Notice to Owner i=':LFf' 'f," !" "; (). '92 JUN -4 iJ 1 ',IlJ G & G SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT RENT~~ INC. P. o. BOX 1140. '~, If TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 3301~HRct !\\N:' (305)852-7801 FAX: (305)852-7632 June 1, 1992 Monroe County, Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk of Courts 500 Whitehead St. Key West, FL 33040 Dear Danny: This letter is to inform Monroe County that G&G Supply and Equipment Rental Inc. has rented a crane to A & D Marine Salvage to lift a derelict vessel that they contracted with Monroe County to remove. Our invoice dated, May 12, 1992, in the amount of $818.55 has not been paid at this time. I would appreciate it if the county would request a release from G & G Supply and Equipment Rental Inc. before you fund A & D Marine Salvage for their work. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, G & G SUPPLY INC. Ronald L. Gregis President RLG/ag ~'=tt= P'lI+7Cf' 2.63 GPlts /;1 COIl....,. ~ 4nt;1t.,cJ~~ h,v .-q#~t.:J), ~1'2./ Fl..A. 1977 l..I"-WS FS'713.06 (2) Ie) SEMINOl..E FORM 407 NOTICE TO OWNER June 1, 1992 Oat....................................................._..................................................,..._. MONROE COUNTY, Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk of Court 10..................,...............................................,..,.............,................,............................"...................................................................................................................................... (Own.r) d 500 Whitehead St. Key West, FL 33040 Adr.ss",.",..",....""".....,."""..""",...,.",..".".,..,',..,',.,..,......""."..........,.....................................,....................................,..................................................................._....... Th. und.rsign.d hereby informs you that h. has furnished, or is furnishing services or materials as follows: Rental Equipment "1 -, \C Q N ill Z ;0 '---, ,j 0 " C- c:: ::z:- I ,- .t:>- - z '. '" 'u -: ~, ,~ -n f' C !'> for the improvement of the real property identified as: (Describe real property suff'lCientfy for identification" including street and number if known) County owned property located in Tavernier, Florida. under an order given by .....,../!:.....~,..?...~,~.:~~.~....~.~.~.::.~.?..:.~....~.~~~,..~!..~.~.~.~=,:-:....~.::.:.:..~....~:.!.....:!.:.~..~.:.....:.~......,~.~.~.~.~.............._...._..... .............................................................................................................................".......................................................................................................................................-....... Florida law presaibes the serving of this notice and restrids your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with section 713.06, Florida StatUTes. Copies to,.,....~~.~,~....,...............................,..................,'...,...,...,....',....". ..,...,...,.............,..!::...~.,.P....!:!~E~~~".,~.~.~.y..~.~.~.,',..,.......,...,......."..,.. .........................................................................,.............................................. (In accordance with Sections 713.06(2)(a) and 713.13(1)(h). Florida Statutes) Addr.....!?:..9..:....~.?.:.c_..!1~Q.l.....!.~!;;.rP..:i&r.......f.1.....,.3.3!2.7o