Notices to Owner FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MEMBER: American Subcontractors Association of South Florida American SubcontraclDrs Association of Central Florida P.o. BOX 181142 . CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32718-1142 . (407) 830-1663 FAX (407) 831-0410 ." NOTICE TO OWNER and PRELIMINARY NOTICE TO OWNER, CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR and SURETY if applicable (FLORIDA STATUTES 713.06, 713.23, 255.05 and title 40 U.S.C. Section 270) DATE:j . : i .,. i .1. ',_ ,.i__,., TO: (GENERAL CONTRACTOR) TO: (OWNER) 7423 Monroe Co Board Of Co Commissioners :.-=-----.-....-.-.-.-------.-.-....------.-.----.-.-.---- 5192 Overseas Hw~ _..--_........._._._._.._._~....._..._..._._--_.._._----_...----..---......-....---.----.--..---............--- tL~.r:.~.!...hg.!l.....1Sg~;;L.E'=........:J.:J_IHd.~.._...................._.........._.........._...................._....... f\ q.Y._~D.~~iL...~LtE.?;:L!;i~~!:~.?..:......I.D_i;_...._..._.____...___.._...__ 5. 5. ~_.g;.!!L...:J r q..._~"y e .....__.._...____.......__..._._.._...._..__....__.._._.._.... ~1..:~:r..i..g.2........9 i t~L.f...'=...._ 3~~3~_...____.......................___.._..._......_... Please be informed that the undersigned is furnishing, or has furnished the following described materials, labor and/or services: "":JY<P, T :-.,- ! {;.E',C) Fe !"1;:\'i";~ p ',' ,"- for the improvement of real property descrihed as: P 1..; ,.. ;:'; .... i~_::, ;::.1 r.::'1,-....,.-. .-.j.. !-'.i:,-'j.:\ i";':'U ! '", : ~"'i ~ F?E L::!) ;:. E'. L' C i)i::) T C;!:> \ j....'I.. 1 ;...., '.....,-.. ;"-ii..1;. :'-. '-.'i"(i... '; \; f"i :\ 'T ".. - -.'-.. F'f:~I)':-.. r"'-I i ': 1 " ~ i, .:'. r', ,'L._f.;n :--.,.'j (". r\ i ~::.~, ;" '" i 1:" {N. (~~;:. .1 i'..j'r \/ ]" . (if:}') ,:.>t. under an order given by .................... You appear to have an ownership interest in the aforedescribed property. Should any information be incorrect to your knowledge, please notify the undersigned upon receipt of this Notice. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06 Florida Statutes. If job is bonded under Section 713.23 Florida Statutes, Section 255.05 Florida Statutes, title 40 U.S.C. Section 270 or any other form of bond, the finn sending this notice will look to such bond for protection and payment. If any such bond exists, copies ofthem are requested by the undersigned. PLEASE NOTE: THIS NOTICE IS NOT A LIEN, CLOUD, NOR ENCUMBRANCE UPON TITLE TO YOUR PROPERTY, NOR IS IT A MA TTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. This notice is a standard business procedure of the undersigned firm, and does not adversely reflect upon the credit..worthiness or reputation of any person named herein. :: -:~ ,) [ i:: .:. E- e, COPIES TO: BY: AGENT FOR: . U'" ....... .............. __... ........_.......... '" ..... .... ..__....._..... /::: f::" T I:) T f".le] ::::;",:"'::::'T":-::j'''1:;? T ;'-..Ie: .'.. .... 1 Co:; ~ ":, *- 'p.... I', /\ \' h ;-....1 :L ',,-, -;';? iT! -:'::; ...;.-..-;:;7....,,::. '..:> '..) t.:..' .,; .. 1 '1 3 d-J tJJ 5~ -., . II' tt2A..~>\, li-J--..><0 ~~~r; &~~~~E (3051 294-4641 NCYIE November 20, 1989 'Ib: Capt. Tarn BraNn BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MA YOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 ;.1,~11i r~l,t JOV 2 1 1989 ,-""" flnMINI~TQATnP Tom: 'Ihis I believe is for legal purposes (liens etc.) concerning terrporary jail. I don't knav v.7hether Public Works is coordinating, or v.7hether it should go to Randy Ludacer. ~ ~eallold:s 01 florida, Jne. u ~ 7971 N.W. 56th STREET. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33166 . PHONES: (305) 592-6960 / 61/62 / 63 6229 MIRAMAR PRKWY. . HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33023 . BROWARD (305) 983-4927 . TOLL FREE MIAMI 371-4020 P.O. BOX 1544. KEY LARGO, FLORIDA 33037 . MONROE (305) 852-4962 . TOLL FREE MIAMI 371-4001 · POMPANO BEACH. FLORIDA 33060 . PHONE: (305) 782-6225 NOTICE TO OWNER Date: 11-14-89 To: Nonroe County Attn: John Storemont Address: Pl antrlti on Kpy r,ov~rnm~nt r.~ntpr 1';:lvprn; pr J Fl. 11070 You are hereby notified that the undersigned is furnishing for: Advanced Structures [Job No.) 89-3-2227 [Name) The contractor or sub-contractor. for improving the following described real property: Section 05 Twnshp 63 range 38 Re#041890 50 high Point Rd,Randall Adams Sub PB1-110 Plan With materials. services and or labor as ordered. as follows: _____ Construe t i_ILIL-E&1Jj,lLl!lent__ This Notice to Owner is being served in compliance with Florida Statutory Law Section 713.06. Copies To: Monroe County 1. 2. 3. .. Advanc.ed Strllctllr~!'; ~~o SW ~rd Av~ Fl. City,Fl 1~O~4 4. If there is a bond on above job, please send a copy to the bonding company. IMPORTANT This Notice to Owner does NOT constitute a lien or encumbrance against the property. S,(1.A.'f'I'(~:"~!I~1~~. (~;I~ f".;.!Ol;i'.~Jl\" 1"1".,....., ....r~ ,-,. T' () ; :,Ci:.' '.: ::: .: :J~ _ ..,.". " 'I 1F,"C;" ~.. \"(;~:;.;(Vl:;.....:J.n.1L:I\. 03,,~ I 1.. -:.:... .-';...".~, r t:lflf9f T Understand, that service of Notice to Owner is not a matter of public record. Certified Mail Receipt No. P136 063 619 Monroe Cty P136 063 620 Advanced Structures (Address) ~Jl (2 .~~. [Authorized Signature) ~ - o \qO -~\~o MA BUILDERS NOTICE CORP. ~~ 708 South Andrews Avenue P.O. BOll 457 Ft. L.uderdale, Florid. 33302 Browlrd: (305) 764-1322 / Dade: (305) 949-4576/ (800) 432-1959/ FAX 764-1631 12/02/89 28 BUILDERS NOTICE OF WEST FLORIDA, INC. 4030 Henderson Blvd. P.O. BOll 25594 T.mp., Florid. 33622 (813) 289-7905 / (800) 226-2693 / FAX 289-6109 WORK ORDER # 159903 NOTICE TO OWNER / PRELIMINARY NOTICE ** OWNER CERTIFIED MAIL # P-100-005-844 MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE KEY WEST, FL 33040 GIC ADVANCE STRUCTURE 550 SE 3 AVE FLORIDA CITY, FL 33034 Please be informed that the undersigned is furnishing, or has furnished the following described materials, labor, and/or services: ELECTRIC MATERIALS AND for the improvement of real property described as: LABOR MONROE COUNTY DETENTION 50 HIGHPOINT ROAD PORTION OF PUBLIC LAND OWNED BY MONROE FACILITY I JAIL PLANTATION K COUNTY legal description: under an order given by: ADVANCE STRUCTURE FLorida Law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, FLorida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvements is bonded, pursuant to Section 713.23, FLorida Statutes, Section 255.05, FLorida Statutes or any other statute or common Law, the undersigned intends to Look to that bond for payment. Further, if a bond payment does exist we request a copy. FaiLure to furnish a copy may render you LiabLe for damages. The Law requires the sending of this notice as a prerequisite to the protection afforded by the Lien and/or bonding Laws in most instances. AccordingLy this notice is sent as a mat~r of protection to the sender and the recipient(s) as a standard business practice. It does not necessariLy indicate the existence of any probLem, nor is it intended to refLect adverseLy upon any person named herein. THIS NOTICE IS NOT A LIEN, CLOUD, NOR ENCUMBRANCE UPON TITLE TO YOUR PROPERTY, NOR IS IT A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD. IF ANY INFORMATION IN THIS NOTICE IS BELIEVED BY YOU TO BE IN ERROR, YOU MAY AVOID OR MITIGATE ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS BY ADVISING US IMMEDIATELY. ADVANCE STRUCTURE HAR20 BY: ******SURETY BOND WAIVED****** HARDEN ELECTRICAL, INC. S-29 N. FLAGLER AVENUE . HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA 'J:3..D3 0 - . ~...3D i~{ 1(7/ d" ~M~ \ . \"L (305) 55~- \2- ... ~ -.---- ~,~4~, ' (f)<;-2J " 0 0 'y - '" / R.E.N.O., INC. F::D"\~-[-5.'-i'i" . i1l-'::-~-~::' -.-.:. .,- ,( MAR 5 1990 ~ ....... ' j, , !; 1\ \'.1, I', :L. ,L-- "NOTICE TO OWNERS" & LIENS SERVICE RESEARCH/PREPARATION DADE/BROWARD COUNTY 2-22-1990 WORK ORDER NUMBER: 01150-10 1/10 NOTICE TO OWNER / PRELIMINARY NOTICE OWNER: P 041 622 392 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BOARD OF COMMISIONERS MONROE CTY 50 HIGH POINT ROAD PI~NTATION KEY, FL Please be informed that the undersigned IS furnishing or has furnished Hh' following described materials, labor. ,India! services: CONTAINER (S)TRUCK(S) AND EMPLOYEES TO DUMP THE CONTENTS OF THE CONTAINER AT THE DUMP SITE. for !tie Improvement described as: 50 HIGH POINT ROAD, PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA. 84 M M , MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Ilii(1l~r an order glv\~n by ADVANCED STRUCTURES INC t lorldalaw prescribe:: the serving of tillS notice and restncts your I iCJlltc> tu Ili<lke payments under your contract in accorcJal1(;e with section 7i306. FloricJa Statutes. in tile 1.?lJent that the contl'act for impl ovements is bondeu. pursuant je Section 71323 Florida Statutes, onSection :C:5~)()~), Flclrlcla Statutes, or any other statute or the cornman law. the undel~)IQned tntends to look to that bond for pilyrnent Further. if a payment bond does exist, you are required by law to furnish a copy Failure to furnish a copy C;1I1 rc~nder 'yOU liable for damages THiS NOTICE IS NOT ;e.. L1Er~, CLOUD. NOR Ef'JCUMBFiANCE upcm TITL.E TO YOUR PROF'ERTY, NOR IS IT f~ ~M\ TTER OF PUBLIC RECORD The Law requires the semiin~1 of thiS notice as a prereqUisite to the protection afforded by the lien and/or bonding laws in most instances. Accoraingly this notice is sent as a matter of protection 10 lilt' sender and the reclplent(S) as a standard business practice. It does not necessanly Indicate the eXistence of :1I1'y i'loblem. nor is It intended to reflect adversely upon any person nrunccl herein BY FIS MARISOL PADRON / COPIES TO: ADVANCED STRUCTURES INC 550 SW 3 AVE FLORIDA CITY, FL 33034 Marisol Padron agent for UNITED SANITATION SERVICES P.O. BOX 420966 MIAMI,FLORIDA 33242-0966 P.O. BOX 440518/ MIAMI, FLORIDA 33144-0518 / PHONE (305) 264.6646/ FAX (305) 264-6332