Resolution 087-1991 F~l~ r.~~ .'01 ,_J l ,,,, . , ~. /-. l) t\ i\ ~ ,-, . ~ --'_ ,_ -i i , ~ J 11 r:,0 PPl 1 vO RESOLUTION NO. 087 -1991 l' -._ 1--' , A RESOLUTION OFFICIALLY ADOPTING TITLE 49 OF 'I'HE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, 49 CFR PART 24, UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUIS:TION FOR FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS; TITLE 24 OF THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULAri'IONS, 24 CFR PART 570 AS MIENDED, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS. SAID ADOPTION TO BE INCORPORATED IN ALL COUNTY PROGRAMS AND POLICIES WHERE SUCH REGULATIONS APPLY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ; . ,~; ! . ::; nY.FLA. WHEREAS, the County of 14onroe has previously participateri in various federal and federally assisted programs in full compliance with all applicable federal regulations presented; and WHEREAS, the County has a Tenant Assistance Policy and Procedures under the County's Rental Rehabilitation Loa~ Program; and WHEREAS, the County may apply and receive funding from other fecture,l and fed€:::ally assisted programs, inclusive of the ComIm..n.i'~y Dev.alopment Block Program; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF Cm-!MISSIONEi1S Ti1AT ~ 1. The County AdministratJr is hereby authorized and directed to assure ~hat the ~espective county departments respon15ible tor ~;J.(;h fl~:ldj.ng L1corporate the required federal req~lations with ul1 necessary policy and procedure and be r~tlp':.'nE io.1.;.-,) for updatIng same upon future official federal revisions. 2. ':i'lds resol\.ltion shall go into effect immediately upon its passage i:md a<.!op'::ion and authentication by the signatures cf the presiding officer and clerk of the commission. PAS~~D AND ADO?TED DY tna Board of County Commissioners of Monroe C';:,Uhl:Y! ~i'lorj.da: at a regular meeting of said Board heid on tne J'r~ day of April, A.D. 1991. Ma~or Harvey Yes Mttyur Pro Il'.am London Yes COlfqn.issio~lers Cheal Ye s CO.!1l&llisslone::: Jones Ye s Coc~issioner Stormont Yes clOhrtD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY ---. .'~.- ~ ,,- BY_~.l~.aJVY' .~. .....~~ By 0. ~AS70FORAI 'lC1ENCY. I It( /vtnr;-p fi'