Resolution 078-2005 February 2005 Commissioner Rice RESOLUTION # 078-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING BAKER ACT REFORM AND SUPPORTING EFFORTS BY THE LOWER KEYS MEDICAL CENTER TO OBTAIN FUNDING FOR ITS DEPOO FACILITY FOR BAKER ACT SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Baker Act, a Florida Law, allows for involuntary examination of persons thought to be a danger to themselves or others for a period of up to 72 hours and WHEREAS, mental health and law enforcement professionals have come to understand that legal limitations inherent in the Baker Act lead to insufficient care of the mentally ill; and WHEREAS, there is a tension between the right of the mentially ill person to be "free" and the right to obtain treatment that the person may be too ill to recognize he or she needs; and WHEREAS, Baker Act reform would allow, as 41 other states already allow, court-ordered involuntary commitment and outpatient treatment; and WHEREAS, in Key West, the DePoo Facility of the Lower Keys Medical Center ("DePoo") is a Baker Act receiving facility; and WHEREAS, in 2003, DePoo received approximately 400 Baker Act patients, or 57% of all such Baker Act patients in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, DePoo has been unsuccessful in obtaining necessary funding to care for Baker Act patients in the Lower Keys, thereby jeopardizing its ability to provide this service in the future; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners recognizes the urgent need to care for the mentally ill in the community, as well as the connection between mental health and homelessness; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the Baker Act reform is hereby supported. Section 2: That funding for the DePoo Facility to provide full services to Baker Act patients is hereby supported. Section 3: That the County Clerk is hereby authorized to transmit certified copies of this Resolution to the Department of Children and Family Services, to the Key West City Council, City of Key West, and to Senator Larcenia Bullard and State Representative Ken Sorensen. Section 4: That this Resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signature of the presiding officer and the County Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of Februarv, A.D., 2005. Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Yes Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Yes Commissioner George Neugent -Y.e..s.. Commissioner David P. Rice ~ Commissioner Murray E. Nelson Yes -' .",,) .~ \ \1-,"'" ,,,r:., " \ \ /.; (SMLl C,i';: }!,ltest:" DANNY L. B~" <--" ,,,,_,~' 10.__ o U !.lJ c:: n::: o u- M ....... <t ~.:) -' <eJ: .l.t.. ,..~~ :::ic.:>- o .+- ::,;::o:::z - ;::) .c.:>o ...1 . c.:> )- x:: W :::: c3 C> :,;: 0::: " ::z:: , C> :I: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFMONROECOUN~~FLO~DA~ By "tftJu ///. ~M..J Mayor/Chairman DIXIE M. SPEHAR 0=: 0- ct c..r. c @'C'H ILApREN & FAMI LI ES Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary April 20, 2005 Mr. Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of the Circuit Court Monroe County Courthouse 500 Whitehead Street, Suite 101 Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Kolhage: Thank you for your April 13 letter to the Secretary of the Department of Children and Families. Secretary Hadi has asked that I respond on her behalf. The department appreciates your support with Resolution Number 078-2005, the Baker Act and the efforts of the Lower Keys Medical Center to obtain funding for Baker Act Services. We are committed to meeting the needs of individuals in crisis throughout our state. The department values our partnership with county government. Thank you for your commitment for individuals with mental health needs. Sincerely, Ol~t--r\~ Roderick L. Hall, Ph.D., Director Mental Health Program Office cc: Silvia Quintana, District 11, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office, Program Supervisor 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 .... 5 ;z= :; . ::t1("'):i': ;,~ 12, r-:.:.,: . '"#:::z::-< (") . On! <':::$ -,- ;Z:,o -f("')r- :'<:-I:J:: .." . ....,. - r- C; - J> ."""rJ ,::> ;n :bit ~ ~ '"'''I tIJ c;:) :::0 ~ ::':J (jc,.~tf~ .r:- ea The Department of Children and Families is committed to working in partnership with local communities to ensure safety, well-being and self-sufficiency for the people we serve. l'l1 C') ',:::l .".~J THE FLORIDA SENATE Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1100 COMMITTEES: Agriculture, Vice Chair Education Education Appropriations Transportation JOINT COMMITTEE: Administrative Procedures SENATOR LARCENIA J. BULLARD 39th District May 11,2005 Pamela Hancock Deputy Clerk Monroe County Courthouse 500 Whitehead Street, Ste 101 Key West, FL 33040 Dear Ms. Hancock: I am in receipt of Resolution No. 078 of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners supporting Baker Act Reform and supporting the efforts of the Lower Keys Medical Center to obtain funding for its DePoo Facility for Baker Act Services. This information has been reviewed and filed for future reference. If my office may assist you, please call (305) 668-7344. Sincerely, Z', /?~~//""~. /.~ ",.-::," . Senator Larcenia Bullard 39th District UB/jr 3:: .:::> H~.'T 0 fJ1 . "- :z :I" :x ,.,- ::0 ("'> :;-1.:: ::=- Ct. ~ 0,-..:.... -< .-. "'::=: -< "'-........} (") . .-- -"1 C("'> . en t:::. ~::o ;::',::; ::.::-) . Co) 2lIIt ;:0 -for ::c :<~=:: - P', ~. l-~" 9 n r- c; 0 a ::> ." ::-..0 !o..I ..-J REPLY TO: 08603 South Dixie Highway, Suite 304, Miami, Florida 33143 (305) 668-7344 o 218 Senate Office Building, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1100 (850) 487-5127 Senate's Website: www.flsenale,gov TOM LEE President of the Senate CHARLIE CLARY President Pro Tempore