Resolution 106-2005 MAYOR DIXIE M. SPEHAR RESOLUTION NO. 106 - 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE DOROTHY CLARE SHERMAN. WHEREAS, Dorothy Clare Sherman passed away on February 7, 2005 at the Lower Keys Medical Center in Key West; and WHEREAS, Dorothy was born on November 29, 1923 in Las Angeles, California, the daughter of Wilfrid M. and Bogan Violet Clare; and WHEREAS, Dorothy resided in Key West for over 41 years, coming to Key West from California with her husband, George Sherman, retired Navy Lt. Commander and Diver; and WHEREAS, Dorothy and her husband founded the all-volunteer St. Mary's Soup Kitchen 25 years ago, working tirelessly to feed literally thousands of homeless people over the years; and WHEREAS, Dorothy was an active member of the Southernmost Homeless Assistance League, a coalition of homeless service providers, and despite her own health problems over the past year, recently helped homeless advocates count the number of homeless people living in mangroves, under bridges and other spots throughout the County to provide numbers to local non-profit agencies when applying for state and federal grants; and WHEREAS, Dorothy received numerous awards over the years for her humanitarian efforts on behalf of the homeless including the Red Cross Florence Spottswood Humanitarian of the Year Award in 1999 and the Samuel's House Women of Integrity Award in 2000; and WHEREAS, Dorothy will be revered as "..one of the most saintly people.." to have graced our community, a person who "..Ioved the poor and the marginalized.." and who put her love and empathy for others into action by selflessly spending many of her holidays at the soup kitchen to ensure homeless people were served a hot meal; and WHEREAS; Dorothy is survived by her husband, George; five sons; George E. Sherman, Jr. of Altadena, California, Dean Sherman of San Diego, California, Christopher Sherman of Cameron Park, Georgia, Matthew Sherman of Los Angeles, California and Andrew Sherman of Langley Air Force Base, Virginia; two daughters; Terese Clare Soloski of Cameron Park, California and special adopted daughter Sandy West of Key West; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Hereby adopts this Resolution as an expression to the family of their deepest sympathy in the passing of the late Dorothy Clare Sherman, and in great appreciation of the heartfelt service she gave to her community. Section 2: Forward a copy of this Resolution to the family of Dorothy Clare Sherman expressing the Board's sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of March, A.D., 2005. MONROr::: r'')UNTY ATTORNEY ~~~/fO FORM: ,/[/[p ~~/ ROLc::.:r~1 E~. ~"HIL; !tlGER JR. ~~l' . '."~ I M:.';l'~ XOUN: \' ATTORNEY OaI9__.~, .1 -.5." ...- /'^- Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner David P. Rice Yes Yes Yes Yes YeR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON~0Y"Tt,'!1:0RID7 / By .L'J 'U //'/. ~~ Mayor/Chairman 3: ( o :> ::z: _ :::0<") :'.;,: 0,-....; i1f fT1~-<;, ("). r- OC") . <=-~ Z?Oo ....("'), :<~::r.: "TI' :Po r- G') > f"T1 .;:) U1 :%>> -0 :::c , -rz. f'T1 :::1 -r"1 (;:) - --'--" ...."l"'" ~ ::r: ::=:J (1"1 ('") o ::1) c;j - .....t U'I .r::