Addendum 09/16/1992 .. ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT (Courthouse Annex ,!anit("lrial c()ntra~LFD r nr; pr-r:ORf THIS ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 16th day of September 1 1992, between the COU~Y ~ ~N~Q~~nd ACE BUILDING MAINTENANCE in order to amend that certaln agre~nt between the parties dated November 20, 1991, as follows: !jh N'-~ ')~_ the c~~nt~nh:~~~~d:~~~c~;~~ 1~;i~~~i~nOft~fO~:~:J~1~:~}:~~t and hereby amend Article X to read as follows: "X. RENEWAL The Owner shall have the option to renew this agreement after the second year, for one (1) additional one year period. The term is effective November 20, 1992 through November 19, 1993. The contract amount agreed to herein may be adjusted annually in accordance with the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers in the Miami, Florida area index, and shall be based upon the annual average CPI computation from January 1 through December 31 of the previous year." 2. Payment by the County to Ace Building Maintenance for the performance of said service remains at $24,600.00 per year to be paid $2,050.00 per month. 3. In all other respects, the agreement between the parties dated November 20, 1991 remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year first written above. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (Seal) By: ~"'t.~.J~": -~'-~ ....~ Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By: ACE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ~ Wi By: n~ . ~~~~ By Bv_. C:1te (' ,. [ ~---~-->----_._--~--- i I A.~t.III." ! ! PRODUCER I I I i CERTIFICATE OF. INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MMIDDIYY) COMPANY D LETTER 08/14/9'2. _ ._J THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND I CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTI.FICATEHOLD.E. R. THIS CERTIFICATE I DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. . ------------- I j I I I I I I j I I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE THE PORTER ALLEN COMPANY 513 SOUTHARV STREET KEY WEST, FLORIVA 33040 (305) '2.94-'2.54'2. ~~i'i~~NY A INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA i INSURED JUDY EAVY VBA ACE BUILVING & MAINTENANCE PO BOX '2.763 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 ~~T~~~NY B (j~~ /\6\V (\\ . y'" U,l~ 0 ~~T~~NY C i I I COVERAGES ! THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD ! INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS j CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, , EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. i ICO LTR f' I ~~T~~NY E TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMIDDIYY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT. SVP V'2.45943'2.4 03/11/9'2. 03/11/93 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 500,000. PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGG. $ 500,000. PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY $ 500, 000. EACH OCCURRENCE $ 500, 00 G . FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ 50, 000 . MED. EXPENSE (Anyone person) $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS A X SCHEDULED AUTOS HiRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY SVP V'2.45943'2.4 EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM COMBINED SiNGLE $ 300,000. LIMIT BODILY INJURY $ 03/11/9'2. 03/11/93 (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT $ DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ 03/11/9'2. 03/11/93 LIMIT: $5,000. WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER A EMPLOYEE VISHONESTY COVERAGE SVP V'2.45943'2.4 DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TIONS/lOCA TIONSIVEHIClES/SPECIAl ITEMS AVVITIONAL INSUREV: MONROE COUNTY BOARV OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOB SITE: COURT HOUSE ANNEX CERTIFICATE HOLDER PUBLIC WORKS PO BOX 10'2.9 KEY WEST, FLORIVA CANCELLATION 33040 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAl UCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY HE COMPA Y. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. I I I l ACORD 25-S (7/90) AUTHORIZED REP "--;~---,,-~,",~,,""-~ -"...._".._.._...._-_..,-----~_.__._~.__._,.,~"._.__. @ACORD CORPORATION 199_~1 SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECfION 287,tJJ(J){n), FLOI!lI)A STI\::rUTr~ ON PUULIC ENTITY CRIMES TillS FORM MUST DE SIGNlm AND SWOnN TO IN TIlE I'nF..sI~NCE OF A NOTARY PUDLlC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. mO#kJ?( ~r P~6.UC UMl!c_S .tJ{~'lIIe uf the puo.lc cntlly] for whose business address is '-toi()() __ 72,lJ11~~'. l\~ \ t, S ) FhA. ~~uLfu ,'. and (If npplicable) Its Pederal Employer Identincation Number (FEIN) Is --- .Odj~ G ~?/l. (If the entity has no FEIN, Include the Social Security Number of the Individual sIgning this sworn statement: .) 2. I understnnd that a "public entily crime" ns defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Stntutes, means R violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and dlt'eclly related to the transaction of business wilh any public entit)' or with an :lgem:y or pOlilk~ll subdivision of any other state or of the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for gomh or services to be provided to any public clltity or an agcm:y or political suhdivision or any other stale or of the United Statc.'1 rmd involving nntItrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, rnckcleering, conspiraLl'. or malednl misrcprc..'\cntation. 3. I understand that "convicted" or "r,:ollviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Sfah!~1!, means a finding of guilt or a convki:--II of a pulllie eilt!ty crime, willi or without an ndjudlcatlon of guilt, In any fedcrnl or statc trial court of n~wrll relating to dwrgcs brought by indictment or information after July I, lY:\'J, as a result of a Jury vcnllct, nonjulY trial, or enlly or a pica of guilty or nolo contcndere. 4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph Z87.1J3(1)(u), Florida Stntute~~, means: ' f\GliiO.Fl :;0 1iA1J'JI.f\jW~fc11Wsor or successor of a person convicted of a p~blie .entity crime; or El!rl ,nf '....iill !-;Xl4(fJib~",,~,pj,JtYI,~I\(Jcr the control of any natural person who IS active In the management of the entity and ~H;i i ;:~:1: ;^~!i1 \Vhl~~lhlt$(J):~n' convicted of a public cntity crimc. 'nle term "aCliliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shnrehohlcrs, cmployec..o;, mcmbers, and agents who arc nctlve in the management of an aCliiiatc. "nlC owncrship by one person of slwrc..'1 constituting n controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or incemc among pcrs~>r!s ",hen IV.)! for fair market valuc under nn arm's length agreement, shall be a prima fade C.1SC that one pcrson controls nl~other person. ^ person who knowingly entcrs into a joint venture ".ith a pcrson who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the precel!lng 36 months shall he consiuered an nflHiatc. 5. 1 understand that a "person" as dcfinccJ in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entily Organi7.cd undcr the laws of any statc or of the Uniled Slates with the legal power to enter into a hinding contract and which bids or applic..~ 10 bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public cntity, or which otherwisc transacts or applies to traasact business with a public entity. The term "person" include:> 1I1Ose onicer::, directors, exccutivcs, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agcnts who nre active in management of an entity. J. I !: :' i) ,', :>1\ Ii II I " ,., i 6. , . Dallcd on Inrormntion and belief, the lIt:llemcl1t which I havc marked bclow Is true In rclatlon 10 the entity submitting thill sworn statemcnt. [Indlcnlc which :;lI~h:lt1~nt PXll't1cll.] X Neilher the entity submitting .this sw~rn sI8Iemen~,nor. Rny of lis officers, direclors, execullvc.'J, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who arc active In the management of the ent\ly, nor any affiliate of the entily has been charged wilh amI convicted of a public entity crime subsequcnt to July 1, 1989. . .. - l11C enlity submitting Ihis sworn statement, or onc or morc of ils officers, directors, executives, partners, sharchoklers, employec.'!, mcmbers, or agcnts who arc active 11'1 the managcment or the entity, or ao armiate of the cnlily has been charged with aud couvlcled of n public enllty crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. - l1ie entlly subm\lllng lhis sworn slatcment, or one or more of lIs orciccrs, directors, exccutlves, parlners, shareholders, employec.'!, membcrs, or agcnts who arc aCllvc In lhe management of the elllily, or 3n aflillale of the entily has been charged with and coavlctcd of a public cnl\ty Clime subseC}llent to Jllly 1, 1989. IIowcvcr, Iherc has been a subscq\lcnl proceeding beforc a 1 Ic:uing Officer of the Slalc of Florida, Division of Administrative Hcarings anI! thc Final Order entered by Ihe llearillg Officer determIned that it W:lS not ill thc public intcrcst to p(:tee the entity sublllilling this sworn statcmcnt 011 thc collvicted vcndor list. [lIllnch II ClIPY of the Onnl orelel'j I UNDEltSTANJ> THAT THE SUBMISSION OF TillS FOltM TO TIm CONTltAC11NG OFFICER FOR TilE PUBUC ENTITY IDENTIFlEn IN .'AltAGltAI'n 1 (ONJ9 AnOVI~ IS FOR THAT IJUIlLlC 1<:1\'TI1Y ONLY AND, TIlAT TillS F'OltM IS VALlI> TIIROUGH DI~CEMnJm 3: OF THE C^LI~NI)^H YI~H. IN Willen IT IS F1LEn. I AI~"O UNI>JmSTANn THAT I AM ItEQUIRlm TO INFORM TIII~ I'unuc l~NTnY l'IUan. TO ENTEHlNG INTO A CONTnACT IN I~XCIi:..<';S 01. TilE Tllnro:SI10LD AMOUNT pnOVIlJED IN SI~CTION 2R7.017, J'J,QJnD~ STATU.LIh1 FOil CATgGORY TWO OF ANY CIL\N{;J'; IN TlU~ INlORMATION CONTAINrm IN TillS FORM. l. jl.,. .. .; , ~ ~ ~:. ~f3tJ~ . .,. [slgnllhirc]. . ;- .' I'",:'.' .t-::., '!i' .; "... '" -~ ;: ;': " . .\ . ~ll'l I'! '. i . ' " S.\Vorn to and subscribcd bcforc' me this IIF day of ~J . 19~i;:,' . 1 .. ../\. ,_"t < Personally known - q f/( d; eR PFedIJCCU -identifiā‚¬ation--- . &,{~J Jo ~. ~ . Notary Public. State or~glsmf1lHtORtDA . ,', . , MY COMMISSION EXP. JULY 30,,1993 BONDED THRU GENER^L :NS. uNO. rv}J 5fnmis. ;on C Jl Cs . ~ MtJ-UJ ~ 1M. , (Prinled tYr.;p(l or s1n pcd ... commlsslCikt! 113m or notary public) y/efl d". J(~ - !3:w j~ 11 r I 7 jCJ(,1 I. - , II I V ~ f tc,'l 1. (JvfJ VU/ !Ill/; f /PS 7 .' . (Type of identification) . ,. .f",f ; ., j i,~ ". ..,1, '0' , . , }'I " Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 06/18/92) J COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL L1CENSS 1991-1992 .-HONRO E COUNTY.STATE OF FLORIDA 7AX THiS LICENSE EXPIF;ES S E? T 8'\ E E R 30, 1992 COST Aro,);) ~71-009-~3 PENAL.T1' fi .,.. UNITS: 5 E~~~~ RENT,NU~BER OF UNITS HERE: TPANSFER FEE STATE CERTIFICATE NUMBER TOTAL DUE i~ HARii., f. KHIGHT,.C.F.C. .TAX cClLECTOH. 294-e403 p.o. 30X .1129 ~.EY.WEST, fL 33041:-1129 PLEASE SEE SACK OF FORI~ AC~ EUILDING .~AlhTEHANCE EAin' J UOY O\lNER .iHE A50VE LICENSEE IS HERESY ? 0 eo x 2763 LICENSEa.TOENGAGE IH.THE BUSINESS KcY.~:ST Fl 33040 PROfESSION OR OCCUPATION Of : - !":J.A~ 11 O-R ;r.~~;' ,~f..tf{''i I (E ?~ 70 CK l~;C~/Ol ?~fn~t~~t^~^^~~~^~~~7~ ""-:':Ir:~'.I'.' r ...\!~...-,'ri' .'If'~' ..oJ___' . -..I I ,-__, 'OJ'_ f'~:s.,:t,~ih{~,E~'x~'e~1':~!...VW~Et\'V~TECBY~=CEI~1lNG MACHINE SoiOMN:; r"""'SACTIOI\ NJMSE" DATE. ..~ "-MOUNO At.O. lCtCUNT.NU~E~R IS 20566 tC-CATION: .MOBIlE UNIT THIS LICENSE MUST BE POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY IN YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS OWNER: t..D::>RESS: CITY: \.. P.O..EDX KEY ....EST ACE BUIl::>Il-iG JUDY & s?uel: 2768 FL 33040 1f;AINTEh'AXCE soaICK ~v~ () ~ I -- v:= c:'" ~= (";n r:-m c~ :;;~ r-'" ~2 ~~ u;;e >';i 20 ;;;% '" 8:JSINESS ADDRESS: P.o. 6JX 2763 TYPE LICENSE: 6;t RESIDENTIAL A~D/JR CO~~ERcrAL 3USINESS ( NAME: ACE SUIlnING KAINTENA~CE .~ CLH.NI~G -. r.:l :'-lr,; f~ 50.0J LICENSE FEE 62.50 .lAI~UAF:Y TOT AL~-lJNITS 1 57.50 NC\'EII.SER THIS LICENSE rWST BE PROIloINENTL Y DIS?LA YD LICENSE PERIOD !:EGlNNING '1010 1/91 TH~OUGH PENALTY LICENSE YEI.R 1991-1992 09/30/92 OCCTJPATIONA.J.J LICENSE City of Key \,\Test, Florida RECI ffi2ff57 TRt f324 1D ceE ~Cr.f B29 LOC :KY~ Wll6 ill !1ff5i91 16:f4 ACCTf5f,il-b139-~i-~ HCE BUILDI~S-~AIN1E~AN:E ~~QUNT PAID: 551f~ 1 Sb oce. LIe ~5 e. 1:'= r;:'4 i;:: FIf{ANCE'DEPARTMENT-- D!\':SIO~ OF REVW:JE ~ f\ - - No NO REFUNDS 50016139012 , '. , ., . . C .~STRUCTION INDUSffiY NOTICE OF ELECTION'TO BE EXE1\1Pr FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE FLORIDA 'YORKERS" COl\fiJENSATION LA'V o 1~ I ot 1 'f'osn.iARK D^n~ o \..p ~ l J TI,la notk~ Jhlll be tn tfr~t ~C( jv.-g (2) )tan from me clTml"O dllle 0( until 8,~ ~~~~{t TY~1S )~(~INT: ~ until ~~1J. wtlld~1:r comes nnt. ...~. ; <L A;i ~\.w {\-N C>L- ~~i::^IU ~ok} . . .--J'dbh o"-u-d,. I~R,P_ (:>:rtd l.ddnu. U Ni'JuJ~ ')3fl.iO . .dL~ ~) ql{ i'5Q C-:J (1'< cItta1 ~'fl:>r"" h\wlJ:'k;uloc t. ~"t.-< :) . Sf I<l/leJZ- MAll. TO: Department of Labor &. Employment Security Dureau of W.C. Compliance . 2728 Ccntcrvitw Drive, 100 Forrest Dldg. TallahJ.Ssee, Florida 32399-0661 ::s0 ~\ . tE- RF.: II...,~I Du~rn l'l"~ oi Soo. Prof"\c1onh:r.: r.nN~Ip. 01 CtIfJ'omlon) ~O -tc.'t .J 'llo ~ l~h.l.ftl f~\~ UJeS, -flo~\ <-~A ,(",or I (Sllle) (ll;>) N31ure of Dusiness or Trade: ,7A. tJ rl'J k, I A l_ ~~iATE USE ONL'{ I I .) . _ (Y'll\" .,1 t (),~ y ..,. L. ~. ~%: I 1 , C - -c. "1 \.i,' '-- '\Tr ._ T As of 12;01 a.m. 30 days following the date of the mailing of this form, )'OU nre hereby notified tlat the following Sole Proprietor, Panncr N Corporate Offieer of the nbove named buslnc.ss docs elect to be C1.tmpt frora. the prcrfbiolU of the Florida Wo1icrs' COllipc;;salioiO I....aw. I unde~land that by this action I am not entitled 10 bcm:f:U under chapter 440, Honda Sllltule:l. Dy filing. Ihis (llrm I have nol exceeded the exemption limil of thlee Partncl'3 or lhree Corporate Ofllccr3. 1 further ctrtiry that any emplO).ccs of the business named above arc covered by workers' compcnsulion Insulilncc. The following are the cenified or regislcred licenses held ~ meqursuantto Chllpter~tatutcl (1Cnone, so tLAte): (I IT) p<: ~~.-.., . Number. .::!t=S<XJ I B 018>1)1"': U'O '. _ Number. ;:;l(~5b (t:, INSURANCE CARRIER INFORMATION (If Appllcnble): A cOMtIUctioil incl\l..~ry cmpIO)'Ct' whh one (1) br more e.mplo)'tCs must maintain Workers' Compcns.ation covcrnge. Failure to comply will ~ultln"n f;vc.hunjrcd Juliar (S5-::JoJ) fin~ r".c n oile.h~ndrtd dollar ISIOO) tine for each da)' of noncomplinncc (see :;ection 440.43, ES.). Name,of Carrier C:ml'tr Address -'........... .---.~...-- Policy Number ~ ~ ...---,..-. . '. . ./El:lJ:CD.YE D6m Insurance Agent (Agcncy) ~ .. ... '~'. ..... .. y.... Agency Address ~- '.. .. 0... . .. ~. lJi { ,)' ~t! t . '!JeMt/~ SOCI<ll~~~ri:j N~mt>tr .:2.~ 3 -1 (j I .5 9 ?1 (-U' J .L 1Ypc!l~int Name " \ u& L E"A 7)~ Po:3 I (. "- Position: Proprietor V IPal1nCrl-10r/Omcer (litle) ":' , ..;'. .. . - IMPORTANT: Individual exemption filing fee, pUl'3ua~t to Section MO.O:S, F.S:; K~n dollUl and fifty cents (~7:~O) and is r3):Ible only by money order or cashier's check, to w.e. Administmtlvc nust Fund. Fnilure to ent:Jo~ fee wilJ rt.3Ullln return of requc\l :lnJ delay DC cenificlItion. Signature AT ... r;', .'1" .....,. ..~.1 ,,,,..-,, I .' '-. ..,.:' ..:., :.... /5F- w ACE BUILDING MAfNTENANCE PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAL LICENSED. INSURED EXCLUSIVE "HOST DRY CLEAN" CARPET CLEANING P.O. BOX 2763 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33045 (305) 294-6206 August 2 iii , 1992 Public Works P.O. Box 1029 Key West, FL 33040 REF: Courthouse Annex Renewal Janitorial Contract ATTN: Mr. Mike Lawn Dear Mr.Lawn: I received your letter dated August 12, 1992 in reference to the janitorial contract for the Annex. I would be happy to continue to provide the janitorial service for your building at the Annex. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to continue this service. " ~Cjtd~&kL Judy Bobick SWORN STATEMENT UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 10-1990 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ETHICS CLAUSE SueLt ~ /joe, cIc warrants that he/it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on he/its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, in its discretion, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid ., employee. to the former County officer or '--- ~tu~ C1 lftI q ~ Date: STATE OF COUNTY OF PERSONALLY C)~ APPEARED B~FORE ME, the undersigned authority, ~ who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature (name of individual signing) in the space \ ~ih ~ded above on this ~ 19 I~. day of My commission expires: If en NOTARY NOTARY PUBliC SIArE Of tl~IUA MY COMMISSION EXP. JUlY 30 1993 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO.