Item Q1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date ___ _4/2Q!Qj_.=_K\V Division: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Bulk Item Yes :'\10 xx Department INDl:STRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution by the Monroe County Industrial Development Authority providing for the issuance of not exceeding $2,965,000 aggregate principal amount oflndustrial Development Revenue Bonds (North Key Largo Utility Corp. Project), Series 2005, to be exchanged for a like principal amount of the Authority's outstanding Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (North Key Largo Utility Corp. Project), Series 1995, pursuant to an offer to exchange, lTEM BACKGROIJND: In 1995 the IDA issued its Revenue Bonds, Series 1995, to be used by the North Key Largo Utility to finance certain capital impmvements to its utility system affording the "Utility tax-ex:empt financing. The current tax-exempt market rate allows the lJtility to re-finance the 1995 bonds and reduce its debt service obligations by offering the holders of the 1995 bonds new 2005 bonds in exchange for their 1995 bonds, For holders who elect not to exchange their 1095 bonds for 2005 bonds, the Utility will refund and redeem their J 995 bonds so the 1995 bonds will no longer be outstanding, As Issuer of the 1995 Bonds and the proposed 2005 Bonds, the IDA's approval is required. PREVIOVS RELEVANT Hoec ACTION: Approval of issuance of IDA Revenue Bonds, Series 1995. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDA TlONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: ** BU DG ETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: ** SOURCE D.F FLINDS: ** Depends upon pricing at (he time of bond sale. REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year .~~ APPROVED BY: County AttyE- OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ /1' ) I . 'I A" , '.. : i. . ,,' I. . '- L ~.. { A ~ \ '- __c1L__, I ~ \ \ JOHN R COLLINS, COUNTY ATTORNEY DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included x Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Rc\iscd 2(05 NABORS, GIBLIN & NICKERSON. P,A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW TH F POI NTE. 5U ITE 1060 2502 ROCKY POINT DRIVE TA~' -'A -C"LORJDA 33607 5UITE cGO I 500 MA~~AN c.;::n.,;::- TE.LEPHONE IB~31 281-22Z2 TELE....COPY 18\31 2BI-0129 SUITE:.:. =-00 TALLAHASSEE F"l...ORIDA:) 2..308 37 NOh'TH ORANGF" AVE '\I L [ ORLANDO FLOn'IDA 32801 1850:. 2~4.4C7G '407' 4?~-73~5 TE:...LECOPY 1050) .2<::::4-4073 T lLECOPV 14Q7 I <: :~6-04.3G VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS April I, 2005 i__. il, ~. -' '.. -, ?VD:: Richard Collins, lsquire \lonroe County Attorney S02 \Vhitehcad Street, 3rd Floor Rear Key' \Vest, Florida 33040 Re: \10nroe County Industrial Development Authority- Approval of '\Jonh Kcy' Largo Ltility transactions Dcar Richard: As we recently' discussed, t:nclosed please find a Resolution of the Monroe County Industrial Development Authority' (the "IDA"), together with fivc documents which arc Appendices A Ihrough E to the Resolution. :-Jorth Key Largo Ltility Corp. (the "Ulility") has requested that the Rcsolution bc considercd by thc Board of thc IDA at thc mccting scheduled for April 20. I separated the appendices from the Rcsolution as [ \vas unsure \\hcther you would include all of the appendices within the agenda packages or simply the Rcsolution \\ith instructions that thc appendiccs \Vere on file for thcir rC\'lcw. Either way, the enclos..:d should be everything necessary' for agenda packages and forma] adoption. By \Iay' of background in 1995 the IDA issued its Industrial Lk\'clopmenl ReH~nue Bonds l~onh Key Largo Unlity' Corp. Project), Senes 1(J9S (the "1995 Bonds"), the proceeds of which were used by the Utility to finance certain capital improvcments to its utility system. The 1995 Bonds an: considered "private activity bonds" or "industrial development bonds" under the Intcmal Revcnue Code and as such ncither thc IDA nor Monroe County has any financial liability' with rcspcct to the 1995 Bonds. The IDA has :;Imply acted as a conduit issuer oCthe 1995 Bonds to afford the Utility' the adV<:ll1tage oCtax- exempt financing. As you may recall, the IDA issued similar bonds Cor Ihc benefit of the (juidance Clime of the \1iddle Keys. Inc. in 2003. rhe ] l)95 Bonds originally \vere privately placed to a limited number of imestors many, i r nol all. of which wcre \lonl"Oe County residents. The current tax-cxempt interest rate market is such that the Utility' can refinance the 1995 Bonds and reduce its debt SlT\jCe ohligations. The Ltil ity and its advisOl"s have determined that the most cost effective and Richard Collins, Esq. April 1. 20()5 Page 2 beneficial way to accomplish the refinancing of the 1995 Bonds is through an exchange program wllereby the Ltility,' will alTer the holders of 1995 Bonds new 2005 Bonds in exchange for their 1995 Bonds. The new 2005 Bonds will have a lower interest rate. The Utility has already' had discussions with nearl)' all of the 1995 Bondholders and the Lti1ity expects 1110St, if not all, of the holders to exchange their 1995 Bonds. With respect to any holders of 1995 Bonds that do not elect 10 so exchange their 1995 Bonds lelr new 2005 Bonds, the Utility will refund and redeem those 1995 Bonds through the issuance of the 20D5 Bonds. At the end of the transactions, the 1995 Bonds will no longer be outstanding. The 2005 Bonus will be outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of not exceeding S2,965JJOO. The Lti]ity is also taking this refinancing opportunity' to make some modifications to the underlying legal documents which will give the Utility more nexibility \V'ilh its future financing needs. These modifications do not negatively impact the lOA or the County. As the issuer of the 1995 Bonds and the proposed 2005 Bonds, the lOA's approval to the transactions is required. The Resolution authorizes the issuance of the 2005 130nds in the aggregate principal amount of not excecding 52,965,000, authorizes the refinancing of the 1995 Bonds, whether through the exchange program or a traditional refunding and redemption and approves the fonn of \'Clrious legal documents. The Resolution also authorizes the Chairman and Secretary of the IDA to execute certain dOClllllCIllS and instruments to which the IDA will be a party and which are necessary to consummate the transactions described herein. Finally, the Resolution contains certain findings in Section 3 that arc required for this tYVe of transaction under Part II. Chapter l59, Florida Statutes, known as the Florida Industrial Dcvclopment Financing Act. i\S Bond Counsel to [\,Ionroe County' and the ]DA, "\labors. Giblin & "\lickerson, P.A. has been involved in the structuring of the lransaction described llerein and has revie\ved all of the legal documentation. We belie\'(: that aJ1 of the documents as presented today' arc in order and adequately protect the interests of the IDA and \1onroe County. :-Jeither the ID.A nor 1\10nroc COUIll}' will ha\'c any financial or other liability as a result of the transactions discllssed herein. As I have infonncd the Board previously', however. this is not to say that (he IDA and the County \vill not hme any administrative burdens should there subsequently be a default or other serious problem \\'ith respect to the 2005 Bonds in thc future. In slIch a situation, there may be lawsuits and the like and as the issuer of the 2005 Ronds the IDA may be required to be involved, most likely in somc minor administrative conlext. The Utility has indemnified the IDA and .\1onroc County with respect to suell matters in the legal documents. Richard Collins, Fsq. Apri] I, 2(0) Page 3 I a Iso wanted to menti on that the legal documents have all been prcpared by .I ack \1c\Villiams of Livermore, Freeman & \1c\Villams. P.A., the L:tilit}"s bond counsel. The Ltilit)/ is bClIlg represented by John Jenkins or Rose. Sundstrom & Bentley'. LLP. ] have worked \vith Jack and John in numerous transactions over the last scv'cral years and I have the utmost confidencc in their legal skills and diligence. I belicve the transactions as they have structured and drafted them arc in good order. It has been my' e\.perience with \10nroe County that the IDA is not a particularly' active governmental entity (not unlike many other industrial development authorities in the State). 111cding mostly to accomplish financing transactions such as those proposed by the L'tility. Our rccords indicate that the IDA is set up so that whoever is then sening as \layor and Vice \;layor of the Board of County Commissioncrs would also serve as the Chair and Vice Chair of the IDA Hoard. lTn\css that policy has changed since 20C13, I \vould recommend operating in the same manner. My records also indicate that Commissioner Neugcnt was serving as Secretary to the I DA Board in 2003. ] l' Comm issloner l\eugent is neither the \1a')'or or \'iee 1\1ayor at this time Ihen ] would suggest he remain the Secretar;.'. There will be certain documents that the Secretary \\'ill need to attest. including the Resolution. or course. the Hoard or the IDA could appoint another member as Secretary if they so desire. In sum, i r it is lhe stafes desire to continue to move fonvard vvith the Util ity's request, (1 meeting or thl' I rJA \vil1 need to be properly noticed (as the County"s Board meetings are noticed) and held on April 20. At the time this item is to be considered. the Roard of County Commissioners will need to reccss temporarily and convene as the IDA. They can then consider the Resolution. After they' consider thc Resolution they can adjourn the meeting of the IDA and reconvene the meeting Drthl' Board of County Commissioners. As I mentioned to you lhe other da:y, I \vill be more than happy to attend the meeting on Apri] 20 to ansvver allY questions concerning the transactions described herein. Please let me know as soon as you can whether YOLl would like me to be at the Illl'eting. Please give me a call ifvou h,1\'e anv questions or concerns. Thanks again for your assistance. .... ~ .......... ... Sineerel v :5L~ %~ -- Steven F. \liller Enclosures cc; \11 r. Thomas J. \V ill i RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLL:TlO"\J BY THE MONRO}: COUNTY fNDUSTRIAL DEVELOP\IENT AUTJIORIT\', PROVIDING FOR TIlE ISSLA\JCE B'{ THE AUTHORfT'{ OF 'JOT EXCEEDI:--JG 52,965,000 AGGRECl/\TE PRI:--JCIPAL AMOLNT OF I:--JDlJSTRIAL DE\'ELOPMENT REVE:-JLE BONDS (NORTH KE'{ LARGO LTIL!TY CORP. PROJECT), SERIES 2005 TO BF EXCfIANCED FOR A LIKE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF THE AUTHORITY'S OLTSTAr-..:D[~G H\DUSTRIAL DEVELOPME'\!T REVENUE BONDS (NORTH Kl~Y LARGO UTILIT'{ CORP. PROJECT), SERIES 1995 PURSUAI\T TO A"\J OFFER TO EXCI IA'\!GE; PROVIDlt-<G FOR THE RIGHTS OF TI IE O\Vi\ERS or TIlE SERIES 2005 BONDS AND FOR THE PA YiYiENT TI-IEREOr:; lVfAKING CERTAl'\! OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREE\iENTS 11\ CONNECTIO'\! \\'LTH THE ISSUANCT OF THE SERIES 2005 BO!\DS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AI\D DELIVERY OF A BOND I'\!DEhTLRE AND A LOA'\l AGREE\fENT PERT AINl!\G TO THE SERIES 2005 801\05; AL~THORrZJ"\JG THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF IHL SERIES :2005 BOI\D5; ALTHORIZII\C; ALL OTHER RELATED 11\STRUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR THE REDEMP-nO)J OF SERIES 1995 BONDS NOT EXCIIAI\GED FOR SERIES 2005 BO"\JDS; PROVIDING FOR OTHER f'vIlSCELLA:'\IEOLS MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND PROVIDf~G FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY INDLSTRJAL DE\/ELOP.lIENT AUTHORITY: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR THIS RESOLUTION. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions 0 f the Act. SECTlOl\ 2. DEFI:"JITIOl\S. Unless the context otherwise requires, thetenns used in this Resolution snall have the meanings specified in this section. Words importing the singular shall include the pluraL \vords importing the plural shall include the singular, and words import1l1g persons shall include corporations and other entities or associations. "Act" means the Florida Industrial Development Financing Act, Parts II and 1II- Chapter 159. Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. "Authority" means the \fonroc County Industrial Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and an industrial development authority organized and existlllg under the Constitution and lav.is of the State mcluding, particularly, the Act, its successors and assigns. j20"-R-R,'s .'\lIthoritv \' ith ;lPP' "Bank" means \Vachovia Bank, National Association. a national banking association, its successors and assigns, as bond trustee. "Bond Counsel" means a natIOnally recogni7ed bond counsel acceptable to the Company' and the Authonty. "Bond Indenture" means the Bond Trust Indenture to be executed by and bet\veen the ^uthori1y and the Rank suhstantially in the form attached hereto as AppendIx A and incorporated herein by reference. "Chairman '0 shall mean the eh airman 0 I' the Authority, or such other person or persons who arc authorized to act on his or her beha 1[. "Company" means North Key' Largo Utility Corp., a Florida not-far-profit corporation. and any successor, surviving, rcsultl11g or transferee entity, as provided in the Lmll1 Agreement. "County" means Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the Slate. "I.oan Agreement" means the Loan Agreement to be executed by and behveen the Authonty and the Company substantially in the fonn attached hereto as Appendix A and incorporated herein by reference. "Offer to Exchange" meallS the Offer to Exchange the outstanding Prior 1995 Bonds for a like pri I1C i pal amount of Series 2005 Bonds substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix C and incorporated herein by reference. "Prior 1995 Bonds" means the l\tonroe County lndustrial Development Authority Industn a] Development Revenue Bonds (I'iorth Key Largo Utility Corp. ProJect), Series 1995, originally issued in the aggregate principal amount 01'$3.400,000 and outstanding 011 the date hereofin the amount of $2,965,000, to pay that certain loan from the Authorityto the Company pursuant to a loan agreement and mortgage, dated as of March 9, 1995, bet\veen the Company and the Authority. "Private Placement ;\Iemorandllm" means the Private Placement '\temorandmll to be executed by the Company and delivered to o\vners of the Prior 1995 Ronds describing the Offer to Exchange and the Series 2005 Bonds, substantially in the foml attached hereto as Appendix D and incorporated herein by reference. "Secretary" means the ex-officio secretary to the Authority, or such other person or persons \vho are authorized to act on his or her behalf. "Series 2005 Bonds" means the Au1hority's Industrial Deve]opment Revenue Bonds (North Key Largo Ltilit), Coq), Project), Series 2005, to be isslled in exchange for a like principal amount of Prior [995 Bonds pursuant to the Offer to Exchange, the Bond Indenture and] .oan Agreement in .;J211'i-R.R,,;-..\u'.lwl'iiv with :]!IP' 2 accordance vvith thc terms hereof and thereof in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding 52, tJ65,OOO "State" means the Slate of Flonda_ "System" means the complete wastewater system currently owned and operated by the Company, including all real property and all facilities located thereon and all future acquisitions, located in the County, a portion of which \vas acquired, constmcted and equipped with proceeds of the Prior 1995 Bonds. SECTION 3. FII\'DINGS. It is hereby ascertained, detemlined and declared as follows: A ['he Authority is a public body corporate and politIC, a public instrumentality and an industria] development authority, and is duly authorized and empowered by the Act to flnancc or refinance the aeq ui si tion, constructIon, rcconstnlction, improvement. rehabilitation, renovation, expansion and enlargement or additions to, furnishing and equipping of any capital projects_ including any "projects" described in the Act including land, rights in land, buildings and other stnlctures, machinery, equipment, appurtenances and facilitics incidental thereto, and other improvements necessary or convement therefor. B. rhe Company previous Iy incurred the Prior 1995 Bonds to finance a portion 0 f the costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping portions ofthe System, which constitute "facilities fix the furnishing of se\vcrage" \vithin the meaning of the Act. The Company has requested that the Authority issuc the Series 2005 Bonds in ordcr to allo\v the Company to refinancc the Pnor ] 90S Rands to achIeve debt service savings and to change certain covenants regarding addi ti ona] indebtedness, all as set forth in the Loan Agreement, the Bond Indenture, that certain .\-1aster Tndenture by and between the Company and the Bank, as master trustee, and the Private Placement Memorandum. C The refinancing of the Prior 1995 Bonds by the Authority through the issuance of the Series 2005 Bonds pursuant to the Act, will promote and preserve the economic development and health, wel fare and safety of the citizens of Monroe County, \\'ill provide and maintain the residents of the County \\'ith wastewater treatment facilities, will promote the general economic structure of thc County, and \\ill othen-vise serve the public purposes of the Act. D. Lpon conSICieration of the documents described herein and the information presented to the Authonty at or prior to the adoption of this ResolutIon, the Authority has madc and docs hereby make the followmg findings and determinations: (i) Thc System consists orthe complete \vastewater system eunently owned and operated by the Company, including all real property and all \\'astewater facilitIes located thereon and hercaftcr acquired. The System is located in the County and is owned and operated by the Company 111 its husmess of providing \vastewater treatment in the COUllty. ,DI'-R-Rl'S-ALlII1'Jrlly \\1111 :IPP' 3 (i i) The Company has shown that the System enhances and improves the heal th" safety and welfa-re or the County <ltld the State, and it serves other predominantly public purposes as set forth in the Act. It is dcsirah 1c and wi II further the public purposes of the Act, and it will most effectively serve the purposes ofthe Act for the Authority to issue the Series 2005 Bonds ror the purpose of providing funds to refinance the Prior 1995 Bonds pursuant to the Offer to Exchange. all as prov'ided in the Offer to Exchange, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Ptivate Placement \1emorandum, which contain such provislOns as ale necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act. (iii) The System IS appropriate to the needs and circumstances ot: and makes a significant contributioll to, the economic grO\vth of the County; provides \vaste\vater treatment ami gain ful emp I oyment, and serves a pub lic purpose by advanci ng the economic prosperity, the public health. or the general welfare or the State and the County and their people as stated in the Acc (iv) Based solely' on representations made by the Company and infonnation provided to the Authority by the Company in compliance with the criteria established by the Act, the Company is fully capable and \\illing (a) to fulfill its obligations under the Loan Agreement and any other agreements to be made in connection \vith the issuance of the Senes 2005 Bonds and the use of the Series 2005 Bond proceeds for refinancing the Prior I ()l)5 Bonds, including the obligation to make loan payments or other payments in amounts sutTlcienl in the aggregate to pay all of the interest, principal, and redemption premiums, if any. on the Series 2005 Bonds, in the amounts and at the times required, (b) to operate, repair and maintain at its own expense the System and all other facilities of the Company. and (c) to serve the purposes of the Act and such other responsibilities as may be imposed under such agrcements (v) The County and other loea] ageneles have coped satisfactorily w1th the impact of the Sy"stem and provide, or cause to be provided when needed, the public facilities, including utilities and public services, that are necessary for the operation, repair and maintenance of the System, (vi) Adequate provision is made under the Loan Agreement for the operation, repair and maintenance of the System at the expense of the Company, for the payment of the principal oL premium, ifany, and interest on the Series 2005 Bonds, when and as the same become due, and payment by the Company of all other costs in connection with the refinancing and the operation, maintenance and administration of the System. (vii) The costs or the refmancing \vhethel' paid from the proceeds or the Series 2005 Bonds orpaid hy the Company sha1l be "costs" of a "project" wllhin the meaning of the Act. (v"iii) The principal of, premium, ifany, and interest on the Series 2005 Bonds and all other pecuniary ob ligations under the Loan Agreement or othenvise in connection 1,-Vl th .Po".).1-).1("-.'\ Ll1IH'''' [y with app-' 4 the issuance of the Series 2005 Bonds shall be payable solely from the loan pa;ilnents and other revcnues and proceeds received under the Loan Agreement or other\vise from the operation, sale, lease or other dispositi on 0 fthe System and other operations 0 fthe Company, inc luding proceeds (rom insurance condemnation av,.'ards and proceeds of any foreclosure or other realization upon the hens or security interests under the Loan Agreement and all other related security documents, the proceeds of the Series 2005 Bonds and income (rom the temporary invcstment of the proceeds of the Series 2005 Bonds or of such other revenues and proceeds, as pledged for such payment under the Loan Agreement. (ix) Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Count.y, the State, the Authority or of any political subdivision or agency thereof is pledged to the payment oCthe Series 2005 Bonds and neither the County, the State, the Authority nor any political subdivision or agency thereof shall ever be required or obligated to levy ad valorem taxes on any property within thei r territori allimi ts to pay the principal ot~ premium, if any, or interest on such Series 2005 Bonds or to pay the same from any funds thereof other than such revenues, receipts and proceeds so pledged, and the Series 2005 Bonds shall not constitute a lien upon any property owned by the County, the Authority or the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof, other than the Authority's interest in the Loan Agreement and the property rights, receipts, revenues and proceeds pledged therefor under and as provided in the Loan Agreement and any other agreements securing the Series 2005 Bonds. (x) All requirements precedent to the adoption of this ResolutJOn, of the Constitution and other la\vs of the State of Florida, including the Act, have been complied with. SECTION 4. AUTHORIZATION OF OFFER OF EXCHA~GE OF SERIES 2005 BONDS FOR PRIOR 1995 BONDS, AUTHORJZATlOj\," AND DESCRIPTro~ OF THE SF:RIES 2005 BONDS, The Authority hereby authorizes the issuance of a series of bonds to be known as the "\1onroc County Industrial Development AuthOTity Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (\Iorth Key Largo Uti1ityCorp. Project), Series 2005" in the initial aggregate principal amount o f not exceeding S2,965,000 for the principal purpose 0 f providing moneys to re finance the Prior 1995 Bonds by the exchange of said Series 2005 Bonds for a like amount of Prior 1995 Bonds pursuant to the Offer to Exchange, the form of which is attached hereto as Appendix D. The Offer to Exchange is herehy authorized and approved. The Series 2005 Bonds shall be issued only in accordance \vilh the provisions hereof and of the Offer to Exchange, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum and all provi sions hereo f, the Offer to Exchange, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum shall be applicable thereto. The Series 2005 Bonds shall be issued as set forth in the Bond Indenture and shall be dated, bear interest payahle on the dates at the rate of interest and be subject to redemption, all as set Ilmh in the Bond Imlenlure. SECTION 5. AUTHORIZATION OF EXECUTlOl\ AND DELIVERY OF THE BOl\"D INDENTURE ANn THE LOAN AGREEl\lENT. The Bond Indenture and the Loan Agreement substantially in the fanns attached hereto as Appendices A and B, respectively. With 4~r):i-R-j(e'-""thmily with apps 5 such corrections, insertions and deletions as may he approved by the Chairman ofthe Authority, such approval to he evidenced conclusively by his or her execution thereof, are hereby approved and author;7C:d. The Authority hereby authorizes and directs the Chairman to date and execute and the Secretary to attest the Bond Indenture and the Loan Agreement, and to dehver the Bond Indenture and the Loan Agreement. All of the pnwisions of the Bond Indenture and the Loan Agreement, whcn exccuted and delivered by the Authority, as authOrlled herein, shall he deemed to be a par1 of this Resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein. SECTION 6. AUTIIORIZA no:\! OF DELIVERY OF THE PRlV ATE PI.ACEMENT i\lEJ\10RANDlJ\1. The Private Placement r'vlemorandum. substantially in the fOllll attached hereto as Appendix C ;s hereby approved and authorized. The Authority hereby authorizes the delivery of the Private Placemcnt Mcmorandum. All of the provisions of the Private Placement Memorandum, when dclivercd as authorized herein and by the Company, shall be deemed to be a part of this Resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein. SECTION 7. PA Y:\-IENT OF THE SERIES 2005 BONDS. The Series 2005 Bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest in lawful money of the United States of America at the designated office of the Bank in accordance \vith the Loan Agreement. Sf:cnON 8. AlJTHORIZA TION OF EXEClJTION OF OTHER CERTIFICATES AND OTHER I NSTRUl\IENTS. The Chaimwn and the Secretary are hereby authorized and directed. either alone or jointly. to execute amI deliver certificates of the Authority certifying such facts as the County Attomey or Bond Counsel shall require in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Series 2005 Bonds, and to execute and deliver such other instruments, including but not limited to, deeds, assignments, bi lIs oCsale, tax agreements and financing statements, as shall be necessary or deslrable to perform the Authority's obligations under the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum. and to consummate the transactions hereby authorized. SECTIO:"l9. REDEMPTION OF PRIOR 1995 BONDS NOT EXCHANGED FOR SERIES 2005 BONDS. Outstanding Prior 1995 Bonds not exchanged for Series 2005 Bonds are hereby called for redemption prior to the maturity thereof on the first business day in any month detemlined by the Company and the Bank in compliance with the lenl1s oftlle indenture authorizing the issuance of tile Prior 1995 Bonds. The Bank is authoriLed to mail the Notice of Redemption in substantially the f01111 attached hereto as Appendix E to the holders of the Prior 1995 Bonds. SECTION 10. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY. No representation, statement, covenant. \varranty. stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained, or contained ill the Series 2005 Bonds. the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement, or the Private Placement .\tlemorandum or any assignment thereof, or any certifIcate or other instrument to be executed on behalf' of the Authority in connection with the issuance of the Series ZOOS Bonds, shall be deemed to be a representation, statement, covenant, warranty, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any elected official. officer, employee or agent orthe Authority in his or her individual capacity, and none oftbe foregoing persons nor any elected or appointed official of the Authority executing the Senes 2005 +20~-R-Re,-AlIthl1rllY 1\ ith apps 6 Hands, the Bond Indenture. the Loan Agreement or the Private Placement Memorandum or any certi ficate or other instrument to be executed in connection with the issuance of the Series 2005 Bonds shall be liable personally thereon or be subject to any personal liability of or accountahilny by reason oCthe execution or delivery thereof. SECTION 11. NO THIRD PARTY RF:!\EFICIARIES. Except as othenvise expressly provided herein or in the Series 2005 Bonds, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement \1emorandutn nothing in this Resolution, or in the Series 2005 Bonds, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum, express or Implied, is intended or sh311 be construed to con fer upon any person, firm, corporation or other organization, other than the /\uthority, the Company and the Bank any right remedy or claim, legal or equitable, under and by reason of this Resolution or any provision hereof or of the Series 2005 Bonds, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum, all provisions hereof and thereof being intended to be and bei ng lor the so le and excl usive bencf1t of the Authori ty-, the Company' and the Bank. SECTION 12. PREREQUISITES PERFORMED. All acts. conditions and things relating to the passage of this Resolution, to the issuance of the Series 2005 Bonds and to thc execution and delivery of the Bond Indenture, Loan Agreemcnt and the Private Placcment Memorandum, required hy the Constitution or other laws of the State, to happen, exist and be perfonned precedent to the passage hereof, and precedent to the issuance orthe Series 2005 Bonds, to the execution and delivery of the Bond Indenture, Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum, have either happened, exist and hav'e been perfonned as so required or \vill have happencd, will exist and will have been performed prior to such execution and delivery thereof. SECTIO~ 13. GE!\ER-\L AUTHORlTY. The members of the Authority and its directors, officers, attoll1eys. engineers or other agents or employees arc hereby authorized to do al] acts and things required of them by this ResolutIon. the Series 2005 Bonds, the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum, and to do all acts and things \vhich arc desirable and consistent ",'ith the requirements hereof or of the Series 2005 Bonds. the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum, for the full, punctual and complete perfoll11ance of all the tenl1s, covenants and agreements contained herei n and in the Series 2005 Bonds. the Bond Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum. SECTION 14. LD-UTED ORUGATlO;\JS. The Series 20D5 Bonds and the interest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness or pledge of the general credit or taxing power of the Authority, Monroe County, the state of Florida or any political subdivision or agency thereof but shall be payahle solely from the revcnues pledged therefore pursuant to the Loan Agreement or other financing agreement entered into by and betv..-een the Authority and thc Company prior to or contemporaneously \vith the issuance ofthe Series 2005 Bonds. The Authority has no taxing power. SF:CTIO;\J 15. LT\HTED APPROV AL. The approval given herein shalll10t he construed as (i) an endorsement of the creditworthiness of the Company, (ii) a recommendatton to any prospective purchaser of the Series 1005 Bonds, (iii) an evaluation of the likelihood of the 42!J5-R-Rc<;-AlLllh)r'Ity \\;Ih ~lpp, 7 repayment of the debt sen.'ice on the Series 2005 Bonds, or (iv) an approval of any necessary' re70ning applications nor for any other regulatory pennits relating to the System. SECTIO:~ 16. THIS RILSOLUTION CONSTITUTES A CONTRACT. The Authonty covenants and agrees that this Resolution shall constitute a contract between the Authority and the Company and that all covenants and agreements set forth herein and in the Series 1005 Bonds. the Bond Indenture. the Loan Agreement and the Private Placement Memorandum. to he perConned by the Authority shall he for the benefit and security of the Company. SECTIO~ 17. SEVERABILITY OF INVAIJD PROVISIONS. If"anyoncormore of the covenants, agreem ents or provisions herein contained shall be held contrary to an)' express provisions of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall for any reason whatsoever be held invalid. then sllch covenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining cov'enants. agreements or provlsions. and shall in no way affect the validit), of any of the other provisions hereof or oCthe Series 2005 Bonds. SECTION 18. REPEALING CLAUSE. All resolutions orparts thereofin con !liet \vith the provisions herein contained are, to the extent of such conflict. hereby superseded and repealed. +211~-R-RL,-AlLlhmi:y wilh app; 8 SECTION 19. upon its adoption. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately Passed and adopted by the Monroe County Industrial Development /\uthori ty at a meeting 0 f the Authority on thi s 21 \\ day 0 r Apn L 2005. IVIONROE COIJ.'~TY I.'IDUSTRIAL I>EVELOPMENT ALTHORITY Chainnan ATTEST: Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFlCID,CY: -~:>II.' R-Rc'-..\L:\llori\y \11\11 ,1ppS I) 420<.X-fZl'S-..\ull11HII\ \\'llh app, APPENDIX A FORlV. OF BOND .~DE~TURE 10 [) ra It _T ~) I ..O~ HOi\D nusrl:\I>E:\TURE by and hetween :\IO'\ROE COL;\TY l"'I)(Sll~L.\1. nEYELOP~IE.\JT ALTIIORITY und ".\CIIO\ L\ BAi\K. :\'.\TlO'\.\L ASSOCL\T10:\, as Trustee Haled as of April 1,2005 Relating to S 'Ionror County Industrial Deyclopmcnl Authority Induslrial Dc\Cloplllcnt Ken'nue Bonds (I\~ol'lh Ke~ Largo lHilily Corp. Project) Sc rics 20fl5 Sectiull 1.1_ Sectio!) 1,]. SectlOn ~. I. Sect lOll 2.]. Seditlll ~__j_ Section 2.-4. Sl'ctlOll 2,:"- Sc,-:( ion 2.()_ Sl'dioll 2 7. Sectiull 2.:\. Scd](lll 2_l}_ Secl inn 2.10. Sectl(lll ].11 , Scctillll _i. I. Section 4,1. S eet 1() 11 -L2. Sect ion 4_.i Section 4.4. Section 4.5. Section _". I TABLE OF CO:"lTEI\'TS Page ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Ikllllitiul1s_ _.................... .......,............__.......__.____., In t np reI at i () n. .... __... __. __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __.... .... ..... .... , ... .............. .....4 _ II ARTICLE II TIlE BOt\DS .\utlwri/atlllll of BOlld:-;. ............__......__..______.____ ______________..._.................... ... I ~ Terms ul' Dund:-;. ................................................".., "....."......."......."....., 12 \'alidit\ u!'13ulHk. __.._................................,............,........................ ... I_i Lx:ecutiun pfllle Bonds. .................................................,.........__...................... 13 Tr,lllskr tl]' r3Ulllls. ............ ........................................................................... .. 14 I'xclwngc o(Btll1ds. ____._________.....__....__.____..__. __..______...._ ___..______ __..__.... 14 Bond I\egistcr. .."..............,..........."....__..........................,......_,...__......,___ __ 14 Bonds \1Ulilatcd. Lost. Destroyed llr Stukn. ......... ..................................... ... IS Hu()I-.;-I'ntry 1311llds: Securilies Depository. .............................."...................... I () Tr;lIlsfei"s Outside I3\lok-Enlry Systcm......................................,...................... I () (',I)-ments and \()tiees to tile Nominee _________________. ______..______._____..____..._... ] () ARTICLE III !SSl ,'\'-iCL OF BO:'-JDS: ;\(,PLlCAT10.\' OF PROCEEDS h:';UiIlKC p( fltlllds.....__...........__.............................................. ... ...................." ! 7 ARTICLE IV rZFDE\lP'I'IOt\ OF I30.\'DS Tenns u[' Redcmptioll. ..__..".................................,.................... _______.._____..__..... f 7 Sclecliun or B()llds lix Redemptloll. ..............__..__..____ __ ____....".........."..".. I () '!utiee pf Redemptiull. ......__......___..__.__.....__........,............"...,...,...".................. I () Eftl.'cI u[' RClklllptj(\Il..__.."......................."........,.."............. ____::: r Partial Redemption (If I3llllds. ......................................_____________..__......__.. ......21 ARTICLE ,. IZL\T:-<l.'[-:S AND Fl-l\DS hlablishlllcnt of 13ll11d Fund. .........."...........11 Error! Boukmark not defined. -1- Sectio!l :'.1. Section :'.~_ Section -"_~,\. Section :'.~ I~. Sectloll -".-t. Sectiun (1.1. S,--'CtiOll (l.1. Seet i (lll (1_,-:;_ Seetit1ll ()-t_ S,--'ctillll 6__"_ ScctiUll ().()_ Scctilll1 h.c. Secliull 6_S. SCcti\l!l h(). Sccti\ll1 7.1. Sectioll 7.2. Seelilln 7.3. Sccti\lll 7.4, Section 7.5. See! i llll 7,(). Scclilll17.7. Sccliull 7.S. Seelion 7.1). Scctioll 7 I () Scctillll S_I_ S<:ctiun S,l. Scctiull S'::;, S<:ctiull S,-t. Section S.5. S<:ctillll S.6_ Section S_/_ Section S.S. Pledge ,llld i\ssigl1J1ll'nl 01" RnTllLlCS and Rights l nder Loan ;\gr,--'elllcnl: l30nd Fund. ................._..__.. ____ __............................. 21 Application tlf Bond Fund. .....................__.......___..._.................. ........ --............ 22 LSl<lblishment tlf Rcsel"\'e Fund. ___.__..___....................................___....................22 Applieatiul111f Reser\'(: I. ulld..................................______........ ..................__... 22 111\'l'stlllent of\lo11evs III Funds and Accoullts. ...... ................ __...................24 ARTICLE \'1 PAR-I'I('LL,\R COVI.::\r-\!\'TS PUllclual Payment. ...........................___._______............... ,.."..,.........__...... _____ _..2-t I;xknsion ll1' Paymellt or I~OJl(Is. ...........................__...._.____.._.._................. ..... 25 f\gdillsl r:nCLl11l0ral1Ces. ..............__....__. _______...._..................... ........ ........__.. ____2_" I\mcr to I"sue Bonds and 1\1ake Pledge alld AssigllmcllL.............,.................25 i\cClllmtin!:! ReClmts alld Financial StateIl1ents. .................................. ____2-" -1 ax Certiliea!l'. ......................,...,.............,........,..............__.___.____...,..,..,........... 2() /\mcndIl1<:1l1 of LO,lll A gr,--'<:nKll 1 and Tax Certi ficat.:: Other ('O\\:llilllh_.. _____ .lh \Val\Cl' or La\\ s. .................................................__.. ___________...............,.............. 27 hJrI h '--'1'-\ s;-;uralll.:es. ........... ........ .... ..... .... ..... , ... ,...,............_,.. __.. .. _.. , __ _ __...27 ARTICLE VII EVH\TS OF DEFi\UU i\ND RL\1LDILS 01' ]]OI.D[J{S h-ents of Default,..... ......... ........, .........................., ................ ...... _.._ 2S /\ecdcra!i(ln of \1aturities. ...................................,........,......,....,.... .. ,...,........, 2S ,\ppliciltiun of RC\l'nucs and Other hlllds i\IiLT Ikl;IU1L _..____.......__..,..__.......29 B(\nd TrustcT tn Rcpresent Holdcrs................................................................. 31 I Illlllers - DircdHlll () r Prnceedings. .... ..... ......... .... ....., ..., ... .... ,..., .... ..., ..., ... ,..... -' I Lilllit;l1ioll UIl Holders' Right 10 SUI:. ................__........_.....__....._ ____ __.........__~] I-nepllditi\lll,d Right (lfH\llders to ReCl'i\'e Pilyll1enh................... ......_..__..__..~::! Termin,ltiull \If Proceedings. ....., ........, ........, ........, ........,....... ......... .......,... ......:12 J{ ('111 C{ t] e~ N (l t F x C III S 1 \ C. _. ~... .... ~. _.. .. _. ~. _ _. ~. _ _ ~. _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _. _ .. _. .. _.. .. _. .... .... , . _.. ..... 31 i\o \\:~li\'cr ofL)e[ndt. ...'...n.................... ............................. ........ ................, J~ ARTICLE VIII TIlE 130~D TRlISTEr [)ut ies. Imlllunities and Liilbilitics of BOlld Trustee. .,........... ..... ..................... _-:;_~ \Ierger or Consolidatiu!1. ,...,............................................................................ _~4 Liilbilily of Bond Trustee. .....................__...________ ______..______....___........__:14 Ri!:!ht llfB()lld Tru;-;tcc to I{<:ly (Ill [)ncUllll:llt;-;. .._______......._..........._................. _~() Prcsl'r\<ltion and Inspectillll of Docul11ents. ....................... .................... ~() ('Plllpellsati\ln ,lIld Jl1dcml1itl~~ati\lll..., .... ...., ..., .... ...., ..., ,.., .." .._. ,.. ,.... ,.., ..., ....,.. _~6 Lmpl(lyment (11' Experts..... .... ........ ......... ................. _..________ ___ _______ -:; 7 '\ill Liahilih hlr .Acls pI' \lastlT -I rusltT. .......................................................... -' 7 -11- Sccti(lll 9.1. Sectioll 9.1. Sectillll 9,3. Section l).4. ScctioIl 10 I , Scdioll 10.2_ Sccti(1ll 1 (J.3. Sectj()Il 1 (lA. Sectiollll.l. S ectioll 1 1 .2, Section 1 I .3, Section 11_..f_ Scdioll 11,5. SectioIl I 1.6. Scdiclll 11.7. Section II.S. SectlOll 1 I .1J. Sediun I I _10_ Sccliun 11.11. Sccliclll 11.12. ScctiUll 1 I. I _~. Seclion I I 14 Su..-tion II_I:'. I'_XI-IIHI-I i\ ARTICLE IX \H)l)IFl('.A,IIO\J OR Ai\-lE\JDt\-lLN! 01: TI n.: nO'\D [i\I)U\TURF i\nwndlllellts Pcnllittcd ...................................._............. ........ ..............-..---- 37 l'ITed pf Supplemental Bond Indenlure. ......................... ......................__........ _19 Fmhw.;emcnl oj" BUIlds: PrcpClratj(ln of'\c\\- HOlld;.;"...... ........ ...................__..-'H) i\ rnCndlllCllt of Particular Bonds_ _ _.. __........................................... __........ _........40 ARTICLE X I)ITFAS.,\'\C'E DIscharge of Bond Indcnlurc_ .__.....................................____..... _____.............40 I: I reel 0 f Defeasancc. ....,........,........,... __....... __ _.. _ __ _ __ _.. _ _.,. _.....,........... ....,.........41 [)epusil () f \1 (lIWY or Sccurit i cs \\ith Bond Trustee. ............... __.. __... __ __ _ _ __ _. __..4 I Payment of Bonds ,\tler Discharge or Bond Indelllurc. ..................................-1-2 ARTICLE Xl \IISCU_L\\I::OUS L i ah i I i tv 0 f hSUlT l_i In i ted to I{ l'\CIlUCS_ .. __ _.. __................................................43 Successor Is Deemed Included 111 i\1l Rekn:nees tll Predceessor.___.._______.____.4:1 Lilllitatillll of R ighh to Parties. the BnITO\\'er and IInlders... ....... ............ ....... 43 \\'ai\er uf'\Jn(iee. __....__.........__.____......__..__...__..__.____________ _______.._ ______......___......4_1 DestructlOl1 III Bonds..... ......... .........,... ......... ........,..."...,................... ...........__.. 44 Sc\crahi Ii Iy (l I I llval i d Pnl\i si (lllS. __. __ __ __.._ __ ..__ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _...... _ _.. __..................... 44 Notice and Othcr InformatIOn he (;i\'Cll to i\CA. ........................................__..44 h'idCllce of Rights pf Ilolders. .......................................... .............. .............. 45 Dlsquali flcd 11onds. ___. ___ ____. ____..__.____ ___..____.....___."_______________..__..__,,..,,_.......... 4') \Jolley Held fur Particular Bomb. ..................................... .............................46 1-- u n tis an tI i\ e l't) llll t s. ...................,............,....,...,...........,........,.......... ........,...,. 4 () \V;l i \'CI" llr Personal L iabi lit v. ...................,....................................................... 46 Execution in SC\l'ral Coun ILTp~jrls. __.. __.. __.......... __..__.... __ __................................ ..f(} Cio\'Crnillg Lm.... __.......................................... .... ........ .... ..... .... ........... ..... .........46 Business Days.,...,...,....,...,.... ................. ......... ....."... ______.._________,,______. -1- 7 Form llf Bond -111- BOI\I) TRFST I~DENTURE TI [IS BO!\DIIUSI I~!)FNTURE (the "Indcnlun:"), dated ,1S nr April I. 100:=;, is hcl\n.'L'1l \J()\ROF COll\'T'y' I\Dl'STRI,.\L DI~\'ELOP!'v1E'\lT ALTHORITY. a publ1c bndy l\ll'j111rall..' ,111d politic or the Sidle ur florida. dlld \Vi\C110VIA BANK. N:\T1CY\,\1 ,\ SSOC L\ T I O]\;. a natj(1nal ha nki ng d sS{H.:i al inn (the "Trustee'"). du! y i I1corpor,lt ed and eeo sli ng under the laws pI" the l,'l1lted States of America. with ilS (ksignated corporate trust uf1lce in \1 i,lIn i. F I tll'i da. PRELll\IINARY STATEl\IE~T \VII EREi\S. b~' \-irtue tlf the authority of the Constitulion and laws of the State or Florida (thc "Statc"). and parlicul,lrl" Chdptcr IS(), Pal'lS II and Ill. Fltlrida Statutes. as amended, ,llld other applicable pn1\lsiuns tlf !a\\ (eolk-cti vely. tht: "/\t:l"). tht: bsuer is empowered tn issul..' its hpnds. tl) 11l1,mcc t hc Cllst ur the aequisitiull. L"(lllstruclit)ll alld equipping nr;l "proJcctU undcr the ;\cl: and \VHERL\S. purSU,lllt lu Section! 59.43. Florida SI;llutcs. as amended. the /\ct mandates that Ihe prO\lslOll,S ()flhe /\et shall he !ihl..'raJl;. conslrued to efket thc purpuses thereof: and \\'HERb\S. :'-Jllrth Key Llrgll l!til1ty Cllrp. (lhl.' "Horro\\-cr"') is a eorpurali(ln org,mi/cd ,lIld existing under the laws or the State uf rlorida and is engaged in the operation of a \\as1<..'\\,ltcr utili!\' svslt.'lll under Ihe I:1\\S ufthc StalL or FI(lrida: and \\' I-II, R L;\ S. the BUITO\\-I.'I' h~IS req uestcd t he I ssuer to issue i Is Bunds under t he Act Jlll" the purpuse of exchanging said Bonds wi tll the holders 0 r all or a port ion 0 r the outstandi ng I nd ustri al De\'c1 (lp111Cll t Re\en LIe [S(lnds (N Or! h Key Larg(l L t i! i t y ("n'l)' Proj eet). Series ] l)9 ~ (the -"!9t) 'i Bonds"). i ssu(.'d h y I he IssueI' lltl 1\1 arch 9. 1995. i 11 urder to achi(.'\c a sa\i ngs ill debt scnice and to rcstrueture 11w cu\-<:nanls relating to the! i)l)5 Bllllds. all as fmth<:r d<:scrihed in the Luan i\gr<:ell1l'nt hereinaftcr referenced: and \V H l: R Ei\S. the Issller IS ,lUtlwrt/.cd under the Aet to Issue !lunds Ill! the purposes ,d(lITSaid and the Issuer has hcrdo Il llT detLT1ll i ncd t h.lt t he pub! i c i nt(;rcsl and paramount puhlj e purposes would hest be SLT\cd and that th(.' purp(lses of the Ac! ofpmvidlllg !)}(ldem and el"lieienl \\dstc\\atcr till'i lit i cs j j] nl111h<:rn \kll1ro<: COUllty. FlOrida needed tlll' the \\cl f~lre ami bene lit 0 I" t h(.' ci t i/L'IlS t her<:of WtlU! d he 1110St ad v;\ntageous!y ohtai ncd hy I he Issuer' s issuance 0 I' bpnds in urdcr tu aCClllllP!ish thl' purppSl'S 0 I" the Horro\\er: ;lJld \VI IF:REl\S, it has been lktcnl1incd thai for th<: purptlSCS afurcsaid the Issuer will issue btlllds in a principal amount of S _ to be Krw\\-n ;}s the "!\lonrllc County Industrial J)e\ clOpmi..'nl\u t Illlri t \ Industri:l I De\'e!opmcnt RC\'Cll Lle Bonds (N ort h Key Largp l! I i Ii I Y Corp_ Pmjcd). Series ~()()~.- (the "Bllnds"): alld \\/IIEREi\S. the Issuer has I..'ntered illlO a loan agreement dated the dati..' hen:of with the H,llT(l\\cr prm i(hng for the p~lYll1ent of principal. premium. 11' any. and interest un the Bonds as the same become due and payable (the "Loan i\grecll1enC): and \V HI: R 1:.'\ S. s i III U I LlI1CPLlsI y \\i t h the issuance of the GOIlds, and as cullakra I securi t y Ii. II' I Ill' loan. the Borro\\'er. as an issuer of \tlasler Noles under and pursuant to the Master Trust Indenture da1l'd :1:' llf ..\pril I. ";IOU:' by and hct\\cen the 8orrO\\'er and \Vac!w\-ia Bank. N:ltillnal Associ at i PI!. as master trustee (the "M astcr I mknture"), \v ill eXl..'cute and deli vcr III the Issuer a ~1 aster :\ ot c S..Tics 2()():,: and \VHLRL\S. :111 thIngs necessary 10 make the Ounds. \\hcn authenticated by the Bond Trustee and ISS LIed as IUP \ided in th is IndenturL'. the \a I id, bind ing and legal obi i g,!( i UllS 0 j' the Issuer according (0 Ill..' imporl thereof: and to constiluk this Indenture a valid assignlllent ami pledge of the p~IY11lenb alld prepayments UPUll the \lilsler l\O1l'. Series 2005 ,md to prO\ide for the pay'ment (II' the pnlleipal or premium, if any, and interest on the [3011ds and a \"alid assIgnment llr the l'lght. title and mteresl of the Issuer under the Loan ,\greemcnt and anHlunh payahle to I he I ssuer under 1 he I_oan Agreclllenl (exlTpl L nassigned Rights. as hen:i n:J lieI' deli ned). ha\-e been do Ile ,ll1d pert(mned" and the creation. execution and de I i \Cry (\ f th is Indenture. and the creation. exccutioll and issuance or the Bonds. subject to the terms hcrcof. 11:1\T in all rc<;pects been duly dulh(lri/ed: \10\\'. 1I11.RI.I;OR I:. \VI J:\TSSFTH: That the I sSLler in cOllsi dent( ion 0 r the prelll i ses ,lJld of the purchase uf the Bunds and u r- otheI' gOlld and I,mild consideratiull. the receipt of \vhieh is herehy 3.ckl](l\\lcdged. and tll securc the pil)menl uflhe prinCIpal of: prellllum, irany, and inkrest on the Bonds and the pertiJrmance and ObSelYdnCT or all or the cO\enants and eonditillns herein or therein contained. h,IS executed and ddiHTl_xl this Indelltun: and (without recourse ur WaIT3.my) has eOll\cynL granlt.'d, assigned. transkrred. pledged. set u\-er dnd l.,'()llfinncd and granted a sceurity interest and a tlrst lien Il1 and by' Ihl'se presents dill'S hercby (wilhout recourse or warranty) cPl1vey. grant assign. lransfer. pledge. set uver and cOllllrm and grant a secllnt)' mterest and a first liell. unto the Bond Trustee. its successor or successors :lIld its or Iheir assigns li.llT\er. in trust with pll\\'cr of sale. all and singular. the property. real Llnd personal. hcrcinatkr described (said property' being herein s(lInel i mes referred to ,.IS I he "'Trust Estate") tn \\it: GRANTH\G CI.ALSES DIYISION I All right. titk and interest of the Issuer in and to the 1\1aslcr r\olc. Series 2005 and all sum s pay'ahle ill respn:l (l f 1 he i ndehtcdness c\'idcnced thlTehy: DIVISION II All right. title ,md interest or the Issuer in and tu the Luan Agreemcnl and Ihe amounts payub Ie t u the hsuer und er I he Loall i\greelllent (e'(c1ud ing l ! nassigned Right s): .l?II~. HlHtd "1"1 u::--l ImJ....'fl1LJI"L' _'1_ DIYISIO~ III :\ ny ,lIld all (Jther pwperty (l f e\lTY "inti and nature thllll t i I1l e t (l time hcrccdtcr. by dell \ cry (\1' by' \\' riting (l f allY' kind. eon\"eycd. pkdged. assigned pr trans felTed as ~llld !(lr add i Ii (llla I sl'curity Ill'reumkr by (he Issuer. the Borrower llr by' anyone on thl'i l' beha I fIll 1 he Bond Trustee. including with(1ut limitation fum!:,; or the B011"o\\'er held by (hc 11(111(1 Trustel' In a11\ ul'thc~ funds esUblishcd hereulllkr as sl'curity' fur the 1:311nds: EXCEPTED PROPERTY IhlTe is. hO\ve\er. expressly' excepted and excluded rrom thc licn and operation ll! this Imlcnlurc, amounts held by the Bond 'I rustec III any rebate fund cn:atultl1 hold rLlIlds tll be pilid ()n heb~d f () I' t he Issuer lo the U, S, Treasury pursuant to Secli on 14k of the Code: TO IL\\'L Af\D TO l!OLD_ all and singuJar.lhe properties and the rights ;lIld privileges hereby clll1\'eyed. assigned and pledged hy the IssLler or intended so to he. un!o the Bond Trustee ,11 HI its sueu:ssors and assigns fprever. in t rus1. ll\:vert hekss. with pmver of Sed e !()r the eq u,d and pI'll w1<l lwndlt and seeurily or each and C\cry ()\\'l1er of the Bonds issued illld tu he issued hereundcr. \\ithollt preference. priority' (11' distindi(lll as to participation in the bendll ;lnd pwt eeti(l[1 he1eo r () I' (llle KOI1(\ (1\cr or frOlT1 the others. by reason () f priuri t y ill the issue or l1e~oti<lti(1n [II' I11dturity therepf: or fix any 01 her reaSPll \vhatsoeveL except as herein pthelwise L'\prcssh prO\ided. so that each and all of such Bonds shall have the samc right. lien and privilege ullder (his Indenture and shall be el]u311y secured hereby with the S~lJne c!kct as i I' the same hdd all been 111 ade. issued and nl'gl1ti at ed si 111 ullancousl y wi th t hc del i \ery herL'of and \\cre l'X pressed It 1 mature on one and the S;lme date: PRO\,'IDED. f\iEVERTHLLLSS. and these prescllts arc upon lhe express UlIHl1tlOlL that I f the IsSUlT or its successors or assigns shaJJ wd 1 dIlll tru] y' pay pr cause to he pai d the princi pa I or sue h BUilds wit h i 11 (en.'s( aeeordi ng (n (he provi sinns sc1 1(.11'1 hill the 110nds nr shall pro VIde !()r the pa~ment PI' redemption of such Bonds by depositing or causing to he depusited \\ith the nl)IIO Trus1ce the entire i1mount of funds or securities required l()f payment or redenlptlO[1 thereof \Vhell alld as autllPri/ed hy the prO\isi(lllS hereot: and sh;lIl dlso pay ur cause to be paid (lll other Sllms pay'abk hereunder by the Issller. then these presents and the est,lte and nghts hereby grantlx! shall eease tenninate and become \oid. and thereupoll thc BOlld Trustee. 011 pavlllent 0 I' its lil\\ful charges and disbursements th<:n unpaid. on (kmand (lj" (hl.' Issuer and UP(111 (he payment u!' the cost :llld l'\ pell ses t here(1[ sha II duly' execute. acknowledge and dell \'121' to the Is~ucr such instruments of silti:;f~lction or n.:lease as may be l1eCl.'ssary ()[" pmper t(1 discharge this Indenture. i ncl ud in!:;. if appmpnate all)' relj ui red discharge of recurd. and i r necessary shall granL reassi!:;.n and deli vcr to the IsslIer. i (s successors or assigns. illl and si ngul ar t he property'. I'i ghts. pri vi leges :l11d in1cres(s by it herehy granted. cOl1\eyed. assigned and delt\'ered. and all Suhstltutes thercflw. (1[" any part thcreo r. !lot previousl y disposed 0 r (11' released ilS herein prO\ ided: \1theIwise this Indl.'l1tLl1T shall b.; :md remai[1 in full furee. X\[) IT is III'RI'HY COVI':NANTI;I). DlCL\RU) /\:\1) AliRlIJ) by and bctwel'n lite parties hercl\1 that all Bonds are tll be isslled. authenticated and dell\ered. am] that all the Trust Lstate is 1(1 be hel d ilnd appl i l'd. subjed t(1 th..: fiut her cO\":nanl:;. cOl1d it illns. rdeaCies. uses ;Illd trusts hereinatler set !iJrth. and the IsSllCr. fur itself ami its successors. does hereby cO\enant .l~iJ~ Lk'flll ["I u~l Iml..:llhll~' ~ -~; - ,llld agree to and wi I h the Bond Trustee :ll1d i I s respcctl \l: successors in sa id I rust. ror I hl' IK'l1e!1 1 (l r t hose who shall own the l-3ol1ds, or allY' () f theIll as fo]] O\\-s: ARTICLE I DEFI:'\IITIOJ\S SeetlOn].I, [) e j -lllit !.Q!!;i . tlnkss the context otherwise requires. (he 1t:rms ddilled 111 this Sectip!1 sllilll. j(lr ;Ji] purpuses pf t h \ s 1-30nd I nden(ure and pf an v indenture supplclllenla I herelo ;111<1 oj' ,11r\' ccr1 iti l',1 Ie. opi ni (l]\ (lr ot her document l1l'rein mcnt ipncd. ha \C thc meanings herein ,-,pecifl cd. tll he eq U;I]] Y ,1Pplicablc (0 both the sil1gular and plural fi.1rIllS pf any' of the 1erms hel'l.'in delined [-nkss othel"\\lSe defined in this Bond Indenlure. a]] terms Llsed herein "ha]] ha\e the meaning:) :hsiglwd to such terllls in the Act pr in the I.l)an Agreement. as the case mil:' he ".\ CCOll flt anf" 11leans any i ndepcndent certitlcd public alTO llllldnl pr Ii rill 0 I' such :lceounUltlls selccted by the Borrower. "'-\cl'rcdited I IIyestor" means an i11\estor who q wll ill l'S as :111 "accn..'d I led I n\ ec.;/or" under :m yoI' t he Ii) llowi ng cat egori es at t hc I irne 0 r the sale 0 1'1 he Bonds III that person or cIlt it\: {i) a h,lnk. as ddlned in Sectillll :1(<1)(2) of the Securities Act of 1\):13. ;IS ;llllClldul (lhe "Securities Ad"). (lr :my sayings and loan associalion nr (ltbcr inslltutiun as ddllled in SCl:tipll _)(a) (5){.\} or the Securitics ,\(1. \\hclhcr actillg in its indi\idual or IlduClary capacity: (11) ,I hwker or de,1Ier registcred pursuant to Sedilll1 15 of the Securit il'S I '\ch,l11ge i\ct ur 1934. as all1emkd. (the "L\.change Act"}: (ili) an insurancc clllllpany'. ,IS detll1ed in St.:clilll1 2( ]:~) of thl' Securi tics i\ct: (i v) an investment COlllllally' regi slCrcd under the Imcsllllcnt ("mUllelll \' .-\Cl (l r !9--!(): (\) un organi /ilt i Oil deseri bl.'d ill Sect i 011 50 I (e){:1) 0 r t he I nlcrn:11 I{ e\en Lie ('ode () r Il)~()_ as amenduL ellrpll ml ion. M assaehusetts or si 111 i!ar business trust. or parlnershl p nol klJ"Illed for thc specific purpose nl aCl]uiring the Bonds. \yith lolal asset:-.; in OCl'SS 01' S:'i.OOO.(){}O: (i\) a nalura] persoll whose i ndi y id ual net \\'orth. or joi nl I1ct \\"\ )I"th with that persull's sppuse at tIll' lime of purehclse. e'\ceeds S] .OOO.()OO: (vii) a natural pcrson \\ho had all indi\idual il1cPllll' in exccss U f S200.()()() 111 each 0 r 1 he t \\0 most reel'nt years Ilr.i Ili nl i I1COllle \\ i tl1 th<1t persnn's spOllse ill l'xecss 0 r s _, ()( J. O()O In each \)f those years and \\'ho has a redsollah k C\ pcelat I 1lI1 0 I' rGlcllll1g thc same inc(1l11e leyel in the currcllt ycar: and (viii) a lrust with tOldl assds in excess of S5.()OO.OOO. not tlml\d for the .specilie purpose of at.:l]uirillg the Bonds. \\'l1ose purcl1a.sl: is directed by a :-;uphi:-;tiGltcd persun a:-; descriht.:d in 17 C.F.R. Scdinn 2]O,5()()(b}(2}(1l) promulgated under thl' Securiti.:s l\d. ",.\c(' I1lGIIlS Chapters I :"0. Parts II and []L nfthc Fll)rida StalulL's. as :lIllended. a:-; IH1\\ III efleel and as it lll<lY' j)'11111 limc to time hereafter he amcnded l1r sLlpplcmel11l'(L .. Additional Pa~'lllents" means thc pa ymellts so desi gllat cd :llld rcq U i red III he 11l;lde by the 8lllTU\\er PUI"SU:lllt tll Seclillll _";,,) (l I' the IOilll Agreement, .~~I i~ H~lllll f"[1I:-1 Ilt....h.'IHllll' ---t- ., Administrative Fees and t: xpenses" means any appl i c,ll ion. CUlllm itm ent. financing ur si 111 iJ ar fcc ch argcd. (lr rei mb ursc111 enl fur ~ldlll inisl ral i\T or uther cx pcnses i l1ellrred. hy I he Issuer \)r the Bund Truskc. Illcluding Ad,hliona! Paymcnts. "Applicahle Rate" mcans the inlerest ratc detlllcd in S\.'c(wn :2:2 hernd, "Authorized Heprcscntativc" means, \vith respect In the 130JH)\\cr. the President. or ,111~ plher perSOll or persons designa tcd as an /\ ut hori led R cpresclltat 1 \'e 0 f lhl' Horn mer hy a Ccrt ill ca1 c uj" I he HUlTo\\er signed Iw the P resident. and Ii led wil h t h c Buntl Trustee. "Bond Fund" mcans the rund by thai nall]C cslah Ii shed pursuant to Section :'1 ,() 1 , .. Bond Indenture'" mcans IhI s 1:31111111 rust I ndcn I urc. as ori gi nall v e\ecutcd ;lIlt! ,l;-; 11 may li-(lTll (i ilK I () t i 111e he supplcmen t cd. ll111d i fl cd (11' amended by an y S uppkn1C11 t ~d Bond Indenl ure. .. Bond Tnlstee" means \VaehO\i (j 15an k, N atlOnal Associ ,II i (lll. ,I natIonal bank i J1g assoei,lti(ln. acting in ih e;lpacity' as B(lnd Truskl,,' hl,,'Jcumkr. having its desigrJ:ltcd Cmpnratc Trust OffIce In \liami. r1ol'lda. or its successor ,IS trustec hercunder ,IS pru\idcd in Section SO I .. Bonds" means the rvhmroe County I ndustn al Dcvelopmcnt A ul Iwri ty Re\'en uc Bonds (N urth Kcy Largu Ui lily Corp. Pruject). Serics 200". :llllhori /cd h y. and <11 any lime Outst and i ll,!! pursuant tn, this Bond Indenture, "Ilusincss Day" means a day which is not (a) a Satunlav. Sunday or kg,d holidav tll' allY other day un \\hieh hanking institutiolls ill Ih..., Stuh: (n the Statl' Ill' '\;c\\ )'prk (lr any eity ill \\hid1 the designated corporate trust ofticc uf thc !\.'lastcl' Trustec or thc Bond Truslee is l(lcated arc aulhuri/,ed hy h!\\' lu close or (b) a day on which thc Ne\\' \Oork St(lck E\chang..:: IS cl(lsed, "Ccl.tific~ltC'" "Statement." "Requisition -- and "Order-- ur t hc !ssu..::r or the Borro\\'er Illl'an. re...;pccti\cly', a \\Titten certificate. statement. request. requisition or on!..::r signed in the name or the Issuer by tIll..' Chairl1l,lI1 or other <luthoril.cd officio'!'. or such \)thel' perslln as ma)' he (ksignatcd and authori I,ed hI si gIl I'(!r the Issuer ()r III the name (l 1'111<.0' BPlT(l\\cr by' an Aut hon /l'd Representative or the I~ornl\\'(:r. Any sueh instrumcnt and supporting oplllions or represen tal ions. iran y. may. hut nced !lOt. be cOlllhl11ed III a smg1c Instrument \\1 th any other inslrument. opinion or representation. and the two or morl' so combined shall be I'c,ld and construl,,'d as a single lnstrUnlent. "Codc" tlll,,'ans thc Internal Re\l'nue Code of I ()B6. as ,nnended li-om time to lill1\.', 1 'deh retCrence to a section of the Code herein shall he deemed to include Ihl' U nill'd States Trcasury Regulations. i nel udi ng tem punlry and proposL'l.l rq;ulat iDns. !'cJati ng tll such sectlOns \\l11ch arc applicable 10 Ihl, Bonds or the lIse ufthe proceeds thereof. "' Ikfcasa net' Srcu rities" means the first thn.:'e catcgmi es 0 r i 11\'est Tlll'llls provided fl.)!' hcrei 11 umkr I he ddi 11 i tion nf "lll\estlllenl Seeu ri lies". .. Ekctronic :'-I oticc" means (a} not ice lr,l11S111 it led 1 h rough ekctroni l' mall C.e-mail H) m a ti me-shari ng llTIll i nal or hcsinll k lll,lehille. i I' operal i \c as bet \\o.:CI1 t hI,,' party sl,,'ndi Ilg the 1101 ice -l2()~ [~lllld "j rU:-l Ilh..h.'H(Uh: -5- and the parly thaI is to recei\e the notice. and (b) if nut C-:P oj1eLlti\l; het\\CCll any t\\U p~lrlicc-:. notilT gi\ell in \\TitiIlg Dr by tcJcpholH: (promptl~ conflrllled in \\Titing), .. E seheat Pcriod-- I11C,1I1S the perind 0 j' t line comlllelKi llg on thc dat e tl:\ l'd Ill!' the payment or redcmpt ion 0 I' the pri Hciral pf ur In teresl on an y Hpllds and endi Ilg UIl t he d~llc whi eh is six months priur tn thl' period of lime set ltwth under the gU\l'rr1lng stat\.' statute regarding esehcatmcnt of funds. '.Event of Default"" llleans any of till' e\cnts spcei lied in Section 7 1 hcreoL "E\changl'" llIeans the refunding of the I t)()5 BPlllb bv the cxchange of :--.ueh I lJl)."i Bonds for the [3t)llds. "Con-rning Bod~" means. when used \\'ith respect to the 1301"l\)\\'e1". its board pf directors. its IX)llrd of trusteec-:. pr ,J similar group in \\hich the right to l'\lTl.isc thc j1O\\crs of Ctlrpl)l'ate d ircctms or trustees is \ested. or an exccuti H~ CUIl1Ill i ttee (d' such ho;ml. tlr any dul y J.utlwrl/ed C(1l1lll1itlce of such board tn \\hlCh the rele\anl j1tl\\efS oj' sueh board ha\e been I;mlully delegated. "llolder" means. whenever llsed hl'rein with resJK'ct to () [Stlnd. thc Person in \\lhlsC !lame sueh Bond is registered. --Interest Payment Date" llle:JIlS :-"lareh 1 :llld Sepklllher I of each \'car. Cl)I1111ll'nClIlg September I. ] O()."i , "I n \'l'st ment Sccu ritics" means the tllllO\\ Illg. t II the ex kIlt perm itted bv ta\\'. ltH ~d I purposes. i nc I udi ng Defeasance Securities ill re fUlld i Ilg escrO\\ aeCtluIl1s: 1. Cash deposits (insured at all times by the relkral Deposit Insurance Corporatioll or tlthel"\\'lsC l:llIlatcral i/.cd \\ it h ohI i gat ions described in the n<:'I: 1 par;lgr;lph). 7 Direct obligatinl1S of (induding obligations issul'd or held in honk l'Iltr;.-' tl)]'111 on the hooks of the Department uf Trl'asur}') the United States oj' Amcric:L In lhe e\'l'nt these :--.ceurilies arc used tt)[' dcfl'Clsance. lhey shall be non-cllldbk and IHln-prepayahtc. 3_ ()hligalion~ of thL~ hJllo\\"lng federal agLrlclCS ~o ~ong as slIch ublig.ation~ arL' backed by the full i:lith aIld Cl"l'dil of the United Stales of Anll'r1Cd (111 the nCIlt lhese securilies are used ttll' detCasance. they shall bc nOIl-caI] d h k ill1d nun-prq1ayahtc): :1. L; ,S. L\.p(lrt-lmpl1rt Ballk (FX1l11bClnk) h. Rural ECtlnomie Community Ik\t:lopment Administration c Fcderdl FinanCIng B:lIlk d. L .S. \Llritimc ,\dlllilllSlration l'. L.S. Department or Housing and l rban Dl'\cluPlIll'll! (PI L\s) .L~ 11 ~ n()nd I rU:--.l I n~k'll1u I"l' -6- f. Gt..'neral Sen Ices ,\dlllini:-;traliun g. Sma I] Husi IlCSS Admllli stration h, C;o\'ernll1enl 1\ ill i una] \-!ortgagc /\ssllciat](ll1 ((ii\l'vL\) 1. Fedcral H(lUsing i\dlllinistration J, hmn ('red it S ystelTl r 1l1anci al !\ssi S((lnce Corp(lration T () the extent permi lkd hy ];1\\. thc fo 1[\l\\'lng ob I i gal illllS lllay' he used as pcrm i tted ill \est Illenh li.lr all purpusI-'s \ ,t her tl1all dck~lS,lll\..'e i ll\l,;stmcllh in rcfulldi ng escm\\' :leeuunls: 1. Di red (,h 11gatil.1ns u r ~1I1y or 1 hl: Ii II lm\ i llg federal agenci l'S \\hich ubI i gal ions arc llot fully guaran1cL'd by the full t~lith ell1d credit oflh..: t:nited States of /\ll1erica: a, Senior debt ohligati(llb riltcd in lhe highest long-knn ratillg category by at Iedst t\\O nilti ull,lll y ren) glll/ed rating agenCl e" ls"ucd bv Fanll ie \1 ae (I'''l \L\) pr Freddie \bc (FH L\lC). h, SelllOr debl ()bl igat ions (1 f t h 1-' I. ukral I I Pille Loan Bank S ys1cm, ! l.rs. dlllLlr dL'IlPlTlilliltcd dej1(lSit ~lCClHlllh. k'deral runds and hankers" acceptances \\'llh d(\lllt..'sti e l:unllllLrci a I hank:-; \\lllCh t..'l t her (a) ha \'c :1 rail ng on thei r "hl'rt- tenn Cl..Tt i tiealcs l' f deposi t l)1l tll\..' dak' ()1 pun..-hase in t hc hi ghesl sllort -term r,lti ng L~,l tcgory uf at lea"t 1\\'0 n,niOlwl1y' recugn iled rat ing ,1gCllc i L'S. (b) (lie i llsured ~lt all I j III L'S by' 1 h L' h:dera 1 ])eposi t Insurance Corpor~ltl(HL (lr (el Clrl: cnllaleral1lcd \\'ith direct obligatj(ll1S pf the United States pI' ,'\merlea at (\ilL' hundred 1\\0 pcrU:::lIt (I U2')-;I) \'aILled daily. All sLlch certificates must mature no nwn: Ilwll Ihrl'e hundred si x (y O(,!)) days ,!tier 1 he dale () r purchase. (Ratings on hnldlll[! cnlll]1illliL's arc not considered a--: the rating uflbe bank). _~. (\Hnnl(TCial paper \~.hich is rated at the tinlC ofpurchasl' in the highc~t short-t~rlll rating category" () r al leasl I\\'o (1) 11,11 iona II y rccogni /cd ratlllg agellci es and \\hiell III at ures not Il1PIL' than 1\\() hundrL'd se\ ent)' (]70) day':. aner the date (If PUITh,lse. c1- Ill\'estlllents In (:1) llhlllC)' 1l1arkl'l funds subject tu SEe Rule 2a-7 and rated 111 the highest short -lerm raling category' of ill least t\V() llati ()lla II)' reCllgni/ed rat ill g agencIes ilnd (b) publ i c sector i nn:st ment pllO I:-; operated pursuant 10 S EC R uk :?a- 7 in whi ch thl: Issuer. s deposit shall l1\1t exceed "i"';) pr the aggregate pool balance at any tinK ilnd sLlch 1)(l()1 is rated in nile nr the t\\O highe:.;t short-krm rating eakgoriL's nr elt least t\\'o Ila(innally reco gni/ed rat i ng ,lgcneics. :\ Pre-refullded mUll icipa lobI ig.:lt ion" ddllled dS t()llo\\'s: i\n)-' honds or other 0 hl1gatiollS of an)-' state of the linitL'Ll SUltes of America or of ,my agency. instnll1ll:nlalily or local gO\Trnment <II ulli tor allY such s( ate \\'hich arc not ca lIar. Ie at the option (l I' the borro\\'er prior to maturity UI' as tll \\h1l'h llTC\,(lC,lblc Instructions h:l\'C been gi\ell by till: horrower 10 e~dl 011 the dat<..' sp~'l'ifled in tile nolice: and. . ~~) ll") - HI li1d i ILL...;t I n~L..'nl u I"l- -7- :L \\lIieh <lIl' fClted, hasL'd Pll all irrl'\ueilbk escro\\- aCC(,llmt ur fUlld (tllc "CSCI\1\\"). ill I h l' h igllL'sl I Pl1g-tcrIn rali ng catcgllry of ,It kast t\\U (1) n al iuna 11 y reco gn i/cd ratillg agcllcies: ur h. (i) \\"hieh arc Cully secured as tll principal and inter...:st ilnd f<.'demption premium. if any. by :lll CSCW\\ clll1sisling only pI" casll or direct obligatj()lls llf thc Lnitcd StalLs of .'\Illcril~a. \\'hich CSCl'\1\\- mil~ be applied only' 10 thc paYll1ent llf such pri Ilcipal oj' :ll1d interest and rcdelnptiull prcrni UIlI. if any. un sllch Imnds or other obi i g:lt i PIlS on the mat unty da te or dates thercof l) r t hc slxcifi cd redelllP( iOIl d,l! c or d,lles pursuant \(\ such irrC\t)l.ab k Instruct iOllS. as appropriate. a lid (i i) whi c h escww is surticienL as \crilied by' a naliunally reCllgni/cd lIldcpemknt certified public aCCoullt UIlI. III pay princip<ll (If <lnd 1 nterest alld redcmpl i llll prcm i UIll. i r any. lln the bonds or othcr (lbligaliofls described in Ihis pardgraph OIl lhe maturity dale or dates speci ficd in the irre\'OGlh lc instruct iOlls referred 10 ,IbmI.'. as ,lppropn<ltc. (1, Ciellcral obligdt1\ln:-; of SldtCS with ;1 shprt-term rating in nnc of thc two (2) hlglwst rating l:ategtlries and a lung-tenll rating ill OIlC ( !) of' the t\\O (2) highest rating categories or at kasl !\\l) (2) naliol1:dly n.'cogni/cd raring agellcics. In the e\Tllt such obligdtiolls :lrc variable r;lte uhligatiuns, thc inlcrcst rate llll such obligatinns l1luo:t be rCO:l't Iwt kss rl\:quelltly than :lIlIlU,llIy. The \:Illlc pI the aomc ill\Cstmenls. (jtlln than cash. shall he dcterllli ned ClS tll! 1\1\\s: "Value." \\11lcll ,h:ll1 be determincd as orlhe end of each fiscal year. mcalls that thc \alue OrallY ill\eslmenls shall be caku!atcd as fO!!(l\\s: I. As 10 imestlllcnts the bid dnd asked priccs of whIch arc publishcd Pll a regular basis in The \\"ll! Strcct Jourl10-'- (nr. if not there, thell III The i\C\\- '{ork TiI!:l_t;o"): the a\-cragc of the 1m! dllll asked prices for such ill\-estlllcn1s su publishcd on or nll)sl recently priur to such time pf dctcrlllinalillll: ') :\s \(1 il1\-estmcllls the bid and asked prices oj' which arc llLlt published on a regular basis in Thc \V,IlI_~II:l,-Tt Journal or -{he !\c\\ York Times: thc average hid price at slIch price at such t i lllC llf dctcrmi natioll It)r such i Il\t:stlllenls by any t\\'o llal illllall y reeo gn ih:d gl\\'Cl'Illllcnt slTuritics dcakrs (sclcctcd by the Bond Trustee III its absulute discrctioll) at thc lime makillg a m<lfkl't ill such investmcnts or thc bid price puhlishcd by a nation,!!ly recugni/(x! pricing service: ~ , As III clTl i Ii ca tcs 11 r dcpos i t and ball kers aceqlt <1nccs. thl' LICC all1ll1111t theret d. pI LIS accrued i ntcrc~ t: amI 4. As tll any imcstlllcllt nol sjlL'cificd aho\c. the \,lluc thercllf cstablished by prIor agru.'lllcnt among thc hSLlcr and the Bond Truslcc. --IssuuU lllC,IIlS lhc \loll1"llc Cl1Ullly Industrial DC\Tlopmcllt i\Ulhoril\. :1 puhlie bodv cor[1Plilte illld politic organi/cd under the I,I\\S orthe Slatc (If FlOrida. 4~~1.<"'-Hl~l.d I rllsl llhk'nllJl\.' -s- "Loan .\grccmcnf" means thalecrtain Loan Agreelll..:nt datul as or April 1. :::!()()S. by and IlL'!\\L'..:n lhe bSlll'l" and the Borro\\'er rehting to the B01Hk as origInally cxeeuted <lnd as it Ill:l)' rrolll tink' tll tlIllC be supplemcnted. mml1tled ()j" amended in accordancc \\itll the terms thCl"Cll( dnd llfthis Bond Illdcnturl'. .- Loa n Dd"a ult E n:n f' ml',-l1h imy (l f thc e\enls speei Ii ed in Sect ion 7,1 () r the !.(\al1 .\grcell1 c111. '-l.oan Rcpa~-mcnls" means the payments rl'quired In lw made by' the BllITll\\l'r pursuant It) Sn:llOI1 S.1 oCthe [,oan ,\gn,Tll1l'lll. .. i\ I :lIld:lIOI'~ .\ morti:l:llion Installmcn ts'- mcans. \\i th respect tl 1 Term H(llHls 0 I" any l1l;llurity. the ,llllpunt required hy this Bond Indenture to he pend hy the IssuCl" on allY sIngle d;lte f(lr the ret irl'lllent (d' Bnnds of sllch maturity pursuant to Section 4.1(' hereof. "\laslcl' Trust Indcnlurc" lTlCHlS that certain \-laster Trust [ndcnture dated as (\C April 1. ]005. hy and bet\\'Cen the [3\llT\l\\,er and the t\-l;lskr Trustee. as (lri.~inally cx:e":lltcd ,JIld ;IS illllL:1Hkd Ii-om tinle tp tilllL:. .. i\ last tT Truslec" lllC<ll1S \V m: hU\ia Hank. N ati onal i\ ssociat iun. a 11<11 iOllal b,lI1k i ng asspcial in 11. PI' i h S\lcceSS(1r. ,lS trustec under the M aster Trust Indenture. .. ~ om inee" III e;lI1..; the Illlllli I1l'e 0 r t hc Sccuri ti es Lkp(lS itory (current ly Cede & Co.). \\ h ic h 111 a y be the Securi tics Dcpnsi h lfY. nr allY n(\m ince substituted by tlw Sccurit i l~S Depnsltut\ pursuant to Sectioll 2. l) hereo r. "Opinion of Bond Counsel" mean" a writtcn opinion or an attorney' pr flrtn pf attorneys ex pcricllced in t he Ii cI d (l r mUll ici pal bonds "hpse (\pi niOllS arc genera 11 y accL:pted h:, purchasers lll" IlllJll1Ctp,ll bllllds. "Opinion of Counser- lllCillh il writteJl l)pilmlll or U)UTlsc] (\\hu Illa)-. he CllllllScI fllr the Issuer or the B(lrrO\\er) selected by the Hornl\\er. lhc Issuer PI' lhe Bond Truslce. "Outstanding:- when used as td- any p,lrticular time with rdi.:rence tll BUlllls. l1le,lIh (subject tll tIll' prmisions 01" Sect ion J 0.1) ;111 Bonds therctuforc. (\] thereupon heing. authcllti GltU! ;lIld dc] i yer..:d hy tlw Bond Trustee under th is BOlld Il1d ent url' e.'\lTpt: I. BOIHls tllcrdolll!"\.' Glllcl.'ll'd hy the BOlld Trlls1ce or ddi\ered 10 the BOlld Trust,'e tll], Glllcell at 1 Oll: ') Honds \\-j th respect to \\hieh it 11 1 iahil it y u I" t he I ss ucr sha II hi! \1.' heen d ischargcd 1Il accordance \\'Ith Sectioll IO_:?, including 80n&-; (or portions pC I3()Jltb) rere!"red tp 1Il Sedl(l!l 11,1 {J: ~I11d 3. Bonds Cm the lnlnsrcr or exchange oJ: (lr in lieu of m in substitution l(lL \\hich uthcr Bonds sh;dl ha\l' hl.Tn :tuthcIlticated and ddi\ cred hy the l3om! Iruske pursuant tll this Bond Indenture_ -t:=:().'::'-Hl}lid "11"Uil llhkllllll....' -9- "Person" llleans :lI1Y natural per~on, firm. jui nt \(:nt Lire. assouatlllll. partner~hjp. bu~il1css t rust. corpora ti (lll. ctlrporation. pub I ie bud y. agen cy ()f puli tical subdi \i si(lJl t hercof or allY ut her ~illld,lr \.?ntit\', "Principal Paynll'nt Date" llle:l11~ each d,l1(' Oil which princip,d pf the Bonds is required to be p,lid (\\ht..,tl1l.'r by rc,1S(ln uf maturity. redunption ur aeel'ler,lti(\n)_ .. P riYatc Place mcnt ;\ Icmonlll dum" Illealb the Ilri \ ate P bet..'ll1el1t r\'j elTlpr,IIHI Lilli reI at i llg to the nund s, "Record Datc"lIlt:ms. \\ith respect to any Interest Payment Date, the tilkenth (l"lh) day (If the cakndar month immediately preceding sueh Interest Payment Ddte_ 'Rcdcmption Pricc" nleans. \\' it h respel't to any 130m! (or j1\lrt ion 1 hereof). 1 he pri nci pa I ,1I1WUn [ (\ f such Buml (or ptlrt ion t hl.Tep I) pa:'iabk upun red Ull pI ion thereu I' pursuant to the PW\ISIOllS (d'such Bond and thIS Bund Indenture, "Refunding" means the rdunding (If the Is~uer' s outstanding Industrial DI.'\l'loplllent Rt..'\ellUe Bunds (1\.Jurth Key Largo ltility Corp. PrnjlTt), Series 1\)\)". ])\ Ihe issuance of thl' Bonds pursuant It) an I'xchemge tltlcr hy thl.' BurnmTL "Regular Ratc" IllGlllS the interest ratc defined ill ScctlOn 2.2 hereof_ "Reser\'(' Fund RcquircmcnC means. as nf allY ,Lltc uC Glkulatinll. the lesser pi (a) Illa'\ illl Lllll ,llmua] debl seniL:e fur IllC Honds. (h) [en percent ( 100 il) or the aggrega[c pri nei pili a III 0 unt 0 I' the H(lIld s or (e) 1250p tl f average all nu al debt sen-Ice () f tIll' BOlld S, .. Rc\ell U('S" lllL',.ll1S all alll(lun Is reeei\ed by the Issuer or the' l:3lllld -I ruske pursuant or \\ith rcsp<..:<..:t 10 I he Lua 11 1\ gn:elllen t or the Seri es 2005 i\-l aster '<ole. i Ill' I u(h ng. \\i thoul Ii mit i ng the flCJll'r:dity ufthc foregolllg: (1) !.P(lll Rqxlyments (ino:luding both timdy and delinquent paymcnts. and allY late charges) rl'gardkss oftlle S(lllrce of payment: (2) prepilYlllcnls (l Ldl or allY' p;lrt (I f the Loan R epaymen Is: ,lllt! (3J all intercsL profits or olher ineonll.' dcri\ed li-Ull1 Ihe imcslmenl (If ClllltlUnts ill any !und or (leC(\Ul1t I.'sl<lblishul pursuant to this UPlld Indenture: but !lot i!lel uding any Adm i IIi sl r,1t i \e 1- el'S and Lx pcnses or pnH:eeds 0 r an v right 0 r indelllniilcltion under Section 5.4 Dr 5.5 of the Loan Agn:elllClll. "Sccurities Depository" means The Deppsilory I rust Company'. and its SUlTeSSOIS and assi gns. ur if thl' then-acting Sccuri lies [kposi lory Cl'ases to sene in such ,:apacit y. ,IS descrihed in Seet i,1I1 '::,9 llereo L ellJ v ot her securi ties deposi lory whi cll agrees to fo)l(l\\ t he procedures rt..'<] II i red to he fllllo\\cd by :l securi lies depository i t1 eonnec\ ion \\i t h I Ill' BOllds thill is sdected by I he Issuer. \\ i I h the c( lIlSl.'llt u f 1 he D( 11TO\\Cr, .l.~.lt)-1~\llh.l Illl:--.llml:'.'lllLln..' -] 0- "Sccurities Depository Pal.ticipants" Illeans Ihose financial instituliolls for \\htlll1 Ihc S\,'curi l i t.'s [),."posi lory elTeds h(\o k -enlr;.' Irallst"t:rs ~lIld pkdges p r sceuri I1CS deposi ted \\'it h the Sccllri tics Depllsi tllry. ilS sueh Ii sti ng (d' Sccuri lies lkpositllry Partici pants eXI sls al the t ill1t.' 0 r such rcll.Tcllce "Series 2005 i\lastcr "Ioh_'" ll1eans the Master S<ole. Series ~()()5. (bled as or April]. 1005. issued under Ihe \[,\ster Trust 1l1lknturc and lhe Suppknlent. e\idclleing the BOITO\\'cr's ohl i gat i llll 10 nuke pa ylll ellh su rti ei ent In pay the pnnci p,ll 0 rand int erest on t he I ~()l1ds_ 'Special Rccord Datc" nleCllb the date estahlished by the BOlld Trustee pursuanl to Sn:! ion ~. ()~ as a It.'cord d~llt.' flll the pa YlllCll t or dclilull cd i nleresl un Bowls. "Standard & Poor's" llleans Standard 8.: Pllor' s, a d i\-i si Oil of The r>,,1 cerra \\'-11 i I I COIllP,1ll ies. Inc.. a cllrporat ion llrgan i /ed and ex i sl i ng under the l,ms () r the State 0 r N \.'\\' ''{ mk. and its Sllccessors and thei r assi gns_ "Statc" ]lleanS the Slale of Florida. "Supplement" means the First Supplemental l\v1a~ter Trll~t imJenture dated as lll- April I. 2()()), h}-' and hcl\\cl'n IlK Hurruwer and the \lasler Trustee. pursuant to which till' Series 20ll) \lastt.'r :'\lltt.' is is,.;ued, "S U ppklllCIl ta[ Bond I nden ture" mean,.; any Indenture hel'ea tier dul y autlwri I_cd and l:nlned lI11u hel \\LTn 1 he I SSUL'r and ! he HUIKI T ruslcc. supplemcnting. 1110di t\'lng llr ;lIllcnd i ng this l~ond Indenture ill aeeon[allee with l\rtidc IX of this B(lIHI Indenture. uTa:\ ('el'j i ficate" ll1e,ln s t ht.' Tax: Ccrt iileatc dilted the date of del i\ery' u j' Ihe Bonds, concerning e\.Tt<lin matters pertaining tll the use and inveslmenl ur proceeds uf" the lhlllds. by and aJllong the BllITO\\'('!'. the Bond Truslt.'e and I he I SSllCr. inclwli ng allY ,Ind all cx:hi bits ,It taehcd t hereto. as un gll1:l11 y ex:eculcd :lnd as it Jll<lY bc ,1J1lended llr supplementcd fj'(lll\ t i llle 10 t in Ie in aCl:ordancc w]lh its tlTlllS, "Ta:\ahlc Rate" meClllS the inter\..'st rale dellned ill Section 2_2 hert.'llL 'Tl'rm Bunds" llle~lns the Bllnds payahle at or hl'lllrc their specitil'd llwturity date llr da lcs li-om f\h1ndatorv A lllort i /al i Oil Insl ailments establ ished fllr Ihat purpose and ea leul a led tll retin: such Bonds lln or helll!\: their speu fied maturity date or dates. Seelilll1 [~. Interllretali Oil. (a) l !nkss the contc:x t othnwi se inti icales. words t.'xprt.'sscd ] n the Sl ngu Jar sh~lll int:ludt.' the plur;lI ,md vice versa. and the use of the neuter. ll1,lSculine. or !i:minine gcnder is for eOIl\-enicllCl' only and shall he deemed to mean and include the neuler. masculine or kminine gender. as appropri:ll\.'. (h) I leadings or articles :md SCUillllS hercin and Ihe \;lhk llf contents herellf Clrc solely t()r C01l\ Cnie]hT or reft:rcnce. dll !lot Cllllstilutc a part herCllr and sh~lll Illlt alf"cct thc meaning. cOllstructi llll or ctTed here\! L All rdlTt.'llce<; herei n to "A rti elc<' "Sed ions" and ut hcr 4~1 f~-B~lll(l I ru:--1 IlhklltuL' -11- suhsect iOllS arc to the corres)1ondi ng Arl ieles. Sect ions (lr subscctiom of this 80ml [ndenturc. and the \\'ords "her-ciIL" "hl'l"eo("' ""hereby." ~.hen:under'. and other words oj' silllihlr impurt refer lu lhis n(lllll Indenture ,IS iI \\Iwk and lIot 10 any p~lrticular Article. Sectioll or subsect ion her-cnl'. ARTICLE II TilE BOl\DS Sed](lll 2.1. ..\uUl\I!y,ltiun of 8_onds. ihe Bonds shall be design~l1cd as "\1onroc Coullty [ndust ri al I )evel oplllent A utlwrity InL! ustri~ll Lk\cluj1ll1elll RevCI1ue 80mb (1\ mlh Key Largn Ullity ('\ lI-p. PnlJect}. S eri es :::' ()O,"", rile aggregate pri ncipal amounl 0 I' Bonds \\h i ell may be Issued a I1d Outslandi ng under t hi s 80nd Ind enture shall llo1 exceed S 2, \)(J:'),O()(). ['his 13(111(1 Indenturl' constitutes a Cllntinuing <lgreelllent oj' the Issuer \\ith the] lolders from time III time oj' the Bllllds to scell re the I'll I I p~l yment 0 r thc pn ncipal uf and interest (lll the 8ollds. suhject to, and in ,ll'cord ance \\'i tho thc co\enant s. pnn'I siuns and e(lnd it ions herein conU i ned, SectioJl 2.2. Terms \lj' B\lnds. The Bonds shall he issued lmly as registered Term Bonds in thl.' det1l1111in~ltipn pI'S I ()()JJ()() or allY integral multiple thereof 011 original issuance and thereaher "hell I he In multIple" of S 1.000: shall he dated the date oj' dcli\ery. shall mature on \larch I, 2025. subjel:t to \L.lIldatory' i\nhlrtil.atiun Installll1cnt )u!l.'mptiull on \larch 1 in the vedrs 200() hl 202.". huth inclusi\c. and shall ha\e such other tel111:-> :1" more particularly ,,1.:1 t(.lrth in tile f;lrm uf the Bond, The Bonds shall bear inlerest Ii-Olll the dale or delivery_ payahle IHl September I. 2()()':;. alld on cach \brch I and September 1 thereafter. computed on lhe oasis o!" a YClr oi' Y)() days and 1\\e1\e .1()-day munlhs at the Applicable Rate \vhich on any day with respect tll \\hieh interest llll the Bonds is calculdted shall be the regular R~lte. whIch. suojcct 10 adj LIstment as speeili cd below (lr the Ta,abl e Rate. \\ hi chC\er is appl ieablc, as to 11 (I\\'S: (a) Rel!ular Rdle. Except as otherwise provid ed herci 11, I he intnest rdte (the "Regular [{ ate") shall be ().l )(}"<). (b) l\dJJI"tIllenh to Rel!ul ar Rate. 111 the cvelll a DdennmatlOn of T axahi I ity' shall have OCCUlTed, [he ratc or illllTL'.St on caeh Bond shall he increase to a 'Ta,ah1c Rate" \\hieh shall l'qual I."O"';l or the ReguLn Rdtc. effectiw relwac1ivcly to the d~ltc of the bent llf Taxability. and thel'eeltkr through the Illclusiull IJeriod (Ihe perind Ullll111eneing with the date of the Lvcnt or Tuxahi Ii (\ and cndlng \\ i th 1 he date such Bond ceases to be outsland i ng). Thl.' Trustee shall gi\e notice 10 each Persun \\110 was the IIplder of each Bond during the Inc1 usioJl Pc'riod oJ'the ,1CClHlTnee ll!" a Determinat)on of Taxability and within l)O days thercaller. eaell llolder PI' ti.mncr ! [older ()f l'ach I$llnd shall be paid thc i~dditional Amount such Holder or I(lrmel' Hnkll.'r sha 11 he ent itkd to recei \l' \\i t h respect tll such Bond. "Add i ti llIlill AnHlunt" means thu t amount oj' mone)/ p,ryablc to a I [older or !i.1rI11er Holder or all)' BUIllI \\'hidl shell] equal iJlterest accrued at the Ta\ablc Rate thrl1ughout that portion of the Inclusilln Period during which such persun hdd such BnIld. reduced hy interest <lecrued elt the Regular Rate \\hidl \\<1S paid to such Holder or 1;)f)11er I [older ()J to ,IllV suhsequellt Holder u!" such Bond. Such Additional Amount shall constitulc additional interl.'sl nIl till' BllllL!S and shall be paYelhk sulely Ii-om the sources spccllied in such Hund ,md in the Bllllll Indenture, In each CISl" the ,\pplieahlc Rail' shall be rounded to tile nearl'st olle-hundredth or one -L~ltl-I1\\l1d I nlsl Il1dvlllllrl.' -12- pcn:cn t. L P(\ll Ihe occurrcncc l 1 r all E n~nt llf the Det~lUl t (as dellned I n the Master Indenlure. Bum! Indenture. L(l~ill Agreement :llld \1 ortgage). interest shall accrue at the 1(")11 (lwi ng rat<: {the "Dd;lllltl\atc"}: (I) \\hile Ihe r3l1111ls hcar interest ,ll the Taxahk Rate. ~IS prO\ided abp\\;, a rate which is eq lIal III 20()" " II 1'111,-' R egul ar ]{ ate. C~) whik till' Bonds 11l'ar inlcrest al the Regular Rate as prO\ided above. a rate whieh is equal 10 1 )()"(\ urthe Regular Rate, N llt\\"i thstalllli ng I he t( In:go ing. the A pp 1 i cable Rate shall ne\-er e:\ct:t:d the III a x illl Ulll interest rale per :l11l1Ulll ~ill(1\\cd bv la\\, The principal of the Bllnds shall be payable in lawful money' of the Lnited Slates or .\Il1\.Tied :II the dl'slgnaled Corpmdle Trust OffIce llf the Eh1l1d Truslcc_ Payment of the interest OIl all)' Bond shall be l1l~llk to the person \,hose name appears nn the registration boob (l!' Ihe B(lnd -I rLlstL'l~ as the Ilultlcr IlllTCn!' as nf the c]use of husiness on the Record Dale f(lr such Intercst Payment D:lte. cxcept as pnn-idcd below_ Interest shall he paid ill hl\\ful mUlley' of the L: ni ted Slates 0 I' America b v eheck or dra n ll1d i led to each Ho I del' at tht: address sllmnl Oil the rl'gislr;ltion bOllb mUilll;Jined by thc 130nd Trustee pursudnt to Secti(lll 2,07 or. at the uption or the f !u!der ll( at k,l:-;t S 1.000.000 in clggn:gah: principal :ml(lullt or the 13olllb. by \\ire transfer tu such address as lIlav ha\c b...'\.'ll filed with the Bond Tru:-;h:c t(n such purposc. The Bonds :-;h:l1l be Ilumbered in cOllSt:eutivt: numerical ordu ti-OI11 up\\ards. and each :-;uc h Blllld sha] I bear interest b'om the date t11ereo f. /\11)- :-;uch intere:-;t nllt so punctually paid or duly provided for shall f()rthwith ceast: to bt.' payable tu the 11(llckr on the Record I)ate and shall he paid to the person ill \vhuse name the Buml is registered at the c!o:-;e of business on a Special Record Date t()r the paymeIlt or sllch dd;lUlted interest t(l be fixed by the Bond Trustee. notice 01 vvhich shall be gi\'ell tll the Ilolders llot less lhan ten (1 OJ days prillr I(l weh Spt:cial Rt:cord Dalt:, The Bonds shall be subject 10 n:demplion as providt:d ill /\rticle IV_ Se\.'tiun :u. \"alj~litv of Bl1llds. Tilt: validity of the autholi/ation and issuance of thc ~3(llHb IS not dependcllt Oil and shall not bc arfected in all) \Yay hy any prl1cccdings taken hy thc Issu(')" or the 13und Trusk'c with n:spcel 10 prill C(llll1cction \\-ith tht: Luan /\grcl'll1ent. The rl'cital Clllltaincd in the Bonds that the same arc issut:d pursuant to the Act and the ('unstitution and laws or the Stale shall he c\ll1clusive t.'vidcJlct: of tht:ir validity and of cUll1pliancc with the prmisiulls ol'lhc 1;1\\ in tht:lr issuance, Section ~_-l_ LxcculillI1 of the Bonds. The Bonds shall ht: cxt:cukd ill tht: name and llll hehalf or thl' IssLlcr with the manual or buimile signature of its Chainnan and cltll:sted by the manual or 1~lesilllik sign;llure llf its Clerk or Secrdary. The Bonds shallthell be dcll\ercd to the Bond Truslec I'm autht:l1tication by it. In case allY of lhe llf!lcers of the Issuer who shall ha\e ..j..20~-lj~llld Tnhr hllkllI lLt"l' -13- sign-:d ur alt-:sted any oj the 80mb sklll-:-:ase to be such officer before the 8\ll1ds. su signed ur atlc:-.ted. sh,lIl ll,ne been authenticated or deli\.en:d by the Bond Trustee pr issued by the Issuer. sueh 11(lnds Illa\' nevertheless he authenticated. delivered and iSSlH:d and. upun such au t!lentieat 1\ In. dl.-'I i \(,:r: and issue. shall he as hind ing upon t he Issuer Us tho ugh sueh person \\11(1 SI !..'.ned and d!tested the same hild conti n Lled to be such 0 fficer nf the Issuer. In addi 1 ion. ,U1\, Hond may be signed ,llld attested \In behalf o!' the Issuer hy any person who as at the ;l\.:lual date of execution pf sLlch 13ond. shall he an nfficer of the Issuer even though. on the nOlllin,lI d,lte of such Bond. such pers\ln \vas n\lt such oflleeL On Iy such 0 f the Bonds as shall b-:ar lher<:un a <:ert i Ii cate 0 f authcntication subst,mt ia II)' in t hc lorm llL'rei nbe IllrC reei led. manual I y e,ecutcd by the Bond Trllslel'. sha II he \a 1 id ur ohl igatm: fur an y purpose (lr enti tled III the bl'lll'tits () r this Bond Indl'nture. and sueh cert i nedt\..' ul"th<: 8ul1(1 Trustlx sktlllll' conclusi\e c\idence that the 80mb so authenticatcd h<l\c b<:cn dulv executed. authenticated and delivered hereunder and ar<: entitled to the bendits 01 thiS B(ll1d Indenture. S,,-.ct i IlTl :::.S. Trans kr () 1 13(l11ds. :\11 Y Bond may. in acconL.lllce \\ I th its terms. b<: tr~l1lsferr<.:d upon the registration blloks n:quir<:d to be kept pursuant 10 the prmi,jPlIs 01 Section 2.7. bv the person In \\lwse lunle it 1 S reglstercd. III person pr by- hIS at torn e) du I y mHhori led in \\Ti 1 i ng. upon surrcnder () f sLlch Kond Ii.l!" cancel I at i on al the designated Corporate Trust ()fiiu.: of the Bond Tru;,;tee. accompanied by dell\ery of a writtcn instrulllcnt ur transfer. dul y e'\ ,,-'cut cd in a Il1nn a ppnl\ed by t h<: H(lnd Trustee_ \ \.lll.-'l1c\er ,my Hplld or Bumb sh,lll he surrendered fix t ransli.:r. the I ssuer shall D ccute and 111<: Bond I"ruske sha II auth<:nt icatc and del iver. d ne\v Bond or 8unds 0 f an)-' authori 1<:.1 denOlllllution (lr dcnominatiun;,; of the same maturity and fur a like aggregalc principal amount. The Bond Truslee shall require the t lolder requesting such transfer to pay any tax or other gO\crnlllcn!:ll charge required 1(l be paid \\ith n:spcet to such transfer. BOllds may he rei sSlled 1(11lo\l.-ing t nlJ1s tCrs t() subseq uenl Hol ders in denolll i nat ions sm;ilkr than S loo.oon only if the transferer so requests and provides to the Bond Trustee an Opi ni llll 0 j Co unsd pr ut hcr e\idence sat is !;lCtur)-. t() t Ill' Bond Trustec that thc tr,lllsfcr<:c is d n Aeered il ed In \.cst\)r. J Il IlO l'\eI11 sha II any 80nd sdeell'd by the Bond Trustee t(1r rl'dem ption he trans Ccrrcd under this Seetion_ Section 2J). l'xchal1~e QLJtonds. Bunds may be exchanged at the designated ('oq)(lr(ltc I rust CHlicl' of the Bond Trustee tl1r a likc aggregate principal amount of 131111ds or :lIlY ,nlthorl/ed dcnomination ur denominations \)1 the .same maturity. The Bond -1 rusk<: shaJJ reqlllre the Ilolder rcquesting such exchangc 10 pay an\' tax or other gmernmenlal charge required to he raid with respect to slIch exchange. III !l(1 e\<:l1t shall any' Bund se\ccted by the DOlldJ ruske: for redemptioll be cxchanged under this Section. Sectloll 2.7_ Hond Register. The Bond Trustee will keep or eause tll he kept :;uttkicnt books for the registratioll. transfer and exchange 01" the Bunds. which "Idl be Opl'1l to -L~LI5- Htllld I n....:l Iihh.:ntuli.' -14- illSpl'cl ion by the I ssuer and I he Borro wer duri ng normal busi n,'ss homs: and. UPPI1 pn:scn (lil it lTl orallY Bonds t;x such purpos<:. (h<: Hond Trustec shid 1. under SLlch rCcL'iOllablc pmcnlufes as II may pres<.'rihc. regisll'r. (LlllslCr or exchange. or cause tu he regIstered. tran;-;Cern.'d or ex ehill1gl,.'d. sl1l:h Bonds tIll such btlOks. as hen:illdb()\c prO\ldcd. Thc Issuer and Ihe HondJ rLlske I1lay treat ,lIld consider the Person in \\lwse name each Bond is registered ill Ihe ll'gistr<llitll1 boph.s kellt h~ the 8llnd Tlust Cl' as the aoslll uk Iloldl'r 0 r such n01Hl !i 11' the purpose (\ f pa \Inent 01 thl' principal of or inkfl'st lln such Bond. fi.lr Ihe purpllse of gi\ing Illllicl'S or n.'demption iIlld lIther mailers with respect LO such Bond. rur the purposes of registering transkrs with respecl III sllch Hllnd alld fur ,dl u(her purptls\.'s \\haLso<.'\'LT. and Ihe [ssuer and Ihe 130lld 'I ruske ,hull not he ,1lTecled h:v an y notice to the contr<lry', The Bond Truskc sha II PilY the pri !lei pulllr R\.'delllptioll Pri ce 0 r t 11' llllcrcs1 (111 the BUllds <.lnly 10 or upon the order llf the I [oldus Iherene a~ ~hll\\'n in the rq~istr,lti(lll hooks kepi hy thc l3(lIld J rustce. or Iheir respecli\c attorneys duly' au1horized in \\Tillng. ;lI1d :III stich p;I~lllellls sha 11 bc \ alId ami cffccti \c to fu lIy satis t~.. and di scharge Ihe Issuer' s obi i gallons \\ Ilh respect 10 paymenl or the principal oj' or interest on thl' Bonds 10 the extent of the sum <.11- SlIms ,-;0 paid, No person (lther than a Holder. as slw\\I1 ill the registration botlks kepi h:y tile Bond TrllstLc. sl1all 1'Cl;ei \'c a Bond c\'idellci llg the ohligaL ion 0 C the Issuer to 111 akc paym en1s () I' pri nci p;d ur in lercs1 pursuan1 10 1 his Bond I mien( un:, Sl'Cl i Oil :::'. S, Honds \'1 ut iI ~lted, Lostj)estro\'cd tll' Stolen, J Llll Y Dond shall bccollle l1lutiLl1nl. 111l' lsSUCL al the expellse l)j'the Il0Jder or said 130lld, sh;li] L'Xl'cule. and the Hund TrustlT shall then:upol1 au! hell t i cate and del j \'LT. a [1e\\' Bond (If II ke tLl101' in l'xel1ilnge ,lllll subsl i I ut ion ttn the BOl1d so Illuli] atLd. hut 0111y uplln surrender to thc 130 nl! Trllslce I) r (he HUIllI so muti bted. F \ ery III ut i 1 a kd !3tllld so surrendered to I hc 8011d Trllstee ~hall he cancc led by II ,llld dcli\(Ted to. or upon th!.; Orckr of the [ssucr. If ally' Bond shall he lost. deslroYl'd nr sl(lien. c\ idellee pC such lp~~. deslruetion \)1' then llWV he suhrniLted 10 the BpIl(I I rustel' <lnd the IsStlCL illld if slleh e\itlellee is satislactor} 10 each or (hem and indemnity satisl;lClol'.\,' to each or thcm sha 11 be gI \cn. t hLIl. at the cx pcnse 0 f 1 he H older. the Issuer shall eXl'cute and the Bond Irustee shall ;\uthen t ica te and del i \er (I ne\\' Bond of I ikc tenlll' i 11 1 i ell 0 r ,1Ild in SLl hst i lu! ion ji \1' (hl' Bund so 10s1. destroyed or ~tolen: providcd that it' any such Hund shall ha\'!.; m,ltured or shall be about Lll mature. Instead of is.slling a .substituk Bond. Ihe BUild Trustec IllilY pay lilt: s,lIne \\itholll surrender 1hl'reoL Thl' bsuer m;)~ reljuire paYInen( hv lhc HolckI' Or:l sum not execeding the aetua I e(1s! () f pre pari ng each Ile\\' 130nd issued under this Secti (111 and () rille ex pellSes (i nel ud I ng fecs pI' U\lIllSel) \\hieh Illay he incurred by the Issuer and the Buml ['rust<:l', Any Bond issued umkr tilL \XU\I si llllS (1 I' thIS Section in 1 iell (l r any L30nd alleged to be lost. lkslroyed or stolen shall ultlQit uk (111 (lrigil1ill ,ldditional contractual uhliga1illll 011 the part pC Ihe Issuer, whethu or not the l-spnd so :lIlegcd 10 he lost. destroycd or sltlkn is at :lI1Y lune cnforceable hy anyulH.'. ilIlt! sha II he enti t led Lo the benefits or I hi s Hond [ndcnture with all other Bonds secured hv I his Bund Indenlure, ~~()5 Hllll..J r ]1J:---1 IlHh.'lltlll"~' -15- SectioIl 2.9. Book-Entr.Y..J1unds: Securities [)eposi tory. Thl' l1oJl(b shal I he issued i III t ia lIy i 11 I he I(JIm 0 I" a separate slllgJc full y registered Howl I"ur each lllaturit\ t)f the Btllltb. which may be type\vritl\:n. and shall be regIstered in the reglstr;ilWl1 boob kept 0) Ihe IhlJHI Trustee in the !lam e () r the N lun inee as nomi nee t) f the Seeuri \1 es Depusitmy. \Vi th respect tll So nds registered in the rcgistratillll b()oks ki.:pt hy I he Hond JrUSlee in the namc of the i\ominee. the bsuer and the f10nd ! rustcc shall hel\ e Ill) responsihi I it) (lr t,hl igatiull to any SecuritIes !)epl)sitory Participant or tu any PI.TSOll on heh;11 r or \\ hieh a Sl'eurities Dcpositt1l')' Part i ei pant holds an inkrest i 11 the [)unds. \V i thout I il11lti ng the fon:go 111 g. the Issu IT and the I)ond Trustee shall h,-1\C no responsibility or llblig,ltioll \\ith respect t(J (i) the dccurae'y pf the records nf the Securities DepOSItory. the '<ominee. or allY Securities Dep(lsitory Participant wil h respect to any O\vncrship inkrest in the BOlld s. (i i) the del i H:ry tn all y Sccuri t 11.'." [)cposi tory P artiei pant or any' l)ther Persoll. ot hcr than as s hO\\ll ill the reglStratlOll hunks Kept by' the Hund Trust!:c, o!. (lny nntlce \\'lth respect tn the Bunds, includIng any Iwtiel' tlf redemptioll. {iiij the selection hy the Sl'l~urities Ikpository' and its Sccuritics [)cpositury Participants nr thl.: hcnc!lci,ll i ntercsts ill the Bonds to be redeemed in the en:nt the BOl1ds are redt.'cllll'd in part. or (i \ j the p(lYl1l1.'1lt to allY SeGuritiv.; Dcpository Participant or ,my other Persoll. uthl:!" than ~l \Jtllllinee ,IS ShO\\"ll III tl1l.' regIstratIon bOLlb kcpt hy the Bond Trustee. thl' pril1cipal ()f or l{nkl11[ltilll1 Price or or interest 011 the BOIlds. [ I pon deli \cry h y tile SeCLtrl tICS Deposi tLlry to tile N pm i nee. the BLll1l1 Trustee and I he 1s"t1er nf \Hittt:n notice tt) the l'ft\:ct 1 hat the Securitic-.; l)eppsil(1ry h(ls dclerlnincd 10 -.;uh-.;titutc a Ile\\. Iwminee in place of the :\olllinec, and subject to the prO\isiolls herein \\ith respect to RCL:ord Datcs. IIll.' wUId "Nomincc" in Ihis Bond Indenture shall rekr t(1 sud! IIC\\ l](lltlinl'c or the Securities Depositury. Sectioll 2.1 n. Transfers OutsIde Buok-cotry. System. The Issuer may. \\'ltl1 the consent of the BorroweL by written lluticc, at any' time or fur <lny re,lo;OIl. lTlllll\ e the Sceunties Depusltor;.' and appoint a successor or successors therein. In the e\Tl1t thaI {i j the SeeLlri Ii es Deposi tory dctcnn i nes Ilul to conI i llue 10 act as seeuri t i l'S depos i to ry j(J! t he BUilds. m (i il the Issuer determines that the Securities Depository' \\'ill lW longer ,S() act. thcn the Issuer shall d iselll1tinue the bouk-elltry system \\ it h tile Seeuri Ii cs I)cpllsi tory. I r t hc Issucr I:!i 1 s to i dcnt i I"y another q u:d i Ii l'd seeuri ties depusitory tll replilee the Sl.'euri ti es Depllsitory, then the Bllllds sha 11 Iltl lUl1ger he restncted tll bl'ing registered in the rcgistr,lti(lll lwuh kept hy IlK H{\nd [rustee in the 1l,ltlle II r the '-.;omi nee. Iwt shall be rcgi st ered in \\'l1a k\l.'r name or names the 11 () Iders of such Bonds trans I(Tri ng or cxchal1gi ng sue h Bonds sha 11 dcsi gnatc. ill act::tlrd <111Ce \\i tll I he pro\"i sions or Sect i 011 1.5 ,llld Seeti UIl 2,Cl hereuf Section 2.1], Paymcnts ,1l1d '\ntlces to the__.0\1ll11nC~, :\ot\\ithsl~ll1dillg: any othcr pro\" i sio 11 llf th is Bond I I1dcnture to the cOlltrary_ so long as all y 150nd is regi stned in t hc name 01" the 1\olllillee. all paymcnts or principal llr and intucst llJl such KomI and all notices \\itl1 respect h) sllch Bond shall he rnade and gi\cn, respectively, as pnl\ldcd in the represelltation !cllcr \\ith I he S cClIrit i es 1 kposilllry or as otherwise instructed in \Hi ti 111:; h Y the Sel"llri tics 1 kpos i tllry, -L>)5 l)LilL...J 11ll::--111Id....,[lWll' -16- ARTICLE III ISSLAi\CE OF BONDS Section 3.1. hsu<HJ.!,.T of 8onds. Al any lime alter the exceulillll \)1" lhis I~(lnd Indenture. the Issuer may e.xecute and the Buml [rustee ,dull ~ILlthenticatc alllL UpOl1 thl-' (l1rectilln of the Issuer. deli\'cl- the KOllds to thc J lolders of the 1995 Bonds ill exchange for 1995 Bonds lcmkrul pursualll tu the [)PITll\\Tr's e.\ change u ner. ARTICLE IV REU[;\IPTIOI\ OF BO~DS ScctiUll 4. I . LCflns of Redemption, (a) The Bunds arc suhject to \lpti(ln~d redemptlllll prior 10 their respccti\e stated mat uri tics. hI, the Issucr. at the direct 1(l11 ur the Burnl\\lT. from runds depos i ted for slleh purpose in the Bond Fund. on the first Business Day of all;.- l1lunth. as a \\huIc or ill p,lrt in such llwturities as arc deSIgnated by th\.' Hornl\\LT (or 11 tile l3olTO\\'er Llils to d\.'slgnal<: such maturities. in ill\'erse (lrder of maturity) aIld by r,lIldOIll "c!cctiun \\ilhiJ1 a maturity'. at n:dcmption pri ces set rorl h hclo\\ (e,\ pressed as percentages (If till' pri IlC i pa I ,1llH Hlllt to he redeemcd) in cadl case togdhcr \\-ith inlcrcst accrued thereon to the date fixed f(}r redemption Redem pt lOll Period Ih'delllptioll Price Date or Issue thruugh February ~S. 10()() i'vlareh I. 200() through February 2S. 2007 i\lareh L 2007 thruugh february 2l). 200N iv1 areh I. 200S through h:hruary 2i( 20(J9 l\-'1arch L 20{)9 and th<.'l"earier l02.lJO;, 1 0 1.5'~/;) 1 () 1 .on;, 100. :;n/;, [ 00 _ O'!,{) (b) The Bonds arc callable for rn!clllpt i UIl, III \vho Ie. pnor to maturity ill the e\<.'l1t of (J sale of th<.' Sy_stclll, Oil the carli<.'st practicable date artcr the Hornmer shall prqxr\' ill full the i\laster '\Jutes outstanding under the t\bstcr Indenture at a priee of I (WO,;, of the prim:ip,d ,lIlHlunt or Bonds S(l redecmed. plu~ accrued interest to the rdlcmplloll dale. alld \\lthout prellllum. (c) The fhlllds shall he suhjcct to redcmption. in whole but no! in part. at any time, at a redelllpl ion priee 01" 1 ()()"/i, 0 I' the principa 1 amount or Bond~ so redeelllnL pi us ~lccnlcd illt crest to the r<.'delllptiotl datc. and \\-ithuut pr<.'llliulll. i r \\ithin ulle yellr afkr the oeeurn:nce or ,11lY of the t() 1I0wing eyents. the [3ornnH:r shall eIcet to prepay the Lua11 pursuant tn Sedllm :;,9 (l r the [.oall AgreeIllent: i\, The System shall ha\'e heen damaged lll" destrlly'ed to sueh extent Owl. in the ()pinion or the [~(lrr(l\\cr expressed ill a B(llTo\\cr's Certificat,: tiled with the bsuer and th<.' Trus1<.'e t()II()\Vlng sueh dalll~lgl' \)1" dcslructiu11 (A) it is not practIcable or deSl1"~lhlc tu rcbullcL repall' or restore the Sy'stelll \\llhlll :! penod of si x e(lllsecut i \c months f() ll(l\\i ng such dam age or dest ruel iOll. or (H) l Ill' -L~(),'-l)lll}d I rLls1 IIHll'ntuh' -17- r~orrOWl"r IS (II' \\'111 be then:b'y' pre\Tllted from carr'y'ing on its normal (lper:ltions at the System 1(lr a period of at least si_\ cons\..'Culi\\..' 1l10111hs: ur [3, Title to or the lL'll1porary use llf all or substantially' all the Sy"slem shall han: heen taken under the exercise (11' the pO\\lT of eminent domain. l1] threat in I iell t herell r hy (IllY gO\l:rnmental aut horit:, to such l..'X 1 enl t ha 1. in the opinion or thL' BorHmer expressed in a HllrrO\\er's Certitieate filed \\ith the lssul..'r :lI1d the Trustee (A) the I~orrowl"r is or wi!! be thereby rre\L'111ed rrolll earni Ilg on the l1l\rlll,d l lpna t iOlls {) I' I he S yslelll for a peril1d of at least six COllseell t i ve lT1oll1 hs: or C. AllY' court or adllllnistrati\e bl1dy of competent jurisdietilln shall enln a judgmellt. llnlcr or dCLTel..' requiring the HpJT(l\\n to cease all (lr any substanti~d P;lrl pf i L..; (lperat i~ll1s oj' the System to sLleh extent that. in the npinit1Jl llfthe Doml\\er expressed in;l BorrO\n:r's Certillc:lk filed witll the Issuer am] the Trustee. the Bll!TO\\LT is PI' \\ill he Iherehy pre\ el1tcd li-olll C,llTyillg 011 Ihl: Illltmal llpnat ions of the S ystclll f( lr a period 0 I' at ledSt si.li: eonseeuti \e month s: (II' D. As ,[ result of ,my changes in the Constllution of the Stale or the COllslilllti,\1l of th~ t1nilL'd States oj' i\rnnica or of kglslall\C or administrutive ,lction (\\-hethn stdte or k(leral ) or by rinal decree..i Udgllll'llt or unler of allY eULlrt UI" adm i nistrati \'l' hod y (\\het her stall' or fed er,ll) of Ull1l pell'nt .i urisdict ion. the l_uan\gree11lelll sh,dl h,l\l' hCCOllll' \'(lid UI" uncnforeeable or impussiblc of perft 11"111 Cl 11 ce i n aeconl~111 CL' \\'i I h the i nkn l ,lIld purposes pI' 1 he part ies ,IS e\ pressed III 1 he Loan Agrecment llf unreasullab le hu rdens or ex ccssi ve Ii uhi lit ies sh;lll have heen i I11posed on the Issucr or I he Burrower i Ill' ludi ng \Vi t hout I imitatiun. kder,ll. stall' or lllher ~ld v;llorcm. prupeny. ineumc pr (lther taxes not being i mposcd un I he d ate of the Loan Agreement. (d) I f the Borro\\cr ,:.\.erelses i h option to prepay thc L()~1I1 in full as pnl\i ded III Seclillll :". I () (lj' the r .oan .'\greellll'll1. the Bunds arc required to he n:deemed in \\hole on any date hy !lH..' r ssuer at the d i reel i un u r t he fit lITo\Vcr. at <l redel11pti llll pri ce eq lIal to 1000;, (If the pri nei pal amount therell f. \\Itll the premIums as set ftlrth t II subseclllln (a) above. p] us ,lcCfued interest to thc redempllon dale_ (e) The l~()nds maluring on \larch I, 101.'i. are ,llsu subjeet to redemption prior to their st a ted I11<-l1 urit i L'S i n p~lrl. rrol1l ~ l~l11d(Jtory j\ mort i/a tion r nstallmen ts deposited in the [3und Fund. un ~lI1Y ~lareh I UIl or atlcr 1\'1:lreh l. 200(1. at the pnncipal amount IhcrcuL pill"; interes1 ,ll'erued thcreull It 1 the lbtc fi x cd j\lr redemption. and \\ ithl)u1 prClll ium. as roIIO\\s: Year Amount 100h 2007 2()o,s 21)()() 10]0 -l':()~ ,n~lllJ "I rll~l hlJl'llllL!\.' -IK- 20 II 2012 201.' 201-1 20J~ 20lCl 1017 201S 101 () 2020 l021 lOll 201" ~02-1 2025 (!) FilCh ched.: or other tr,msfCr or Ilmds iSSll\:d by thl' Bond Trustee fiJr the purp\lse uf redeem ing Bnnd s "h:1l] idcnt i 1\. 10 the ex lent pract icahk. Ihe Bonds hei ng n...'(kel1l\:d \\it 11 the proceeds of such check or other tnlllstCr, Sccti(lll -1.2. Sell.;.rtin.ll of Bonds J(lr Redemption. Whenever j1rll\'ision is made in this BOlld Indenture 11)1' the rcdemptilln of kss th:lll all u!' the Hunds or any maturilv. Ihe Bond '1 rusln.'. as direL'\nl by Ihe Blln\l\\er. shall sekct the Bonds tu be red\:cllled li-ulll all Donds subject to redem pI i un in such manl1er as rna y he deSIgnated by the Bormwer or. jf t he Burrower shall han' Lnkd \(1 St> designate. ill any manller \\hich tIll' Ihllld I'ruske in its sok thscrctl011 slw 11 deel1l a ppropri ate ilml fai 1'. The Bond Trustee shall promptl y notl tY the 1 ssuer ~l1ld I he 80tTO\\er in \\Ti t i Ilg of (he Bomb or pori ions I hcreo f so selected f;lr redernpl ion. See( ion --L~. 'J ot i ce u r Redempliun. hrch notice or ru]cm pi i on shall state (i) the t1l,lluri ti es () r I he Bonds or potiions thereof wh i c h arc to be redeemed. (i i) t he date 0 I' n:dempli Oil, (iii) the place [II' pl~lces where the redemption will he made. including the name and address llf the nund I rustLe. (i \) I hc R ukmptioll Price. (v) the C I; SIP nurn bel'S assi gned In Ihe DOlld s 10 he rUkellH..'d. (\i) in case pj" any' Bonds 10 be redeemed in pari unly. the amnunt of such Bonds to be redet:t11ed. and {\i i) the llriginal dated date. intuest rate and stated maturity d~ltc (If each 13(\l1d to be red eellled. Faeh such nut ice shall also (a) stale that i L on Ill\: date 0 r redernp( jon. t he Bond Trustee lHllds .suJ'1ieienlllHlt1eys Ihen...rpr. then. on Ihe date uf redelllptiull. the Redemption Price () r the 13nnds to he redeemed. p1 us interest aecrut:d Ihereon (j f any) to the date tixed h1r redemptinl1. sk1l1 hecut11e due ~l1ld payable and fwm and after said date. interest un such Bonds shall cease to dClTUL' ,md be payablc. and (h) require thaI on said dale such Bonds Sh:lll he surrendcrcd. The BOl1dl ruslce shall take the l;lllowing actioll s wi I h re,;peet 1 () such !lol ice of redempl illll: (a) ..\t leasl :~() bul !lot nwrc than ()O days prior to the redemptiull ,1:1le. such notice shal I be gl \L'n 10 the respeel i \c Ilnl der,; 0 r H()nds deslgn:ltcd Ii:!r redemption h y firsl d ass lll~li 1. pustuge prepaid ill Iheir addresses appearing on the registration hooks mainlainul by Ihe Bond -I'=:().~-Bnlld lnL:--:' Ilhh.'ntllr~. -- 19- I IU..;lec pur";U,1l11 tn SeCI i\l11 2. '7 ~\s pr Ihe elnse u I" husiness (\11 Ihe d<l\' bei"llre slleh 1101\ce i~ gl\Cll. Ill' J\ j( led 1 kil 1:1 i lure II f I he Bond Trustee' 10 gi ve sueh noli ee to a Holder 0 r Bomb or ~lll y de ICe 1 ill sw>'h Iwl1lT "hall l1ul ,Jlll'Lt Ihe \,didlly urlhe redemption of any other Blll}(b. (b) A second notiCl~ or rnlerllPlillll SILlll be mailed no llwrc than ()() da:vs aiter the rL'(kmptiol1 date. hy the ~alm: means as the first [wtiec. to (l Holder or I~OIl(j;-; \\ho has not lumed Honds i J1 Ill)' rcdelll]1t ion \\ i I hi 11 :'0 days a ner Ihe redcIllPti()J1 date. pnni ded th,ll fai lure () l' Ihc Liond Trustel' tll give such l1uticl' to an:- ] lolLler of Bonds or any defect in such notice shall nl)] :!lIlTt I he \,11 i d i 1 Y pi' I hl' rl'demptioll \) I sueh Bonds. (c) \1 leasl t\\() Business Days bet(lle till' d:lk or the nOlice givell pursuant to cbuse (a) or tilLS Section ~..",- such l10tlCC shall be gi\ en by (1) Elcetwl1ic l\otlce or (ii) ()\'ernight (lL-I I VLTY ,eniC\: to the Sceuri 1 ies ! kposi (nry al t he address and t rallStll i ssinn 11 umon gi n::n he] P\\. (11' such \ Jther add ress or 1 ral1'>l11 ISSlon l111m bel' as Illay' have been dcll\ered ] 11 \\Till11g tu the Bond TruslL'c It)]' sueh purpose not LIter than the dose of business Oll the day bcftlre such ]wticl.' is !:2-i\(.:n. pnl\idl'd. ho\\e\er. that lililure by the Bund TrUS1ce to gi\e such llotilT shall l1(1t ~ljreclthe sutlielelley of the pweccdlllgs ror redemption: The Deposi tllry I rust Cum pall y 71 I Sk\vart l\ \'l'nue Gardell ('ity. Ne\\ Yprk 11530 f':IL'.,imilc transmission: (5 I (J) 227-40]9 (5 I (J) 22 7 -~ [ 90 (d) ;\t least twu Business Day's before the date ur Ilo(iee gi\Tl1 pUI-suant to clause (a) pl' I It is S l'l't i un -un. such !lot ice shall Ill' gi H'll by o\crni gl1t ddi \cry seniec tll the 1'0 1I\1\\i ng sen lees. prO\iduL howe\(:r. Ihat if bolh services cease to C'([st such Ilutice shall be given to ~\ slT\iee recllgni/cd by the bond industry, and pnl\'ided l'urther. ho\\'e\'cr. that bilure b,,' the Bond Trus1ce tll gl\e sllch not i ee shal I twt a rkct the suffiCiency of the proeeed i np fl11 rcdcm pt inn: Financial [nl(Hll1Lltinll. [Ill'. Daily Callt:d Bond Senice ]() :V](11l tgoJl1ery' Street. ] 01 h Floor Attn: Bonu Redenlptinn Jersey City, New .Jersey 07]02 Any ]]\It i ce of redemptIon (ot hn Ih,lJ] a noti CL' of reuemption from \1 Llndat llry Sinking Fu nd Payntents pursu<llll III See! ion 4, I (c) hcreof) gi ven pursuall t (0 t his Sect ion 4.3 Illay be rescinded hy written notice given to the Homl I rLlstee by' Ihe B\lITO\\C], JlO later than Ii \L' (5) Busi IlCSS Days prior to the date Ii :\cd Ill[ rcdelllPI ion. The BOlld Irustce sh all gi\(: not i ce of such rescissj(1ll as soon thereafter as practicable 111 the sarnc manner. and hl thl' same persons, CIS lwtic,,-~ (If sLlch rcdelllpli(l11 was gi\'en pursualllto Ihis Secli()1l 4",~, :'<ot[ce or redcrnptiotl of Rllnds shall be giH'1l by the Hone! Inl:-;lee. ~\t the expense (d'the [-3tltTtl\\CI'. for ;Jnd Oil h",'hd 1 r 0 r 1 he IsSller, -l ~o~ n~ I]h..l "I l"ll:--l J I1lk'El1 U I"l" -20- Secti PIl 4 A. J::tJ~ct 0 f R ed ClJ:l pI ion, l T nlcss resci !1ded i 11 accordance \\1lh Section 4._~ hl'l'coL notiee or the n:delllption of Bunds (or portions thcreol) having bcen duly givCJl as ,Jll\resaid. ,1Ild !1W11CYS I()r f1(lyment pr the Redcmption Price (1 I' such Honds. plus llltl'l'est accrued t hcrcoll In the redem ptiOll date, belIlg hcld b)' 1he Bond Trustee, the Bond s (or pur! iOllS t hereot) so cdkd I()I' redcm pI i on shall hecomc due and paY'a b h: Oil 1 he redemption dale speci Ii cd i 11 such l1\)tieL', alld Oil such date inkrcsl un the Bonds so called for rcdcmption shall ceasc In accrue. such I ~()lllb shal I ccase tn be ellti tied tn any bendi I or sccuri I y under thi s Bond I ndcnlUIT, and the! llllders nf such Bunds shdll ha\e nu rights in respect thereuf except to recei\c payment of S~l i d l'kdcmp1 i OlJ Pri el' ;1I HI accrued i nteresL i\ II BUild" redcemed pursuan! 10 1 he proVl Sluns of t hI s ,\rticle if ;1Il\'. S ha I 1 he eancc led uj1UI\ surrl'lldcr I here\) I' and del i \'cred upon the req uesl 0 1'1 hc Issuer. S ectioJl 4,:'. Part i al RedcmpliQ1U1f E3ol1ds, Lpllll surn.:ndcr 0 I' ,ill \ D(llld rcdecmcd 111 part onl v. (hc Issuer shall cxccul c and the nOllu Truslee sl1a]] authentiulll' and del i \l'r to I he Ilokkr Ihercof at the c\:pellse of the f3ornl\\cr. a nc\\ Bond or Bonds ()f authuri/cd duwm i naIl OllS. ilIHI \) 1'1 h e Sdmc mat uri ty. cq ual m aggrcgate pri l1e i pal ,IIllU unl !u t he unredeemed p\lrlioll u!' the BUild :-:ulTendered, ARTIel,E V RE\'ENLlES A~D HiNDS S l'cti\l11 :" I , Pledgc <lnd ,-\,;;s i \2.n 111,--,nt \It' Rl'\l'n ucs and I{ i !lilt:-- tnder Loan i\ greeD1 ent.130n llJ l1Jl<J ' (a) Subject [)nly to the pJ'()\'isions of this Bond Indelllun: pcrmitting thc application thercof I'm Ihe purposcs and on Ihe Icrms and conditions sl'l I()rlh hercin. lhen: are hereby plcdgul to Sl'l'urC the pa:-Illl'nt ur the principal of and intcl'c:-:t un the Bonds ill accordance with t hcir terms and the pnni sions 0 f thi s Bond] Illknt ure, all 0 f the Re\ellues alld <lJl y olher amounts (i nel uding procccds of t hc :-;<1 Ie 0 1'1 hc Btll1ds) held in allY rund or aCetlunt e:-;t abl i shcd pur" U<1 n t to Ihis HtlTld Indenture. e\cepting only any amounts paid by the Borrower to the Issuer pursuant to thc terms of the LO~l1l Agrcemcnt. Said pledge shall constilute a lien on and sccurity interest in such assets ,1l1d shall allach. bc pcrlCc1ul and hc valid and binding I'nHll and alkr dclivt:r,Y by the Bond I'rustcc 0 I' t hl.C Bonds. \\' i t 11llut any physica I del i \'cry therepf nr further act. (h) Thc Issuer herehy IramlcT<; inlrust. grants a security in!crl'st in and assigns 10 the Bond Trustee, I(lr thc benelit or Ihc Hokkrs or the Bonds. as security rnr the paymcnt of the principal of ;md illterest on the Bllnck all of the Revenues and \lther assets pledgcd in subscctinIJ (a) of this Sl'ctiol1 and all (J!' thc righ1. tillc and interest of lhe Issuer in. to and under (i) the Loan Agrccmcnt (except I(Jr thc UnaSSIgned Rights) and (il) the Scrics ~()O'; \bstl'r Noll'. The Bond Tru"tcc shall 11\.' cntitled tll and shall collect and recenT all or Ihe Rnenues, ~llld any' Rc\('nucs collected or received hy 1 he Issuer sh (l I I be decm ed to be hcld. ;md to ha\e been co] Iccted \)j' reeei \uL o:V' the Issuer as 1 he (Igcnt or thc BOlld Trustce and "hall forthwith be pLud by the Issller to Ihe BOlld I'rll~tcc, Thc Bond Trustee ,d:-:o sha) I be l'nt i 1 led In and shall (su bi eel 10 thc prO\I siom u I' Sed ion S ,.\ (d) here\) n take all steps. actIOns and prnl'ccd ings rcastJllab]y llcces"ary ill its judgment to cn fllrcl.' all of the ri ghts n r I he I sSLler so assi glll'd and a II 0 r t he phi i gal i tlTlS 0 r ~~()~ HI 'nd TI U:-~ Illl...kllluH.' -~ 1- the HornJ\\er under the 1.0,U1 ;\grt'emenl :llld Ihe Series 2005 i\-1a"tcr Npte 11lat an: ~lssigned and 11 kdgL'\l (u I he pel YJI1 enl and securit y 0 f the Bonds purSU~Jll t (,) thi s Hond Indenture, (e J .\ Il ]{ e\ en ues shall he prom pt I y dl']'(lsi kd by (he 1~\H1d Trustee upon recei pt then:ur In the Funds estahlished in thi" Bund Indenture: pl'll\'lded. hU\\e\'er. that Revenues cPlllpri sed of ,d I Interest. pro It Is and u( hLT i nCOllle ro.::cei \cd ll'om the ill\cstl1lent \l r funds eslablishL'\1 pursu:lIll herc10 shal] be credited, ,IS rCCei\Td. 10 sueh rum!. as provided in Section 5, --1- hcrepf. .\]] Revell ues dep\l"l ted \\ i 111 thc Hond Truslee shal] he hel d. d lsbursed. a Iltleakd and applied bv the I~ond Trustee (lnly as pwvidcd in this B()nd Imknlure. (d) If hy !o:()O a,l11.. 1\liallli. 1~'I()jida. lime Oil allY Principal P,lyment Dalc (with respect 1 (l paYlJIen Is or pri IlU pa] and ~\landat\lry .-\nwrti/ati ()n Insta Ilmcnls). ()r allY 1 n teres( ll;rYll1cnt Date [\\ it h n:spect (0 pa ymell Is 0 I' interest J. the HOlJ(1 Tnh tee has nol reccl\ul RL'\'enues IJut arc "uftlcienl and availahle to m,lkc lhe P,lY'l11l'1lts P!1 (he Honds required hen,:ulHkr. t h<..' HIlIHI I'rustee shall i mined iate I y nol i t~ the Borrower and the Issuer of such lnsurtlci ellcy by' te lcphune or Ie lccop:" a nd COil tirl11 such not i Ii e~lt i Oil b,y \\Ti 11en not ice Section 5. 2( a) [;:st;lhJ i sb!1Jel)tuf 13\~nd I\llld, There is herd)y CStil bl i shcd a hind (u IK' designated Ihe i\10llrllC COUllty lnduslrial [)e\clopmenl Autlwrily Induslrlal De\ elupll1ellt Re\en ue Bonds (:'-J Drt h Key Largll U t il ity Corp. Proj ect). Series 2005 BOlld Fund (Ihe "Bond Fund" J. The 1l1Onl'\ ill I he I {olld l:ulld ,shall he held hy the Bond lrllst eC intrust ,!Ild ~lppl i cd as herei nali er pn1\1 ded alld. p...:nd i Ilg such applieati()n. the Bond I, ul1l1 and the nHllley thercl n sha II bl' subject III ;) I ien and charge 1Jl t~l\'Ur of thc Bond Trustee rllr the benefit or the Ilplders ami I'm the sceurit\ \)j' (IlL' Ilol(krs, 'I'll<..' I~pnd I ruske shall ,!lStl \.Tedk ~uch ulher lunds and accounts hereulldcr as shall be requested in writillg by the Borro\\'cr rrom time tn time as llcccssary to 1:lci I i tate prnper :ld 111 i !listr;}t ipll hereunder but the estah Ii shlllenl 0 j' an y such rund (lr account shal I nul alter or !1wdit\, allY or the requiremellts or Ihis Bund Indenture with re~pec1 (u a depu~it or L1SL' () I' nlPney in 1 he Hond Fund PI' rcsu It in COllllll i ngli ng of funds not permitted hereundcr. Section ,'i,2(b) .'~pplic(\tion pr Bond Fund. ,\]] allHlunts ill the Bond Fund shall be used :Jlld wi! hdrawll h y t he Bond Trustee solei y ttlr the purpose 0 I' pa Ylllg I he pri nci pu I 0 I' alld ill tncst on thc Bonds as the S,HIlC shall hu:olllc due alld p~\:<lbk. whether at maturity or upon aceL'lcraliolJ or ruklllplioll prior to maturity. At any tillll' prior Ip gi\ing of lJotiee of redunptim1_ the Bond Trustce 1ll<IY dPply ;Viand a lory i\ Ilwrt i /:11 ion I nstdll ments in the Bond I'und lot he purchase (l f 1 he appJ icahlc Term Bonds a ( pub I ie or pl'i \(\ t e s,de. ,IS cllld \\hcn and at ~ L1ch pri ccs (i nel ud i ng brokerage <JIld plher charges) ao; the Blllld Trustee IlJay he directed hy' the Issuer. upon the written dIrection of thc BOlTO\\'l'L e-XlT]H thaI l11l' purchase price (ex cJ udi ng ~\ccrued i l1teres1) shall not exceed the par va] ue (l r slll"h Hunds, I L dun ng thc twc] \'l'-l1l0nt h period i lllllled i ately preecd ing said [\,1 andatllry Anwrt i/;ttion !nstallments d ,lte, I he I ~l)nd I rtlsk<..' ha::i purchased T Cl"lll Bonds \\1t h nlOnevs i 11 the Bond Fund. OL during said period anLl prior to the seleclion or Hond::i Itlr redemplion. thc BOITm\er has dl'posited Term Bl\nds \\ ilh the I~ond Truskc_ or Term Bonds \\ere at ,illV' tlllle purehascd tlr n:deL'l11ed bv the [{olld lrustee lJ-rllll the Bond Fund which are allocable to sllid 1\1 a Ildatpry .\lll\1rtintloll lllst:d I lllenLs. such B()nLl s so purchased. deposited or redeem cd s h;lI I he ~lpp I i ell. tt \ the ex tL~lll 01' I he full pri nci pal amtlunt t herep L lirsl to rl'duee S;I id i\-1 andat01';.' i\ 1ll0l'1 i lallO!l IllS1 allmcnts. ;lI1d t hen as a credIt ,Igamsl such lul urc \landatprv AI1lO1't i/at ion -~~nS-I}PI1d Ilh.,t ~ll~knt~il....' ,/ lnsl~llllTJents as the GplTO\\er may direct. .,\11 Bonds purchased or deposited pursuant to this Sect ion shall he canccled and del I \el'cd by the Hond Trustee to or upon the order 0 I' the Issuer. i\t any lime prillr tll sekc1l\ln or the Honds for redcmptioll. the Bund Irustee shall apply' amounts on dcpllsil in lhc Bond Fund for the uptioml or spceial redemptiun of Bonds to the purchase () r B( llH.1s at pu b Ii c or pri \a1c sale, as and when and at such pri et;C, (i nel uding hrnk crage and other charges) as shall he directed by the Hornl\\er: provided that the purchase price (excl USl \'e II f ~lCLTlled i III en,.'st) may not exceed the Redel11 pI ion Price tl1en app I i cable tu such BOllds: ,1Ild provided further that in the case Dr optional rcdernptioll. in lieu of redemption on (he next succeeding dale llf redclllPtipll. or in combination thcre\\'ith. amount':; in the Hond Fund f()r op1 i (lIlal l'L'dempl i pn ma-, he cred itcd agel! nst Loall Repayments, in order 0 1'1 helr due dates. as set fort h i Jl the d i red ion 0 f I he HOrrlmCl del i \crcd tp the [3und Trustee and the Issuer alld Llsed for the purposes !(lr \\hich such Loan Payment:-; ;lre required to he made, Scelitln ".2(\:) EstabU.illl1tcnt of RescnT FumLlh..:re is hereby estahlished a fund tu be dcsigna1cd the M unrue' Co unt y Industrial Devclopmcnt A uthori ty Ind us( ri al Development Re\Cnuc Bpnds (North "-1.')' ]wgo \.11 i lily C\ll'p, Pro,tect). Senes 2(0) Rcser\'\: FLlnd (the '"Rcsenc Fund"). The nlOney in the Rcsel'\e Fund shall be held by the Homl Trustee in trust and appl I cd as hereinai'ter pnnided and. pend i ng such appl ieati\ln. the Rese!'\'c Fund and the monel' therein shall be subject tll a lien in til\'or ol' the Bond Trustee Ii.n lhc benefit or the Ilolders and for tile sceuritv oJ'the IlohllTs, Secti nil ". 2( d) 1~\Pj]li~iltinlu~.!~cS\:l~~.Full,d, The Reservc Fund for the 80nds sha II bt: mainlained III an amount l'qLwl to the Rcsen'e Fund Requirement. Such sum shall initially be deposited there'i 11 either (]) 11'(l11l the prueeeds (l j (hI.' Bonds, (2) rrom the Illoney in the resene accounls fur any refunded Bonds (lr (3) hum a cnll1bination of the ti.1regoing. Any \\'ithdraw<lls hom the Rescrve Fund shall he restmul within 12 monlhs. No further payments shall be required ((1 he melde JIlIn the Resene Fund \\hen there has heen deposited therein and as long as there shall rem,l ill on depusi t 11lLTei Il a sum equal to the ReselTt Fund Req uirelllenL The Inn.:stlllenl Securities Oil depo;il t ill tlw Resene r und shall he va I ued annu ally hy the Bond Trustee at thei r fai r marke1 val ut:. ex el uding accrued inlercst. in aeeordallce with genera] Iy accepted account i Ilg prad ice. and t hI.' BOJTo\\er sha 11 he fumished a statemellt ()f such \'3 Ilwtwll. Any deficiency' d Lie to market tluctuation ill the amount of Imestment Seeurilics on deposi1 ill the Rl'sClTe hllld shall he restored by Ihe Bornnver no Idler Ihdl1 the stKcecding vdluation date, Full e:lpilalt/iltioll of thl: Resclye I-'und tlIllhe date of issu:mce 0 I' (he Bonds rrolll proeecds (1 I' thl' Bonds. or hom money I1l the resenc accounts tlJr ally rcflJIHkd Bonds. shJl1 not he req uired i r the Bnrrnwl:r pr(lvides on the date 0 I' issuance ur the Bonds ( I) u bond reserve insunJnce pul icy issued to the Bond I rusteL' bY;1 Jiecnsed municipal bllnd insLlrcr whose claims-paying ability IS rated at least "i\.-\" \)j' ";\~l" by Standard & Po()r's or i\.loody's. respecti\ely. or (2) an uncondi(ional illT\ocablc letter of credit (" 1.0(''') Issued to the Trustee by ,1l1 Y bank or nat iona I banklllg ussocia1ion insured hy j'DIc' in an ill11Uunt equal tu the difference between the Reserve Fund Requircrnl:nt and the am\1unt otherw i se depos i led 1 hcrei II p ursuallt to the precedi ng paragr~lph, At any lime alicr the issudllee of lhc Bonds. the Bond Trustee shall. at the request of lhe Gornl\\ cr. \\l1hdra\\ 1he amounl ur money on depusl t In the ResenT Fund and substitute 1ll Its pJal'l'. il b(md resenT lllsunmcc polley or LOC as described in (I) ()r (2) \ll' the plTl\.:ding -l.~r)~ H,llHJ 1"] L1:-l (lLdl"lLlLth: -23- paragraph. supplied by the BorrO\n:r. in the Hlee amuunt 01' such withdrawaL and deposit the surplus Illpney' S(l \\ilhdra\\Jl intu the f30nd Fund. Sect i (lll ),,'Ill\l'stment u I' ~lll11evs in FuWIs and Accoullts. Al I Illolley's in all y u I' I he funds and ilccoUl1h establ ished pursuant tu this Bond [ndcnture shall he invested by the BOlld Tru--:1ce U pOll the d ired ion uf the Borrower. solely in I nves( ment Securi lies. ! n direct i Ilg i 11\cstmcnts. I h l' HurHl\\er shall eompl y \\ilh the Ii 111 i lati UIlS as set tixth ill the Tax Agreclllen t. the Ii 111 i ldti ons set 1l1l1h under the I a\\'s 0 f 1 he SIal e, thc I im itati OIlS as to mat Llri ti cs hcreinaltcr set forth in this Section and sllch additiollal [imitations or requirements consistent with the fixegoing as Illav be est:lblished lw the direction or the Hornl\\cr. . . Nnt\\ilhsLlnding any other pl'llvision herein, in the ~lbsenec or writlen inveslmen( direc1illlb dell\ered to lhl' I~ond Trustee by noon on the Bu"ine"s Day preceding the day when i l1\\.'stmen ts d 1'1.' lu he 111 ,Ide, the Bllml T rus1ce sha]] (without rurther d irec( ion) In\est a \ai h b Ie funds in a Ill! nl!:y nlarkct fund rated 111 the highest rati ng category of Standard & ruor' s. 111\ e~ll1JcrJls shall be 1l1:llk so as to mature on or prior to the dale or datcs lhal nHHleys there li'um ~lre anI i c ipatcd 1\1 be rell II i rcd. ;\ II i I1t crest. pHl II ts alld i Ileomc rccei ved from the i Ilvcstment (If IlHll1eys in allY fund sha]] be creditl~d tll SUl"ll fund, Not\\ithstanding anything to the conlrary contained in this par:lgraph. all y anwullt 01' i n1crl'st rl'cei \ul \\'i t h respect 10 all J 11 u:st ment Securi ty ell ual to the alllount \ If ilccrued i nlerest. i f ~lllY, paid as part of the purchase price of such I nvcstl1lent Seeuri t y shall be creditcd lo the fUlld or account fiolll which such accrued interest was paid, F (lj' I he purpose (l f (klcnlll ni llg the alT1(lunt on deposi ( in ,my rund Dr aceuunt establi shl'd hcreunder. all ll1\cslrnellt Securities credited to such funds shall be valued as proviLlcd in the delinitioll or"lll\cstment Securities" herein, The Btlnd 'I rUS(L'e lllily cOllllllingh: any of the funds l)r accnunts established pursuant to this Bond Indenture into a scparate fund or fund" for investment purposes only, providcd (hdt all funds or accounts held hy' the Bond Trustee hereundcr shall be accounted for separately as rcquircd bv lhis H()lld Indenture, The [3nllJ Trustce may purchase rr(\11l ur sell 10 itself or any a rtili ate u fit ,IS pri nCl pa I or agent ill I he m" king or disposing of any i nvcstl1lent. The Bond Trustee shelll sell a( the best pricc reasunahly obtainahle or presenl l(}r redelllPtion, any 111\ csllllcnt Securit ies S\l purchased whenc\'er it shall be necessary' to pnl\'idl' 111uneys to mec1 any requirul payment. transfer. \\'ithdrawal or dishursement rmm the fUlld or aCeollllt tu wlHch sLleh Investment Securtty IS credited, and the Bond Trus(ee shall !lot be lidblc or n:spon"iblc Illf :my ]uss resulting rrom 111\ cstmenh pursuant to the direction of the Borrowcr or pursuant 10 Seetinn "...J. hereof (l!' Scdiull ,'-:,3 hereof ARTICLE VI P:\RTIClJLAR CO\ E~:\:\'TS Sectioll 6.1, Punctual Pavment. The Issuer shed] punctually payor cause ((1 he paid the princi pa I t lr Redelll pI i Oil l'ri L'L' and in!crest to beeollle due i II re~pcc1 (l r al I the Bonds. i 11 ~t riL't -L~().'-H"ilnd ~ nl..;l lndl'llt~L'\: -2~- CUll furllli1 \' \\ith the tenns of the Bond" dnd of this Bond Indenture, accord11lg to the true inten( and mean i ng t l1ere(ll: and shall punctua]]}' p:IY' or cause to he paid all \1 andatory A nwrti/eJtiun Installments. but only uut pf Revellues <llld other asscls pledged for such payment as pro\'ided in this Bond Indenture, Sl'etloll (1,~, Lxtcnsio_n (If IJavJllcnt pr [3ond". The Is"uer Shill I nut di rl'clly or llldirectly e,\tcnd or assent tn the extcnsiOll uf the maturity or any nr the Bonds or the lime pI' pd}'I1lent p f i nteresl on any' 0 f thc Bonds (or allY claims for such i ntcrest). and In G1Se the maturity of any of the Bonds or the time or pa:vment of interest on any of the Bonds (llj' ;my' cl ~li illS ji)j' such i 11 krest) shel!l be cxtended, such Bonds (or such e]a i ms ll)r i nkITst) shall not be l'1Hilkd. in else uf any L\l.'l1t or Iknwlt hcrcundcr. to thc belll'fils pf this Bund !l1llcnturc. l'xcepl subject to the pri()r paYlllenl in full of the principal ()f all of the Bonds then Ouhtdllding and PI' interest therl'Oll (and all claims !llr interest therl'On) which shall not have been sn extended. \ulhing in t]llS Sel'11lHI shall lK~ deemed to limit the right of the Issuer to i"sue bonds J(lj' the purpose (l f refund lI1g an)' Outs! dlld ing BUilds. <lnd such issuance sha] I not be deemed to l'\ lllsti t ute all e\ tension 0 f maturity of Bunds, SCL:tiO!1 ()..^', Aj..;ainst Fncumbrances. The Issuer shaJJ not create. or permit partie" \\ithin its eplltrp[ to create. am' pledge. lien, charge or othcr cll<..:mnbrance uplln the Re\L~llllL" ~l1ld l11 her asscl s pledged or assigned ullder thi s Homl I ndent lire wh i Ie any U I' the Hllnds are OUlsunding. e:\cept Illr the pledge and assignment created by this Btlnd Indenture. !n additioll. if the Issuer reccives no(iee l"rom the Hond I rllstce or lhe Horrower lll' lhe erea1ioll or anv such pledgc. ] ien. ch:I rge t ll' other encumbrance. the Issuer. at the sok eost 0 f t he Borrower. sha II take actIon III resbt slIch LTcatim] or allY pledge lIen. charge or o(hcr en<..:umhranee upon the request 01" the 13ll11d I rustce (\r the HO!To\\er. S ubjecl to t h i 'i ] im itation. the Issuer n pn:s,,]y I'l'senes the right to enkr Into one or more other indentures for any of its corporate purposes, including other p]'()grams under the Act and reserves the right to i "sue other obi i gat ions Il)l sLleh purposes_ Seellun (),-1-, rl,l\yerJlLl\~Jl~ Bonds aml1'vlake P1cdl'.e and ASSll.',nmcllt. The IssLler IS duly authon/cd pursuant III ]aw to issuc the Bonds, and to en(er into this Hond Indenture. and tll pledge and assign the RevCl1ues and other assets purpol1ed to be pledged and assigned under this Bond Imlcntlll'e. in lhe manner and tu the extent prllvided in this [~und Indenture, Ihe Bomb and lhe pn1\isilln" pf this Gund Indenture arc and will be the kg,d. \alid and binding limited 0\1 Ii gat i lllb 0 f the lssw:r. ell !llreeah Ie ill accurdilnee wi th lheir tcnlls, and the Issuer and the Hlmd Trustee sha II ~lt a II ti mes, to the ex tent penni lied by 1:1\\', deknd, preSlTV'l: a nd protect Sa id pledge and assignmcnt uf Reveuues and other assets and all the rights of the IlolLlers under this [3ond Imlcnture agdinsl a]] claims and dl'mands of all pcrstlns whumsoe\er. Sectinll (),:5, ACColllllin~ Records ,1l}~LLinanei(J1 St,ltements. (~I) The Bond Trustee shall al all times lecr. or cause to be lept. proper books pf record and aeco unt. prepared in accllrdance \\'It h the Bnnd Trustee' s :lCCt lunt i ng pract ices fill' h\ lob 0 I' reulrd ,Illd aceoullt rclilti ng tu si III il at' trust aceOUJlts and 1Il accnnlilllce \\i t h the customary st:llldards of the cnrporate (rust i nd us! ry Illr sueh hunks (l r record and account in which en11lp IctL~ and accurate en( ri es Sh,111 be made 0 r a] I transact ions rehlt i ng lu the proccl'lls 0 I' Ihe Bnllds. the Re\cnues. lhe LO:l1l l\greement elI1d a]] funds emd ,lccounts estahlished pursu~mt to till s Bond Indent urc, S llch bouKs (1 f record and acco unt shall be <l\ai] <Ih Ie Ill!- i nspl'et ion h y 1 he -l~n5-H()nd r ru:..:t InlL-nlut\- ')~ --)- Issuer. the BOrrm\Tr and any Holder. or its agent or rcpresentillive duly authorii'ed in writing. at reasonable hours and under reasonable circumstances, (h) The Bond Trustee shall furnish to the Borrower pn PI' bcftm.:: the 1St h I ~ usi nl'"s Da y 0 r each month a eomplcte ti nancial statement (which need nol be audi ted) covering reeei pts, disbursements. allocation anLl application of Revenues and any other moneys (including BOlld proceeds) in any of thc funds and accounts established pursuant to this l~(lnd Indenture ror the preceding month. Section 6,(1. Tax Certifical~, The Issuer covenants and agrees that it will al all limes do and perli)J1ll all actions und things pennitted by law and this Indellture which are necessary f(lr the BUilds to satisfy the requirements of Section 103 and 141 through I so of the ('ode in order to assure that interest on the Bonds will be excluded li-orn gross income I'm fl:der,d income tax purposes and will take no adion that \vould result in bi]ure of the Gonds to satisfy the requirelllents of Section 10.1 and 141 through I SO of the Code, The IsslleL in reliance upon the BorroweL covenants that it will comply with the provisillllS of the Tax Agreement. which ilre ineclI-porated herein ilS i r rull y set forth herein. The covenants contai ned in 1 his Sectioll (l.h shall survive paymcnt in full or defeasance of the Bonds. Section 6.7. C,~l\'CIlanls. All1eJ1(h~lCllt of LOall ,~\i!reement and lax Certificate; Other (al The Loan Agreement may be amended. modified or terminated only pursuant to a wri !tell instrument signed by t he I ssuer and the Borrower with the pri or \vri tlen consenl 0 r the Bond Trustee, (b) The Bond TrLlstc<: shall consent to any' amendment, modi fieatioll or term i nat i on 0 r the Loan Agreemcnt, if in the opinion ol' the [3ond Trustee, which opinion Illay be hased on an Opinion of Counsel, such amendment, modilication or termination will not materially adverse!}' affect the interests of the Holders or result in any material impairment of thc security hereby given f()r the payment of the Bonds; provided, hmveveL thaI no such amendment Illodi lication or tennination shall reduce the amount of Loan RcpaYlllents to hc made to (he Issucr or thc Bond Trus1ee by the Borrower pursuant tl) the Loan Agreement or extend the time 1(lr lllaking such payments, vvithout the written consent of all of the Ilolders of the Bonds then Outstanding, (c) Ihc I ssuer, at the direct ion and sole cost of the HC1JTOWeL with the prillr \vri Hen COllSell t II r t he Bond Trustee (gi VCIl as provided in Section 6, 7(b)( i)), hut wi thout t he necessity of obtaming the consent of any of the Holders, may enter into amendments or modifications or the l,oan Agrecment, only to the extent permitted by' hnv 3nd only for any' one or more of the fo Ilow i ng purposes: (i) to add to the covenants and agreements c1\' the Issuer or the Borrowcr contained III lhe I ~oan Agreement other covenants and agreements thereafter to bc observed, to pledge or assign additional security fix the Bonds (or any portion thereol), or to surrender any right or power therein reserved to or eonferred upon the Issuer or thc Borrower, provided, that IlO such covenant. agreement. pledge. assignlllent or surrender shall materially' adversely affect the interests of the Holders or (he I~(lnds: ,)!(l'i-Ilnnt! [""I !>Hll'lllurc' -26- Oi) to make such pro\isl(lns ror the purppse pf curing any ~l1nbiguit;.. i IlCllllsistency or ollli:-;Sh In. or u r curi ng ()J' correct i ng ~lI1Y lkfect i \e pnni S ipll. U1 n t ,Ii ned in the Loan Agreement, nr in regard to such l1ntters or questions ariSing tinder tIll.:: Loan Agreement. as the Issuer. at the direction ()f the BOITll\\'lT. may deem lleeess:lJY \lr desirable and not inconsIstent with the ! .oall Agreement or this Bond l11denture. and \\hi eh shall 1101 llwtcri 31] Y adverscl y affect the i llterests 0 r I he f! o]ders () f the Bonds: (iii) to maintain the exclusion fi'om gmss inctllne pI' lllterest p~lyahle with n:spect to the 80mb: or (i v) t;Jr allY olher purpose Ihat d~les not (i) a llcd right s 0 r 1 he I s.suer under the Loall Agreement Ihat arc not pledged hereunder or (i i) nwteri ~lll y ad H::rscl)' ~llTec! 1 he i nlt'rests of the Ho Idcrs (1 r t he Bonds. (d) The Tax Certificate may' be amended or modified \\ithout thc UlIl:';ent llfor nnticc 10 the! I pldcrs upon com pli ~l1lel' \\ i I h lhe appl i cab Ie prmi sion s 0 r (he I ilX Cerl i fl Cl1l', (c) the B~lnd Trustee s11,1I I prom pt Iy co lled a II illll\1Un t s d Ul' It"pm the Bp[,],P\\l'r pursuant to thc Loan Agreemenl and lhc Series 2()()5 \'laster :'\ote. ,hall perforlll all duties [mposcd UpOll it pursuant to Illl' l.(lan A grecment and 1 he Tax Cer! i Ii calc alld .shal] (suhj l'cl to the provisions of Section :-;,J( d) hereof) dil igently cnfuree. ~l11d take a]] steps. aclilllh anLl procecdings reasollably ncecssary f()[ the l'I1fllreement of nIl of the rights of the Is'iuer and all oj' t he obllgat1l1JlS of th\: Borrower ullder 1 he Loan Agrl'C111en t and III e S\.Ties 2(}():, r'\1 aster N ok that arc assigned alld pledged to the payment and 'iecurity of the Bon(b pUrsll~lIH to tillS Bond Indenturc, Section 6.S. \Vaiver nf Laws. To the extelll permitted hy 1m\'. (i) the Issuer sh~dl not at allY' time insist UpOIl or pkad in any manner \\'hatsocver. or claim or take the benefit or Cl(hantage of. any "t(IV or exlensi\ll1 1:1\\ ll()\Y or at ;my time hereafter in f(lree lhat may :tlTcet the ep\enall hand agree men b conlai ned in this Bond Indenture or i 11 the BUilds. and (i i) a II hendi t or advantage of any' such la\v or laws is hereby expressly waived by the Issuer to the extent permi tled by la \Y. Section (), \). I. urther Assurances, The Issuer \\'i]] Illake. execute and deli \cr a11\ and all such rurther indentures, instruments and assurances as may he reasonably nccc.;sary llr proper to carr)' out the i ntent10n or to faei 1 i talt: (he perfi:1rmalKe of tit i s Bond [ndent ure ell Id f(lr 1 he better assuri Ilg and con linn i ng unto t he Holders of the BOlld~ al I () j' the ri ghls and hl'ndi Is j11'\nided in th is Bond I mkn! ure, -1-~j f::;;-B~lnd lnL:-:t [Ihkllturl~ -'27- -'l211'i-R-Rc,-.-\lJl!lnrit\ II ilh aw' APPENDIX B FORM OF LOAN AGREE1\'1ENT ] I 'IOi'\ROE COl";\:TY I'JDlTSTRL\L DEYELOPI\IEI\T ALTIIORITY and ~ORTII KEY LARCO FrILITY CORP. LO..\i\' /\(;REE'IE~T Da ted as of .\pril I, 200S Relating to S 'IOi'\ROE COL'I\TY 1~IHISTRL\1. DFV'ELOPl\lEI\T AlTIIORITY I:\DlSTRIAL DE\'ELOPI\IE~T RE\'E:\TE BO:\iDS (:\JORTII KEY L\RGO L!TILlTY CORP. PRo.IECT) SERIES 20()5 ])rall :; :; I US T:\BIl: OF COr\ ITNTS Pdgl.' ,\ RIIC 1.1' 1 j) EFIl\ IT!Ol\S .................... , , , , , , , , , , , ' , " ' ] SL'clillll I, I SL'dillll ].2 S\;vtipl1 ] "i Iklillil1(111"'"""""".,.......,......,......,......,..,....,'. '.'''.'''.""'.""".""".""" ""."......,..] Ilc(llli 11g~."........_.._ _ _... _ _ _. _ _ __ _ _. _ _ __ _ _. _..........................................."."'...."...... .,...........,. - ~~ l fse uf I)hr;l.,e:-i......,..............................................,..,.. ..,............,............,.. ................4 ;\ RTI( 'II, 2 R I ,YI{ I 'SI '.r\ [',.\ 1'1 ( H\S ...........................................................................,............,...______.4 S\,.'c!I()1l :-',1 :--\cctHII12.2 Ikprc,;cl1(atiullS h\ the IS~L1er. ..............................................................."...... __,__-1- Repn:sl'ntatJol1s and \\'~lrrilllties by the Burrower. ,__.. __,............,......, .................) ARIICI.J' :; ISSLX\KT ()]-' BCf\DS: LO:\'\: SECURIT\- ...................................'.. S<..'l'lipll ",I Section .\.: ______h :\gr<..Tllll'llt III h.-,L1e Dtlllds: ,'\ utlwritY":-i Liaoi I it: L I1del' the Bonds. ..,.. " "",.......... Jl [,oal1................................. '..,,""'......'__..'.. ,____________,,'..,..,.., __..,() .\ RTIC 'LI: --t T11 L 1<'\CI L\".,'(j L ................................................................................... Sn:tlllll ~, 1 Sl.'ctlllll ..1.2 SCl"li(111 ~,,' ('Pl11pkli\1n of Exdwngl' ....................................".."...."..".."..,,,,,,,,,, ......"........ 7 ('( 1111 pllaneL' \\111 I Rcgu Ltt\ lry RequirelllcI ItS.."."..".".."."..".".."."",.."...".......,..."." 7 PaYTlll'111 pI' I;,xpcns\;s, __"______'____..'__.. "______"..__..'..'..'........"",,..__.."..'.". .""... __,__ i /\J{-I'I( '1.1',) l_()/\~< [{F!J/\ l'\'ll'~N'l'S .................................................................~~...._~.~_..~.._._ "7 Sectillll ).1 ScctipJl ,"i,:2 SCL'liPll ),,' Sel'tion ).~l Sectl\Hl "i__"i SCl,(iOll )J) S\,.,ctioll ),7 SeL'li\111 ),:-; Sedioll ),() Sedio!l ), I () Sl'L'lu 111 ), II Sl'ctilln ),1:': I ~\ );111 Rep:lymenls ".,...".,...,.",...,.".."."..".".."."..".,..",., ,..___,..., ,__, __ __. ,." __"." __',.,' '7 ( "red its __...,............................................................,.. .... ,.. "",,,..................................... \) ,\ddi tioned P,l\ment~ "",..............,..,..",............, ",................................................,.... () '-J (I Deknse (lr Sct-O!f, ,., __,.."..,.., '........."", .........',..'.."",....",...",.....,......,....."".."" ,9 i\ssignmcnl ~llld !{eseIY~ltion or /\ut]lllrity' s Rights................................................ 1 () Prep,I;.lllcnt of Loan Repayments: Credit j( lr B( 1mb Surrendl'r\"'d, __ __ __ __ __.............. ] () Eft;'xt of Partial Prepayment ...........................__.,...'...__....................................,.., ] () .\nHlrti;,lliOlJ Schcdules__.__ __,...."........................................................................, 11 I' x traprdi nary Prl.'pcIYlllcnt. ,..,....................................................,......,......,....... ......__ I I Sp,-'eial Pn:pay'mcnt..,..,...,..""......................................."., __"." __"." __',.,'..'"".....,..." I::: S \I rplu s Fund s..........................................,...,. ,,__, __" __, __", ,__""""""""""",.",......... I ~ l3urnmcr's Obllgatiol1s l,IIll'\lllditiol1u] ......................................." ..........,............... 12 .\RT]('I.l', 6 SPI'J'IAI, ('O\'I,:~:\l\'IS OF HORRO\VER ............ Seetipn (L 1 SectipJ1 6,2 Seel iPll ()..' Section (),~ Section h.) 11 ('t1mpl1aneL' with ('0\ en ants. Conditions and ,\greemcnts in ~lastcr I mknl lire".."",..,.."..,.."..,.............................."..,.."..,..".".."." .......,_____ ________ __" __, __" 1 ~ LX:ll11in,ltion p!' BOPKs and ReClmls or the I~()rro\\er '............__.............................. 13 I'unher :\ssurances :lnd C(lITl'Ltivc Inslrul11ell!S,.....,.........",................................... 13 Recording ,llld Fi]ing: ()tl1er I IlStrUlTlmts. ,.."....__....,__,........................................... 13 Insj)l'ct l( IllS: Rep(lrts: Rep<li rs ......,,,..,,,......... """............ .............. __,.. __ __ __ __ ____'.. __.., 1-' Seel iOIl (1. (l '-:"el lOll 6.7 Corpomte Status ...,............ ., .....,......,......,....,......,....__'______'____'.'.__'.__.______..'. ____ 1':+ Tax-Exempt Sutus..____..______."""'...'m. ,__..,....""............,..... """................... 1-+ ARIIe'lT: '7 FVL'\TS OF DEFAl;LT A'\D IU:J\IEDILS............____......'.m'.m.............,................. 15 "L'CtlOll 7,) Seetioll 7,2 Scctltlll 7,,'-. Scction 7,-!- \cclitll1 7,) Sn;tillll 7.h Scctiol1 ;,7 Sn:tillll 7.~ L\ents of[)cf~lUlt Defined ,,,..............................................."'..m..m..'."'______________ 15 Rcmedi cs (In 1 kLlll h..,. ...... ............. ....... ............ ............,.. """...... ....... ......... I () i\pplicatioll of Amounts Realizcd in Lnlllreemenl or Rcnledics............................ 1 (1 '\\1 RCl11edy I',xclusi\e .....,.................................................."."",..",..".................... 17 :\grel'I1ll'l1t t(; Pay' Att(lr11CY-s" Fees and I..xpcnses__,__,..,...........,....."...................... 17 /\uthoritv and Borrower to Clive Notice of DdilUlt...........................,.,.".",.,__.__,__ 1 S Currdati\e \Vai\ers ....__...........__..m__.."" ____________'..,....__, ............................... IS '\( I Wai\H (d"Rights ..,.,....,............,......,......,....,......,..... """""" "'" ",,,.,......,......,.. IS ART!CI.!: ~ INDJ:\;lN IFIC,ATJON AND "<ON-LI.,\BlLIT\' OF T! IE ISSl TR A\'D TIlE 'II~ USTEL.. ..__...., ......"...........__.."""."....."....."..."....."........, .."".. '__m""""."."".".... IlJ Sect ion S. I Scctillll S.~ Hl1]d Harmless Prmisiolls. ....,."".,."".,."".,.".,."".,.", ......,........ ...."".,."".,."".,.. ]\) Payment ofCosls upon Debult""......."....,................'''........................,.. __,______.. 1\) ARTIC'LE \) TER~l]l\i\ TIOl\ ()!, ACiREE1\1ENT .,.....,.,....,.,..,.,....,.,.., SCe!iUIl lJ,l ______________.. 20 Terl1l1l1ation ur :\greelllent ..".,...".""....,......,..,.,....",....,..,. ________,______________ 20 ,\RTI C U~ I () i\lISC E U.i\'\J ECn 'S"...... ........"......... ....... ...... ......... ,.. ..m __ __',,' __.. .."....... __...... ......,.. 20 Sect iun I n. I SlTliull 1 O.~ See! iUIl 103 Seeliull t ()4 Seetiul1 t 0,5 Scclil11l t OJ1 Scctiul1 10,7 Section 1 (). S Scctinn 1 (){) SectIon 10. t () See! iPll 10] 1 See( ion 10. I :2 Section 10, 1:1 rXllll~!TS i\-kmbers, Onicers and l'l11ployces of the Issuer ~lIld Borrower Nllt Liable..,...., ,__ __, __ __,., __ __,' __ __",..",....",.... ..."",..__, .., ,.."".,."".,."".,."".....,.,.... ,.... ...... 20 .~ Illl'ndment ur !\grl'l'l11l'nt ,.".,."...""",,,...,.......,.,........,.,,,,..,....,,,....,....... ............... 20 Redemptipn llfBonds __......""" "".."............. """""",__ """,."...............2 I Surplus FuJlds__""__......,....__,____,____..,........,..,.....".................,,...............", "",,,.........21 Lilllitatilln on the issUCl"'s I .iability .,..,.................................................................... 2] DOlTU\\cr's Rcmedies ............. .."'...........................................................,..__."........ 21 C'tll1sents dnd /\pprovals ............,.....................................,.., .."""..,........................ ~~ Extent (l t' CU\'l'nant s .." 'm'......,......,....,......,......,.....""".." u.,....".. __" __.."',,',,....',.... 11 Nlltiees: Demilnds: Requests ................... ,..__,__,______,__,.......,....,......,......,...... ........ :2:2 'vI ull i pk Cllunterpal1s ""... ....... ............ ....... .............. ..... ............ ....... ....................... 2,'-. Sen~rahil ity ...,..... ............., __ __,.'....',...",....",.."",....",..........,.... ,__ __,., ,.__,.,..'".."",.., 2.' State Law Controllillg................................ ..............____________,,__,____________, 2:' IJond lndcnture.................................. '.n................................. ...... 2:") EXHIBIT i\ - Descriplioll (lfSystcm EXIIIBIT B - i'"lastcr T\utc. Series ~O()) 11 I.oA~ t\(JREL\ll:\1 Tltis LOA,\; ,\CiRL::U'vlLNI. made and entcred into as or April 1. 2005. is by and hct\\l'en \]O,\;R01" COI''\T'y' INDUSTRIAl. I)F\T,I,OP\'lENT At'THORIT'{ (thc "Issucr") and '\ORTII KE'/ LARC;O [)TlLITY CORP.. a nOI-tiJr.prolit eorporalion organii'l.xl and ex i sl i ng under and by \irtue of t Ite I a\\s 0 I' the State 0 I' Florid a (thc "Borrower"). \V I T '\ L S S I.. I II: AIUICl.l'.1 D1XIN lTlONS Section 1,1 DellnitiollS lInkss the context Pl' use indie~Jtcs (lIwlher lllCC!lJlng tlr intcnt. the follo\\'ing \\'nl'ds ilnd krl11s ilS used in Ihis AgreClnenl shall Ilene the fullowing ll1eanings. ,md any uther \\unb alld lerms \\l1lel1 are ddined in the Bond Indenture Dr lhc \laster Imlcnlure shall have I he t11e~lI1lngs as t herei n dcti ned: .. ,\eeounl:1ll (.. or .. Aceo unlants" means a natlonall y rc(ogni/cd firm 0 r (crt !tied public ,H.:euun\;\nls KIl\l\\ ledge:! bk in the opera( iun u I' parking garage bci Ii t i eCi empl nyed by the BO!TO \\'cr. .. .'\c!" mCallS Chapter 1 59. Part II and Part III. F]orida S tatuks. ,IS tl'u111 t i t11l' tll ti 11ll:: aI\Jendcd. and other appI i cahlc provi sions 0 f I a\V. ""Agreement" or "I.oan Agreement" means lhls Agrcement by and be1\\cen the Issuer and the l~orn mer .. Bonds"' meallS the Ilut e:\eeedlllg S2. 965.000 aggregate rri Ileipa 1 <lIllOUllt 0 j' \lonrue Co unl y I nd ust ri a I Dc\elopll1l::llt i\ uthori ty I nd ust ria] Dc\'clopll1l::nt Re\cnue Bonds (N\lr1 h Key Largo Ltility Curp. Pl'lljeet). Series lOOS. "Bund Indel1turc" means the Bund Trust Indenture of e\en date helT\vilh. entered into hy and hetween tIle Issuer and the J ruske. as amended (Jnd supplelllellted !i-om time 10 time, "Bund Fund" mcans the fund created try Section -'i..2 () r t he Bund Indenture. .. Burr\1\vcr" I1lC;lI1S '-J urlh Kc\' Larg\l U Ii 1 ity Cmp.. a nol- t(lr-pro 111 curpor,Jt ion nrganii'ed ,md existing under (he I:ms urthe State oj' 1"lorida. its successors and assigns, "Hor1'(mcr Documents" shall mean this Agreement. the \laslcr Indenture. the l\laster l\ otc. Serles l005. the S upp lclllent and the '1 ax ('erti lieal e. and each 01 her document rei at i ng lu t he Bonds to w hi eh I he 1~(lIT()wcr is a p<ll1y. "1~()rnJ\\lT Repn:sel1t atl \e" means each u r t he persons at the time desi gn ,11ed to <lct on hchal r or the Bornl\\l'r in ~l \\Tittl'll cer1 itiuIlc furni::;l1ed to the Issuer and Ihe Trustec. \\]l1ch cert i ficl1c shal! COil t~l in the spcei IllCIl signal urc(s) II f such person( s) ~lI1d shall bc ~j gncd on behal l' pI' the Dornl\\LT 11\ it~ President, --Clusing Date" means the L1ale (l11 \\'hich the ~3ot1(b arc dcli\'ered to the onginal purchaser or purchasers thereuL ()r to DTC on hehalf uf lhc purchasers_ and on which pa}'ment is rceei\ed by the J:.;~l1cr. ""Cod.:"" means the In krna I Re\en LIe Code of 19S(1. as amcnded, and the regul al ions 11'0111 time to timc is~ued pursuant then::lo, "Cost" sh<lll have the mt.'~lIlillg assigned 1(1 such term in the Ibnd Indenture. ""LVUlI () r lk t~l u] f' mcalls any (1 r (hc cven!.'i or (It.: t;wl t spcci Ii cd in Art ick 7 hernd', "'L'\change" shall I11ea11 Ihe refunding or Ihc I \)()," Bonds by' the c'\eh~lllge ur such ] \)\)5 Bonds 1'01' I he BOl1lk --Facilitles-- means all iJ.nd. leasehold in1crests illld buildings and all IIxturcs and cq ui plllent (as Lid] neLl in the florida L~' III form Cnmmercia] Code) comprising a part of the S yst em. ""Financial Statcmcnts-- lllc:ms the linaneial statemcnts or t ht.' HorH1we!', ""Fisea I "{car" mealls the BorTO\\er" s ti scal year which is th\: periud eUlTllTlcnci Ilg un the ti rst day' ()1' ,l;m u<lr~ 0 I' <Ill Y Yl'ar and ending on the I ~IS( day 0 l' I keUll bel' in t he !lex t ealendar year or such other period of lime consisting uf 12 cUl1sccuti\c calendar months as shall he determined by I he Born1\\er Llp()n notili catioIJ u l' such dct crmi nat i ()[1 10 ! he Irusl ee and the ivlaster Trustee. ""Issuer" mCans (i) Ihc \!(lnroc Counl,y Indus! ri a I I k\c1zlpll1en t i\ ut horit y" its successors and assigns ::Illd (i i) any IOl',d g\1\'CrIlm enla I hod y resulti ng hum or survi ving any cUllsolidat ion or merger 10 \\hich tht.' Issuer or lis successurs may be a party, ""Issucr Documents" shal I ll1eilJ1 the Bond Indenture, rhi s Agreelllcllt and lhe lax Cerli liuJ1c, 'Issuer Rcprcsentati\c" n1l'dllS each uf thc persons at thc time designated tu ,let 011 behalf 01' the Issuer IJ1 a wrillell certitlcatc furnished to the Bornl\vcr and the Trustee, \\hich certificate shall Clllltai 11 the spi:ClJ1len signaturc( s) pi' such persoll( s) and shall be signed on bell:!I r 0 r the Issuer bv it:-; Chairnwll,r \'-ice Chairman or Seeretary, - - --Loan-- means t he loan (l I' the proeceds of the Bonds made hy the I ssucr 10 the l3\l1TOWcr pursuant to SectIon:; ,=, () r 1 h is Agreement. ""Loan Rcpa)IJ1ent Date" means thc dates set fpr Loan Repaymcnts in Scetion ," ,I \)1' this Agrecment ""L\lan Repa~menh" IllGlIL'i till' paymellts set forth in Seclion 5.1 or(his Agrecll1cIl1. -J.2lf.":;- I ,l~:m .\~~r':..'Vllll:nt ~ "1\'laslcr Indenture" Cihall have the mcaning assigned to such lellll in the f30ml Indenture. "I\-b~tC'r :'-Jlllc. Seril.'s 2(0)" means ;vlasler :\ote, Series 2005 issllcd and dcli\ned by Ihe f3orrower under the Master Indenture and lhc Supplemental Indenture fix \1aslcr '\,Jote. Series 2005. and deli \ercd 10 the Issuer as collateral security fix the repay'lllen tor 1 he Loan and the lwrfnrIllance of tlw Borrtl\\er' s obI ig~lt iOlls under I h is /\gn:ernent and whi eh wa:,; assi gned by the Issuer to the Trustee as security for the Bonds. a copy or which is attdched hcreto as Lxlllbit B. .. \1astcr Trustee" shall ha \1.' tll<.? Illea]li ng ~lssigJled to sue h term in 1 he Bnnd Indenture. '~Perlllittcd liens" shall have the mean1l1g assigncd to sueh term in the: Master Indenture. .'Pri \a(c 1'1 ~lel.'lllen ( 1\1 enwrand lUll.. m l'~lilS 1 he Pn \ate PI ~lCement i'v1cllh lrandum rei al1l1g tl) the Bunds, .. Pr\ lperl )-". means an y and all rights, t i Ilc and i nlcrcsts of the Borrower ill and to any ,1Ild ,ill property (including cash) \\hether n:al \1r pcrsl1llal. tangible or intangihle :md \\heren:r silualed. .. Redelll pI i()n Req ui l'emcnts" for imy Bum! Year llleans the Jll (llldatory princi pili redemption requiremellt.., payable from the Bond Sinking Fund. "SYCitem" rnC~1JlS the \\aslcwuter s)-.'stem current I y owned and opera led hy 1 he BOlTO\\eL a pl1rlioll llrwhieh \\as f1nillll'ed with the proceeds of the 1995 Bomb. "State" llle,lIlo; the State (l I' I:lorida, "Supplcment:d Indenture f{)r Master "<ote. Series 2005" shall have the Illeaning assigned to o;uch term in the DOl1d Indenture, "Tax Certificate.' means the Tux Certilic<Jte daled the date of issuance or the Bonds. by and among the Issuer. the 11orrower and the Trustce. "Trustee" sha 11 meall \Vaehovia Bank. '\J atiul1al ASSOC1atJOll. a llat i ollal hall king aSCioeiatioll \vi(h a designatcd corporate lrust ofTice located ill f\liami, Florida, and its SUecessors III in terest as trustee under the [3ond Indent LIre and any indent url.' supplemcntal thcreto. '.Unassigned Rights" mcans those rights resened III and hy Ihe Issuer undl.'r Section ),) h ereo r "I \)()) HOllds" shall mean the \1011l"Oe Co unt 'y ImJ LI.'il rial j )(':\\:lopmell t i\ ut hori ty Industrial Dcvdpprnellt Re\Cn ue I ~(lllds (1\ (lrt h K e)-' Largo Uti lily Curl'. Pt"(1jcet), Series 1995, i ssueLl on March (). I \)l} 5_ 10 Ii nanec the C()st of i ll1provcll1cnts to the S ystelll. Scdioll 1.2 Jlcadin!.;s. Article <Jlld Section headings arc furnished t{)!" coll\cniencc only dlld do IlPt conslitutc u part oflhis Agreemcnt. "'lO~ L~lilll :\~n:"-'llh'Lll '"' ,J St:c!iUIl ] __\ Lise of. C.hras~s. "Herein", "hereh~:'. "hereunder". nhereld", '"1Icn::l nhc !'nre" _ nhcrei na fler" and 01 her eq ui \a lent words re kr to this Agreement as an entJ n:t;.' and nul solely to Cl particular portion in \\hich any such wurd is used. The ddiniliuns set I()rth in Seetin]] 1.1 hereof include both singular and plural. \Vhcne\Tr used herein, !lny pronoun shall he deemed to include both singular and plural and to cover all genders. Provisiolls ealling Ill!' or refcrrillg tll t he del i n:ry h y I he l3olTO\\'Cr of financial statements Ill!' any gi ven peri od shall be deemed :-;atisfied if the com b i !led or cons() 1 idalcd Ii nallcia] statemCl1ts for sLlch peri od, prepared in ,1eu)rdiJllCt.: wil h G A A p, (l!' such entities arc so deli vered. i\RTICLl2 R cPR ESb'\TATIOi\S Sel'lion .:,1 Ei,'presenlations hv the L;suer. Tile Issuer makes the I(lllowing representations and cu\'enants ~lS the b~lSis for the underl:Jkings nn ils part hercin contained: (a) The I:-;suer is duly established :l1ld validly existing under State la\\ alld has rull k'g:d right. POWlT and authority to execute. deliver 3nd pcrform cach of the Issuer D\leull1cnh ill1d Ill,' utller dueum l'llts con temp latcd I hereb y, I ':aeh 0 r the Iss lIer Documents and the other dOCLllllents contemplated thereby have been duly authonzed. executed illld del i \ued hy' the Issuer. (h) The 1s,;;uLT \\i 11 1 ssue Ilol cxeenli ng 52,965 J)()() aggregate pri nci pal anwunt of Illduslna] Lk\'ch\pment Re\Cnue Bunds (North Key' Larg() Utility Corp, Project). Series 2005. ill exchange f{)r a I1ke pnllClpal amount of I ')95 Bonds transmItted pursuant to the Exchange. The Bonds \\i II IX' issued. mat Llre. bear i ntercst. be redeemable (\nd hil\e ot her term s alld prov i SiUIlS ,IS provided for therein and in the Bond Indenture. (l' ) j'::'-:ehiJl1ge, The Issuer duly adl)ptcd its resolution on /\pril , 2005. to approve lhe (d) Oil ,'\pril . 2(J05. the Board of Cuunty Commissil)flers of \10ll\"ue County. Flori da appn l\cd the issuance 0 r the Bonds. ( c) The Issuer has prevlOLlsl y detennl !led that Ihe issuance 0 I' the 199 5 l~oll(ls and the loan o!' the proceeds lhcrcor to 1he BOtTO\\'er Ill]' the purpose ()f pnwiding \\aste\\'atcr treatmcnt in the northern part \II' r>v10llnle County sern:s ,I paramount public purpnse. (I) The Issuer duly adup(ed its rt:s()lution at a duly' called and puhlicly noticed III eel i ng, (g) \kither the execution and delivery of elllY of the Issuer Doculllent-; and the othcr doculllents eOlltelllplcJted thereby or the consummation nr the transacli()fls cOll1cmplated therehy nor th..:: fulfillmcnt of or compliance with the provisions or any of (he Issuer Doeulllents and the other d,lUllllCnt s COil tempi ated Ihcn:h y. \\'i I I con n iet with or result i 11 ~l brl'ach of or eonsl i tutc a deb u It Linder all Y \\ f t hc terms. eond it inns or prO\'Jsll1ns 0 f the Act. any ot hcr hl\\ or onlmann; 0 f the SUlk (lr dill' political suhdi\'isipn thereof (lr (ll' any restrictioll or :my agreclllellt or instrulllClll 1(1 which the IsS11LT is :J r~lrty or by whidl i[ is hound. or result in the creation llr imposition of -~~.l}5- l.l~.L1l .\gl-....'~'1TKlll .01- any Lien or any nature uptln any' ur the Properly or lhc Issuer under the term" of the Act or :111Y such Ln\'. ordi nanee. rest ri et ion. agreement or i IlstrUll1ellt, (hI Each uf the Issuer !)Oeuments and the uther document:; cOlltclllp[a(cd therchy ctlnsti t uk;-; a Ieg,l!. \,did and himlt ng oh]igation ol' the Issuer en rorceab 1c agai Ilst the bsuer ill accordance \vith its terms. SectiuJl ~.~ R~l'reselltati()ns ,md Warranties hv the BOlT(HHT The BOlTo\\'er Illak...,s 1 he roll O\\'i ng rl'presenlat ions. warrantl es and Cll\'enan(s ,IS the bas is ror the LlIHlertak illg:-; (lll its rart hercin cuntained: (a) Thc BtllTtl\\'cr is iJ Ilot-f(n-prnlit eorppration duly' urgani/.ed ,1Ild \:didly L'\isting llll(kr the 1:l\\s or thc State ur F]orida. IS in good standing undcr lhe laws or the Statc and betS rccei \ed il determ i nal itln Jell er from the! n1l'lllal R e\enue Seni l"C that it qUill i ji cs as a ta.\ -c:\ L'1ll pt ,-'ntity under Section SO] (c)( 1~) pI' thc Code. The Borrower has full kg~d right, pm\LT and al1thtHity \(l execute. delin__r and perform each ur the Bornmer [)ocumcnts '-llld the other d(lCUIllellts ul!ltenlpbted thcreby Each of the [3ornnver Documcnts and Ihe uther documents con!elll plakd t hcrehy l1dS hccn dul y aul hori IU!. C:\ eeuted :llld de Ii \'cred 1)\ the Burn mer. (h) N ci ther t h..., I:\ecut ion and del i very 0 I' any or I he I ~orr(l\\er DocLllllcnts and thl' other documents cOlltcmpbtcd thereby or the eOllsu1111ll<llion of lhl: tr~lJ1s(lctions eonlcmpbtcd thereby Iltlr thc t'u!fi][1l1ent cd' tlr ulmpl1am:c \\'ith the pnniSltlllS of ,my of the Borrowcr [)u Cll III enls and the ot her documents uHltcmpl at cd lherch v'. wi II C(l!l 11 i ct \\ith or n:,"Ll It III a hreach of or con"titl1tc ~l dcbu]t undcr :lny tlf the 1crms. condiliuns ur pnnisiulls (l I' (lilY applicab Ie 1 aw or ordi nance 0 j' the Stale or any pol it ical suhdi \lsioll therc( Jt' or 0 I' the Borrowcr- s oper:t(lllg ~lgreellleJ1 t or ,i\ r1 i cks () r I n corporation. or an y n:stricl ion or any agrcenlL'llt or illstrU1l1l'nl to which thc BorrowC1' is a party or by which it is bound. or result in thc ere~lti()n or nnposltlon oj' ally Lien or any nature upon any oj' the Pwperty oj' the Borrower LlIldcr the tcrms or any such law. ord i ll~lIlee. operal i ng agreement. !\rti des or 1 ncorporat i()n or Hy la \\'S, reslrieti\llL agreement Dr instrument. except fur Perrni1ted Liens, (e) The S ystcll1 wn flJrms \\'i Ih all appl ieablc 1()1l ing. pbnni ng. bui Id ing i1nd Clwiwnml:lllal laws. ordillilnees. rules and regulations of governmental aLlthoritie:-; h:ning .i uri "diction mer the S ystClll. The BOITOWlT \\i II use its best d!lxts to upera1c lhe System 111 a mallner that \"..i II cnn form with all applicable environmcnta] hl\\'s. ord i nanees. rule" ~llld reguLlt i Dns of gmcrnmcntal authorities hJ\ing juri sd i ctioJl mcr the S ystClll, (d) Thc Borrower shall pertl1l1l1 PI" cause to be pcrfonnetL tllr and PJl hel1~d I' () I' lhe Issuer each and every' ub Itg~lti()1l () f Ihe Issuer under and pursualll to the I ~OJ1d Illdent L1rc \\hi c h, by its I lTlll S. is rcquirnl to h..: pntllnncd by the Bornn\'(:r and shall 110t fail to lake ~ll1Y othcr actinn whieh is neecssary (u ell~lblc till.' Issuer to diseh,lrg~ its dutie~ llnller thc 8\lnd Indenturl.'. (c) Each 0 I' the Borrower Documcnts and 1 hI: tlt her dO~Ulllent ~ cnntl'll1 pLlted thcl'l:h}' e\lnst i I utes ~l kgal. va I id ,md bind ing ob I igal ion of t he Borrower en tl)rceahlc ag~li llst the HOJTO\\'l'r in llecordancl.' with Its terms. except as :-;uch cllj(lrCelllcnt ma}-' he lilllited hy {i) bankruptcy, inspl \ellCV. rcorgani/al ion, llloralori LlIll. rraudu Il'nt L'On\ey:IIlCC or ut hl.'1' SI m 1 b [' slalutc'< rule", regulations ()r other laws llffceting the cnfurccmcnt uf C1"Cdiltll-s" right:-; ,!lId -l~(:I:=-' [~l~lll .\~ll.I..'I]h:rll 5 remedies gcnera]]y or {iiJ Ihc ulJa\ailability of. or limit<ltiun on the aV;jilabdity of. a IXlrtieular I'ighl or remedy (whether in a proceeding in equity' or at I,m') bL'CdUSe oC all equildbk prinuple Dr a requirement as to cllmmereial reasol1ahlencss. eons(]onabdity or gllod lilith, (t) rhe Hpnll\\er agrees tha t i I (i) sha]] no! pcr!()]ln any act. enter i 1110 ~111 Y aj-!reerllcnt or use or permit the System. or any portion thereof. tll be llsed ill ,my I1lanl1l'L or I(n an;.- trade llr business or other !loll-exempt use rclated 10 (he purposes pi the Borro\\'er. \\hieh \\ould ;llhTrscly affcel the exelusi(lJl \)1' interest on the Bonds Jj'Olll kdera] grpss il1Cllll1e pursuant (0 Section 101 0 I' the Cock and (i i) shall not do or bi I to do an y act or underl;lki I1g \\' hi ch III ~lY' gJ\e rise to unrelated tr~lde or husiness income with respect to its llperiniul1s ,It the System (g) The aequisili\lll or and thc 11ll])J"O\emCnlS to the System flnallced \\1t11 the pnleeeds oCthe 19\)5 Btlnds \\'as a "project". within the Ineaning oi'lhe Act. (h) The B()]TO\\'er agrees that ncit her i I nor ,lilY n:lu ted party tp thc 13oJTower (as detined in Tn:~lS, I{eg. ~ 1,150-1 (h)) will rurchase any' of the Bonds ill all illllOUJlt related (() Ihe ohligation represented by this Agreement. (i) rhe Borrower \\'111 use due diligencl' III cause the Sysklll tn he opemted in accordancc \\ith thc la\\'s. rulings. regulations and ordinances of the State and the dep~lrll1ll~n1s. agenCl es and pol it 1 c:l1 su bd I vi SlUllS thereof Thc Hornl\\er \\' ill e<J use to be oht ai net! ~dl rl~q ui Sl t e ~lpprO\als 0 1'1 he S tate and () i" 01 her federaL state. region al and local go\ernmcnl~t1 bndies req u ilUI fllt, the !:3o!To\\cr's operation (lrlhe Sy's(cm, ARTICLE 3 ISSLA;\CE OF BONDS: LOAN: SH'URITY Section 1.1 At.;reement tu Issue Bund s~ i\luDQLll' s Jo,E!l)iljD:~JT l},~kr tilt: Lionds, (a) As provided in Seetinn 3.~ of this /\gree1l1ent. the Issuer wi] L at tire req lIest pf the BonO\\cr. issue and cause to bc deli \ered to the holders 0 f the 1 l)\):) Bnnd s, the Bonds pursuant to the prO\i sions \l I' the I~ond Indent urc. Such I~onds wi II hear interest ~lI1d ma( LIre as scl I()[( h in (he Bond Imknturc, (h) The Bllllds sha 11 bc I im i led obligal iOlls nf t he Issuer. the principa I. intercst and rL'dempl ion prcmium. If :ll1Y. UIl \\'hieh shall bc payable solely nut of the mOlll'Ys to be deri ,'Cd by tl1l' Issuer pursuant to this Loan Agreement and the Master '\'ole. Serics ='005, St:c1io!l .i ,=, !.pan, COJlcurrently with the Issuance and delivery 0 I' the Bonds. the Issuer will. UPPIl the terms and eondi(iolls (lj' this Agreement. lend !II the BU[Ttl\\'(']' the proeceds deri\L'(j hy the Issuer from the Issuance of the Bonds. 1Il the amount or S (the "L(lim"). for the purposes of tht: Exchange. and the Borrower hereby ad,nO\\kdge~ such Loan and that the same shall he paid to the Trustee and app I icd as prmided in i\ rti ell' I I I 011 he I~{lnd Indent ure' Illc BlllT(lWer hereby accepts the Loan and as collateral securitv thcrel(IL shall dcll\Cl" hI the IssuLT herewith the \-taster i\,otc. Serics 2005 dcscribt:d \In t]1l' at(aehed J',.:sllihiLH- The ..J.205 LU;lll .\~l L'l...:"ll 1....'1 II 6 Bt)rrD\\Tr shall rep~l} thc !.oan in acwrdance wi th the pwvi sinns n f I he \1 aster N ute. Scri cs 100S alHl this Agreement. The \-lasler :\otc. Series 2005 is issued Linder and secured b:'- the t\.laster Indenture and the: Supplemental Indenture li)r \bs1cr N\lte. Series 100:' lhe 'laster Indenture provides that the Bornl\\er may issue additiunal indehtedness secured by the seeurily !i.\r the \lastcr Note. Series 2005 un a pari passu basis for 1he pUlpOSl'S. under the terlll~ and cllnditiolls and to lhe extent described in th..:: t\.l'-lskr Indenture. ARTICLL 4 THE EXCtL\NGL S..::eti un ~, I (.'umpletion () I' Exclwil !!e. The Borm\HT s hd I I L'(llllp lck (lr calise to be cmllph:ted the: F'i:el1ange \\'ithin nilldy (90) da)'s (lethe issuanCl: of the Bnnds, Sec1ion 4,2 ~ID1)liance with I~,el!ulatorv Requirements, The BO]T()\\'\.:r agrel's that the System is ill eOlllpli~lIlce \\lth all applicelblc \)rdindnecs and sl:ltutes and the requirements (If ell I n::gulatory authori ties ha \'i ng j urisd i C1 ion. Not \\ i thst and i ng the f(lregoing. the Borrn\\er shal I Ilot he deprived or the right 10 contcst the \a]Idity or application \If allY such nnhll<llh.'L'. statute or requilTment pnnided that such wn(cs1 shall not impede the operation of the System or subj\.-ct the Property () f the Borrower to d anger of loss or furki t ure or 01 her m~l teri,d] y a(!\ ersc a flect or i mpa ir the Property 0 [ t he Borrower. See1 i (1Il 4,3 Pa vrnen 1 (l r Lx pemes. The [3orrower agrees to pay hum leg<lll y ~l Vll il ah Ie moneys \\'hich arc not deri \ed frul1l the prlleeeds or a ta.\-exclnpt hUtTO\\1I1g. \\hl'll due. a]] fees and expenses fi)r i nspediolls. apprais~I1s. al I record i llg I\:es ~lnd documentary taxes. i LlIJ y, and all legal fees related to this Agreement. the Bond Indenture. the \laster Indcnture. the \bster N\lte. Series 2005. the Supplcrnent and all costs. fees and expenses related to the BUilds. including but not Ii 111 ikd to. the B~)nd T rustl'C' s tt:e::; ,1l11l ex pL'nscs. printing costs. accounting I'ces. cOllsulti ng fees. fi nancial kasi bl1 it:;.' study fees. and legal tL'cs to the ex tent not paid by the 80nd Trustee pursuant to Article II J and Sccti un X. h () I' the Bond Indent ure and Sect ion (J,"7 0 1'1 he \1 aster Trust Indenture. and the r..::as\lllablc ~lIld Ill'cessary fees and expenses. includillg Iega] and ecrtiliL'd publie accountant kes. of the Issuer l"L'lating to the System or to the Prt1pert;. llf the BO]Tm\-cr ur to the IssuCJ"'s righls or ohligations hereunder or under the Bond Indenture tlr the :v1nster ImlcnturL'. \\hdher tH not sueh fees ~lr expenses ,liT payahle bd()re th.... Clll1llllel1l'el1lelll of or during the term of this Agreement. The [3orro\ver also agrees to pay from legally available 1ll00K'YS which arc nol deri\\.'d Ii'om 11le prnceeds t1l a tax-excmpt hmTtl\\ ing all rces and expenses in conncctioll with the 1l)t)5 Bonds redeemed and not exchelllged t(W the Bonds. ARTICLE S LOAN REPA'l\1ENTS Section ), I Loan 8--epaYI}l~nt~, Thc Borrower shall pay to the Trustee. in such manner as sh<lll be acceptable to the Trustee. fllr the account of the Issucr \\itlwut notice Dr demand. in such coin or currency uj' the tlllited States or America CIS al thL lime (li' payment shelll hL legal tender fur publ i e and pri\ate dehb. payments i Jl amounts Sll nil'i ell! (() 1 i lllcl Y pay in ful t the prinCl pal or (whet her a( mal uri (y. h y acederul i 011. hy ca II for relklll pI iOIl PI' u( herwisel. -r~o~- l.dall :\gr~'l.llll'nt 7 redemrtillll prl'miu III " if any. and interest on lhl' Bllllds II't1ll1 time 10 lime outstanding undl'r the Hund Indenture less the amount of ot]H:r runds mailahle jl)]' such payment ~IS pro\ided in the Buml Indenlure C'loan Repa yrn cnts U), \Vi t]wut ]i III it i ng 1 he lim:goi ng. Loan Repaymcnts sh;lI] bc due and paya hie in the Ii) I kmi ng ClJll(lunh. kss thc dJllounl () I' ued it to whi ch the Burrower mav he entitled in aecnnlance \\ith tl1l' Bond Indenlure ~IIHI Sl'ctiun .5.1 hl'rcuf lllld at the tilllO\ving tinKs (caeh a "!.oan Repayment [)~IIC"). but il the delle oj' rcquirvd paYlllcnt sh;lI] not he a Ousi ness Day. tlll'n on the !le\ t prL'ccd illg IS u si ness Day: (a) Semiannually. t\\'(l Bu-;iness Days prior to the date il is due. an ;lI1wllnl \\hieh will bc llot less than thc intcrc-;t to beC(lllle due llll thl' next succeeding Interest Payment Date (If the Bonds: and pnn'ided. that the Burruwcr shall h,-' entitled to certain C1"l'dits 011 such paYlllell1s as penniltcd ul1der this Lllel!1 Agreement: (b) l\ n11 u:III y. !\\o B usmcss Days pnor to the date il is dUe. an ~lnWUlll \vhi ch \\1 I] be 1101 less than the next insta]]mcnt uf pnllL'ipal b..:coming due on the Bonds by maturity or mandator)' rcdcmpti on: and prO\'ided. that the Horro\\'er shall he en( i (led t\l certain ned its on such payments as permilled under this Loan Agreement (c) /\ny ;Jllwunl lleceSS<I r~' to l'ulld (lr rl'plcn ish Ihe Resene hlIld under Seeti un ~i.2 0 I the \hstcr IlHknture. The I3orro\\'er agrees tureslore the aI1111unl (111 deposit in (he Resene FLUId 10 an ,J!lHlLInl equal III Ihe Resene r'L1ml Requirl'!llent within not more than IlU days ti)l\llWillg the dale till' Borrower reeei\es l1\ltiee llf ,-;ueh dcli..:ieney I r as a result (lj'the Resene Fund h~1\ing been dnl\\ll Upt)Jl the amount III the account est,lhltshed t(l!' the Bonds within the Reserve Fund is kss (h<ll1 I nu";) 01" the I{l'scne Fund Rl'quirClll\:.'nl. thl' l3ornl\\er agree" to restore the amoulll Pll deposit ill the aecoun t establ ished for the Honds wi t hill the Reserve l-'uml to an amount equal to tire Resenl: Fund RequllTl1lclll hy 111(' deposit with the l\lastl:r Trustee oj" all amount equal 10 such deficiency in not mote than 11 substantia]ly equal monthly installments hcgi nning \\i th the Ii rsl day () I' Ihe lirst n1(1nt h a lier the month ill \\h ieh sue h dra \\ occurred: and (d) A ny rebate amount required to be pelld on hehal for the Issuer to the lJ. S. Treasury pursuant (0 Scction 14S orlhe Code and the '] ax Agrel'lllell1. (e) It" (i) there is a Ddermination of Taxahility' (as ddincd in the Bond Indcnture) wi th respect tll any 0 f I he Bond s. and (i i) any uf such Bonds. the Bond Indent ure. this I.l1an /\greement or allY other instrLllnent provides lin the! lolder or !illlner Ilolder thLTeo!' 10 receive any add it iOl1al pay'l1l ent ("';\ddi t i llllal i\ mount--) on account ur such Determ i nat ion of Taxabi I ity (inc I uding. hut not I i III itcd. to any add it iona I i 111 crcsl. ~lddi t iona I pn:1ll i Ulll. liqu i dated damages or indemnity). the BUITU\\cr shall at the time jJl'l.)\'ided In such Instrument pay' a]] such i\ddililHlal AmouJ1ts to the Trustee lill" the henefit of the Ilolders or former Ilnlders Dr such DOllds \\110 arc cnti tkd III reeL'1 \C ~Llch Add i( iOIlCl I .Amount (or i r thc l~oJl(1 Indent ure has bel'll dischargcd it shall makc such pa:'ment directly to such Holders or fill'111er Holders). The oblIgation of the Bur]'()\\er 1(\ pay such Addititlnal Amo UJl h sheil I ~un i \e I he terlll i nal i on 0 r th is.\grl'l'lllcnt. To the extent moneys arc deposited ill the Bond Fund pursuant to Section 5.4 of thl' Hund I ndellture. the 13olTPwer' s obligation to lllak e Loan R l'pa Ylllcnt s under the tilr(:goi ng cl ~IUses (a). (b). (c) :lIld (d). respL'c1I\ely. shall bl' reduel'd by the amounts S() tramtCrred, -l~n..::.- (,~l;l11 '\('.rd~llk'l1r s Sed]\lll :,,~ Credit:-;, :\ot\\'ithstanding allY provision cnntail1cd in this Luall Agreemcnt or in the UPlld Indenturc to thc enntrary. in additiun to any credits on lhc Loan resu]l1ng fl'UIll the payment ,11' prepa\'lllent thlTellf l'rolll llther s()urces: (a) (ill Y m(lJ]cy" d ep()siteLl by the H(lITO\\er or thc \1aster Trustee Oil hehal r () r 1 he 80rnmcr in any funds m aeeoullls under the 1vLlstcr Indenture and avadahle t()J' paymellt or the \last cr \! (ltc. Sen es ~{)(J:, shal J he LTedited :lgai nst the ohl igal ion 0 r th e Burrower IU pay' principal. interest :lIJd Amorti/ation Inst;rllmenls un the ],oan as the S,lIlle beetlIlles due: :Jlld (b) the pri lJU p:d amount () f Bonds pureh ased by the r50lTO\\ cr ,lIld del1\crcd (0 (hc Trustee. or purchased by the 'I rush,'c (111 behalf pC the Borrower and eal1eded. shall he credited against the pb]igation 01' the DorrO\\'er to pay the principal ul' lhe l(lall (including installment paYlll enh eorrespPlllh ng 1\1 \1:lIldatllry i\nwrl i /atlOll Installment 011 the Bonds \\h ieh arc renll 811nds), Sectit1ll ),3 .0J.hJ.!1.!!lIwl Payments. Thc 13ornl\\er agrees to pay the 1'o1111\\illg items to the III I hl\\ 111[!. jWrSllnS as .\dd j Ii una I Pa ym ellh under thi s Luan Agreemcnt: (a) Tn the 'IrllstcL'. when due. all reasonable tees ilnd expenses pf the Trus1l'e IIJr ser\ ices rendcred under the Bond Indenture and all n:asonahlc fces and charges of any paying agent. rq;istr<lls. et)lIIlCiel. ;Jcepunt,mh, eOIlsultants. engineers and other persons incurnxl in the performance o( SCl'\ieL'S under the 80nd Inden(ure un requesl oj' the Iruslee ror \\ !rich the Trustee and such 01 her persolls arc entitled tn payment llI' reimbursement and. to t he ex ten! incurred. up(1n req\Ks( or \\ilh the appn1\al 01' the Trustee. the reasOll<lhle tees and expenses ol' the Master Trustee: (b) To I hl' Issuer. nn demand, all !Ces. ex penses and dish Llrselllenh i J1eulTed by the Issller in rclati\11l II) the nhltgatiollS pledged under the Bond Indenture nr the Bonds which arc not nlhel"\vise required to be paid hy' the Borrower under the terms of this LOilJ1 /\greeml'nL and all ICes. ex penses. t~l\L'S and assessmellls or the Issuer dS prO\ided f()r llllder the Act: (c) 10 th,-" r\1<lslcr Jmslce (1r I he Truslec as 1 he case may he. lhc alllOunt pf all advances 0 I' funds made hy' eIther of them ul1dl'r the provi sinns 0 t the 1\,1 aster Indenture or the [3nlld Indell 1 Lire. \\ it It i nteres! thcreml from the date of cach sllch ad vancc at the \-1 aster Trustee' s or Trustee's. as the ease may' he. annouIlCed pri me rate per annum rrolll time 1(1 time in efICet: and (d) 10 any \)\ hCl' Person ent it led to fees. cx pcnses alld reirnhurselllclll n j' dishursement s \\i I h respect to 1 he Bonds. t he Bond Indenture and 1 h is L\1an Agn:l'lllent. Sed ion:)..+ l'--!2_J2(,;.rh'!J,~e or sQ:.or(, The pbli gatiuns (1 r I he Bornl\\er tn I1l ale the paymt:111s required hereunder shall be ahsolute and unconditinna! \vithout defensc or setoff h)-' reason or ally delLlult by the Issuer under this Agreement or under any other agreemcnt hy and bct\\l'ell the Borrrl\\er and Ihe Issuer or for an)' other reaStlll. including. \\'ithout limitalipn. any ads \11' eircul1lstances that Illay constitute f<\1lure of consideration. deCitruclion of or damdge to the Propl'liy of the BmTl1\\eL UlIllmelTi al fru slratioll uf purposc or f'ai lure t1 f the Issucr t(1 perf\lllll ami obsene any agreeJl1ellt. \\hether c.\. press or implied. or allY dut y. Ii ~lhi I it Y or oh Ii g:11 ion <lri s111g uut () f (Ir ((lllllcctcd wi tl1 th i s Agrecment. it hci ng Ihe i !lIen I ion 0 r I hc part ie.; Ihat thc -1-"::((;- [.\l.m .\l'.r~.~'Ill':..'111 \) p,I~Illl'IHS required herulIlder I\ill hc p,-nd in full \I'hen due \\'ithuul any delay or diminut ion 1\lwl soe\ CL The ttlregoi ng llot\\' i Ih"t;r nd I ng, not h i ng in thi s Scet ion shall preclude the I3lllTllWLT rrOl1l i nst it ul i 11)-: SL'pam k proeel'lhngs ag,li n"t the I "sun or the Trusll'e It)l- ;IIlY eI a i III sit m,lY ha IC :lg:nllst tlw IsSllt'r ()j' the Truslee, Scc1j( 111 ~.:'1 ,\ssignmcl11 and ReSetTal.iill1 ,~!J' Aut hori tv' sRi ubt s, (\lneurrelltl Y II it h the ex l..'eu( iOll 0 I' 1 hi Ci .c\greelllcllL the hSllCl' wi II cnter into the Bund Indent urc wit h t hc TrusllT and ~ISS igll III t hel rLlsl ec 1 hc Issuer' s rights under this Agrcem ent aJld under the I\-bster N ute. Serics ~ 00::; as seUlrl t ~ 1\11' 1 he Jl:l~JllCn( \1 I' the l:3onds, The Issuer spculica II Y resencs f]-(lJll t hi s assignlTlcllt thc tllllowing rights: (a) to reccive all notices. opInions. cer1iticates. copies uf docuJllenh. instruments. reports ,md cOITesp\llldcl1cc. ~lIld e\idellce () I' cer(ain ~letiulls hy thc 1~\lIT\l\\Cl' lTqulrcd to he dl'll\Cl'cd to thc Issuer undcr this Agrecmcnt: (b) to grant appw\'als ,md consents and tl1 ah:e dctcrm i llat ions Ivhell rcq ui red under t hi s Agrl'el1len t: (c) tn III ,I ke ITl] uest s Illr llllllrl n:ltlull ,lilt! 11 Ispeet 10m \lhlTe al] 0\\l'(1 under t hi s i\ greemcllt: (d) tp rceei \ e paymcnts under Sl.'cti\lll 4.3. ),:\. /,) and S,2 PI' this i\greetl1ent: (c) the rights conferred upon the Issucr ill Scctalll 10.1_ 10__" and I (l.h uf this Agreement. and (l) tll he indemnified pursuant to Sl'ctioJl S.I ur lhis'\greunent: pr\l\idcd 1 h~ll the reserv~lt iOIl or I he altllTmenll(llled rights ~hall no! prc\clll tIll' Tru~tce !!'011l enft)rcing the same on behalf of the IsslIer and the Bundlllllders, Thc Borw\\'er hnclw elll JSL'I Its tu such assi gnrn enls, I'h e 13mTO\\L'r 1\1 II mak e paymenl req II Ircd hereLlnder direetl., to !he Irllstee or [uthc Issllcr. as (he case may be. withou( del\:nse or set-ojl by reason of ,-m;. dIspute het\\Ten the B01T\)Wer and the Truslee or the Issuer. The BU!Tll\\C!" rurthcr agrees lll:!( ill IhL' l'\enl or a deLllllt llndn thc HUllll Indcnture. (hc '] rustec shed] h\.' enlilkd to cnttm:l' the prmi;-;i\llh \1fthis ,\grecmelll. SeelilH) ),Cl Prepa)Jllent pf Loan BCJ)a vments: Credj t !\)r UllJld s S uncI Hind. (a) I'IK' Bllrrll\\l'r shall ha\e the right t!-LH)1 time to tilllC to make Loan Repaymcnt:-; m advlmcl' \\'hieh sh;lI] be paid to the Trustee and shall. as din:ctcd hy the 13orrower. be applied as credits upon the Ile~t ensuing Ln,lll Repayments or. upon paymcllt ITy the 1~{)ITo\\er of lhe ,11lHlUl1t required to pay thc rcdemption premiums (if any) bc uscd 10 redeem or t(l purchase 130mb in (IK' ojlell market prillI' to maturity, The [3orrmver shall also have (he right (u surrender Hlll1lls acquired by it tu the Trustec, BUilds so rcdeemed. purchased \11' surrendcrL'd shal] he ft)rthwi tll cancel cd and the pri nei pal anwllnts thcrepf shall be appl ied as cred i t:-; to the HOrnl\\lT upon t hl.-' IlC\ 1 CllSU ing Loan Repayments due and P,I yah Ie IV it h rcspee( to the da1l' or dates upon \d1lch :r n)' such Bpnd s heCllJJ\e due and payah I e pursuant III the Redempl ion R eq ui rClllellh :rpplicablc therc1o. (h) To m,lke a prepa)'men t pUrSll:Jllt to t hi s Sed ion. (he [-311ITO\\n shall gi \C' the l'rustee npt less than 60 d::tys prior wrillen Ilotiee of any prepayment which n()tiee shall deslgnale tIle date ()!' prL'j):rYlllenl and the a1l1Punt thereof and dircc1 the redclllPl iOIl of H\lnds 111 I he anwu Ills eorrcspollding tu the :lIll\lllnl 0 I' the Loan III he prepd id, Sl'el i llll ",7 Etlect() (rani a I Prepa \l1lcnL Upon allY part ia 1 prcpayment (l f the I.ll<ln. e~lch in:-;ullment of principal which shall thcn:atkr be p:lyablc on such ohl igatioll shall be 1'Cl1 UL'Cd i 11 ,I 11l,U Iller umsist Cll! with the fed uct iun in the :1I1](lUnt 0 I' Ilri !lei pa I pa Ydbk n!1 the BUIllls tLl \\hlelJ slIeh inslill1ll1ent of principal cnrresponds, [11 dddJllon. upon each such prql~l yment \l!" t hl' Loan. each installment o!" interest wh iell sh~d I t hcrca Iter he payahle UJl the -I~l)':"- [.i\iln :\~~rl'~'lll;..'nl ]0 It 1~llJ shall be rcduced. ukill1; intu aeCtl11nt the interest ulte or rates 011 the Bonds rClllail1lng llubt ~lndj ng a!in t hI.' redeTll pI i on of Bonds fi'olll the proceed s of such parti a I prcpayment imd ~dler the purchase and delivery illld cancellation of Bonds described in Sect ion 5.1 hercof so thaI i!1,.: intclT~1 rCI1l~ljnll1g ]1aY:Jble un 1IlL' I.l1nn shall 11e ~L1(ficient tn pay the mten:st OJ] the lIut:-;tanding BOllds whell due. Seclillll ),:\ !\nwrti/.atlllJ] 0cl)e(1l!I~s. On the date of any par(ial prepayment or lhe 1\)(]1l. the B01T(\\\LT. UP(Hl eonsull at ion \\'i t h 1 he Trustce, shal I deli \'er to the Trustee a re\'ised dllwrti/.atIon schedule with respcet to the Luall thell outstanding set1ing rorlh the amount or lhe itbtallmcllts tll he paid nn such L()LlJl atler the date of such p~lrtial prepiryment Lllld the llnpaid prillci p~d bal ance 0 I' such! ,()an ;ilier pa ymcnt 0 f each such i Ilstall men!. Sect i lln 5 \) Ex tt~~~rd i nar.lrrep~lllllqlJ. The Borrower sha)] have I he upti un to prepa y the unpai d aggn::ga(e am (lUll! or t he I Jl~l!l in whole h ul not in part. on :1n y date. upon nol less 1 h an ~5 lbys prill!' Illltice III the Truske. Illgethcr with accrued inll::rest to the d:lte of prqlaymellt of the I~(lnds. in (he e\Tllt lhat: (i) I'aei lit ics 01" the Syskrn shall have hel'll d~lll1<lged ()r dest myed tll such L'Xtcllt lhaL In the \lpinipn of the Borrtl\\'CJ' c\pressed in a Borrower"s Certi tlcate 1i led \\ith the [s~uer illld the Trustee following such dam~l1;e or destrucli()1) il i~ nol praL'llcahle or desl rab lc to rdllli I d. repair (lr reslore ~ue h lilei I i lies \\i th in <l peri ud or si \ ellllseeut i \e Illonl hs III Ilowi ng such dam <lge or destruct i\ln. or the Borrower is or will he therclw Pl'C\'l'llted fmm C'-IIT)'ing Oil its Jlornul operations or such liJeililics f"or (l period of" <It least si'( ulll,<.;eeuti\e lll(ll](hs: or (ii) Tille to III the tcmpllrary use of all Dr substantially all the lileilitiL"s 01' the Sys1cm shall hil\e been tlkell under tl1l' exercise ()r the power or eminent domain. or the threat il1 !teu thereoL by any gO\crnmenlal authority to such extent that. ill the opinion of the Borwwcr expressed ill a HOJTO\\Cr's Certificate tIled with the Is~uer and the Trustee. the [~()]T(l\\LT is nr \\i II be thereby' prevented fhml carryi 111; lln its no rill :11 opcrdl ions of the bei I i lies fix a pcnod uf at \ca~t si x consecllti Ve nwnt hs: or (ili) /\ny eourt Dr administrative hody or eompetent jurisdictiun shall enter a judgment. order or decree requiring lhe Bornn\'\::r to ccase all or any suhstantial part of its operations 0 I' the Sy's1em to sueh extent that. III the opinioll pl' the 8orrower exprcssed in a BOJT\l\\C!"' s Certi ti catc fi\cd with the Issuer and the Trustee. the Borrower IS or \\i II he (Ill'reby pre\cnteLl (["Pin carrying on its norlllalllpcmtions of"the System for a pcriod of a! least Sl x consecut i ve months: or ( i\') As a result 0 r any changes in the COl1sti tutioll 0 r the State or t hc CDnstitution or tIle Unikd States of America pr of Icgislati\e or admillislratl\e ac!ioll (whether state or rederal) or by final decree, judgment or order of any t:ourt or admi n i s( rati \e body (\\ hethcr state or ICdlTill) \If competent j urisd idi on. 1 he [oall i\grl'ern..:nt :-;hall ha \'e 11Cetlme \'(li d or ullen hrceabk or i rnpossi hie 0 I' pertllr111anCe III al'Ctmhlllcc \\ it h ! he intent and purposes \l r the part i es as expressed ill the I.oan Agrl'Clllcn1. or 1I11t'eaStlnilble hurdens or C\cessi\'e liilbilities shall hel\T beclI Ilnposed (\11 -l~~).;;;'- ! tliln :\~~rl-t'nh'llt II the Issuer ur the Bnr"]"u\\'l'!" including \\it\l(lul limitation. federal. qate or ulllL'r ad valnrem, pr\)pert:,. ineullle \)r uther taxes Iwt being imposed on the date oflhe Luan Agreement. Subjcct tu Ihe pnl\'isiolls pI' the SupplcmC1l1al Indenture !(lr ~\lastcr Note. Series 2005. this Sectiun shall not hc Ulnstrued to prohibit thl' HorrO\ver from applying illsurallce proceeds with respect to <Iny casualty luss or c\lIHkmnatloll awards or paYlllenh ill lIeu thereof tll the \ )pti una] prep:! YIll 1.-'11 1 () r the Loan ill accllrdance \Vi (h (he provi sions () f S cetio!l .5.6 u f" I hi s ,\gree111Cllt. Section 5. I 0 Spc.~ial PrepUVlllell1. Borrower shall plTpay all of !Ill' unpaid Jggn:gate principal amount under this Agreement. tugclher with accrued interest III the d~lk ()f prep~lYJllenL by redeeming HUllds ill accordaIlce with Ihe pI'U\'isions ur Scc\iun 4.1 (lr the Bplld Indenture, in the e\\::nt pI' the sa 1 c. k,lse or ot her di sposi Ii on 0 f" any of Borrn\\'Cr' s property 10 :lll y perSll1l 1 f I he Hornl\\cr ReplTsellt ~II i \C deterllli nes. based nil J.n Opin iun 0 J Hund COUIlSC!. that unless rcmedi al Illea~ures arc takell pursuant to any ren':llue procedure. l"Cvenue ruling llt" regulation of" thl: Internal Re\\:lJuc SeJ"\iec. the exelusio1l from gruss incullll' ur the in!crest on the nonds fi)]" federa I inl'Ollle ta x pll rposes wi II be (J(hcrscl y a tlected. Scctiun 5, I I Surplus runds. \\--'hen ~dl the Bonds shall have heen redeel11eLl or retired. and all \)thcr obl1gati()lh incurred \)r to be incurred by (he Borrower. or hy Ihe Issuer in connect iOIl \\'it h the BOlTO\\TL under the Bond Indenture and thi s Agrel:111 ent slJa]] have been paid. or tht.: Bond Illlknlule shall ha\l' heen dc!cused pUrSUJllt to Article XI pf the l~\llld Indenture. any surplus funds remaining to the credit of the Borrower in the funds or aeeoun!s estahlished umkr Ihe !3oml Indenture plher than any rebate fund shall he paid tp thc BllITo\Ver as a reimbursement Il:lr o\erpayment of Loan Repa:ymenls, Sect ion 5.12 Borrowcr-' s Ob!igpl.iilJ1S _lJncondi(lOnaL Ihe IsSLICJ" and 1 he Burruwcr agree that the BOITll\\Tr shall bear all risk of damage. destructinll or loss of title in whole or in part to its Propcrly or ~1Jl\' pari thereof" including without limitation any' loss. complete or partial. or interrupt ion in t he use, pceupancy or operation \1 I' such Properly. or an y III anllcr nr thi ng \\hi ch !()r any reason interferes with. prevents or renders burdensome. the use or oeeup~mey oj' its Property t)r the compl1ance hy the I3ulTower with any of the terms of thiS Loan Agrecment. In furtherance of the lin-egoing. hut \vilhnul limiting allY oj' the othcr pn)visinns of this Loan ,-\greem en l. the Hornl\\er agrees that j Is ob ligal ions to pay the prinei pal. prelll iUlll. i I' an y_ and intcrcst on the Loan. to pay the other sums herein provided for and to pcrfonll and observe its other agreements contained herein shall be abso I ut e and uncondit lOn~d and (hat the B()ITuwer shall not he cnlilkd to allY ~lbatel1lcnt or dilllinut iOIl thereol" nor to any terminalion () I' this Lo<m i\grI.-TJ1l cn I fOl :lll y reason \\'h;ltso\.'\'er. ARTICLE (1 SPECIAL COVTNAN IS OF HORRO\\TR Scctlon 6.1 Compliance with CO\enants. Conditions and Aurecmcn1s in Master IndentQI'C, The Burruwcr cn\erWnls thaI so long as the Hunds (lIe outstanding it shall eumply' with. each <lnd C'\lTY Ul\cnilll1. c\llldit ion :lIld agreemcnt in thc \Iastcr !ndenlUl"e :lIld each of the RclalL'd Documents and in this Agreemcnt that is applicable tn It. .L-'.lt~- 1 ,l~~tll .\~I\'1.'11h'P1l 12 Sectitln (1,2 l~,\~lI11inali(ln ()!' 80tlks _<!nd Rewrd,s \~Jjbc I~tlrr{l\\er. The Issuer and the I'ruslee shall be permitted. during normal business hums and upon rCils()nahk notiec, to cxamine the hou ks and records 0 I' the Born l\\'er. 1I1c1 udi ng any acc(lunlanls - \\ork papers with n:spect to compliance with the oh]ig~lti()ns or the Borrower hereunder. subject to lhe tcrms llf the l\.laster ] ndent lire, Sectilln (1.3 FUI1h!-T Assurances and Clll"r!,;~tin: InstruJl.l~lts, Subjccl to the provisions or SectioJl 1 (J,2 hereof and Upllll receipt by (he L'-;SLler of its reasPllilbk expenses in connection t hcre\\i t h alld such i nlkl nnity and hp ld harmless dssurallees as the Issuer ma.\-' rell ui re, the Issuer and the Borrower ~lgree I hat 1 hey \\i I L ti'olll time to t ill1c, excel! t c. acknowledge and del i \cr. llr cause tll he cxecuted, acknowlcLlgcd ~Hld deli\'enxL sueh supplements ~l1ld amendlllL'nb hereto i1l1d such rurt her i nst rLllllenh JS may reasollab]y be reqLl ired [IX eorn:et i ng any i nadeq uate or lllCl1JTecl descnptioll pf the System and j~)r earrymg out the lntentillll or beilitating (he plTI~l)lnaIICe or thIS Agreemcnt. Seclion (1.-+ Record illg :md.l,i I in~: 01 her Instrumcnts, (a) The BllI"rD\\cr ell\'cnanls thaI it \\ill dcll\er to the Trustcc a \\Tittl~n statemellt Iltlt earlier than 60 nor later than 30 days prim to eilch f1tth allni\'ersary date atler the i~~L1a)lce of the HOllds tll lhe e Ired t hal :l I I Ii nanei ng sla1l'meIlIs and conti lluatioll statements ha\e heell rccorded or filed or rcreconkd or rctikd in such lllanner alld in such places in order 10 continue in dlCct the financi ng sta1l'ments pl"C\'ioLlS I y Ii led l)r recorded in eOllnl'etioll t hl'rewi tho or thaI no such tiling is requlruL and to fully preservc and protect to the extent possible under applicahle law the rights ur Ihe Trustee in the ~lssignmenl to the I'rustee 0[' certain rights of thc Issller under this /\greelllellt as agai I1st cred itors pf or purchasers t~ll' va I ue fi'um, the Issuer nr the Bllrru\Ver. (b) The Burrower shal I file and rcfilc and recmd and rerecord or cause to be filed and rcfiled and recorded cllld rcrcconkd all in~truIlJeJlh required to be tiled and rd'iled and rec(lrded or rerecprded and shall con! i nul:' or cause to be conti nued IlK I i ens () f such inst rumcnts t~)r so I(lllg as the [3(lnds shall be outstanding. except as utherwise in this Agrecnlellt required, Scclillll 6.:' Inspections: Repulis_: Repai!~'i: During l1llrmal business hours and uppn n:asonab Ie Ilotice. the Issuer and the Trustee through thei r respecti \'e oftlcers, el11 pI ll)-'ces , consul tan IS ,md other authori/ed rcpresenlati \es. shull ha \e ti-ee and unobslruel cd access u( all reasonable tnlles l(1 make an inspedion of the System for purposes of ascertail1lng whether the BOrrO\\Tr has complied with lis agrl'ements and ()bhgatiolls under this Agreement: provided. h()\Ve\\.T. that such lllspedions shal I not i ntcrfcre wi lh Dornl\ver" S ord i nar)-' operat ion ol' the System. Lpllll the request liull1 time to time uf the Is~uer or the Trustee_ which request shall not be mad e un less any such i Ilspeel ion rc!crred lp above sha II di ~c1ose that the [)orrower ma) Ira ve \'iuLI1L'd ~lIly of its agreements under the pn)\i"ioIls or thiS Agreement. the BorJ"(mer ~hall CIUSl' an inspection of tire System 10 he made hy an independent wastewater consultant llr an engillccr acceptable tll I he Trustec and shall fi Ie \\'ith the hsuer and the T rlls1ce i m11lcdiate]y f()l1owing each such i nspecl ion 1 he repOli 0 f sueh llH.lcpclldellt wastewater COllSU Itallt or cnglllccr setti I1g I()rlh (a) tlndings as 1\1 \\'hether the System has been maintained in good repaiL \\orking order ~lnd cond it i Ull and (h) reCOll1mCI Hlalions as to t he proper III ai ntl'llanee and repd ir \l l' the System d lHi ng the relllai ni ng li!l' () I' thc Bonds t hCIl Outstand ing, [f such reporl cone! uLies that the Project has not I1('L'n lll~lilltailled in guod repair. working order and eOIlditi()Jl. the Borrower slwll _Ll( IS- I tlim :\::;I\'~'Fll~'llt 13 restore the System promptly' to goud n:p,lIr. \\orking order ami condition with all expedition pract ieah Ie, Sectiun (,,(, Corporatc ,~t'!tus. The Borro\\er lh:rehy represents, warrants. cO\cnanL and agrees t h<lt it (i) \\' ill 11(\t ~llllend or rcpeal i Is artic Ics of incorporat ion I hat arc in clfec1 as 0 r lhc date hercor or (Ii) will llt1t make any' material amendmCIlh to any other organizational dllL'umeIlt that is eurrell t 1 y in e Ifecl as u r the date hereof without prior wri!ten not ice to the BUIld , rrustee. Secti (1Jl (J,7 T :!\.- ['em pt Status, Tlw Borrower and, as provi ded belm\', till' hSLH:r hel'eh)-' reprcsell t. warrant. eu\enan I and agree Ilwt: (a) It \\'i]] not take or permit. or omit 10 take or calise to he taken. any actlOI1 th<lt \\()uld a(her.-;e I y a tfcet t hL' e.\.cl udahil i ty from gross i neOlllC fur purpl)SeS 0 r federal i l1eome Ulxalion uJ' the intert.'st on the Bl1111ls. and i I' il should take or permit or omit to take or cause to he taken. ,my such <lction. the Borruwer shall take all lawful actions nt.'eessary to rescind or correct such act lOns or 0] ni CiS ions promptl Y UPOIl having kn\l\v1cd ge therc\)f. (b) L:poI1 the request ol' the Issuer or the "I ruske. the Borrowcr will take such action or ac1illlls ,1S may be reasoJlably m:ccssary. in the written opinion of BPIld Counscl. tu comply fully \\ith all clppllcable rules, rulings, policies, proccdures, rcgulalions or other otTicial s(a(cments pr\llllulgalL'd. proposed I)]' made by the Depal111lent of lhe 'J reasury or lht.: lnlernal Re\'Cllue Sel'\'i ce pcrtaini ng to obi ig,ltiol1s issued under SectiolJ 103 of the Code. (c} Ihe 1:30rn1\\Tl and the Issuer agree that they \v ill not make allY use 11 f the proceeds hum thc s,de of the BUilds in any' manller \\'!lich will cause thc Dunds tu bc uarhitrage btlllds" withi n the lneall i llg n f Section 14t-: 0 f the Code and the appl i cab Ie regulat ions t hercunder. (d) The BorHl\\(T represents that the '"average maturi1y;' of Ihe Honds does not exceed 110"() (1 I' the n:1l1 ai ni ng .. a\erage reasuna bly ex pedcd cconomic ] i feu uf the Llei [I tics of thl' System tin,lllccd with the proceeds of the ] \)95 Bonds \vithin the meaning 0 r Section 14 7(h) of the Culie. with such pneent age (() bl: ClHllpU1ed pursuant to the relJ ui remenls of Sl'ction 14 7(b) of the Codc. (e) The BOITO\\er and the bsuer (tll the extent of the Issuer's w111rol) represent that they each \\ill cpmply lully. during the term of this Agreement with a]] cffecti\e rules, rulings and regula t ions prom ulga (cd by the Depal1ment of Treasury or the J nternal Re\en ue Service \\' ith rcspcct I u the Bu I1lls issued undcr the Code and the Borrower \\i II tak e (] II ae! il)n nccessary to maintain the federal tax-excmpt S1<ltUS of the interest payable lln the Bonds. The Issucr \\ill PH) \idc rl':ls\lnablc dssi st ~mce tll the Born1\\er as lllay he necessary 10 mai nl :li n (ilL' rcder;li tax ~ exempt status of thc 1Il1erest payable on the Hotlds, (I) The int{Jrmation furnished by Ihe BOJTO\ver 10 thc Issuer and used ill preparing the I n f;)rm~lt i t1n Ret Ul"Il to be tiled \\i t 11 the I ntcrnal I{ e\enUe Service purSlIa nt to Section I 49( c) of the Cude. is true and L'onee!. (g) The Horrtm'....r eU\Cllants that the net proceeds ul' t he BUilds wi j] nut he ll~ed tll pro\'idc (l hlCility !he pnmary purpose or which is the pm\'isioll of retell] t\Jlld and bc\ erage .~ ~~( 6 [_~ li1 fl -\ ~ I L...\:fl t,,:nl 14 SLT\ 1 ccS. aUlt )Ilhlbile su les or SlT\ice, recreatinll Dr en1c11ai llment: ;tl1d none (I I' the prPceeds (l I' the Bunds will be llsed to prov ide all y pri vate or commercia I gul f course. euulltry club. massage parll'r. tenn i s eI un. sbt i ng 1~lci1i ty (i nel ud i I1g roller skat i ng, skateboard and iee skati ng). raelj lJel sports bcilities (including any handball pr raequctnall l'Ourl). hot tub Llcility'. sunlan bci]ily. rued rack, airplane. sk ybox or other pri vate 1 ux ury box, an)-' heal tl1 cI un tilci Ii t Y'. an Y bci IiI y used primaril;.' for gumnling. ()r any st(1n~ the prinl'ipal busillcss (d' which is thc sale pI' ukoholic hcverages rur consumption otTthe premises, (h) The Borrower \\'ill comply with cach or the eO\enants and agl'l'elllcnts or the Borrower set r()rl hill I hc lax Certi ficatc. The 130rruwer and the Issuer eilch agree to take no adipn whi eh would (or ()In il to 1 akc any acliun \\hich would) cause the Bonds to become "arbitrage hOllds'. or otherwise in VIolation pI' this S~~cll(lll or the pHl\isio)l;i and cm enanls of the Tax Agreemen( necukd hy thelll in connection \\ it h thc i SSl1anee 0 I' 1 he Hond:" pro\' ided, however, I hat I he sule uhl igal iUIl 0 I' the I SSUlT in 1 In s respect shall he to adhere to n.~asona hie direcl iuns recci\ed II'om the Borrower. ARTICLe 7 FVE'\TS or DErAULT i\ND RE\1EDleS Sedi()n 7,1 hents or Dd~lUh Defined, The term "bCllt of Dct~lUlt" shall mean a]l\ one or more () r t he Ii) Ilu \\' i ng events: (a) jile BornmCJ' shall rai I to pay. nr cause In he paid. in full any payment req 1I ired under this ,Agreement \)1' umkr the 1\laster Note. Series 2005 \vhen due, whether at maturity.'. ru1cmption. ~lcec1er;]tiun or othen\'ise pursuant to the terms hereof: or (h) The Horrowcr shall fail duly' to perform, obsl.'rvc or comply \\ilh any eovenan1. eund i tion or agreement UIl i Is par! under t his Agreelllenl (othcr I hall a Lll lure tu make any paym ent under Sect ion 7, I (a)). i nl' I udi ng any covenant condit il)n or agreement in lhe M askr Indcnture. ~l11d such failure continues fix a period of :10 days after the datc on whieh writtl.'n notIce of such Llilure. requiring the same to he remelhed. shall ha\'e heeJl glvcn tp the Borrower by lhc Trustee (\r lhc I ssuer: provided. however. that i I' sueh pcrli)J"]nanee, observation or compliance l-equilTs \\'(lrk to be done. action to be takl.'ll, or conditions In be remedied, which by their lldlurc canlwt rCClsllllably bc donc, taken or rcmcdicd, as the CClSe lllilY he, within SUdl 30-day peripl1. nu Event of Dct~lUlt shall he deemed to have occurred Dr to exist if and so ]ong as, the IhllTO\\er shall eOlTltllence such per!ilrlnance. obscnatioll or compliance \\ithin such pcri pd and shall di I i gently and conti nuous]y prosecute the same to cumpkt ion: or (c) Ihe :vtasl er Trustee sha II have decl ared the aggregate pri ncip;d anwunt u f eIther l)f the \1asler Notc. Series :Z005 and all interest due thereon illUTlediatcly due and payable in accl)nl,mce \\ i th Section 4.2 0 I' the \laster Indenturc: ur (d) 11' a dct~nJit shall have occurred and be cnnlinuing under all)' bOIllL debenture. note l)1' other e\idellC~~ or indebtedness tilr mOllev nmn1\\cd in excess (\1' S5(JO.OOO hv the 1~()IT(\\HT \lr ~ ~ under <\11 y 1l1llrtgagc. indenture or i llsl rumenl llnd l'r \vhieh there 1ll:J Y he issued or hy \\' hi ch 1 here III a\' be sl'Cllrl'd ll!' l'\'idl'llced an\' indebtedness for 1110lll'V horrmn:d il1l'X.l'ess of )SO().()()() bv th<: r r ~ ~ rll~5- It"tn .\~~~"o;.."~-nH.:nt 15 Horl'\l\\CL whether sue h i ndehtcdness now ex i sts or shall herea1ter be created. d lier 1 he ..:\piration pI' allY applieahle gracc period with respect thercto: provided. hp\\T\CI'. il (!cr,mI1 "h,lil Iltlt be deemed to hiJve occurred pursuant to this d fluse (d) if the Born\\\cr sha]] \\ ith in 3 () d~IYS o I' such ""de LJu ]t'. commence a COlltest in good lili (h and hy appropriate legal pJ"\1ceedi ngs un less (i) the BOHll\Vcr lilils to pursue such contcst di ligcntly and in guml fa i( h or (i i) such contest rcsu lts ill a Ii nal order or .i udgll1ent 0 r a court or admi nistrati ve body of competent j 1I ri sdic! inll ,lgainst the 1~\lrn\\\Tr: or (L') The occurrcnce of an "Evcnt of Default" under St:c!i(lll 7.1 n I' tilt: Hond Indent Lire ,l1ld any tllher Relatl:d Dpcllment. Sect ion 7,]' Rcrnedi cs pn Default. Whenever dn v C\'ent () l' Ddillli t sll ~d I h:)\ c happened iJlld he con(lIluing. the Trustec or lhc Issuer with the consent pf the Trustee ma~' lake onc (lr more of the following remcdial steps: (a) Subject 10 the pl'tlvisions of Seclions 7,]' ,llld 7, II pf the Bt\lld lndenturt:. in Illc CdSC oj' ~1l1 \ent pI' I )d:lllll described in Section 7.1 (a) of this Agreement. take whatl'\Cl' action al law or in equity is necessary or dcsirable to co]lect the payments then due hereunder and under the i\bskr :\ok', Series 1 (J()). \\hc1her by installmcnt payment. at maturity'. with rCS]K'l'l ttl proceedings for redemption. by accderilt ion 0 f the L(l,lI1 i1nd t he Bonds. or 01 herwise: or (b) Sllb.iect to 11le p]'(\\'isions of Sections 7.2 and 7. I J of the Bund Indenture in the C<lSC or <IllY olber E\enl td Ikl~ILlh descrihed 1Il Sccliull 7.1 pr Ihis :\grcemcllL l<lke \\lwtl:\cr ,1(11\H1 at 1<1\\ (lr i 11 l'q ui l}-' that is necessary' or desirab Ie to elll(lrCe the pcrlimnaIl\__T. pbserv<lllcc Ol- cum pi ianec b ~i t he Borrower wi III any covenant. cond ition or <Igrcement by t hc Born\\\'er undcr this Agn__'cment: or (c) Sllbject to the jll'l\visiollS of Sections 7.2 and 7.11 l\f the [3pnd Indcnlure. in the case or any Event of Ddault described in Section 7. I or this Agrl'ernenL and pursu:1Il1 to thl' Inllitations cd Seetip[J --1-1 or till' rv1<Jster Indenture declarc all oblig,lti(1ns (lutst,mding and pa ymcnts due under thi s Agreement. i 111ll1cdi atel y d uc anJ pa:;.ablc. whereupon such ob I igatwns and payments due under this Agreement shall hecome and he immediately' due and pa:ilhk_ separatelv and indepcndentlv, with or without an dcceleration pflhc B(lnds. \V llh respl'c1 to clause (h) abO\T. t he Issuer need not obtain the consent 0 f the Trustee with respect to I he cnlilreemen ( 0 r the Issuer" s ri gilts hcreunder which ha vc not been assigned w the TrustL'e. Scctioll 7.:i App! ication 0 I' i\ mounJs Real ized in EnfolSCIll_lJ.!J pf R cl11cd lCS, The proceeds or :l\ai Is resulting 1fom I he exerci se ()f any' remedi cs under Sect ion 7,2 hcreo L tugct her \\ith :my pther SUlllS \\ hich then llW)-' be hdd hy the Trustee under Ihis Agreement. whether under lhl' provisions 0 r t his Art i cle or olhel'\\-'i sc. and which arc avai !able li)]- such :tppl i cati un, shall he appl i l.d as t;:JlIll\\':-;: FIRS! I I) the p:Jymellt uf the costs and cx pellses \l I' (he ncrei sc (1 I' such relllcd i e:,;, including reaSOll,lblc compensation to thc Issuer, (he ~bs1l'r Trustee and the I'ru:,;tce. theIr agcllb. :Jttnrneys alld L'()Ullsel. ~lIld (he c'\pellses o( any judicial prl\l'ceding:c-: whcrein thc samc may be made. and (\f all expcllses. habilitics, .~ .~r :'.;; L.\ l~jl ~ :\~ Il"I..:lll".:1 H 16 ad\'anu.'~ made (1r incurred h:>,' an\-' thereof as permitted by this i\g.r-eemcnt. 10gether with i n1crest at t hI..' Trustl'l" s or \1aster rrustec' '" as the case m:IY hI..'. annuunced pri me rat e per ann UIll from time t(1 time in effect. ()11 a I I such :1(1\ ;UJCl'S. and tu the payment of all taxes. ~lssessrnents or claims prillI' to 1 he d cli 111 \1 Ithi s !\grcc11lcnt. except any taxe~. asse~snH:nts. liens or other eh,lrges, suhject to which Propl'l1)-' may have been sold: S ECOi\ 0 -- To the pa}'l11enl (If the \\Iw Ie amount then due and \1\\ ing and UJ1 pili d II p( 11l t hc r-.bster '.:ole. Series 2005 t(lr principal. interest and prcmiulll. i I' :1IlY' ill case such pmceeds shall hl' insunleient to pay in full the \\'holc a1llount so due. owing ur unpaid upon the \1aster N()lc. Series 2005. then ratably according 10 1he ;Iggrega1c of such pl'lllci pal and accrued ,llld unpaid i n1crest and premi UIlL if an v. \\' i 1110 ut pre ICrencc or priori t y as hctween pri ncipa I. i nkresl or prl'1l1 iUIll: such ,lppl ica( i\lll to he llldde upun presentation of the i\lastCT Noll'. Scries 200<:; ~lIHI the Illltatioll thClTP!l 0 f the payment. if part i al I Y pil id. or the smn:nder and CJllcl-11 il t JOll tlllTCll [ if rully' paid: TH m!) n To ;lIlY rl'ha(c l'lllllL to the e.xtenl pr an}' deficicncies therein. FOL:RTH -- To (be paymcnt orallY other sums required to be p;lld by the l1ornl\\cr pursuant to all}-i pnnisiuns of this ,'\greel1lent or the Vlastl'r Notl'. Series 2(l()5: FIFTH -- To the pil:i111ellt of allY' other sums requll"Cl] t\l be paid bJ' the Borrower j1ursu:lIlt to any IlrO\ ision urlhe !\'lasler Indenture: and SIXTI [ -- lu the payment or the surplus. if any, to Ihc 13PITO\\er. its suelT:';sors or assiglls. upon the written request ortht: Horrowcr or to \\hnmevcr Illay he lawrully elltitkd tu recei\'e the same upon its \\Titlen request. llt' as any coul1 of l'olll]ll'1L'nt jurisdieli\lll may uirecl. Section 7.4 :J() Remedv Exclusive. Suhject 10 Section 7.'], pC tIllS ,'\greclllent. no remedy herei n COil ICrred U!XHl ()r rescrn.'d to 1 he I -"sucr is i ntcnded tu hl' excl usi\(.' (I f :iny other available remedy or remedies. hul eaeh and evcry such remedy shall be cumulative alld shall be in audi tioll to e\'ery other rented y gl \en under th is Ag:rlTmen t pr no\\ l11' herea tier e:\ isti ng at I a\\' or III equity or b,y statute, '\Jo delay or omission 10 l'xcrci:-:l' any' right or power cleCJ"uing upon det~JLllt sha II illlpai r ,lilY such righl or pU\\cr or shall be con:-;trucd to he a \\ai vcr Ihereo L but any such right and pO\Vl'r ll1~ty he exercised ti'olll time to time and as ottell as Illa) be deemed c.xpedil'nt. Sect ion 7,) Agreel111'llt to f\lY 1\n')lJ1t;),',~'-.I ees and L\ penses. J IJ any c\Ul( () I' dL'lilUI 1. if the Issuer ()f the Trustee employs attome)-'s or incurs uther expenses !()r the e\ll!l'ction of a1ll0Ull ts payah Ie hereunder ur the enforcement of thl' pertl1l"111anCe ()f ohsenance 0 I' any covenants or agrl'l'l11cnts on the part of the f30rrmver herein contained. whe(her or nut suit is comml'llced. the 80rn mer agrlTS I hat i I \\i II (In demand there Ill!' pay to the bsul'r or the Trustee the reasonable kes 0 I' such allurneys and sueh \ )ther re:lsonah Ie expenses so incurred by the I~sller or the 1 rustee -l~(!5.. L~ l~l Ll .\~rl.....'r] I;.:nl 17 Section; .(1 i\uthori ty :llld 80rr~)\y!,'r, ((!G.L~~ ot i ee __s2,L1JcJ:tu 11, Tile I ssucr and the 811IT()\\'\.T scveral! y ep\en<Jn t that the:-' will. at the ex pense 0 r the Bo rl'Ower. prtllllpt 1 y gi ve tll t hc T rusll'e \vritten not ice II l' all Y' l~, \'ell tor Dclilul t under t hi s AgreclTlcnt 0 I' \vhieh they shall haH' dctll,d k llll\\kdge or wri tten Iwtlce, hut the Issucr shall not be Ii iJ b k I; lr I~l i ling to gl\l' Ciuch notice. Section 7.7 Corrclati ve \V ai vcrs. I r an e\Cllt or debu It uIHkr S eclion 7. I 0 j tile Bond Indent urc or Sect ion .5 1 u I' 1 he \1 aster Imknt ure shall he curcd llr \\al\Ll! and ,III \' rellled i ,d action by the Trustee resci nded, any cone! ati ve debnllt under lhis i\greelllcnt sha II. i psp tilcto. he dcemed to have bcen cured or \\ai\cd. Seetiun ;,S ~'Lo \Vaiver of RiL;ht~ 1\0 billlt'e by the Issuer, the Trustee ur the holders or (l\\nl'J"S of the Bonds to insist upon the stJ-ict pcrl;mnance or all.'-' lLTllL Ul\l'lWnL cnnditio!l or provision of this Agrecment or any' other dgreemcllt or collateral document given 111 COIll1cction herewith. \lr to e,'\en;ise all;' right ()r J"l'lllClly eonscquent UPOIl a brL'ach hen:llL and no aeeept<ll1ee orany Loan Repayment or uther SUIll during thc continuance PrallY such breach. shill] cunslitutc it \\ai\'er oj' allY such hreach or uf such term. CO\Tllal1t. Ctlnditiol1 or pn1\isioll or d \\ ai\er (lr rclinquislnnenl I;l!' the I'uturc or the right to insist upon and to enl(lrCl' by any appr\lpria1c legal relnedy strict eOlllplianel' with all other terms. co\enanh. cOllditillllS :lnd pro\isions ()f this Agrl'l:ll1ent. or of the right 10 exerci se any such rights or rellledi l'S. i r any breach hy the I ~ornmlT be continued or rcpeatl'd. -l~n.;::;- 1.(liLn "\~'t\'\.'ml.lll IS i\RTICI.E S !NDI:l\lNI~ICi\T10\J AND l\O\J-LlABILlTl' OF TIlE ISSI.'ER ,,\'\[)IIIF TRl :STJ-:I' Sedion S. I U~!hUJ_<lIIllks:-; Prll\1sillIlS, (a) The Hllrnmer ~Igrccs that the Issuer ,md the lrustee shall not be liable ror and agrces l(l detCnd. indclllnify. releasl..' alld hold the Issuer and the T rustce hann k~s hum ,md agai nst ~lIlY ~lnd a II (i) I iabi Ii ()' f(lr I pss or d alllage to Properl)-' or inj L1ry to tlr death of any and a]1 Persons that may be llceaS inned by. di red 1)-' or JIld ircet I y. any cause whahoc\er pertaj 11 i ng 10 t hc System or ari si ng by reason () f or in connection \\'1t h the occupation pr the use therell f or the pre:-;cnce 0 f any Person llr Pwperty (In. in or a hn u( thl' Syslcll1, (ii) ]iability arising liulll (II' c:'<]KIlSC ineuncd hy the Issuer'~ tlnaneing llr rdinancing of the System. i nel udlllg \\ i tlwut Ii Illi ti ng t hl' gener,d it) uf the t()]'egoi ng. a] I da ims arising frum tIll.: breach by the !~urrower II r any () I' i h "":0 \Cll:lnts contained herei n. and all causes pf ael i (In and reasonable attlll"lleys' fcl'S and any Dther expenses Incurred in defending any suits or actions which lJWY' ~Irisc ,ts a resul( nr ~HJV oi' the roregOlng. and (iii) liability arising Ii-om or expense inellrred by the Trustl'e and the Issuer by rcaS\l!1 of ,my act or 11ll1issinn llf the Bommer hy reaStln 0 f th is Agrecment llr thc exerci sc 0 f the Trustee' s or the I:-;suer' s righls alld remed ies under t hi s i\greem enL pn)\i deli (h,lt an y sueh losses. damages. Ii ahil i tics or ex pCl1ses () f t hc Issuer or the Trustee are not incurred or d() n111 result lhll1l the gross negligence (lr inlelltional or \vi II ful \\Tullgdm ng of the Issuer (lr t hc Trustee or th\:l r rcspel:ti \e mUll hers. agent.... or emph))'c.:s. The foregoing indemnities shall apply nol\vilhstanding the Lllllt or llcgligl'nce in part oj'the Issuer or the 'I rustee. or their respective memhers. directors. uftlcers. agents or empltlYl'es alld i rrespedi \\,,' () r the bre:leh (l r a slat utpry oh Ii gatw!l or the appl i ell i PI1 0 I' allY rule 0 r eomparati\c or ap]1wtioned liahility, The fon,'g\ling indemnities arc limited only In the extcnt of any pwhibitinns impocied by Lt\\'. (h) N ut\\i t hsurnding ilny ptller pm\ isiollS of this Agreement. Il1e 0 hI igal inns 0 r the Borrower pursudnt 10 t hi s Section S. I shal I rellla in in full rorce alld dTcd a ner I h e t erlll i nat ion tlf this Agreement and the resignatiun llr ITll1O\al or thc Trustee. until the expiration of the perillO stated in the ~lppli caole statu(e () 1'1 i III i( at ion s duri ng \\'hi ch a cI aim, cause of action llJ" proseeut ion rehning to lhe matlers herein deserihed Illay he bwught and payrnenl in full or lhe satisl:lctloll ul' such claim. Cilllse of action or p)(J"ceutiun rl'lating to the m,ltters herein described alld thc payment or all expenses and charges incurred by the IssuCl or the Trustee or (heir tTspecti\T mcmbers. d i rectllrs. ofticers. agents and Clllp lo)'c.:s. rei at i ng In t he enl~lrcelllellt of the provisi OilS herl'in specified. (c) ! n the evcnt of all)' elai III agalllst the Issuer or the Trllstl.'l' or their respecti ve mcmbers. d I reclors. 0 fficers. agents or .:mplo)'ees hy :11l y em plnyee ()I' contraclor n r the 1~(lIT()\\LT or anynlle directlv PI' indirccllv employed by any uf thcm (If anyone fllJ" \\ hose ads all)' of Ihl'Jl1 Ill<1\-' hc liable. Ihe obli"atiuns llf the Borrower hereunder sllJlI not hI...' limited in anv \\'(lV bv any .. co ~ ..,._ Ii rni tal i (lll {In I he aJl1\1unt ur ty'pe of' d arnages. cOlllpensat i{ll1. disahi] ity benet! Is \11' other em pI oyee bcncJi t acts. Seelinn N :2 Payment ur CU8cS_UjXln Default. The BOJ1"m\er shall pay. shall pnl\'ide i ndclll n i ly It)!', :lJld shall i mklll n i 1\ the J:.;suer. the f'vlaslcr trustee, and t he Trust ee agai nst. a II costs and chur.!;es. i ncJ udi ng I'(:asnnablc C()unsel Ices, hl\\ rul]y (lnd reas\lnab I y incurred in -J.~U~- J ,l~;lIl .\g!\:'i..-"m~'1lt 19 enliJreing any eU\Tll<lllt or agreement of the Borrow\.'r contained in this l\greel1lent or In pcr!l.ml1i ng 1 hei r respeeti \e d ut I\.'S under the [1ond ! nd enture or thc I\1aster Indenture. ARTICI.E <) 'I' E R ~vll N A 110 '! 0 FAG R I " F 1\1 F '\IT Section 1).\ Terminalio}1 of i\gree111Clll. When the Trustee certi Ill's to the Issuer that all 8nnds and the interest there(lJj ha\c heen dcfcased ill ilcconbnee with Section 10,] or the Bond IndcntUl'e ~lIld tlt;lt all olher obligations incurred hy the Issuer and thc Burrower under the Bunu Indenture. this Agrecment and the \laster Note. Series ]005 hme been paid or that suftlcient rumLs I(l!' such paymcnt arc held ill trust by thc Trustce flll' such purposes. this ,Agrecnlcnt shall tl'rmin;l1c ~ll1d thc Trustee shall deliver thc )\.,las(cr l\otl\ Series ]()05 to the :\1 aster TrLlstee rDr cilnu.:ll ill iun ,\ i't er cancel I at i (In. the \laster Trustee sha 11 deli \IT the SClme. alllng \vi th appropri ate U llif()J'Il1 Co III III erci al l\)lk term inut ion st a1emcnh, to the Bornn'ver: pnl\idl'lL hO\\C\TL th<lt the righ1s to indullniticatioll set forth In Seclipn ;-\,1 hereof shall suni\e the termination of this ,\greement. ARTICLE 10 \llSCT. LLA :\T.Ol: S Sectioll 1 n.] \knlhcrs. Onieers and Fmp]O\ces or the Issuer and HOrJ(\\\er I\ut liable '1l'ither the Il1l'lllbers. oftlccrs. ~lgel1ts and elllp]oyees pI' the Issuer nor the (lftlcers or el1lp]oy'ees Dr the !:3\)!TU\\er shall he perspn~J!ly ]iable tl.)r all)' Ct)sts. losses. damages or liahilities caused m su bseq uellt]}-' i nCllrred h y the Horrowcr or any 0 rti eeL di rector. agent or employee thereof in COl1l1l'dion wilh or a::; (J re::;lIlt of this Agreement. Scct ion ] (L2 A III cndmenL QLL\grt:_lJll.h:.t1l., This !\greeJ11cnt may'. with the consent of the Trustee hut \\'ithout the consent of or notIce to allY of the 80ndholders, hc amended hy an instrument executed by' the BorrowCJ" and the IsSULT, hom time (ll time, to: (<1) cure allY alllhiguity' t)r fOllnal defect or omission in this Agreclllent or in allY suppl cment 1 herd( I: (b) grant 10 or con kr uplln the Trusll'e t(:lr the bendit of the Bondholders any adchtwllal nghts. remedies, pCl\\ers. authority or security that may ]awhilh he granted 10 m con tCrred UpOll the 130nd 1101 ders or the Tru::;tec: (e) therealier: add conditions. limitations and restrictions on the Borrower to Ix nbsen'C\l (d) I II ennnect i 011 \\'It h ~IIlY other chanee therem \\ hieh. in t hc .i udgmcnt 01- I h~ Trus!ce. is llot III the llliltlTia] prejudice tlflhe Trustee or 13ondholdl'Ls: or (c) Indenture, Illak:c ;lny other ;J1nendment ()tlter\\'ise )KTmil1ed bv Section tJ. I (h) pf the Bond -l':~):,- [.(l:lll .\~rl\.\..'mdl1 20 01 her thall ,1I11endm Cll1s referred 10 in the prccedi ng paragraph 0 1'1 his Sect ion and sublect 1(' lhe tcrllls and prO\ IsillllS and ]]lllitatiuJlS c\lnlaillL'l1 in Section I ().~ nf lhe How! Indcnturc ,!Il(l not utherw]se or the Ilolders or not less than 510'0 ill aggregate principal amollnt of till' [~unds lhen Outstanding slu]] ha\'l:: lhe right. but onlv \\lth the Cllnsent or Ihe [rustec li'om tUllC tu tUlle. 10 appnl\'e Ihl' excL'ution hy the norJ"()wu ,md the Issuer or such supplements and ~lIl1endmcl1t s hcrL'lu as shall be decmcd necessary and desi rahle fllr the purpU'ie 01- nwdi j\,i n,l,:. ,dlL'nng. anwllding.. ddding III ur rescinding, in ,lilY particular. dn)' or thc tcnns or prll\isions col11ained Ill'reill: provided. Iw\\'C\er. nothing in lhis Seclion shall permit or be construed as perm ill i 11g ;] ,'iUpp Icmellt or amendment \\hieh \\UU I d: (jl I'xlcnd thc slatul rnatunly of or time '<:11' paying interesl on the nUJlds or In[ucc lhe pnllcipa] alllolll1t ()f or the rcdemption premium or raIL' uf intcrest payahlc un the Honds \\i 1 hout the cunsent of t he Holders of a II Bunds 1 hell Outstand i ng: (j i) I'.xeept as penn i tled in the rvlaster [ndenture. granl Iu the ho Ider 0 I' an '\ ] ndehtedlle:ss a security interest in P Jcdged /\ssl'ls (as (Ie lined ill the i\-1 asler Ind ent mc) sllpLTiur to (Iwl uf the Ilolders without the consent of the Ilolders of all Bomls thell Out stand lllg: or (Ill) Reduce the aggregate principal :JI1wunt uf nonds then Outstanding the eOllscnt l \I' 1 hc I 10ldLTS 0 f \\lllCh is required tu authorize such supplcml'llt tlr amendmen ( \\' i 1 ho u t the eonscn I (l I' t he I 1(11 ders 0 r all l~oJl{1s then Oulstand ing. SCl-t ion ] ().:' RedelllPti(11l 0 r Bonds. II pOll the rell ucst uf tIll' Borrower Illade in :lccllrdallce \\i t h th is i\gn:elllcIlL 1 he Issuer. or the T ruskc. on heha 1 r 0 f 1 he I.s:-;uer. shal I take al I steps thaI 1ll,IY be proper and neeessary under the applicable redemptIon provislollS Df the Bond Indcnture to erred lhL' redemption or al] or part or the then Outslanding BondCi ill such prinCIpal ,1l11\1unt ~ll1d on SUdl redemptiutl date as the Borrower sh~dl direct. /\1] expenses uf weh redemption shall be paid hom I1ltllley in the hands of the Trustee ur hv the [3nrnl\\er and not li'orn t'LlIlds 0 r t hL' ] SSUL'L SL~ctilln I (J.-t Surplu:s Fund:s, \Vhcll all Bonds shall have heen redeemed or retIred and the Bonds ~1IJ(1 all olher obligations incurred or to be ineulTcd by the Issuer alld the j ruske under the Bpnd I ndent lire or t hi s .\grecment sha] I have been paid. \)1' Sll flIcien t funds or Defl',IS~lJ1Ce Ohl1g;]tlOns :shall be held in trust pursuant to the Bond Indenture for lhe paymenl of all such oblig,llillIlS. ally slllV1us t'unds Ii-om or jilr (he aeeuunt or thc Hornnver remaining to lhe LTedit (If :111)' lund llr ;leeULlJ1t estahlished under the Bond Inden(ure Ii.lr the security or Howls shall be paid l(l thc B(lITO\Ver as an \1\erpa;.i111ent pf the Loan Repayments. Section 1 (),) limitatiun un lhc Issuer's Liability. All ubl1g:ltiUTl:S or the Issuer under this .'\grccll1ellt shall be payable solely frPIl1 the l.uun Repayments, tllc i\laster Note. Scries 2()()5. and (lther rc\en ues deri \ed and to bc dcri vcd li(lm Ih e 80JTower. Nei t her the Illl:Illbers, o rti eers. aj!L'll Is nor em pi oyees () r t he Issuer ~ha II he persollill l~i I i;1 hie ti.l1' the payment \If any sum or for 1 he per!llnllanee of all)' ubI ig~ltion under this Agreemcnt. SL'Ctl()!l I (),6 BO!TO\\L'r's Rl'll1edies, 1 n the e\enl the Issuer slltluld t:lil tn pert()J"111 any \l fits uh I i gill lOllS under 1 hi s i\grel'lllcnL the Borrower m:lY illst i tutc such act ion agai Ilsl the hs uer -t"::(),"- ~ .l"m .\~~I.l'o:..'nh'lll 21 as the !3mTO\\er may deun necessary to compcl performance: provided. h(l\\T\er. that no such aclio!1 shall Cil"L"k to impose. or impose. any pecuniary liability upon the Issuer other than from LO~lIl Repayments and pthcr IT\l'lllleS derived Ii-om the I kllT()\\cr, t1r any pers()]ul or pecuniary Ilahilily LlPPIJ any IllclnheL ollicCL agcnt Of employec tllerellf Sl'c1 1(111 10,7 C\ll1sellh ~lIld;\ pr[()'I:~LLI~-, \V hcnc\'er I he \\ri (ten consent or appro \a I () f thc Issuer. the Borrower. or thl' Trustce shall be required ullder the pnniSl\lI1S of this ,\greellll'nt. such co 11 sen t or ;1 ppro\~d sh all Ilot be unreaSO!la b] y \\1 t hhcl d or del ayed, U nlcss ot hen\! se specitied herein. wnsents 0 f the I ssuer shall he cxecuted and del i n:rcd 011 beha] f \ If 1 he Issuer b;.' tire Issuer RqlrL'SeIJlat I ve and eOIlscnts of' the Borrower shall he executed al HI deli \'L'lTd on Ix'hal f (If' I he Born\\\Tr hy the B\l1T\l\\lT Representati\'e, Sl'c1 I\lIl 10..': Lx tellt l!f ('tl\'elliwt~: All covcllallb. sti pu]ations. (lbl igat jPlls and agreements or thc Issuer and the BornJ\\lT contained in this A~reeIllent sh:1l111l' et't(,Tli\c to the l'X tent (l ul hori led and permi ltl'd b;.- app] ieab Ie I il\\'. Sect i Oil I O. () Notices: Demands: Req llests. A II noti ees. demands and relj L1Csts to be gi \ ell In (\1' made lllTL'lI11dcr hy the Hnrnl\\er. the Issuer. or Ihe Trustee shall be givcll lll' made ill \\]'i 1 i Ilg ilnd shall be dcelllL'd tn bc properly' gl \'CIl ()r made i r scnt by Li ni ted S lales rcgi s(cred mati. return recei pt req u ested. postage prepaid. addressed as r(lllo\\'s: (a) As tu the 15nrnl\\cr: ~orlh Key Largo Uttllty ('m]1. 24 !)llebiide Lane, Suite '\OS Key l.argo. I-'luridu ::'--;037 Atlt:nli\ln: Tel: (305) 367-3(J()! Fax: (.10,'1)::; 67-4246 (b) ,\s to lhe Issuer: \lunroe County Industria] Development Authority son e\l] lege Road Key \VcsL Flonda ;\ ttcnllnn: COLInt \' A ltmnev - - Tel: nOs).2 02-34 70 Fa\,: (30S) 21)2-3516 (L:) As tn the lrustel': \\.' aehovla Bank. N allOna I i\sSOL:i at ion 200 South Biscayne Houlcv,mL 14111 Floor \lral11i. 1:lorida 3313 I .'\l1cnlinn: CllI']1\lratc Trust Deparlmenl I'el: (30S) 71N-~(lS5 Fa\,: n(5) 7S()-467S -C~().'\- l.ll.1n .\~_~rl'"i'IlKIH ), .\ IlY \ueh nllt icL'- deIll elml or req uesl 1l1~1)-' also be t ransm itted to the appmpriilte ~ll)(l\e mentioned party by telegram pr tcleplwne and slw]] be deemed t p he properl y gi \ ell or madc at lllc t i mC () r sLlch tranSll11 ssioll if and OI1J y i r. suc il lransm i ssi ()11 of IH\tice shull he con Ii nncd 111 writ i ng and sell t ~lS speei Ii cd above. Any of sueh addresses may he challged at any time upun written lwtice oj' such challge sent by l.'nilcd Slates registered mail. poslage prep~lid. tll the o(hcr partil:s hy lhc party effecting the change, Scct ion I n. I () \1 ulti12lc ,(\lj.lIlterpart s, Ih is Agreement maybe exccuted in m ult 1 pi e cOllnterp:lrh, cachoI' \\h ich shall be regard cd tl)!' all purposes as an uri gi nal consl it ut i ng out pile and the S~lll1e i I1st rUIllCIl L Sectillll 10.11 SC\Cl'abilitv, If anyone or more pI' the u)\ e1W111s, agreements or pn1Vi sions 0 I' I hi s AgrlTlllen( shal I be dderm ined by' a cpurt pf eOlllpclent juri sd i ct ion to he in\alid. the il1\'a]idity (11' stich e\nenanls. agn:cll1cnts and proviCiions shall III llO way affect the va] id it Y (lr e Ill'cti \l~ness 0 I' the remalllder of thi s Agreement. and t hi s i\grcellll'nt sh;rll C(lnt inue in f(lrce to the fu]lest extent permitted by lan, Sectioll I n. I 1 St:Jte Ll\\ Controlling, Ihis r\gTl'enKnl \h:1I1 he construed and elll(llTCd in accordance with the bws (lj'the State of florida. Section I n.l:\ Bond Indenture. The Burrowcr consents to the exccution of lhe HOlld - -.. --- -- ---- Indcnture by the partlcs thereto ~md the BOJTower agree..; w be hOllnd by the terms and pl"O\isiolls (herci 11 1 ha t pert:li II to (hc Hornl\\lT. 1:'\ \V I [1'\ I.SS \VH EREOL the !\lonroe ('nunty lndustriaJ Devdnpment i\uthurity has caused these presents to he signed in its name and on its behalf by its Clwinnan and attested hy its Secrctar: ~llld 1\orth Key I.argo Utility Corp, has eauscd these prcc;cnls (0 he signed in i1s llame and un its heh~llr hy its President and its corpora1c sea] tu he hereunto afjixed and attested b:' its Seeretary. ,11] as \If April I. ~005, \!()NRO[ ('OL:-<TY INDLiSTRL\L DEVELOP\lEl\T i\U IIIORITY By: Chairman i\ TrEST: Secreta rv -t.:ns- I {I,ln .\rrl'~~ml-nt 13 _+:l(l:-. _ l.n~1 fl ,\~ ~"i...'-:..'llh:]ll 24 ;-.JOj{TJ-I KEY L\RCi() UTILlT'r' CORP. By: I ts: President STATE or FLORIDA COlJNTY OF \fONROF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged be!<.lrc mc this day oj" . :ZOO.". bv and . the Chairman and thc -- - Seeretary. respecti \c1 y. llf the \1011flle Coullly I ndusl ri al I)e\cloprncnt A ul hori I y. a pu hlic bod y corporate and pol it i c (\ r t he St at l' (\1" Florida, on bchal r 0 r I he Issuer. Such pcrsun did ll11t take an oath and: (Illltary must ChCl'h apP]lcable box) o 1-" arc pcrstlllally knO\\Il1p me, o pnld uecd a current Flori da dri vcr' s I icense as ident i fical ill!l. o pnlduccd as idcnti Ii cat i lln. [Notary Seal must be affixed: Signalure \) I' ~()tary \ \l nh.' II t" ,ntaf.1,. ~ 1.\ [~I...'d_ Pn Jlh..d II] Slamp,;,'d) Cl}mmi:-:.:--;inn ~lJl11hl~r l it' nl)llq~ihk I'll .'iv;il) \1: C\'lllllli:,>:-:i~lEl r:"pirl.::-: \ i i" lW! k":.' ibl:.: llll :-:'c~lll: -l'=:05- 1.~l~lfl :\~:.:Tl.'_'In:..']ll 25 SI Al L 01 I'LORIDi\ ('Ol':'-JT'{ OF t\-IO\jR01: The t'oreg(ling instrument \\'<1S aeknowlcdgcd before me this day or _ _ __ 20(J5, by David R it/.. t he I) n:sidenl 0 I' North Key' Largo Util it)' C()rp., a not -tix-protit eorpora( i(l)1 organi /ed and e\,[ sti ng under the b \\'S of the Stale of Florida, on bchal r o!" the efl'l)Urat ion, Such person did not take an ()ilth and: (m1tary lllUst check applicable hox) o is arc persunally knowll to me, o prpd Llccd a current florida dri vcr" s I icense as idelltiti catioll. o pnlduL'ed as identitiedl i (In. : N(l\(lr'\-,' Se~lll1lust be (lrlixcd: SIgnature of \:otary !\.1r1lC' '.II' :--J1I1.,,\' fll-'I,,'<I, l'rinll'c1 n,. SI'LlIlIWcll C (\mInLs..;ii1l1 '\:unll....~~r l if I1l11 k'bihk (In sVid~. \I~ C"\HntlllS:-ILlll I:'["llh..'., 1111h1t h..'glhk' 1111 :-0,,-\11.1 -l~~('::: 1.~ld[l "\~!-"'.Tlljl.lll 26 EXI [!nIT A DESCRIPTION OF S'r"STEt\-l A-I EXHIBIT H M.\STLR :\011-.. SFHIES .:!()OS B-1 APPE~DIX C FORl\1 OF PRIVATE PLACE~IENT J\'lE1\-'lORANDUM -'l2n:i-R-Rc,...\I.lihority w;~11 an])s 12 Ikln \bn.: h J I. ::'{)OS PH" ATE I'L\CEl\IEI\T 'IEMOR\~nCM n.\TF[) ,\PHil. ,2005 ~ en Issue 1I urated IIJJ:SI' I{();\DS 1!\\'OI \'1 .\ !lI(iJl Df(iRfT OJ-' RISK. SiT "BO!\D]IOLDLRS' RISK FACTORS /\1\]) 1\J\'l'STr-ll'.Nl ('()NSID]J\i\T]O\JS" ]JJ;RUl'<, III thc ('pilll\'ll or [,1 \Crlllll]'\,:, I rn:lll~ln &. i\ JeWi Ili:lTllS. ]',.-\.. HUlld CounseL under eXisting Lm lllkTI~~t ill1 thl~ !h'Jl(],; IS l~"Cllllkd (rum gmss incol1le (or iCdenli illCOll1e 1:n pur]JPses ullder Sl'cl H'll 10J(a} \11' Ille ('pde. exccpt Illr 11l1crest un ,lilY' Bond fur any peri\ld durini--' \\'lllCh it 1:; held hy a "sllhslzlIll la I u~nU ('1 ,I Ul'dmed persoll U <lS lhnsl~ terlll~ <lrc used 1I1 Sect ion 14 7(a) (1 I' t he Code. ;md i nlercsl ('n 1 he I:londs IS <In ill'1ll l'1 1<n plefercncc under Sect ll11l :' 7 0 I' the ('ode and thcre h1rl~ 1l1aybc subj l~ct to the ,1IkIlWli\e 11l1111111UIll telx Imposed i11l Illdl\lduals and certain corpur<lli\1JlS under Ihc (',ldc. HU1ll1 Cl1llllsel wil I cxpt'ess 11\1 upillliln :lS 1\) :lny nlhcl' tax conscqucnccs I'e~arding. the Bonds. The 130nds and the inlul'sl therC\'ll ,11'( CXI'1l1pl fnlll1 ,111 t:l\alI01l under llw laws or th..: StalL: of FI(lnda exccpt CSU\t..: );\XC,; <Illd ta\c~ llw;hllrL'd hy i 11 C\'ll ll' \\hll~ h urc 1111I!\lSed hy Ch;lplcr ::'20. [-'Il'rida Sl;ll utc~. (111 Uu 'qwr,llll\IlS-- _ uh:lIlh-- ,lIld "sa\il1!--,s :lsSl,('i,lli('I1~" ,IS ,~ueh tU'I11S mc ddllll'lllll Chupter ::'20. See uTAX EXL\II'TI< 1\:"' hcrein $2, 965,OO(l-~ 'I()~ROF UH'i\TY INlH'STRL\1. nE\.EI.()p'IE~T .\FrJIORITY Indust rial I)e\ e10pmenl Re\enllC Bonds (~orlh Key I.argo Utility Corp. Syskm) Scri{~s 2005 Dated: Date of Iklh er~ nue: \1<lITh I. 2025 lhe M \ 'll],(,C ('tlllll1 Y I ndusl riiJ 1 I kvcloplllenl i\ ulhon ly_ Induslria I Ikvclopmcllt Rn'cl1Llc Bonds (Nnrth KI'Y lilr)!p t1lility el1rp, System) Series ::'()():, (the "BUilds") ,me issued 111 exCh:lIl!--,L' for :J likc pri l1L'i pa I ,1111, 'll I1t \11' \ !l,llI'UC ('OUIlI) IlldlLst ri,Ji 1 )..:\e I llpJllL'1l1 i\lllhority ]nduslri;ll lk\l~ll'pnKnt RnCllU": Bonds (l'\ 'nh Kl') l;ll'g\l l 'I il i 1 Y Cllrp, S yslL'm). Scrics I l)():, (Ihe u] l)Q5 Bonds u), and me i nit i:JI 1;. i~sued only <\, lull)' regl~ILTcd bonds, willi()ut L'OUpOllS. III denOllliniltWJ1S or $] OO,OOll alll! lnteg.ral l1lultJplcs thl'rnlL l!lkI'L~,1 Oil tll\: B(\lld~ is p:l)abk (1)1 Sl:ptemlwr I, 200:', ,llld sellll~lllnua[l) I hCI\:,ilt,-T Oil l':Jcll r-I;irch 1 ill1d Septu11hcr I, h),' dll'Ck or dr,ill nl' \V,ll:hovia Bank. l"atiomd l\SSPCi,ltl(1)L rVli:lI11i, l'lurid,) (" \V :lcllo\i ~t"), ,1' p<lyin~ <lgent 01' ,IllY ,~lIL'Cl'SSllr p:lying agent (the "Paying Agent") Illa i kd to l',le h re!--,iskIl'l1 ,)\\lllT IhL'rL'ul ,1\ hiS addrc~s ,1' it appears \\)1 lhl' liftccnlh dol) \II IhL' I1l(1llth (\vhcthcr \lr 110t a hus 1!ll'SS ,by) UIl I he hllnd t'eglsll::r (" B011d Rcgisld') ll1:linl ili I led by \\',leh\l\l ,1 13~11lk. l\ mjonal A~S\ll~ial lon, ]\1I<1I11i, l'l()rida, ,IS b()nd re:glslmr. or ,my ~ucel',sor hond I'l'gislr<lr ("I}()lId Rcgisll-ilr"), Pn nnpal I If ,1Ild PI'l'1l11UIlL if :Ill)', ()ll the Ih)llds i ~ paVil hie UPOIl plTscntat inn ll1el'l'll i' at Ille pri Ileip;d Idlice Ill' the Payill!--, ,\~Cll1 l'j1()1l rel]llesl of a reglstcred I.l\\ner and C()lbeIll ()f thc 1';-1) illg \gcnl. PilYllICII!s ,--,I' illlcrc~l ()Il slIl'h ISIlIl\b 1m)' be: Ill,ak by \\il'c lnlJl~kr III illlll1edwldy <l\,libhlc funds Ill' hy \lthcr 1l1l',lllS, liH,: Bpnds \\ill hL~ \,!'Ii..'I'cd lt1 lhc ,111 0\\ liLTS Ill' lh\~ 19()5 BUilds :lIld exchanged ror I i)()" Illlnd" held by ,~,lld I'V\nCh PUhU:1Il1 1,) ,IIlUlll.'r 10 Lxch'lIl!--,I' datcd .\pnl _,200S, TilE BONDS ARE-: 'lOT DFI-:I\IED TO BE SUITABI.E IN\TSTI\IF~TS TO .\:'\JYONE OIliER TII.\'1\N ,\CCREDITED I~YEST()R. TH,AI\SFFR OF IIIE B()[\:()S 11\' DEi\(nll:\.\1 HnS OF LESS TlL\~ SIOO.UO() IS RESTRICTED TO .\C('HEnnED I~\'ESTORS. ,\1\ I;\\TST~ 1I'!\1 I\J JllF BONDS I!\VOLV I':S (,I, KI\IN RISKS, I'R( )SPI 'CTI\'!- BO'-JDIIOLf)I'RS,\RI- '-\DVISI'.D TO RL\D TilL SITTIO!\S "SITLRITY FOR TI IF BOl\IJS" Y\IJ "HO!\[)IIOLDI:RS' IUSK I',\CTORS ,\1\:]) IN\TST!\IL0JT CU!\SIIJI'.JL\ I IONS" IIHUJl\ H lR ,\ DISCUSSIO!\ 01' CI'RI AI\J RISK FACTORS \VIIICIl SIIOl'][) BI: C()NSI])IYLD 10J CO\Jt\ECTIO!\ \\'1'111 i\\J l!\VI':ST\IFNT 1\J' TilE BONI)S, The BpTl(j,; ;lre Iwing i~sucd hy the [V!unruc C\lunt y Indust rial 1 k\ l'I\lpllll'llt i\ UlIl\lrity' (t he "Issuer"), under d BUll(l [ruSl Il1dcnlurc d,ltcd ,1S \If l\prj! 1. 20U5 (Ih.: "Holld Illdcllll1l'e") hl'1\\'l'CIl the bSU<.T and \\';H.:hu\ i;l H.lllk, \Jatinnal :\ssociatiun. t\liallll. Florida, .IS ll'llstL'e (lhe "Iwstce"i- ami llw rH'el~l~ds t1l<.Tl'OI' \\ill be loallcd by the Is~ucr to '\Jllnh Key Largo Lt dily CO'll" ;1 J'l\llida 11\l1-lilt'-PI\\ftl curpllralll)1J (lhe "( '0111P,lllY") ullder a I.nan .\grec11lellt dated ,b or /\pn I I. 20U:, (I he "1.1 ':Ill ,\greeIllClll") hy ;md betweell llle Issuer ;llld II]c ('olllpany, [Ill' Honds \vill bc used sulcly' fur the exch:lllge (11';1 like prillciral ,1ll1UlIlllll( I i)l)5 Ih)l1lk The COll]pany \\ ill pay hI]' alll'usts rdalL'd lu the isslI<lI1ce \ll'the I h'llds f!'l'lll legally ;l\,libhle Jllullies lhal <Ire 11111 derl\ed Ii-um tile prlll'ceds 01' lhis PI' all:",- \lthel ta.'i>c.'\empl hP1TI1\\ll1g TIll: ohligati\lIl or lhe ('ompallY to lllakl~ (he p:1YllleI11s pursu;llll to lhc J .\lall ;\~reelllelll ]S sl'l'Llred by ,I \bstcr Note. Series 20U:;. III [1<: isslI\,:d by Ille Comp<lll) pursuallt 10 ,I I\bstn Tnlst Il1lkllture, diltnl as <.l\' April I. 20u5 Ilhc "\1:1SI(T [ndellt ure'"), hel\\ (:l'11 the ('olllpall) ,llld \\':lchl)\ ia Bank. \Jdl i\\na I .'\ssuci,l1 illt!. \Iiami, 1.1\ lrida. as 1\ I ashT Tnlslec. I'hc I ,',1Il Agrcenwllt r<.~quirl~s rep<lymellls I'rom I he Comp;lny' t\\ he clleuLIlcd so as tll rully rUlld P;J\llll~llt ul' Ill\..' prillUP'11 uC prellnUllL It' ;Illy. and illlcrest 011 llle B,'nds, \\hUl dut:. ami c:erlaill (11hn ,1l11(lUllh due Illl<.lcr t il(; IO;1ll . \grel'lnelll. [he 1 klllds are <1lso sccured by the \IOn!l:I!lC' .1I1d Secun ly AgreClllelll d:lll~d as uf !\pnl 1.2005. i'rOlll lhc Cornp:lllY to lhc 1\1;lsler 1 l'Llstcc (Ihe "l\lurtg,lge") pursuant to which I hc Cump,my will. subjecltu Pennitlcd hlCUlllbr,lnecs (hereill dclllll:d). gr,lllt d Illol'tg;lge \Ill ;111d secllrlly lllterest ill thc i\lungagcd Pl'l'peny (herclTl dcflned), The re\<.:I]ues ,Illd mCumc deri\ed hy ur till' thc dceulmt ul' I he Company pursuanl hI the I (l;Jll i\greelllellL I he I\lurlg;lge ;md the Hund Im!cnlure ;Ire L'U Ileel i\l'I)-' referred to herei n <lS the "Revenues" The Bonds are subJcct to opt i(llla] rcdclllPti()lL e'\t r;lonli lIary \11'1 ion;iI redempt ill]1- and 11 I: Illda t 01';'-,' si nki ng fund redempt ion, :IS speci fil'd hcrei 11 l\L\TlJlUTY S(]u:nlJu: S2,lJ6"',OOll* 60[)",) Tl'J'll1 BUilds, dUt' I\lareh L 1025, Pncl' ](I{)"" TilE BO:\DS ,\:\D ALL OTIIEl~ OBUG,\TlO:'\JS OF Till,. ISSlIU{ LI\'IH:I{ TilE LOA1\ .\GRFFI\U:l'iT A1\D TilE BOND I1\DE1\TURE AND TilE TRA:'\JSACnONS CONTEMPLyn:U THEREBY SIL\I.L NOT CONSTITUTE AN I:"JDEBTEnNESS OF TilE ISSLER. J\-IONROE eOVY!'Y, FI.ORHM, Tin: ST\TE OF FLORID.\ OR .\NY POUTlC\1. SlIIWIYlSI01\ OR .\(;E1\(:"I' TIIEREOF WlTllIN TilE "IL\NII\'G OF AI\'Y STATE CO:\STITUnOl\AI. PROVISIO!\ OR STATUTORY U\IITATlON. ANYTHING I'J TilE BOND INDEI\'TliRE OR IN TIlE BO'/DS TO Till', C()1\Tl-L\RY \lOT\\TlIlST,\Nm\lC. (A) NFlTllFR TilE ISSL'FR :\OR l\IO:"JI{(lE COL\lTY. FI.ORm.\, SIL\LL 'lEVER BE REQUIRED TO (I) LE\'\' AI"\, AD ",\LORE'I TAXES ON ..\[\Y PROPERT\ TO PAY TilE PRIl\ClPAI. OF, PRFI\IIUi\1. IF ,\:'\J\', OR INTEREST 01\ TilE B01\US OR TO I\IAKI': A1\V OTHER PAYi\lFNTS PROVIDED FOR L[\IWI{ THE UlAN .,\GREEl\-IENT OR TilE BOND INIJEYITI-U:. (Z) PAY TilE S.\:\lE FR<HI .\I\'\' FL:\DS OF TilE ISSl'FR OTIIFH TIl \1'\ TilE REVF\TFS OF TilE CrHIl',\NL OR (Jl REQUIRE OR E'It'ORCE :\;'\Y P.\),:\IEI\'T OR PERFOR\I,\'1CF BY TIIF (,O:\IP.\'lY ,\S PROVIDED 11\ Tin: BOI\D INDENTLRF, Till-: 1.01\1\ 'u;REE:\IENT OR TilE i\lOR.T(;,U;E LNLESS TilE rSStrER'S EXPE'\JSES IN RESPEC'T THEREOF SIL\L1, BE,\ V,\IL\BU: H{()\I ,\I\'V I\IO:'\J[\'S DERIVED ll\'DER THE 1.0,\:\ .\CREEMEI\T OR TilE .\lORTC,\CF OR SHA!.L BE AIJVANCED TO TilE ISSLER FOR seell PURPOSE AI\'D TilE ISSLER SHALL HECElVE I'IDEJ\I'IITY TO ITS S.\T1SF:\CTIO'l, AND (B} TilE BOI\DS SII:\LL MH COI\SITICTE .\ UE'I LI'()~ A:'\lV PROPERTY OW:'\lED BY TilE ISSlfER OR .\IO:\fROE COI)'1TY, FI.ORInA, L\CFI'T TO TilE EXTEI\T, IF Al\Y, OF TilE ISSUU{'S RICIITS 11\' TIlf: CO:\II'A'I\'S I'IHWI.:RTY, TilE LO.\'\J AGREE\IEI\T, TilE ,\IORTG.Ha: .\'\JD TilE I'I{OPEHTY HH;IITS, RECEIPTS, HEVEM!I':S AND l'IU){TEnS PI.EI)(;I,:n Ll\IHJ{ TilE .\L\STER INDE:\ITUIU. The [iumb me 111kred lor ddi\lTy' when. as and If i~sued subied lu the ,lppnn,d \11 Iq-"diIY by Ll\crn1\lrc. Fnxl1l~lIl & i\1c\\'il I i,lIllS, P.A, JackSOll\'lIk. !-'lurida, Bl1l1d (\IUllSc! ('crUlIll kg:d llwltns will he passed Up\lll r\lr Ihe bsucr hy ih coullsel. J, l~.lCk!l(1 (',,!hns, hq, ('\lUllt~ :\Il\'JIley, Ke~ \\e'L Flnri(b. ~llld fill' the (\llllpany by' its counseL !{\ISe, Sundslmm & licnllcy. I ~dbh;l'isL'L', 1'!\lrid~L IiI'S! S,Hltlm csl ('ompany, Orbiid(l. l'lurid,!. is se1"\in~ ;1:'; I, 1Tl,1Il(i,II-\(h isor lu the ('0111P;lll\', II IS ,--'\pcc!cd 11\,1111\c !,h'llds \\ill he deli \\:rcd ill cxchilllge fur 1l)l)5 Hllllds (Ill llr ;d,\\ul ;>. LlY ,2(J05, "Lslill1atcd. subjl'ct tll changl' dqrcndlllg lIpon ll1c pril1eip~d ;lIll\)Ullf 01' 1 ()()5 Bonds suhmitted in rcSp(lllse to the Oller tll ]'XCh~lllgl:. (kscrihed hncin, I\IONROE COUNTY INDLiSTRL\L nE\'ELOP'IE~T .\l'TIIORITY r\dlllT~\ :'\CbH]' ('h,llnmlll I),\\i d P , Rice, Secn.::ldr: CI1<1rlcs "Sollny" ~kCI 'y. \lclliher (ie(l["~e Nugent. \ 1 cmhn DIxIe Spehar. \lcll11wr COLI'HY,\TIUIi.:\L'I J. I{ic h,ml ('01 Ij IlS. I:sq, FIl\ANCL\L .\D\'ISOH: First Soutll\\cst (\)]11]1;111;" (>rhllHI( J, II( 'rid;1 BOND COl \Sn. I i\ UTll\HC. J rL'cm,lI1 & \k\\,illi;llll'. [>,\, ,l<leb(lmillc. I:lmida i\ORTII KEY LARGO LTILln CORE'. .\1;111 (;(lldskin Hrll(;e (iilbcri [),l\id I{ill .Il' rJ' (kllJ ell Pall} ,1,ICllbS(111 SUI} Arnold l{il;1 Crc,ithc<ld Susie 1'1\II1\C\' Cki i nlJdTl Vile Ch<linllilll Prcs j dClll Vice Prcsllklll SCl: rl'l <l t"\ TrCdsurl'r Di rCc[(lr (If Aee(,UIl1ll1!:-' ReC\'nling Sn:n:I,II"Y ll\nFPF:'IInF"\lT ,\CCOUYL\NTS \lce iladrcy & l'ullen [:,-,rl [_mJderd~ lc, Fh lrida COl\-IP.\NY'S COl:"\lSEI. I{ (ISC. SlIndslwm & Iknt lev I ;d 1:1I1:lss.:e. FlOrida The information rtllltained in this Prinlte Placement" elllonwdlllll has heell ohta i lied from the Compan~, the Isslll'r and otlH'r SOIll'l'es "hid! an' bt'lined to he reliahle, hut is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness and is !lot to hl' constnH'd as a npresentation. The in fOrlna I ion and npressions of opinion containtd hcn'in arc SUbjl'l't to l'hangl' nit bout not in'. anti Jl('it he'" I he delivery of this Private Placellltnt l\lemorandullI nor any sale made hereunder. shall under any drcUlmfa nces, create any implication that there has heen no l'ha nge in the affai rs of the Issuer or the Company since the date hereof. This Ilrhate Placement ;\Iemorandum is suhmitted in wnllel'lion nil h the e\xhange of S('l~lI rit ies referred 10 herein, a nd 'Wl~' not he reproduced or IIsed, in \\ hole or ill pari. for any other purpose. ~o dealer, hroker. salesman 01' othn person has heen authori,ed hy the "mer or the Company, to giw any information (1I" 10 make an~ ,"epresentation olher Ihan as conlained in this Pri \at e Placelll('lIt ~ I emoralldu III ill coulled ion \\ il h 111(' offering descrihed hcrein. and if gi \ell or made. such 01 he'- information or repreSl.'lltatioll mllsl not he relied upon as ha,iug Ill'en allth(lI"i/l't! by any of the fon~going, This Pri'ate Plan'ml~nl :\h'IHOnllldulll tloes not l'UllStitutl' an Uffl'f of any securities, otlH'r than thoM' desrrihed on the COHT page, or an OnlT to sell or a s()licitati()n of an offer to buy in an~' jurisdirtioll in which it is unlawful to make sHch ()tlrr. solicitatioll Of salr. TilE BONDS 11.\\'1-: :'>JOT BEEN RI.:C;ISTElH-:D UNIHJ{ TilE SE(TIUIH:S .\(''1' OF 1933. ~OR II.\S Till,: BO,"\JD 1~IH:r.;Tl'RI-: BEE~ Q('.\I,II- lED U~IHJ{ TilE TRLST I~DE~TURE ACT OF 1939. 1:\ RELL\i\CE UI>Oi\ E:\.I'}\II'THJ:'iS COYL\II\ED 11\ SlTII ACTS, TilE REGISlR\T10~ (m QL\I.IFIC\TION OF TilE B01\DS IN ACCORIlAI\CI-: WITII :\PPUC\BLE PRO\'ISIOi\S OF SECLIIUIH.S L\\\S 01. TilE ST.\TFS I"J \\'IIICII TIlE BO"JJ)S 11,\\'1-: BEEi\ RECISTERED Ol{ QL.\L1FIED .\,"\JD 1111-: E:\:I':'IPTlO~ FRO'I REGISTR.\TlO~ OR QL.\L1FICATION I'J OTIII'J{ SL\n:s ('..\N1\OT BE REC.\RIlI':n AS ,\ RI-TO:\I:\IEND,\TlO:\ TIIEREOF. l\EITIIER TIIESE ST.\T1':S NOR .\"JY OF TIIEIR ACE~C1FS IL\YE P,\SSED LPO'J Tin, J\IERITS OF TilE B()1\J)S OR TilE ,\CCliR.,\CY OR CO.'II>I.ETFNFSS OF TillS PRI\XIT I'I..\CE:\1 E:"\JT 1\1 EJ\lORAI\Dlnl. Al\Y REf>IU:SI':\TXIIO"J TO TilE (,O~TR.\RY \1.\ Y BE .\ CR'-'II:'\,\L OFFF~SF. TABl.F OF CO~TE'frS Pa2C I"'IR()I )LCTIC),\ .. I Till-: ISSU1':R,('()]''\IT'r 1 1"111: BU'\DS.., ( lCIlCt'~11 RL'lkmpllPIl .. """""'" '"'''' "".." """ '" """'"'''''''''''''''''''' .\lTckrallllll, """.,"'''' RL'!-,;J~trdl1l)ll. Ir,lil,Jer ,Illd I'\cklllge "" ""'" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,, ," ," " -t ",,,... -t ,n :\ ..."" S s TIIF EXC! L\'\J( i1-' ()F1TR ,."",,,..,,,,,,,, .., \) ,\I\'\JL.\L PLB I SI R\I( I. RLC)L'IRL\I1:'\JTS "" "'" () SH'lIRrrY H)R 1111-.1'$( )'\J\)S , Lill1tkd Ohl1g:ltiun:< \J,1 Pkd,!lc III Credit ,,,..,,.. Jill:: J .U,111 .\~rL'L'll1l'lll Thc Hilmi IndcllI me '"' The Series ~I)()~ N111<:: The \ I :1,1l'!' Il1cknl Lire The \ \, lrl!l,l!!l' I) ",I) , () ,..".",.".. ".",.",.",.",., ".", \0 "'"'' '" '''''' '" "'" '''' ""'" """ """'" , """ '" , 1 () ......10 .. Hi Till: CUt\-H'.\!\Y ,,,.. C('Illj1<lIlY H:ll.:k!!r()und """ ..,,,...,,..,, .". I':\cmpt HHl rnHll h~lkr:li !ncllll1l' T,lxcs ,~'1 ;1ll;lgClllL,:lll ,..,,, \() .. 16 "...""..,,, 16 .. 16 SYSTH\! DI,SCRIPT!O,\ S<.T\1 U.: .\rl::l ...".. ""..,.... ,,,. Sy'Sklll CJpcr;llioTl.s '" '" "" '''''''''''''' Rcgul;llory.\ppnl\:l!s j'ului'c' Sy stcm jmpnl\Llllcllrs "'"'''''''''' """ " , '" "" , '" , 17 "",17 """"...",,,,, ... 17 ".,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, IS " 1 S SCIII,DULL ()I: R,\TES ;\ND CfL\R(;I:S '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' IS RESUI.TS UF CJI'j'IUTIOl\S 1 () LFITER (11, (,E 1-.])11 "",",19 BO\JDJ[()LDFRS' RISK j,\C IORS i\'-JD I!\VISI \lh'-J1 CO\JSIDLRAIK)!\S .....19 TAX FXL\lPT!O'-J", '" , """'" "'"'''''''''''''''''''' '" '" '"""..""......"."", FL'lkr,i1 T~l\ \latll:I'~: llll: B()nd~ '" """. , '" "'"'' '" "'''''''.... I'll)rida T<l\c~ , ".".."...."".. ..".".".., )"l Y) --,'" .:...J AU 'RI:DITJ'I) I!\\TST()R , """""'" ~}. I IIf( i\lIO'J :;4 II'J,\'JCL\J .\DVIS()R 14 l!'\ DI'.I'I':'-J DI.l\1 .\C 'COLI r\'1 ,\'-JIS , 14 DISC!.OSlIRL REOUIRED B'{ ITOR[!)i\ BUn: SKY RnjLL/\lIO\JS .. .2~ U<H)]{C!'ABIUI 'r' 01, RL\ll'DII'S :>1 ,\PPR()\',\I OJ, I !'(;.\IIT\' """"__",'", 25 CO\;TI\fLf\l(i DISCLOSURI: """..".. 25 CERTIFJCA II, ('Cf\Cr '.le\ I'.Ci PI~ [\'kIT PI .t\CI:,t\UJ\'1 \i11:;\-101~AN])LI:\1 1" \lISel'] 1.\:\I{)l'S 25 .\I'I'L'JI)I,\ ,\ ,\U)!I[J) ]-,]1\.'\1\CI.,\L STATH..tEl\lS OF TIll. CU;\lI'.\"-JY H)I{ II I!, !'JSC.\! \'I'i\I{S 1'1\J)!,f) DHTtv!BU{ 31. 2ilO] /\1\1> 20()4 i\Pl'L:'-JDIX B [O!e\1 OJ' ACCI{I':!)]II:I) !NVlsrOR LETI'!:R ,.\PPF'\J)I\ C ]-ORl\-1S 0[' \L\SH'.R IRLST 1l\I)L\lTLRE. BOl\[) ]l\[)[J\ JURI. LO.\N .\CdUT\lI:'\JT i\'\JD rVJORI(;..\(;)' /\1'['I,:1'<])[X I) ['OR\! OF OPINIOl\ 0[.' I.I\TRI\10RI-.. FRLUV1i\!\ & l\1C\VILLL\l\tS. [I, \ . .\S [H Jt\D COlJ\lSEI W!lIII{J'-SI'ICT 10 'II [I: [~Ul'<[)S, PRI\'XIT PL\('F,n::'lT ,'IE'IOR\:\'DU\I S2,965,UOO* l\IOI\ROE ('ocrvrv 1l\IWSTHL\L fWYELOPi\IEl\T ,\UTIIORn' Indusl rial Development I{eycnuc Bonds C~(wlh I":e~' I.argo Uility Corp. Systcm) Scrj('s 2nns I'JTROIH1CTIOl\ Illis Pri\,l1e PI;lCt:Tlll'nl \knlPrandul1l. illc]uding the cuver pa~c am] lhe apPclltlic,::s l1e1'el('_ is pnl\ltlcd 1(' sct furth CC1't;lin 111I(lrlnat ion C('necrning the iSSlWnel' hy \I\lnrul~ Cl1Unly Im!usln,11 I k\\~]upmenl i\utlwri ly (I he "Issuer") II f its Illtllls1ri,tI [)c\ ell 'pnw111 I{e\ cnue H\ llllis. C'.J\ lnh I\.ey Llrgo '-Illlil'.' C,ll'p. System) SClWS 2()()':; (Ihe "H(lnd<') issued in exclwllge fi\r a like anh\unl ur t]ll' Issuer's Utltslill1dll1!: ]l1dw;t ri C1 I l)c\d l)'menl RC\,~T1Ul: ] lrH1ds ('J\lr1h Key Lugo ('1 il il;.' Corp, System). SL'I'ics 1")')5. (l]w "I \)1)5 Bumb--). pUI'SlI~lnl tll ~11l Ollt:r to ]'XdWllgC. daled Apl'i] . 20(J5. Ihe purpose fur the ()ITer [(1 I ',:\Chd)lg,~ IS tll ilchin e il \I..:bl ser\lu; s<I\ings ;lIld tll consent 10 the 1lL'\\' baSIC d\lCLlmcn1s. incl ud illg the \1,lsln Trust I m!cnlun:. H(1nd Illdenlu1'e. LO~1l1 ,\g1','emenl :lIld l\ 1\ 1l1gilge <lnd Sel'uri 1\ '\glTernCIlI. all as lTlun: pilrt H.:ulMI v descn bl.:d herein, ;\llrtl1l\:,~y Ldrgu Uti]ity Cllrp.. ,I 1ll'1-I'llr-proljt Ullvur<ltiull l)rg,lIli/cd ,lTld nistill),': LllldL:r IhL: 1,1\\, oj' 1 he SI~l1c u r F lurida (lhe "Clllllp,1I1)"'). is ~l ll1elllbcr-<.l\vJ1ed cuopn,ll i \'C i I] the bus iness or dequi ring, m'l1il]~, ll)lCraliJ1~ i111\1 m,lIl:1~in~ :1 \\,L>tc\\',lln e,llketlllll. lreatmenl :lI1d displlsa] sysll'l1l (the "S\stclll'") \<.1 ib CU,lpllllTS \\]w ,Ire the nwmbcrs nf lh~~ ('(lmpaJ1Y, Tlk' prllspcclin' ill\e,ll'r shuuld he ~I\\are ur cert,lill ris~ rilctpT'S ,IllY UTle ur \\hi..:h. i r it lll<ltLTlilil/cd III <I suntclent dcgree. c\luld dvlay l)r prevcnt prlymenl ur prilH:ipd] illhLur lTlleresl Ull the Bond,s S..:o.: "BO\JDI]O[.J)!,RS' RISKS I-'.\CTORS ANI) 1\J\.'IS[,~lJ'.NT CONSII)[-'[{AI IONS" rur ,I Sllllllllai'\ 'lfc~'1'bin oft]lL's(' risks, Il1is I'ri\ale PbCelllCllt \1cllK\r~lIIduIIL Illcludlllg ,ill appendicL's, ,shou]d ]lL' rC,Il111l its enlircly, lllF HU!\DS 11.-\\'1' \JOI BI'I',;\ [(HIISTI,I{!,[) U\I)[',R 1111, SI'('LRITII':S ,\CT OF 1\)33 i\!\'{ PURCIIASI', UF JIll. BONDS SIIOlJL[) 13]'. H)I{ 1:'-J\']'STr\lI-.NT ,\N[) NO,], \VITII T!11' 11\TL1\T T(} JT!TCI ,\ ]HSIRlBLTIO'J, TI [I'. S.\I I': OR IR,\\JSFH{ BO'\JI)S IN DU\O\lIl\.\TI< >NS UF U.SS j[ L\\J S I OO,()()U IS IUSmlCII~[) TU :\cC!{], [)[I I.]) I \JV]Sn JRS, The ('OIllP:l1lY \\'i11 use lhc pn\l.'ceds \\1' the Bonds soll.'I;. Ill!' lk ndl,lJlgc ,,1' d like pnTlclp,lI :Ilnuunl pi I l)l):, B\\tllls. Costs rdatd t\\ till.' i SSLJance of the Bonds \\ i I I he paid hy 1 he ('\\1 n)'~lny I'rolll kgally' a \',li bhlc ILlIlds lIllt deri \'l'd frolll (he pruux;ds () r I hi s Ut' any ot 110.:1' \~lx.e.:\empt borruwing. lhl: 1')\):' BUlllb were i,sued on \lald) \), Il)9." ~Illd Ill\., procCl:ds Ihereul' \\ere kl;ll1ed by I]K Issuer tn 1110.: Cumpany pursuant to <l lual1 agreement in unler to l'ilwnl:c (I) till.' ,Icquisilioll pi' I he ,150,000 gpd ccntr~d wastC\\',l1er clllkl.'liol1. trathl1lissioll, trc,llll1cnl ,llld dispps;d system tllcll ll\\ned by (kC:lIl Reef Club, lnc Itwatcd 111 I\.c)' lal'."-u, J'I"1'idil.; (~l lhc costs (II' illlprO\elllL:llh tll,Tl.'lo. (J) illtcrest on the I ()l):, BUilds dUrin)! e\lIht rw.:tlun of I he i I1lpnl\Clllellt ~ and (, I) l:usls rdalcd III I he iSSlWl1l.'e 11 r t he I ()<)5 BlInds, rhc li.lej]illes dequl1'ed \\ith the prnceeds of Ille 1995 LklJlds. thc illlpnnCrnel1ls thl'lTt\l <ll1d additiunal ill1pn)\,~IlWnh Sill,T I ()()5 arc ()\\'l1cd and llperaled hy the CUlllpilllY ~Ind <Ir,~ hnl~in e\llkcti\l~]Y c,lllnl thc "Syst,~I1l". Jill' bsuer I S ,I puhllc budy cuqwrat c ,lt1d pur it lL' Ilf tile Slale uf ]1 priLl;1 (lite" '-;1:11 L'" j, Illl' Issller IS lSSUlTlg the Blmds pursuant h\ the ('onslilutlllll and bw:s III (hc Stdll~. p~lrlielllmly' ('hapln I )l). l',lrts JI Ctllll Ill. l'luri da S tal utes (t h(~ "i\C 1") , ('uncurn:ntly \Iith the lS~ll~lIICe or the Bu]](ls, tile 1:;'~Lln dlld Ihe Clllllp,lIlY 1\ ill enter illt\\ ,) Luan \~,TC:":lllelll d;iled ,IS or April 1, ::!005 (thc "'Lo;m AgrlTlllcnl'-), purS\l;l1II to which Ih..: Issucr \\'ill loan the pn.lCeed,~ or lite lSull\L~ hI the ('ulllpaI1Y, rhe Cumpany \\'111 ugn:c tn make ]u,m pa:'lllcllh direclly to the BUlld IrUslee ell the lill1c~ and 1Il the aIll\\unh :'UnlCil'lll 10 P'!) Ih..: pril1l'ipal pC prcmium. If ;lIlY, ,md 11l1el'cst Oil the B(lnd~, The \lhll,!-'.;l1l\.llb Linder the 1(),11l Agru::nlCl1t mc sccured hy a !\-b~lcr Noll' iS~lIed under Ihl' \L1stL'i' It'llSt Indenture d,lled as \If Apnl I. 20()5 (Ill..: ..\LtsllT [ndl:lltunc"") hd\\cen the ('c\l1lpany ;1Ilt! \\;ldHl\ia Bank. 1'< at iOIl<l I A:';S()ei~ltlnll. ~IS r'\b~lcr lrusll'c (Iii..: -'\bslcr I ru~lLe") :lIld SlIpplcnlCI1t;'i1 Indent me dated a~ 0 f ,\pn I I, 20llS (t hc "Supp IclTlenl;i! IIl(klll ure") bel ween I hc ('oll1pany ;ll1d 1 he r\Lhtcr Trustee. Oblig,lI ions Dr Ihc Cumpany ulJ\k:r the \1<I:,llT Ill(lenl \lre arc seum::d hy ,I pledge \\1' ,md lien \1n RC\l'lHle~, \\hlch It1clude ~1 \1()rtg~lgc and Scelln!y .'\~_'.rl~eI1Wllt (the ""\h)rtgdg:C") i--'r,1lI11Ilg I he \1<1:;ter Trustee ,I 11":11 OIl lh.:; r'\hnTg<lged [,and and 1'1'()per1Y, a~ defIned ill the t\-f1ll1gage. The ('(\I1lP;1l1Y \\]11 I~~l!l' it:; r>,la~ll'r 1\(\le. Scnc~ 20()5 (the "Series 2()()5 NolL''') pUl'suant 10 the \1<hl cr IlldCllllm: ill I he ,lg:g:n:g,ll e prineip,d <lIllOulll cqu,d tll 1 hc C1gg:re!!;lle pri IlC iP;l I iI lllUU III \If the Bomb ill mder tu cull<l[cralllc !hc ('(lllJp~lll)"<; ublli--',lti(llls Ulldcr the IO;lll i\grCl'llH:1I1 \\'ith n:speelto lhc Bund<;, I1IL HCli'\DS\1\]) .,\1.1. OTlll'.R OHLI(;.\I IO\iS 01'1111' ISSU'I? L\lJ)I'R Ill!: J.(L\'\i .\( ;RI'I'.l\lI :1\1 i\ND 1111,. 11\])INllJl{!' .'\N I) 1111 IIL\"-JSi\CIIO\lS (,ONTU\-lI'I.i\JlJ) IIILI?I'H\ SIL\II "-JOI CO\lSIITUII': .'\\1 INI)I'BILI)NI'SS OI;llll' ISSlll'K r\-1(lI\ROF CO!':''';IY. I."!.ORlll\, TilL STYLI. OF FLORIDA (OlR /\\1\' POI ITIC\L SLB])]\'ISIOl\i OR \CdI\C'{ TIII',RH1]-, \VITI!lN 1111 VII:i\;\J[NC; UF .'\\1\' Sl/\TI: COI\STITUTIO!\/\1. PR(JVIS[ON OR S'I.\Tl1IORY 1.11\111.\TION, IIII' BONDS A"-JD \1 I Ol11l-:R OB[ I(;.\TJO)JS OF TIlI~ ISSU'R l \il)l-'[?IIII' 1.0,\1\ .\(;]{I',I',\l!:"-i1 .'\'\J[) 1111' U()'\JI) INDE:'--iTURI:\1\1) IIIL 1[{,'\I\SN'TIOI\S (,ClNTI':l\ll)L\TIOl) TIII-.RI:UY SIL-\I L I\(rt HI, i\ CIL\R(j]: .\(;i\Ii\ST TilL (il<\J['K\1. CRLDIT OF Till, ISSUI':R. \IONRC)I,' ('ClL'-JTY. FlORIDA, OR /\(ii\[\lST TIll: (iL:-\J-:Ri\L CR[,:DII OR 1,\.\11\(; I'O\\TRS 01, Till" ,\LIIIORIIY. \lONROI: ('OUNTY. FLUR lD.'\. TilE STArJ, OF FLCl]{/I)i\ OR .'\\1\ I'Ol.lTIC\L SUBUI\' [SIClI\ O!{ .\( ;[:1\('\' IIILREO[', ,\NYTl I!)J(J 11\ TilL BO"'-J[) !NDI:"-JTl;RF OR 11\ II [j, HO"-JUS 10 1111 ('OVIIL\RY \JOI\VITI [ST.,\N])!)J(., (:\) THF ISSL'ER i\ND.,OR !vlOI\J{OF ('otjNT'{, 1'1.0RlIlA, AS .\I' I' 1.1('.\ B[ I. SI 1.-\1 I \J['-VLR BI~ RL()L1!RU) TO (1) LFV'{ AN'{ ..\D VALOR].:VI L\X!'S ON .\1\\ IJI?ClI'I'RIY TO P:\ Y TI]E PRINCIP.\L OF. l'RFt\-IIL!\-1. [[, :\'\JY, ()I{ 1r\'TI-:1U'ST O'\J Till-. [)O!\])S Ol{ ],Cl \J..\KJ: .\NY OTlIER 1',,\\'\ILNTS I'!{OV/I)]J) FOR L"-JDI'R Till 10,\"-J ..\(jRI-.1'.\ll.I\:1 OR TIll: BO\JD It\DE1\TURL (2) l'A y' II [I'. SA\-!I: FRCH\l /\NY !'UNDS OJ.' THE ISSl'I':R ()TIll R T[L\\J IIIL RE\T:-:U[:s. OR (]) RI'J)L'IRE OR 1'\iHJI?(,I'. .\NY PAYr'\lL'\JT OR P[:RI,()R\L\NL1: 1-)\' 11 [[- (,Ol\ll'.\NY .\S PROV[DED 11\ TI IF HOND I!\:UEI\TlWI:. 1111: LO.'\N A(;RIT:\/I-:r\T OR TIll I'v]Oln(;.'\(;I,. UI\II'SS IIIE ISSUER'S EXPENSI;S IN RI;SI'ITT T!II:RHJI' SIlALL BE :\\'_\JL\13U', IRO\l ..\NY \10'\JI-.YS nJ--R1V!,]) UNDER TilE 1.0:\\1 .-\CJRH:\IEI\T OR TilL \f()RTCi,\(i!: Ol? SII.-\LL BI-. i\D\,',\NCI'D 10 Illl' ISSl'I':R [,OR SliC[! PLRPOSL AND TIlE ISSUER SHALL IU':C L! \'1' 1!\:])!-:\lN[TY 10 ITS S..\TISI-'i\('TlON: i\!\D (B) Till: BClNDS S]L\LL I\OT ('ONSTlTLTI-.\ I II'N [11'01\ .,\'\JY PROPLRTY O\Vr<U) BY OR S[TU.\II']) WITHII"< nil; TLRRJ[ORL\L LI:>.IITS 01-' TIll" ISSLTR OR t\-IOj\'ROE COllI"<TY. ]'LORID:\, I XCIOPT 1'0 '1'1 IE I.XTE"'-Jl (II' ANY) 01, II II-. ISSlJl:R'S RI(,IIIS IN Till: S'{STE\L II [I I.( JAN 1\( ;REh\ILI\T, Till: \10RT( ;A(;I" i\ND TI [I-. PROPLRTY J.U{ illTS. RIT[-:wrs. REVI-.r<t :I-.S\i\!) PI{OCI, I'DS PLI:])(,U) L'-JDUZ TW-, \l:\STI R I\JDLI\TURI: ,\'-1]) Till: BO!\D INDl':-JTl, RL I!][, ISSUFR I L\S \10 ,\]) VALOR 1-,\11 ,\X 11\(; ]>U\\'I'.R , !kll'l' lk~L'11 pI ipn~ II 1'1 hI.: B(llld~, 1 he i\ 1 <l~ll'r I ndenl lire, lhe Bond fndcn\ lIre, I he I.oall ,'\~I'U:I1lUlt. I Ill' \lortg:lgC the Sy',;tem. the CllHlP;IIIY, t he [~suer, :md ce!1:1 ill pruvi,;i\lll~ \If l hL' Act arc set for1 h herCln, I ,,:;<:t I llT \Iilh ,)thCl' IIll'urmatillll ';l't hlnh ill Ihc ,lppclldiec,; hereto. Such descripliulls do 1101 purport t\l he e, H Ilprchclhi \ c (11' dciilll tl \C .\11 rdcrl:m:es hLT<:in \() the r-. kbtcr [ndclllurr. IhL' BUild [ndellt ure, I he 1.(ull Agrecment. Ihe .\lmtg<lge, other ITkv<llll insl runlenh. provisions of the Act and other appll C;I b k laws pi' 1 hl' S la1c ;Ire lj UCl Ii lled in their ent irl:ly by n:tl:rcllee 10 each ,ueh d\lCllllll:nl l1r st~n u\ory pw\isioll, ['he f\lI'llh or the .\1<1s1cr !nd<:ll\ure, B,H1d Indenturc, I.O,lll i\grel'lnent ;lIld \IUl1g:1g<: ,Ire :ill;lehcd heret,) as ,\ppcndix .\, /\n;-' ()lher d(lCllrnen\ llll( reproduCl'd hel'ein Illay be obtainl:d rWHl tll<: Cumpany ill: !''';urth K l'Y I,!!'S\' Lt llity ('(lrp" ~5 (J":C;11l R..:<: [' I)mc. Suit e 220, Key LZlrgo. Florid:l 33037, Rd(T<:llCC'i hcrein to \hl' 130mb cll'L' ljualilinl in thur elltity by rL'll:n:m:c 10 the j('rm thcrcof lnclu(kd ill tlK B\llld !T1\knlure and the in Illl'lllatil1ll \\' ith respect therl:t\l i Ile ludcd ill t h<: ;1 rur<:Sd ill document s, CerLnll cilpil;di/<:d tcrnl'i u~l:d herein h~l\e the :;<lllle llleal1ill~S il'i'ilh'n<:d 10 'iuch tlTllh in the ~Lish.T Illdl:Tllmc, I ~l '1l1l I nden\ lire, I .U:1Il i\greunelll :lI1d \1 orl gil!!": , TIlE ISSLERiCOL:\TY 'Ill\.' Is<;u<:r IS d puhhc bpdy' cprpul'atc alld politic ufthe SUite ul Florid:!. The ls,ulT\ IllClllbership <.:\llhlSh l'f 1]\ t: (:,) j'LT'iPTh ,qJj'\lll1l<:d by Ille C\'lIllt) COllllllj~slon t(1 f()ur~YC<H terms, Currelll[y'. 11lL' llll:llllwrs or t hc LIll,lrd 01' COUllly ('omlllis,iollers of Ihe ("t1unly Sl:r\e as lhc mClllher~ ul' lhl~ Authmitv, \ JUlln)<: (','unt y. 11,)rid:!. \\:IS l:, 111S1 il ul il H1:111y !'onlled in I :'\2,1, Jl is eUIl1priscd prrmal'l I y ut lhe [I,lrida Kc) s. II IlTd1 ;11'1:: C\ Sll'1I1g 1'1' ('(mil islands c\!cndi ng ill a SllUt 1m eSlcrly a['c (mill BiseaYlll' Bay to t[le Dry Illrlug,l'i, 'I'h<: Kl:)s 'iep:n;ltl' Ihe ;\lblll ic 0<: L',ll 1 Oil lh<: sou1h and the cas! frnm the (iulf or \ k\icu Oil the llPrlh dl1([ \\TSt. alld e\lelld ,Ippn.\imcncly 1 Uti milI''i south from the l'llill'd State" llldi11 !,lIld, Thl' CUUTlly "ed1. Key \\'esL IS Illcl\cd [HI 111<: ,,;(lulhcrlllllpsl of the I-'lmid;1 Key'i. alld lic'i 9S mdes Ilorth (II' ('ulla, ilppnl\imllcly 16() miles ,oullmT'il 01' r-.'liami ilnd 66 11aut ic,i1 miles north or lhl: TI'llpie ul L:lIlL:eL Ihe ('llUllty I1<1S a mild. slIb-lrl1picdl cl illlale, The <l \Tragc annual temperal ure is 77,7 degrees. \\'ilh :1I1 il\'l:rage tl:mpcrature durillS the wInter \lr 69,9 degrees and :1 summer :lwrag<: 01 S3.!J degr~~es, The 11Igh<:,;t tcmpl:r<l(uIT rCCl)rded \\'a, 95 dcgrees in jl)57. and the IO\\'c,:;t temperalure recorded \\'<lS 41 degrL'L'S III I \)S I, PrL'cipildtion (39-.10 in<:he, per Yl:m) i" chmackri/ed by dry :111d \\'(;t Sc;ISl1ll" ill .June 1 hrnugl1 (let llll<:r ~l1ld Decl:mblT l hl'lllli--'h \lareh. res peel I \dy, Ihl: l'i~U,lIlee ur lhe Blllllls \\a" apP!\)\'l'd by the adnplillll \.r ,1 rcsnluli(H1 or ll1c ]s"uer UJ) ,\]11'11 2 L ::'O()S [II! l)U)\I)S \\'[1.1. HI SI'ICL\I I.Ir>.lITl-I) OB[ l(i,\TIO'\JS Of TlIE JSSUER Pi\ )',-\BLL SUI 1:1.1' FRUI\1 TlIL S()l}RU:S PH.OV[!)J'.!) H)[{ UN])!'I{ Till,: BO'\JI) I1\D['NTLRI'.. Till, BO'-,J])S ,\'\JD ALL ()T[[ER OBLI(i.\T101\S O[ 1'[11' ISSlJl:I{ LN])['I{ 1111: JH\N i\(;RI:TMI:\f1' A'\JD IH)~[) [:\DI''\JTLR!: :\'\JD TilE lR\'\JS.\Cll()NS CO'\JTI',r-.lI'L.\TI-:]) TllI'.RI.H1' SII.\1 I. 1\0'1 CO'\JSTlTUTE ;\1\'y' I1\DHllU)I\I'.SS 01, [1[[,. ISSU['.R, M01\RO[' COUNTY, FLOR!l)i\. TIlL ST:\T[' OF l'lURf[):\, OR ,\!\"{ POLITICAl. SL'BDIVIS[01\ ()I{ AGJ'NCY 1I11'1{1'()J.'. \V[Tl]['J II II r>.ll'\1\I\(i UF .\\~Y STXI!: ('O'\JSTI rLJI[O\L\1 PI{( )\'ISION OR S'I ;\TLTORY ] lr-.lIT/\1 [()N, (SE!: "SI,:Cl.']\1 fV ]'()R [I II, BONDS" III IU'['-,J,) , -' TilE BOi\'DS Central Ill": Isumls \\ III h..: hSlI<lhk unly as ~l slTlgk krill ISCllld 1ll:11urin)! on t>.brch I. ~()~:' 111 Cldly reglslercd I~lnll: skill h..: numbered In SLld1 1l1,lllTl<:r ,J:; dclerlnined hy lhe Homl Tru,ICl: ill cmlcr lu dislill)!uish each IS\lnd I'nl!l1 an)' ulher lhllld: shidl he ill the dellolllillati\1n of S I OO.U()O C,ICI1, or llTllltipks I hereo I', Oil \lI'i~ill'll hsU,lllCe, :mll tlwrl~,llkr slmll he in multiples of SI.OOO: shal! he d:l1cd lhc d,l1L: or deli \er~: slwll bUll' IlltlT\~st IJ'lll]l "lid (blc, payahle ()ll Septemher 1. lO()S. and un edC h \I;lrch 1 ,!lId Seplr:lllh<.:r I I hl'redI 1L'J': suhllTt to m<lnd~lt\Wy Bond Alll(lrl ilil1iull Aeeuunt redelllPlillll un \bn:h I ill lhc \\',lrs 20()6 In 2()~:', hl\lhlllelusi\<.:: :llld sh:lIl h:l\e such other I <.:rnlS as Iilore particubrly sL'l rorth III 11.lrnl .\I'lhe Isunll, The I hlllds sh:1I1 he;1l i n1cresL L'\ llllpUlL'd Oil (he h,IS1, or a 3h()-d~IY y'e,lr. ;It 1 he ,\ppl il'<lhle R:lte (:IS herelmlkr lkrllh:d), The i\ppllGI hie R;lIe on any d,r\' \\' it h rL:speel 111 \\ hieh i ntercst Oil the Bonds IS e<llculated shilll he' I hL' Regu br Rate (dl'llllnl hel()\\). ,SII hjecl In adju,sllllL'nt as spl'l'lI'ied hd\ 1W \11' I he Taxahle R ,Ill' (del tiled hdo\\). \\ 1m: hc\ ,:1 h ,lppl](,:<I h k (" ,\ 1'1'1 iCI hie ]{dlc"), ;lS I(llluws: (;1) IZl,;g!1 J.l!:,,R <I,K I ':\cepl :b ()llier\\ iSl~ pn1\ided hereill, the intnest r:lle (I he "Rq--'-lllar Ratl"') ~hall he (J,( II)" 0, (h)VljLlSlTll~~111~t()_I3,~:glI!;!J~{-,II(;--, III Ihe e\l'nl a ])clenllilwtioll 01 I;lxahility sh~1l1 ha\e \ lceurrnl. I ile rall' III IIHeIC;( 1111 l~,ldl 11(1J1d ~h,d I bc lIlUTil~C 1(1 d "'I ;1\,1 hi,: Rill..:" \\ 111 ch ski! I equill IS( J" 0 01' Ihe RC~lll<lr R;lle. elln:ti\e n:tnJdcti\(:ly 10 111\: (bte 01' lhc 1',\clll IlrLI\;lhilily, ,mil II1LTe;l11cr lltrou~il [he InclllSlllll PLTioli ([he jlLTllld clll11ll1eneillg witl1lhc \bte lJr the L\'cnt or Tilx,lhilit)-,' ,1I1d elldillg wilh 1 he d:l1e slIch HIlmi Cl';ISC:S 1() hL' llutSt:lIHlillg), Ille 'J !lIstee sh,dl ~i\ C llnticL: to cdcll Person whl' was lh..: Ilolder Dr e,lch H()lld durillg Ihe Il1elusl\)ll Perilld (lrthe occurrence of ~l Iklcrlnin,ltio!l or LLX,lhility ,11111 within \)() [by's lhcreai'tcr, L':idl I [plder ur fonner Ilulder or each I}Olld slwll be paid the Additional Am\llllll such J loldn PI' ronnu' 11\ ddu' ,h,d I he ent it led lu reCCl\e with respect to such Bum!. .. Additiona 1 ,\mollnt"' IllCilllS lhat all]()UIH (If llllllley payahle t\l a J hllder or !l.lr1l1LT I [nldel" of ;lIlY Hum] whieh shall cqlwl 11l1erest an:rlled <l1 till' laxclhlc Rme lhroll~h\luttlJ:lt por1lo11 of lhe Illclusinll Periud during. whieh ,SlIe h P"T';l)1l hl~ld such Bond. rl~ducnl hy i ntcrl'sl ,leerued <it tile Regular Rme which was paid to such IloldLT or jOrJlwr [!\llder ('I 10 ~lI1Y suhsequent Ilnlder ut' such Ik1l1d, Such Addillonal :\IlIOLlI1! shall c())]~1 it lite ,ldd it )(1n;1I Illlercst un the BUild:; ;md shall he paY;lhle sldely from I he snUJ'ces speei Ilul ill such BUIllI ;md In the BUild Imlcnlllrc, 111 e:ieh else I hc'\ppl iCdhlc Rdle sh,d] he 1'l111nded lU the neare::;1 line-hundredth l1 r lllle j1\TCl'lll. IIp'lll lllc' \ll'l'U1Tl'IlCe ()r ,tI1 1',\1.'111 or ll1e IkLlldt (;IS dclllled III the r--Llsler Indelllul'l', I}\llld IndclllL1lc', 1.();1l1 .\!;'recI11":1l1 :Illd \I\lrlgdgel. illtcn:st sl1:1I1 dcerue ;11 Ihe 11.1lhl\\'lllg r:ik (llll~ "l)d:lllit Rmc"): ( 1 ) \\hdl' the l'kIl1d.s hc,lI' i nll'rL'sl ill Ille I aXel hie ]\:11 c. ,IS pW\lded ,dxl\e. ,t 1',11 c \\' hie Ii is cqu,tl In 211()'~";1 of the Rc!-'u br R~ltl' (2) \\ hill- the Bond,s 11(';11' illlL'rest al lhe Rl'g:Ular R;lll" ,1-S pW\lded ,lb\l\c, ,I rail' \\11I\'h is equal I (1 1)( Jr." '11' the IZc!-,ul;lI I~atl' -1- NplI\ill1standing the foregoillil, the Appliclhk Rate shall never exceed the maximum inlen:s! 1':11 e per :lIlTlUJ II :111 ('I\ul hy la\\', I h: IJl'inc i ]1:11 1'1' the Honds shall be p:rv;lbk in lawful rll\Hley of 111c U I tiled SI;llcs \1 r America at the design:lI cd C'lrpur;t1 c I rLhl () !'tice PI' the B\ll1d Truslee. p(1ymcnt 111'1 h.: i IIttrest 011 any Buml shall he m;ldc ll) the person wl10se 11,1I11e appears ,)n the rcgi:-tralion books (ll' the HOlld I ruslce ,IS the Ilollier thcr':ll!' ;1, or 1 ilL' dose of husi ness Oil the fiftecllth day of Ihe cakmbr munl h itlllllcdial cl,\! proceeding the m<.llllh In \\hIL'h 111.: in!\.:r,:sl paylllCll1 occurs (tht "Rccord Datc"). Inlerest sh:lll h<: p;nd in Ll\\11d IlhlJley I If Illc l nitcd SWte.' 01' ,\Illcrica by check or limn 111a i kd 10 each Iluldcr at the ,lddress Shl)\\1l on the Bond Irusle.:' s n:gistr:ltion hooks l)r, at the optl(ln or the lIulder or ,lI lcdsl S 1 ,OOO.O()O ill <lgg:rcg:,llc principal al1lUU1l1 pI' Bund:>, intere:>t shill1 be paid b)',' \virc lranskr 10 IlK mldrcss 11kd \\itl1 III..: Bond Irn:>ll',:, AllY sllch inkr.:s( no( so pUlKtu:dl)' p,lid or duly provided 1(\1' :>hall cease I() he payabk to the II, )Idn l)n 1 he app 1 ieahk Recllrd D<lle and sh,lI I be paid I\l 1 he person ill \\hnsc !lame 1 h..: H( 1)](1 is I'eglslnul ,ll the i.'lnse (II bUSllless on a Special Reeurd Dillc for (he p:l}'lllelJl nl' su.:h d.:l;wlted inkrcsl. The Spec ial Rcelll'd Ibll' will he fixed by the Bond Trustee and notice \\'11! be gi vcn to the 1[0 IdlTs nut less thall ten (11)) i.bys prjl'r 1(1 sueh Spn:wl Record Date, Inlercsl shall be e:lIeulalnl based on <l ye~lr nl' 360 davs and twelve 30-d;lY Jlloll1hs, I{('d('mptioll Oplional 1{~>(lf'rnptiun, The Hpnds ,lr.: subjl.'l:( to uptiOll<l1 redemption prior tu Illelr slated Jl1illunly. by llle Is~lln. UPll[] the direclJUI1 of thc Company', l'wm funds deposiled t\)r sueh pmppse lJ) the BUild hllld ulllkr tlw B,)nd Indenture, on the first Business Day' of any month, as a Wlhllc or ill pal1, in such Ill<lt t1nl i es as ~lI',~ deslgnalnl by the Comp;my (or if the CompzlIlY fili I s to des ignale such Illaturilies, in ill\ erse l1nk'] 01' maturily) and by r,mdlllll sdectinll \nthin ~l mdlurily, ,ll the redell1ptlOn prices set forth bc1l1\\' (expressed ,]S 1)..:rcen1ages or 1 he pnncipal ;lInounl hI be redeemed) III I:<leh ClSe (pgl~lh,~r wl(h accrunl interesl thcrl:on to the \hi1\: fixed for redelllPlion: Rl'dclllpt inn Peril1d Re~l~lion l>.rice Date of Isslle thwugh [:ebruary 2S, 20()6 f\breh I. 2()1)(, llm)ugh Februarv 2 S, 2007 \!arch 1, 2()()7 thwugh J-ehnwry 2S, 2()O~ \-la)'(:h 1. ::!O{):\ lhn.)ugh Fehruary 2S, 2009 \lmch 1, 200() and lherealkr 1 0 2.() '!i" 1 015"0 IOI.U",) I O{) .5'~-;) IOO.()"-{, l\ Ia ndatory l{Cdcmption. Il1e Bonds ,Ire subject tn redempt iun prll1r to their stmed maturity, in parI. II'om \1:1 mhl1\lr:' Atll\lrtiz;l! ion IIl~ta limen!:> deposi led in the HUlld hmd under the HUlld I ndenl lire. \'1) :lIlY \Lirel1 1 at thc PrlJlClP;11 amount th..:rel\r Ztlld iJlteresl ;lcerued IhcrcoT\ III Ih..: d;ll.; II:\ed I'llr I'edelllpl ion, \\ il hOlll prCll! i lllll. in llw ;llll\Hlllls ind iC<lted belD\\'. M ;!ll(b( ury Rcdell1pt ion Payment I.\i! es ( \l;,IJ:L 11 1 ) Mandatory A !liort i /;1t ion IJlstall111enh ::!()()6 ::O{)7 -" 200S 2009 2010 20 II 2012 2013 21114 21115 2016 2017 20lX 201 l) 2010 lOll 2u22 2U2J 2024 2025 '" ivLll uri 1;,', Extnwnlinary Rcdcm pi ion. (a) Ihe Bonds Clre callable 1m l'c(kmpliull pI'! lll' III lllal urily III the L'\Ctll (lr';l Silk (If Ihe Systelll, ill \\I)(lle. 011 lhe earliesl practicable dale aikr the C()lllP;1I1Y sid I prep;i;' 111 fuil thc r\bsler Nllles Olllsl;l1ldlllg: ullder Ihl: Masler Indenture [It a price 01 ] (J()I:,O of lhl~ prillClpal al1lutlnl of BOllds Sl 1 rukcl1led, p I us aeuued i Illercst to the redempt iun date. and w il hOlll IlI'cmi!lll], (h) Ihe Hunds shall also he suhject In redemption. in \\hok but 1101 III p,lrl. al ~lIlY lime. ,ll a redclllPti(lIl pncc oIIO(J'>() of the principal anhlunl of Bonds S(..l redeemcd, plus ;!<:<:rued llllcn:sl 10 Ill..; redl'll1PI inn dale, alld \\' ithnut premium. 1 r withlll one ynlr a ner (hc occurrem:e II r <Ill;',' 0 1'111..; 1'01101\ illg: C\l'IHS. the (\lmpaIlY shall ekel 10 prepay the Loan pursuant tu the LlXlll .'\gn:ellll'lll: I, The Sy'slelll shilll have been danJ<lged or dcslroYl'd to such extent that. III the Upl niu!l (1 I till' Company expn:ssed 111 ;1 COlllp,my' s ('erl i Ilcatc III cd wit h I he Issuer and the Bund rnbl,~e ((11Iu\\'111g ~uch dmll<lge lll' de~lruclillll (A) tbl: COl1lpkllUll ul' Ihe S;,SIL'HI \1 ill he delayed I'llr ~11 !c<l::;l si" lllunl h::;, (B) i I j~ nul prad ieabk or dc::;ir<l bk III rcbUlld, n:pdi r ur rest orc t l1e Sy skm wilhin a pcriud or six Cllllsccutivc months following ~tleh ddm:lgc or deslruction, or (C) llle ('omp:my is \1]' \\ill be lhcrehy prl'\Tllled from earr}'ing llJl the nonn~d (lllCr<lliollS or lhc Sy~tclll I'll]' a period c) rat lca,1 six Cllllsecul i IT 1ll( ml hs: or 2_ lit Ie to or the tempmary use of all or substam ia!ly all the Syslem shill! have bee]] l;iken ullder Illc ext:reisc or lht: p(1\\cr of eminent dClmaill by :my )!\l\ernmelllal aU1lwl'ity to su<:h ex knl 1 hat. In the ('1'1 ni\)]l U I' the ('Ulllpi11l\' expressed ill il ('nmpdm" ~ ('c111 flC<lte fik:d \\ ith the L;,sucr illld the B\llld I'rllslCe (A) the cnlllplctioll nf the Sy'stl'lll \\ill lK' debyed I'm <II !cdSt SIX m\ll1lhs. or (B) lhe ('nmpany is nr will be thereby prcvented frum carryillg on Ihc lwnllill lJpcr,ll i(l]]s \ If thc SySI cm f(lI ,I pcrl\ld (If at !casl six C\l!lsccuti \c llwnlhs. \lI ), i\ll\' cuur\ or administratin, blldy of COll1petl~llt wrisdielioll shall enler a j Udg:lllCllL order \lr (k,'1'Ce requ lrlllg I h,~ CompallY In cease a I I \lr ,lilY suhst;ml i:ll p:lrl of lis (1jlerali\llls ,A tl1..; Sy,r.:lll 1(\ such exlellt 111;\1, In the (ljlllli\.\ll of th<.: ClHllp:IIlY l'xpr..;ss..;d 111 :1 CUlllp:Ill;' ~ ('er\iilcatl' ilkd wllh the: bSUlT ,lIld Illc B(llld 'I ruske. IIle C\llllP;1I1Y i~ (II 1\ ill he 6 IhL'n.:hy pn':\\.:I\Il:d from C<lrrying \lJl its IWl'm:d operatiolls :11 tlK Sysklll 1'01' :1 pcrwd of :It least SIX CIJIlSl'Ulli\l: nH1lllh:< PI' 4 As :1 n.:sull ()f any changes in Ihc ('clnstitulillll III' the SI~ltc \lI' lhc C\lllSttlUtWI1 (I] thc Ullitcd Staks ur i\mniL':1 \11' of kgisLlti\<2 or admillistrali\\: al,tioll (whl'lhlT ,tate \11' kdcnll) ur by lln:il dl:en:e.ludgmellt ur llnkr of .Ill} L'(Hul or ;Idlllini,lrali \ e hody (\\ hL'lhcr sl.lll' PI' kdeml) or competent jUrisdiction, thl: LO:l1J i\g:rl:ClllClll slwll h:l\'(; heulIllc \(lid I II' llllcntlll'l:eahlc or in1lxlssihle Ill' perfunmlllee in :lec\lrd,lllL:L: \\ith the inlellt dnd j1l1rplhCS pI' 11lL: p:lnlL:S dS c:\pn..'sso.:d in \ IlL: Loan ,\gn:,;l1H:lll. (lr unro.:,ls()Ilabk burdens \\1' exo.:o..:ssi\ e li:lbil il ies sl1:il] II:l\l' been imp\ISl:d U11 the [sstler or the CUIllpilny includlTli! wlth()ul lilllit<IIIP1J. li.:dcr~ll. st;Jte UI' (llher ,ld \:llorelll, PWPl;rty, Income ('1' olher I:lxes nul bClng Ill1jXlsed Oil I hl: dak of I he [u;lll\greelllclll Spcdal Rcdcmption. ] I the CUlllpany I:xernS<2S i Is ()pllun IU prqxl) t hc LO,lIl 1Jl 1'111 I. \\'h ieh optjull sh,111 be exercised (i) III lhe e\l:nt ur the sale, Ie:lse ur othn dlSpUSlllOIl u( :lllY' ur lhe COllJp:lIl}'S prnperty tu any pus(ln or (il) III the eyent of thl: sak 01 all u!'lhe tX[Ully Illtercsh \lr the ('(llllP:U1Y, If the C 'Ulllp:lIl) ddcnnilles, based Oil an ()pilliUll Ill' Bond ('uunscL 11l:l1 un1c,ss rCIlll'lJi:tI Ille<lSUrl', :I1'l: 1;lkul pursuant I () any rC\'l'l1Lle pruu:dun:, rl:Vl:nue ruling or I'cgu hI i()11 or I he Inlern,d Rnl:TlUC Senie,:. Il1e t'\.c1l1si(lIl frpTll gn 's, inCllTlK' 01' 1 hl' inkn:sl 011 the l~ll1l(L~ Il)r i'cdend lIlC('llle I:l\. purPllSeS Will he a(1\ crsL'ly <I tTeclcd, whie h ()pt lOll sh;1I1 he exercised i I' I he alh~\ c l'\Cllh llCCllr, ;ill a, 111\'re I'll I I y pnnidcd ill lllc !(l;1I1 Agrcell1cnt. Ill\: Bouds ;lIT requiro.:d 10 hc rcdeemed in whll1c Oil iUl)' d~lle. by' Il1l: Issun :ll the directioll of the COl1lpany. ,11 :l red<2nlpli()n pril'c equall\l 1 ()O";, 111' llle prlll(lp;iI ,nllOUlll lhl;rC<lI: pillS tile pn.::nllullh:h scl I()rth \\ith n__'~pcct to llpti('Il,d redUllplHlIl. :llld :lCcrued lTltcrcst t<llhe rnkIllPti()1l d:l[e, Sekction of Bonds for Rl'dcmption. \\-'henc\er pl'\l\'is inn i:; mark ill I he H\ 'l1d ] IItlcnturl' I'llt' I hc rt:dCll1pli\ln \)1' less than nil of the Bl'nds Ill' any Illalurity. the l:h\l1d Ttusll'c. a,s dirL'cled hy lhc ('p)llpall\, shall Sl:lct:t the [h)j]ds l\l he redeemed Ihllll all Bonds of sueh llwturil) sllll,lCc1 l(l rulcmplioll ill ~uL'h Ill<umer ,lS 1ll,1Y' be deslgl1<lted by lhe ( 'om pan), or if 1 he COJllpallY sh:lll h:l\'e linlcd tl.l so desi1-'-Il<lte, i II ,lilY Il1allller \\I111'h SUt'll Bond Tnlstee in lis suk di,scrc1inn sh,1I1 deelll ;tppnlpn:11C :md i',lir. SlIl:h HI Hid l'ruske sllall prumptly nOlify thc Issuer alld the (\lmpallY in \\'rilin,~ ()I' lhe HOl1d,s ur pOr!HHIS l]l\,Tl'ol' Sll Sl'l.:cll:d i'or rnkmpt )(lll. ~o, ice and Effel.t of Redemption. Each notice \1 I' redclllpl ion sh;d I sl arc (i) I l1o..: m;l! lIril i e,~ ur port ions of mat unlles (Ill the e:lSe u I' partIal redemptloll) whit'll ,ll'e to he I'cdcenl\,:d, (11) I he dak u I' l'edCmplioll. (Iii) the pblce (lr pl~Kes \\hcre the redempll(lll will be madc. illcludill~ lhe nallle ;lI1d ~lddl'ess or the Ihmd I'rus1ce. (1\) 1 be Rukmpt)(lll Pnee. (\) 1 hI: CUS]]' llulllhers as.si gnL'\1 10 Ihe H()Il\h I () be l'edeCllled, (\i) in the l:ase (\1' ;lJly Hlllld, III he rc(kCllled in pan ollly. Ihe ,1llhlUllt of sLleh Bund, 1\1 he rcdlXllled and (\ii) llle \l[i~irli11 (bled \b!c. interL'st rak :lIld slated nWlurilY date 01' GICIr Bond III be rl'dl'l'll1ed, L1ch Ilotil:e shall ,lIsu (:1) sl:111: ll1al il: 011 [he d:l1e \'l' Inkmptiull. lhe 1)(lIlt! IrllSlcc Ilolds sullieiellt l1lulleys tllcrclll!'. then, on the (!:Ill' of rcdCmpll\ln, Illc Rcdempt l(ln I'l'lee, l\l~ether \\ itb :Iu:rucd in1crest. 1 l' :m'y'. shall hccome due and [wy'ahk, and 1 h,n frum ~md allLT lhe I'nlunpl il'n d:l1c i)]l cresl Ihereun ,]1(111 cease [0 :lel:111e and he paY:lblc. and (h) require 1 hal (\11 lhe Redemptioll Date slleh Bonds ,hi) II Ix- sllrn.:mkn:d, .'\1 Ic:bt Ihir1y hul 11\)! 1ll\l1'C than sixty (bys prior 10 tl1l: redemptllln (btc. Iwtlce slwll he gi\ en 10 Ihe ] [()lder,s of [hlllds desl!-'-natnl for rnkmptio!l hy tir,l-class llliliL jW:>!;Jgc prq1i1id al their dddl'esses ;1 ppl~~l ri 11 ~ Oil t he rq~ i st r:tt i Oil h()o ks Ill:! i 11 \<J i 11 cd by I hc Bu nd Tru ,1l'e ,IS \) f 1 hc c1 USl' l) I' hu,s ill ess () II I he \1:1 y hdore the nul iee is gi \ Cll, .'\ second nol iec uf rnlcll1pli\ In shal I he Ill:! i led no morc lllan 60 (1<1Ys ,llkr lhl; t'edcmptll'1l (bl\: t(\ any I [older of Bunds \\11\1 kh Iwt turned BUilds in tlll' I'CdClllpti(\Jl \\illllll'l) (hys ;lfln lile rCdelllJ1lillll date. NOlie..: sh;1I1 ;i1S\l he gl\1:1l to l'ilch of th..: Sccurilies DcpositoriL's :lI1d securities inf\lrlllaliOll Sl')'\ ices dC,si1-'-nalnl in Ihe Bond Illdcllture, Fai]ure to ~i\'e notice to ;1 Blllldh\lldlT, or <IllY tlcr(,l:ltlll:rl~in. shalllw[ ,llkel lhe \illidity ulthe redeltlptl\ln ur :my ulhlT BlInds, 7 ,\lIY lI\lliee \II' n:del11ptiul1 (ntller than a JlPllCl: (JI' n.:dempl](111 I'Will \Llllditlm) Sil1klll!:, ,\l:C\lUl1t I';lymenb) Illay be I'l'seilldnl by wntten Iwllee gi\en lu Iln: Bum! 1I'l!';lee hy the ("HllJlilIlY llO 1;1ll'!' than II \'e Busi ness [bys prior to the d:de speci !led ror rClkillpllOlL The H\ Illll Jrust l'C shall Si \ l' l1t \1 ICe 0 f reSClSSWIl ilS Sl,IOII then:,il1l:r ,is practicahle in Ihc samc maImer. and III the :,,1I11C jKhUllS, ,IS lluliL'e (If ,;uch redernpll<.1n was gl \en, UllleSS n:scindnl as described in rllC prillI' para,",r,lplL IHltKe llllnkl1lJlli(l1l ha\ill,L'. beell gi\CIl, ,md money's Illr p,IYTnent ui' the [{edempl ion I'riee or l(),~('(licr \\ith intncs! accrued lu l11e rcdelllPt ion date un. lhe 110mb (or pOrliuns thcrenl) so called ror rl'delllplinll lwillg held by the Isond Jru,,;tec. on Ihe redcmpl l\lll d,lle dcsignato.:d ill t hc rcdempl i Oil Ilot ll'C. I he BOllds (Ill' p()l'\ ions I hL'l'e\ ,f) l'al led tl)r redempti(lll shall h.:e<Jl11e due dlld p<lyahle at the Redemptioll I'riee splTiried 111 Ihc Inlcl11ptlull 11\11 ice. !Illeresl <.111 Ihe Bonds cal kd ror n:d':l11pllOll ,;hall ee;lse I U ,tCl'rlH:. Ill( Ise BUilds (or pml10llS lhereot) slwl I cease 10 bc cnlitled lu ,Illy' bnw[11 or sCl:urily under llle H(111(l llldcnllllc. ,ll1d the J lulders (II' thosc Scncs sh,1l1 h:l\T no ri~hts ill respect lhcre\ll' e>;cepl I<.l rl:cci\e p,lynKlll (11' lhL' Re(k'lllpti(lll Pnce ;111\1 ,ICcrlll'd illl.:r.:st , Partial Redemption of Bonds. 1 'pnn surrcnder (,f al1) Belm! InkcI11L'd 111 IXlrl unly. th.: Isstll.'r ,hall e>;CUll,' and lhe BOlld Trusrce shall alllhenl iUllC and dell \n to t h.: I [older Ihnen!. :ll I he e>; pCIbL: oj lhe ('omp,lIlY, a new Hund or Honds 01' autlwri/cd denominalions dnd uf the Silllle nl<llUrily', l'quell in :l~~rcgatc 1)fIIlCl pC! I ,1I11ount In the unredccllln! porI lOll 1I [' the B\)nd sllnendncd, '\cCl'leflltion llpOIl thc occurrence of eertaill e\cnts of dcl';lUl1 under the \LiSI.T Indel11lll'c, Hunt! Indl.'!lIUl'e, Loan i\greellll'nt Ill' r.hlrtg:1gc, i!lel uding, hut nol Ii llli1c'd W, Ihll1p,lYlllelll \) I' 1 he princi p,ll u I' or i III cn:sl Oil the nutslandillg B\lllds when the same Sh:11l become due and pa)',lhk llle prilll'ip,1l 01' ,111\1 accrued inll:resl Oil 1 he Bonds me suhi cet 10 aecelcrat inn, I, or a descriplitlll (I I' r he hL'nh (' 1'1 kt';lul1 ~l11d I h.: c irellllb\(lllvS ulldcr whIch ,lcceler:1Ii\lJ1 Illay oeelll' :lIlU other remedies a\ ailable [U the Bond I rLIslce dlld the I !nlders pi' tht: [Jonds, SCl: '" hmllS of \1:lslcr Indenturt:. Fh)nd Il1dl'nturc, LOClll ,'\grL'cl11cnt and r-.l OI'l L'a:..>:c" 111 l\pJlCmJi>; .\ herein, Regi~tratioll, TransfCI' and E,chan~c t 'ptlll c;ulTl'llder for trillhi'er pI' ,illY HOlld ,11 Ih.: \.ksignated ~~oql\lr~ll\:: trust ptTi.:c pf Ihc Hund rrtlske t(lgcthcr with a \\1'111<:11 Illstnllnt:nt ur lmllskr. duly e>;I.'cLJlnl or sllch Iloldel"s III ,t tlltm s:ltis lilCtmy to the I)olld ['rust et:. I he bSller sha II exeelllc ilnd I he Bond Trustee sh,tll ,1ut l1ellt iCClte ,Ind ddi\'\~1' in lhc Ilame ur lite lr,llbfcree ()r transferees <l nC\\ Bond Dr BUilds of allY Clutl1\lri/cd dellolnill,IIWIl or de11011l111;llions or lh.: samc nl<lturily and fll]' ali"l' 111 Ihe i1ggregate IHineiple am\lunt. Bomb mel)- be c>;cl1,lllged ill the deSI1!llilll:d curpol':lle lrust ollice 01' the BOlld Irmlt:e fin ;1 lik.: :li!!-'IT!-':llc principal illlluunt of B\lllds nf any alll1h))"i/cd delhll11inCltioll ur dl.'n<-\lllll1;tll,lllS <"f till: S:lIll': lll:llurrly, The Bund Trustec illeonllcctiOll \\ith such trallsICr or cxcll<lI1!-,': sl1alllHjUIrl: the p:1ymcnL hy lht: rcgisto.:rcd O\\l1.:r n:qul:sling exchang.: or trallster. of all." la\ \'1' (llher g(l\CrllJlll:nl;ll ehdrg.: reqllir.:d III be paid \\illl respccl 1<.) such e:-.ch;1I1gc ur tr',lllsfer. 'I'll E E:XCII.\~C F OFFER Ih lhe Ofler 1\1 L>;L'iwllge, ll1e C\'lllp,Ur\' offers 10 c>;L'il<lnge all or 1l1e uulslanding S2,lJ6.".(lU{) ~1.L'gn:g;llc pnnclp;d am(lunl nf 199:; BOllds upUJ] Ill!.; lenm scl IUI1h III the OtTer tu j,\change ,Illd in Ihe (, <) Iclilln] [,cller \.\1' Tr,lTl:"Tlli II ,II (\\ I ]idl tui,'c1 hlT U lIlSlll11t e I hl~ "Olrer") r\lr a lIke d,l:!!regalc Pl'i !lei 1':1 I dIll( )lll1t of ~OO:l B(lll\!S 1ll,ltuflng \ll1 lh..:: SdlllC dale ,Ind yCll' ,md h,l\ill!! the ,~<lIllC rnlcmptioll pru\'iSlOllS a~ Ihe 19lJ." B(lTllls TI]..:: Clllllpany h,ls ul1llcrl,lh'll till' (ltfn f(1[' the purpo:-;e of ,lChle\il1!-" CI rnlucti\lIl In debl ,;enicc and, furllll'r, pnl\ idlllg (or Ilk: i:"SU;lI11'c 01' ind<.::hIL'dne:":-; ]n the Ii.llur<.:: un a p~lI-ity \\ilh Ihe 20(15 BOllds by cxeclIt 1Ilj! ami del i veri ng ] ]C\\ bd,ic doc ll] 1lL'llts C1ut hori/,i Ilg I he i~SUdllec (If 1 he ~OO:' Iklllds <illd al1v future il1dehtnlness, ()\\Ilcrs ll'lldcrillg lhcir I \)<r" Bpl1ds ill L'\ch;ulgl' fpr ~O{)) l{()]Hls \\ ill. l]a:rchy. consul! lu thc 1lC\\ h~ISic dueulllcllb The ]')\)5 BU]l(], arc ~llhlcct III rCdell1plllllJ. allhL" upli('n urthL' CUHlp,IIl\. i]] \\hok ,'I" il] p,lrl UI] the Ilrst hU:-;llle% (by pf allY' l1loll1h. ,md III the ,:~l'e ul' ,1Il:--' ] ()\):, l3ulJ(b redeemed prior III I'ehnl<lry' ~S, ~OIl6, il( a redCl1lpli\ln price Ill' I020() llr the pnllupCll ~IJllOUlll thelnA, plu, m:nunl 1 Ilt ere:; I , AllY 1\)95 Bonds Iwl lL'ndered pllbLl<l111 1\1 lhe (}Iln \\ill he rnlcemed un lire e<lrl1e~t rl:dempli'')1l dille in e\lmpll~lIlce with the terms ur the !nI:'l illdelllul'c (the "]ndrnture") d,ned a~ 1111\lardl I. 1 l)l).5, h<:I\\L'('I1 till: ,\uthl1rity, a~ (lranlm and I'irsl L'nlon N:ltiona] Bank pi Flol'id~l. ~h truslL'e (Ihe "Orl!-"lI1:d 'I nlsln:"'). Said ()n!-"ll1al I'nl.~tce IS 11(1\\ known <t~ \\dchu\ la HimL '-'dl[un,t! ,\sspuatioll O\\llel'S may lelllkr 11lL'ir ] l)'):, 15oll\L I(l]" c\.cll<lIlge, 011 or Iwt('llT\]JrlI ~OO:" wInch i~ 11](: initial rXpil'~11i(ln Dale, ll:-- deli\uy or sud 1\)')) Ht)II(],; It) \\;K!Jmi" IbnL 1\,111\111,11 .\~~\lei,t1I\l1l (Ihe "Depos]tory'"), a~ the depnsilmy 1(1]' 1 he I cl1de]'i ng ()\\llL'h, Tlil' COlllpallY II j,],,,, \.:xl <':Ild I he I ':" pi ri]l ion Date for up to 60 d,IYs, ill llle lll,lIl11er desnihl~d 111 th,~ (llleL 1-'I'lk\\\ln1-' Ihe l:xplratlO]] D~lll'. the I l)l)':; l'5unds will be held by the !kp\lsil\lry I\.)r :1 ]1lTiud up t\l9o dilYS. during \\hich pcril1d 1995 Bunds th~ll hUh' hccn tendered 111:IY I lIlt he \\' i I hdr,l\\n, :'-Jot liikr t ha II t Ill: end or I hi:-: l)()-d~IY periud (I he ")J\ .-Rc:-:L'lssipn Period"), \\'hich pcriud ('(lllll11eneC''; Oil Ihl' 1,\pir,lliull DillL'. the (\l]]IP,lIlY must iSSlll' (h\lwrs l,r du!\' tl:lllkred I ()l):, B()l1d~, the ::!()O:' B\llld~. m Ih..:: tender III' Bunds nwy be \\ilhdC]\\1l or rescindc'd by Ihe (J\\'nL:r~, l,llll)\\illg: lhe Expirilt iOI1 Dat c, if sullieiL'111 q u:m! il ic~ 0 C I \)l),':; BUllds h;l\C IKell lcll(!\:rnL Ihc ('pmpany mll'llds tu l'illlSe lhe .\ulhlll-il\ tu i~:-;ue 211115 B\.lllb lt1 the "1I11e ~lIll\\LlIl1s and ll1~llurilies <IS the lelHkrL'd ] \)l)." BUilds t(1 llle h(lld~T~ ullhe I 'l!)5 tendcred B(l]llls Jhe ('ompaIlY \\il I p:IY r(1r ,III eo:,,1s nf (ile lcnder ~lI1d C'i:Chilllgl~ rrolll fLlllds (h~ll ~lre Ilot derived fi'oll1 thl' pl'l'Cl'l'ds of ,I l:1X-cxL'lllpl bOlTowillg, If Il(1t ,i1] I \)95 Bund~ ~IIT lCll\kred, Ihe (\)l11pany illknd:-; l\l <':,lLhC tIll' ,\Ullhll'ity 10 r..::d..::em al] OLl!SI,lI11hllg Il)\)) I{ond,;. and the Company \\'i II pirv 1m all costs () f l'cdelllPl i\ \ll \)1' t lic ulllL:lldcl"ed 1(9) 150mb fllm1 1i.lI1ds thaI me nm deri \ed rrom 1 he pwccl'lls or a t,lx-exunpt h\lITO\\ ing, rhl' jlurpuse or I he No- Kesei~~ion [)eriod is to enable tll{: slructurlng ,A th<.: rL'dul1l)tion of till' unkndcr..::d 19l)5 IkHlds hI t;lb.: pldee ]n eln::umSWIlL'l',; ]n wllicl1tlie ,1I1l0l1l1t ,.\1' jl)')5 Bonds being lcnd"::1'ul Gl1l dcfillilc1y be aseCrl,lined, rhL' ('Olllp:IllY rL:Sen'l~S (he right. in I1S ~()lc di~l:rC1Illll, to tcnnin;lle, ;ullcnt!. PI' \\illldr~l\\ IlK (ltfer ~It any lime, Unless the COlllP,IIlY hilS l)l'l~vioLl~ly \\'jthd rawn or amendl'd the () ITcr. I hL' ('OIIlP,IIlY wi II he obligated tu ~'xch~lIjgc ,III I l)95 BlInds pl'l'pcrly tendered. ~uhiecl (\Illy to Ihe condi11ons sel I(,nh 1Jl the Oller. Olle l1f tho,;..:: conditillllS IS thCll the ,\utlwrity ]~~LlC 20()5 I)onds in an ,1Il101l111 suflil'll'nt 10 exchange ~L1ch 2005 Bund..; 1'01' all 1cndcn:d IlJ()5 15omls. The COlllpany rescr\c~ I hl~ righl lu \\aivc :1I1Y ;lIId ,dl CllW.lillLHb [0 it:; ohlig,niull 10 Ih\.: c\<.:h:lllgc orlL'ndcred 19\)5 B,mds, 9 Al\~UAI. I)I-]n SEH\'ICE l{EQUI[U:'IE~TS .\"tlll11n~ 1 h:lI :ill (HJhl:1l1din~ 11)1J5 Bplld" ;lre c'(ch:l1llCCd 1',,1' I)ond, :1I1d Ilwl the B(l11d~ hL';lr illlen:sl ;)1 lhe Re~lll:ir R;llc lllllil lhl'it, 1ll,1lurilY Il!l r'vl<lrch I. ~(J~.-'). lhl' cstinwlcd allllLwl debl ~lT\'lee requirUlll'llh co I' t hl~ Hplld, ;llT pn l\i ded bd(1\\, I'nl(ldl.mliw-, \1arL'11 Eu 1 h:"U1 ~!! 211(16 :IIW 2U()~ ';h:' JHlli 'IUH)(i 'h.!jllll ~2,OIJ(I ~:-: ,O(l( J 9'j,{III(I I (j:;,I)(i{J I I 1,(I(i1l 121'.1.1111) 1,)().lJlli) I I()JI(){J IS 1,1)1!ll I (dJ)IIO 1 76JI(i0 l<Jil,(lIII) .:'05,IJIJ(J .:'.:'.:'.1)(10 ~-lil,(liilJ .:' .-')'!.lJ(!l1 :' :\II.(I(I!) 2()(i') ,'11111 2(111 21112 :111' 21111 211 1:1 ,'II If, 21)1- .2111;': 2111 () 2(120 ,'II) I .:'(122 :l):J 2(12,-1 :(),~'j I pIa I S.2>!f,:',Il(i\J 11Ikre,1 I ()t:t1 .\nnual 12l'l2L'-l'1'\ .le~' s 'S s 'S SECURITY Fon TilE BO:"JI)S Limited Obligations: \'0 Pkdgl' of Cn'dit The HIlmI:; arL~ spn:lal alld I illlilnl llhli!latlUlls \lj' lhe bsuCJ', ]\0 e\l\'ctlilllt Ill' a~reenK:llt In the IS'1I1d, [lr in Ihc Ih)lld lll(!cnlllrc ,!Ill! lHJ uhligati(lll therein imp'-hes UI)(lll lhl: Issller and Il\l bn:aell llll'reul sh;1I1 ulllsl ilLlle 1)1' gl\e rise to pr ltllpOSl: lljl\lll tile hsuer ,I gellcr~lI II<lhll11y or ehargl~ UPUll its gCllcr;ll crcdil (\1' p1'Ppcrty ,>tI1L'r 111<In the lrust cslak erc;l1cd hy lilt:: Ikll1d Indenture, The ISSlllT h;h lH.1 puw(,:r ;11 any limc Ill' in ,lll~ 11l,1lI11LT HI plL:dgl' [1 S 1':Iil h :mll ncdll, (11' the t;\'.:I11); PU\\lT ur ,my pU[lllGd slIbdl\j;;IUIl or ai,!-cllcy ,hcrcof III Ihe P:IYll1Ult of t he prilll'ipal 01: prelllilllll, i r ;lIIY. or 11l1c:resl 011 Ihe l~llll(k 11m sll,i11 allY' ,11' thl' nhli!!at1l111S llf (hc ]"lIcr Ill' dL'l'lllCd \\1 he Ilbli!!ill iOlh ell' I hL: Autl[()rilY, llic Sldll' elf l'I'lrid;1 (11- ,1m other pulilic;d suhdi\isil)ll ur ;1~ClH.:y 1] llT\.'\\ I', ,md IlOlle uf Ihe :\ulhurily. the SUite 01 Flmilb m allY pul it 1(',11 subd ivisioll m a},:clll'Y I hcrco I' shall hc li;dJIc ror the P;lYll11'lll 0 i' the pri Ill' ip~d ()1'. prl:1ll illlll, i I ,lilY. 0]' i1l1erc,t \In till' I~u[l\k Till' kSLlLT has ll\lt;)'\ing PU\\LT Tlw Loan .\gn'l'IlH'nt PmSll<lllt to the L,l,lll ,'\grcUlletll, the (\IIllP:l11Y \\ill :llCreC, allh\ll~ (Ilbe]' thlll~s_ lu lll:d'l' IU;1ll jlilYl1lctllS tll till' Hond Trustee, \lll bcllal I' of the Issuer. in sLldl ;lllHlllllh ;llld a( such times as will he 10 '>ull1ClL'11l 1(\ P~IY II hCIl duc. Ihc principii! l)L premiulll, if ,Ill)', ;lI1d iI1lcrL'~1 \\11 Ihe H(ll1ds ;Illd ~lil \l[I1LT ~lnHHllIh dtle under the I ,nan i\,t!rL'eIl1l~lll, Thl' Bond Indellt III'C l'm:-.UdtH to Il1l' Buml Illdcnlun::, the Issuer \\i11 a~,-;I,t!n III the Il(llld IrU~lee d~ SI.:L'Ui'lt)' J\l[' repaymelll l ,f t he I,ll lnd~ !hL' Il)lll '\\ I ng: 11) ,\11 ri,C!hl. tilk ,1Ild JJ1kre,;t (ll the 1s~\H.:r ]11 :Iud 10 the SlTil''; }()()5 !\uk alld all SUIllS pa) ~I hk 111 IL'';]1L'Ct \lr the Indebted tws:; l~\ldenenll herehy: (i il ,\11 lI)!hl. lit k and lnlnL':;t (' r t I1l~ IssLler in ~l1ld tn 1 he !.llall ,\gt'eelllL'tH ~lnd the <ll1JOllllts pay" hk 1(1 l he I,'i,;uer I hereunder (l>'\el~pl Cllr cnwi II nghb reI ~lilll'd by the ],;,'iuer. lncl ud ing t hL' ls~lIet.' s righh 1 \ 1 i lldelllllllic;l1i\ '11. to ['lTei \'C 110t lecs ,md pilymetll llf ih l'XpL'lI~e,): ;ll1d (iii) .\11) and ,dl lllhel' jlt'llpert) pf c\cry killd. cOIl\cyed. pledged. ;I,;,;iglll~d PI' t]~Ill~I\:rrcd as :md till ilddllH\ll,d ~l'cLll'ity thneulllkr by the "':;uer ur (hc CllIII p;m\'. tu Ihe Bond Truske, illL'ludlllg \\ i I huul 1111 nl ~It H 111. 1'L1nd,; held by 1 he BUild Tnl~lcc ill illlY Ill' tlK Iumb e~l<lbl ishnl \lIH.kr I he 13, )jH] Indent L1rL' r hut L~\:e I Lldi Il~ ,111'1,' lunds held fllr till: Pil'il1Wnl 0 r reb<lte jlur:;u;1I11 10 Sr:cl)( H] 1'11-\ Ill' llle ( '(Hie) Lp( '11 liw ,'ccurrenn: nl' ,:ert,I]1l ",:\.:nt~ Ill' det'~1111l-- under 11].: 13ul]d IiHlclltllrl'. Ille HUlld,~ ,;Iwll he SUbJCC1 10 ;In:cler~l1 ion in <ICL'()rdilnCl: \\ i 1111 he Pl\'\ i ~ioll~ \If t he Hond Indent ure, Thc Snit,s 2nu5 I\ote I'll ~L'dl1'l~ the Company',; ubll!-lilli\)ns ullder lhe !.o,ln ,\grcell1ent. the COmpil11Y will i'~lIe ,llld delinT lhl' S\:lles .~()il5 1'<\1Il: purS\lill1t lu the \lasler [mlcnlure. 1I1 Ihe il!2i-'re,t!alc prillcip,ll ,Imllunl equ;ll to the prineip,ll ~lll1llllnl pf Hpnds i:;SLlCll to the Is:;uer fur as:;ignmellt lu lhL' Bond Trustee pll1':;uillll lU the Hund llldentur,:, The Senes 2i\(J.5 \I<.ltl~ \\'llllx P~l\'ilbk 1Il the :;ame amounls and allhe :;;llne tnnes :IS the 1(',lll p;IYTllen!:; dre dUl~ under the LIl,m A!2reemenl. and stich paymenls OJ] t hL' Senl~s 20(J5 r-<otL' \\'ill nH],;tilule paYlllel]l L1l1der Il1e loml i\grn:mulL The- !\laste-I" Inde-ntlll'c .\oh'\, Tll,~ \Llstcr ]ndentur,~ lwrm]ls the COlllpuny to b:;lIe \1<1:;tn '\.J"tc, ]n :lddililln tt! Ihe Scne~ 2[)(J:'i "Jole ;ll1d 10 seCllrC all \l,lslL'r Note:; on p;JrIly \\1111 onl: ;lIlolllcr. Pfedgcdh,,('{,\, hll"h :'\-la,;ll'r !\u1L' i,~~lled jlur,;uallt 10 I hc ~Ll,~ler Ill(knlurc, llldudilJ!2 IlK Scril'~ 2()(J5 N (,tl:, :;11<111 be ,1 i-'cner;d obi i)!ill ion of 1 he COlllP,lIIY <llld sh;d I be ellt i (kd 10 Ihe bClldit ~ or sCJ:llri Iy' olllle M,lsler Illdclllure I'll ,ccure paY1ll,~nl and pcr!rmnalh:e 01' all ohlig,lli\llh of the C(11lIP,lllY In rl'spl'Cl j(1 1he prilh:ip,11 ,Illd lntl:rl~,;t on the \1astcr \I<.llcs, ;111 p;lyment ubligmi\llh ;Illd all Uther Uhllt':l1illns I;b ~llch lel'lllS ;Ire defined 111 tlte \b,;1\.:r llldl.:nlure) (hI: Compan)-' pkdi-'e:;. assl!-llls <lnd !!ril11t,; to llw \Ia,;ler lnl,;lel' a s<.:curily ] III LTL'~I In :i11 II ( 1 ts rl ghis. lllk imll i ntcresl III the Pledgcd :\~~l'ls, '"l'kdgL'd i\,;,;eh" ,He defllled ill ll1e \j;I~ILT Indenlllrc to inclmk (<I) Ihe ('WSc; RC\'CI1ue:;, (b) all ntlH:J' I'unds held under lile \L1:;lcr Indcnlme, wt!elhel' \\ith any alllOUI]1s and 11l\es1111en(s. 11' <IllY, on \kpllc;it ill c;tlch fund:; rroll1til11e to 111ne <lnd ,dl i11\ l'stlllc11t illl:ollle Il1e1'Cll11; pw\idcd. h\l\\e\n. lh;ll any ResCf\(: Fund erelll'lL cslabldlCd and 11l,11I11<1 i nL'd pursuant to imy Supplenwl1l ,h" II only ';C\;U1'e 111.: Rd,l1ed ]mkbkdness t\,r \\'h]e h ,;ueh FUlld was L'rc<Jlcd, (1:) ;Illy ;111\1 ,dl'lthn ITil1 or pnsonal pmrKrty' of e \'1: 1',\' nillllC and ndlllle I'rnm linH: III time hcrl~,lI\<..T hy \kli\cry \\1' hy \\I'il illg Ilf <IllY kind assigned, pledged ur tr<lll:;krrcd ,1Ild ddi\('I'l'lllll lhl: :'1.1,1']('1' Trll,ke hy 111,--, C<lt111J<l1l)- (lr by :lIlY<lne \\11 helwl i' 01' I he COmp,lll) wi III lis \\Ti tlen L:(lJhcnl. as :lIld 1'01' add il iOll;rl securily !\lr the Seemed Ohl ig;lIi\llh. and (II) proceeds l)r 111e rll1'c~( )in,t!, lhe C\ lmpany has 11 \.:P\, tldUt,:d pUI'SLI:nll tll thL: Pl'll\i~jlln~ (It' Ill..: i\LlsU:r Indenture. not tu C1'<:al\; ,lilY I.iens ll]Wll Illl' Plcd!!ed '\:>~els_ llll\\ ll\\11l:d llr her'ealkl' ilcquilTd by' iL otller 1I1dn I'ermitted Llcns, "'(;ro,s RCVCIIlI":," (Ire defined ill th..: \laslLT ItJ(kll1lln: 10 TlIl':lll ;111 1I1Cl11lll'. fc":s. rl:nldk eilrnings (l[' ulher chari!e~ d..:ri\nl by ll1L: ('OIllP;lllY t'rlllll lhc \lfWr<llio)1 ul' t hL: SyS1l'IlL tndudini! phy,icuJ U,Hllleclillll clwr!!es, "I'enllillnl Liells" ;m.: derll1l'd inlilc i\bslLT Trusl ImklllLllT :h: ( I) Ihe Liell Oil the I'lnli!ed i\SSCt S lTl t';l\ llr n 1'1 he l\1:1s1er Tl1lstee to sccure ,Ill Mast er 1\ (\lcs \ 111 d jldril \ b:hlS, (ii) I.lens ;lrislIlg- b~ reasoll of gU\ld rallh dcposlts \\ilh Ihe ('OIllP;IIlY tl1 elllllleclwn \\ith IcdSL:S \'1' rL:al l'stdte, hid~ \\r ellllll'acts (olher lh;\ll Clllllr;lcts I(-)r the payment of llluney). dC]111Sih by the ((\lllP:IllY 10 ,secure public ur :-:Utlu(ory \lblil-!all<llls. ('r I(l SL:cure, \\1" in lieu of. ,urcty. SUlY' \ll' appcd h\lnd,. ,llId dql\ \~ih a:; ,~ecllt'ity it.r the P;lYIlWTlt \ll'UlXCS pr ;bSl'SSlllents Ill" olhcr simll;lr ch;lrg\.:s, (iiT)\ny th)t1-CllnSen;;ual I iL:n uguill;;l thc C'--'lllP;ITTY so Ion!! ;h stich LIl'Jl IS bcing i.:\.lntl:slnl TTI g\l()(.l faith and c'<CUllion thl'reon is ,wyed (i \ ) ril'IlS L'\ i ,ling Oil t he dale or aut hentleall('!l ;l1ld dd i \ ny' 0 r the 1 Tll t Ta I \Llskr Nol e i ~sued umkt, thL' \I:ht cr ] Illkllt un.:. pn)\] lkd I h:]t ,such l.ic1l', !lwy 1101 bc lncrG1SCd, co; tUlded. n:llL'\\ul \ 1r l11\ldilll'd III 'IPply 1\1 any Prop..:n\ ot' lhe Company not suhject In such Lien O!l such dale nr In securl.: Indeblnllless nl.t ulllsl,l1ld in!--,- a:-: 0 r the d,l1C of the i SSU,Il1CC or t he Honds, (\) ,\I1Y Licn in r~l\or (,I' <l lruskc ()r k'Tlder llll lhl' proceeds o!' Indebtedness pri\lr to the applicaltl.!l (,I' such pnlcl:nls, ,\ny lien sllbunlTll,Tle 10 Ihl' I jCll de,crihcd illelausc (i) abo\(', 111101/1/1 (!( II llkhh'dlll'S\', I 'ill: C, )lllpall;. 111,1y i Ilcur Indehledness by (:;:tllSI nS I hc issuance (11' Ime ,)r Ill' 're \Lls1l'r \Jot l'S under I ill' .\bS1LT ! ndenl me or hy ere,tt i ns Indebtedness under :lIlY III her ducunwnl ill :IL'cpnl<lTlCc wi1h I Ill: .\Llsil'r Indl'Tllurc. lill' priTlcip:1I amounl or Indl'btedness 111:11 Illay be su illcmred alld IITL: ]1l1111hLT ;llld principal ;T1lT(llmt of i\ bslLT \Joles ,ecuring- ,uch Indehtnlne,ss are ]1(\t limited, eXl'epl a,s set rurlllm Ihc \1:lsler I ndl'lllure ;llId T]T :IllY SUppleTllCI1L Paymef/t. PaYlllcnt Ohlisations and Olher Obligations with respect to Indebtedncss slwll be p;:ly;tbk 111 any ellJTl'IKy of the Lnited Slates (If Amerii..'a whieh, ,11 Ihe res[k'l'1i\l' date;; or paymcnl tl1'-.'rl.'\\1'. is kg-;II tendl'r for the paynll'nl or public and pri\atc dchts. unless l'l11l1r<lry Pl\)\ ision is made III the Suppll'tllL'nt pur;;u;:lllt 10 which sllch Indchtedness i,s issued, such pril1cip:1L prcmium, i I' any_ and illtcrest sh,lll he Pilyahlc ,ltlhe CmpOnlle 'l'mst Officc or at the uffice 1)1' any' altcmatc paying agenl Ilallled ill ,lilY :>ueh Illllchtedlll:ss \H in an\' Rl:I,lted Ducu11lellb. Unkss c\l]]tr,lry pn)\j~l(ll1 is made in lhc Supplemcnt 1\1 \\'hieh swh Indebtedncss is iSSllCd Ill' incurred, paymcnt:,; 01 intel'est un the !ndcbtedness s!J,1I1 be made to the 1\,TSI.n appearin!,!- UIl lhc reglslralion books or the Cnlllpany kepI In the Cnrp()rme Tm;;t Ofllcc 0 I' the [\-!aslcr Truslcc, ,b regi strar, as the Iloldcr thereor ,md ~hall he paid hy check ()r drali Ill;1 T kd III the Iluldcr ,It hi;; addrl.'ss ;IS il ,1ppC<lr;; un sueh rcglstl',lt lOll hoo"s \lr ;11 ~llch pt her address as IS furni shed ((I I ilL: .\1:1ster I ruske l] I \\Til III,=, h: Sll{,: h I hlldlT: pru\ldul. III l\\L'\eL tint any Supplelll..:nt ,:re,i1lT1g IlI(kbledncss Illay prO\idc \hill inlnl.:s! bc IXlid, at \hc request ut' the IInldcr. by wIre trans!"":r. The ftlt'l',i:uinS IWI \\ il hsLlll\li II!!, i 1'1 hl' COllTp;my so c kch, p;lyml'nb Oil such ]mkblcdll(:ss ,sh;lll be 111<I(le dacctly hy lhc C\1111pal1:, hy check or 111':111 deli\ lTl'd tn lilc hulders 01' such lndehtcdncss \.r llll:ir desipll'cs \.r sh,tll he made hy lhe ('Olllpdll: h: \\irc lr;Ubfcr j() ,SUdl 1l0ldeL in L'ithc1' Clse dclin:rcd on (l)' prior to lhe date Oil which sueh Paymcnt Ohlig,llion or Other Ohlig:l1in!l is due, l'xCePI wi1h rcspccl In I':lYIllClll ()hl igatjons and Other Ohl is;l1 iOtb d i I'l'ct Iy paid. the CCllTlp<lny ,lgrlTs t n deposil wit Ii I he l\laslcr Tru,slcc ,It Ic:lst :2 Husiness Days prinr In cach due d,llc a SUIll suUieil'tll to pay till' principal or. premiulll, ii' ;u lY. ami inlerest l)]l Indehkdncss h<x\)lllin,~ due, Such moncy sha II. Llpon till' \\Ti 11 Cll dl rectiI'll u 1'1 he C()IllP;lUY, hc i Il\eslcd ,IS rmni(kd ill lhc Suppkment \lr l<,clall't1 !)OCUlllUlls pur.su;ll1l 10 \\ Ilieh llle ItllkhledllCSS \\dS crealed, The l\-Iaskr Truske shal I not be I iablc ()r rcspOThl hie I~l[' ;1I1Y I(hs resu It lUg fmlll ,slleh ill\ L'slTll'-'lTh made III ,\eC(\rd;lIlCl' with the tcrm~ herellr Suppkmcnh 1ll;1; crl'atc slIch ,,-,cllnty, 11 Ilh.:ludillg n:~cr'\\: rlllld~ :llld \l1]wr rumb a~ Il(::ce~~ary 10 pw\ide tm payment or 10 hold Illolleys dqKJ~i\cd Ill!' P,l) Il1l'llI or d~ ~el'urity Ill!' lJl(kblcdll<':~S ,md Illl' pa)'I11Cnls dlK on such Illdehlcdm:ss dlld the P~I)1l1l'nts duc Oil ~lH:II [ndebledlles,~ hereunder ~h.lil include slIdl additllllwl ,lllHiunts, ,"l(,(,llri~r; Rcslril"liolls on Encumbering Pledged .I,\O\('/s; Pllymenl (~r Prillcipal tlnd Imerest. (a) All;" !\-Lis\cr Noll.' iSi;ul.'d pll1'~U;lIlt to the !\-1aster Imknture :;l1all be (I gellcral ohlig:ltioll of till' ( \1 III [XlI1) ,1Ild sh,lll ,11 ~(1 hc <':11111 !L'd t\ 1 the hl'llefit sand seel! rity (If the !\-List <.:r 11l\k:nl un:, (b) T( I secure thl' prolllpl p:IYllll'nt ;lIld peril l1'111a lice () r 1 he Sel'ured Ohligal1Plh. 1 he (\lIllpaIlY pkd!les. ,1:;,'Ii-'llS ,md gr,mh 10111\; \hlsler Irustee ,I lien on alld seellnly Interest in :111 oi' Ih right tilk ~lIld interl:sl ill and III the Pkdgl'd\ssets in e:leh l'<1~C. C\Cl'P( <Is pl'iwi(kd othlT\\ise ill I Ill' \l;bler 1I1(knture, \Vllhmll prefcn~nec. priOrity e'r di~1 inclioll. as to hen or otherWIse. or ~llJV Secur<.:d Ohligmil1n (1\ u ally 11Ihl'[' Sl'l'ured Ohlig:llion, by rL:;lSOIl of d<.:sig:llali()]l. IlLllllber, date \If the \L1~ler Nn\c~ i:;su<.:d Lil1lkr any Supp kmelll rl' lat ill,!! thnetn or t hL' d:lll' pi' ,1111 h(1ri 1~ll inn, iS~L1anu::. ~,1 k, cXL'euli\ In. :lul henl iCilI10lL dd i \ ery Ill' l1laturl ty of ~ueh Master '\hlle. \H ulhen\l~e. (II' I he dat<.; <IllY Supp lelllell1 is ex:ecLllcd. so that. eXl'cpl ~h ot hL'I'\\' ise pn1\"id<.:d herein. ,dl SL'<.:url:d Ohli g(lllPn~ ~h:rll h;I\1.: t he same right. 1 iUl :lJld pn \ i k~c umkr t hi,s!\- l:ble]" Indcnt Lire <tlld ~hall hc secured eqmlly ;lIld [',I1:\bl\ herl~hy. il h<:ing: i lllellded IIl:n 1 he I iell :1l1d ~L'L'urity or thi, r-.l;bter Indenlure ,hall t <IKe e jk~'1 li'(llll thc dut e hlTl~lll'. \\i I hl lul I'e~anl In 1 he d,11 l' of I he aelLwl iS~lle, ,a Ie nr d i,posit inn of any r'v!;lsler N ule llr 1 he i llcurrCIlCl: of ;lIlY Rcbled Indcl11edness. CIS lhnu,cdl IIp\ln that d.lk ~dl or the !\-lasler :---Jnles \\Tre aetu,dly is~ued. sold ,1Ild dcli\ered to 1)Llr'clwSl'h ill[' \ ~dllC, (c) (I) i\ 1 Ie;u one hll~ines~ day pnm to lhe dd i \ ery p I' (he first M:1S1l'r Nolc. lh~:re jwll hc lkl i \ ered 10 IlIe \Llster l]"lI~kc 11 kd eopi e~ (If rinaneill~ slatcments and such nlhcr dUeUIlll't1h as ~h<111 he requircd in the OpInion ur Counsel, ]() perkct the sel:urilY intere~l of ll1e I'vla~tei' Tt'u~tee in such of thc Ciro~s Revellucs in which a security lntcrl~st Illay be pnreclcd hy the tiling of a financing: st;llemellL u1I11ml <lgreell1ent 11j' ~ueh nther d,lC1l1l1l'nls In lhe SLlte (If 1 lorida, (Ii) The Cump.lIlv shall alsl1 cxeeule and ddi\'l'r II) the \1aster Trustce !rom tnm: to (illle such ;lddll i\)lwl doculllelll~ and inslruments (lllcludlll!;' amend Illents OJ' su ppkments to thIS \1 a~tl'r Illdelltllre} ~lS in the OplIli\)!l of ('t lun~d. shall be nL'u:ssary ur appropnal<.: 10 crcllc ur perfect the se<.:urity interest intended to he Cl'eated hereunder in I he Pledged ,\s~el, PI' t (l Ill:! inl~1 i II SllL'h s<':L'urit y i llt nest or t h<.: pnkcl inn ~llld priprit y I tKTe()r In p~lrt ll'ubr, I he C(llllp,lny eO\Cll,llI1s 1 h:ll il \\111. ;ll k;ISl nincl y (90) (\;l)-'S prior I (l 111\; expmltHJn or any fin:lllClIlg: statement. prepare ~lJld lile SUL'h C\ltltlnU<lllUIl sl,lternenh or ex i sl illg 11n:lllelllg sl,ll L'llIenl s as sh;lI!. III thl: Upllliun (lr CUlIllSd. be IleL'l:ssmy' tn enmply \\llb ,Ippllc;,lbk 1,\\\ dlld shall pn)\'id<.: III Ih<.: !\-hlSkr Truslce written nuliee \lr ~Ud1 filing, If the l'>'laSI<.:]" IrLl~ke ~hall not h~lve n.:ceivcd sLlch llolicl' at kils! IWl.'llly-II\<': (25) d;lYS prior tll the expir:llilln dme lIf ,my stich iinalleill~ statement, the \Lrster Irllsll'e sllall Ihll if;. lhe ('olll)l;my III \\Tiling ;md ,sll<lll reIllimj the ('oIllpallY 01' its obhg:lli('Ils Ip pn___'p~lr<.: ;lIld lile SLK.h conlillumiull slatements ill CI timely 1113lllllT to a,sSLlre 111,11 Ihe security inkTe,( in l'ledged i\~seb ,hall rel1will pl'rl'ected, N01\\'ithsulIlding ll1e 111regoing. Ihe ('tll1ljXl1l\ <lutlwri/cs lhe ~1astcr Trustee to fill' cuntillllatlUIl statemcnts Oil its hdwlf and \\ it hOllt ll~ sigllaturl~ as Ilcc<.:ssary to pnko nl' eo 111 inue till' perfection of ,my s,xurity mten:sl pnl\ldnl under the l\-1aster Illdenlme and the \lastu Trustee slwlJ have no h;lhilll \ 11,lr ~uelJ 11 t lllgs, (iii) Ihe Company Illay frmn tinle lu IllTle plcdgl~ addit[(lll:ll PmpLTty ,is Sl~Cllrllv tllr till' Secured Obligat i(lll~ bv L',<eclll i011 01' :1 SlIppknll'llt C\l!l1;ulllng: appmpriatc !;'rillltlIl!l 13 lr1l1i!ua)!l' ilnd ddinT)-.' or ~uch <lddil]onill d\leulllents illld instrumcnts ;l~ shall be required in the (>pillipll or (\lullscl (0 elllTlu;lte sLlch i!rant ,l!1d to perfccl Ihe liel1s illlemled to he crealed thereby, Slmult:lIlcnllsly \\ith slIch plcdgc, tllc CUlllp,ltly slwll ddi\lT <In {)pl1110!l (\1' BOlld ('mlIbcl. lr ,my Relaled I ;Ix-I':xempt Indehtcdlless shall rem,nll oUls!;lIlding, lu lhc ~JI(XI Ihal Ihe pledge 01 such additlPna] ~e\.:urily will not ad\l'rscly' arfect (he cxdusi\lll (1 I' i nllTest p,lI\.l (In sllch IJ1(kbtl~dncss rWlll lilt: gt'llSS illcomc (1 r the holder 1 here(] l' (d) 1 he CUlllp<lllY e\l\enilIlts Ihi1\ it \\ill lwl pledge PI' gralll a sccmit;.-' inlcrl:st in or permil lu L'X i sl ;my [, ien \ III allY llr lIs Pledged /\SSclS. e\eepl rpr Peril Ii l1ed I.iens, (l') lhe COlllpil11Y ,:men,lIlh 1\1 pmrnpll\ P;IY. ()r C,lllSC \() be p<lid, the Secmed Obli,!2illioll,s at 1 he place, on the dales i1l1d in the Jl1illlncr prm'i(kd herelTl, In the Sllpplelllenl alld ill thc \bsln l\ ole issued tn scc ure \ hc samc ,l..:cmdlllg 10 t hc ll:rnlS Ihereol' \I' hel her at llKlI urilY. upon proeccdi Ilgs for r\~\klllPl iOI!, hy ;ll'U': krill i\ '11 (11' \II h('['\\ isc and 10 pcr!urlll ~lnd uhsn\'l~. \ lj' GltlSe 1 u he perfuflllcd :lnd ubsencd, cilch and C\LT~ l'(I\enalll il.!':rcclllull and obJigallUll or the C(lJllp~IllY cun(alJlcd ur inc\lrpor:ltcd in ilTl;' \-Liskr 1\ule (lr SllppknK'TlL (n The (\ llllP;1I1y U '\ L'Il<lnts 1 hilt, if an henl nr DcJ:n1ll shal I h<l\c \ lCl'Llrred ,llld he l'\))Illmting. II \\il [ prolllptly ;lTa] \\'illlnul ;Illy" rCljllesl of the \lastct' Trustce. delivcr or direct III hl~ del i \ \.Ted 1\' 1 he \l:ls1..:r I ru"ree ;r I] (;f\lSS Rc\ ellUL'S UIlIl I ,uch j.\l'nt II I' Dcfaul! has hel'n cured, (g) The CUIllP,lllY covenants and agrees to fully' perl'wlll ,III or its ublig;t1io!h under lhe [{ebtcd [k,cu mCllls and to l'll tmec its rights thcrcullder, Limitations (/11 Creatioll (!l Liell.\, Thc Compimy ,l!--,-ITCS Iha( it w1l1 nul ncalc \11' su Iler 10 bc created (lr permit the cxislCll":c \1 r <lll) LiCll Upllll PropeJ1y llm\' ()\\Ilcd \lr hcrealkr iwquired by il olher lh~m Permitted LicllS, Limitatiolls Oil JII de ht{'lJIl {',\S , So 1\ \Ilg as any lndehledness is (lUls!<1I1ding, <llld pr\l\ided that IlO LH~1l1 or I klilul! cxisb (unkss cured) wilh respect t() such [ndehtedness and all pi1)ments due hncullder <lnc! under any Supplement arc ClllTCIlI, the ('omp<lI1Y wi lInot inclll' ,my lndchtedness olher Ihall: (<I) L(lng-Tl~rm Indebll~dlWSS. ifprl\lr to incurrellee urlhe Lnl1g-Tcrm ]ndehlcdness 111e I'ollo\\'ing e,ll1dil iuns ,Ire mel: (i) Therc shall hmc h<.:en ohtained and tiled with the .\1 a,\ter I'rLlSlee a ..:cnitlC:lll' ut' ;m indep'---'Ildelll een illed public ilcCl1un1allt: (;1) stating Ihill the [)()\li"s and records of Ihe CompallY rebt IIlg In the eollu::liulI ,ml! reel:ipl or (; ross Revellues have been rcvicwed by hi Ill; (b) stilling th<ttthc Net Re\ l'llUCS t\\r lh..: nu1Sl rl'cenl FiSC1] \'e;lr Ill!' \\hlCh :llldiled fin;mci,d slalcmellh r1rl~ m,libblc. eqUid at kast I III times I he \1 ax i l1lum ;\llIlU:r1 Deh! Senice Requi re] ncnl \.1)] (i) ;d I IUlIg-T..:rm ]Ildehtcdn,~ss. 1 hen ouls1 ;llldi lIg :Illd (i i ) till' ,ldd itium I Il)llg-Tcrm J ndebtcdness with n::spcel III \\l1iel1 such e,:11il'iemc IS madc, [1' cksirahlc. the Net Rc\ ellltCS Cor sucJ] hlesl I-1seal \'car pcrilll! may be ,ldjusled by I he L:l:rI i IIL'd pu hI ie :l<.~countrll1ts as 1'011\1\\ s: (a) to 1'ell ect It lr slIch period changes 1l lade in rail'S, Il:es, re11I;lIs or olhcl ehargcCi 1(11' the operalion of the System during such p<.:rimL and (11) 1lJ rl'1kl't allY Chill]g\: il] such 1\et He\CllllCS cmlsl~d hy' ,my ncw eustolllers or lhl' Systelll Iwving hecll provided service sllhscqu..:nt 1(1 the dak \11' n1ll1ll1Ul":Ullent Id' :'>uch pel'i(,d :md prillr h) the d;11 e or SllC h u::rl dlCitl iOll pru\ [\kd I'll] 111 par;lgraph (I) ilbun:, 14 (n) lile i ~~llamT of adLli tiullal Long-Term Indebtedness shall funlwr he cOl1ll1li\l11ed \)[1 thl~ annuill ,1\ IT,lgC or '\Jet ({C\ellue,:, ;1': Cnim,lled III writing hy tile cer1 i tied pub1i.: ,IC':\lUllt~lIlts, 1(1 be Llnl\eLl by lire CPlllp,lllY rrollllhc \lperalinn (\fthc Sy~tl~m in eilch urlhc~) l-isc:;i1 '{cars inlllledi,ilcly slIC\:eeding. the eslll11alcd (bk 01' CUl1lpletioll <lnd plaCIng in Upcrill)(l1J or 1hl: projl:ct to be fillanecd hy the issuance ur ,ueh uddiliun;ll lung-Iem] Indebtedness. \\jll cqual at leasl I, 10 tnTH:S lllc r\'1:niniulll I khl Snvlce Reqlllrel1lcnl un (a) (Ill Illllg- term Indebtedness then ouls(;lIlcli IIi-' and ( b) 1 he ilddit iOlled [ling - j'enn Il1lkhtcdl1l~ss \\it h res]!cct 1 (1 \\hie h such certi tkmc is rmllk, (ili) TIll: ]l(HTUWLT nccd not Clllllply wilh Ihe pnnislolls J<:or the issuan((.: uf ;ldditi(11l~il lUlls-Term Jmkh1edllcs; dc;nibcd ,lh<)\c i r sucll additillllal Ipllg-Tel'lll Indehtedness IS issued to refund any oUhtanding I,ong-Term Indd:Olcclncss: pmvided, the iSSLl<lllCe of sueh add iliunal Long-Term Indehtcdnes; d()c~ Ilnl rc.~ult 111 an lI1ereibC III lhl: dggreg:C11e anhlun1 t1f prilll'ipal al1d Illterest c(lmin~ dLll~ (111 1 he puhl ~lndin~ Long-Term IlldeblCdnes; i 11 the eunult <llld ill ,lll suhscq Lll:nl I-'i,~ca I \' car,>, (hI Sll\n'l-Icrlll Indcbledne,;;, it' in1l11l'diately alter the lIlCtln'CIlee (If such Shon-I enn Illdebtcdl1e~s ,llld 1 he ;1]1]1 liC;ll it)!i of t Ill' pr(leced,~ 1 hereof. the aggn:g;lte UUlstandIllg prinCipal ;1Jl1\ll1ll! oj' ,ill su,:h Sh()11-TLTIlI Il1\khkdllc~,~ d(1(;,S 11\ 1t c\cCl'd S~-"(I.()()O k) )\ull-RCC(1ll1-SL' I Ildchll:dlICS,\, \\il hULlt lill1ita1 ion, (d) (jUdr,mlies or ,I Slim (;Crldill: pnnilkd Illa! the u)ndili'Hb set 1(111h ill lhis Sectinll arc Silll s ii cd ii' il h ,hSLllllC\ll 1t,1! I hc [mIL-hI cdllcss gLlaranlced IS !Ildcbkdncss of! he Company, I (: I Su h( 'I'd lIlalL'd Indehlcdnc,>s. \\'it!lPu1 limitation, .\'ale, Lease or Other Di\jw\iti(n/ (~rprol'erty- Ihc COlllp,IllY ,1grl'eS lh,ll it willllut transfer III illl\ hsc;tl Y ,:dr ,my <.\1' ih [lnlpeny C\c<.'pt fpr lralls!l:rs: (I I iii rl'ILlfll ror other I'rujlCrly of equal nr greater \,due and uscrlllnc,\s: Iii) l':p(lll bir and reason,lhlc krms no les; t~l\or,]ble 10 the Company tlwll would ohtain III <l c\)lllparahk arnb-Icngth lran;;lL~li()n: (iii) O(PwpeI1}', Ihc h'ok \,;11 lie ufwhleh docs not cxceed ](}O';l ()flhe nd book \,lIue 01' the prulwny. plant and equiplllCll1 of the Ct.mpany', ;IS shown on 1he n1(1:;l rl'ccll1 ;lUdiled tinancial Sl,llenlcll1 ~ of 1 lie (\nnpanv. (1]' 1 r such bouk \aluc IS 1I1 excess elf J 00/;, olthe net bOt)k value of the PI\ )pcriy, pl<llll imd cquipment of Ihe CumpallY, thcre ,:hall he filed With Ihe :"b~lel' Tnbtce a \\'l'illCIi t'Cport dClllollslr;lll11g that the prulCcled I'Vl<1XllllUI11 Annual Deht StT\'leC Rcquirelllen1 !()r each of the two lull SU\.TcL'ding Fiscil Yeah 11lll1ll'd I<ltL']Y J(l] 1\ l\\'lIlg !hl~ dutc of such 1ransfcr \\'ould Iw1 lw I'edu.:cd hy more lh<ln 20"'u, COll\Olidafioll, Hl'Iger. !olafe or CfJ/lIYTlIIICC (;1) 'Ill(: Compilny C()\<.~I1,lIlts that il \\111 not mergc or Cllll~()lidatc \\' ith. \ II' sell I Ii" U HIve)' ,III (lr suhstanl ially a II uf i1 s (Issc1 s 10, ,IllY PcrV1I1 unless: (I) lr ~dl ,1I110Ul1tS due or \() hccnlllc due 011 ~Ill)' Indch1l:dlleSS h<l\e nul hccn rLllly p,lid 10 (he lwldn I hcrc()[ therc ;ha 11 ha\e het'll ddi\'l~lnl t\) the I'vbstl'r Trustee an Opinion 01' ('Ollllsd in t(mn and subslimcl' ;,111S!:lCl()I')' to the \lasler Truslee, l() lhc efti.,et1hat under 1hen existing: la\\ the COlblllllllla1iull or sueh IlllTgl~L Cllllsohdalitlll, sale UJ' e\)l1\eyance, \\Ilcrhc]' or !lot C01l1emp!a1cd on the d<llc nfthe ddi\uy nr sueII ImkhtL'\lnc.:'\. \\'lluld I1l.1 <)(hnscly aired the \alidily of :such Illdcblulncss ;Illd the C\unpl10II Il'()lll fcdel',lI illUllllC t,I\,lliul1 ui'nlkrcst payable on such IndehlCdncss Ifsudi Indehtedlle,ss b [{ebledl ;n:-I\Clllpt Il1deb1cdnl'~s: and 15 (ii )Jilere sh<lll he tIled wi(h thc i\J asler Truslee a ('erl i l'ieate (I I' the ('(lIl1P;lIlY del1lul1str<lt lll~ I kll t he I SP!TP\H'L inllllediatdy alkr such mcr~LT or I:ulhuli(!:ltiun. (11' sLldl ",de or eOll\eY~lll(e. \\\ Hdd be III CPlllP I i,llllT \\ilh ,d I C'o\cnal1b and ..:nndiliolls of lhis lJl(kl1tLlrl~, Rate ('Ol'Cl/al/t. The C'--'111P'ITl) \\i11 lix. estahlish and tHaintam such rilles alld \\llll'\llkcl stich kcs. rellldls ,1Ild ,lj hu" eh~lrgcs 1(,1' 1 he senices and lac ili ti cs nr the Systcll1 <lml rnisc thc "line frum (Imc 10 lime. WIKnC\n nelTssary. ,IS W 111 <llw<lYs proVlde (iross Revcnues ill caeh ycar su tlicielll 10 pay' lOUo-" of the Cosl III (lper,lIiun and \Ltinten~ll1ec. 11 ()O () nf the \Ll'\illlU11l ;\llllual Dehl Senice Requin::mclll \\' ilh I'e,spcd to (lllhtamhns Lons- Tnm Illdehtl~dllcss, ,lIld IOO'!<, ol' 01 her Obi i gill i (ll1S dlll.-' undcr t hi, 1\-1 aster] I1lk 11 1 lIrC, dtfl/ Supplemcnt ,md an) Rela(ed ])OClllllCIlI s, Such riltes fees, renulls (II' ot hcr dlilrge.s sh,1I1 11(11 he rl~dueed S\l as tn he insu/lieienl (0 p1'\l\I(k (jl\ISS Re\CllUeS for such puqJOSCS, rile ('(lmp,1I1Y \\'ill IlOI redun:: itsschedlllc ur I'ales. fees. rUllals and \Jther ehargcs unk" (,I) Ihe COlllp;1I1) i, Ilnl ill hrl\ll'h of ilm n1\l'n,lI1l ur pnn'islPn \)J' the \-Iils!cr Indenlun:. (b) ;ill requtn:d )l(IYI1ICllts Ul1(h:r Ihe: ~-Li~ler Indcn1ure, 11<1 \l' heen 1l1<lde In ful Land (c) an I ndepcndcnl cntlfied pub Ill' aeL'llUnlalll llr cl'l1sullant ecrl i i'iL's tll;ll lite pmpnsed reduced schedule will pl'Ovide Sll niciclll (imss Re\'enues lu ,,:ul1lply \\ith all c\ l\ell<l111 s ,I lid 1"(__'(11 IIn:d P,IYlllL'1l1 s lllhkr 1 he \1 a~l <.:r IlIdcnlure, ('OI'(,I1(lIIts as to Corporate Etistcllcc allll ,HaiIlfCII(f/ICC of' 5:r-"tclII, TIt(' Company !tetchy co I 'ell 1111 ts: (;1) ]'xcepl ,IS (ltfl\,T\\'ISC cxpn:ssly' pl'\lvidcd IKrein. 10 prCSl:nc its C(lll)(Jrak PI' plhl~r kgal e\:isklll'e <llld all ih rights :lJId I iCClh<':S I n I he e.\ tenl dculIcd necessary \)1' d<':'lrablc, III 111<': 12()()d 1;lit h ]Ud[!nll'1l1 (If Its (j(J\l~mlllg Hudy, in 1 Ill' IlpC],;Hioll of ils husiness ;md C1fbirs and he ljualil'ied I() du husiness in ,my jurisdiL'1iun \\ here ilS \l\\nl:rship of till' SYSklll or the conduel or its husillcss requires such (]m1i !ic;l\iou, (hj ,\t ,ill IllllC, III cause the Syslem to bl' m,lintalllcd, presern:d ;md kept lJ1 goud repair. \HH-kiI1S ul"-.kl and l'olldili\ln illld all lIeed<.:d and proper rL'pairs. renew;d, and replacements tlll'reof tu be llld(k: pnl\ lded. Ihl\\'L'\CL that nothing c(lntained herein skdl be l(mslrued (1) tll pn:n:nl it l'Hlm n:dsil1g tu lllWr<lIC any imlll,llni,ll portion urlhe Syslelll, (ii) tu prcvent it frUl1l cl:asing III opl:J<lk any m<lkrj~lI purtil1n ur t k SVstem. i I III the !-'-()od !:lith judgmcnt of its CiO\crning: Hudy, it is il\hisilblc Il(ll tu oper<lle the S<1ll1C. ()r I r il 1Illl'llds III sell \11 ()therwise dispose of lilt:: same in aClUf(];]ncc hcrewilh ,lIld \\ilhin .1 rl~~hulldhlc lime clldc;l\ors lu eJ'kcl sllch "ale or olher disposition in :lcc()nbnec hercwilh. or (iii) to (lbli12;ltc il to rl~lmn. presen e. rlVillr, rL'Tle\\ '--'I' rqJ InL'C <lilY pm1 of the SyS1l:Ill. leases, ri!:,hts. pri\'ilt::,~cs llr licenses Illl 1(11lger lISL~d or. inll1c 12l1(1d t;lith jml!-,-l11l'fll uf its (i()\unJIIg Body. useful il11hc conducl \)1' its husiness, (c) T'l du ,11] lhlll!-"S rl'asollably nCeessary l\l conduct its ,illillrs ;lIld GilT) 011 Its hu.siness ami opClalioIls in sueh manller ;IS In C\)mply with ,my' ,mL! all applieahle 1:1\\s of the ['Tlil<:d SW!cs. Ihe SI~lIl~ and the subdi\islUllS thel'l:or i:md duly OhSL'i"\e ,llId nmfonll 10 ;111 valid orders. rq!ulatiolls or rcquirl'llll~nts of any' gU\'CrnmLI1I;li ilu\huril y rel,ll i \<.: 10 till,: conduel o( its business dlld Ihe U\\llerSllip of the Sys1cnL (d j I '(I P:l y prompll y ;d I 1,1\\ II d 1 a '\ l:S. gll\Un III en I a I ell,lI'!:,es ,1Ilcl ,bseSSlllellt S d 1 ; III y tllllC Inied \)1' ,1'Sl'"scd U]1\1I1 m ;Igainsl it nr llle Sysle11l k) To pay pi'l1mptly or otherwi,e sal isry ;lIlt! dischargl: ;111 pC lis Indehtedness and all demands and clallll, dgdllhl it ;IS ,md \\hl:n the -"line become duc alld paY;lhlc, (1)'\1 ,11 I 11ll1es 1() cnmply \\ ith "Ilterms. u>\ en;1I1I s ;11](] provisulns () C ;Ul\ Liens ;II such time eXlstl ng IIp\ '11 I he System (11" ,my p;1I1 lhl:l'u>f or ,seLuring: :lilY or ils ]Tl(lchledllc~s, J() (g) 10 pn)l'Llfe ::lI1d 1ll,1il1lilln all m:u:ssary license., alld pl'rmilS tilr thL: U\\l1nship dllll opcrillioll o1'lhe' System and the conduct ur its business, (II) So I(m,~ as this Indelllun: "lwll n:nl"ill in foree and dICet. the Compimy. \\ hicli h : I lil:\-C:\cIl1[Jl m!!,IJ1lz::lliull. ilgn:cs, so hmg as Zlll ZlJl1Uun(s due or !o b\.'ClllllC due 1111 any Rd,lted Ta:\~!::\empt Indchtedn<.~ss h,l\'l~ n<.lt becn rully p:lid to the holder therL:ot: to l,lkc n<.1 <Ietioll or suner <Illy action III he takm hy ullwrs, including ,lilY <ldicm which would result in the altefatiull or Ins, 1'1' its Slilll1S i]s a 1,1\-L:'\L:111pt mgani/:lt itlll whIch. ill the ()pilllon U r I ~ond Counsel. \\wlld result in the ill\(:n:sl 011 imy Rebtcd 11llkbKdl1L:SS \\hICh IS \)then\ls\; \.'X\;lllpt 11'olll fed erZl I incolHc laxatil111. ]K'C\lJllillg subjecl 10 lL'der<t1 inl'ol11e 1:1\.es lhc C<.lrnpml\ sh;1l1 Ilot be required 10 pay any' ta:\. kYI'. c1nrge. I<:c. r;lle, ilsscsslnell1 l'r lInpOSillon ITtt:nnl lo hcrl~lJl, 10 reJllll\e illlY ]ien required to be n:mn\'ed ulldcr this SeetlnlL 10 PilY (lr ulhCI"\\' lse S,ltbl~' <lnd disdl,lr).-':c lIs (lbl igal iplls, Indebt<:dness (othcr than allY P,rymell( Obl1gilt i,I))S (lr ( It hel Uhligaliunst dell1,mds and cl;jims agilinsl it (ll tu cumply \\ilh rillY lien. b\\, \'rdin,mcl', mle, ordu, dccrce. deCision. regul::11 i( In ()j' rcquirerncnt rclCrred tu hercin, S\l IOllg as lhe Company sIwllu11l1esl. in ,gU\)(] lilith iillt! ill its C\ lsl i!lld c\ pense. in its 0\\ n name and behalf. the amounl Dr validily thereof. ill illJ ilpprl1pn;llc 1T1,II111er (11' hy ;IPlln 'j'ri,11 e jlrlKL'C(lillgS which ,h" II \lpcrate during the pcmkney thefCllr tl) prc\elll the eullcel il 'II (II' ('f l)lher n.:ali/iltioll upon the la\, Icvy, chilrgc. fce:, mIL:, asscssment. imposi(il1l1, Illdcbt<.:dll(,:ss, dUlI;md, ,:1;11111 lll' ]ien S\) C<lIi1csled. and the sale. !<wleiturc, or kISS of its PrOpCJ1y or any paJ11hlTeo[ pr\l\ilkd.ll);ll no slIch colllesl Shidl subject elllY Ilokkr 1)1' Ihe \hstcr Trustee III lhc risk or allY jidbilily While ,my sueh Ill;llllTS :JrL' jKmlillg, the (',)]npany ,hall not be required to pay, removc ()r cause 10 bl~ chschilr).-':cd thL' !;I.X, leI;',', ch;ll'se. I l:L: , rille, ,lssCs,smcnt, im]l\lsilion. Indebtedness, demand, claim or Licn being: el1ntesl cd unless I he C\llll]l;my ilgrCeS 10 ,settle slleh eontcs1. Each sueh conkst shilll be: promptly pwseL:ulL'd to Illl,d Cllllclusioll (,uhjecl 1\, lhe righl 1'1' the Compal1Y ell,gaging in such a conte:sl to scttle such nmlcsl), amI in imy e\,-,nl Illc COlllp:m;.' \\ill s,l\e ,ill !11lkhtcdncss hllkkrs. hond tnJstecs and thc \Iaster lnlStcc harmless i'!-llTll aud ilgainsl ;llllos,sl's_ .i udgments. \.kcrl'\.',~ and cost,; (Including rC::Lionab1c ilttorneys' !i:cs :lnd L:xpcnses lJl cOllneelion lhcre\rith) iiS ,I result 01 such cnlllcst ,llld wlll. promplly ,dkr the illw[ determination \If such wllles( Ilr sell1cmcn( thucoL pay ,md diseharfle: lhe amoullls \\'hieh shall bc kvilXI. assesscd ur impused <.lr delermi!1L'l1 In be paY,lblc therein, logelher with ,111 pCllallies, lines. interests. (()sl:; am] cxpenses lhere(1[l <)) lI]t.:UIH~d ill C<.lllTKclilln tll\.Te\\ilh, If the ~1<Istcr Trustee shall lllltit~ (he Company that. ,lccurding lu an ()piniuTl of CllUTlsd h:-- nlHlp,lynwnl llr ,my 0 r Ihe fon:going itnns the: Propcrly <)) any substant ial part thlTl'\ ,]' \\il I be ,1IbjL'l~\ 10 immine:nl loss or J(lriciture, lhcnlhe Cumpany shall prumptly pay all such lInp~lid ikms ,1Ild cause lhem tll be saJ I ,;II L'd ; III d d hC hargl'(L Imurtlncc, The ('lllllpallY agrees that it will maintain, (II' cause to be maint<lined, insurallcc (lI1cluding (111e Uf IlI(1n: sdr-illsur;1I1t.:e l)f shared (1r ppokd-insurance pwgr;ullS eOllSidelul 10 be ildo.:ljllatc) pf slleh types and ill such amounts as me adel]Uale 10 pWlect I he System illld 1 he ('( 1mpilllY' s Properly and its l lJKTilt ions. InSlIrtlf1Ce, Condemnation allll Sale Proceeds ,'\moutlls rceciwd by lhe <- 'ol11pany as nd pr\1(;e:(;(ls \\ill1 resp,-xl to ,my ea,;j,wlt), los,;, eOlldeml1:ltinl1 ,l\vards (If a, proceed,; of sale under t hc tlm.:at lil' <.~\lJl(IcJll[wti(ln m<l\' be used in SUL:h mannur as 1]1<.' COIllP,lllY Illay uc1erminc including. without lilllilmioll, ilPplyin!--, sueh moneys to the paymenl or prcpayment of Indehtedness in acconlal1ce \\ ith the terms thereof (lnd ur :lIlY pertiueut SlIppkmull: pf()nded that if thc dlllount <.If such net procecds ['ce:ci\'e:d exce:cds W(>"" (lr the ncl h()()k \(Jluc nrthe Systcm, Ihe CUlllp;my agrees Ihill il \\ill illllllCdiiltdy nUliry Ihe l\1astcr TnlSll'e <ll1d tl1,lt it will. \\Ithin ):2 Illonlhs (liter l11e feeClpl or such net pruceeds, dPply such mOlleys (lilly' to ellher the prqxr\ml'nt Ill' IndchlCdnl'ss (If 10 the rep,nr or rcphecment (\1' Ille (\;Imaged, deslJ(lyed ('I' condemncd PJ\lpL~ny, 17 The l\Iortgage The COIllp:lll)'S ub]ig;ltlUll> under Ihc \Liskr ]ndclllurc illld thc P;I)'I1lClll 01' lhc IHlIIClI'~i1 or ;ll\(1 iI11lTL',;[ llulhc J\lastn \[(ltcs arc further secured bY;1 mortgage orlhe properly l'ursu;11l1 h' il \1'lI'lg~lge ill\(1 Sccurily Agreemenl daled as or April L 2005, from the COl1lP;lllY to lhc 1\.!;lskr Trllslce, Ille I\.lorl;':dgc secures Illture mhanccs ,me! read\'anecs Ih,ll Illay subsequently be e\l\kneed hy ~l \Llstn !\i(lll~, The I\.J\H1~agc IS subJect t,l ecrlain Permitted Licns (as dclll1ed ln the t\1,lstcr IlldenlUre), TIlE CO'lr.\~Y ('umpany Backgruund I 'he ('ompaIlY is ;1 Il\lt-r'(~r-pro 111 \.:ll!ll\lrat ipll, llrg;\I1i /cd 011 .\ ugll:-;t I, I ()\Jet, (llld ex 1-;1 itlg IUHler I he 1;1\\S l)r llie Stille or 110mb, The Clllll]Xmy's ollie,:s ~lre klcl1ed ilt :->~ J)ueb]\k l<tlle, Slllle ~ I::;, ((,:y 1,lrgo, Florllh J }()} 7. The Company \vas formed as a collperiltl\T fur tIll' plll')1t lse or ,lequ iring. CllllSI fil(l i ng. mil i ntdi III ng and opnal i ng a eentr;d wastewater syst em t( I]' Ihe pn l\isl\ III \ 1 f sen ice 1\) iI, 1l1clllhcrs ,md 10 CTlgdgl' ill any :1L'li\'ity rclaling lherctp, The IllL~T1lbcrs, resl(icllts alld businesses (lr tile Ocean Red' ('luh cOll1pri,;e it !:irge lllilj\lrilV ('1' Ihc Sysl elll' S ellslullllTS and arc lllemlK'rs llr lhc COUpei'dl i Ie Lil iI ily eLlsl Ulllers. ;IS 1l1eTl1hers \1 r 1 he CPll]x:ra!l\c. an; rnlitlcd III votc on lllatler~ afl'ccling thL' Systcm, illld 1\1 p;lrlieip,lle ill 111c CkCtl\111 nr ])lrc:elur,;, l:ltllIy SlT\ICL' is pl'l1\'id<.::d 1\1 mcmbers in a nondiscriminato]'y nlilnncr. Exemption from Federal Income Taxe~ I n 19\)5 I he CUlllp:lllY nxel\u] an cxempllon dctcnninauolJ from ll1c Inlcm;l I Re\ ellUC S,:nlc,: cllllfinmng its t:1X-C:XL'lllpt ,;1;11 us IITHicr Inicrnal RevcnuL~ C\ld..:: scrtiun 50 I (l')( 1 ;:>) Ihis ';L:cI H \\1 gCTlI.:r,d 1)-' pl'l1\'ides Il1al a I11Ul u;ll dilc h (lr i TTigilt ion company, mut lIal or C()\lpnat in' ldephollc CPlllP;llIY, ur 1 i Ke mgalli/atillJ1 Gill qu;ili fy I'llI' t;tx-exempt slatlls if S5(~";1 or mme of thc incomc oj' Illc COTllP;IllY eOll,IS1s pi ;llllOUllls c\lllcetcd frum lll..::mhcL~ Il)r tl1c ::;(l!c purp\lSC of l1lCClll1g losses and expeIbCS ur 1 he oper,ll ion.:; \ll' I he company'. Co III P;:lll y, a c\10peral i IT III which all cuslt1lllers, and ulll.' e USWIlllTS, ;Ire Illemhcr.s. I::; il "like oq-,ilni/,lIion"" under SeuiOll 50 I (c)( 12), 'Ianagement Ihe C\ll1lpanv is ;ldllllllislcred by a nilJe Illcmber IJthlrd of ])ill'clors dcclnl by the CLlsl\1Ill<.,TS (lr memhers, 11n: 0 nleers '-.If the IHll- for-pro IiI ('orporalion ;1rc ,IS 1'(, Ilu\\,,: OITlecr~ ( )t'lice AI,1ll (;oldslelll BrUl'c C;i lIlC11 David Rill Jeff (lcltj cn P,llt y J ,lL' II h s lln Sll/Y Anderson R itd (ireathCld SlhlC Plol1ley ( 'l1ainn;lll \' ice ('lwi rIll:1T1 PresideTIl V ice I'rl'sidcllt Secretary Trea.:;urn [)lI',~l:l\lJ u r ..\eC\lUllt Ill\! R~:c<)rdlll!-" Sl'CJ'dary IS 1),1 \ ill I<.it/. i, t he C(llllpall~" S I'resident IBIO TO ccn I F I Jell ()dtjen IS 1 he COI1lP,lIl)" s V ice Presldcn! .ITld is respull:ii b Ie (or the d,ly-I,)-d,lY nWI1Cl\lcmenl \1 I' I he Company i Ill' luding \lper,lt iollS. regula(pry COlllpl i;ITKl'. cusl (liner senice and finance,;, J c If (kltj ell 11;Is \HCr I ~ ycars c\pericl1cc ill thc \y,llcr alld \\'<lSkW,lln bu,;illes,; iIll(1 IS 1 iccnscd :IS ;1 I'r"I'c,s"ioll<l1 1 'Tlgillcer inll1c SUIte or Florida, r-,lilrk \Ldb is lk Superintendenl of water and \\'aste\y,ller plants, f\1r, \1<Ilka h,IS U\lT J() YC<lrs ill t hl: \\ ,ller :lnd \\,bl e\\al er hu,si nl'ss ,llld Iwlds 1,Iorida [kpal1mcnt 0 I Ell\il'l1ll111elltal Rc!--'u LlI iun I iccllses as ,1 cbss "C" W~lstewater sys1em oper;ltur <1IHl ,I cbss __,\U water' system upCr<llOL \lr, \lalb IS resp\lTlsi bk I'llr I he (by-lo-d,lY \lpcrati on ,lIld lll<lin\cnance Ill' t hc Syskm Rila CirC:lll1ead is Ihe CUlllpany' s Dircetor or i\euHllll111g She h~ls ()\ IT 17 years or l'.'\[)L'1'ienee In ,lCC(lll11t mg <llld is n:spPllSl hk ['pr lilt: C\lTllp:nl}," s lilianI..' i;lI st:llelllCnls, hudget. ralc sell i ng. p;lY,lhks ,md \'Iher flsc,ll SLT\It:l:S, ()Il J,l!llwry 19. 2(104 (he Cump,lI1Y entered illln an agreL'llll:n( with ()eC:1ll Rel:I' COTllmunily .\ssllcialion, Ille, ("ORCX') rur lhe rm)\'i~iun ur cnt:lin ll1<ln,l)!l'llleIH SlT\leeS, (me ,\ has been illtllll,ltely In\lll\'ed 11l till: pl\l\islOl1 \'!' seniccs to resl\knls and ~uests l,l!' the (ke:lll Red Club till' many ycars and has extenslVC kOil\vlcd1!e prthe ('n111pany and the Sy'slcm. SYSTEI\I IlFSCRIPTlO!\ Scn'ice Ana The SlTviee arl:<I or lhe Sy,tcm consists of approxImately 4.0110 acre:; IOC<lled \lnlhe Ilorthern cnd (l I' Key [<lrgo 111 r\ 1 (lllnx CUUllly. I,ll 'nd;!. i\ppro\ iJl1<1tdy 2JllJ() dLTl~S ~lrc dedIcated to \\'1 kkmess and wi ldli fe pr~scr\al i\\n ,lIld \\ ill rema i II unde\\:loped, \\' il 11 III 111<..: ser\lct: ,lrL'<I. \\',lslL'\\:ller (\llln:t lUll, treatmcnt and displlsal S\,Tvit:es ,lrt: rwvidcd (0 v,mous t)'PCS or rcsltkntlal ,111d L:Ullllm::rci,lI l,lI1d lIses, Virtually all de\clupnlclll \\ilhin llle s<:n ice ,Ired is Clllllleel<:d 10 thl: Sy~lem, Residential uses comist o!' larger llwn :1 \\.T,lg<: slllgI e <lnd mult i-r,lI11i] y dwell ings, Com111cre 1;) I land use;,; illt' 1 ude rl'slaur,l111~, ll13rinas, shopping areas, ,1 schooL ,I medical eClll(T. ,lIld <I gull' cour\c, Sl,lJlle new eOllnections :Ire cxpected a~ residential and comlllcrcial devcloplllerll \.'(l111 i IIUC"; III 1 he scnice arl';l. :lltllllugh h I,loncal \lj'(1\\'(h rales arc VlTY II,\\', The F1nric!:l Keys .\queduet Authority provides potable \\',ller scnicl: wilhin Ille Comp,lll~'-' \\'ilSt CWdt cr SlT\leC <lrl:<], Systl'm Operatiolls rhe Syslcm I, eUlllpri,cd or il wastcwater eolkL'tioll and translllissi\\ll ,YStclll, ,I 550J)(j() g,lllllllS per day ("'gpd") w:l.Ste\valer lrC;lIll1en( pl<ml loul(ed \)11 ai, 17 :wrc pl:lnt site. ashallu\\' injecli\lll ertluCJll di~posal \\d 1 SYSll'Tll ;llld :lpp\lrlenanl facilitlcs, The Sys\crn currcnlly ';e1'\ es approxilllaldy 7'\5 slllglc I'mnily. S5f> Illulti-fami Iy and .:to c()]llIll<..:n:i,lJ umb. in the t<ol1h Kcy Lar!2-(l mea. pl\1ccsslng mcr I OO.()()O,OOO ga 11011s \1 I' \\<1Sll'\\al l'r :1ll11U;illy, \\' aslc\\altr i ~ culketcd hlr treal IllCnl Ihruugh ,1 colleCI 1\ III ;lIa!1 r,lllSllllSS lOll sy,.;ll'lll C()l1sisl ing u!' gr,1 \il Y SL'\\crs_ m<lnlwks_ llll'cC m~l i IlS and \\'astc\\'alcr I in SI;lI inl\:'. Thcre arc cLlrrclllI y -' 7 sat ell ilL' Ii JipLl1l1p st,ll illllS ,lIld -' 75 eunnele manll\lks. The C,,\ i~t illg co lleel ion,.'1 ransmi ssi\1n syskn I C\ 11lS I sl s of mn S9.()OO feet \'1' gr,l1it: \\<lstC\\,ltcr maillS and ]S,O()() leel n!' fprec main throughouI tile Sl']'\ ice ;lIT,!. ]9 '1'11\: In':<I1lllelll pbnl hils a design Cilpacil\ <.li' 551)J)()() !Opd, Initi,tl screcnin~ I'CnH1\'CS lar!-"l~ debris ,llld lr;lsh, WasIl' is lhl'n hlOI\l!:,icall\ trl~alnl thwLlgh onc uf 1\\ 0 Irealml'nt pr(1(~esses: (i) ~l 25(),I)()1) gpd concrete fac i Illy lllallU faclurnl by .\LlWII' \\ III cl1 pn 1\ ides t re,ilmcnl lhrnugh a pweess n r cunl,I(:1 stabiJi:nltiull; ()f' (ii) a ,,()O.(JOO gpd puurnl"in-plal:C C\lllcrdc p[iml \\hii.:h l'oIIO\\lng Sl'(:Llnd,II'y lrC<ltmenl. \Vastcw,ltlT lllldl.:rgpt.:s chlorin:lti\IIL ReJCct \\'atLr stur,lg:e Lledilll:s i1f1.' [oc;l1ed I'll sill' AerobIc 111IXIl1~ lilllb ,lrL' Llsed lu chcmic,llly sl:lhtli/(: lhc rcsidu,d 1l\))I'pduCI <,If Ihc Ire:ltlllenl 1)J"i.ll'eSS Residuals <l1'C then h,lUled ulT-site by ,I CUIi!r,l<.;1 oper;lInr dlld Lllld ilpplinl ,II a qu,dillcd SIlL', Ihis 11'1.';111111.'111 IlHh.TS~ rcsulh ill dllucnl th~l1 Il1ccls ur cxecl'lLs ,lll Florida )kp,lJ'lnlult nr Ln\'iwlllllenul Pn.ltcct iOll ('-1)101"') ]JCr1nil ,Illd rule n::quircllwnts fur 11m; Syslem, L mllcnt. the hq llid by-pruducl (I f 1 he lre<ll Illl'llt pwcess, is dbp\)sed u r by IlllccllPn 1111(\ ,I scn c~ l) I four Class IV illJecl10Jl wdls \\'llh ,I dcpth ur ,IP]1W:\llll'ltcly \)() rcel. kle,lled ildi:lCelll In lhe lrl~,l1lllClll pbnL hleh wdl has becnlnspceted ~ll1d imlividu,lIly pct'lllilled by Ihc I>EP, TIllS i:; the prdcnnlllll:tlwd of eft1ucnl dl~pu:;al on lhc Island duc ll) Illllllcd "PiICC' pl'r111eahlc suil l'Ulldiliuns, pmximity II) Cll\lr\lnlllenwlly :;ensili\l~ \\<11<-TS ~Illd \.ltlll,T 1':Ictm~, l-l.cgul3fory Approyals Df]> I.S the pl'inlill'y l'll\irollllluHal rC1lulat\lry ,lgcllCY fur thc Sysll'm, lhe PLll1l is pcnnilll~d III oper,lte hy Ihe I)].:!' pu I'Sll<1llt In Permit "-J\l, IL\O 15( 1Il'-J. ThiS uperal lIlg pnllllt ex plrCS Lmu,l ry 22. 20()l), /\11 pl,llll ,'lnd line cOllstruc\i\11l is underwken purSU,lllt 1\1 1>1]' permits. rollowin!,!. rc\ic\\' ur plans and spel'! fie:llions. and cumpk:tL'l1 wilh proresswnal C11!:!IIlClTln!:! ceni liemilln, The df1Ul'111 disp\l:-;a] Sy,;tl~111 j:; oper'llCd pU1'~lIalll to its (l\\1l permits and appnn'lk The Syslem nlillnl,lllb ,lll IlL'('L~ss;lry rl~glll:lt<lry permits Iu opnah:: alld is upcrilt i Ilg ill L'tmlp !i:lllec \\ it h Iho~'A' permils, The r,lles alld charges of pri\'atdy \l\\ned. \\aler ;md \\'<l:;IC\\~llcr Uljl1tll~S in l'lllrilb <lrl~ rcguLitcd by lhc l'lunda PublIC SlT\ICC C\lI1l1111SSWIl ('-PSC--), Illdl\ldll~d coulllic:; h,I\'C l11c upt iUIl ul' 1.lkillg b~ICk J urisdlC( ion llVCJ w,lll:r ,!Ild \vilstew,l1 cr ut il il ics frulTl I he PSC, i\ Tllll-llH-prulll c(lq1or,11 iOll, ,Issue ial illn, or e<.wpcr;lli\L' pnl\'i(hng S\.T\'ICC solcl:' lu Illclnbers \\ho P\\ll <lr l'oIltrul II is cxcmpt rmm PSC j uri,sdll:ll\lll pllrSll<lll\ I P SCclwn 36 7 .l)~~{ 7). Flon d,l S1;lt \Ill'" Th<..: C<.lmp.my q L1a I ill,:S Cpr sueh ilJl excmptipIl, i'vlonrul' Counly has nol exerciscd ilsiurisdiclion in lhe ilrl'a oj' ulility rcgul~ltil)n, Future Sysh'lll ImproH'ml'nts Pursuant 1\\ [)IT rule and Ihe \1\llll\1C ('uullty (;I\\wll1 \1,11l,lgclllelll !'Ltll. \V:islL:\\;I!L:r ~cr\il'I.' providns :lrl' required 10 mcet --a\h,lIlCCd waslcwatlT lrGlllllclll"" st,lIid<1rds by 201 (), In urdu 10 lllt.:<..:l these s1<llldmds. il is amil'i!):11ed lhat the Company will bc requircd to make eCrlain systcm iIllprO\TlllClllS lIlcllldlIlg 1 hc Il\ll\.l\\'lng: cun \erti t1ll lhc eXhl il)ll ,ll'rmml) b:l:;JJb 11110 mcmbJall~', l,mb, C\lll \'crling ,1 sCC\llldaJ\' clan ficr lIlt\l ~u.:lc,m lllJlli!ce I,m)..;. C\l11\1'I11lJ"- remHi!llilg--,~J:ln fins to add itiull:i1chlorine contact -'}!1J s lu~1.g,l;~tl!~,-'ll!.!.!JPs~u\\ns and ,lp))Un~Jl:lI1<:t.;;-L(--S yslem Upgradc,,,"), Thc (... lmpany' expecls 10 Ille (he )lLTlllll <lpplic,lliun \\'1Ih [)EP for the S~'stCI1l Lpgr:ldcs hy Jalluary. 2007 <lnd 10 begin c\\IlslruCl iOll ui' the Systcm Upgl'~l(ks by January 1IlUS. The clllTenl ellsl c:;tilllate for thc System Lpgrades h S2JlllO.OOO, It is ant il'l)Xnl~d tlwt thc Company \\j]l issue :Iddit iunal dchl in ordcr 1 () II ll,lllee 1 hc SySI CIl1 Upgrade, ,\s Ihe SY"lcrn ['pgr;ldcs \\ill 11l'ndll all l'lhl(lIlKTS. any t'ak il1l'rL'<hl' requirnl III suppm1 rl'p:l'yI1K'I1I of dehl incurred Il)r 1 his projc<..:1 \\ill )X' ,lpplll:d llI1l (onnly 1<.1 ,Ill System l~USIOIllLTS, As ,ill celllra! \\'dsll'Wdler systcll1s ill thc I [orida Kt.:ys {Munroe ('mlllt y) ;Ire rcqUl red 10 IIlCL:t 111(: :ldV<lIlecd w,ISlc\\;llCr lrc;l1l11l'llt \\'aler qualily standmds, i1 is IWl c,:\p<..:C\cd that the Systcm L1p~'.r,I(lc \\ill crC,l1t.:: <IllY Ctlllljlt'ljll\l' ll1salh illllagc !(lr lhc C'llrnpaI1Y, 20 SCHEDULE OF RATES Al\[) CHARGES II1L' Cun ]]1;1I1Y' S r;tll's dill! Chd i'ge~ ,lIL' ~cl furl h dS rnllu\\< Resident iaJ J'LI~t ()Ille['~ i\nnu,dllil,z;il <:: Single I:alllily r !(lTllC \111 IIi F;JlIli 1 Y Per t: III I \Lm n,l ~ 5()7 -Ion 20:; COll1ll1erewl Cll:;!ulller:; \1 ()m IJb I{ <1l C ,.. , S 1](1 29,~ )S-t \)')) I. 99:; l\-1ctcr S lI.L': ~~c r' 1_1''1'' '}H (JallunClge L'h~lrgL' (CplllmL'reial \lnly! S ,:\.7:\ per I uOO g,dllllb Ihl' ('ulllpany col kc/s Cl 0l1l'-1 il1ll' eOnl1l'Cll\l1l nr ~crvi~:c cl\,libhilily ehdrgl' a:' a eOllditipn III pn1\idill,~ ;;cn Ice il1lhe dl11ULl1l1 tlrS2,-tl)() pc'!' uniL ('!' SlU~() per galloll Itlr l'tlllll1lnl'wll'uS1PIlK'!'S, The ('Ol11pcIl1Y cx pcril'llccd C1\U,lgC dally' t1m\'s uvcr Ih..: rX1s1 YC<lr r;lI1gi ng frum ;1 llIi 11 i nann u C 20,l.,OOO g,dl(ltl~ per day ("'gpd--) lu <l maximum pi (iOO.OUO gpd, DUl~ to ~L'C1:;llll~iI Iwtmc ur lhl~ Sv:;telll'~ ClbtllJlWr bdsc, the ('Plllpdl1Y has implcmcl1ted ,1 llilt r~ltc ~lnlcturl: t\l nurlll<lll/L' rc\CTlU": un ,111 ,l!l11 ll,lI b~hlS, DUe III c,(L'l:llcnl P;IYTllL'11l lllslorics. ;lJld 1;Ick ul' 11I::;IPrJCiIl b,lt! dchl expeTlse \\nle-(lll. IlK (\Illlpany h;h n\1l i'\111mlll T1eCl~SS;1JY Il' L'ulkL'1 Ul:ill'll1\T dCPOSlls, RESttLTS Of OPERATlOl\S The pnl1cip;d S\1urCe \1 I' rl'\CI1Ul' rur ! he (\llllP'llI)-' is sCr\H:C r;d cs ;lJ1d clnrges cuI kL'lnl pursuanl to its Opl'I'aIIOIl ur Il1e Sy~ll'lll, lhe ('ulllpaIlY's l)pel:rlioIlS are dlHiilcd each ye<lr by Il1e Ccrti lied Public ,\eeUlIlll i Il~ !'inn 0 r I\kC j I<ldley ,'( I'u [kll. 1-"1. laudcnblc. 1:lorida, The C'CHllP;lllY' s ,ltldi lcd (Imll1ci <II ~t;llCJlw)]ls !(lr t hc pcrll1d l~nd i I1g I kCClllhcr J 1. ::!OO-t arc ,111<lchcd l1erclu ,I~ ,\ppl'Ildi,'( ...y', Ihe COIllj)illlY'S n:\CllllC ~lIld l'XpC)].~es ha\'l~ been \lTY c(lIlsistL'nt in rceent YClrs ,11ld lhat IS expeckd 10 COlltlllU": ml\) the future, The Cl'IlIP;Il1Y pt'L'j)dres ,1J1 ,1llI1u,d budgct tor the UpeOll1Ing fiscal ~ cat' based on 1l1dll;lgClllCl11's rc,,:ullllncm!dt lUllS, \\hich i ~ j)rcSCllll'd III I he Bu,lrd of Directur:; allcl lllZldc ,I \ ai !able lu till' IIlClllhcrslll P \\/1\1 k I he Compclllv hel il~\'CS I he budget to be rcprescntati ve u I' future npCr<1lHll\S, il is depcnd'1I11 (11 I ,E:;lImpt iOlls ,) I' rlll Ul"e COlldi I I (ll]', ;Illd C:\CIlIs wlw:h clI1nol be m;,ured, 21 I.FTTER OF ClU:1>1T [tu be pn)\l(kdJ BO:\1>1I01 ,))FRS' HISh: I, ACTORS AI\D I~YEST.\lE~T CO~SIl)EJ{,\T10~S ;\1\ 1'J\TSTi\ll'l\ J 1\J Till. HO"-JDS INVUL\']S ,\ 111(;11 ])1.(jRI.I: OF R[SK. i\ BONDIIOf 1>1,1< IS .'\I>\,'ISI'I> IU I{h\]) ['liE SI-:CTIOI\S "SLCUR[T'{ HlI{ Till', IHlNI>S" AN]) TIllS [I I ',\])['-J( 1 1,( JI{ .\ DlSCl'SS 101\ 01, ('I'RT:\IN R]SK F:\CTORS \VII]CIl SI IOU I]) I{l' C(}:-\S]])I, RI.,!) 1'\ U ll\:\ 1 TTlO:\ \\1111 .'\1\ II\\TSI 1'.11- "-JT [" T1]L BOI\DS, Till, I, ,\CTOI{S LISlE]) BF]()\\'. ,\1'.10:\(; OIIII'RS. COLI I) ;\J)\TRSI-J.Y\ITI-:CT '1'[11, (Oi\ll',\NY'S OI'I,K\IIO'J ;\1\[) I{I',\T'-JLI:S ;\I\D I-:XPLNSLS 01, Till" SYSII.\l TO :\1\ EXTI''\jl \VIIIC'I! ('\'J1\(1I H]' Dj'T1':Ri\,II'\JLD i\T [!lIS '1'1\11: A\J\' I'lWClL\S]J{ 0[- TI]F BONDS J'vll1ST I\'L\K], \1\ II\DI.I'I''\!)L~T Dl'CISIOI\ .\S 10 TIll: CRLDlT-\\'ORT[ 1['\jI'SS 01, [I []-. (,U\lI';\\J\', Ihe I'\lllu\\ill,!! lepresellb a sumlll:U-:Y of ccrtain 1'1' tilc rISks :bsuci:l1cd \\ilh 1h", B\\nds This list should nut 1K' considnl't! :dl-lllclusl\C ,llld allY risk l1ut I istcd shuuld lwl he pre'U1IH:d 10 bc iltllll:1teri,d, I, :\l'e1'1 1'01' :1Il1()Ullls Oil deposit [lIthe Resene ;\eCllllnt. ll[- Ll~tll~r III Crcdit III Il,:u thcrelli'. lllC P:IYlllelll:, rl',-'l'i\cd 1'll1'suall1 t(1 tilL' I,",lIl ,\greellKnt and the 1\lpnga!!l~. primarll\' rat,~s. jl~L'S ,llld ,~h,lri!eS I'llI' S,T\ICCS pi' the.: SyS1L'llL p]"(\\ idL: lhL: 0111,:-- :,;eeurity 1'01' paYl1lelll (11' the HOIllIs. The llleOnll' <.11 lh,~ (\'Tnp~lI1Y IS dcpcndcnt Oll 1 he r,lles \\ hich il i:,; ,1Ullwril.cd \() clwrgc I1s l'UsllllllCl'S, The in,lbllIlY' of lhe ('plll1',my 1\1 Sl'l'Llr(' Liles it 1K'lie\'es me Cl'lllpCnSmOr)', (II' ,1 del,r\' in securilli" I'atl~ relic!. eould r(~st1l1 in the (', lTllp:U1y heing un,lhiL' 10 IllL'et em U'a,~c lequirelllcllts \lr debl SU'\'ICe P,lYIllUlh olllhe BI\nds, -, Ihe ,'ll\ I!'(lllmclll;ll C1specls \ \t' 1 he ('Olllp:l1lY'~ Opel'all\llb me regulated pnm:lri I)' by (<l) the ll, S. J ;Il\'i I'l1llmenta I l'rntcelIl1ll i\gelley (" []','\"). and (b) the F10nda Dep<lt1mCIH oj 1:Jl\'iWlll1lcllt:li I'wtc,~t lOll ("I) r po,) ullder Ch<lptcr 4t13 j'jomb St,l( ut cs ,md (he ru Ie.:; ~lJJd rcgu 1:111ollS pwrnul [.:~i\ed by I) I:P thereunder. TlhTC ,lrc 1111 ~lssurann:s t h~ll these ,lgCllCics \\i I I Ilot incrc<lse their prcsenl ,'Il\'i 1'l111111CIlt;l! SldT1\1dnb, \\'11 icll Clllll d r,~quire dddi l ion,ll ullc,'\pectcd c~lpilal expclldilurcs ,llld permits to llj1Cr,ltc, \\'hi k lilL CUlllP,IIlY \\<luld se.:ck Ip lllLTU1S,~ its dppn)\n] raiLS alld ehar~l's t(\ support such <lddllil\nal Ubts, there " no ,1,sur,UICC 111(\1 ,such r,llc incrulscs would be granlcd. ('I' that such pCrJlllls n:qulrcd 10 opcr;lle 1he \V:lslc\\ilILT Sy-'Il'lll could Ix: (1\)(:1])1\,:\1, J, II' ;ill, suh,,;tanll,illy (II I ur <IllY p<lrllllll. of tilL: SySIClll js d<ll1ldged \\r dL:~IJ\lYClI by :1I1Y l'<I'IWliy ur eUlldelllTH.:d hy ~lpprupri,lIl~ g('HTIlIlWlllal aUl1ll1rity. Ihere is 1111 ,1:,;:,;ur:lIlCe thai cClslwliy ilbur,lIli.:e prncceds or !)(llluli(111 li'lbilil)' insurancc procceds (if ;]\ilil:lblq,.. alld uth,T aV~lil,lble mUllies of the CUtllp,lIlY \\'ill he :,;ufJieicnt either to repair m rcplace tllc dalll;1)!ed Ill' do.:slruyed or L'l\lldcllllll'd propCrly. llr to pay llw rL'dempt illn price of tile Bonds i1' C:lllcd fm reclcmpt inn ,b :1 result \l f such c<l:,;ual1 y, 1:\ Cll if applte~lblc Chll~lIty illsurance emel'ag,~s arc adequate. there is no ,I",uranec Ilrat sueh damagl' \11' deslrllelll11l \Y\ \uld Ilt'l have :1 materia I ,ldn'hc dled on lhc ahd i ty 0 r the Comp:l1lY to pnl\i de \\;ht e\\~lkr sCr\lce to ib vustOI1ll'r:- l.'r llll the rlTvnllV~ of lhv Comp:lIlY, III thc C\ em I) r condo.:lllllat ion, t herc is 1]0 :lSSlHance 1hal t he resultIng 1'Ul'eh,be price wi I I he su Ifleicnl l(l refund or de k:JSc llle Homk ;1]( h<'ugh Florida b\\ requ i re:,; p~lyt11elll 0 l' full eUt111Wlh<lt i\)n 10 O\\llcrs \lr pnlpcrl y 1,1 f;ell hy CIllillC1l1 dOTlla IlL ,I. I f ,my (PsI Ii.lelor u r lhe eXp(nsv~ oj' thv Comp,lIlY sll\luld cx 1'criellcc ;m e:\1 r,l(lrdi nilry inCl'Cd'C, II]c dcht SCr\]CC eo\'cr,lge could bc m~gali\'dy impacled, Thc;c expen~es wil] he siglliric<llltly intluL'llced l1y lire jlcrt'Xlll<tllCC or 11l;lllagClllcnl ;lI1d by e:\temal ellTlImst;llle(~S such as lhe existence \II' I il1gat ipn, e hall,!!c:,; in rcgublpry pI d icy ur legi sb! ilH1 (11' tile necessity tl) edITY l)ul UI1l'.'\lll'l't ('(I I'cp:m:,; or rcpl,ICL'llll'llb ,lilY \) I \\h1l'h CUll Id llil\ c a m<llcri,t1 (Ilh crsc Ii ll,I!JCl (I I ciTecl l)Jj the Company, ^l'" .;; III 1 h~~ e\ ~'nl \)1' ,1 dd.'nllt hy t hl' Cpl11p,my <lnd t hc U lC Prmidcr. 1 I lC ;dlil il \ (l f 1 hl' f\ 1:bkr Illhkc ,md till' BUild I rusll'C tp r;lise sujlici\.~111 fUllds tP pay Ihe prlnupal and illlne,>;1 ()ll lhe I3lllHls \\ill tll'l~l'lhlllpun IlK' c\:ereISl' or \;lr]Plb n:lTlCdl'-~S speci Ilcd hy llle f\bsll'r Illdelltun:, Hont! Int!L'llturl~ ;llld the \i 'HI'!,I)!c, Lnlicl l";.i,~tillc.c Icl\\ (includillg, wilht)\ll limil,llioll. Ih,-~ Fc(kral nilllkr\lple\ Cudcl. I husc l'll1lnlie~ ;lre \)tk[l suhjecll\l di,~i.Tctiun <Jl1d delay ~llld m,l\ Iwl he Ic<u.lily ;1\;lii<thlc <\I' 1l1;lyhe IlJlliled, Thc k,lla I ')Pll1]Ul1-; tP hl~ tic I i\'crcd etll1CUITent Iy' w ilh Ihe ddl\lT\i l) f I he Bonds \\' III he: q\l;lli l'icd ;IS tu I ht: qll'l'[Teahillt: pf tilL \<Jlinus ll:g;d illslnllllulls by l1mil:lliolls 11ll1l\lSnl by sIdle dnd I<.~\.kr:d I;l\\~. rulings :lIld lkeishlllS :tllc<:lin:,' 1\-'IllL~dles. ,llld hy bankruptcy. reur!,!.'lIll/alltlll \)1' ulhlT bws <JllL~l~ll1lg enl'prcelllent "I' c]cdilms' rigll1S gl'ller;llly l)ill1kruplcy pl'Ucccdings and cquity pnnciplcs Illay dcLlY PI tlthelwisc :F h L'hL'ly a Irccl Ihe en I; HTl'lllenl \1 f H\llldlh) IdLTs' rights in Ihe propert y gl';Ill1ed as sccLln t y I'll!' the f:lPllds, ll'rec!usllrl' uf a nl\lllg:ige i~ all cqllil.'lhk proceeding, l'ur1 ilerrllnre, if till' sl'eurily fllr p;lyllll'nt of lhc Hnnds is in,ldl'qu,lk I;n p~ryltll'l1t in full nC tile Ih)llds. h~lllkruptc) pmn:l'dlllgs ,l1ld l'quit) prlllLlplcs In,lY h 11Ii 1 any :lllclllp1 hy I ill' \Llsll:r rr11~ll'L: In ~L"ck P<lYl11cn1 Il'lllll 01 her properl y 01' I hc ('0I1I]1;I11Y, if ,Ill), () TI1,: Cllll1p<lIlY 11<Is uhl,llT1l'd d I.,-~tkr ur ('redll lu Sl'ellt',~ tlJl~ <I\~III<lhllI1) ur lUllds in lhl' Rl'SlT\e i\cn ,\1111 as ll1<lt \crill IS deflncd In Ihe :l.iLblcr lndcntu re, The U}(' PW\ldel' W III issue I Ill' Ld kr (if ('I'e:dil 1'1lr,U:11l1 ll) whicl1 il \\111 gU,lr,IllIl'L' ;1\ <Iildhl1ily of fUl1(b III the Hl',cr\l'\cl'\'lIIl1 \\hell dlle, Thc ,111g\llllg Slilhi I ity dil(l 111ldlle i,lI l'lllldi (iun I) 1'1 he IOC Pnl\id\:r. ,l1Jd 111..: Ll lC Pnl\ider\ dbi III \ III IXlY \)1] I hl' JOC ~I nd \ 1t hlTwise plTfnrm ils nhlig,ll inns u Ildcr I hc I.UC is the primary s()mCe Ilf Illllding lor I he Rcsl~n'-:\l:n lUlll, In till' <:\l'11t lhc I,()(' I'w\lllcr dd~1UI Is ,)11 the [.f)( " t hne call bc ]1l1 dSsUl'~lllCe I hal 1 h.: l\l1ld,~ \I'll I bl' ~l\ailahk 1[1 Ille Rcsn\e .\cemlllt. "h, I'CIling has bcell ,ISSI,~ll(~d 1(\ 111': I()(' or 1 hL' I( l(' I klll k ,nld I Ill~ ('ump,lny Il,j:; not IIlUq1CIlUl'lllly \'en tlnl 1he II nallci:ll condi1 iUIi uf the I()(' I 'rO\ider ;\ll\l 11\1 ~1:11t:11h~nts hcn.:1Il Cilil bl' relied upun ,Is though ~lJhiecl 1\\ an Illdqll'lldt:llt cl'flirlcd pllhlil' ilt:Clluntalll ;Illdil \l( [hl' ruc I'n'\idn, -, The ,lbi [it v ,)f till' l \ ,mpall)- to repa)-' 1 he B\lnds is eond il iuned 1111 J{nenucs olltallled fl\111l e,'i.isling l'lI~l\lllllT~ (11' Ihe SySlc1l1 rill' dddl1i\.)ll 0] fulmc Cllsloll1crs 10 the Sy,tUll mil) !1t'l),ide :ll.ldillunal l{e\CllllL' I\lr rep,lYlllelll Ill' I he Bor1\k ;111 hough I hue can 11l~ np ,ISStlraIlCe Ih<ll ).!r,mth 11l the L~ll:-;toml'l' hase will (ll'Cur or :11 wlml raIl: 11 will u-:cur. [1' j\)r ilny rea~\lll etl~l()llll:rs ICl\'e Ihc N\\I'11l Key I ,dr1-'-IJ ~el\ICl' ,lIC!. the j{l'\'CnUes gCl1lT;lted by' ~Udl ellslull1l'rS will IW hlllger bl' aY.'libhk III the C,)[llP,lI1Y \\hich \\111 afkcl ClllllP;lIlY'-' ;lhllll:: tn rep,lY lhc Ihll1(b, There ClIl he Ill! ;"~l1l'C1I1ee llwl l'cstricll\e Stale .'lI1d Ipe:li building and develuplllcllt laws wll] penmt ~lny signillGlIlt gl'Owth illl'ustollll'rs \\ithin tlw CPlllp,lI1Y\ ~e]'\ ic(' arc,] wll'pbcc any c\I-,llllg ellsllll1lUS \\Im k;lH' Ihe SyslL'll1 :-;, No apphea1 i\m lu,~ heen llli1\k fllr ,1 credi I rat ing llH I ho: B\'lld~. The a hscl1ce of;l rat illg ;ld\lT~eh ,1IkCb the marKL't 1\\1' till' BOll\k There call be 1l\l ,lssur,lIlee that thne will ht: CI sl'cund,lI} m;lrl.:,'t 1\'1' thc Bllllds. depending upun pre\ ,Iilin!:, ll1arkl"t e\.lllditll)nS, Ihe Ii l1:lIlela I Cllnd]Ill)n (II' mill'l--:et p\ )siUUIl Ill' tlI'lIlS will) 111i1)- m'll.:c a ~l~e[ll1d<lry' marh:1 dlld lht: IIJlClIlCld I U)lldi I ion ;lI1\l result s pi l,lpcrnlllll1S or lhc ('UIl1PiillY', Iht: I ~()mls shuuld lhcrc!\lrl: be considered Ipng-lcnn ill\c~llllL'nls ill \\'Illch hllld~ ;IIC Cl'mmilkd It' mCltUl'iIY', l), lhc iihil il) \) I' 1 he I SSUlT and the !\-'laslLT Trustee to u:.cTcisc rights under I he Ln;lIl :\gleL'IllL'n1. till' f\ 1 \ 'I'I gage. I he \1:lslcr Imknturc ;lIld the Bnnd I ndenlllre l11a\ hl' I i III i I nl hy bUl1krllple:-', 1 llS\.lhenc.'-. j'[',llldulem COIl\CYilllCt:, n:orgdlli/<l1 ion Dr other lZI\\'s PI' eq u i1:1hlc prinl'iplc,~ rd ,II cd (() Dr ,lfkelil1g the enhHl'Ulll'llt ur erl't!it(lr.~' rights, I tl, If the ('t111lpaI1Y \\LTC 1\\ (j k <I pd il illn jpr rei Ie r umln ('h:lpIL'l 1 1 \~f 1 he Fedcrid ]);lIlkrllplcy C"Ill:. its I{e\ ellll~'~ ,llld ClT];lill ul' ih ;HXUll11ls r(e\.~j\abk Cll1d (\tl1l'[' prop(Tly lTe,l\cd ur \\thn\\'isL' :Kqlllrcd ,liter lilc l11mg would IlUt be subject \(l 1he ~ccllrity Illluc,;ts \,r lhc t\Lucr Tnls1l'e created tinder the Bond Illdclllurc Cur Il1l' hcm:lil uf lhe I1l1]dc]'s of the B(lll\ls, lilc 11 I lIl.'! \\ulIld lljKT,lll' ,I, ">' ",-,1 ,Ill :llllolllal ie stay (11' thc eUlIllllellCCI1lCnt or contlllll:ltion Ill' any judiel:lI or other proCl~l~dlll!l ilg:llnst the ('llIIlPilll.'-". ,lIld its jlf\lpnty, <lnd ,b all autl)!lwtie stay \l1' ,In)" act Ill' pwen:ding t(1 en!\lrel~ a Ilcn upon i1s PWIXTty, If lhl~ h;mh:rllptn ePllrt S\1 unkn:d, ll1e pnlpel'ly l,f the ('oJl1f)<lny eould he used Jl)r the benclil ,\1' the Cll111PilllY in lh 1111<111Cl;1I rch:thilit;l1ioJ) crfprh despill' the ,<.xunly Interest of the \I<lslcr Irustee t herei n, In ;J Ch;lp\ er I ] pn leeedillg, I he Clllllp;nlY l'puld Ille <l pl,rn ll!' rcor);<lniz<lt llln !i'l' the adj lIstrnen\ or ih dehts ,md \l1erl']r)-" :illelllpl \\1 nlndify \11' :lI\er lhe rights uf ih creditors generally" or 01 :my class 01' thelll secured Oi' lllbL'CUI\::d Such pbn ir c\lllllnned hy the b:mkruPky l:llUrl. hlllds ;1I1 nl~dit()rs Wllll h:ld llotl(:l: llr h:l111\\lcdge pI' I h<.: h'lIlh:nlplcy pn)(:eCllill!::', \Jo pLlll Illily he elmlirmed unless ce11illll cOllditi(lns ,nT IlleL ,IIl10llg which ,Ire t h,lt Ihc phn is ill ll1e best intereSh of crl'llitllfS. is feasible ;lI1d has becll ,11:C<.:pl<.:d h.'-" cad] cl;hs (If cbilllS illll'ilired if at lelst !\\\Hhinls in d\lllar amoLlnt ,lI1tlmllre th,lIl olle-Iwll" III THlTllber ()flllc c!:iss <In.~ C;IS\ III its 1'~l\(1r. 1'\cl] lrthe pl'lll is Tlut 'u ;lcc,--"plcd, i\ nl,I)' he eunlinned it'the C(lllr1 II lid, \ h;lt lhl' p bn I, C:lir alld ..:qullabk \\il II rcspl'cl t [I l:~wh lHJlhlee<.:p\ lllg e 1 <IS, l' I' crcdilur, llllpal!'l:d thereunder ,md duc-, 11\lt dlserimillalc unfaIrly, The Rl'\enllCS :lI'C subject 10 ,lnd Illay be Illllited by lhe 1<1\\', \,rlhe [lnilL'd Slall'S Clnd the Slale or F1()rida. \\lth I'cspeel lU hankt'upl":Y, lnsuh":l1ey and creditors' ri,i!hh gcnerally, Fur example. all (1]' suhswm Iill I) ,11 I (1 r t hc Rl'\ Ullles rccel \cd hy 1 he CUlllpany a It cr Ill(: COllllllCllC<.:lllUll II r <l h,l1lkruptc y pwee..:d lll!-" hy lhe CumpallY m~lY l1ut he suhjeet t\1 the !llrcgoing pledge or sccmily i 1l1ncs!. Revenucs \\lllCh ans..: :li'tcr the d:llL' I'f the III Ill,!: pI a petiti\l11 111 bankruPICY may be used tl)r th..:: heneflt (d'lh..:: ('1)lllpaI1Y III Its linanel:ll I..:hahil Ilation ctrm1s dcspitc lhe Sl'i..'unty inlnl'sl (111lll' ,'\Jaster Trustee thereill, Thc l~xlcnt of thc j\lu.ster Trustec',; lien ill the Re\cl1ucs will he lillll1cd !(, lhe Illwer ur 1hl' \,dlle l)j" the Re\l'nues C\ ist i ng 011 1 he lblc 01' II I i Ilg 0 I' 1 he b,1l1kruptey 11l:t it WIl ~llld ('11 \Iw day I)() days prim ll1 lhe (hlY lif tlllng. III ,ldditi\lll, ~ince it Illil) 11\ ,t he Pl)ssihlc 1'01' th<: Irllslee 1\' pcrk<:t a SCL'lJrl\Y inll're,1 ill allY 1l1<lllller \\'lwtslll:\er il1 l:ertail1 l\'pes (If rc\cnucs (c,g.. gi l'ts. dUllalll)I]" II]Sllr;]11(:<: pr"Cl~eds illld ll1L'llieal reimhurscment progrmn P,IYI1lC1l1S) prior tll ,letual rClcipl II]n<:pr by thl~ C\llTJpilllY', IIp\ln thc Illing of a h,lTlh:rupley petilion by the (\llllp~my'. the \1<lStl'r Jrustce lllilY he dc1erllllllcd 11(\1 Ip h;l\c ;1 lien ill these l.\pcs ur rC\l~nucs, II, Ihc ser\lee ,lrC,1 of the ('Olllp~IIlY is loe,lIed 011 Key I,ar);\) in till' Ilnfida KL'YS. ,lll ~lI'ehipcbg\l niT the ,~olllhl:rll 1 ip of F1ondil. an ;lrC:I subject to lmpic:ti slOfm, ,md Inrrnc:alles, If ,wch ,I st(\rlll \\erL' hI lll,jh:e 1:111(11',111 ,II pr llC,lr \he ('omp;lllY's SlT\lee mea the Systelll, and ClIsh 1I11cr.s' I1l1111e,s alld businesses. m,lY C\jKTielH,:<: subst,i111i,ll damage and ;1 rcsulling imcnupl ion ill sen'ic<:, Such C\l~lltS 1ll:1Y ll1atcri,tlly zrdvcrscly arreel t he ('Olllp~lIl)" s ablllly lu prU\'Jde service ,Illd collect Syslelll RC\'I~nlles, The COIllP,lllY :lnd it's CUS10lllLT h;lse ,11'<: less susceplibk 10 stich dal1lilgc lhal1 plllcr :lre,IS III FIU!l(b due lu high q Lwl it: CllllStrllet lUll st~lIJd~lrds. The (\ lrnpa IlY lws tzrken steps III III 1 Ii g<llc tl1<: 1111]1,IC\ uf :meh a storm IlK I ud i Ilg i Illp ICI11el ]1,ltIOIl (II' <I hurri<:ane prcp:lred Iless p!an and 'CL'un ng ill:i\lnIl1CC ((1\LTilge where a'i[l i lable, T,\X EXEI\IPTION Feder"al Tax 'latter..: the Bond.. III lite up111ioll nJ LinTIllU1e. h'el'nl<lll (\: \k \Vill i,lllb. P ,A.. BUild ('ounsel. under e\ i sl ing: taw inlerest Oil the HOllds IS excluded from gmss Income f(lr rcder,ll lIlCUIllC 1:1X purposcs under Seelioll 103(a) 01 the ('ode, except I\lr illlcreSl un any BllIlll Illr ,11]) period durill!-, which it is held hy ,I "subst:mlwl Use]" ()[' d "r<:I,lled pl~rS()n" as those terms arc llsed in Section 1-1-7(:1) of the ('ude. and intere,;1 011 the H,lJlds IS ;11l itl'll1 (If la\ prd'CI'<':[ICl~ undcr Scction :) 7 Ill' Ihc ('(Hie ,lI1d Ih<.Tc!(lr.: may' be suhlect to t hl' ,ill em,l\ 1 \e mInimum t,1'( ill ]pus<:d PI) Illdivlduals and ecrtdin corpOr;ill\H1S undn the Cudc. Buml Counsel \\i11 express lW (lpi 11 i(lll as t(1 ;ll1y ut her 1(1 \ C\lllscquellees I'eganl ing the Bonds, RcI'<:r<':IlC\: is ll1,tde In ll1e pruposed limn Ilf the (lpini\lll \If I)ond Cl)lI11Scl dtt:lehed (IS an :lppentli\ herClo fur the :?A cump lele lc:>-:I \ IH:reO I', Ih,~ llpini'lll un 1;1,\ 11l;lltcr~ will he h;l~ed un ,me! \\i II ;I~~llllll' the ;1Cl'Ur<ley of certain reprL':;cntdt il 'lh ,Il!(l cer1Ii'iGll h'lb ,mil cUll1pl i,mee \\'llh ClTI ~l in nncn,lnls (l C lllc ( '\\lllpaIlY alld the bSlIn 10 be e\lnt:lJlled III tll,~ tr~IIJsnlp1 or proceedings ,md \\lw:h arc Intended 10 e\ldellee ,Illd assure the C(lre~(ling. ind IIdi IIi! I hat I he H()nd~ arc ;lIld \\'111 rcm,1 in obI igat luns the i nlerest on wll iell is excluded IT', llll grnss II Il'\ 1] ne till' lL'dL'wl i Ile( 'me tax pllqWS,~S, B(llJd ('(lUlIsel \\'i II ]1\1t i I1depel1dellt 1:-' \CI'I (v the :lceUr,Ic,\ uf I hc ccrllllCcll iUllS :uld represent;]l ions made hy I he C\llnp;lIry and I he J:;sueL The CUlk prescrIbe,s a Illllllhcr of ljll<llirieatulllS and condillolls fur the lnteres1 on SI:1tc and local !l()nTllm,~nt ('bllg~llllllls In he ,Illd 10 rem:lin excllldnl f1\ll11 gross incullle i'l)r fcderal lllePllle 1:)'( purjl():-;,~s, ,;l'llle ut' \\Ilicll. llH:luding prl1\ isiplh 1(11' pmunial paymcnls by lhl~ iSSlI,T tu the kder;d g\l\'ernment rCl[llirl' flllurc m ,:unlillllcd clllllpl1<ll1Ce alter iSSWlllCC (If lhe B\\llds 111 urder fm the 1I1terest III he alld l\l euntlnuc lu be so excluded !')(l))l the (ble of iSSU:IIlCC, 1\0llul1llpliance with these ['cquirclllellb hy the ("'l1lp;ill\' Ill' the Issuer c<.llild Gllbe Ill'-: inleresl ('11 the Ilunds 1\1 he included in grms ll1C\lllle tilr kder,d ill\:\l!l1e 1<lX pllq)('sc~ and t\1 he suhlecl 1\\ rcder,d lnC(lIllC l~l:>-:;11IUn relm,icll\ l'Iy to Ihe d~l1L' (11' their hSlWIlCl' lhc COlllpany' ~lIld the Issuer \\ill '-"Jeh ((l\cnant 10 t,lke ,111 :lcllons required or it rnr Illc Interest nn the Bnnd,; In lw :lIld to rCl11:lin ,~\eludcd rrOlll grdss inC(llllC 1'01' Icder;il inl'\\lllc ta.x pur)l\l:'-cs, ;lIld not III lelkc :lI1Y aet ion;; lhat '-'(luld adn:r,,~ly ;l1fecl l11al L,'(\.:lu,WlI, l;ndn lhc CULl..:. 1I11..TeSI ,lit the Bumls may b,~ subJee1 l() ,I lmllleh of protlh 1;1'( illlpused Ull eert<lin ftll'eign corpm,ltillllS d(ling husincss In th,: Ullilcd Stalcs ,md ~l 1~I.X illljl()slxl Oll excess net p~ISSlve InePllle \If cerwill S C('I'))llratillllS, Under lhe ('(ldc. Ihc exclusi\lll of Intercst 11\1111 gross 111Cun1C fur fnk:ral income IdX purposes '-"111 I 1<1 n: cen~l i n ~Ilhcrse fClkml i nCollle tax eunscq lIel1CCS on ilems I.) I' lllCOIll,: \lr deduct iuns Il)]' Cerl~lj II taxpayns, lne ludlllg linanei,JI i Ihti tul iuns, eerla i 11 insurwlCl' c()lllpanic~, rCClpiellls ur S(lei,d ScclIn ly and Railmad Retln:Ill,~]]1 hencli\;;. .1Ild lhuse llwl me deemed III IllClIr ur conlinue llllkblcdncss to <ll:qunc ur CdlTy la\-e\Clllpl uhll gat lUllS, Ihe ,II1P I ic;ihi hly dlld extenl () I' 1 hesc or \l1 her 1;Ix eunscquellccs \vil I depcnd upol1lhe pClrtlCLdar I,IX ,1~llu, or other lax ilelllS of Ihl' owner 01' lhe Il(llJ(k Ilond ('oLln,el \\111 l'XPn.::SS no OPllli()1l l'CsardillS such l.'unsequcncl'S I'rom 1 imc to 1 illle, Iherc me legis 1:11 i \e propl )sa Is in Congress \y hick i r cll<lc!cd. could a Itcr or amend olle 01' Illorc uf the t'cderal W\ malleI'S referred 10 ahovc or could advCl'selv ,lrlccllhe lll;nk.:t v,lIuc or the BOIll.k II C:lnlhil he prcdicted \\hdher or ill \\h:11 rnllll allY such propos;d nn(.'h( hc en;lctcd or wl1l't heL If ellaeled, il \\'lluld app I; to (1111 igal inns (SUCll <IS I he lloll(ls) Issued prl()r 10 ellaellllellt, Florida Tax('\ The Bonds ,llld I he lilt lTCst t hcr,:llll <Ire exempt frulll ;11 I la.xallO]) undel' the laws () r the State of Florida excep1 esl;ile t:),(l'S ;11)(1 t,lxes me.lsured by income which arc imposed by' Clwptcr 220, F1ori(b SUI liles, (HI "L'urpor;llioTlS". "h~lI1ks" and "s:J\ini-"s ,ISSl)el~l\I()ns" as such lcrms arc dcJined ill ('hapln 220, ACCREDITE!) INV'ESTOR 1 he B\lnd~ \\ill he 'lllcrcd (()r eXL'h:lllg:C ullly tu CCrlalll ,\eernhtcd 1l1\'eslllrs tl);]1 arc Iloldcrs (~f the I'll):' B\lnds, ",\eCl'cdilL'd Invc:>t\lr" lllL';llb :\n lll\e:slllr \\lw qu:diil,~s as;1ll ";l,xrediled lIl\eslur" under ,11])-' \11' Illc follo\\'lllt-' L:ategories at lhe time: of the salc or the HOllds to l11al person or entity- (i) d bdnk, as dl'l'incd ill SCL'I ilH I ,'I ~l)( 2) of the Seeuril ies Act (1 r ] '(\3. as ;1l11cllded (IlK' "Securil ies\cl "). l)r <lilY S;\\ Il1gs ami ]\l<l11 ,1SSOUdltUIl m uthel' 11l.s11Illllo11 ,h ddlned 111 Secli(lll 3(a)(5)(/\) 01' Ihc SecuritIes .'\e1. 2:' whether ildillg ill its indi\ldual or ridueiary e'ljxKily; (ii) a hroker or dealer registercd purslIanl 10 Scctil1ll 15 or 111l' Sceuritics Exchangc Ael of 1934, as amended (the "Exeh,lllgc AC1"); (iii) :m insur,mec ennlpany, as dc Illlcd in Scctiun 1( 13) (1 r 11]02 Securit les Acl; (iv) an i Ilves(mcnl eornp,lny registered lIl)(lcr lhe inveslmenl ('ompany Act (If IlJ'IO; (v) an org~mi/al ion described in SeclioTl ,'i() 1 (c )(3) of (he Internal J{evenuc Code or 1lJ86, <IS arnellllcd. eorporZlt ion, !\-'bssaehusetts or similar business I rust, or partnership not f(.rmed for the spccifie purpose 01' acquiring Ihe Bonds, with totZlI Z1SSctS III excess or 55,000,000, (Iv) ,1 natur:ll person whosc individu,tlnc1 wol'th. or Joinl net worth with (hil( person's spouse a( (he IlJllC of purchase. l~XClT(L $1 J100JJ(}O; (\'ii) ,I nalural person VI'bo had an indiVIdual incomc in excess of S200,OOO ill each (1 r 1 he I \\'0 most recelll :;.'C,lrs or joint income \ViI h that person's SpOllSC in excess of S300J){)O in each of tll(l~e YC;lrs ,md who has ,I IT,lSonahle expec!uti(lll of rCZlching (he Silllle incomc levc\ in Ihe current year: ~lJ1d (vi i i) a trust W llh toud assets in excess of S5.000,OOO, not formed 1'01' the specific purpose 0 l' ~lCq\li rillg the Bnnds, whose purehase is cl1reeted by ,j sophi stieated person ,IS descri bed In 17 ('.I".J{ Sectloll 230..506(b)(2){ii) promulgated undcr the Seeurities Act. lhe Bonds are not deerned 10 be ,~Llilahk: ill\'CStllll'lI(S Ji.n mryonc other than ,\11 ",lCCfedited im,'estor." Anyonc interested in purchasing <till' or (II] pI' Ille BUilds \\'111 be reqUired to exeeule ,llJd deliver all "Aecredikd Investor Leller" in slIhsl,lnli,dly lhc pt'npl)sed ll)rlll ,l1t,lChcd as Appendix C Ilcrc1o_ LITIGATION There i,; no I iligation or ot her prueeCll1ng pendi ng or, to the knowledge of the 1 ssuer or the Company', lhreCltened to restr,lin or eT~ioill the issuilnce, sale, or delivery of Ihc Bonds, or in any way contest i Ilg Ihe validil}' (lr ell IlHce,1 bi I ity of the Bonds, (he pweecd i ngs pursuant to which lhe Bone]s arc issued, PI' the collccl ion, 'lppl iCill ion or pledge of (he reVl:nues and rcceipts [llld uther n1(lm~ys purported to h<: p lcdged by t he Illdenturl~, FIN.,\1\CIAI. ADVISOR First Spul hwesl ('ompany, Orlando, Florid,l, has aeled as FinZlneial Advisor 10 1hc Compan)' in connect iOl T w il h 1 he () fTcI' to Exch,lIlge and t he issuance of the Bonds. l'\JI)EI'ENDEI\T ACCOUNTANTS The finallci,d statements 0 I' the COTnpnny ror the yeZlrs end ing December 31, 2U03 and 2004, h~l\e beeT! prep,trcd hy \ldilZldrey 8: Pulkn. c.P,i\., \,'bich rcporl is ineluded as Appendix D hereto wilh 1 hei r cOlhcn1. DISCLOSLRE REQUIRED BY I;LORIDA BLUE SKY REGlJl.ATlO'\JS Section 517,()51, 1'lori(b Statutes. and the n:guli11iollS promulgaled thereullder require (ha( (he Issuer m,l ke 1'\1 I I and Eli r (hse IOSLlrl' of any bonds nr olher debt ob1l gallons of such ellt ity that have been in dcf,lltlt as 10 paymcnt or principal or interesl at any tillle aner December 31, 1975 (including bonds or olher deht "hligations 1(,1' which it hils served only as <l conduit issucr such as industrial devcl()pment or pri v<lte ~lcl i \il Y bOllds issued on heha I I' of private husinesses). There klS been ,] default with respect to one TSSUC or industrial dC\doplllenl revenue bonds Issucd by the Authority', The i\u(honly scncd only as a conduit issucr ilnd the Aulhorily hels been Inhlrrned by its <ldVlsors tlMI llll: borrower is in dditult under (he mdenlurc pursu<lnlll, which stich bonds 26 were i~sue(l Under the indenture and other peltinent documcllts the Aulhoril)' is not li;lble for lhe payment of Ihe prim::iPid of ur interest un such bonds, except fronl paymcnts millk 10 the Authpn(y b)' 1 he borrower on whose behal l' such bonds were issued, E]\'FOHCEABILlTY OF HI<l\lEDIES Tile ITniedies available lU 1 he uwners of the Bonds upon an evellt of dclllU It under the I'vlaSh:r Indent me. t he Bond Indenture. 1 he l.oan /\greerncnt or the !\ilortgagc are in many n:spccl s dependent upon judicial ilctions \vhldi ;Ire u ften subjecl 10 diseretion and delay, U nder exi~l ing COllstitulioJlal ,md statutory law ;Jill! judicial decisions, i Ilclud lng spcci tieally Titk I lor the lJ nit cd St<lles Code, the remedies speellled by' the Feder,d bankruptcy eodc. llle \-laster Indenlure. Ihe F\ond Indenture. lhe Loan Ag:recrncnt. PI the [\',1 on g<lge. the BOllds lllClY not be reildily C1vailablc or may' be limited, The various legal ppinions tn be delivered eoncurrenlly with the dclivery 01' the Bonds (including: Bc'nd Counsel's appro\'i Ilg upinion) will he quOlli fied, ,JS to the enforeeabilily of 1 he remedies provided in the '\'mious leg;t! instrul1lents. by IlTnilali\llls imposed by bankruplcy. reorg,llli/atioll, moraturiulTl. ins(llvcnc},' or other similar laws ,dTeetlllg the rights of credilors enacted before or aner such delivery ,md hy general principle 01' eljuily, APPROVAL OF LEGALlTV ('ertain legal lllatters incident to thc issuance of the Ronds and with regard to the (ax-(~,>;clllpt slm us () I' thc inlClTs( on 1 he Bunds arc subj cet to the lega 1 opinion of Livermore, l-'reeman & \1e\V J1hilnlS, P,A.. Bond Counsel. Ihe signcd legal opmion. dated and premIsed un law in effect as of (he date of issuance oflhe Bonds. will be delivered upon the iSStlanee of the Ronds, Other legal nutlers me SUb]Cel III the \)pilllun of J Richard Collills, C\lunty Attomcy, Key West, Florid,l, and lhc opinion uf Rose. Sundslrom 8: Hcnllcy, T;dlahassee, Florida. Counsel tu the Company. 'Ill\; prop'Jscd text of thc legal opimon of Bond Counsel is set furlh as AppendIX B heretu, 1'Ii<: actual legal OplllltHl 10 be delivered may v,lry J'i-orn that text if necessary 10 rdlect facts and law Oll lhe date uf ddi\'l:ry, The opini\ln will ~p\;ak only as of its date. and suhsequellt dlstribu(ion of il by rLTin:ubl ion of 1 his l'ri vate Plileemenl M \;IlH)randum or othenvisc sha 11 create no impheation Ihat Hund CUUllSel hilS revicwed or expresses any opinioll eoneerning any of lhe lnallers referenced in thc opinion suhseq uent to its date, \V hile Bond Counsel hilS pa11 icipated in the preparation of ccrlai n portions of this Private PI,lCl:lllenl MCI1101'andull1, it hilS nol heel! engag:ed hy the Issuer to confirm ur verify, and expresses ,md wi II ex.preSS no opiniull as (u. the accuracy, eomp letcl1css or fmmcss 11 r ;lny statements in this Pri V:lle Placement \1cmoranduln. or III any \llher reports. financial infonnatlolL offering or disclosure dUCLLmcnls or other i n!(mmt ion per!;llni ng to the Issuer. the Cump<lTlY, 1 he t\1 aster and Bund Trustee. 1 he LOC provider or lhe HOll(1s Ih,lt may be prepared or rnade available hy the issuer. the Company, the Trustee, thc LOC pnni dcr or 01 hers to the holders of I he Honds or other pOlItics. CONTlNlJlNC DISCLOSURE PllhLlalll to SEe Rule 15e2- I 2( d)( 2) (the "Rule'} the ('ompany' is not ilIl ubligatcd persoll with rcspel'l 10 l1lore th<lIl S10 mlllion aggn:g,l1e ilnl(\llTll of outstandillg nmlllcipal secunlies, lhe Company Ins undertaken in a \vri1tcll agreemenl fur (he bene III of the] Jolders of the Bonds tu provide (i\) upon reqllcsl, lu any Person. ilS ddi Ill.:d ill 1 he \bsler !ndenlurr. finallc iid in ronnallon ;Illd \lpemting datil, ilH.:luding iluchted finilllei,iJ statements. customanly prcpilred by lhc COll1!lClll;'. ,md (B) in a timcly lllcnllllT '17 L, I,' eal:h llalion;dly rl:n'gnlLed ll11111iclp;d ~eL'\lrilil:s inrunn;ltioTl rep(l,il(wy ,)r 10 Ill\: \lUllil:ip;il SeCUrlllL'~ Rukm;d,illg H\ldnl llU\ICI: pi' I:\\:llls ~p<:cilll:d ill Sl'l:tioll (b)(.")(I)(C), pftl1.: Rule \\1111 respel:l II) 1]11: BUilds, 1 f matcri:l L currll"IC-\T!": C()I\(TR~I1\C I'HI\'.-\TF PL\CEi\-II-:NT "EI\fOR,\:"JlHnl This Pnva\1: Plaeeml.:nt !\-kl1ll1randul1l Ins bcen aulho!"lzl.:d (but nol "dl.:l.:J11cd Ilnal" \11" u\hl.:J\yisc Icprcscll\'-.'l1 as hcing ,I "tlnal \,f1icial slakl1lem" as descrihed in SEe Rule 15c::!-12(hl) hy lhe IssLlel'. and has hecll appw\ed hy lhe C\ll1lpany, COJleurrelltly' with lhe deli\ ery of lhe Bonds. the ('Pll1P:l1ly \\ill furnish its cCI'lilIL<lte 10 llle dlecl llwL 10 llle hest of its kllO\\ledgc. lhis Pri\;I(1; PbCCTllClll \knlllr:lIldulll did nUl ;IS of i 1 s (hI e ,lIld d\l\:s llol as ur lh\: d~llc of dell \Try' of tl11: [l(1lJ(1s, eonl<11 n :lIlY untrue slatemcn\ 0 r ,I matcri,d ial.:l ur oll1it lu sl~l1l.: a lll;l(crial fal.:l whidl is nceessary in order to makc till' slutCll1Cllts CUll\(lined I \l:rc I 1 L III \IK I igh\ u r the C ireull1s1<lIlces ill \V hieh (hey werc Ilwde Ilut l1li sleadll1.:2, I\IISCH.I.ANEOlJS ,\ II cst 11lla(cs a Ild assumptiulls herelll haw heell Ilwele UpOIl I he hesl ill fOrllwl i\ 111 :1 \;li bhle ;111\1 :\I'e be t ICH.:d hy I hI: C"111P;IIl\ 10 lw rd iabk. but ll\l rcprcsellt<lliul1 \\h<1huC\'u' is !lwde 111<11 ~Llch cst i 1lI<l1('.~ l)r ~IS::lllllpl iuns ~lrl~ CllITCc! or \\'ill be rl'ctlized. St;llL'lllents in\'ol\'ing malleI'S of Opillillll. \\hellllT U!- nul S\l expressly sl,lll'd. ;lre sel furth ilS Opllli\lns and arc Ilot representation, or Ete!. rhe ;lgrCl'l1lel1t uf 1 he CompullY \\'lth the registered 0\\ I1l:rs () i' I he Bonds is I'll I Iy set 1('11 h ] n llw Indcnlure, ;!lld Il1lS Pri\',l1e PI<1ecnll'Il1 l\-knh)randu1l1 i,;; nl11 to he I:Ullslrued ~IS l:\lJbll!Ulillg allv agrl'l'melll \\ilh Ihe pllrch:lscrs ur the BUilds. lhe forms pf the haSll' dOClllTll'llh including the :\1askr Indenlll1'e_ BUIld IIlt!elllun.:, 1.(1;111 i\greL~nKnt and Mm1gage ,lre attached as .'\ppendix ,,\, Thc attached appcndicl's ,ire IIltq!nll P;lrtS of this Prl\alc Plilcemcn[ Melllorandum ,md must he rUld logelhl'r wilh ,ill l)i Ihe 111re)-'.\ling slatl'mclll s, NORTH KEY I.ARGO UTILITY CORP, By: Da\'id Riu, Prl'sidclll .1.)~ I~ [111\ ~=;l' It~~II..:\.."llh.'IH \ 1 ,-'llHir";'~lldul1l 2S APPENDIX A ALIHTEO FI:'IIA:'IIClAL STATEMENTS OF TilE CO\IPA:'IIY FOR TilE FISCAL YEAR ENDED I)ECE\mER 31,20114 A-I ,\PPE'\J()IX B FORJ\I OF ACClU:nrn:n I'\J\'ESTOH LETTER B-1 . 20(),'i Chairman .1lId I'v1clllhers !'vIunr\H: ('llunty Indu::;triall)en::loPlllent AlIthurily L i verrllure, I rcellla n 8: !\.1c \\-' i I I i a illS, 1', A. Jacksonvi lie, 1'lnrid,1 Re: S \lol1l\le COlllll)' Indlhtnal Dndopment AUllmrity lnduslri,ll Devclllplllelll Revenue 13011ds (Nonh Key Largu U I i I jl Y l 'orp. Prp,iccl). Series 2005 Ladies ,llld e;ent !.:mcn: In eonlll~et wn \V il h 1 he issll,lnel~ nf S , or the .lbo\c-sl yled Blinds (the "Bonds") 0 I' t\-Ionwe (\'unty Indllslri;d I kvclopmenl i\1I1lwril y (1 he "Issuer"). Cur I he hCl1efil lJ r Nunh K ey lar.~(l lit i lity Cllrp, (the "Cumpilny"). III I hc undersigned OWller (the "()wj]l~r"), tile OWIlCI' hereby l1lilkes Ihe t()llmvlllg represenlatiulls, \\ hich arc suldy f(lr 1 he henclil (If 1 hl~ pcrsuns 10 whom I hi s lcl1er is ilddrcssed and <lrc 1101 to be rel1ed upon hy any ot hcr plTSOIl for ,1I1y 01 her pUrpl1S(~: I , lie ur she. a::; ilpphcl hI<.: (herein "hc"). I::; all ":lccredited in \'esloL" wil hin the Illealli Ilg pf ~23().50 I (a) \) r Regulat iOI1 D under lhc Secmit ies ,\cl III 1\)33, as ,1I1lendcd (cullect l\dy. I I Ie ., .-\c1"). since he is ~l n:lll1ral pl'l'son (~l) whose lTldividll,lll1d \\'\lrlh. or juilll nel worlh with that persOll's Sp\)use, at the tIme oCpurclwse execeds $!,()()OJ)()O; ur (h) who had ~lll lmh\ldual illwmc in exe,~ss uf $200J)OO in e:lCh urlhe 2 nlosl reeenl -,,"cars or Wlnl income with lh,ll pcrson\ SPOWie in exeess or S300.()OO III e,Kh u r I hose ye:us. ,md hilS a n:i1sun<lhle expeetal10n ut' reilchillg 1 he same ineome level in 1 he CUi"rent year, ') lie has been offered copies of Ill' ru 11 ,!Ccess h) a II document s related (ollie Honds and ,111 records, reports, lillaneial sl~llelllcn1s and olher inrormatjOll pertinent to the source \11' IXlylllcnl for thc Bonds 10 which a reasonahle inveslor would at li!Ch sig:ni t1callec in making: inveslmelll decisions. alld whieh hmc been requL:stcd by him (provided Ih;11 he dues nut waive ,my rights he may have ,Igalnsl the Company ur its rcpn::selltativcs, Wilh reSpl~ct tll ,IllY intlll"lllation so supplied l'r ,my misstalements or 0111lssiuns), ], Ill' is SLl niciently knuwkdgl:a b It: ;md e\ pcricl1ccd in fimmciid .1I1d busi !lCSS matter::;, induding llle pun::h<ls,: and ownership of municipal ,lIld other lax-exempt and laxable obligations. 10 he able lu e\aluate lhe risks and merits of the imestment represented by thc Bonds, ,mil he Is <I\v;ne uf the inlended use of the proeeeds oi'lhc Bonds and the risks ilwulved lhercilL 4, lie is aCl:epllllg I he Bonds suldy lur his U\Vll ,1cI:11L1nl and not nn behalf ur 01 hers, and \vi t h 110 present intent to n:scll ur 111 her\\' isc to d lslribule ~li 1 or ,illY part or or interest in the Bonds, 5. lie 11,1s heen inll1l'l1lcd by the CUlllp;my and ,1grees lhal lhe BUilds (;1) ,Ire not heing registered or olhuwi sc qual i 11ed ror s<tIe under Ihl~ "B1 ue Sky'" laws and regul:ninlls ur ilny sl<lle. ( h) will mlt bc hslo.:d Oil :111)' st\ll'k ()I' other seellrilies ,:Xl:h.lllgC. (c) \vi1l carry no raling from illlY r;lling service and (d) ;lIT llul likcl,y t(1 be re,ldily' marketabk. H-2 6, ! k \vill not Idfer. sd I (lr (lllllT\\ise d i,;pose or ,11 I or an)' pari tl I' or lnteresl ill 1 ill' HUllds, except (a) ill full good Llith cOlllpli,lIlce \\itll <111 appl1C<lblc seeunlies rcgistr,llion. broker-dealer. anufraud <lnd olher ,lpplie,ll)1c provisions of stille ,lnd rcderal laws; (b) eilll<.:r undCl' dkelive fCllcr,ll ,md stmc regi SI rat ion ,;talClll\;nls (\\'11 ich nCl lher 1 he lsSUl:r nor the Comp(llJ)" shall in any w~ry be obi igatcd to provide) llr UpOIl dclivCl'Y of iln opinion Ill' rccognizcd lOLmsel to the elTell tll,lt Ihe BOllds are being oller\~d, s,lld or otherwise disposcd or pursuanl to exunplions rl'llll1 such registratiuns; ,lIld (c) in denoll1il1,l1lll11S 01' S I O() , ()()() or llltegr,iI nlllltlpIcs thercoL or ,IS ()ther\\IS'-~ permil1cd by' the Bond TrLls1 Indenture with n:spcc1lO the Bonds, " [Ie is nOI <lcling as it IXlnd house. bwkl:r (lr other lntlTllledi,lry wilh r<2speet to ,lilY \)flering or tllc Bonds: he is Ill)t an undlT\\'I'ilCr rur the Bunds: and he has not p,lid and will no( pay ,my bOl1us. Il:C or gr,llUilY In any "Ilndu," \\'11 hi 11 Ihe llK'i1lling of SCcllOIl ~ I N .3.%, Horid,l St;11ul es, in COllll<2eliull with thc dcli\ery or lhe Bonds 10 him by lhe Issuer. S, The (h\lllT <lCklhl\\lnlg.c,; ,lnd ,lg:recs thaI (a) the Issuer is aCling only as a eonduil ill UlIlllert i\l]] wi lh the i SSll,lIICC of 1 hc H\)nds: ( b) no n:vcnucs or Il1tlllCy' u r the Issuer. other than (he righl 10 reeei\e loall paYll1Cllts (r(]lll l he COlllp,ll1Y \\'ilh ITSjJCcl In the Bonds, ilr mortg<lge I\JreclosUl'<2 pmceeds, havc beell plcd!-"d to lhe rcp,I:l1lent ul lhe Bumb; (c) the Issuer Ilwh~s nu rcprese]]latitlll or warranly whatsocver Wlll1 rcspeel I () the sulfic ICney' (1 r rutllrc revenues tll p,ry dcb( service on thc Bomb: alld (d) Ihc [ssucr m,lkes no rq)rcs,-'ntal ion or warr,lllty r,-~g,lnli ng I he accuracy or complclencs, of 1 he inltlrmal ion suppl icd to the Owner by the C\)]llpall,\" or an}-' (Jl her person regarding the IJOI Ids or 1 he raei I it ies financed lherehy, 9, ! Ie ilgrces 10 imlcmnd)-' ,md [](lId hm'llllcss the Issller and (he ('0111pany, Ihcir rcspec!ive officers. empltlyccs. ,lgcnlS and cuunsc!.. from ;lllY ,Illd all losses, c!;tims. dmnages, liabilities and cxp'-~llSes ansing out Df viulatiulls pr <lilY of lhc sl,l1ClllCll1S, waiv<2rs. COVl~mlllts or representations ur thc Owner eun(,lillcd III lhi.s IClt<2r; ,md waives ,illY G1USe of ,Iction it might otherwise b,l\'c against 111<2 Issuer fpr infonml1ioll c(Jntaincd in, or OllllssiullS from. ,my offering documents or ,my ulhcr infllrmation suppl ied 10 1 he Owner regardll1!--!- the Bonds, \Vitnesses: Slgnalurc Pnnt lWIne: COlll;lc! addrcss Clnd phonc !lulllber: B-3 ,\PPF1\D!:\. C FOR\IS OF :\I.\STER TRLST INI)EVIlJRF, BO~I) li\DEl\'TLl~E, 1.0A1\ Afan:FJ\lENT AND MORTG\CE ('-1 ,\I'PEi'\D1X J) FOIDI OF OPI'l'IO]\ OF I.I\TR:\IORF, ....UTI\L\N ,-I.:.: Mc\\IU.I.\:\IS, P.\. AS BO~I) ('Ot:i\SFI. \\IT1II'U.SPFCT 1'0 TilE B()!\J)S D-I 4205-R-R",-Aulhu..ily' will, <11'1" APllENDIX D FOR~l OF OFFER TO EXCHANCE 11 Draft March 31, 2005 OFFER TO EXCHANGE by NORTH KEY LARGO UTILITY CORP. of MONROE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY $2,965,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (North Key Largo Utility Corp. Project), Series 1995 (the "1995 Bonds") for Monroe County Industrial Development Authority $2,965,000 Industrial Revenue Bonds (North Key Largo Utility Corp. Project), Series 2005 (the "2005 Bonds"l THE OFFER WILL EXPIRE AT 5:00 P.M., EASTERN TIME, ON MAY _,2005, UNLESS EXTENDED (THE "EXPIRATION DATE"). IMPORTANT l1ny Owner oj the ubove-coptioned 1 YYS Bonds wishing to accept Ihe Offer should either (0) request u broker, de(Jler~ bunk, or tmsl compuny to efTect the Inmsactlon on his hehu(f us ,set jorl h herein, or (b) complete and Sign the Lc'tter of Tronsmitlal, have the signature quuIun lenl CiS required by the Letter or Transmittal, and }()nuurd the teller of Transmitta! together luith the 1995 Bonds and any other required documents to the 1Jepository, ut the uddress flstcd un the back page (~r this qtfer to K'Cchunye. Oumcrs of 1 YIJS Bonds reqi,<;/ered in the name of u hroker, dealer, h (J n k, tmst company, or other , ' nominee should contad such nominee if they desire to tender their 1 Y95 Bonds. Bondholders whose 1995 Honers ore not immediately ol)ui/nhle may tender such 1 YY5 Honds hy IO//OLuiny the procf?dures for yuaranteed delivery set forth in Section 7 hc>rf::'oj: THIS OFFER IS CONTINGENT UPON CERTAIN CONDITIONS TO OFFER SET FORTH HEREIN. IT IS NOT AN OFFER OR SALE OF ANY 2005 BONDS. THIS OFFER TO EXCHANGE CONTAINS NO INFORMATION OR REPRESENTATION CONCERNING THE CHARACTERISTICS OR SUITABILITY FOR INVESTMENT OF ANY SUCH 2005 BONDS. NEITHER MONROE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS DEPOSITORY, OR WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, MAKES ANY RECOMMENDATION AS TO WHETHER AN OWNER OF 1995 BONDS SHOULD TENDER OR REFRAIN FROM TENDERING ALL OR ANY 1995 BONDS. NO PERSON HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY SUCH RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS DEPOSITORY, OR WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, AND; IF MADE, NO SUCH RECOMMENDATION MAY BE RELIED UPON AS HAVING BEEN AUTHORIZED BY MONROE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 42U',-(lIT,>,. I() \<:..".1",<11',(' Questions and requests for assistance should be directed to your broker. Requests for additional copies of the Offer to Exchange and the Letter of Transmittal or additional questions may be directed to the Depository at its address set forth on the back page hereof. J2ll:; Offer 10 i;xch,mge Section 2, -', ,) , 4, ,~) , 6, (, 1-), 9, TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa~e I, Introduclion lu lhe Offer Information Concerning the 1 ~)95 Bonds and the 2005 Bonds :2 Security for the 200;:; Bonds 4 Expiration of Offer o Extension of Offer; Termination; Amendment 6 Acceptance for Exchange 6 Eights of Withdnnval 6 Procedu re for Accepting the Offer and Tendering 1995 Donds 7 Income Tax Consequences I-) 10, Liqu iell ty of 199:') 80nds oS I I. Certain Conditions of the Offer .s 12, Fees 9 13, ~,1 isce lIancou s 9 -l)IIc;,\)ITn Ie> I';"cllange To The Owners of Monroe County Industrial Development Authority's Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (North Key Largo Utility Corp. Project), Series 1995 (the "Owners"): 1. Introduction to the Offer. North Key' Largo Utilit}, Corp. (the "Company") here hy offers to exchange all of the Ollts tand in g $2,96.5,000 aggregate prinClpa] amount of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 (the ., 1995 Bonds"), upon the terms set forth in this Offer to Exchange (the "Offer to Exchange') and in the rt"lated Letter of Transmittal (which togelher constitute lhe "Offer") [or a like aggregate principal amount of Industrial Development Bonds (North Key' Largo Utility Corp, Project), St~rics 2005 ((he "2005 Bonds") maturing on the same date and )'ear and having lhe samt" redemption provisions as the ] 995 Gonds. The Company has undertaken this Offer for the purpose of achieving a rcduction in debt ser'vice on the 'lOllS Bonds and, fu nheL providing for the issuance of indt"btedness in the future on a parity' with the 2005 Bonds b,y executing and delivering new 1Jasic documents authorizing the issuanct' of the 2005 Bonds and an}' future indebtedness, (hvners (t"ndering their I YYS Bonds in cxehange for 2005 Bonds \\'ill, thereby, consent (0 the nnv bnsic documents, as further described herein. The 1995 Bonds are subject to redemption, at the option of the Company, in whole or in part on the first business day of any month on or after Tv1arch 1, 200S, and in the case of '-HI)' 1995 Bonds redeemed lwt\veen March I, 2005 through February 28, 2006, at a redemption price of (a) 102'YC) of the principal amount thereof, plus (b) accrued 1t1tercst. i~llY 1 yg5 Bonds not tcndered pursuant to thIS Offer will be redeelTled on the earliest redemption date in compliance with the Lenns of the t.rust indenture (the "Indenture") daled as of March 1, 1995, bet\veen the Authority, as Grantor and FIrst Union National Bank of Florida, as trustee (the "Original Trustee"), Said Original Trustee is no\\/ knO\vn as \\lachovia Bank, National Association, See Section 2 below, "('enoin Jnlormution Concerniny the 1995 Ronds, [Jackgrounrl," Owners may tender their 1995 Bonds for exchange, on or before April _, 2005, 'which is the initial Expiration Date, b:y delivery of such 1995 Bonds to Wachovia Bank, National Association (the "Deposilory''), as the depository [or the tendering Owners. The Cornpanv may extend the Expiration Date [or up to 60 days, in the manner described in Section 4 belm\', Expiration (~r Oilier. Following the Expiration Date, the 1 Y95 Bonds will be held by' the Depository for a period up to gO da,Ys, during which period 1995 Bonds th8t have been tendered may' not be \\ithrlrawn, Not latcr than the end of this 90-day period (the "No-Hescission Period"), \vhich period commences on tht' Gxpiration Date, the Compan:y must issue O\\inerS of duly tendered Bonds the 200S Bonds (as described 11<"10w), or the tender of Bonds may thereafter be '\vithdrawn or rescinded by the Owners. The Company is expected to cause the :V1 on roe County Industrial Development Au thurit), (the "Authority") to issue and deliver 2005 Bonds in ;OJ principal amount sufficient to exchange said 2005 Bonds for all 1 CJYS Bonds tendered by OWIlers. Following the Expiration Date, if sufficient quantities of 19Y;, Bonds have been tendered, trlC Company in tends to cause the Authority lo issuc 200S Bonds in the S8me amounts and maturities as the tendered 1995 Bonds to the holders of tht~ 1 g95 tendered Bonds. The Company' will pay for all costs of lhe tender and exchange from 4A).",-Oll(,t'10 1'::'::chHngc funds that ilre not derived from the proceeds of a tax-exempt borrO\ving. If not all 1995 I3unds are tendered, the Compan,\-' intends to cause the Au thority to redeem all outstanding 1995 Bonds, and the Company \vill pay for all costs of redemption of the untendered 1995 Gonds from funds that arc not derived from the proceeds of a tax- eXCInpt borrowing, The purpose of the No-l<escission Period is to enable the structu ring of the redemption of the untendered 1995 Bonds to take place in circumstances in which the amount of 199;:) I30nds being tendered can definitely be ascc rt a ined, The 2005 Bonds issued by the Authority \vill constitute limited obligations of the i\U thority pil).able solely from revenues derived from the CompmlY and will not constitute an indebtedness of the Authority' or of T'vTonroe Coun ty, Florida, the State of Florida or '-HI)' political subcij-vision or agency thereof within the tnf"aning of any State of Florida con sti tu tional or statu lory' provi Slon. The Compan,y reserves the right, in its sole cl1scretion, to terminate, amend, or withdraw the Offer at an)' lime, Unless the Compan)' has pre'viously withdrawn or amended the ()ffer, the Company will be obligated 1.0 exchange all 1995 Bonds properl:y tendered, subject only to the conditions set forth in Section 10 of this Offer. One of those conditions is that the Authority issue 2005 Bonds in an amount sufficient to exchange such 2005 Bonds for all tendered 1995 Bonds, An unqualified legal opinion of Livermore, Freeman & !\'1cWilliams, P.A., ,Jacksonville, Florida, \vil1 be delivered to the effed tbat interest on the 200;:) Bonds issued in exchange for 1995 Bonds is excluded from gross income for pLlrposes of federal income taxation. The Company reserves the right to \-vaive any and all conditions to its obligation to the exchangc of tendered 1995 Bonds, See Section 10 "Certuin Conditions of the OJTer" for details relating to the conditions of the Offer. 2. Information Concerning the 1995 Bonds. (a) Background. The 1995 Bonds \\-erc issued on March 9, 199;:), by the Authority in the original aggregate principal amount of S3,400,000 pursuant to Lht: 1ncknture. The Authority loaned the proceeds of the 1995 Bonds to the COlnpmlY pursuant to a Loan Agreement, daled as of March I, 1995 (the "Loan Agreement"), between the Authority and the Cornpans', in order to (il finance the eost of the acquisition of the 450,000 gpcl Cf' ntra 1 wastcwate r collection, Iran sm ission, treatment and disposal s)'stcm then owned by (keiln Reef Club, Inc" located in Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, (ii) finance the cost of certain improvements to said bcilities, (iii) fund an account capitalizing a portion of interest accruing on the 1995 Honds, and (iv) pay certain costs of issuance and deliver),' of the 1995 I3onds. The 1995 Bonds consist of a single term bond Inaturing Tlknch 1, 2025 in denominations of $100,000 each or integral multiples thereof, and bearing interest at the rate or B.OO'!'() per annum. In addition to optiot1D I redemption, described in Section 1, above, the 1995 Bonds arc su bj ect to manuatory' sin ki ng fu nd redemption i t1 the )TarS and amou n ts set forth below_ -+2Cb-Olln 1n ExciL\nge 2 II/larch 1 Principal Amount to be l{edeemed March 1 Principal Amount to be Redeemed 2006 2007 200R 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 $65,000 70,000 76,000 82,000 RR,OUO 95,000 103,000 111,000 120,000 129,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 $, 40,000 151,000 163,000 176,000 190,000 20S,000 222,000 240,000 259,000 2RO,OOO (b) Security for the 1995 Bonds. The 1995 Ronds are payable solely from and secured solely by the revenues and receipts deri\'(~d from the Loan Agreement, the Promissory Note and the Ivlortgage. To SCCll re the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, a nd interest on the 1995 Donds and to secure the performance and observance by the Issuer of its obligations under the Indenture, the Issuer has pledged to the Trustee, for the equal and proportionate benefit of all owners of the 1 Y95 Bonds all of the rights and interests of the Issue r in and to the Prom issor)" N ate; the Loan Agreement (exee pt for the Unassigned Issuer's Rights and amounts on deposit in the Rebate Fund and the investment income thereon): the Mortgage and the Mortgaged Property; and the Pledged Funds. The Indenture defines Pledged Funds as, collectively, the l.::evenues and the proceeds derived from the foreclosure (or in lieu of foreclosure) of the first mortgage lien on and securit), interest in all real and personal properly of the Compan)', including the Project, created by the Mortgage. Revenues means (a) the Loan Payments; (b) all other rnoneys received or to be received by the Issuer or the Trustee in respect t.o repayment of the Loan, including without limitation) moneys in the Bond Fund; (cl 'Utility Revenues (all income, fees, rentals, earnings or other charges derived by the COlnpanv from the operation of the System, including connection charges); (d) an)' monc,,'s 1t1 the Project Fund; and (e) all income and profit from the investment of the foregoinf~ monc:ys. The term "I<.evenues" does not include any moneys or investmenls in the l<.ebatc Fund. All Loan Payments and receipts derived from the Loan Agreement or the Promissory Note are to be deposited with the Trustee in the Bond Fund created pursuant to the Indenture. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Company has uncond itionall:y agreed to provide the Issuer suftleient moneys frOln the Pledged Funds to P,lV the Amortization Installments, principal of, premium, if any', and interest on the Bonds when due. Pursuant to the Indenture, the Trustee established an account '\vithin lhe Bond Vund designated as the Reserve Account. Full capitaliz8tion of the Reserve Account un the dale of -issuance of the Bonds from proceeds of the sale of the Bonds was not '-l'20~;-OITf'T 10 F:\,h;lngc 3 required bccHuse the Company' had provided for an irrcvoeable letter of credit issued bv- Community !::lank of Homestead, Homestead, Florida, to be deposited in the I-(cserve Account. The Indenture requires the Compan)" to fix, establish fwd maintain such rates and Voiill collect sllch fecs, rcntals and other charges for the use of the services and facilities of the System and revise the same from time to time, whenever necessaf)', ,1S 'will always provide Utility l<?:cvenues in each Bond Year sufficient to pay 100'>;, of the Cost of Operation and Maintenance, 110'/-;) of the current Debt Service RequirClllent, and locn--<i of alJ reserve and l-cne\val and replacement payments. Such rates, fees, ren t aIs or other cha rges shall not be redu eed so as to be insufficien 1 to provide Utili ly Revenues for sHch purpuses, Pursuant to the Mortgage, the Company granted a first lien, subject to Permitted Encumbrances (as ckfined in the Mortgage), on the ]\'lortgaged Real Estate (ilS oellned in the Mortgage], which Mortgaged Heal F:state includes the real estate on \',/hieh the 'wastewa ter collection and treatment facility is and will be located and all bu ildings. fIxtures, lICenses, casements Clnd other rights or interests of the COTnpany located on the real estate encumbered by! the Mortgage. The Mortgage also grants a see u ri ty in lcrest in, subject to Perm itted Encumbrances, all fixtures and other properly located on the l\llortgaged Real Estate, including n::plaeemcnts or additions thereto, An AL TA title insurance polic).' on the mortgaged property in an arnount not lc ss than the pu rchast' price for the S,yslem \vas del ive red a 1 the time of delivery' of the 1 g9S Bonds. 3. Security for the 2005 Bonds. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Company' \-viII agree, among other things, lO make loan pa}'ments to the Rond Trustee, on behalf of the Authority, in such amounts and at such times as will be sufficient to pel}', whcn due, the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and all other amounts due under the Loan /\greemenl. Pursuant to the Bond Indenture, the Authority \vill assign to the Bond Trustee as securitv for repayment of the 2005 Rands the following: (i) All right, title and intcrest of the Authori(v in and to the 2005 Note and all sums payable in respect of the indebtcdness evidenced thereby; (iiJ All right, title and interest of the Authority in and to the Loan Agreement a nd the amOlln ts payable to the Au thority t herell nde r (except for ecrt;J i n rights retained by' the Authority', including thc Authority's rights to indemnification, to receive nolices and payment of its expenses); and (iii) Any and all other property of every kind, conveyed, pledged, assigned or transfened as and for additional security thereunder by the Authority or the Company, to the Bond Trustee, including \vithout limitation, funds held by the Bond Trustee in an:y of the fu nos established under the Bond Indenture (but excluoing an,' funds beld for the Inyment of rebate pursuant to SectIOn 148 of the Code), --lJ(I:'l-()ITn In Exch>ltll'/' 4 Upon the occurrence of certain "events of default" under the Rond Indenture, the :.2005 Bonds shall be su bject to acce1enltion in accordance with the provisions of the Bond Indenture, To secure the Company's obligations under the Loan Agreement, the Con1lxury will issue and deli'ver the 2005 Note pursuant to the Master Jndenture, in an amou nt equa 1 to the principal amou n t of the 2005 Bonds to the Au thori ty' for assign men I to the Dond Trustee pursuant to the Bond Indenture:, The 2005 Note w111 be payable in the same amounts and at the same tilDes as the loan payments are due under the Loan Agreement, and such payments on the 2005 Note will constitute payment under the Loan Agreement. The Master Indenture permits the Company to issue Master Notes 111 addition to the 2005 1\ote and to secure all I\-laster Notes on parity with one another, Each Master Note issued pursuant to the Master Indenture, including the 200S Note shaH be a general obligation of the Company and shall be entitled to the benefits of security of the Master Indenlure. To secu re payment and performance of all obligations of the Corn pan)' in respect to the principal and in teresl on the 1\-1 ask r Notes, all pa)'ment obi igations and all Other Obligations (as such terms are defined in the Master Indenture) the Compan,\' pledges, assigns and grants to the !\',1aster TrLlstee a security interest in all of 1ts righ Is, title and interest in the Pledged Assets. "Pledged Assets" are defined in the Master Indenture to include (a) the Gross Revenues, (1)1 all other fll nds held under the Master Indenture, together ,,,,ith any amounts and investments, if any, on deposit in such funds from time to tinle and all investrIlent income thereon; provided, however, that any Reserve Fund created, established and Tnaintained pursuant to any Supplement shall only secure the Related Indebtedness for which such Fund was created, (e) any and all other real or personal property of every name and nature from lime to time hereafter L.y deJjvery or hy writing of any kind assigned, pledged or transferred and delivered to the Master Trustee by the Company or by anyone on behalf of the Company wilh its written consent, as and for additional security for the Secu red Obligations and (el) proceeds of the foregoing, The Com pa ny has coven an ted, and pursuant to the provisions of the M aster In den tu re, nul to create any Liens upon the Pledged ^ssets, nO\v owned or hereafter acquired by it, other than Permitted Liens. "Gross Revenues" are deIined in the 1\-'1 aster Indenture to mean all income, fees, rentals, earnings or other charges derived by the Company from the operation of the System, including connection ch<lrges. The Company's obligations under the Master Indenture and the IX'\Vmcnt of the pnnClpal of and interest on the ;\11aster Notes arc further secured by a mortgage of the property pursuant to a Mortgage and Security Agreement da ted as of April 1, 2005, from the Company to the T\laster Trustee, The Mortgage secures future advances and readvances that may sl.lbsequently be evidenced by a l\"laster Nolc. The ;\-lortgagc is subject to certain Permitted Liens (as defined in the Master Indenture), 4. Expiration of Offer. The Offer will expire on the Expiration Date:, The term "ExpIration Dale" means 5: 00 p ,In" Eastern Time on /\ pril_, 2005, unless tb e ,-!)():'),Olkr 10 j';";changc 5 Company, in its sole discretIon, shall have extended the period of time for which the Offcr is open, in which event thc term "Expiration Date" means the time and date to which the Offer is so extended by the Company. The Company' miry extend the Expiration Date, one or more times, for up to 60 days by giving notice by mail or other wriUen means to the holders of the 1995 Bonds. An:~i tender of 1095 Bonds as of the Expiration Date IlH\Y not be rescinded or otherwise revoked during the No-Rescission Period (that is, from and after the Expiration Date to a date 90 days thereafter). The investment and credit risk associated \vith tendered 1995 Gonds continues to be that of Bond Chvners from the time of tender to the exchange, including during the No, l\escission Period. See Section 6 for a discussion of rights of withdrawal. For a description of the Company"s rights to extend the period of time during which the Offer is open or to terminate or amend the Offer. see Section 4. The Company reserves the right. in its sole discretion at any lime: to terminale, amend, or withdraw the Offer. Unless and until the Company \-vithdri1\vs the Offer, the Company will be obligated to exchange all 1995 Bonds tendered by O\vners in accordance with the terms of this Offer for 2005 Bonds, subject only to the conditions set forth 111 Section 10 of this Offer to Exchange, 5. Extension of Offer; Termination; Amendment. The Company reserves the right, at an)' time and fnnn time to time prior to the Expiration Date, to extend the Expiration Dale, the period of time during \'..,hich the offer is open, by giving oral or wri \ten nolice of such exte nsion to the Depository. If the period is so extended for a period or periods that aggregate up to 60 days, then the No-Rescission Period shall comrrlcnce on the Expiration Date as so extended and tenninatc 90 days thereafter. No such extension shull be for Cl period of time that is shorter than 10 business days, The Company also reserves the right (i) to terminate the 0 ffer at ,my tj me upon the occurrence of any of the conditions specified in clauses (a) th rough (cl of Section 10, by' giving oral or written notice of such termination to the Depository, or (ii) to amend the Offer in any respect at (1ny time or from time to ti me. 6. Acceptance for Exchange. Unless the COlnpany has previou sl,y wi thdra\vn its Offer, then, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of Ul.e: Offer, 1995 Bonds properly tendered and not withdrawn before the Expiration Date wi]] be exchanged for 2005 Bonds being the same principal amount and maturity date, subject only to the conrlitjons set fonh in Section 10 of this Offer. 7. Rights of Withdrawal. Tenders of 1995 Bonds are irrevocable, except that tendered 1905 I30nds may be \vithdrawn at or prior to the Expiration Date. To be effective, a written, telegraphic, telex, or facsimile transmission notice of withdrawal m u sl be timely received by the Depository at. i Is address specified on the back page of this Offer to Lxchange_ Any notice of withdrawal must speci~y the person namcd in the Le lte r of Transmittal, the principal amou n t of 1 99:) I30nds to be \vithd rawn, a nd the name of the registered owner and (if the 1995 Bonds have been delivered to the Depositor}') the certificate nurnbcrs shown on the parlicular 1995 Rands to be withdrawn. All questions as to the validity of notices of \vithdrawal, including time uf receipt, will be detenllined by the Cornpan'Y', in its sole discretion, whose determination sh;:j 11 be final and binding. Any \'iithdrawn ] 995 Ronds \vi]] be deemed not properly' tendered for purposes of the Oiler. However, withdrav.-'n bonds may be retendered, by fiJIlO\ving any of the procedures described in Section 7, at an}/ subsequent time prior to 4J(Y"Offn 10 1'.:"ch;\1Lges 6 (he Sxpiration Date, 8. Procedure for Accepting the Offer and Tendering 1995 Bonds. (a) In General. For an Owner to tender 1995 Bonds: (i) tbe 1995 Bonds, together \\itb <l properly completed and executed Letter of Transrnittal and any other required doeu ments, must be transmitted to and received by the Depository at its address Ii s ted on the back page of the Offer to Exchange prior to the Expiration Date, or in accordance \,-,ith nne of the procedures set forth below, or (ii) for 1995 Ronils that arc not immediately available, the guaranteed delivery procedu res described belm\' , 1nust be sati sfied, The authenticity of the signature on the Letter of TransmIttal must be guaranteed by an eligible guarantor institution (such as banks, stockbrokers, savings and loan associations, 8nd credit unions) with membership in an approyed Signature C;uarantec Medallion Program pursuant to S.E.C. l~ulc 17AcI 15 (each, an Eligible Guarantor Institution"). If 1995 Bonds arc registererl in the name of a person other (han the signcr of the Letter of Transmittal, the 1995 Bonds must be endorsed, or accompanied by a bond power signed by the registered owner, with the signature on the endorsement or bond power guaranteed by' an Eligible Guarantor Institution, If the 1995 Bonds arc sent by mall, the Compan}' recommends that the 1995 Bonds be sent by regi::>tcred Tnail with return receipt requested, properly insllred. (b) Guaranteed Delivery Procedure. For the convenience of ()\vners whose 1995 Bonds arc not i mmediate]y avalla b]e, tenders may be made \vithout the concu rrent deposit of 1995 I30nds if such tenders arc made by or through rommcrcia] bank or trust company having an office or branch in the United States, a firm which is a member- of a registered national securities exchange, or is a registered municipal securities dealer, in the Un ited States under the Securities Exchange Act of 19:3'1, as amended, or a member in the United States of the Nationctl Associ8tion of Secu ril ies Dealers, lnc. (each an "Eligib]e Institution"). In such cases, a Notice of ('ru,=uanteed Deliver,;', duly executed, must be reccived by the Depository. prior to the Expiration Dale and the guaranty of delivery contalllf'd in the Notice of Cuaranteed Delivery must have been execu ted by an Eligible Institution. The 1995 Bonds, a properly completed and duly executed Letter of Transmitta], and all other documents required by the Let(er of Transmittal must be received by the Deposltory \vithin ten business da)'s after the date of receipt hy the DepositOl)' of the Notice of Gua ra nteed De]ivel)'. If an Owner \vishes to tender his 1995 I30nds and time will not permit such (hvner's Letter of Transmittal, 1995 Bonds or other required rlocuments to reach the DepositoT)' before the Expiration Date, such Chvner's tender may be effcctcd if a properly execulerl LdtfCr [)fTransmittaI has been depOSIted with an E]igib]e Institution, and (a) the Depository has received, prior to the Expiration Date, notice in writing from ,lt1 Eligib]e Institution setting forth the name and address of the Owner and The bee amuunt and the cerLifieate numbers of 1995 Donds tendered and stating that the tender is being made thereby pursuant to the terms of the Offer and guarantceing that, within ten business day s after the da te of receipt by the Depository of such \vri He n no tice, the Letter of Tran sm i ttal, t oget her with the 1995 Honds and any other docunlcn ts required b'/ t heL,eUer of Transll1iUal will be deposited by such Eligible ]nstitu lion Depository': and (b) a properly completed and du]:}' executed Letter of Transmittal, and such 1995 bonds and other documents arc received by.' the Depository' within ten -120:-, o fin 10 l';xchdllgC 7 business days aftcr the date of receipt b\' the Depository of such written notice, lna,smuch as the risk for the method of delivery of 199;::; Bonds rests \vith the Owner, any failu re to limely deliver the above notice, document or Bonds likewIse rests with the (h;\/Jlers, Any O\/"/ner who is unable to locate his 1995 Rond should \vrite to or call Wachovia Dank, National Association, the Registrar for the 1995 Bonds, to inquire about the possibility of obtaining a replacement. The address and telephone number for making inquiries with respect to replacement of 199;::; Bonds or an,)' other ma Iter which requires handling by the Registrar is: Wachovia Bank, National Association, Corporate Trust Operations, 200 South Riscayne Roulevard, 1 ,1'h Floor, l'v1 iami, Florida 33131. Alln: Ednora Linares, Telephone Number (305) 789 11685, F'ocsimile ,Vumber (305) 789-4678. Thc exchange of 200S Bonds for 1995 Bonds tendered pursuant to the Offer will be made only after receipt b,y the Depository of such 1995 Bonds, a properly' completed and executed Letter of Transmittal, and any other required documents. if other than the reglstered O\vner is to receive a Bond, the Depo::;itory rn ust lTCel\'C a separate assignment b,y the registered O\vner guaranteed, in the manner set forth above for Letters of Transmittal. All questions as to the form of all documents and the validity (including tinlC of receipt) of all tenders will he determined by the Compan}-", \vhosc determmatlon shall be final and binding. The Company reserves the right to rc"iect anv or all lender::; of 1995 Bonos not In proper form, or the acceptance of which would, in the opmion of the company's counsel, be inconsistent with the terms of the Offer. The Compa,ny also reserves the right to waive an}' of the conditions of the Offer or any defect in the Tellcler of any 1995 Honds. The Company'::; interpretation of the terms and condition~ of the Offer (including the lnstructions in the Lettcr of Transmillall shall be lInal and bindmg, Any Irregularities in connection with tenders must be eured \vlthin such time as the Company shall determine, unless waived by it. Tenders of 1995 Bonds shall no t be deemed to have been rnade un tii all irregularities ha vc been e ured or waived, Neither the Company nor the Depository \vill be obligated to give notice of any defects or irregularities in tenders, and neither of them shall incur an)' liabilities [or bilure to give any such notice. 9. Income Tax Consequences. In the opinion of Livermore, Freeman &, :rv1c\Villiarns, P,i\" Dond Counsel, under existing Imv mtere::;t on the Hands is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purpose::; under Section 103(a) of the Code, except for interc::;t on any Bono for an_\/ period during whieh it is held by a "substantial user" or a "related person" 3S those terms arc used in Section 147(a) of the Code, and interest on the Bonds is an item of tax preference under Section 57 of the Code and therefore llJa)'be subject to the alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and certain corporations under the Code. Rond Counsel \vill express no opinion as to any other t3X consequences regarding the Bonds. The Bond::; and the interest thereon 3re exempt from all taxation under the laws of the Stale of Florida except c::;tate taxes and taxcs mea::;ured by income which arc ul1posed by Chapter 220, Florida Statutes, on "corporations", "banks" and "savmgs associations" as such tcnn::; are defined in Chapter 220, -l)O';-Ulkr to Exchange 8 10. Liquidity of 1995 Bonds. The 1 (}() 5 Bon cis arc not 1 i steel 0 n a n,Y securities exchange nor actively traded in anv markct known to the Company, The Company is awarc of no information relat ing to any rating of the 1 ~}~)5 Bonds. 11. Certain Conditions of the Offer. The Company' reserves the right, in its sole discretion at any time to terminate, amend, or wlthdrmv the Offer wIthout liability' to any person tendering 1995 Hands, The Company shall not be required to exchange 200t) Bonds for tendercd 1995 Bonds and may terminatc or amend the Offer or postpone the exchange of the 1995 Bonds if, at any time prior to such exchange: (a) there shall have been instituted or threatcned any action or proct;eding before or by any' court or govennnental, regulatorv, or administrativc agene)' or instrumentality, or hI,' any other person, which challenges the making of the Offer or the acquisition of 1995 Bonds pursuant to the Offcr or other\vise directly' or indirectly relates to the Offer or, in thc opinion of the COmpml}', otherwise directly or indirectly' materially a(lversely affects the Company'; or (b) there sha]] have occurred (i) an}' general suspension of, or limitalion on prices for, trading a securities on the Ncw York Stock Exchange or the over-the-counter market, (ii) a commencement of war or 8nned hostilities or other international or national calamity directly or indirectly involving the United Slates, or, if any such war, hostilities or calamiti-' shall have commenced at or prior 10 the dale of lhis Offer to Exchange, an}' material increase in the level of such war, hostiJities or calamitv, or (iii) a declaration of banking moratorium or anv suspension of payments in respect of banks in lhe United States, 1'11e State of New York or the State of Florida on, or any other event which might 8ffcct, the cxtension of credit for banks or other lending instilu tions; which, in the sole opinion of the Company, and regardless of the circu mstances (including any action by the Company giving rise to such event), Inakes II inadvisable to proeeed \vith lhe Offer and with such Exchange. The foregoing conditions are for the sole benefit of the Company and may be \\'aived b}' the Company, in \vhok or in part, Any determination by lhe Company concerning the events described in this Section 10 shall be final and binding upon all parties, Until lhe Expiration D;Jte, the Company cannot estimate \vith any degree of accu racy the aggregate mnount of 1995 Bonds that will be lendered for exchange pursuant to the Offer. The Curnpan)' anliClpates that, after the Expiration Datc, it will determine the aggregate amount of the 2005 Bonds necessary to issue to exchange for 1995 Bonds tendcrcd by the lendering Owners pu rsuant to the Offer and "vill proceed with the exchange of the 2005 Ronds. The Company expecls to \\'ilhur8\\' the Offer if, in its sole Judgrncnl, a i:iufficien t amou n1 of 1 gg5 Rond s has not been tcndcred 10 justify lhe time, effort, and expense of consummating the exchange of lhe 200;' Bonds, 12. Fees. Wachovia Bank, National Ai:isociation, as Depository, and First Southwest Company, as Financial Advisor to the Compan)' witl receive reasonable and customary compensation for their services in connection with the Offer and wi]] be reilnbursed for their reasonable out-of-pucket expenses, 42(Y,-Uffn to Exchange () The Company will not pay any fees or commlssions to any broker, dcaler, or other pcrson in con nection with the solicitation of tenders of 1 ~)95 Bonds pu rsua nt to the Offer. No broker, dealer, commercial bank, trust company, or fiduciary shall he deemed lo be the agent of the Company. the Depository, or the Financial Advisor for purposes of the Offer. 13. Misce llaneous. The Offer is not bcing made to, nor will the Cornpan)' accept tenders from, Owners of 1 ggS Bonds m any jurisdiction in \vhich the Offer or the acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with la\v, No person has been authorized to givc any information or make an}' representation on behalf of or with rcspect to the COmpCU1)' not contained herein, 'and if given or made, such informal ion or representation must not be relied upon as having been authoriLcd. The delivery of this ()[Jcr 10 Exchange has been all thori?:ed hI,' the Board of Directors of l\orth Key Largo Utilitv Corp, NORTH KEY LARGO UTILITY CORP. Letters of Transmittal and 1995 Bonds should be sent or delivered by you or )-'oLJr broker, dealer, bank, or trust company' to the Depository as fo11O\\-':,,: The Depository: \Vachovia Bank, National Association 200 South Bisut)'Ile Boulevard, 14dl Floor Miami, FlOrida 33 131 Attn: Ednora Linares Telephone: (305) 789-46BS Fucsirnile Numher: (30S) 789-4678 (Eligible lnstruction:" Only) 120S-Ufkr to Lxchnngf' 10 I I i Any questions or requests for assistance may be directed to the Depository or the Financial Advisor. Owners may also contact their brokers, banks, or trust companies for assistance concerning the Offer. The Finunciul Arluisorjbr the Offer is: First Southwest Company 20 N, Orange Avenue, Suite 1209 Orlando, Florida 32.s0 1 AUn: John E, White Senior Vice President Telephone: (407) 426-9611 FAX: (407) 126 783;) Email: j\\hitC:(lfirstsw.com .l.!lh-Olln 10 1'::'-:cllHn~'.(' 11 APPENDIX E NOTICE OF REDEMPTION 1\-10NROE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AFTlIORITY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP1VIENT REVEl'lUE BONDS C~ORTH KEY LARGO UTILITY CORP. PROJECT), SERIES 1995 NOTICE IS HEREBY CJIV EN by the Monroe County Industrial Development A LlthOlity. that all of its outstanding Industrial Development Revenue Bonds ('North Key Largo Utility Corp. Project), Series 1995, dated Mareh 9, 1995, originally issued on March 9, 1995, which mature on .\1arch I, 2025, bearing intcrest at the rate of 8.00'/'0 per annum and CUSIP No. 610506 AB3, and \vhich are redeemable on \;lareh 1, 200S, or on any date thereafter, at the option of the Authority, at the redemption price of the plincipa] amount of each bond to be redeemed, together \vith interest accmed thereon to the date l1xed li)1' redemption, plus a premium equal to 2% 0 r the par value thereot~ \\'ill become due and payahle and \vilI be redeemed on __'____ Payment of the redemption price, plus accrued interest, oCsuch bonds v,.-il1 be made on ,_ ' the redemption datc, at the office of Wachovia Bank, National Association, Miami, Florida, as successor to First CnionNational Bank of Florida, the paying agent for the Bonds, upon surrenderthereoi: Interest on such Bonds being redeemed will cease to accrue from and after such redemption date, Under tbe provisions of the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983 (the "Act"), all bolders submitting their Bonds rorredemption must submit a W-9 (Certificate of Taxpayer Identification Number) in order to avoid J 1 % backup withholding rcquired under the Act. Dated and mailed this ____ day of _________,_ MONROE COUNTY INDLSTRJAL Dt;VELOPMENT AUTHORIT'r:' By Isl Chaim1an +205-R-Rcs-,\1IIh""ly wilh "Pl'~ 14