitation, luch rights and prlvileaea shan be deemed to include all activities
incidental to the handlina of relervations, the ticketing' of pa88engers, the re-
. ceipt, diapatch. loadina, unloadina and storage of passengers and their haggag.e.
prope:rty,carao and J"r'laU I a.nd all ramp. J"epatl', malntcnancu, stOI'RJ{". fUl'1il1~
~ .
anti diapatchlna services inc.idental to the op.rations of aircraft at th~ Airport.
The foregoina shall not be construed to authorize such other company or com-
panies to use the Airport without the payments of fees and charges established
by Le8sor.
(12) The riaht to purchase, on or off said Airpor~, of Lessee's re-
quirements of aasoline, fuel, lubricating oil, grease, food and other passE"n-
aer supplies, and any other materials and supplies, from any person or com-
pany of Lessee's choice, and the right to make agreements with any person
or company of Lessee's choice for work to be done for Lessce.
(13) The riaht to service, by Lessee, its suppliers or others, on
leased premises, and upon tbe apron of the Terminal Building, Lessee's air-
craft ~d other equipment, by.truck or otherwise, subject to regulations of
Lessor, concernina only the orderly operation of the Airport, with gasoline,
. ~ '
oil, arease, and any other fuel. food or supplies to be used by Lessee; such
riaht shall include, without limiting the generalities thereof, the right to erect,
install and maintain on said Airport, on leased premises, in accordance with
insurance underwr,iters t standards, adequate underground storage facilities
for such aasoline, oil and other inflammable fuel or supplies, together with
. ~ .
nece.sary pipes, pumps, motors. filters and other appurtenances, at con-
venient looations, upon the payment of an additional rental other than the ren-
tals.t forth in ItArticle II - Rental" herein, to be agreed Upon by the Lessee
anel Le.sor, such storage locations. to be subject to prior written approval of
Le.sor when said additionai space is necessary, such approval not to be un-
reasonably withb-eld.
(14) Parking Spac:ez The u.e by Lessee and its employees in common
only with the other air transport operators who may be lei sees of spal~e at the
Airport and their eUlployees, of adequate vehicular parking space located a8
near &s po..ible to said Adminhitration Building. withou~ charge to Lessee
or to .aid employees.
(15) JU,ht of Inlr~.. aAd Egro..~_ The riilht ot illl(reRH In allCI "alrf'''"
. ,
{rom premises and facilities of tbe Airport berein leased, without charRt: lu
L..s.e, its employees, aienh, passenaers, invitees,. and suppliers of
materials anel furnisbers ot service,
) ~
(16) Maintenance and Operation of Airport: Les80r agrel's thaI it
will, at all times, maintain and operate and keep clean with adequate and
efficient personnel, and keep' in aood repair, said Airport and the appurtell-
ances. facilities and service. connected therewith, and keep said Airport
and its approacbes free from obstruction, congestion and interference for
the safe, convenient and proper use thereof by Lessee and will maintain and
operate said Airport 80 as to entitle it to the approved rating by the Federal
Aviation Aiency and all other appropriate regulatory authorities..
(17) Building by Lessee: Lessee, at its own cost and expense, may
const,ruct and install, in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances, in
or on any space which is exclusively leased to Lessee, any buildings, struc-
tures or itnpro'Vements, including equipment and underground storage tanks
necessary for use in connection with its domestic air transportation operations,
the locations to be subject to prior written approval by Lessor, such approval
not to be unreasonably withheld. Lessee may at its own cost and expense al-
tel', modify, repair and maintain any buildings, structures or improvements
constructed or installed on premises leased hereunder, plans for which are to
be subject to prior' written approval of Lessor, such approval not to be unrea-
sonably withheld, Any space exclusively leased to the Lessee hereunder shall
, ~'!
require an additional rental to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor other than
the rental set forth in "Article II - Rental tI hereunder, to be, agreed upon by the
Lessee and Lessor when said additional space is necessary, Any building so
constructed on the leased premises by the Leslee sball at the termination of
tbi8 leale revert to the Lessor,
(18) Use of Public Address System: Les.ee shall have the privilC'~e of
using the Airport public address system and operating a sufficient number of
microphones and units to properly conduct their business in the area in the
Terminal Buildina leased hereunder~ witbout further charge. Lessee shall
have the use of such units presently installed in the leased space.'- Howover,
additional units uled by Lessee may be procured and installed a.t Lf'RfH..pIS C'x-
. .
pense and any expense involved in relocation of any unit. will br. bot"np by L~8see.
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(19) Alterations and lmproyements: Le88ee is not authorized to make
any alterations or improvemeats to the herein leased prenlises -ithout prior
written approval of Lessor, 8ueh approval not to be unreasonably withheld.
. .ARTICLE V.. USE OF TERWINAL 8l1lLDING: The U8e of 'pace in
.:the -r,*rminal Builcibla l.t..ed hereby shall be lor purp08e. incidental to the.
operation of L.s...'. dom..tie air traluportationbU8ine.. and _Ill be in
.cc....danc. with t~e foll-01trina conditions:
(1) Oeneral: It is expre..ly understood that Lessor will keep the public
spac. ill the Terminal Buildina attractivel.,. lumished, and will provide and
supply adequate Hint, electricity and water for the public space; Janitors and
other cleaners necessary to keep the public space in the Tt!lrminal Building at
all tim.. <:l.an, neat, orderly, aanitary and pre~entable,
(2) Electricity: L..... &iree8 to pay Lessor for all electridty used
. by it in tb.. space lea86d aJicl solely oecupiecl by it'hereunder. .such electricity
will be separately metered.
(3) Janitor. audClea.:rrlDi ~ervice.: Lessee shaH, at.its Own expense,
, pl'ovble Janitor &ad (ll.-nilll serric.. within the exclusive space leased and
. ,
occupiael .ereuncler, and sla.al~ keep the 'pac. in a clean, and sanitary condition
at all tlDle. ~
L.s.or aar..s to provide adequate rubbish, container. into ..hich Lessee
tn..,., wit.. ita e"'Dpel's~JUl.l,. .dump rubbish ."Ideh may accumulate in Lessee's'
IlOrmalll.. of .tlte TenniD&l Bu.i1Gina.
(4.) Tile op.rations'ot L..... shall be conducted in an orderly and pro-
"~'p.1' mana.!" an411... not to &m\oy, diaturb or be offensive to others at the Airport.,
(5) It sball b. L.s.or'. responsibility to maintain and replace all glass
bord.rin, botb. 011 the field atde of the lea.ed .pace and on the public corridor
of leaseel .pace, exc.pt in {n.tana.s where damaa. to such 'glass8h9uldoccur
throtl.b tit. acta of 1"e.'.e, .it.. .,ent, 'UppUers, pa.sena.rs, or others doini
bu.in... ..ltlllt: at tbe Airport, ill which ev.nt Le..ee will a..urne luch re..
-po..Ability .
(6) Th. p.rsonal prop.rty plac.d or In.tall.d by L.".e In 'h. ."du.iv._
ly l.as.d ar.a .ball r.rnaln tbe prop.rty of Le.... and rnu.t be rernoved on
or before the .xplratlon of th. terrn her.by gnnt.d. In th. event of expi raloion
or otber t.rrnlnatlon, L...e. .hallhav. 10 day., exclu.ive of Saturday., Stili,
day. or hoUday., aft.r .uch t.rrnination, In which to r.rnove It. property,
(7) U Lessee shall fail to remove its prop.erty upon the expiration or
termination hereof, Lessor may, at its option, after expiration of period of
grace granted by the preceding paragraph hereof, as agent for Lessee and at
L.....'. .xp.ne. and riak, r.rnov. .ucb prop.rty to a public war.lwu.. [or
d.po.it, or r.tain th. .arn. In ile OWn po..e..ion, and after th. .xpiration o{
30 day. th.r.frorn, .~ll th.sarn. at public auction, th. proc..d. o{ which .hall
b. appU.d first to the .xp.ne.. o{ sal., .ecolld to allY SUrns owed by Lessee to
Les.or, and any balance remaining shall be paid Lessee, Or may take such
other action as may be neces.ary Or desirable,
(8) Unless otherwise expressly provided or agreed, Lessee shall not
u. the Iea.ed .pace (or p.rrnlt it to be u..d) for th. sale to Its ernployees or
to any other per.on, of any beverages, food, candy, gum, ice cream or ice
crearn products, topacco or tobacco products, periodicals. books, drugs, toys.
garn.., .ouvenir., jewelry, novelti.., clotbing, flow.r;" .portlng goods, pho-
tographic good., or toilet articl.., o.r {or tb. {urnlshlng, {or a con.id.ration.
of tb.atr. tick.t., .bo. .hin.., pressing and cleaning (exc.pt o{ its employe.s'
uniforrn.), d.veloping and printing o{ pbotographs and filrn., ground baggage
ch.cking ..rvlces or for th. diSplay of th. adv.rti.lng of tbird parti.., except
In c.... In which L..... handl.. ground ..rvlc.. (or anotb.r air transportation
company, pursuant to paragraph (11) of ARTICLE IV, or {or the installation oC
any Coln-op.r.t.d ",acbln.. or d.vic.., or {or any other porpo.. b.yond tho.e
herein expressly authorized.
('!J Tb. Le..or, Or It. authorl..d r.pr...ntativ., .hall have the .righ'
at .ny tirne and as often as It Con.ldeeo n.ce..ary, upon reque.t to Le..ee, 10
In.p.ct th. .pace and-(wltbout obligation to do .0) to enter tbereon to make or-
dinary repair. and, in tbe eVent of all en'.rll.llcy, 'to lake .uch ""tloII.' h. rei n
aa may be required for the protection of persons or property or otherwi se
to execute the terms and conditions of this lea.e,
(10) The Lessee shall, at its expense, repair or replace, as may be
t'equired, all electical incandescent bulbs or floure.cent tubes or other
.1iihtina devices located within the space leased hereunder.
. 'j,
~ "
(11) Improvementa: During the term of this lease, neither Lessor
nor Leasee is obliiated by this lease to make any repairs, replacements,
. ~ .
improvements, alterations or additions of any nature, other than those spe-
dficaliy aireed upon in this lease, except that Lessor shall make such struc-
tural repairs a8 may be required to keep the leased space usable fo~ the pur-
poses leased,
(' ,.
:' '. '~
,. ~
public liability, Airport liability, aircraft liability, fire and property damage
insurance, and shall carry Workmen'. Compensation and employers' liability
. insurance .ae required by law. Le.8see shall indemnify and hold harmless
. '; .<~
Les.or from an.y and all demands, 108se., liabilities or judgments, together
. with e08ts and expenses incident thereto, which may accrue against, be charged.
. to, or be recoyerat-ble from Lessor as a result of the negligent acts or omis-
'.ion. of Leasee. ita employees or agents in connection with Lessee's use and'
, ' occupancy of the demhed premises, excluding, however, such as may be. .
occasioned by the negliaence of Lessor, its employees or agents. Lessor
shall give to Lessee prompt and timely notice of any claim made or suit i nsti-
. :1.
. r
tuted, whicb in any way, directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise,
a.l.fect or might &.ffeet, Le.see and Lessee sball have the right to compromis.e
or particip~te in the defense. of the same to the extent of its own interests.
ARTICLE VU - QUIET ENJOYMENT: Lessor agrees that, on payment
of the rentah, .fee. and charies herein provided for, and perfortl1ancc of the
covenants and agreement. on the part o.f Le.see t.o be performed hereunder,
,Le..ee .hall peaceably have and enjoy the leased premilee.right8 and fadIi-
u.. be..tn arant.d.
Ihall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or proceedings in bankruptcy
Ihall be inltituted against it and Lessee is thereafter adjudicated bankrupt,
pur8uant to such proceedings, Or that the court take jurisdiction of Lessee
and its a.leh, pursuant to proceedings broulht under the provisions of any
Federal reorganization act, or that a receiver of Lessee's assets shall bE"
appointed, or that Lessee shall be prevented by any final action of any Fed-
eral or State authority from conducting and operating its transportation sys-
tern for the carriage of pe1"80ns, property and mail by aircraft at the Airport,
or that Lessee shall fail to perform, keep and observe any of the terms, COVE>-
nants or conditio.ns herein contained on the part of Lessee to be performed,
. ,
kept or observed, Lessor may give Lessee notice in writing to correct such
condition or cure such default, and, if any such condition or default shall con-
tinue for 30 days after the receipt 'of such. notice by Lessee, the Lessor may,
after the/laple of said 30 days period and prior to the correction or curing of
8uch condition or default, terminate this lease by alO days written notice
and the term hereby demised shall thereupon cease and expire at the end of
such 20 days in the same maImer and to the same effect as if it were the ex-
piration of the original term.
any right of cancellation or any other right herein given to Lessee, may can-
eel this lease in its entirety and terminate all or any of its obliiations here-
under at any time by 30 days written notice upon or afteI' the happening of any.
one of tbe following events:
A. Any failure or refusal by the Federal Aviation Agency to permit
Le..ee to operate into, fro~ or throuah said Airport with the type of equip-
ment which Lessee happens to own at any time.
B. The breach by Les.o~ of any of the Covenante or agreements here-
in contained and the failure of Lessor to remedy luch breach' fora. period of
30 day. after ,.eceipt of w,.itt.-" nMirl" o~ thl" ('XIHI"11I " or HIHII 1llt'..e I,
. ..
. ,'- _.~-_.._---~ -,
C. The inability of Les8N! to use Maid prf'miFlf'H ami LICililiPA \'Illl..
tinuing for a longer period than 30 days due to any law or order, rule or
regulation of any appropriate governmental authority having jurisdiction
over the premises or the operations of Lessee, except that, upon the in-
ability of Lessee to use the Airport and leased premises be(."all~e uf, war,
earthquake, or other casualty, Lessee may suspend this lease during such
inability, During the period of any such suspension the Lessor retains the
right to utili~e the leased premises a8it deems advisable. The inability
of the Lessee to use .aid premises and facilities due to strikes of its em-
ployees shall not be considered grounds for the Lessee to terminate or (ancel
this lease.
D, The termination of Lesseele obligations or right to carry passengers
and/or United States Air Mail to, from or through Key West, Florida,
any time, unless provided for elsewhere in this lease,aesign this lpase or '
any part ~hereof, nor shall Lessee sublet the premises nor any part thereof
herein leased to Les.ee, without the prior written consent of Lessor, except
that, without such consent, Les.ee may assian this lease to any corporation
with which Lessee is affiliated, may' merge, consolidate, or which may sue-
. ceed to the business of Lessee.
MENT: All the covenants and agreements in this lease shall extend to and'
bind the legal representatives, Successor8 and aS8ign8 of the respective par-
tie. hereto.
. . ~.
, ,
expense and the rent payable hereunder, with respect to Lessee's exclusive
space in such building, shall be proportionately paid up to the time of such
damage and shall thenceforth cease until such time as such building shall he
fully restored. In case any such building is completely destroyed b~ fire,
the elements, the public enemy or other casualty, or so damaged that it
will or does remain untenantable for more than 30 days, at the option of
Lessee, either:
(I) said building shall be repaired or reconstructed with due diligence
by Lessor at its own cost and expense, and the rent payable hereunder with
respect to Lessee's exclusive space in said building shall be proportionately
paid up to the time of such damage or destruction and shall thenceforth cease
until such time as said building shall be fully restored; or
(Z) if within 12 months after the time of such damage or destruction,
said building shall not have been repaired or reconstructed for Lessee r s us{~,
J,..essee may give Lessor written notice of its intention to then cancel this
lease in its entirety or to cancel as of the date of such damage or destruc-
tion, such part of this lease as relates only to said building.
In the event that the Airport, or any other premises herein leased,
shall be rendered untenantable or unusable because of the condition thereof,
there shall be a reasonable and proportionate abatement of the r'entals, fees
and charges provided for herein during the period that the same ate so un-
tenantable or unusable,
ARTICLE XIII - NOTICES: A bill or statement may be rendered or
any notice or communication which Lessor may desire to give Lessee shall
be deemed .sufficiently rendered or given if the same be in writing and sent
by registered or certified mail, addressed to Lessee at P. O. Box Z4~
A. M. F., Miami, Florida
, or at the a,ddress Lessee may
,substitute therefor by notice to Lessor, or left at such ~ddres8, and the time
of rendition of such bill or statement and the giving of such notice or com-
municattofl "haJJ hf" deemco to 'hI' tilt' Ii",,. whrn flu' f.l:Il'W i., ,,,;.11,.,' 1.,1t fI"
delivered as herein provided, Any notice from Lessee to Lessor shall be
validly given if sent by registered mail or certified mail, addressed to the
Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County Court House, Key West,
Florida, or such other address as Lessor shall hereafter designate by no-
tice to Lessee.
In the event the Lessee and/or its legal representa-
tives, successors and assigns, during the terII,l of this lease engage in fly-
ing international flights from and to the Airport, then the Lessee shall pay
an additional rental other than the rental set forth in "Article II - Rental"
herein, to be agreed upon by the Lessee and Lessor, which said rental
will be for the additional use of the Airport and additional services furnished
by the Lessor.
ARTICLE XV: The Lessee shall have the right to renew this lease
for an aflditional term of 1 year, at rentals to be mutually agreed upon at
the time of such renewal between Lessor and Lessee.
AR TICLE XVI: In the event National Airlines ceases to make regular
flights, and the Lessee is granted an exclusive right to operate between
Miami and Key West, then this lease shall be null and void, and the parties
hereto shall negotiate a new lease at that time,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents
to be executed, as of the
I st day of
April , A. D. 19~.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA
in Our Presence: r P /_
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, I Mayor of Monr~ounty and Chairman
~ ~ i. C'- ;t;JA' of the Board of County Commissioners.
~essor. ~
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Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County,
Florida and ex officio Clerk of the Board of
County Commissioners of Monroe County,
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As to the Lessee.
By ~ ~~/
. Secretary,