Miscellaneous I I G ~nlpq ~. ~qitr RECORDER COLLECTOR OF DELINQUENT TAXES CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (05) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (05) 852-9253 BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050~ TEL. (05) 743-9036 ... \, COUNTY CLERK COUNTY AUDITOR June 25, 1981 Mr. Stewart C. Ahearn, Jr. d/b/a Ahearn's Cleaning Service c/o Mariners Hospital 50 High Point Road Tavernier, Florida 33036 Dear Sir: The Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting in formal session on June 16, 1981 approved execution of Agreement by and between the County of Monroe and Stewart C. Ahearn, Jr., d/b/a _ Ahearn's Cleaning Service. Enclosed please find the original and two (2) copies of said agreement. Please return the original and one (1) fully executed copy of the agreement to the attention of the undersigned. Very truly yours, Ralph W. White Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners by Deputy Clerk RWW/vp cc: Mr. Stickney, Public Works Dept. cc: Finance Dept. vC'c: File Enclosures "'1 .... ,.. . , . o ~alplr :ma. :ma~ih~ RECORDER COLLECTOR OF DELINQUENT TAXES CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (05) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (05) 852-9253 BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (05) 743-9036 COUNTY CLERK COUNTY AUDITOR MEMORANDUM To: Lucien Proby, County Attorney From: Ralph W. White, Clerk Subject: Agreement - Stewart C. Ahearn, Jr., d/b/a Ahearn's Cleaning Service Date: July 23, 1981 We are in receipt of above mentioned agreement and need your opinion on the following questions: (1) Mr. Ahearn has signed in the appropriate place put his signature is not witnessed. (2) Mr. Ahearn has included an amendment to the agreement pertaining to delinequent payments. please review and advise. Ralph W. White Clerk RWW/vp cc: File Enclosures ?fljfrMN. p~ ~t JYl-U.pWW~ r) ~J.;h ~__kdto gt>>Jr~~k~ 9IJ1!~( r2tvJ::t~ ~ ~ -:::t ~ ~r~,~ ,q-- ~' rltt~ J~ P1 /lLv f!~ 0 (1d1;. th-;~~a~~ -\hparn' e Clpanina Sprvi ("'P c;na 11 <::l1nm; t invoi rpc; f'or i teo C'ervirpc; ann all C;llcn invoirp"" C'nall np nup lJpon rl"'rp;pt. Anv amo'mtC' not pai.o witnin t-ni.rt" (10) na"c; con",1) ,",promp oplin,..upnt ann tne C"lle'tompr eo'hall pa" in annition to tnp amollnt of c;urn invoiC"e onp ann onp-nalf' pprrpnt- (J~/) per montn for pacn month (or portion tnprpof) dllri no ~,rn i rn suC"h ac("'ount i", oelin,..upnt. Sucn failurp conall alC'o hI" dppmpn a opfault for other purposps of thic: aarppmpnt and "'naIl aivp Anearn'", Cleanina SprviC"p tnp r;aht- to tprminatp tn;C' aarepment and services hprpundpr immpdiatpl". In t-np pvent- anv amO'1nts nprpunder arp rollprtpd nv or tnro'la"h an" attornpv at law tne ruC'tompr aarppc: to na" in addition to amountc:otherwise due herpundpr all C"oC'tc: of' rollprti nn r.ut not limitpo fo fi fteen pprcpnt (1 t;%) of' amo'mts d11P a'" attorne"'C' fpes, ;A /~ /~. ~ /'- :t _re~;%~ '--"J-'J. ~ ~ /~ ~ -. -L- --/ , f/~:I ~ -t/ ~'p~ff~ I ~ ,/lV7)-(~ ~ .~ :dL,e_~d . , rT~ r~ . ' ~ C &-~~;d~ ~~~~ ~/ ~c.7M~J. 11 r\ ? -/ ,{ 1~4/~J (J--6-f /'1 ~ ~7J~ O~~~- \- AHEARN'S CLEANING SERVICE) c-"-e..<'....1. f'-un 101600 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY BOX 10 KEY LARGO, FLA. 33037 852.9222 Days ,",' '1 '!'" ~'.~. r:.. I:I1E 1 '. .~ ~? :''i- l-IL << ..'...........,\'~',~"- .J'11v 1, 1(10') S1:C1_rl if" qOOT'(' rnr'\l.'i r: \',OT~\,S Cf.r:'"lcc~ 'T'~l '.1', "'r'r 1 C'T "f:'1 "', ~3r-:70 ~.: r' ~11:' '~, f-r L . . on2:'(~ : 451-3653 Eve. '~.""::-ec:,;V" ,\~"'u:;t 1 ,10S? then' c,iJ' be :'rl ,:cross t'hc l"oar" .;ncrc(J~e c-!=" 0"' c'c ,,11 1'1.:i.10i;;:'s. T'1L, ~i beca;ls'-' 0"" l:icT.,aseo C0'~~- .eel:' 1:1'01' Zl',C' ",,'~'l;e", -,,111~ +-he CO'lSi.:3t;.'nt unti.nely pa;-'Tnor,t TOr !f:Y scrvjcc,o the d(,:08n~~ ~~a\/T~;0rlt ,:.:itl14, Il :-:1yj rty (3n) 1':0"ntV. "CC;"1SC n.t:" tl-,is consjc~t,"']t 11'ltir:elipE"ss, :r ajT,""crcNI tc cr }" "Fill. CQ;1 S() or 81 (y_\~ d O\'1;'i ~~el'\Tlr'P2 11.nt~_1 ~""3~noP\'t is T"l~)dt? ~::J:'-recti'IC P/1_/g~ ~ul.;l ~ C: '!.J(rr'17 S C -f="fi cc rlaT,t?t~.n-1 S11?~? ~a;~ C +:-r;.; ce ;"1 2.....d...~ t ~ 0"Y~ ~1J!0 . !.~n 'T':nc C()llcctor'~; ('f-Fice "1 antat~ ",.-, ~lM". M" S("~ci ;~'. SeT'li. co, P~lil(Ji~n arrl Zonin~ Cf~i,ces rl~nt31-iar S108.~8 SCT"\ioT r:it~7(~T1S ~~b5.{.0 1'1 0" ~'""1 ~-_;; '1,-~, C} r T'lc a1. t.1-: S~ ~ ~.d_ C' $ 3 S r:. . Lln Sl!;O/l.or !no"t1-11:- Ta'J "'"'::~"0T Total SJ;e:;:; C'~,t / ')t,,;,T2Xt C. Mx;arn, Jr. .I\~.':'),~:T-r:t c r:1p ~~nl nn- :3(-'\T"t.r-j.~(-~