Resolution 133-2005 Petitioner Daryle L. Osborn RESOLUTION NO. 133 -2005 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF TARPON STREET, AND AN ACCESS DRIVEWAY TO LOT 28, AS SHOWN IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 103 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the publiC in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is necessary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board will hold a public hearing on May 18, 2005, 2004 at 3:00 PM, at the Key Largo Library, Key Largo, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: DRIVEWAY: THAT STRIP OF LAND APPROXIMATELY 10 FEET X 50 FEET MARKED "DRIVEWAY" LYING BETWEEN LOTS 27 AND 29 AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF TAVERNIER COVE, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 103, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ROAD: ALL THAT PART OF TARPON STREET LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SUNRISE DRIVE, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF TAVERNIER COVE, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 103, OF THE PUBLIC RECORD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 20th day of April, 20g:;. ::> TI ~ ~, :.n ." ::O("')?; i: 'Y1 ,;, Or _.. .:'::.1 ,:-'1 fT'I::s;:-< -< ("')' r- ' 0("')' W c:- z;:o~ -I' 0 == ::c; _("')r .-.. rq ~-l::::: ...,,' ;> ~ g BOARD OF COUNTY COM~SmO~S :-~ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ::u By ~~J~ >n ~ Mayor Dixie M. Spehar