Resolution 021-1991 ~lanning Depar~ment 021 -1991 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 71, LOTS 17 THROUGH 41, SUGARLOAF TOWNSITE, SUGARLOAF KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 19. WHEREAS, the property is located at approximately mile marker 19, also, more specifically described as Lots 17 through 41, Sugarloaf Townsite, Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the staff recommends approval of the boundary changes as indicated ~n the Staff Recommendation by Ty Symroski and Lorenzo Aghemo dated January 16, 1991; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries which indicat- ed that the property is Suburban Commercial (SC), were placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986 Land Development Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were also in error, as they did not follow the previously demarcated Recreational Vehi- cle District (RV) boundary; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 71 dated January 16, 1991, is l'ereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and is therefore approved; and that c" c::: 0") In ~ ~ <:( .-l u-- (_.. LL c., ~:- r:_--:. ':-_ c ~ ,'_:'1 c:n L- Co cD LU wJ _J ~ L'- .--I OJ . .~:~ c; ~ 4 o o :..;;:. RESOLUTION NO' -1991 BOUNDARY DETE~'\.J.,....~..~TION NO. 71 2) The above described property should have been originally designated as Recreational Vehicle District (RV) and not Suburban Commercial District (SC) as currently indicated; and that 3) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the ~~A day of J(';\W\~Dl"'~ ' A.D., 1991. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~- .. ~ By ~ ,~.~..CI.....,\. ~ - ~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest:l2MNY L. KOLHAGE, ~ ..,c;;:;..L~ -r1'~~ Cler ' p~ 2 t . ~~~rY 3}A~~'~04~E (3051 294,4641 M~ E M 0 RAN DUM To Board of County Commissioners Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director -# From BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Pro Tern Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 Mike Puto, District 4 MAYOR John Stormont, District 5 Reference Boundary Interpretation ~71 Robert Herman, Growth Management Director Through Date January 16, 1991 Pursuant to Section 9.5-24(a) I have reviewed the Land Use District Maps and the complete file for the attached boundary netermination No. 71, and considered the recommendation present- ed by the Development Review Coordinator, and therefore I have interpreted that the Land Use District boundary for the property legally described as Lots 17 through 41, Sugar loaf Townsite, Sugar loaf Key, Monroe County, Florida are in the Recreational Vehicle Land Use District (RV) and not in the Suburban Commer- cial Land Use District (SC).. LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY DETERMINATION #71 Pursuant to section 9.5-24(h) the Planning Director the Land Use District Map and interprets that district boundary for the property has reviewed the land use with RE: #00167250, #00167260, #00167270, #00167280, #00167290, #00167300, #00167310, #00167320, #00167330, #00167340, ~00118180-000100, #00167390, #00167400, #00167410, #00167420, #00167430, #00167440, #00167450, #00167460, and #00167490 and legally described as Lots 17 through 41, Sugar loaf Townsite, Sugar loaf Key, Monroe County, Florida, is designated as Recreational Vehicle (RV) and not as Suburban Commercial (SC) and the Land Use District Map should be corrected accordingly and as precisely shown on the attached map. This decision relies upon documentary evidence: the following information and Application by the Planning Staff. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison, page 5. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig, page 457. A copy of the Existing Conditions Map of the scale 1 inch equals 2,000 feet, page 2. A copy of an aerial photograph from 25 Edition dated 1990, at a scale of 1 inch equals 600 feet, page 28. A report by Donald Craig to the Board of County Commissioner dated February 1, 1990. and is based upon the following findings of fact: A scrivener error occurred at the time of preparation of the Maps signed by Donald Craig by inserting a Suburban Commercial (SC) designation. The Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison show Sugar loaf Townsite to be within the Recreational Vehicle District. Therefore the Land Use District Maps Signed by Donald Craig are in error because they show Sugar loaf Townsite to be Suburban Commercial (SC) and Recreational Vehicle (RV) with no boundary for the Districts. Recommended Decision: 17 through 41, Sugar loaf Approval of the application so that Lots Townsite, Sugarloaf Key are included BSUGAR.01/TXTDR,January 16, 1991 within the Recreational Vehicle Land Use District (RV) and the Suburban Commercial Land Use District designation is removed. Ty This decision is approved by: .h .t$ Lore~mo, lanning Director BSUGAR.01/TXTDR,January 16, 1991 ?14MH2' Coordina tor '. 1/1/1/91..- Date 1/10/91.- Date -~~-----~~~:~, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ----~----------------------------~, , , , , , , , , , , , , , - -- --, , - -' --, , , , , , ,," ,," , _a____ __ ~... "E_~~-c:T? · ~;r lION CHANNEL - IS . I . . ! . . ~ ' .....-------r I . ' , I.!" . I ...-- J , , , , ~KEY , ", 2 , "'----, ""~,6 3 1 , , . i ,," ,," ,," ,," ,," ,," ,," ,," ,," ,," , , , , , VRV<'\ I I I I I I SR I~b ~ ,," ~ ~~ -,," " I '...., i J '.....r~, I I I 'I., i I' ' t \ I "".Jit", ..." , - \ - , , ,-' , ....... ~ ~ '- " ~~ - ---.' -~- ~..,,/~ ~ i r' SR iz' 10 I.' 'f I~ I ~-~-~ I '\ < '\ ! ,. 1:_. --1. . \, \ \ ~ , . " 'J. ,> --'::' ' ~"~\\,'" ,~, , ' '.' _. \'. \ I : ., ..", <, ' " , \ yi' ('~" \',\\\~~l < \~~~:".:'--l.i - . ~\ ~\~\~\ ~ I ,. .~, _ 'I \ I' 1'1 " .: Ii, - , . I ~'/'/J;~~i' , I , , I~"- / ~ !, I ~,.,. I Il.!'/~/"',';"I "'":,,,.. I , "-.;' I~' ",(! 1/ ,- ~OL .~ , ~ i ~ ~ I ,-/, ' . i .. ,~.....' I " "~ '., I~- "Y., ~ I,.. '--....'_. i"/~/ ,',,/, .......... , ,~,' .z. ,.' ,I .... '" ' ,-( , " .... '~ "-.; ...,------ .....~----....... I ~_r- ~ "...... _- ---- -"-"', , " ............"J ,'" . " " \ ',\ \ , ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ - & -. " " ~~O~~ ~~ \l\ \"i~ --- I L or - - - .......)JIACT · ..,.- - .. I " ..I""' ------ -- P...uant to Section 9.5-24(a)(2Hh) of the Monroe County Code, the bound.rle. of the Land Use District Map are Interpreted to be located as Indicated above and briefly described .s: Remove SC desiqnation from sheet 458 as shown. Whole area should be desi9nated RV. N 1 Director of Planning Shee t # 4'17/458 Key STJGARLOAF Date BOCC Resolution 1"= 400' PROPOSED aow CHANNEL -~-~~~- ~- i r- , , , 9R~<\ I I I I I I R i~ I 1_-------- ,,-- t ...... ..... I I , I . ~ . . 11WlT . RV ---- ---- ---,~. '- ,*"'" N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Panel or. Sheetiff 417 ^' 4SA (sneets p1ecedcogerbp1 Applicant: !'[;lU'i!N NG STAFF Key: SUGARLOAF . Flle# 71 t 1"=400 I M'e Marker: EXISTING I " '~~:,-,:. .~J~~~,,:"'c . -~ :J "..'.1- A -n;;r} ~.'j~~~:~,.::: ':':'~~"'. . - .. ' , . '::;..a' , ..... ;. '-...,,'- ;--::.:..MJ.~.':'''_.r::/ .~';~T;> '~;r!.. N Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 25 Edition,19 0 I 1"=600' I Panel or Sheet# 28 Applicant: Planning Staff Key: ~l1l);:lrl ();:If File # 71 Mile Marker: I " II . ~;o :'00' (S UGARLOAF BOW ......" -- - , ., > - -....-:) '-',.,' ,') ,) N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. ?.i Edition,19 89 1" = .2QQ.. Panel or Sheet# 61 Applicant: Planning Sri'lff Key: SUQarloaf File # 71 PeW Ie Marker: .......---==::-... /r--"" I J I --' NA ..,~--" ,_.~ , , , , , , , , " , , \- V0 I ~. , .., ~~ .....' -' \_~~Jfi-':, .~ / / / ,- ~:-- ~ --::,~ V~ , P"no' ---, ,.., I " I ' ,~__ - I . , ~~ / A SR .. ;,- - -... .....-.....~ " "'" " ." ~ "~S"~R- ,.. ." - --, , " -' - \ \ , , I , - - , .. ........ ~.....,~;.~..:"";~.,;~..- <~::./ ....:," _.~_...._..:;'. -:-. of, 'f' t~.'-,.. :..' "li"~, 1*.....,:... ,,'v., , '.. " . N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Pane. or Sheet# 5 Flle# 71 Applicant: Planninq Staff Key: Suqarloaf @ ~ 1.... 600' I "'.e Marker: ..... / . ) B. JOHNSO OAN R. 627-629 1.68 Ac. STEVENS LOT 4 PT GOVT, LOT 4 I I 3 Ac. OR 68'288.2~ R 170'''!HSI6 ~ ) ~281.560' 56/ 3 .. 4f ~ 5 RE 11825 vC I j " ~ _ 01,,)' JOHN D. W PT. GOVT. ~ OR 584-371 6J 8 11818-001 IS E. \1-202 4.34 WATKINS OR " '- .:: -37 .c: - .3 7.3 0 A CR 431-94C C r.. :vl",Y ,uJGE'S OOCKET - to -103 l<J -Z08 IO-2~ 29 RL RU .9G WARD R. l___ 81 ' 80 , - . I \ . , --.,. .. .-- F RAN K G. 5 U T"!" 0 N ..~ .....:. ". ...- ,- 92. ; -.' 83 N 1 I Monroe County Zoning Pre-September 15,1986 Maps .'.'.~~" . 11- ~' I 1"==200' Panel or Sheet# 84 Applicant: Planning Staff Key: Sugarloaf Flle# 71 Mile Marker: I " c. "' / , R ....... 4 1 ~' , -~.,-- " " Q . \J'\ c::- O .cv ? < o I ? a:: a:: -c\ Cove N 1 I 11 "=2000' , Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 File# 71 Panel or Sheet# 2 Applicant: Planning Staff Key: Sugarloaf Mile Marker: ~'r-_____ r