Sign in ink in the space provided below.
considered incomplete and will be subject
Vns i..s.nE-?q bids wi 11 be
to rejection.
( ITILl'3 t bE' <;0; i (]nf2d
Aero~rod cts, Inc.
-.........-.-----.-...- .--.-.. .-.-.-:&--..-.---------------------
.........____._... wZ.__~_.._._.._.._____.._.__.___
by a company officer)
1\li'-',1'1[ OF F J F<t'l ~
T J IU~:
('~DD~,;/F!:;~3 :
708 Industry Road
CITY, STATE AND ZIP: ____~_?_l!J~_?_<?.9:.!_!.!'___~~!~.9_____________~____
.. _..... ( _~..9...9 _ ) ___~]_?_::__8 6..73_ ..... _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ _____ ___...__ _____
Scott Barnes
___ ( ~_o_o_ ) ___4]}_-~...?J_~___________.___________
Delivery of the completed vehicle will be made in 90 calendar days
(maximum) after the date of bid award and issuance of purchase order.
SPECIAL NOTE: Variances or exceptions MUST be noted by number and
explained in full detail on the last page(s) of these specifications.
\)E~lldur'c:; t!Jho!se bid tails to comply with these requirements will no..!.. be
<::1. c.: c: "~ p t (..~ d "
P,\GE 2
ThIS specifIcation covers the removal of an existing Type III
ambulance's modular patient compartment from the existing chassis,
specIfic revisions, modifications and general refurbishment of the
modul~r patient compartment, purchase of a new 1986 Ford E-350 cut-a-
\))cl'.1 CJ,l::-'(:hi::\<::;!:',i~:;, c:\!'lel mounting of the modular patir:>nt compartment. onto
the new chassis, including all related work necessary to provide a
':DIII:)l('~lL' :,\ni,t, sE"1"viced and re.:",d~,l for operation. Upon completion of
;,\11 !!,H)-ri: ir(~quil"(?c:I 1J~:l thi,,:; !3pecification, this ambulance shall be in
(]c'lIer"i:d dLU:W'cJ with thf2 Ambulance De,,:;ign Criteric;\ of the National
Highway Traffics Safety Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, D.C. This specification is bas~d on the
Federal Ambulance Spoecification KKK-A-1822A dated April 1, 1980 and
effective January 1, 1981. Reference numbers used in this
specification beginning with section 3 refer to applicable paragraphs
()fUr,,"'\': dOCulTlf2nt. Thf'~ curb weight of the unit (as defined by ~\h~\-A-
1822A 3.5.1) shall not exceed 85% of the rated GVW.
~~t;:t![::.B. A L". 1,1\1 If 1\1 T.
I'his is an engineer, design, construct, and delivery type
specification and it is not the intention of Monroe County to write
out vendors or manufacturers of similar or equal equipment of the
types specifIed. Proposals or alternate bids for any equipment that
will efficiently accomplish the same task will be given careful
cUIl~:;i(k'ration. 1'1c:mroe Coun'ty shall be the sole Judge of the
equipment that is the most advantageous and the decision of the
County shall be final. This specification shall become part of the
'fin;:11 cCintr'<~ct"
Pi^,GE ]
1:::I.h..I...I~::F.]'..(~!..::. ~i. fl.r;I.,I). 1~::.9J.LLe.tIL.N.T.
The chassis and new equipment devices, medical accessories and
electronic equipment: to be delivered under this contract shall be
standard commercial products, which meet or exceed the requirements
of this specification. The ambulance shall comply with all Federal
Motor Vehicle Stafety Standards (FMVSS), and Federal regulations
applicable or specified for the year of manufacture. Materials used
In the construction shall be new and and not less than the quality
conforming to current engineering and manufacturing practices.
Materials shall be free of defects and suitable for the service
Ambulance type, class and floor plan:
A. (].L::.; 3.11.4) h~<~\-A-1822A.
Type III, Class I, floor plan
\1..I~~.t~..I..r,::.L.r;~~ ]..f!.Ij;:.tfr.lf~J..J;.b.Ll9.tl
'The e>:i<c:t:inq ambulance i~> a 1981ZJ Forti Type III manufactured by Custom
Ambulances DiVIsion, EVF, 7555 Garden Road, RiVIera Beach, FlorIda.
The' 311.",:',\lullllnum modular p.,:\tif2nt: comp,:;\rtmEmt: has; thE! follOl.lJing
diITlen~:;ion<,;:: 13H"L >: 91ZJ"W >: 6El"H. The ambul,anc:e is based in he!....j
Largo, Florida and is available for inspection by qualified bidders
i::d: ,::3.nu time, hOWI;:!VE')^, priol^ to in~,5pec:t:ion of the vehicle,
arrangements should be made with the Director of Emergency Services
regarding date and time of inspection; telephone (305) 743-6619. All
bidders are required to inspect the vehicle to be refurbished prior
to bid opening in order to familiarize themselves with all required
)" E!P<:,\ I i"<;'."
Purchaser: Monroe Count~, Florida, a/k/a Board of Count~
CU/TIlTiis:::.:i.ClTIE?\MS of Monroe County, FIOl"ida, acting as the Board of
Governors of Municipal Services Taxing District No. 6 of Monroe
Count~..}, Flo\^:i.dd.
Contractor~ The individual, firm, partnership, manufacturer or
corporation to whom the contract is awarded b~ the Purchaser and who
is subject to the terms thereof. For bidding purposes, the
Contractor, Vendor and Bidder are synonymous.
Equal: Shall be taken in its general sense and shall not mean
Identical. These specifications are for the sole purpose of
establishing minimum requirements of level of quality, standards of
performance and design and is in no way intended to prohibit the
bidding of any manufacturer's item of equal material.
ThE? CC!llnt'.J ',ohall bE~ the ~3clle judge of equalit~ in its best interest
and deciSIon of the Count~ as to equality shall be final.
(:::,'\1:) Chd':;'::;.I,,, I'L:\l'1ufc,\ctur€.'!'J" ,-I.Jill bf? t~If.0 F01^d Motor COITJPC:\n~J and I"lerein
y' (',:' f Eo')" Y"F' d L u ,:':\s; t hp "Chc:\~,s i~:; M':'in U of ':::~ ct u r er " .
:LqX,E!:!?~, :::. tJf;?:..:~L'~~_H P.l:~J:'li - The terms He,;wy Duty or H. D. as appl ied to thesE'
spec1f1cations shall be interpreted to mean that the item to which
the term 1S applied shall exceed the usual quality, quantity, or
capacity of that supplied with standard production vehicles and shall
hr:~:J hI f:.' t U II} it hs t: an d t hf.? unu~;u':-:ll 5 t r<'3 :i. n, f2N PO~.5UI"e, t€~mp0~rc:l tUl" e, Ij)E:~al")
and use to be eNPected in the intended service.
r,:,;,er,,(;:...;[r:\I:::., .~;_(:!I>LP.LLJ",Ql'ln
No bid shall be considered unless the Bidder can meet the special
LL)f1di t:i,ill'::'; '.:tiJt'E'd hel"ein.
V:J..pnE=XL:,'::i '.It:,~,~:?,Eg,,lj_21.J~~.Il,:::.1. T Y.. AN..Il 91L~bJX~ C~.I.1.QtlS
fhe vehicle and equipment shall be delivered as a complete unit,
sorviced and ready for operation. Any omission of details in these
'::iPe(:ificatinn~:; sh"dl not relif?ve the Contractor' from fUl"nishing a
C C) iT: j. :I. E:" t.. {.:: L~ nit: "
I'."! .i Y'} 1..,)1" dE;' t. ~:':'( i ]. ~:. C) f d€.~s i. S~ n '} cC:Jn s t '^Lt C t i CtTi an c.1 rnc\ t er i a 1 S l} wher€:~ nClt
e,I.I":!i"'.!1 n '::PE~L.if'lE:~d, al^e J.F,~ft to the discr0~tion of the Contractor I.Llho
!,,\11 I". ::ole.ll.) r'E!s,pon~5ihle thc~t :;:;uc:h design, c::c)ns.;tl~uction and
material shall be in conformance with the intended use.
1::://',1(1)1.1/\II,f),rI.. OF 2f'.!L~IfI.~ATJ (~~t
L:,ch P,lclc!c'y it:: r~:)quirf.,?d bEdore submittj.1'1q his pr'Oposal, to be
li:Ui"()uqhl'.J 'f'afll:i,l'i,,:,\:" lllith the ,;pecifications contained herein. No
addlt10nal allowances will be made because of lack of knowledge of
these conditions. It is the responsibility of the successful Bidder
to ~scert21n it any components of the specification are unsafe and
that any unsafe or poorly designed criteria are contained herein that
".I'F:'! hf::! t'hu('ourlhl~J E?:.~plc:\ined to the Purchaser in the bid proposal.
:1IH~.I:;:.I,I::( (!"!'},,~?J:)l?:ijN'[f;;,
It 15 not the Intent of these specifications to call for an unusual
c)( (';;pc',"imentD,:I vehicle. NaY" is it the intent of this department to
accept such proposals. Therefore, as proof of the ability to
m,;:),n'.lfacluy'(~ \/eldcles of the t!:Jpe called for in these specifIcations.)
the:' f1E:tnIJL:'lc:turE'l^ of the vehicle bid must be able to ShOll! proof that
they are in the business of solely manufacturing and refurbishing
"Clll,\::'r'(JF~nC::~J \lf~hicle~.;" such as fir'e tr'ucks, pUmpE~('5, rescue trucks 2\nd
ambulances. A manufacturer of "commercial" vehicles will not be
CDn"ii cle('[~c:l..
Bidder shall have in operation a factory adequate for and devoted to
'I:h','~ ITID.nufdctUjr,p of the f?quipfflf.Jnt he'('ein ~5pecified. If equipment i~o;
i'(UPLEi":'c! c:J1.:IIPY' thcH1 of his own manufactul"f?, he will py'ovide with his;
proposal a written statement that such equipment offered is In
(: U 1'1, V, :I '::' 1. (~ C C) I 1'1 P J j an c E! wit h t his c.; p f2 c:: i f :i. cat .i 0 n . ThE? i n ten t 0 f t his
Pi\ G E. 'j
section is to ensure single source responsibility for all equipment
proposed by the Bidder.
A list of ten Fire Departments and/or Emergency Medical Services with
contact names and telephone numbers for whom the Vendor has performed
similiar or identical work within the last three years shall be
supplied with each proposal.
Each Bidder slloll disclose any pending or anticlPated litigation
1.),.'1. '.I.II.\C'nt I, c' p, :I (Icier' d n d Uu b'- Con t l~ c:~ c t (Jr' :::;, (.') t h€?r pc",)" ties d n d t h~~ Ii, 1 c1dE'I^
or. othE'l" P,"U"(-IL'S", <':Irld Sub--Contractol"S.
Monroe Cuunty shall be advised within the bid proposal of any
anticipated labor contracts which may be negotiated or renegotiated
during the perIod of manufacturing. The Manufacture's labor
contract~, if up for renewal, shall be noted with the expiration date
of l:hC' COnl.:1"'i:H.:t <:1[')(j c::Hlt:ic:ipat€:.~d outcomes,
Equipment manufactured or assembled outside the United States will
not bE~ L:on~:;.1. del~l~d.
ef:LL(;f:~:}_ (~rJI!. F.~,0_'(.t:1s_tn11.
All bid prices shall be on a F.O.B. destination,
,':'"c::cE'vh:'cj un ,,'~ une:~ by OnE? basis at Monroe County,
specifications and shall include warranty.
delivered ",Ind
F I or i da pel^
Payment shall be made in accordance with the specifications.and the
biG proposal upon acceptance by the County of the hardware and/or
services performed under contract with the successful Bidder
(C(:JI.;l r'dC L[)}~') II
All bid prices must be specified in the bid proposal.
Two (2) categories of equipment are specified, "Mandatory Work and
Equipment" and "Optional Work and Equipment". The Bidders must price
and agree to do all work and furnish all of the equipment listed
under both categories, with the mandatory work and equipment being
included In the apparatus price. It is understood that the
successful Bidder must furnish with the apparatus any part or all of
the optIonal work and equipment listed that Monroe County elects to
F'U. Y' c:: h i;:1 ~:;E; ,
Bid prices shall be valid for at least ninety (9m> days from the date
of the bid opening, or as otherwise specified herein.
Full payment will be made as the unit is received, inspected and
found to comply with specifications, free of damage or defect and
properly invoiced. All invoices shall bear the purchase order
number. Payment will be made within ten working days of the
acceptance of the unit.
,]}LU, 1::;Y,6LJL0J:,lQ.t'~1.
Bids received shall be evaluated by the Purchaser, Monroe County
Emergenc~ Services.
In evaluating the bid proposals to determine which proposal is the
most advantageous to Monroe County, major consideration in addition
to price wIll be evaluated.
Tt,is evaluation will be based as a minimum on the following criteria:
Commitment to the general conditions contained herein particularly to
that which applies to warranty.
C C, Iii I:> I C' t c:' n C! ':: '::; C) 'r t h f2 P \~ 0 P (J ~5 (i:\ I, i. EO'. ,
Ii) ':))} y'c,'qu,it'E'ments and Y'E?que!::;t for
the degree to which it responds
information contained herein.
I'-I:, n 1..1 of ,,;r ;::1,1..1.',", i 1', q ,:'I. n cl dE! 1 i veY'!J s chE!dul e.
Corltr~ctor's demonstrated capabilities and qualifications.
Cc)]',LI"'a,cl.:or'!!:;; past PE?Y'formance (e).:per'ienCE?) l.l!ith County.
Equipment supplier's demonstrated capabilities and qualifications.
1'''1,::1 n ,J.iJ(;'?m(~?n t appl"oach.
These specifications are based upon design and performance ~riteria
which have been developed by Monroe County Emergency Services as a
rEsult of extensive research and careful analysis of the data.
';I..Ib':;f:'CI'..Ic?fltl'.,J, th€?~;~? spec:i.'fic.:.':l.tions \"eflect the onlu t~.~pe elf vE~hi.c:lf?
and equipment that is acceptable at this time. Therefore, major
exceptions to specifications may not be accepted. Certain exceptions
1'Ii::\'.1 be:. i:\c::cE'rl"l:C?c:1 if they are minor, equal, or superior to that which
IS specified, and provided that they are listed and fully explained
on a seperate page entitled "Exceptions to Specifications". The
!:'::cc'pt:ion':'; !::hf:\ll r'eff.~r to the specification page i::\nd pal~agraph
llumber. Monroe County shall determine which (if any) exceptions are
accepted by Monroe County, the successful Bidder will be held
res~onsible for' delivering a vehicle in strict compliance with these
:PF.'ci'f:i '>;i+ic:)n~:;.. :BiddE.~rs must fUl'Tli'sh <:'':1.11 infm~rnation requested in
t ! ,c:' '::, P,:.. c: ':~<:::. PI" 0\( i clc' d.
P,'IJ['C)'::;':i!.<; t.:,:"king total e:-:ception -1:0 specifications will not be
,',:' r r: C' p I, (? d .
iiUlll"C)C:' CUI...I.ni.'J Y'e~:;eY'ves the ris?ht to reject any or all bids deemed to
be unresponSIve and to accept any bid which in its best interest best
IT,E:f::,j',:: the' i:\hc)vc' evaluation critel"ia. The County also reserves the
(':i,'Jht to .....IE:\,lVP i,Hl~J inforrnaliti(0)s, irr\::~<]ulariti€?s and technic<":\litie~'3
"i. i'1 F:O r (:;) L f:.' ell..', Y' (':' .
p,c,CJE. '7
Monroe County reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to
l'E:CI.!..l.i'l"E!:,:\ B:i.ddE'r to submit such evidcmc:e of hi~~ qUi:.\lifications as it
111::1'-:.) dCE'ITi n(:~Cf.:~~~'::;ar'y. Doc:umE?ntation th,::\t ma!:} b(~ rf:,?quil"E'~d is; financial j
technical and other qualifications anrl abilities of a Bidder,
iflcluding past performance (experience) with the Count!:} in making the
award In the best interests of Monroe County. Monroe County shall be
t,hF:' 'i':ina] i~.uthDr:i,t!J in the aWc11'd cif the bids.
In case of any doubt or difference of opinion as to the items to be
fUi"T"lj.::hc.:'cj here'in, thE:? dt~c:i.sion of the: Purchaser c.;h,,~ll be final c'\ne!
bindIng on both parties.
It IS understood that any legal action that may be brought by either
party pursuant to the terms of this contract, will be brought in the
,;:l l'1-'l"UPY' .i. L\t c\ .,j Ul'" i Sid :i. c: t i ona I CClUl" tin Monrof.0 Coun ty., F 1 or i da.
P"e:! '.:i.'.Jninq this: bid.) the Bidder' agrees that his bid is'mi.\de lJJithout
,:UI'..) L\flr:JC:.,--e;ti:Hlc:lin<::.I, i::\13'i"E:'f?rrIET,t, or connection IJJith iHI!.:! other pers.;o'l1,
fIrm or corporation making a bid for the same purpose and that his
hi'il'. Ui all lr(?c.:>pt~cts.; 'fcdi~ and without collusion Ol~ f'I~C:'\Lld.
t~) '~d::'.r!/\.'\.UY'
l'he successful manufacturer shall provide a 24 month warranty on the
'if:' h :i. c 1 c: tuh :i. c:h C:OVE')~!5 df? f E:lC t i Vf2 pa'," t s an d / Ot' CClITlpon E~n t s, the i mprOpf:'?l"
chOIce of materials, parts, and/or components, improper design or
'.~ri l'iCII:.'I"i.II'JJ,ncl POD1~ 01" i,rr":'I"llPC:'l" 'iJo)~km(3.nsh:ip 01" qU,3lit\j contl~ol
t0chniques. This warranty shall cover all work performed b~ the
nl';d;;)f';:iC!I,)'i'I':~lr iJ.nd s3h,,~11 includE? c~n'J and all costs for labor and parts
"I !ii'),,-,.::,y'],:',],:::, tl.!;:"t al"E! l"eQu:i.l"ed to correct any and all deficiencies.
It :i.s not the intent of Monroe County that this warranty appl!:} to
p (Ie; C)( CUlllpClliont"5 th<~\t cClulcl nOl"rnal1y weal" out withln thE-? two (2)
yoar perlud, such as light bulbs, filters~ tires, brake linings,
wi.ndshield wiper blades and such.
Where a component manufacturer provides an independent warranty which
F:'..c:C'c'd<:; the) 2/1' month PE,)I~iDcl, the provisions of this warranty shall
not be allowed to diminish the normal warranty that is provided by
i:'.\ fJ~J curn PU)'I L'rl t man u. fact Ul" el" ..
l;.JhL!Y'C ,;':\ C:UllipClnF?n t rrJ",inu facture'(' does not pl^OV i dE.' a warran ty equa 1 1 n
tillie Dr' I!Jhich doE.'s not full!J cover' ~'\11 costs involved, the Su.ccE~ssfuI
Bidder is solel!J responsible for bearing any additional costs, or if
r,;:':IC:(:~~:;'";:::i'r."...1 thE~ tot~,l costs inclLlding freiSJht, part:;, components,
1I\:(t("l"i.dl~:;.) 1,::\bul" fur' rf2IT1uvi:.'\l and installati.clTl, contractual rep",l.ir ()"('
f2[Jlac:oment service~ and the reimbursement for salaries of all Monroe
C''-:1ll.l1'''J C:?IIJPlD~Jf0c!S thc:\t al~e f?ngaged in pel"fOl^ming warranty work at the
(1.~'!.J.JF\,,,t (,..1/ the} ':;uC:Cl:?s;s,ful Biddl':."r; or 1"(?iIT,bul~SE.~IT;f:.?nt for Monl"oe COUl1t'~.:J
sa]ori0s shall be provided under the following circumstances, which
:.; "1,,11 bc? '.', i~ (:?qu. i y. C!rfIf=!n t 0 f t his W21" r an t~,l ag r C:'~t-:men t.
f'i\Gi::: U
WIthin seventy-two (72) hours after receipt of a verbal or written
notifIcation by Monroe County authority (authority to be identified)
that warranty service is required, the successful Bidder shall
respond verbally, and immediately followed UP by a letter to Monroe
County with a statement of intent to show where and when the warranty
service shall be accomplIshed. In the event that there is no
response or if the response exceeds seventy-two (72) hours or if the
('!H::ipon<.,e th".\t is Y'f,:'cf2ivE?d is on time but is not acceptable to the
Director of the Monroe County Emergency Services, or acceptable but
TFd: pc~r'rc:n"mnd Elt the spec:ifif..~d time, thf:." Mony'oe COl.lnt~.l Emf2Y'genC~.l
Sorvices Department will provide for the required warranty service,
and the total costs of all labor, parts, components, materials and
r.( '..' i C) I it ~.::.I i ..i.l1 L;E~ 1" f=~ i mbu I" f:".Fc d to l'1orl rDC~ Coun t ':.J b~-:J t hf=~ s.u c C€O' '0;; S f u 1 r. i ddsl"
and withIn forty-five (45) calendar days after the bill has been
!il'i.l.l,'d 1,) tl!c:~ ~:'.uccc~<.::sful P,iddc'l". Th:i.!;: \1Ji:\l"1"2\nt~:J pOl"tion of the
Pi':';' :" cnr'nl<".HI eE' ,F:.nn d ~;;h<::\ 11 a 1 <';;0 bf:1 gu<~;\\" an tf'2<:: d hH the <::jU re t'J compa ny,
1"U11i<::h ,::IID.ll bE~ rE~~~ponsiblE~ to fLlll~J l"eimbur~:;e Mony'oe COoLlonty uJithin
fJr.t'J fi"If:~' ("~I~)> c.:'\lc"flcl.:;~r da'Js in the E:!vent that th(2 successful Biddey'
;i'c'T,.\ull' undC'i" tl",E' tE'l"ITi::; of this uJarl",,,mty.
Warr0nt~ sh011 begin at acceptance of the manufactured apparatus by
!"If") fl" . UF' CCIl..\ n'1." Un
rhi' Cuntl"il\ctOY' S",h;;:\ll be liablE' to thE~ Pu\"chc:\sE2r for supply of
informatIon and material necessary for mandatory
r'?visIons/modifications as determined by the manufacturer at no cost
to the Purchaser for a minimum of five (5) years from date ~f
equipment acceptance.
ThE! dured'iun of the warranty period shall be stated by the Bidder
with hIS bid response and shall be at least:
,.:.. ~-.-J E-~ 1:;) lr, :;:;
General warranty on all work performed and on all
components built or installed by manufacturer,
pc\l"ts and labor.
,+ :.:;) C'2i:":\ Y' ':c.
Extended warranty for engine and transmission.
1:::, ~J (.:.::, t~':\ y~ '::':.
Rust and corrosion w/rustproofing required.
:I'J '" c' ,(, f::' ~':':\ rn~'_-,~ J") L~ f (;':' C t: L\ ~..\ ':::~r c; f f E~r~; a n ~ t ~:.J pe Cl f e }.: t E~n ded l.lJc:\ 1" ran t y pr C)g r ('J.rn,
then the Bidder is required not only to research and advise the
FiIJ1"cll'J':::.I::;1' uf !:,LICl, E~ pl^O(]y'arn but to also l"f.~f"lect the price.
tJl\I 1::J:LLtd:~~:!. bLLQ. l~l.Q F~ h t1 f'. ~~ s ~ill:"
All e0uirment furnished shall be guaranteed to be new and of current
rT'E:UHJ.f.:te:t"l.P"':?, mC'f-::?t <-1.11 'requiremf.:?nts of this specification, and be in
'.,n CJI.iCCil':::d)]c' condition at thE' time of delivf2r~J.
All P0rts shall be of high quality workmanship, shall be in
Pt"uc:IU.c-llun <':Ii: thE! timE? of bid~ ,:Hld no par't or attachment shall bf2
substituted or applied contrary to the Manufacturer's recommendations
,.....11 cI c;;I'. i:', n eli:"! Y" d PI" a c:: t :i. c:es.
PN:iF r;
All workmanship shall be of high quality and performed in a
professional manner so as to ensure a safe and functional apparatus
wi~h an aesthetic appearance.
TI~;..tjt:LIjAI.;... .IJ.~IJ:DJmA T) ON..Ls..X CE1~I I OtJf:J..
Bidder shall furnish free of charge with his bld, technical
Information, graphs, charts, photographs, engineering diagrams,
Instruction books, or other means to show that the equipment beIng
bId fully complies with this specification. In the event the
published literature furnished by the Bidder is at variance with the
r'(;:'C!l)li"enH::~nts of cH\~j item of this specification, the Bidder shall
8xplain in detail, with full engineering support data, the reasons
u,h~J thL' Pr'npo~:ied pquipITj(r~nt: will mc-:~et this ~;pf:.'cific:ation and not bE'
considered an exception thereof.
}.J.:lUIEJLr;~J.Q.r~.6J;; M.6N1L6l"ELD R.f\WJ;.. NGS '. 2.rl-lEl'l,60 T I CEJ.
TI"I' fullultJlnq ';iEdE'i of manuals shall bEe! Pl"ovided:
T'ol' (:::::) opc:i"'O:\t:iClnal mc:-\nu,3.ls fDl" the new chassis.
T!IIU (:2) ':::r:,t'.;. uf IlJil"in';.:,! d:i.c:\'Jram<:o Dnd ~5c:h\?mDti.cs <:;;hDwing all
,ll'if! i f i ( I.' i U 11 ':::1 n cI 1" L'V i ~:::. i CHI!:" t: D t h ('? 0 \" i IJ i n a I E' I E~ c: t (' i c a 1 ~:; ~J s; t L~ ITI .
Wiriny diagrams and schematics shall detail the electrical system 3S
:i. t p ;: :i '::: t. ';;i ,,,:If t c r' c Cl m pie t i Cl n 0 f <'\ 1 1 \l! 0 r' k ~.:; p e c i fie din t his doc u men t .
T'lJU (':;:') ~;c.:t:~; Clf CJPr,?l^at:iurlc:\l IT'.:lnu",ils and/Dl^ ~;chelTiatic:s cC'vel^ing ni2lLi
C::C!rIIF)C)rH2nt~::: i::nici/CH' f..?quipmf.~nt installed on vehicle.
T...!/\i>!UPSIUIh..LI.I).N. ID. t1-".\t~Uf..b'<;;.I.VB~r{'_~;. .eb_~_G..~ ~~~E :!2Y...ti.1.~L:;'~.~.t~
l' ~hall be thu sole respunsiblity of the bidder to provide
tl'onspurtation of the existing ambulance to the place where the work
as specified will be performed.
1:..!...I..:LtI.N~::!. 5;Jjf~h..~2J..li IB A ..!J..E '- I I\l
Upon completiun of the remounted ambulance, title to the 1980 Ford
C1.lt',':}--/J.k<.I::J cab <:;\nd c:ha~;~;is will be tl^"lnsferrE~c:1 to the biddE?l" ",uld wil,;
i:.J i:'~ ClTn ":: i e1f;l" C~ cl c:\ sat r a de- in.
DEL. T ',,It: H'/
All Bidd0rs shall provide as part of their bid proposal a milestone
c:1',,)!'(: :i.dr:!l'I:i.f~-Jing the major' proje.'cted date,~ fTOITI the initi""l step
'I.hr--eJu(.:JI-1 c1E,:'l:i.~./eY"~ c......ncl acceptance" A df:?li\/E:'r'~ 5chE?dule shall be
..J '.:)1 Clt J ':..1 "'.'J (' F'!c:!d to b~2 tw(;?en t hE? Pur' chaser ~\ n ci Manu f a c turr::?r .
['/ICit: 1 (Z)
~:jllLF rh::<livf:'~l~~ PY'Clpos€.ds; b~ the :Bidders will liJE'icjh heavil~ Hl thE~
determination of award of bid, the delivery schedules that are
c;Ul>fl!lttc:-:>c1 b\J the :Bidders and agreed upon by the COLlnt~ shall
"utulT'i,;d,ic::"dl~J become binding upon the succ€o'ssful Bidder.
fll':' E0~ci.~:;tinq ambulancE" wi 11 not rJE? t€.~ken out of service and y'eleasecl
t.t:' 111(-.: Cunt)"i,:\ct'or fen'" tr"Hlspcwtlnq to hi::.~ place of bU51nes<:.:; unti 1 thE'
i!.','l.Jl c: h d':;'::; :i, ':::. h EI:::; tH:::'en re ce i 'led ,::11: s.;C\mE'. On C:E~ the 12;'; is t i ng 'IE' hi c: 1 e h a ~::;
J.,"::'I;'I " F' , F'i\ ':.I::! di.:' Cl t h E~ Con t 1~ .:.~. c: t or, df? 1 i 'IE?)" 1.:1 0 f thE',' CDITlP I 12 ted VE:"h i c 1 e
':. h ,.1.1 In u t c: ',; '.::eEl d 1'01" t ~J"-'f I "Ie (i+~"i) ca 1 en cia)~ days ma ;.: i mum. Due to
valuable uperation of vehIcle and to eliminate extensive "down-tlme",
'I.' h F:" l..t! i I I) L' Ui2.. ~:..6q~,.e:I:.L<;)..!::-g~J. tot hi,,; Y' e qui r t:' m Em t "
o ! 1St uf dIscrepancies for correction will be provided to the
1i1::\flufaLt:')Y€?i' bu t'10nl~(jE.' County within thil~t~-:J (310) liJorking da~.js of thE'
delivery of the apparatus. Acceptance of this list b~ the
M0nufacturer shall be a guarantee of correction within 30 da~s.
Pre-delivery service shall include the following:
A. Complete lubrication.
B. Filling crankcase with oil.
I,,,,. !\d,.iLE,I:mr..mt of engine to p)"ope)~ operating condition.'
D" Infl,;:ltE' ti)"es to propf:-:?I" preS.SUi"e.
~ Ensure perfect operation of all mechanical and electrical
f .i ,: t L\ I' C:' ':, "
F. Fl'Drll c:'lld Ell ignmE~nt 0.nci tuhE'E"!} balancing.
Ci. CI,E'C! ('UI" IE"?aks; of any k:i.nd.
(\GS: I.~Y.J..6,IJ(I.:.. 0.N!?. E..!;~m:=:g..B..t1..A.J:!..(~, E fJEJ.::U.o l?
The unit shall be delivered with a full compliment of equipment as
SPPC' fleel. Payment will not be made if any equipment is back-
Ui" c1c0't"i'?cI.
~flpr the delivery of the apparatus, if the unit cannot be accepted
because of malfunction within a thirty (3m) day period after the
."',PP::.\y,,':\t:'...i<::; hE\'.~, been delivf.0rf1d, tt'le Contractor may be deelTled in default
f C) ;'" 1 h F. U n :I. L .
Th Blddcr shall be responsible if the completed vehicle leans to
eIther SIde; rIght or left. It will be the responsibility of the
I',iold,::''t'' fcn' Et pC'l"iod of one (1) ~ear to COrrE)ct such a problem at his
c: ~< f j (:! n ;:::. E~'~ "
Ii. T n ':::i I. } ,t.>.FU\ r If' V
".... ._.-.~..... ....... ...-......._.....
All bids shall be accompanied by a Surety Bond in the amount of five
per cent (5%) of the total bid price, payable to the Monroe Count~
Board of County Commissioners and conditioned upon the successful
Bidder submitting the specified Performance Bend within ten (10) days
following notice of award, in the ferm and manner required by the
Cuunty" In case of failure or refusal to do SD within the time
'::.: t ,.'.1. tC'Lit he' ~:::,Ul"E'tLJ '::;ubm it tf?d ll/:i. t h the bid ILli 11 be forfeited as
.I i qui ,:IE, I." C' d d;::\n'I<;\CJf'~~;' be cau se 0 f ~5U C h fa i lure or def au 1 t . Bid SJua't" <3, n tee
wi] 1 be returned after the contract awarding to all except the
'::ICc.c""o,hd Bic:lch;))" .:.,nd his will be 1"'eturned after the Contrr3.ct 1S
c::; c: eLl. t L' <.:l"
. __...... _'U ....,.............W"...............,.'.. ,............ .... M.._..'..~_...u.n....._._........_ ....,....._"...__..
The Contractor to whom the award is made shall execute and deliver to
the County a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of
+, [1[' hi d P1" ice.
The Bond shall provide for a 100% guarantee that the manufacturer
delIvers all apparatus and equipment to the specifications, special
condltionsj general conditions and instructions to Bidders. The Bond
shall also guarantee compliance and performance with the warranty
I"i" c' \/ 1 ',:: :i, (] n :,; "
Ii,:,,!: e" :
TI'lc~ bonds required ,;:lbovo s'ih,,:\ll be issued by companiC!5
authori:od to do business under the laws of the State of
Flor'ida with the following qualifications 2S to management and
Financial strength:
The company shall have a goneral policyholders rating no less
I,: h ,:',\'1 "A" d n cI t hf2 amoLln t of l"f2QU i l~f:.'rj bon d sh,:;l.11 not e;< c::ef::d 5%
0f tho reported policyholders surplus as reported in the
til,::1 i?dition o'f BE~st'~:; f<(;:~I::J Fldti.n(] Ciuicli;;:, publi'c-:;hE:,:d b~j
(,I {,(, ( I! "'I. 1'<::.: ("" t C [) 1'1'1 P i::1.T1 ~J ., I n c:: .
!"l;:J t." (.:
"'>,!"I,DIIIE:'IJS"':in,.,F,,:\ct luho ,:,;iSJll SUl"c'tlj bend,; IT,U'i;t file.! luith it a
certified copy of their Power of Attorney to sign surety
tJ fi c:l ~::~ ..
t,l:J hunel> ':,hi,d 1 e>(tend tllJO (2) Yf.::ars past date of acceptanci:.
I ~"I r:ULIII.::,' J.(;f.\.J),9N (\t:! D. I "l.~; ll.I'!.t\N C E:
fh Contractor shall indemnify and save the County harmless from any
i,in d 0.111 c:: 1 a i lTIo;, 1 i ab i I i ty, I asses, iand causes of act ion,:;; wh j ch ITiE;\Y
,iYl(::;t'? Dut of the fulfillment of this agrt~E~rTtent. The Contractor shall
pa~ all claims and losses of any nature whatever in connection
therewith, and shall defend all suits, in the name of the County when
i:,.,pp1ici",hl::,', a,nd ~,;hall pay <:111 cos;ts and jud(]ernents which rnay en:::;ue
I: h(' r L:,,':Of' t \,.'("
L>'L".f'rJI,L') (ill!) EI2Y,t..L,I.!f~,,$,
The Biddc::rj wi.thout exception, shall indemnify and save harmless, the
P'Ji"ch ""i'i" ,Ine! it!::; f":mplCl~jE?p,-:; fl"OrTt liability of any nautr'f.~ Dl^ kind,
':lclud:i,n"J C,O(:::,t a,ncl p>(pen(5eS for' or' on "H.::count of c\n~:J COP~;Jl"icJhtr:>c:l~
r:,'l.tE'nl::F:c1 Di" unpatE:'nti::2d inV0?ntiunj prC1CE'~SS or C;\'I^ticle Ol^ iTIc\J":uf.,'\cture
( ; I' ! I ': C' d J n +: " f.:~ P E~ I"~ f u )" 1'1'1 i" n c: e 0 f t h C' c: 0 nh' .::\ r: t, i n c 1 u din q i t: ~i; I.E,; C' h ',.J t h C'
F'I,li"ch ':'":'1",, If t:hf:~ Bidd€~r Llse~;:; ,;'::\l'i'::.:J dE)c;:,i.gn, device or rnater'ial':;
CU/i'IC'd h~"J lct'l:E'Y's::, pc.\tf2nt'l CJl~ copyright, it is IT!utLlall~'J t:\()recc1 c'lnd
I.' n ' : c')" t ':lij " UJ i. t h C) u t. c::-: c: c' p t :i. (J nth a. t t h Q bid P'I^ i C E"i5 ~~ h all :i, n c: I Ll d i.::~ c,\ 1 1
Y',,:,i;::d.i t',.::,:, [n' C::CI'=it c....r'isin(J fr'olTl thE' USE' of s;,uch de<:;;irJn, device Q)^
n,::"l,c:.y'ii)lc:; In ;',,:pu tlji::\~J invcllvE:,d in the llJD1^k.
PAGE 1:;;::
L: .I...! l\JJPf.\TE.lt :ilt\t:lll~~I:'.~;t
If the Contractor fails to deliver the equipment or perform the
services within the time specified, it is understood and the
contractor hereb~ agrees that the amount of $50.00 per calendar
day may be deducted from the monies due the contractor for each
intervening calendar day any work remains incomplete, not as a
penalty, but as liquidated damages. The Contractor shall not be
liable if performance failure arises out of causes beyond the control
and without the fault of negligence of the Contractor (acts of God,
UJ -::\1' ~ f:i (' e", ~ f I Cl 0 d s; , f rei 9 h t em b a }'. <] 0 e 5 , e t c.) The s tar' t 0 f I i qui d C:~ t: e d
damages will be based on the delivery schedule agreed to by both
Should a performance failure occur, it will be the responsibility of
t IiI) Cun t )",,1.<: t or' to no t i fy t he EITlet"~.lf2n cy Sel^V i CE?S D i y'ector in wr it i ng
and submit proof of the circumstances for non-performance.
IRlmediately following the resolution of circumstances responsible for
nun "per fUl"flJL\n eE' ~ t hf'3 Con trC':\c:toy" must l^e'-'negot i ate de I i very schedu Ie"
r.;.!i.~'.'.(:i.B!!j.t:t. ~!(\.U/\lj.t:;H.
The successful Bidder shall designate a competent individual
2ccpIJtable to the Purchaser to perform the Contractor's program
rll(':Irli\J(:'nlf~nt fLlnc:tion, Thc.~ F))"oq)"C:\m !'1anagE?r she",ll providE~ a sin~Jle
pOInt interface between the Purchaser and the Contractor on all
matter~ concerning the contract.
'rllf' Py"uq)" ,::, ill t"Ic.~nc:-\gE:)r' ~:;hall present a wt"i tten ITIClnthly status l"epCJrt to
the Purchaser on the progress of the fabrication, delivery schedules
and all existing and potential problems.
L:J!:.'iEq.~i/:,d,cLi. .IH BfJ) L.. '1- TO 9.[:.1::: C IJ::l(,: AIl <) Ii
Any exceptions to the specifications must be itemized. Details
concerning the exceptions must be clearly explained. Each exception
will be considered by the Purchaser as to degree of impact and total
effect on their bid. Proposal shall be arranged so that rapid intra-
reference between specification and proposal can be accomplished by
tho Purchaser, by similar paragraph assignment. If specification
sheets are referenced, they shall be included as a part of the
!'!o+hinq c:cmtC':d.ned in the specifications shall be construed as
(JF~i:" t i nq i:Hl~.J con tractual re I at i onsh i p betLlleen an~..J Sub-Con tractor an d
thE' Pt.I.}" c: h i:':\ ~;E.'r "
fhe Contractor shall be full~ responsible to the Purchaser for the
0C~S. omISSIons and discrepancies of the Sub-ContractorCs).
"AC/C 1 J
f(.i.l:l. ILI !\I3..J .If !dJ.I.H. L.0.!i12.
The Bidder is presumed to be familiar with all federal, state and
local laws, ordinances, code rules, and regulations that may in any
way affect the work. Ignorance on the part of the Bidder shall in no
way relieve hIm from responsibility.
e..'3f:. l:,b~(>'J:3.L~ r.I.,,!jgJ.EH~61J O.tl
In the event a clarification is requested on the contents of this
'iPC!Clfi.ctd..iun, thE) qUf:?stions ~:;hc:,ll be addln(;:~ssed in writing to:
James R. Paros, Director
Monroe County Emergency Services
3131 Overseas Highway
Marathon, Florida 3]050
Clarificatiuns or corrections to the specifications shall not be
valid unless they are in written form and signed by the Emergency
Services Director or the purchasing agent. When a Bidder requests
cLur.ifical:ion, a copy of the request and Monroe County"s reply will
he? fUf'll);,n"c1!:?cl to all Biddf:?rs.
fi H F.::~~.CQI~JrUPV~IIq.N~~_<2t'-E!if:g:.!',l CE:
Tho Contractor shall be required prior to manufacturing to have a
Pre-Construction Conference at the site of his choosing with Monroe
County Emergency Services to finalize all the construction details.
I f th(~ '.""':\T1u.f<'.H:tul"el" r€.:~ql.lir€-?s the conference to be held at a location
oth2r than Monroe County, the Contractor shall, at his expense,
~rovide transportation, lodging, meals, etc. for two (2) people
designated by Monroe County.
r'.J.J31:!:~nt.~I.{\rIG.r;.:.. ]TL~I t!tm BE CHLL8 E I1ENT
The vehicle, at the time of delivery, shall conform to the
r.C'''I.'J.i.''.c~'r'L\.nt<:; of hl.<fO(--A".-182:2A, a~.:; "-~ minimum.
The 0mbl~12nce shall conform to all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Star,darrls that apply to automotive ambulances, State of Florida
Regl~lations, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
~:;t.::l.ilC!ly,J:::; thE:\t applif2s to the ,,-'PP:3ratus and tt-Ie au>:iliary equipment
and/or related medical and/or fire fighting equipment that are
f U .( fl i ." I. I C' cI ..
~)E,{\.t". r".ul~.r;I;::I'n:r.~I.I. 01'1
The County may require some of the Bidders who are reasonably in
contention to make an oral presentation prior to the award so the
Ccn.Hit',.) Ci::\1HiL..t mi=;inter'pr€'~t an~j part of their proposal. Said meeting
shall be two weeks after the bids are opened. The presentation shall
be In Monroe County, Florida. (Time and place to be announced at a
li.;..t("!y' ddt.E~.)
PAGE 1'+
All Bidders must have licenses as required b~ Florida State law and
be prepared to submit copies of them upon request.
L~2_ '~Jf\l:::l1LL__t~i~JJ1!31::: I~.
I~c Purchaser shall have the right to make unscheduled on-site visits
rj,_-,_, n'J the' IT!.:Hiu'fc-).ctur':j.ll'~J of thE? unit to ~;pot chC?ck consb"uction
.:.,'i:'!.it'.ITI-,,':? cCJ<;,t of the:::,f' vi~;>it:::, lUllI bf::) inc:ul"rnd b~.~ MonroE~ Count,,-)..
Iii':.' }i,idclc:?y' ':;ho:,]l, ,:).t his E~:-:perE;F!, p!"ovide tl^ansportation, lodging i",ncl
n,"':'.I<: fr:i(h.Uc) <2) people dE?sif,HlatE:.'d b!:..) Morn~oe Countu to tr.:,vf21 tCI the
p] C'.! e:I" n,i.-.rn.d:dc'l:l...\lr.c? for c., pre"'-acc:eptancf.:? insPt:?ctio:1. This in'sPE'ction
u.,ill b ::dtC'i completion of tht:? wO'r"k as spt?cifi('!d ancj beforE' the'
bidder delivers the completed unit to Monroe County. Delivery of the
ur,1 t. bi).c:k I..'u Mun'r"oe County is thE! rf:?s;pcms;iblitkl of the Bidder-: fin-31
3CLoptance shall be in Monroe County"
fY)JLl.Q. E:.BE~!;.ll)EtJL( ll'lrERr-:'E~ENCE ~lVPPRE_9S I ON
E~::le{:.:tl'~J.ca.l CC)ITlr)Oflents, electronic eQllipment and devices used and
.i II", [, 1 J '::' cI () n \: Ii e \1 e hie 1 e :i. n ad cj j, t i. D n t: II ,3 1 1 !s U b'- 5 '-'J 5 t ems, c h .-:;{ s s, is,
1)).\(111.1'1':1 ".:;I.J"..;tf:'m~,;? etc. shall be elE~c:trolTiagnt?tic r3diation suppressed,
filtered) or shielded to prevent interference to radio and telemetr~
i"lll.li)!iICTlt i)bo"n-'d thE' vehicl.c-? and suy'roundinq '::\l"C:~"~,, Tht:.~ RFI of the:'
comr1leted vehicle shall. not exceed the maximum limits 1n SAEJ551.
Pl\6E .1. '5
(.:i.I.....I.i.I:.~...13f\.L.. f:U.)r;::.~:.IE'.I.~B.J..I.9N.~
(..:.,Q'I.:ir.J.ctnl" ::':.hc)ll rf':.'ITlove thE: e!.:isting T~PE! III E.V.F. all aluminum
b0dy from the existing chassis and shall mount same on a new Ford
cut...e:......Wc'\."J ,,)::::. specifiE~d in the chassis section elf these
':" !'CC if i C<"'\. t. ions"
(;':y[~...~..(.;J:.I.(-~~:;.~LL~:}. i~eG.~.Ul<; A I.J.l2.t~ f:~.
lhc ambulance to be delivered under this contract shall be standard
commercial products tested and certified, to meet or exceed the
l"',.:.:c\ili\~.;;~mc!nl:s: of this s;pecificr7ltion. Thf,;> .:.~lTibulance shall COmpll;j with
all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and Federal
1'."'J'Jl.3tlCJn!... i:~pplic<",ble or' ,,~peclfied for thE: year of manut'acture.
ThE' h;.:;11oIU1nc:j 15 c:\ list c.1f dE?r.;il"f?d equipITIEmt and ,;'~ccessor:i.es blJ the
I'rt".. ch .:.\'::('1'. t hi.~ t ar'e to be SLlPP 1 i E:d b!:.J the chass i. '5 manu factul~E:~r (F'or d
r'!utOl' CurrIPi.~n~.:I)"
fhF' PUf'cha:::iE!I"Si intent is for the Contractor to use this list of
eYltipment and acces'5ories as a guide when ordering the 'Ford E-350
rut-a-way cab and chassis from Ford Motor Company.
Ti,e..' PLI.(ch,_.,!,f:~.I~ UndE!l~<:.;tands thi:\t Ford r1CJtol~ Compan~.J malJ only offf,?l" ,,:,\
:l inlitc.rl':.UIIUI.Hit of thi~; eqUipITlt?nt. At thE:? ti.me elf purchasE~, the
Cuni..l"dctur i~:; +0 nutif!J t"lonro!:? Cnt,tnty of :1n~:.:I major deviation fl^Om
L!ll'::.l.i'ot" If this list i~:; not CfJITiPlete, the Contractor is
Y"':.H;pcjn~::.ihlc.~ fm'. a c:omplett:.~ set of ac:c:essol^ies that are crit~cal 6:-\nd
vital for the fabrication of a complete functioning rescue vehicle.
:'1 ".TU.1 t.c.\.c;:.LUt:..€} qP....tJ:..9.r1,?. !::.~f.::~..t
86 rUld E.350 cut-a-way chassis ambulance package with comfort ridc
:I VI ,?S r,-1 C\)VJ H
:' ~ :1" I.U h (:' '.::' J b ,.:, <:; F:'
.1 1 1 .\ (. ," c:I :i. c' ~.: pIc' n 9 1 Ii e
? ch~ume houd vents
i\,\lurn,.:\t I c: tr'i::\ns::mir,;s:i.on, heav!;J duty
Po UJ ':~ " '.::; t (:~ E' i~ :i. n S:J
Power brakes, dual hlJdraulic front discs - rear drum and cable
operated emergenClJ parking brake
Factory A/C w/cooling package and H.D. radiator (largest applicable)
Dual exhaust package
Dual heavy-duty batteries, deep cycle, 630 CCA (minimum)
P ,:'\ 1,3 r,~ 1 t.1
Ul'Jita.l cluck
Dc:.liJ>:Q t1':L1TI PiH.:kage, XL trim, rubbc~r or vinyl floor covering shall be
used in cab instead of carpeting
C,::>.tJ t.(':i n!::
t,::\n vinyl
E'".I. c!. L,' t,' C.('.1,.., t: '.:; fur dr':i vc::!r an c:I p\7~~;!5E?n(.:J (;:!r
Sp beltsl both lap and shoulder for driver and passenger
r'I.li"UITlC' fr'Dnt blwlPel~
Exterior mirrors to be Jr. West Coast style with bright finish, and
Grote 28033 bolt-on 5" convex wide angle mirrors with bright finish
Interior rearVlew mirror shall be 12 inch day/night mirror
c ;.~ l...1, (:.:1 E' '", :
Voltmeter (showing total voltage)
{\ IT"l' c..,t () ir. (";' c;) ~~ "UII P S-i h L\ n t t u P f:.~ )
I. '.c:1 Ii P !-::{" ;:.... t Lt .(. (,)
o .i. 1 1:;I~e<:;;'':;Ltl~f:.~
FUL'I le"./E:I
r:: f. .:A i Ii Q j', 01...1.)" ITIE: t: E?r
1:::'II.,;ll:.:~ni':;,} clue:\l, c:apacit~d 40 gallons with solenoid self?ctor su.litch .-
f c:.ur~:I in':;t:J.lled onl!:;!. Fuel ~:i:\nks '\:0 bf.? shiE?ld0?d.
4,200 lb. capacity front axle, Ford Twin I-Beam
HI";OIV'J cJl...I!...~,J f1"'ont :,,,pl"irlqs llJith fl"ont !:;tc:~bil:i2r~r bar"
i'lc"::\V':J ciulu ,,:;ho(.k ab<";oy'lJE'l"S front and r€'?"H'
l/:,VJE) 1 h.,,; " Y' f? ,;~ Y' <.'l.:-: J F1 h 0?i3 Vl.:.i e1u t !J
0,..1,,:, .I UJ ". dE' t r e:i c: k {' E:c:\r 2:\ >~ 1 e
H('; : '," .,;\ ~ I L: '(. <\ t. j 0 ..... 4 .. 1 0 to 1
H0clVY duty rear springs, 3600 Ibs. capacit!J each side, rear
':. t ,I b ], J i ;.: r;" 1" b a 1" ..
l,li,(~0?.l~;: 16..~:1 >: 6..0,8 hole
r .l(c:':;:
10 ply steel belted radials, Michelen
C;p,'\"I'[, t:'jr"f', ITICluntE:H1 Cln lIIhE:~(;?1 and tirE.? chanqing toc)ls - <:,hip lOOSE?
Page 17
F0ctory dual horns
Transmission oil cooler, heav~ duty, additional unit, per
Engine oil cooler, heavy duty, additional unit
Intermittant windshield wirers
Tilt steering wheel
'TiritE:cl \iJinclows:;
DO'TfE~ I :i. q h t
External sound package (regulated by law)
AM/FM radlO with concealed mounted speakers
Federal CL-70 flex light to be installed on dashboard, in a I
cUflveniE:nt location, of vehicle cab. This light to be installed by
B :i. ddE~r'..
p. i dele'r' <,!',J.II h"IVe re,,:\r suspen~:;;ion increased to 11, 5(2l(2l
The following paragraphs are requirements the chassis must compl~
with. They refer to specific sections of KKK-A-1822A and it is UP to
the responding Bidder to confirm that the vehicle he is bidding meets
these requirements. Should the delivered vehicle not comply with
I:hc<::;c ~:;pecific:ations, it ,\!!ill. !J.9.i be accE?pted.
Par".:1q ," .::' ph
3., b.. 1
.'j.. l').. :3
:3.. 6. J.. If
:3 II {j" it>
J.. b.. i,..:o:;
:3..6./1..~:)" 1.
~."3. ()" ~)
Ch ass i s-.frame
Vehicle lubrication
Power unit, engine
D i e~;f? 1 E!T'lg i ne
Power unit components
(hI filtE?r
Ai lr. f i 1 t er
Air pollution control
Fu€~l system
Cooling system
E~~haust system
DrivE~ train
Drive train components
Automatic transmisslon
Ikive-l ine
A;de, rating, ratio's
Brake system, service and
~3uf::;PEmsion - heavy duty
E:'~cept ion
-. - '::iT'--
-- -.. -f5t:- -
P""ge 1. 8
:3 I' tJ. 1.:2
Spring stops --0-
~3h(Jc:k absorbers -.. heavy duty '--7-
Steering _-=~~~_=
lfJheE'ls -_Y..../---
T:l l~E~S !{-/-
t:~p,::I~e ~ i Y'~~ ,~storage ... . ==~=
~heL.l .. t Leba I an C.1 ng........-vs-
~.c)Cl.l (t]. re chang:L ng ) ....--7..-
llectrlcal system and components_____
3.. b. 'j. :l:l
~3 . t.:; II l)
:'.':~ II t:,. ~?
3. b. 1 f.?)
3. ('.. 13
"'X ..."
....)" (
5;.tJ~\b!~.~:.:~(:).YJ~Ji 2.f.:J:~.C T.. F L C A_TI2.~..
F~PITIUV(=~ thF~ ITlodultH' bud\.:l fy'om thE! old 198(2) chass:L<:'; and install on the
new Ford chassis.
The used body shall be securely mounted to the new chassis frame in
t:hE' <;,;,,:l.fll(! IfldlH1Pi" the chassis cab i!:;; mounted tCi the frame, usi ng Ford
tv10tCii' CCHTII:l,:Ull..J y"ound rubber donuts as spacers between the two frames.
The modular body will remain capable of being transferred and shall
nul hi? PF!(ITli:\\"lf."ntly attached.
11 ni\C(\:::>''':;i.\i''~::), lH::!UJ 3/8" :.: 3" aluminum mounting rai Is shall bf2 wc~ldf.?d
on to accomodate attachment to the new chassis. Welding shall be
hel.i.,,\,,'c u<';;:lnq an inert argon ga!5.
Attachment shall contain a minimum of (12) case hardened 5/8" grade 8
blJlts. There shall also be an insulating layer of anti-squ~ak rubber
between the mounting plates and the chassis frame.
t~l~}P J,. F li~J.1..9..[\I~
If necessary, the modular body undercarriage and wheel housings shall
be modified to adapt to new model year chassis. The contractor shall
maintain a 3" clearance front and rear of the wheel.
New \dualJ recessed gas fills shall be installed on the streetside of
the body uver the rear wheels. Final installation shall meet
E';.:i.'";tlnq r'E'dc0\"ill \VI 0 tOY' Vehicle SC:1fety StcHldal"ds.
1\1i,"LI:.uckc.l. to plunger l~E~ar dODI" hold open devices:, shall be inst,::dled.
Plungers shall be constructed of delrin plastic for longer life.
If necessary, rear body compartments shall be modified to maintain
pj"U~':;f:'!. ';opl"inq ~:;hackle cl(":'arance. In addition, the bidder shall be
responsible for all modifications on the body to complete a
successful change-over.
Tho rear bumper on the vehicle shall be modified and installed on the
nc-!\!, chc':\~~:;~:;:i.s.. It ~:;hall be rec.overed with polished lIengine tread
bright" aluminum diamond plate.
Page 1 Ci
_~.__..._~'.. ..__...___..___.______."',..~__..,__.......__.__..._~.ft.,.,_'.
All weather stripping around
compartment will be replaced
compartments to be replaced.
exhaust fan will be replaced.
necessary so that it will not
rear doors and side door to patient
and all weather stripping around
Weather stripping around vent ducts and
The exhaust fan shall be modified as
leak during inclement weather.
New cab running boards shall be installed on the cab. The cab
running boards shall be constructed of .125" thick aluminum diamond
plate. They shall start at the front cab wheel where a built-in
splash shield is incorporated and shall flare back to meet the body
to form a cab entrance step. The running board edge shall have a
1-1/2" downward break to meet the rub rails with a 1" inward return
for strength. The running boards shall be supported back to the
chassis frame and shall be capable of 400 pound test weight without
damage. The forward corners of the running boards shall have 3/8"
drIlled holes for drainage.
The exterior of the body and new chassis cab shall be repainted. All
e~:posed metal surfaces not being chrome plated or of aluminum diamond
plate shall be thoroughly sanded and cleaned in preparation for r
The total vehicle shall be painted with ultra high lustre Dupont
Imron polyurethane paint. Paint color shall be Frost White #817U
lmron. to match existing paint of body.
A new Omaha Orange #31UH Imron stripe shall be painted arou~d the
entire vehicle. as per KKK-A-1822A.
The exterior of the modular body has some body damage. The
Contractor is responsible for all repairs necessary to make the
rc-:'lllou.n-!.c-:'cj body apPf?ar 1 i ke new when completed.
The completed unit shall be relettered in accordance with owners
instructions. This shall include approximately 160 gold with black
trim block reflective letters. In addition, federal markings and
lettering shall be installed in accordance with KKK-A-1822A.
.Thi' fmt:j.1".E~ undersidE~ of thE' l^emounted vehicle, including all the
under structure metal work, chassis frame and components and
ljnderside of the cab, shall be sprayed with Ziebart (or equal) black
automotive undercoating. This will aid in preventing chassis rust
and will provide sound and vapor barrier to aluminum structure work.
In addition, the entire cab shall be treated with Ziebart (or equal)
ru~tproofing with 5 year written warranty against rust.
Pa~.~e 20
EIc::.L.(.~_LHI(;{',L. r;~LLlVJ...Bf t'IE ~'-I.~.
The Contractor shall perform the following electical requirements
with all labor and materials for complete functional operations of
all electrical equipment. In addition to those specifically stated
herein, the Contractor is to check and make any and all repairs
necessar~ for a completely functional electrical system, including
all electrIcal devices, equipment and accessories.
Reconnect rear body air conditioning and heat to new chassis.
Service and recharge the air conditioning system.
The vehIcle shall be equipped with a new Leece Neville #5S22AA 165
,Jnll)I::l'C: ,'..1.1 tF-l"n,,,\i:Clr. The Cha1"gin9 S!dst~?rrl mus;t b€~ C:,,3pable of producinq
"'Ii uutl!IJt in P>:CE!~::;S of 1'1l2l amperes at 2121l2l deSlr'E~E:'s Fahrenheit ambient
temperature with external regulation. To prevent the alternator from
f"::llinCI, dU.e to diode solder melt down, th(~ altprnatclr shall be
equipped with a Leece Neville #1111CA rectifier rated at 20 amps.
Thi unit shall be mounted away from the engine compartment for
(;:.:.1 if::l" in,;la.llation ,:;\rId E?).:tended diode life due to lower arnbien't,
t(:lnlpc:r'"t'I..\l'E-~"" {.; <::;uh'3titutf.? to th0.? Leece Neville rectifier is not
0cccf)table unless the Bidder submits a certified letter from Leece
Neville stating that the alternate will not void the alternator
(;.: ';';1, i" "(' ,:':\ ('I t: ~.::J II
(:'! nC:ltl clu..:;",\l (}~.30CCI\ deE:.~p cycle bc.-\tter~.~ s~stelTI shall be installed. Each
sy tem shall be capable of operating separatel~ or simultaneously, as
needorl. An M-714 CClle Hersee shall be used to switch or disconnect
pach 01' both batteries. A 200 amp shunt type color coded ammeter
s~:,I"i2]_] tJ2 ~I'lstalled OT) ttl8 driver's consoleN The Cole Hersee switch
,,:;lidl be: lur:,,~tE!d em th~:? left hand side of the drivE:?r's seat. The
t:)2't.t2l~]_eS5 shall be installed in the engine compartment.
Ihc:~ \lc-h:i.c::lc.? <::ih,,:dl b~? f?qu:lpped with a c'o 1 Oln coded voltmeter to monitOln
::".:::.,1.[::0'1', \/c:)lt,;~qE.'.. The voltmeter connection shall be direct to
c,1 .llfll n"l t C' l?n^OneOLlS; rf.,?ad:i n~,~s fl^OITI connect ion '10 1 tcH3e drops. Th i <:5
v,]ltmeter shall be mounted in the driver's console next to the
all"T,etE~i"'" It s;hall bE! back"'-li(3htE?c:1 with its brightness cont1nolled blj
t.!,E:' hUc\dl ic)ht i"heo<:5tat..
A diode isulatur device shall be furnished, which incorporates (low
,!cdL::\!.Jf' drup) "!:;)chottky" diodes. The di.odes ~5hall be mounted on a
suitable heatsink, capable of continuously carrying at least 125
PC!!'Lc:nt of thE:, frIa).::ilTlum c:hargin(=.! current to the vehicle batteries, ",\net
h",v'c:- EHl in'/el"se vC)lta<:'H~ l".::\ting of at least 45 volt~;;. The heatsink
shall be located in a protE?cted area and not exposed to the elements.
Rt2(:::(~)nT'le(_::t aJ.1 electrical connections, and install a new dashboard
lTiOU.n'ic:-c:l c:Dn~:;;ol€.? in thE? dr'ivet"s CDmpc":l.rtment to control all e:.:j.sting
c' I- ,: !.' (i c,:,\ 1 E'qU i pflH:?n t:.
P,::.-\ge ;;: j
lhi ':;; C:Dn~::c:.dQ sha.ll house new rocker slJ.d. tches wi th pi lot lights
con+rolling exterior emergency lights, flood lights, compartment
li0hts, etc. Switches shall be set in genuine stainless steel
F'.:'.'.!''::''::!.':;. Panel~, shall be r~?movf2able from the front for access to the
back of switches and connectors for easy replacement if necessary.
~;'l/11.(hl..":" ~)h<::i.l1 not be moun.ted dirE~ct:ly in.to da~;hboard.
A second stainless steel console shall be located on the left side
tll..:\11 i.rl Li,t." ITtoduli"l" C:OITI/::l;'.\l"trnent, It ~,hall contl"ol intel"icll" lightin(3,
\/(0ntiliil.'I.::i.un.) hE?i'..i.tinq, air conditionin<:'1' etc.
r,ll <::tj):il.:c:hL,,:;, indicator's and c:onty'ol devices supplied by the
manufacturer shall employ permanently engraved black labels with
whIte translucent writing. These shall be back-lit and shall be
activated when the master switch is "on". Only the switch identify-
ing writing shall be back-lit. "Pop-in" white labels with black
u.p^:i.ting tt,(:i.t Pl"'oduce glal"e \!!,ill n(Jt be substituted for the black one-
piece 12bels. Switch labels must be back-lit, NO EXCEPTIONS to this
1"<:::"Cju i r'fi::!Hient.
The siren shall be removed from the old chassis and installed 1n a
speCIally designed console. This console will attach onto the
interior engine cover and will be quickly detachable from same
without having to disconnect any wires. This console shall also
accomudate a mobile radio control head to be installed by Purchaser
::d: C'Y' vc'hic:lr0~ dl:?liv(:?r'I.j. The i::\ctual design of this console will be
determined at the pre-construction conference.
The existing flashing light system shall be removed and replaced with
the following emergency warning light system which shall have a
F' 'I 111.:::1. I":! . '::'..' con (ji:':\ r~.J fun c:t :i on. Th C~ P)~ i mi.:\ l^Y ITID dE~ s 1"1 a 11 convey the
ni':'::'::::")':'!"" "c:IE~ar thE' l"ight'-of--wc:\y" "'inti the secondaY'~:J mode shall conveu
the message "hazard - vehicle stopped on the right-of-way". The
st ndard system shall contain ten (1~) fixed red strobes and one (1)
fixed clear strobe. The standard warning liBhts shall not be
C",.....tl'l...\c.tc.d. Thf.:? fla~:;h p,::\ttc~l"n i!::; a,~ follclliJ<::;:
PRIMARY MODE: Front - grille lights and center clear lights flash
l'I'Jc:'t!'IE~)r" I..eft cHid l"ight front CCll^nerS of the module flash together,
188 degrees out of phase with the grille lights. Left and right rear
cc:';"nE~i""::: e,f thE~ modulE! flii:i.sh together at the same time as the grille
light, but lSm degrees out of phase with the front corners.
':;L(J)I'ID/~I;~Y 1'10])[:: <';rille lights and cEmtel" clear light are no longer
operatIng. Front corners and rear corners will continue to flash 180
degrees out of phase. A Whelen System 11 strobe pack is used to
balance the flash system. All strobe lights shall be Whelen "Maxi-
beam" type. The Bidder shall supply one extra Whelen module power
pack with unit to be spare. The System 11 strobe pack to be mounted
jn an extei"ior compartment, which will be determined at the pre-
cun<:;t'('uc:t iun confel"f:?nce.
P.;\\qe~ 2:2:
lhe existing Federal lightbar shall be removed from the ambulance.
The light bulbs will be removed and new 60 watt halogen bulbs shall
be Installed. New rubber seals shall be installed and new red lenses
shall be installed. A new dress pan shall be installed on the
i:,.mhul,:\ncc:' module. It sh.:~ll hold the Federal Twinsonic light bar and
air horns. Enough room will be left between the cab and dress pan to
install the white strobe light of the System 11. The Federal
clearance lights shall be moved so that they can be seen.
The existing air horn system shall be removed from the old chassis
anti installed on the new unit. The air horn trumpets shall be
mounted on the front light bar dress pan using the appropriate
bracket. Air horn shall not be wired through the master switch and
shall be activated by one (1) floor switch on the driver's side and
one (1) momentary contact switch in th~ driver's control console.
Install new connecting tubing and rebuild diaphrams in air harns.
The rear loading lights shall have halogen bulbs installed in them.
ld I dUD1" ji:\mb switches on the module body, for tl"le compartment a.f1d
module lights, shall be checked out and put in good working
The post spotlights shall be removed from the old chassis and
installed on the new unit.
A Federal CL70 map light shall be installed on the dash of the new
A new Unitrol #131 headlight flasher shall be installed. The flasher
assembly shall be located under the driver's seat in the cab or rear
eloctrical compartment.
TIH~ C!>:i'::,tinq ModE!l 9lZH21 strobes shc:-\ll be removed from the back of the
module and returned to the owner" There shall be two (2) Whelen
p~rmanent mount split dome Responder II lights mounted on dress pan
on the rear of the modular: red outer/clear inner. These lights will
be mounted as high as possible, but not above the roofline, and at
the extreme corners of the modular box. The grille strobe lights and
their power supply shall be removed from the existing chassis and
returned to the owner.
There shall be provided a Vanner 30-10 battery conditioner unit. The
unIt shall be connected to the dual 12 volt battery system. The
COTlditloner shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 10 amperes
charging current, at a charger voltage of 13.2 to 13.8 volts and
shall be capable of charging each battery separately or both
batteries simultaneously. The conditioner shall be permanently
mounted In the vehicle in a properly ventilated and accessible
locatIon, and wired to the 115 VAC utility power as specified. The
conditioner shall include an automatic cut-off that terminates
charging when the batteries are fully charged.
Page 23
A Vortec fully automatic throttle system with low voltage monitor
c;h,)ll l:il;:~ ln~:;.ti:~11E~d. When <::\ctiv-3ted, it she.,ll automaticall~J
deactivate when the brake is applied or when the transmission is
taken out of the park or neutral position. The throttle shall be
F'I"C:'",.E:,t '::.D th-:::I1:: whEm activated, it will operate the engine at the
appropriate RPM to sustain the vehicle's charging system under full
t.' 1 " Lt ( J L ;;\ .I J. 0 t:i cl "
When reinstalling the wiring, the rear 12 volt outlets shall be wired
direct to battery switch so that they are always charging even wlth
thE" CCJl(,~ I"'k~l-<:=,E'e ':;witch on the "off" position.
[.:.t..I...r~'E:.J..(!13. .Gr,)1.1.et:!.B.It!~~t:Lrg.
All exterior compartment doors shall be inspected and repaired as
n2eded to ensure proper functioning. Shelves and shelf brackets
shall be inspected and repaired as needed.
I..UTt.;~.E..I()J3 (6J}.1Nr~1J?. 6ND. .CQMPA81ttE[:.ITB.
All doors shall be inspected and repaired as needed to ensure proper
functioning. All shelves and shelf brackets shall be inspected and
repaired as needed.
Flooring in the patient compartment shall be removed and replaced
with the best hospital grade non-slip linoleum. Final selection
shall be approved by the Purchaser. Floor covering shall e~tend UP
the side walls three (3) inches for ease of cleaning, and be properly
I:klcked i:;\t '3nqles and covered with a corrosion resistant molding.
There shall be polished stainless steel plates installed on the floor
of the module where the wheels of the primary cot will rest.
t\I~~L. H~.)ftb 6!.:H:?. t:~lVJ:..PJjJ;NT pPECIFIED IN THE;. E'.9REGOI.NG. SHALL BE CONSlpERED
tY~~ .:'J~lAI)Jn.ttI(:.i.H~{ HQ8.b. 8.~Jl !;~Q!JI PMENT" ~
QJ:~j'.l.!;~u:!~;\L H~:}.r.J:.~ f.E1S! f~.::lhl i P'l'-f:"n t
~a' h item under this category shall be priced separately.
1. The Bidder shall construct an extended front bumper to
accomodate two (2) Federal Model CP100 Speakers. These
speakers will be connected to the existing siren. The
c';::i.~:;ting ~~p!:?<':\kers in the fl"ont light bar shall be
disconnected, however they will remain mounted in the light
bar. The actual design and materials to be used in the
c.cm~:;tr'L\ct ion of the e}:tended front bumper shall be
determined and finalized at the pre-construction conference.
P C'.\ ~3f,,~ 2l~
..:.. "
,._:1 "
1.1 "
~~:l ..
The Bidder shall install two (2) Whelen Model SA-45mB
speaker strobes on the front chrome bumper. These speakers
will be connected to the existing siren. The existing
speakers in the front light bar shall be disconnected,
however they will remain mounted in the light bar. The Mini
Max-Beam strobes of these speakers shall be connected to the
Systems 11 power supply; the Max-Beam strobe grille lights
specified within the "Mandatory Work and Equipment" section
of this specification shall be deleted.
The Bidder shall install one (1) Whelen "5" single red
strobe light head assembly flush mounted in each of the
front fenders. These lights shall be at least 36 inches
high and in front of the front tires. An appropriate power
supply shall be used to operate this lights.
The Bidder shall construct and install an additional
Interior cabinet mounted over the squadbench near the
Lf?illn(.:.1. 'rhi~; cabinet shall be the salTle length as thf:?
squadbench, practical height and depth to allow safe
l1tilization of the squadbench for persons seated uprIght;
,::'\Pl"(J>:iml::\t~?J.y EJ"-'12" H. and 12" D.rhis cabinet shall bE?
fInished with the same color mica finish as the interior
[,1,:.\ .!. I. ~:: llJ:i. t h v :i. ny] CUVl:~I" e cI pa ddE>(j bump€'-:!I"'::; on bo t tom cHI d E:n cis
lo protect the people on the squadbench from head injury.
fhere shall be no partitions in this cabinet so that it can
1,,:- ut i 1 i Zf:?d to s:;tot"e long'-boal"d and tract ion spl ints. TherE~
shall be two (2) sliding shatterproof plexiglass doors set
in felt lined metal tracts installed in this cabinet. The
vinyl padding and plexiglass doors shall match the existing
interior color scheme.
Exterior Compartment "A" shall be modifed and configured tu
provide for inside access to the compartment. The oxygen
cylinder and the air bottle for the air horns shall be in
the forwardmost portion of the compartment and the shelves
shall be in the portion closest to the side door of the
modular box. This compartment shall have both inside and
outside access to the portion containing the shelves. The
1.1",\11 of this compartmEmt facing the reiar of the module i<:.i to
have a full height, full width, hinged, wooden door. This
door shall be covered with mica matching the interior walls
of the module. The door shall have a latching mechanism or
mechanisms sufficient to securely keep the door closed and
prevent it from rattling while in transit. A plexiglass
clotH' ~:;hi::ll1 bE? install(~d on thf.? sidf:? of this CClITIPC:ll"tlTlf-,!nt
facing the cab-to-lTIodule walkthrough aisle for accessability
[It the main oxygen supply and visability of its gauges.
Piage 2~)
One (1) Ferno-Washington Model 29M cot and mattress with
Model 175-4 fastener shall be installed in accordance with
1',Kh --A-1822A.
, .
The Ford E-350 cut-a-way chassis shall be equipped with a
460 C.I.D, V-8 Gasoline Engine, 4-barrel; delete the 6.9
liter diesel engine specified within the "Mandatory Work and
Equipment" section of this specification. The price of this
option should reflect the apparatus with a gasoline engine
including all "Mandatory Work and Equipment" less the diesel
8. The existing air horn system shall be removed from the old
chassis and installed on the new unit. The air horn
trumpets shall be mounted on the hood/grille/front bumper
area of the cab, using the appropriate bracket. The bidder
shall make recommendations as to where these ~ir horns can
hE~(:;I~ be mounted. Final determination of the location s'hall
h~ made at the pre-construction conference.
P.1l\tJtl? 26
[:1<,\ TLc.ls1,tn:c,)J, W..Q d:;, ia n q !;: qui p men t
Apparatus including all mandatory work and equipment:
~p _... 32_" _]_6,0_,.,,0_0__ _.. ._.__
(:.,c.:,I';.tC;!_Df:l...L Ll!:}!~'.h. ~1 n d !2.~ u i PIT!~ n t
Opt: i on 1
opt I. c)n ,"-
Opt 1 on :,3
() pt 1 on It
Orrt 1 un ~j
Opt 1 on I:.;
opt :i on ...,
Opt: 1 em 8
'$ _2-7~_~~~_____
!fi _. _~ _9 ...9__~ _9_9_ _ __ ___.
~, ._J].?...:~~_____
$ __~_?..9_o_0_0__ ___
$._)...7 ~ ~ _9...9._ __ __ ___..
1,., _.~...:t~LO_.oJLo.._ _... _. .....
!ti ___l:-_1_8JtO_o_0_QL
'$ _ J'LQ.. _C_H_A.A.G..E_.._
Pagf.? 2'7
Any exceptions taken to the requirements of these specifications
shall be explained in full and referenced by paragraph number.
Page 3 - Curbweight vs. Payload. Since we are not the manufacturer
of the modular body we cannot control the percentage of
curbweight you already have. We see nothing that we could
do that would increase the weight over what you now have.
Page 9 - The Surety Company would not provide warranty coverage in
the performance bond. This would be contractual with AERO.
Page 11- Delivery. Turnaround would be within 45-60 days after
Page 12- Performance Bond. We would provide our standard performance
bond which would be in effect for 1 year after acceptarfce of
the unit.
P,c\ge 213
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