Miscellaneous '""' ~.'.. ~ .'2)';.. . .,' ~ .. "..:' . ~~v~r: k~~,~..~E (30&129.....6..' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 ~ Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor~ Ken Sorensen. District 5 OFFICE CF: ~ SERVICES 3131 Overseas Highway Marathon, Fl. 33050 July 31, 1984 Mr. D. A. lot:Elhaney rero Products, Inc. 708 Industry Road IDngwood, Florida 32750 Dear Mr. l>t:Elhaney, 4 Please find attached l-blroe County Purchase Order '90489 . for one (1) 1985 Ford Type III Anb.1lance, in the primary bid atroWlt of $47,038.40. Please provide 100 percent performance bond as required, guaranteeing carpletion of 1NOrk under M::>nroe CoWlty specifications, ani the attached limi. ted warranty should be extended to 24 IOOnths, as per l<blroe County specifications. ly; ~~// ~7I?V---- ares R. Paras, Director M::>nroe County Em:!rgency Services JRP / sd attadmmt MON ROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE RS ~ .. ~~: \~~",' . PSICHASE ORDER 90489 P.O. 80)( 1880 KEY WEST, FLORIOA 33040 / / DATE ....-.,--- -'. '~ TO: ,/ SHIP TO: ,/,'., ,( ,f of .'../ .F /. ... ,.' ~- r-- ACCT. No.: .......-^') /, " ,.~~~/ - ./ '. -c~ . . ///.) ) .. /~.., \ (-) )~.::~J /' "'--::_L".--,J VENDOR No. /7()O//):~; I ;'~""\"--'~---r-+-~~;'Z.:::;'- \., ".J . ..,' ... . i J' / / ' ) ;/ ,-. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION AMOIJNT / ' ' .- #( ///f \ /~ --"'7/ / c.!.....' '-. 'Ie J} .. L._ ~. ~. >,..,tL-) ......'....-, l..,""' r" /....1"'/ ,- / .' " Y'~..-.' r /"' ....~::. .,-:;r. ,. J C ( /~r:' ,.,;. . 'f'J';;u'" ',---- .~_..- / , / .' -i .'" ,.t~ . ... ~~'. c ,., ..~; ..., ~-_............. - >- . ;' ./ , .~. / ;' <I.' /~ ,,/ ....,/ " l . .'/ , -:'- .'./-'1 .,- .,?'" . .(/ ,- /' ,:..,....... , -.-". " . ,/ ., . - - --- Note Order Number On Your Invol<:e / RALPH W. WHITE! Clerk Circuit 70urt PERSON CALLING " ._....J.__~._.. /.. ' ,/ BY \.. .~:., ",. //~'\ // ( ..' DePuty Clark ,. - ~ J 1 l U IT 11l'1f1f~"~YA" ~I.I~ j. '::..f . ..... r~'- '--:C' 'fl., - --<of' -r' - l/ir ., ~~..~- .-~'-~'fl ~ i' . t1 ... '~ ..............,..........'.18 ' ~ ~ -- ~ ~.- J~. VY-'q' rr LIMITED W ARRANTl" WHEELED COACH CORPORATION warrants to the OWllcr uf each vehicle that till itl'ms of its manufacture will he free from defects in material illld wurkmanship fur a period of ~h'e 1l2) months or tWell'C thousand (12.000) milt'S, whichel'er ((JOles fir:.l. WlmELED COACII COHPOHATION does not warrant all)' component wtlll:h (ilrries warranty of another manufacturer or which is manufactufl'd hy another manuf;llIlIrer illlt! WHEELED COACII'S sole responsibility r~'~ardint.! such ilems shJlI he to pil.~!i 011 illlY existing manufacturer's warranty to the purchaser. The wan'illlty period shall bc~in Oil Ihe daft, such "chide is ddil'crrd to lilt' first rUl'Ch;L~cr. The sole responsibility of WHEEl.ED (OACH under this Warranty shall he to rcpillr or replace any defective part'i, at its option, and \\iIIEELED COACH shall not he li;lble for any consequential damilJtl's whatsoever. All. WARRANTY CLAIl\1S MllST BE SUBMITTED TO ANn i\l'PlmVEI, BY TilE MA!\UFACTl1RER PHIOH TO HEPAm. Exclusion. from Warranty-This Warranty sh<lll not apply to: A. Any parts or proJucb becoming defective as th~ fl'sult 0/ 01 Ilc~li~ell(l'. l2) itr(idelll, or l3) other casualty. B. Owner's failure to provide normal maintenance such a'i lubrication, ti/olhtenjn~ tlt'IL~, and bolts. cleaning coils, loss of re(ri~ranl. drier replacemcnt. impwpcr vol!;I/.!!.' or electrical COllllt'ctions as a result of field installations C. Improper instaJlatioll of customer furnished ilems, repairs, or alterations. D. Operation in a manner contrary to normal, E. ,'ny part not manufactured by WHEELED COACII. alon~ with other accessories such as sirens. !i/olhts and cQuipmcnt. Condition,: A. This warranty is valid only in the United States of America and Canad.l and surh vehicle is sold without any warranty. cxpress or implit'd. if sold for use outsidc of the United States. B. WtlJo:ELED COACII COHPOHJ\TION rnerves Ihe ri~ht 10 make chan~cs ill dl'sl~n or improvements of ib product or 11arts lIll'fl'of without ohli~!iltioll to lnillH' or install sucti chan~es or impnl\'cnll'nl'i in this warranty. C. WtfEELED rOACH COHPt lHA TION Ileitlwr ilSSlllllCS nOl" ilulhllrizl's ilny pl'l'SOIl to assume for it any obli~ation or warranly other Ihim thilt sl<llcd in this warr;lI1ly. D. Repair or replacement of any parts or pllIduds under this warranty by WIIEEI.ED COACH CORPORATION shall not l'xknd this warr,lIlty hcyond the origlllal 12 monthl12,OOO miles period. E. WIIEJo:LEU rOACH CORPORATION dOl's not Wdrrilllt the workmanship of I"U:.IOllll'r nq~otiatcd installcrs and Will not b~'ar .lIlY cosl due to luulty or incurrect installation or product loss, indudlllg privacy j.!lass and our in~l<III"tion thereof. F WHEELEIl COACH CORPOHATION will no! he liilhlt, lor illlY loss of tlllle, bhm, equipment rental. lost profits or othn conScllucntial J.1m.~cs 01: any kllld whatsoever in connectIOn with the sale and use of the \'('hiclc. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS Wt\lU{ANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. EITHER EXPHESS Of( li\1I'LlEL> INCLUlJING ANY WAHRANTIES Of MERCHANTABILITY OR fiTNESS FOR ANY I'AIHIClJl.AH l'tlIUl('SE. . '~ \ DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO DEPT FROM ames R. Paras Director DEPT Emergency Services SUBJECT Attached Perfonnance Bo d fran Aero Products DATE Auqust 23, 1984 Please find enclosed the Perfonnance Bond from Aero Products, in the amount of $47,038.40, for the 1985 Ford Type III Ambulance ordered for Tavernier Volunteer Fire Depart:rrent, Inc. Please look over and make sure it is fully executed and meets all requirements. JRP/sd attachments TOPS. FORM 3397 LITHO IN U.S.A. Fidelity and Deposit Company HOME OFFICE OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE, MD. 21203 ~ONTRA~T BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tha t_ _____ _~ ro,__ Era ducts... _ _.In.c. _0. 0. _ _ 0. _ _ _ _ 0. _ _ _ _ _ 0. _ _ _ 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 0. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _. _ _ _ _ _ 0. 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. ___" _, __ __ _ _ _ 0. 0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _m _ ,_ _ _ _ 0. _, _,_, _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ ____ 0. _nn___..??~__.~~_~~~_~~.X_,_~.~~_~___~_~~~~_~!m_~~~E~~_<:':n.~,?2:?_Q 0000._0.0.__ ______ -._'n__n______________m____,._._______m_n__m._'mn_ (hereinafter called Principal), as Principal, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation of the State of Maryland, with its Home Office in the City of Baltimore, Maryland, and duly authorized and licensed to do business in the State oLmX~~E~~.<:':mmm________nmn,_n__nmmn(hereinafter called Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound un to__J1QD.~Qg__~.9_!J.nty__E _.M,_S________'n__nn_nnn __._n__n___n___n____ __,_n_"____mn____.'_ n_._____. .'000_0._ ______mmmn'n__nnmnnmm_m_m_nm__mm__m_m__m_n___.m_.__ ___0._ (hereinafter called Owner), in the full and just sum of ~~:~X:_~_::~~,~__~_~~~~~!::~_~___~~_~__~~!.!:X__:__~~_<I~~_n~~_~__~_QI._~.Q~:_~:__:__::__:__::__:_.:nDollars ($,_~_?_!_~_~.?':_~_Q_.m'n_)' to the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this_mmm___m____ __?~.?__ __,_ n __ n____m_m_ ___,m_da y of ,___ ______~ ~5J_~~:l::..._ 'nm_mn._____ _mn19 m~_~..' WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written agreement, dated thenn_hnl_$_km_,_______m___._mm August 84 . h Type III Ambulance day of _000__ n______________ m_nnmm 0. n__U'__'____ __ _0000.19 n__ _0000.' wIth t e Owner for ______n.m______mm 000000._____ m_nn'____m__n____'____mm_ 0. which agreement is or may be attached hereto for reference. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, if the Principal shall well and truly perform and carry out the covenants, terms and conditions of said agreement, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. \iV ITNESS : n!'!:f?!;~n_?E2~_~~:t_::O'L___~~,<?.._.__n___ _____,_'.____m_.m__m_ (SEAL) ~) ) . ~..g~i........................ _BYL~k<:::'..... .... ..(SEAL) ------,___ ------0.0.-- _ _0.__ ____0. ____0._0.______.._ __no. 0..___ _.000_0._____ _ 0. (SEAL) ATTEST: __ - - ,___._. m__ 000__ _ 0. _ _ 0. 0.,___ _ _m_ ,___0.__, _ _, u_u _ ______ Un'__mU'm (SEAL) (IF CORPORATION) ATTEST: C329-15M,8-80 211340 coun~'1Z BY:. ~ Resident Florida Aaent FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND 4~. .~ ~/\ . ; .. / L-/,) . / ,., . .. ,. . . '. . . , ) .- . Byu - . .l--U__..L.b'--~n--;~0 -.-.. -~LL..~- lane B. Rucker Attorney-in-fact ::::._Lk6V:lt~,u_,_~~~,:_,{.c~t/_,_.,__m'_'__n.___'_n..n.___ Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE, BAl T1MORE. MD KNOW ALL ME:\ By THESE PRESE;>;TS: That the FIDELITY A"D DEPOSIT CO'\1PA\Y OF \IARYLA\D, a corporation of the State of Maryland, by C. N. PECOT, JR. ,Vice.President,and L. C. WAYMAN, JR. Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Seclion 2, of the By. Laws of said Companv, which reads as follows: "The Chairman of Ihe Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice,President, or any of the Senior Vice. Presidents or Virp.Presidents specially authorized so 10 do by the Board of Direclors or by the Executive Commillee, shall have power. by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or anyone of Ihe Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice. Presidents, Assistant Vice.Presidents and Allorneys.m.Fact as the businpss of the Company may require, or 10 authorize any person or persons to execut.. on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings, recognizances. stipulalions, policies, conlracts,lI8reements, deeds, and releases and assignmenls of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages, . .. and 10 affix Ihe seal of the Company therelo:' does hereby nominate cOJ?stitute and appoint Dorothy A. Pierce, Byrd W. Davenport, Jr., William T. Jenn~ngs and D~ane B. Rucker, all of Richmond, Virginia, EACH................ ItS true and lawful agent and Attorney,in.Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for. and on its behalf as surety. and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings.................................. t\nd the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents. shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes. as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore. Md., in their own proper persons. This power.of attorney revokes that issued on behalf of Frank S. Cosby, eta1, dated, Apr~l 20, 1982. The said A.iltant Secretary doea hereby cerlify thaI the aforegoing is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By. Laws of said Company, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed :he Corporate Seal of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. this .......7.J.nL...............day of ........"........J.~,m~.~~y.............,....,.... , A.D. 19...8"... eA='h.h..~;:.~:rIT:~~~N~~~~~..hh \ .4uisum;s&:;;~; r'o:' Vice. President STAn: OF MARYLA'iD , CITY OF BALTIMORE f ss; On ,his 23rd day of Ja ",uary ,A.D. 1984 ,before the subscriber. a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, in and for the City of Baltimore, duly commillioned and qualified, came the above. named Vice.Presiden' and Assistant Secretary of the FIDWTY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. to me personally known to be. the individuals and officers described in and -:ho executed ,he preceo;Jing instrument, and Ihey each acknowledged the execution of the same. and being by me duly swo~n, ~verally an~ each for hlmlelf deposet.h and sauh, that 'hey are the said officers of the Company aforesaid. and ,hat the seal affixed t? the precedmg .ms'rument I~ t~e Corporate Seal of said ~mpanr. an~ that Ihe said Corporate Seal and their sipatures as luch officers were duly affiXed and subscribed '0 the said mstrumen' by the authonty and duectlon of the said Corporation. IN TEsTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by Official Seal, at the Ci!t of Baltimore, the day and year first above written. ~ .~ .......~6~..~/~~~~................. ~ ~ Not..y Public ~~'Expires .-!.~J..Y...J.t...t~JH~... is.. I CERTIFICATE I. the underli8ned. As listant Secretary of the FrDwn AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the original Power of Attorney of which the foregoi1l8 is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Viee,Prelident who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice, Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in,Fact .. provided in Article VI, Section 2 of the By.Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY or MARYLAND. This Certificate may be si8ned by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 161h day of July, 1969. RESOLVED: ''That ,he facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter. wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued bv the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Comf'any with the same force and effect II though manually affixed." IN TEsTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subset :hed my name and affixed the ('"rporale seal of the said Company. this ...,....2nd...... day h, ,.......A.ugust..........................,' 19..84... W280-C.f -176-0 '-71 FOR YOUR PROTECTION LOOK FOR THE F&D WATERMARK