Change Order No. 2 Distribution eo: OWNER ARCHITECT CONSTRUCTI CONTRACTO~ FIELD OTHER CHANGE ORDER CONSTRUCTION MANAGP4ENT EDlnON AlA DOCUMENT C701/CM c C MANAGER 0 o o o CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 PROJECT: Marathon Jail (name, address) Highway US 1 . Marathon, Florida INITIATION DATE: July Advanced Structures, ~nc. ~RCHITECT'S PROJECT NO' 6600 SW 57th Ave., SU1te ll~- . Miami, Florida 33134 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S PROJECT NO: MJ CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACT DATE: 10, 1990 TO (Contractor): Marathon Jail December 15, 1989 .- . c You are direded to make the following changes in this Contract: t ~ Provide all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and incidentals for the conGrete footing work, concrete pilings, and site preparation. Ref.erenc.e Attachment I A I for scope of work and price breakdown, which is:here~y made a part of this Change Order No.2. ':::J L.L :0 Schedule 1. For work under Change Order. No.2: Complete within (14) calendar days after notice to' proceed on foundations and site preparation. 2. Base contract work, including pending Change Order No.1: complete within (90) calendar days after building permit is issued. NOI v.lid unlil sianed by Ihe Owner, Ihe Architect Ind Ihe Conslruclion Mln1lcr. Sian.lure of lhe Conlrlclor indicales 'areemenl herewith. includinllny Id;uslmcnl in Ihe Conlllcl Sum or the Contracl T.ime. The ori8in~1 IContract Sum) cc.xXXXOCJt~JClXoaJOoJl! w,,~ ........................... S Net chanle by previously ~ulhori1.ed Ch"n~c OrdN\ -'" {.CO . '.1. ...... .Pending). . . . .. S The (Conlr~CI Suml IC5GJoJOXlXOlk~xQno.xQcfCd Il"or ICl 1"1\ Ch.ln~c Orcler Wil\ ......... S The (Conlracl Sum) I~CtIlX~~fCd will be lin,r('.l~cdl tJdOCJlJXK'XXOGKOOXDadll by lhis Change Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S The new (Conlract Sum) tf1tt!~~~flj(~~) includinK Ihis ChilnKe Order will be . .. S The Conlract Time will be (increased) ldeJalQt'XkMJOUDXH) by The Dale of Subslanlial Complelion JS of Ihe d.lle of Ihis ChilnKe Order Iherefore is See above Recommended: Approved: Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits CONSTRUCTION MANACER ,tft/1-/t. K~Y West, IV 595,000 155,000 750,000 37,020 787,020 ( 14 Schedule ) Days :~:'~iiri:~:~1i::~:~8D3 BV DATE F1 33045 1<3f.1 " DATE Authorized: Aareed To: Advanced Structures. Inc. CONTRACTOR ..6.6.D.O s~ 57th Ave _, ~tl i tf~ 11 r:; ADDKtSS Miami. FL 33134 .,. O~WN~ER~. mmis:ioners _ __~_ _eRr. Fl 33040 A -- ---~ _ August 1, 1990 BY Mayor jCharrTIUili - DATE DAy( J-~\-:GO MENT C7G1/CM . cIlAAtJPI!J(tJIE9 ftS;M~lo\'M ,I \\I" 1 I 1)111/ 1"4~''''[ 1'W1 rill liON · A'A- (SEAL) . THE AMERICAN 'NSTlT~'3flG.R2.'tllI:JFF/1' cv." WIIK AVI""'I. "'W.,\ A\lIINc;10N. I)C. 2Ilm6 A.. AS. . ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK '" ~ ;\L,\~K)fS, By:4~~ fflce eputy ler k AlA ~ 1910 AftAeRMBl1'l' · &. CHUG. OaD.. JIO. 2 KARA'l'BO. JAIL JULY 10, 1990 1. REINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTINGS Furnish and install reinforced concrete foundation system, including all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and incidentals. Construct in accordance with Azze Architects drawing S-1, dated June 15, 1990. Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary layout and field measurements, and an as-built layout drawing shall be submitted at contract closeout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $18.400.00 2. CAST - IN - PLACE 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE PILINGS Furnish and install cast-in-place concrete piling system including all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and incidentals. Construct in accordance with Azze Architects Drawing S-1, dated June 15, 1990. Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary layout and field measurements, and an as-built layout drawing shall be submitted at contract closeout. Contract based on 28 ea. piles, 8 LF each, or 224 total LF. Should this 224 LF quantity be exceeded due to unforseen subsurface conditions, a subsequent change order will be processed in the amount of $30.00 per LF of overage. . . . . . . · · . · · · . · · · · · · . . . . . $ 9.120.00 3. SITE PREPARATION FOR BUILDING Provide all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and incidentals to clear and grub site; remove and dispose of debris; work site to achieve even grade of no less than approximate elevation 5.0 at building site, adjacent staging areas, and ingress/egress access areas, including delivery and compaction of new crushed limerock (appx. 1453 SY)$ 9.500.00 TOTAL ITEMS 1 THRU 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37.020.00 Advanced Structures, Inc. accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions of this Change Order NO.2, for the total absolute lump sum contract amount adjustment of . . . .. $37.020.00 i~ ,~ .~ i .j 1 1r: ~ ) I , J .~ J , ; r , , , .~ '; , '}t: ~ " ':t .~ ~. .~ ,U ~ ''I': il ~iJ. ~ T; .:( ..~ 'd ~ .~ ;~ 'k' -~ I. . ~ ':J ,~ l "" :~ ~ ',A ti ~ ~ .~ f.I.'~ .'" ~ ':~ ~ .~;'.' .',~ '~ .. '::~ .~ fJ 'i j " l.:0'c .~......,. " 'W. ""'ro"'~~::3QtI.1' P.04 . . . swo~ ST^r~MtNT'USOlm SEcrl0~ :!tli,13'(3)(~). rL01UllA S"6ItJT~t ON PUULIC EN1'1T'\' CRIMES THtS fOR~1 ftttJST BE SIGNED 11'1 nn: PREitNCE or A N01'A,AV rooue 01t OTUl!n OffiCER AlJl'HORlZEU "0 ADMINISTER OATHS. Chenge Ord.~ '2 1. ThLs $\lfom st.ltemenll, submiued with Sid_ Proposal or Conlracl NQ. n'01titct 190..1006 R.educed Custody Inmate Modular Housing " ~r . This sworn .t.lltm~~t l.t submitted by ~ Advanced Structures, In.e,' . tnarat of GnU:)' SubmlrtJna SwO",,4t1.lC,mant] whos: blai'l.;&S addrou 11 6600.S. w. 57th Ava.", S~.1.tI 1:~, M1amit Florid. 33143 III J...... _, 'I -l t _ " , hoc. t16.5005S228 (It appUcabte) 11$ Federal Employer Ide.Qtit!C4t!OA Numbor (f'!....,) II T " -,,' (It lhe entity h$ no F!tN, include [he Social S~r1t)' Number of tho IndiViduII signin~ lhl.s SWOrn 2. and 3. St4llemCnt: .- i Paul A. Tppp1no ~y name s"... - 't I } (pl...s. prinl n4~U 0 Ind vidual Slan1ni enti[}' named above is . ownQr/c:h'1~n l L-.... 1 undr;rS!.ancl tha& a 'publlc enUI'y mmo' U del!t1ed 1n Para,rapb 2.87.133(1)(1), ~J.ltqtJ.lt~... means 4 V'tolatJon or any staUI 0" redtrall~w t))' a person with tClpOCt to and directly re1.ted trJ the tral\$a~lon ot buslnen \\lith any put)lio .nu~ or \\lith an a,.n~ or pOUU<:aJ .ubdiVision of anr oLber slAte or with the Unflcd S~t~1 (nCludLn,. but Got UmUeCS to. any bid or c:omract for fOOds or seNiw 10 be provided to any public entlt)' or an "seQO)' or JoUue41 subdlvi$ioA or I.e.)' Other stillO or or the United States anCS 1nIJoJVina 3ctltl'\lSt, fraUd, theft, bnber;, COUUllon, rllckCteeril1S, Conspiracy, or znater:al misrepr.:.s~IUatlo:s. (I,lndCI1UJnd that "convicted' or .convfctioo. as detIned In Plragrapb 287.133{l)(b),Eoddq ItAJllI& C"iuns a ~n(UnR or ,uUt or a conviction 01. pvbUc entity cri.me, wSth or withOUt ao adjudiC41ion ot guilt. in lDY ted$ral or stat. U'f&l eoun ot rtCOrd relJW1' to c~rl~ btcu.l2t b)' lnCllctmenl or Lz;tom'lSon after JuJl' 1, 1~", 1.$ . rcsult of a Jury vordlec, GOOJu"" tJ1aJ, or tlIt'r)' ot a ~lea or rwlty or nolI) COntendere. ~ .) .... ... and my relatIonship to tltc 4. s. 6. Il,\l'ldel1~nd lMt aD 'etSUats' IS deantd to P,rasraph 287.133(1)(a), lJ.arJdl $tl.Iryw.. meab.$: I, A pr~ec:wor or successor of a pW$OQ COn\'fe1c4 of. pubUc ezlth)' Cfi.t:Qe: or 2. Nt entitt Under ~. COnlrol ot aD)' DlC\lr.J pa110D wbo it aCtivo in tbo mWa6rnoDl or tha Cl)I'ty lad who nit beOJ:l coavlcted ot . pubUc toOt}' crbe. '1\0 term 'atrWa\e' tDelud. fobO.. 0lt1Cc:"1 dJrec:tors, e:xea&tJvc:s, P2U'tllCfS, swebo'del"l. OEapJO)'ed. members, &.lld 1&=11 who lit acUve in the ma~I=.At olIO .e:tU.te. The oWDersbip br ODe pmon or mares eoastftutial a C011110Uin.c mrercar iu IDotbe, ponoo. or. pooUn, ot equIpment Ot incomo amon, penotll 'When DOl tor taJj rnarktt wlue UM$r ~ ann', lcn~ '"cement, shaD be . p.rf.aLa fade ca.so chit Olt~ persall CODt1'Ols anothct penon. A pe.rson who kDOWin&%l enters hlto . 1010, ~t\'ro WIth . PcnOD wbo bat bceQ conVictc.lJ 01. public enuty conine In J:Jortd.a dUI'LDa Lbe pr~a 36 mont.bl $haU be COnsfdered lD atrLlIAte. 1. A undet1taQd that a -pel10" as de &led ID '&tII1'Ph 2S?l3J(l)(e), n~r;da *tltntU IDCtb$ ID~ n,"UTIJ persoD or entity orJlCUe4 &a.Ade, the Ia~ ot U)' ltatc or O( lh~ United SUite, W1\b the leJlJ power to eater uno I bind~, contract and whiq bIds or appUes lO bid OD COluracu tor the provision ot gOOds Or servfcc, Jce by a pubUc enUC)'. or "'bJch Otberwise Ulnsacu Or IlPPUes to trawel business With I public entJry. The tenn 'penOG' Includel thOse omccn, directors, QecuUves, PlrtQ!rs Sharcholdcl1, employees. rtlCClbera. l!lel .1~Dt$ who are Ittivc in IZl.aDllcmcnl or an cnli~'. ' . 8ased on InformatIon and belle', the Statement which I have lnarkc4 below 1$ tnae In relation to the enut)' Subminlo, HUt Sworn statement. [PleAse Indlt4tle whiCl\ .tDte~en' .pplie$.] W 88:St 08-80-80 ^3}f-S~ ~~3:J/}f 8. 1.888l.:8C;S08=OI ~'1.- :"~J'~. , ; _.;0;.__. ecs.ee-81l m7:2~ ~K/C2~~IT'-K5Y W.&T Z Q-::U1I62929BS? ".8:1 ':~I: ;.:.... ti :~ ,~ .~ f-"'J ':~ ':~ Ai fJ ; " A "'1< '~ '~ "51 :f~ ,1 'I ,"..;;i( \~ i~ .~ 'i)~t :~ '<t ,'~ .~~ :1 .~.i "(~ :; I I..'.'....;.' i.' . ,1"-; .':.',1;; iJ .....'I..........~.. J'~ : .~;: }:: f .. '" , ~ Neither ltlc en Illy submiuln, \hls $Wurn n.ltrne.aH. nor Iny ofticors, directors, Cl(cr.:ulives. partner" sharohOlders, cmplc.))'ees, memt-crs, Or t\ienu who are .1;\1\14 iA ma".,.monl Ollhc entity, nor any attillale of tht enlilY tlavc bll..:n c:harae<l wlr.b and conVfclc.d ot . public enmy crimI Subsequent '0 JUly 1, 1989. - The enllt}' submllting this swam $t1temcnt, or ooc or more or the octiC(rs. directors, UICUljves. partner., sbareholders, employcea, m~mb.t1, or asena who arc active in manaacment or ' the enaily, Or an GtnHlIto of Cht entity l\~ ~ecn Char.ocI with lDd CA:)nVfeted ot. public: enliry crime 'l.lbsequ~m '0 July 1, 1989, ~ [Please IndiCAte ""hl~ additionAl StateAlent applies.] There has been a prOCeeding coac:erzW\1 ehe QOnv{~lon b~tor. tbearlnl' otrieer ot iii'i"S't.ale 01 Florida, !;>ivision ot A~minlstr.ll\lc JilulnJ,l. Tht nnal oraor entered by tbc hearing otn~r did not pl.~ tho pe.rson or aI!Uia1.e on the COD\1Clc4 ve"dor lis I. [Plu.. I~t.aeh . cop~ or the nnlJ order.] . . The: pelto!) or at!iU8~e was plaCQ(j on Ibe (iODvI~e.d YOOdOf Use. T'ntrt bas be.en a S\ibieql.u:nl proOW!Jn8 betare I hearing oas~r of the Stale ot ;o,oric14 , DIvision of A4~lni$tratlY. Hunnr:s. The anal order cDlertd by tbc hurtna Ot.Our 4elermlTl~d that it was 11:1 lbe public !.Dcerou to removo the person or affiliate from the conVicted yendor Ust. [Plulle IHtlc.h Q topy or cblt nnal order.) ITATi 0' _ .~~\<l.'" c OF _Q~t\r ..--- The person 01' attlUt,t hu l'lOl boon pLaced Qn tbo ~n\1cCOd vendor Un. ['PI otl$ t desc:ribe ftn~ octlon tOken b)' or pendine wU.h the Dep'r'ttD7".fteMlI Servscts,J · Paul A. To??1no ~ C. ~ lsllne t'u~J Palet AUau8t 8, 199~ MY c:ofDllllaloQ Qp1ns: ) ONALt. Y APPEAJ\!I) BUOaS MEt the u.l1dcrs1ptdluthOrity. W C "bo, after t!:Il balll& fWOm by Ille, Irtlxcd hlsiber IiJllOIUlll {na=_ or lndMdual lna] f.n the space proVid~ abOve CQ (his.. 1:.~ 1 . d.ay o~~~~ ...", 19~, ---~~ C). ~: ;' ~'-:' :~ ~ .. " NOTARY PUBLIC aJATr OF tLo~rD~ MY COMMISSION EXP. APA.21,1912 IONOED JHAu GE~EAAL INS, UNO. , . ..... . . porm )l't..1R 7064 (Rev. 11189) 'd l.SSSC;SC;S08=aI ~S3M ^3~-S~I~~30/~W 1.8:St 0S-80-80 ,,' '.~....;........." ~