Item N18 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 20, 2005 Division: BOCCI Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: BOcc 1 Staff Contact Person: Jana Johnson-Willi AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida, in recognition of the late Merili McCoy. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBIPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (j)i;fle JIl. ~ Dixie M. Spehar, Mayor DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 .1\1 a, or Dixie '\1. Spehar Resolution No. -2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COlJNTV IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE MERILI HILTON McCOY WHEREAS. \lerili McCoy, Commissioner of the City of Key \Vest tor the past ten years, \\ ife of COllnt\ Commissioner Charles "Sonny'" .\1cCo)', matriarch of a large family. and wonderful friend to many, passed away on April 9, 2005, and WHEREAS, Merili's love for Key West, its residcnts, architectural and botanical beauty, history, and the Keys environment began when, at age nine, her family moved to Key West for her father, Captain Carl Hilton, to assume the top-ranking Coast Guard position in Key West; and "HERF:AS. \lerili had a generosity of spirit for evef}-' person who crossed her path. and great passion for her family, her adopted home town, and all who have dwelled therein. and WHEREAS, the community mourns her loss and has exhibited its heartfelt sympathy for her extensive family, including "Sonny" and Mcrili's six children Dulce Arnold, Felicia McCoy, Peter McCoy, Tim McCoy, Sean McCoy, and Mimi Grantham, along with their spouses, children and grandchildren; and WH EREAS, r-.terili' s sf rength of character kept her in the forefront of local issues and projects until the very end. notv.ithstanding the toll taken by serious illness: nov.. therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COCNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO~ROE COt:NTY, FLORIDA: Section I: Hereby adopts this Resolution as an expression to the family of their deepest sympathy in the passing of the late MeriJi McCoy_ Section 2: Hereby recognizes and honors Merili McCoy for her unfailing devotion 10 her family. community. and friends as c'\.emplificd by the following Merili mcnlored and nurtured six children, numerous grandchildren and great- grandchildren, and countless friends, especially imparting her views of life, responsibility, loyalty, and her immense love lor gardening and the environment; Merili, as the niece of' hotel mogul Conrad Hilton and the daughter or a Coast Guard officer, traveled extensively" from her early childhood throughout her life, and lived in pre-Castro Cuba \\ ith her husband and family, but always considered Key West home: \1erili founded the Cily of Key West Tree Commission and was appointed to serve that commission in 1971 when it was established, as well as ser.-ed on the Florida Keys HistoriL Preservation Task Force; ~1erili \"'as a member of the ZOllla Club of Key West tor t\\enty years, st:rving 3S its ninth president when the Key Wt.:st arm of the international service organization sponsored a new /oma club in \1aralhon, and menlored other Zontians t\'en atler her City Commission activities greatl\- reduced the time she- had to dedIcate 10 Zonta: Merili, as a member of the Sunshine Rotary Club since 1988, served energetically in City-wide c\cnts sponsored by- Sunshine Rotary and actively panicipated in the Club's \vork at the District Ic\-el and its international pursuits_ Merili served on the Monroe County Tourist Development Council from July 1992 until August I 99--t as a lodging n:prescntatin:' while managing a motel on Hilton Haven: \leri] i served on the City Commission of Key \Vest from 1995 until her death, attending: meet i ngs of all appointed boards of the City, studying all issues faced by the Cit y COITIIl1 i ssion, and \\3S indefatigable in her promotion and support of many projects and causes \vhich would bcnetit the people of Key \\'esl. most notably beauriiicatioJl of the City \Iarina at Garrison Bight, landscapIng and prescf\1ng the trees and natural environment of Key West, encouraging pedestrian and bicycle paths, and seeking solutions for the hOTl1eless~ \Ierili ahv-ays maintained her integrity and never flinched from laking the lone path in carrying out her responsibilities on each uf the public bodies \vhich she served once she determined that hers was the right path~ \lcrili, despite all of her cnmmitmellls to family and her public servicC'_ also found time weekly to serve the community tl)r many years as a Helpline \oluntcer~ !\1erili \',as selfless in her devotion to familv and friends, holding huge holidav dinners and always finding time to spend \\ ith someone in need of a hand to hold or interested in receiving a tidbit of:\[crili's vast knov\Jedge of Key West's history, \1erili was truly the Renaissance woman, and memories of her \",ill always he cherished by those tlxtunate enough to ha\(: known her Sel'tion 3: Hereby directs the Clerk to forward to the family of Meril! McCoy a copy of this Reso]ution expressing the Board's sorrow PASSLD A\iD ADOPTED by th.: Hoard of Count: Comll1JSsio!l,ors of \1onrolO C ouIlty. Flond:!, at a meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of April, AD_, 1005_ \byor Di:x:ic \1 Spehar \layor Pro Tern Charles "Sonm" \.fcCo\ CommiSSioner George 'j\,'cugcnt Commissioner DaVid PRice Commlsslom:r -'furray E \ielson (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L KOLHAGE, Ckrk BOARD OF COl,'\;TY COM-'HSSIO'ERS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA ,i>,'rjIJE CDUNTV ATTORNEY :';:J?RC','::u ':',S -:-PjORM.;, . 1__.. "'.. / . - ~ ,..' f ; _ - r.- -- /S~ZANNE A, HutTON ,:"S;.ST^'.JT C:)tJNTY ATTORNEY . , Fh By