Resolution 008-1991 RESOLUTION NO. 008-1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT THE FURTHERANCE THEREOF. WHEREAS, by Resolution 421 1990, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida authorized the submission of a grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for a Solid Waste Recycling and Education Grant, and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has awarded Monroe County a Solid Waste Recycling and Education Grant, in the amount of $183,884 and, WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has issued Grant Agreement WT91-42 as part of the grant awards, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: that the said grant is hereby accepted and the Mayor is authorized to execute the said contract. .'tl.:fA1N no:) Jot! j,j '), -18 .}J!':l .,'-;l~) 38VWlC' 1','10 6S 2 LId 91 N~r 16t a }j 0 83 tJ~J _1 :J 3 -il.:l PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held .J a IIIlA.. J on the 9-f-A day of , A.D. 1991. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~"~..J-~~~'~~~~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~/tf).~ /;,"PROVEC .io' . ie. BY Florida Department of Environmental Regulation T,,'in 1(nvers ()ffice Bldg. . 2600 Blair Stone Road . T:.dlahassee, FloriLb 5~5<)9-~-iOO Boh \brtinez. (;m"ernor Dale nuchrl11ann. Secretary John Sht".Hc'L \"I'l.llll ~ecrCl.lr\. RECYCLING & EDUCATION GRANT AGREEMENT FOR STATE ASSISTANCE UNDER SECTION 403.7095, FLORIDA STATUTES PART I - GRANT NOTIFICATION INFORMATION 1. Grant Number: RE91-42 2. Date of Award: December 10, 1990 3. Grant Title: SOLID WASTE RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT 4. Grant Period: October 1, 1990 - September 30, 1991 5. Grant Amount: $183,884 Recycling and Educati~n; Base Portion: Incentive Portion: $67,204 $116,680 $183,884 Total Grant Amount: 6. Grantee(s): MONROE Address: Monroe County Commission Public Service Building, Wing II-B Key West, FL 33040 7. Federal Employer Identification Number: 59-6000749 8. Authorized Representative: Name: Wilhelmina G. ~!arvey Title: Mayor Phone: 305-292-3440 9. Contact Name: Address: Phone: Person: Connie Grabois Public Service Building Wing II-B Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 305-292-4434 10. Total population of Grantee(s) from official April 1, 1989 Population Estimates: 78,966 11. Issuing Office: Bureau of Waste Planning and Regulation Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2400 904/922-6104 N,", " I.",{ "}f:'. 1'"/,,., ,(=~ Grant # RE91-42 PART II - GRANT CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. The method of payment, for the period October 1, 1990 through September 30, 1991, will be on a reimbursement basis only. 2. The grantee shall submit payment requests on a quarterly basis. An original of the payment request, with summaries and appropriate contracts attached, shall be due on the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. 3. Grant funds may be obligated for allowable expenditures until September 30, 1991. The grantee may expend grant funds and liquidate obligations until October 31, 1991. A final request for payment must be submitted no later than November 15, 1991. 4. Payment requests must be signed by the designated Authorized Representative. This should be the same person who signed the grant agreement. If there is a change in the authorized representative during the grant period, the Department must be notified of the new representative by ~esolution or minutes of a commission meeting. 5. Expenditures shall be limited to allowable items as listed in Section 17-716.430 of the Solid Waste Grants Program Rule: (a) Solid waste recycling grants shall be used to provide funding for recycling program capital costs, which include equipment purchases, solid waste scales, facility construction and other such costs approved by the Department. (b) Grant funds may also be used for temporary operating subsidies, provided that the applicant shall demonstrate that such a use is necessary for the success of the recycling program, and shall show how the subsidy will benefit the program. The appl.icant shalla 1 so demonstrate that the subs i dy is temporary by providing reasonable assurance that the program will be able to operate without a subsidy from this grant program by October 1, 1993. (c) Recycling grant funds shall be used for projects to assist local governments in recycling paper, glass, plastic, construction and demolition debris, white goods, and metals and in composting and recycling the organic material component of municipal solid waste. ~) ~~~ ,~-~... Grant # RE91-42 (d) Solid waste education grant funds shall be used to promote recycling, volume reduction, proper disposal of solid wastes, and market development for recyclable materials. Up to 30 percent of grant funds may be used for planning studies to assess the feasibility and success of the recycling and education programs. (e) All existing public and private recycling infrastructure shall be fully used to the extent possible when planning and implementing the local government recycling program. Funds shall not be used for duplicating existing private and public recycling programs unless the applicant demonstrates that such existing programs cannot be integrated into the planned recycling program. 6. Each recipient of grant funds shall maintain accurate records of all expenditures of grant funds and shall assure that these records are available at all reasonable times for inspection, review or audit by Department personnel and other personnel authorized by the Department. Records shall be kept for a period of at least 3 years following the end of the grant period. The grantee agrees that it will expeditiously initiate and complete the program work for which assistance has been awarded under this agreement in accordance with all applicable provisions of Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code. 7. The Department has the right to terminate a grant award and demand refund of grant funds for non-compliance with the terms of the award or the Solid Waste Grants Program Rule 17-716. Such action may also result in the Department declaring the local government ineligible for further participation in the program until the local government complies with the terms of the grant award. 8. Allowable costs incurred on or after the budget period start date, October 1, 1990, may be charged to this agreement. 9. Grant funds shall be included in the grantee's Annual Audit performed und~ the Single Audit Act (A128). Any subgrants made by the grantee shall also include a provision for the subgranted funds to be included in the subgrantee's Annual Single Audit. A copy of all Single Audits shall be submitted to the Department of Environmental Regulation, Solid Waste Section, by March 31st of each year. 10. Grantee shall obtain all necessary construction-related permits before initiating construction. 11. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this grant agreement is contingent upon receipt of funds presently anticipated from the Florida Department of Revenue. 1~ ({~) ~,!"",d: Grant # RE91-42 OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE The State of Florida, acting by and through the Department of Environmental Regulation, hereby offers assistance to the local government (s) of Monroe County and the Cities of Key Colony Beach, Key West, and lay ton. for all allowable costs incurred up to and not exceeding $ 183,884. Grant Application dated 09/12/90 included herein by reference. THE STATE OF FLORIDA BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: ~ / . ~<-~. AIrld4~ Dal e Twachtmarlll Secretary ,-,4 U-6 50 Date In accepting this award and any payments made pursuant thereto, (1) the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient county, and (2) the recipient agrees to the general and special conditions. BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT COUNTY: (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: Signature of Authorized Representative Wilhelmina G. Harvey Mayor Deputy Clerk DATE: - Please return to: Department of -Environmental Regulation Bureau of Waste Planning and Regulation Solid Waste Section 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 .W~~ (~~.--~ '~~~ ~",_iI>; DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT QUARTERLY/MONTHLY REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST 1. Grantee: 2. Grant Number: 3. Payment Request Numb~r: 4. Expenditures from to 5. Cumulative from to 6.(a) Capital Costs -Equipment (b) Capital Costs. Solid Waste Weight Scales " (c) Capital Costs . Construction (d) Capital Costs - Other 7. (a) Temporary Operating Subsidies. Salaries (b) Temporary Operating Subsidies. Fringe Benefits (c) Temporary Operating Subsidies - Contracts (eI) Temporary Operating Subsidies. Other 8. (a) Recycling Planning Studies (b) Recycling Pilot Projects 9.(a) 6tlucation Planning Studies (b) Education Pilot Projects 10. Total Expenditures 11. Base Portion 12.(a) Incentive Portion - (b) Match (if applicable) (c) State Incentive Portion 13. State Grant Portion Page 2 Grant Number: Payment Request Number: 14. Grant Amount 15. Prior Reimbursements 16. This Payment Request 17. Total State Payments 18. Balance of Award In requesting this payment the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient. . Signature of Authorized Representative Date Please return oriQinal to: Department of Environmental Regulation Solid Waste Section 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 8/90 - .;j~"~'" I.~~~~\ /1 ~\~\ i;~ ..~~ :i.:ld~,~.:.... ;1 \"f': I,~.t . I . ",f~" Of A.o'-~ --=--- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION WASTE TIRE GRANT QUARTERLY/MONTHLY REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST 1. Grantee: 2. Grant Number: Payment Request Number: 3. Expenditures from to 4. Cumulative from to 5. Administrative Costs 6. Construction or operation of waste tire processing facility 7. Equipment Purchases 8. Contract for waste tire ". E .. . processing service 9. Remove or contract for removal of waste tires 10. Research designed to facilitate waste tire recycling 11. Establish waste tire collection centers 12. Provide incentives for privately operated waste tire collection centers for the public 13. Total.Expenditures 14. Grant Award 15. Prior Reimbursements 16. This Payment Request 17. Total State Payments . 18. Balance of Award In requesting this payment the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on beharr of the recipient.. Signature of Authorized Representative Date Please return orioinal to: Department of Environmental Regulation Solid Waste Section 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2400 8/90