Resolution 069-1991 -" ~ ..~ :: ~ :~ :) RESOLUTION NO. 069 -1991 ~~ () "' ~~ ....; ~1_ 1 It m 9 0 1 Hi I " 1- -: ,:','''';;: 1.-. A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A COMMUNITY SERVICE BLOC~' GRANT FOR THE GRACE JONES DAY CARE CENTER , TLF L WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution #006-1991, January 9, 1991, which authorized the submission of a grant application to the Department of Community Affairs Community Service Block Grant Program, and WHEREAS, the grant application requested funds to provide for a part-time teacher's aide for the Grace Jones Day Care Center in Marathon, and WHEREAS, the grantor has awarded $3096.00 in funds to Monroe County and Monroe County has agreed to provide matching funds of $620.00, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the Community Service Block Grant Agreement by and between the Department of Community Affairs and Monroe County; and the Board assigns the County Administrator with signature authority to sign the required fiscal reports. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 13th day of March , A.D. 1991. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes Yes - Yes - Yes -Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY . ....~- By \..k)J to ~~ ...-......... ~-,. - ~, \. ( Seal pANNY L. ]cOuHAGE, Clerk Attest:-.67..1.. ~~f'~/ ........",eo AS TO FORM ~ AH, ~~/ENCY By \,~' ..9 Q )J\ U, 0Ifice Dale ~ - ~ ~ -C\ \ 1~91/5% 'CFDA #93.031 91SB-92-11-54-01-076 (Contract No. to b. As.ign.d by Department) COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT AWARD AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT i. .ntered by and between the Stat. of Florida Department of Community Affair. (her.inaft.r r.ferred to a. the Department), with headquarter. in Tallaha...., Florida, and Monroe COlmty 'Roflr(l of' County Commissioners (hereinafter r.f.rred to .. the Gr.ntee). . THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTS: The Department, in furtherance of it. duties und.r the Omnibu. Budg.t Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35, as amend.d), has determined that the Grantee has applied .nd qualifi.. for a grant under the Community Servic.. Block Gr.nt (CSBG) Program Act. NOW, THEREFORE, the Department and the Grante. do .utually .gree a. follow.: (1) SCOPE OF WORK Th. Gr.nt.. .h.ll furni.h the n.c....ry p.rsonn.l, ..t.rial., .ervice. .nd faciliti.. (.xc.pt a. otherwi.. provid.d herein), .nd .hall otherwi.. do all things n.c..sary for or incid.ntal to the performance of work as s.t forth in the Grante.'. Community S.rvice. Block Grant Program Application, .ttached hereto and incorporated by this r.ferenc. as Attachment A. (2) INCORPORATION OF LAWS. RULES. AND REGULATIONS Both the Grantee and the D.part..nt .hall b. gov.rn.d by .pplicable law. and local rul.., inCluding, but not liait.d to: The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35, a. amend.d), Fla. Admin. Code Chapter 98-22, and 45 C.F.R. Part 96 (1989). (3 ) FUNDING (a) The Grante. shall b. r.imburs.d for co.t. incurr.d in the .ati.factory performance of work her.under in.n amoun~ not to'exc..d $ 3,096.00 for the Depart..nt'. .har., .ubj.ct to the availability of fed.ral CSBG Program fund. to .upport this ..ount. (b) Th. Grant.e .hall aatch the CSBG fund. identifi.d in Clau.. (3)(.) by an a.ount of at l.ast tw.nty perc.nt (20\) of the fund. r.c.ived. Not 1... than ten perc.nt (10\) of the .atch .hall b. in ca.h. That is, the Grant.. .hall .upply a cash .atch .qual to at l.ast two perc.nt (2\) of the CSBG fund. rec.iv.d. In-kind ..tch .ourc.. .hall ab.orb the balanc. of the ov.rall .inimum twenty perc.nt (20\) requirem.nt. (C) Th. Grant.. shall provide a. .atching funds for ..rvic.. under this Agr..m.nt the following amount.: $ 620.00 CASH $ -0- IN-KIND (d) Source. of ..tching fund. and exp.nditur.. for all fund. und.r this Agre..ent .hall b. gov.rn.d by the CSBG Application in Attachm.nt A of this Agre.ment. CSBG fund. .ay not b. u.ed in part or in whole to meet the (2\) cash .atch requir...nt. 1 (e) Any advance payment under this Agreement .hall be requested by the Grantee and is .ubject to s. 216.181(12)(b), Fla. stat. (1989). The maximum advance allowable is equal to not more than 50' of a 6-month agreement or 3 months of a 12-month agreement. Grantee requests an advance payment .nd .. ju.tification for the adv.nce hereby c.rtifi.., (Ch.ck on.) (1) Previous year.' CSBO Agr.ements est.bli.h that $ i. nec....ry in order to cov.r expense for project.d ca.h need. for the first three (3) month. of the Agreement. (2) Th. Grantee proj.ct. that $ is nece.sary in order to cov.r .xpens.. for projected cash needs for the first three (3) month. of the Agreement. xx (3) No advance payment i. requir.d. (f) After the initial advanc., payment. .hall be made on a monthly reimbursement basi.. (g) Any expenditure. under this contract are subj.ct to compliance with Standards for Grantee Financial Management Sy.tem. pr.scribed in Attachment G of the Federal Offic. of Management and Budget (OMS) Circular A-I02, Revi.ed, or OMS Circular 110, Attachment F; and applicable provi.ions of OMS Circular 87 or OMS Circular A-122. (h) Bill. for any trav.l expen.e. must be .ubmitt.d in accordanc. with .. 112.061, Fla. Stat. (1989). (i) Each r.imburs.ment r.que.t .hall b. on a monthly Financial Statu. Report form approved by the Departm.nt. Th. Department .hall r.view .ach reimbur....nt r.qu..t prior to payment to verify that the co.t. claimed ar. allowable und.r the provisions of this Agreement and applicable cost principl.s. (j) Any CSBG fund. paid to the Grant.. by the Department and not expended for the contracted .ervic. .hall b. con.id.red Department fund., and shall be return.d by the Grant.e to the D.partm.nt. (k) Any CSBG fund. .xpended in violation of~hi. Agreement .hall be r.funded in full by the Grant.e to the Department or, if this Agr.ement i. .till in fore., .hall b. withheld by the Departm.nt from any .ub..qu.nt r.qu..t for payment. (1) The Grant.e .hall submit a final Clo.e-out R.port on forms approv.d by the D.partm.nt within 60 day. of termination of this Agr.em.nt. Any non-accru.d expen... or residual fund. remaining at the termination of this Agre.ment shall r.v.rt to the Departm.nt and shall be due and payable on .uch date of termination and shall b. paid DO lat.r than 60 day. thereaft.r. (.) con. trued as a under the CSBG Provi.ion of funding und.r this Agr....nt .hall DOt b. guarantee of future or sub..quent fundiDg to the Grantee progr.. or any oth.r progr.. admini.t.r.d by the Department. (D) Bill. for f.es or oth.r co.pensation for s.rvic.s or .xpeD..s .u.t b. submitt.d iD d.tail sufficient for a prop.r pr.audit aDd po.taudit thereof, a. r.quired in s. 287.058(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (1989). (0) A. provided in .. 287.0582, Fla. Stat. (1989), the State of Florida's performance aDd obligatioD to pay under this Agr...ent i. conting.nt upon an annual appropriation by the Legi.lature. 2 (4) PROGRAM INCOME (a) ~he Grantee may temporarily invest CSBG grant funds, but any interest income shall either be returned to the Department or be applied against the Department.s obligation to pay the contract amount. (b) Any interest income earned by the temporary investment of these CSBG grant funds shall be returned to the Department at the time of submission of the final Close-out Report. (C) Any interest income earned must be appropriately accounted for according to OMB Circular A-I02, Attachment B, or OMB Circular A-I10, Attachment D, and s. 216.181(12), Fla. stat. (1990). (d) Grantee may apply program income, excluding interest income, to meet matching requirement., or may reprogram it for .ligibl. program activities in accordance with Fla. Admin. Code Chapt.r 9B-22. ~h. amount of program income and its disposition must be report.d to the Department at the time of submission of the final Close-out a.port. (5 ) PROCUREMENT S~ANDARDS Grantee shall comply with procurement standards .quivalent, at a minimum, to OMB Circular A-I02, Attachment 0 or OMB Circular A-II0, Attachment 0, and relevant state and local laws applicable to the procurement of suppli.s, .quipment, and s.rvic.s. (6 ) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS Grant.e shall comply with property management standards for non- exp.ndabl. prop.rty equival.nt, at a minimum, to OMB Circular A-I02, Attachm.nt N, or OMB Circular A-I10, Attachment N. (7 ) AUDI~ (a) Grant.. shall submit an audit of agr..m.dt complianc.. This audit will be perform.d by an independent Certifi.d Public Accountant or other .ntity indep.ndent of the Grant.. or any Subgrant.e. in accordance with the standards of the Comptroll.r General as specifi.d in the General Accounting Offic. Standards for Audit of Governmental Organization., Program., Activities and Functions, and generally accepted auditing standards .stablish.d by the American Institut. of C.rtifi.d Public Accountants. ~h. contract number of this Qrant must b. identifi.d with the audit submitted. (b) If the Grant.. is . private non-profit organization, it shall submit .n audit in accordanc. with OMS Circular A-133. ~he audit will be due s.v.n months after the .nd of the local fiscal y.ar. A copy of the audit will b. provid.d to the Department by: N/A (specify month/day/y.ar no later than s.ven months .fter the .nd of th, grant.e's fiscal y.ar). (C) If the Grant.. is . local gov.rnm.nt, it shall submit an audit in accordance with OMS Circular A-128, pursuant to the Single Audit Act of 1984, Public Law 98-502. ~h. .udit will b. due s.v.n months .ft.r the end of the local fi.cal y..r. A copy of the loc.l government single audit will be provided to the D.partment by: April 3D! 1992 (.pecify month/day/y.ar no l.t.r than S.v.n month. aft.r the .nd of the local fi.cal year). (d) ~h. Departm.nt may undertak. such furth.r or .dditional audit. a. determin.d n.c....ry or .ppropriat. inCluding, but not limit.d to, pa.t and curr.nt organiz.tion-wid. audit.. Such .udit. m.y b. neces.ary to determin. the .dequ.cy, .ccur.cy, .nd r.liability of the Gr.nt.... int.rnal control., fiscal dat., .nd ..nagem.nt sy.t.ms ..tabli.h.d to s.f.guard the Gr.nt..'s ..set. .nd to .n.ur. compli.nc. with this Agr....nt. 3 (e) If ~his Agreemen~ i. closed-ou~ witbou~ .n .udit, the Department reserve. ~he right to recover .ny disallowed cost. identified in an audit .fter such close-out. (8) R!CORDKEEPING (.) Grantee sh.ll ..int.in record. .nd supporting documents, .s prescribed in OMB Circul.r A-110, Attachment C, or OMB Circu1.r A-102, Attachment C. (b) All records pertinent ~o this Agreement sh.ll be retained by the Grantee for three (3) years following receipt by ~he Department of the Grantee's final monthly Financial status Report, with the following exception: if any litigation, claim or .udi~ is started before ~he .xpiration date of the three year period, ~he records will be .ain~ained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolv.d. (C) All records shall be .ufficient to determine compliance with the requirements and objectives of this Agreement, the CSBG Program, and all other applicable laws .nd regula~ions. Th. Grantee is responsible for maintaining and storing all records pertinent to this Agreement in an orderly fashion in a readily accessible, permanent and secured location. (d) The Grantee shall .llow access ~o its records at reasonable times ~o ~he Departmen~, its employees .nd agents, and to the U.s. Department of Bealth and Buman Services (B.B.S.), its employees and agents. "Reasonable" shall be construed according ~o the circumstances but ordinarily shall .ean during normal business hours of 8:00 .... ~o 5:00 p.m. on Monday ~hrough Friday. "Agents" shall inClude, but not be limited ~o, .uditors retained by ~he Department or B.B.S. (9) PERFORMANCE REPORTS (a) The Grantee shall provide the Department wi~h . .on~hly Financial Status Report within twenty-one (21) calendar'days after the end of each month that ~his Agreement is in force. These reports shall be submitted on foras provided by the Dep.rta.nt. (b) The Grantee .hall provide ~be Department wi~h quarterly Program Activity Reports wi~hin twenty-one (21) calendar days after the end of each quarter ~hat ~his Agree.ent is in force. These reports shall be submitted on foras provided by ~he Departaent. (e) Reports not rec.ived by the date due shall b. consider.d delinquent, and .ay b. consid.r.d by ~h. Depart.ent as suffici.nt caus. ~o suspend CSBG paym.nts. (d) Upon r.asonable no~ic., ~h. Grantee shall provide such additional prograa r.ports or inforaation .s requir.d by ~he D.parta.nt. (.) The Grantee shall provide ~h. Department wi~h . Final Grant Clos.-out Report describing ~he s.rvic.s provided, .nd a summary of all financial transactions on foras to be provid.d by ~he Dep.rta.nt. The Final Grant Close-out R.port is due sixtv (60) days aft.r ~he teraination of ~his Agreement. (f) The Grantee shall mak. the Final Grant Close-out Report .vailabl. ~o citiaens upon r.qu.st. (10) MONITORING. EVALUATION. AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (a) Or.nt.. shall constantly aonitor i~s performance und.r this Agr....nt ~o ensure ~hat ~ia. sch.dul.s are being .e~, project.d program activiti.. ar. being .cco.plished wi~hin specifi.d ~ia. periods, and other performance gO.ls ar. b.ing .chieved. Thi. r.view shall b. made for each prograa, fUDc~ion, or .c~i.ity s.t forth in A~t.chaen~ A. ~-~- 4 (b) Training and technical assi.tanc. .hall b. provid.d by the D.partment, within li.it. of staff ti.. and budg.t, upon r.qu.st by the Grant.. and/or upon a determination by the D.partment of Grant.. n..d. (C) Th. Grante. .hall allow the Departm.nt to carry out monitoring, .valuation and t.chnical as.istanc. and shall .nsur. the coop.ration of it. employee., and of any Subgrant..s with whom the Grant.. contract. to carry out CSBG program activiti... (11) SUBGRAHTEES (a) Grant.. may d.legat. to oth.r agenci.. r.spon.ibility for the performance of activiti.. and ..rvic. und.r this Agreem.nt. Such .ubgrant.es shall b. identifi.d in Attachm.nt A. (b) With the exception of the board structur. r.quirement. s.t forth in the As.urances in Clau.. (11) of this Agreement, Subgrant.e. undertaking or carrying out CSBe activiti.. und.r this Agr.ement shall do .0 in conformanc. with the t.rm. and conditions of this Agree..nt, ~ Admin. Code Chapt.r 98-22, and all applicabl. Stat. and Federal laws, rul.s, regulation., guidelin.., and OMB Standards. (c) Th. Grantee shall b. r.spon.ibl. for the program and fiscal performance of it. Subgrantees and .hall .onitor th.ir activiti.. accordingly. In the .vent of a Subgrant.... non-complianc. with the program or fiscal activit i.. und.r this Agreement, the Grant.. agre.. to reimburse to the Departm.nt any and all grant funds .i.used by the Grant.. or its Subgrant..(.). (12) LIABILI'l'Y Th. Grant.. .hall b. sol.ly respon.ibl. to parti.. with whom it shall deal in carrying out the t.rm. of this Agreement and shall hold the Department harml.ss again.t all clai.s of what.v.r nature by third parti.s arising out of the p.rformanc. of work und.r this Agr..~.nt. (13) PERIOD OF AGREEMENT Thi. Agr.e.ent .hall b.gin on April 1, 1991 or upon date of .igning by the Depart.ent if execut.d after April 1, 1991. Thi. Agree.ent .hall end on S.pt.ab.r 30, 1991, unl... t.rminat.d .arlier in accordance with the provi.ion. of Clau.. (14). (14) SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF FUNDS (a) Th. Depart.ent reserv.. the right to withhold or .uspend payment. to the Grantee when the r.port. requir.d in Clau.e (9) of this Agreem.nt ar. delinquent, or wh.n the grant.. fail. to co.ply with the t.rms and condition. of this Agr....nt. (b) Th. Depart..nt .ay terminate this Agre...nt for cau.e upon .uch written notic. a. i. r.a.onabl. und.r the circum.tance.. Cause .hall include, but not b. limit.d to: .i.u.. of fund.; fraud; non-complianc. with applicable rul.s, laws, r.gulation., and OMB Standard.; failure to perform the program or fi.cal activities und.r this Agr.e.ent; and failure to comply with the A.suranc.. ..t forth in Clau.. (11) or the Sp.cial Condition. r.quir.d in Clau.. (18) of this Agr....nt. (C) It i. .xpr...ly und.r.tood that the Departa.nt .hall have the right to t.rminat. this Agr....nt for di.criminatory practic.. by the Grant... (d) Th. Depart..nt ..y unilat.rally canc.l this Agr....nt for r.fu.al bJ the Grant.. to allow public acc... to all docum.nt., paper., l.tt.r. or oth.r ..t.rial. .ubj.ct to the provi.ions of Chapt.r 119, ~ ~. (1989), and ..d. or r.c.iv.d by the Grant.. in conjunction with the Agr....nt. 5 ----.----.------ (e) The Department reserves the right to exercise corrective remedial actions including, but not liaited tOl requesting additional information from the Grantee to determine the reasons for, or extent of non- compliance or lack of performance1 issuing a written warning advising that suspension or termination aay be initiated if the situation is not remedied1 advising the Grantee to suspend, discontinue, or not incur costs on activities in question1 or requiring the Grantee to reimburse the Department for the amount of costs incurred for any ite.s or activities determined ineligible or disallowed. (15) MODIFICATIONS (a) As provided in pla. ~dmin. Code Chapter 9B-22.09, the Department or the Grantee may request .odifications to this Agreement. Changes in the approved Work plan aay be .ade by a Grantee only after formal modification to the contract is approved in writing by the Department. (b) The Department shall not be obligated to reimburse a Grantee for outlays in excess of the funded amount of the grant Agreement unless and until the Department officially approves such expenditures by executing a written modification to the original contractual Agreement. (c) All requests for aodifications in excess of 10 percent of the line item or the total budget aust be submitted to the Department for approval thirty (30) days prior to the anticipated implementation date. The Grantee must include a description of the proposed changes and their effect upon the approved work plan. Pailure to aeet this time frame may result in reimbursement delays. (d) Changes within individual budget line items ..y be made at the discretion of the Grantee, without Department approval, if the cumulative effect of such changes does not exceed ten percent of the line item total, and if the cumulative effect of the number of such changes does not exceed ten percent of the total approved grant amount, provide~ thatl 1. only unobligated funds are transferred from one line item to another line item 1 2. the Grantee notifies the Depart.ent in writing prior to effecting a budget change within the liaitations .et forth in this Section (c) and in pla. Admin. Code Chapter 9B-221 and 3. budget change. do not re.ult in overexpenditure of the total approved grant amount or expenditures in exce.. of the admini.trative or .econdary administrative expen.e limit.. (16) CLIENT ELIGIBILITY AND CLIENT RECORDS (a) The Grantee .hall certify each client receiving CSBG funded .ervice. a. inco.e eligible at 125\ or le.. of the current Office of Management and Budget Poverty Guidelines a. required by CSBG law and rule. In order to certify each client, the Grantee .hall be required to maintain current (le.. than one year old) source documentation of income eligibility. In the event that the client cannot provide income documentation, the Grantee .hall require the client to provide a signed certification of eligibility to atte.t to the client'. verbal declaration. This certification .u.t specify the reason. that no current documentation could be provided by the client. (b) Grantee will aaintain a .eparate record for each CSBG client which include. at lea.t the following datal client name, addre.., .ex, race, age, inco.e amount and aethod of .erification, date client was interviewed, service. performed for the client and documentation of any denial of client .ervices. (c) Grantees are required to ha.e written client appeal procedures for any client denied .ervice. using CSBG fund.. ".....~ 6 (17) ASSURANCES (a) In~eres~ of Certain Fed.ral Official.. Ho member of or delega~e ~o the Congre.s of ~h. Uni~ed S~a~.., and no Re.iden~ Commissioner, shall b. admi~~.d ~o any share or part of ~hi. Agr.e..n~ or ~o any ben.fi~ ~o arise fro. ~h. ..... (b) In~eres~ of Member.. Offic.r.. or EmDlovees of ReciDien~. Members of Loc.l GoverninQ Bodv. or O~her Public Offici.l.. No memb.r, offic.r, or employee of ~h. Gran~ee, or i~. designee. or agen~., no member of ~he gov.rning body of ~he locali~y in which ~he program is si~u.~.d, and no other publ~c official of .uch locality or localiti.s who ex.rci... any function. or respon.ibilities wi~h respect ~o the prograa during his tenure or for one ye.r there.f~er, .hall h.ve any intere.t direc~ or indirect, in any con~rac~ or subcon~rac~, or ~h. proce.ds ~hereof, for work ~o b. performed in conn.ction wi~h ~he progr.m .ssis~ed und.r ~his Agreement. The Gran~ee shall incorporat. or caus. ~o be incorpor.ted in all such Agreemen~s, a provision prohibiting such in~eres~ pursuan~ to the purposes of this subs.c~ion. (c) NeDOtism. The Gran~ee agr.es to abide by ~he provision of s. 112.3135, Fla. S~at. (1989), pertaining ~o nepotism in ~heir performance und.r ~hi. Agr....nt. (d) CSBG Assurances. Th. Gr.ntee hereby assures and c.rtifies as . condi~ion of r.ceipt of Community S.rvic.. Block Grant funds, tha~ it and i~s Subgran~... will comply with ~h. applicabl. r.quiremen~. of F.der.l and S~.te l.ws, rul.., r.gul.~ion., and guidelines. A. part of accep~.nce .nd u.. of CSBG fund., ~he Gran~ee .ssures and certifi.s ~h.tl 1. The Gr.ntee po..e.... the l.gal authority to apply for ~he gran~, and ~hat the applic.tion has been approv.d by ~he Gran~ee'. governing body, including all assuranc.. contained h.r.in. 2. Th. Gran~.. will utili.. all CSBO fund. to provide a range of ..rvices and activi~i.. having ..a.urabl. and potentially .ajor impact On causes of pov.rty in ~he communi~y where pov.rty i. a p.rticularly .cu~e proble.. 3. In th. ca.. of a Co..unity Action Agency or non-profit priv.t. organiza~ion, ~he Gran~.e a..ure. and provide. documentation ~h.t its Board of Dir.ctor. is con.ti~uted .0 that, a. One-third of the .emb.r. of th.Board ar. .l.c~.d official. currently holding offic. or their repre..n~ative., .xcept that if the number of .l.c~.d official. r...onably available and willing to ..rve i. Ie.. than on.-third of the .ember.hip of the Board, .emb.r.hip On the Board of appointive public officials ..y b. count.d in ...~ing .uch on.-third r.quir...nt. b. At lea.t one-third of the ..aber. of the Board are p.r.on. cho..n in accordance with d..ocratic .el.ction proc.dur.. ad.quat. to assure that th.y are repr.sentative. of the poor in the area .erved. c. Th. r..aind.r of the r.pre..ntative. of the Board ar. official. or ..mb.r. of bu.in..., labor, indu.try, r.ligiou., w.lfar., educa~ion or oth.r ..jor group. and int.r..t. in the co..unitJ. C. In the ca.e of a limited purpo.. ag.ncy, the Grant.. assur.s and provid.. documentation that the Board is co.po..d of at leas~ on.-third r.presentative. of th. poor or an advisory committee of at l...t a .ajority of which ar. d..ocratically ..lect.d r.pr...ntativ.. of the poor. 7 5. In the case of a migrant and seasonal farmworker organization, the Grantee assures and provides documentation that the Board of Directors consists of at least 51\ representatives of migrant and seasonal farmworkers, and that the organization provided direct services to a target population of migrant and seasonal faraworkers during federal fiscal year 1983 to the present. 6. The Grantee will not use CSBG funds for political activities, and will prohibit any activities to provide voters and prospective voters with transportation to the polls or provide siailar assistanc. in connection with an election or any voter registration activity. 7. The Grantee will provide for coordination among antipoverty programs in each community; and where appropriat., with emergency energy crisis intervention progr..s under Titl. XXVI of the Low-Incom. Bome Energy Assistance Act conducted in each community. 8. Th. Grantee possesses the .ound fiscal controls and fund accounting procedures necessary to adequately safeguard the assets of the agency, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operating efficiency and maintain compliance with prescribed management policies of the agency. 9. The Grantee will permit and cooperate with Federal and State i~vestigations designed to evaluate compliance with the law. 10. The Grantee will give the Department, the Auditor General or any authorized representative, complete access to examine all records, books, papers or documents related to all fiscal and program operations of the grant, including those of any Subgrant... 11. The Grant.e will comply with non-discrimination provisions, in accordance with Florida Statute.; .ection 677 of Public Law 97-35; Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rig~ts Act of 1964; and 45 C.F.R. Parts 84, 86 and 90 (1989). 12. The Grantee will comply with the match requirements of this Agreement and maintain v.rification of type and .ourc.. 13. The Grantee will comply with section 680 of Public Law 97-35, as ..end.d, which prohibits u.. of CSBG funds for purchase or improvem.nt of land, or the purchase, construction, or permanent improvement (oth.r than low-cost residential weatherization or other energy related home - repairs) of any building or oth.r facility. 14. The Grantee will comply with Pla. Admin. Code Chapter 9B-22, which provides that CSBC administrative .xpenses shall not exceed fifteen percent (15\) of the total CSBG funded contract amount. 15. If the Grant.. adaini.t.r. a transportation program, it will comply with Chapt.r 427, PIa. Stat. (1989), .0 that it will coordinat. with the appropriate transportation provider(.). 16. Th. CSBG .pplication and all it. .tt.chm.nts, including budg.t dat., .re true .nd correct. 17. This Agreement has b.en approv.d by the Gr.nt.... governing body by offici.l action, .nd the officer who .igns it is duly authorized to sign this Agr..ment. 8 (18) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) The Grantee and its Subgrantees shall comply with the following special conditions I None. (b) Failure of the Grantee or its Subgrantees to comply with the special conditions under this Agreement shall be cause for the immediate suspension of payments, and .ay be cause for the immediate termination of this Agreement. THIS AGREEMENT AND ITS ATTACHMENTS EMBODY THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE DULY EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY BY Q:\...\.......\.""..... ........ T ~A.~y (Signature) Wilhelmina Harvey Mayor/Chairman (Type Name and Titl.) GRANTEE AFFAIRS (Signature) Lewis o. Burnside, Jr., Director Division of Housing and Community Development DATE March 13. 1991 Date ATTEST 59-6000749 Federal Identification Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,..,. ,U fllOM!D AS TO FOAM ....... AND LEGAl. s~ _ _ \\ 8y~0 ~ d- -"-d \. -- C\, \ Data 9 ATTACBMEN'I' B 91SB-92-11-54-01-076 Contract Ro. to be assigned by Department FLORIDA DEPARTMEN'I' OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION FORM - FFY 1991 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS GRANTEE RAME AS SIGNED BY THE GRANTEE ON THE ORIGINAL AGREEMEN'I' PAGE 9 OF 10 4 (SEAL ) AITEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Wilhelmina Harvey RAME By:. Deputy Cler k Mayor/Chairman TITLE The signature of the authorized to sign fiscal person(s) shown below are designated and rep>rt. on be:~~ove' SIGNATURE ThoP1as f'T. Brown RAME County Administrator TITLE NAME SIGNATURE TITLE N'PAOVED AS TO FORM ~LE~~Y. ~ By ~Qb I,)~ DlIIt ~ - &.1 - C\. \ -"., ~.....~ - 10