Resolution 102-2005 OMB Schedule Item Number 17 RESOLUTION NO. 102 -2005 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase/decrease items for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County ,Florida, to increase items to account for unanticipaed funds in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005, now therefore, Be It resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Rorida, That the following accounts of the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005, be and the same is hereby increased/decreased by the amount hereinafter set forth: General Fund -001 Revenues: 001-33518OOS State Shared Local Gov't 1/2 cent Sales Tax $1,500,000.00 Appropriations: 00 1-5630-1 000-01509-530340 001-5690-1000-04588-530340 001-5690-1016-61525-530340 001-5530-1011-61003-530340 001-5130-1000-85500-590990 $1,500,000.00 Middle Keys Guidance Clinic Guidance Clinic Transport Social Service Transportation Veterans Affairs Transportation Reserves 001 Other Uses $119,111.00 $42,351.00 $1,133,154.00 $139,760.00 $65,018.00 $1,500,000.00 Planning, Building, Zoning - 148 Revenues: 148-335 I 800S Planning, Building Zoning, State Shared Lac Gov 1/2 Tx ($1,500,000.00) ($1,500,000.00) Appropriations: 148-5130-1000-85525-590990 148-5130-1000-85525-590991 Reserves Other Uses Cash Balance ($100,000.00) ($1,400,000.00) ($1,500,000.00) Be It further resolved by said Board, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, is hereby authorized and directed to place funds in said items, as set forth above. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of March A.D. 2005. ;<dONROE COI~TY ATTORW;; Yes APPR .JO FORM: Yes Yes Yes YP,c: Mayor Spehar Mayor pro tern McCoy Commissioner Nugent Commissioner Rice Commissioner Nelson Mayor/Chairman DIXIE M. SPEHAR ~ ': :z: ....' :0 -,< op:2 '1\' 1">'1':::=::;-< O. r- 0'("). C:::ij~ :z::. 0 -J(")r- :<-.::r ...,,' .:D- r- C'J > i""l ,::> U1 :10- -0 :;:;0 . "11 o :::0 Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida ~)J~ >n ~4tAJ ."'.-"t . ( (Seal) By -0 :.c :;:::1 r.f1 n C) ;;~) :::::;; , - _. l>.~. :.r:- w