Settlement Agreement SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 1 ..1:>........ THIS AGREEMENT made this Is'" day of IIiII d&'1 1991, by and between the Board of County Commissioners ~or Monroe County, a subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called "County," and Advanced Structures, Inc., hereinafter called "Con- tractor." WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, a dispute exists between the parties as to the fair and reasonable value of credits and debits resulting from changes during the course of construction of the Forty-Six (46) Inmate Reduced Custody Modular Housing on the island of Marathon, Florida, for County by Contractor under contract dated January 10, 1990, the changes involving alterations, additions, and deductions in and from work described in the plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to resolve this dispute by entering into this agreement and thereby to terminate controversy and avoid litigation; now, therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, the parties agree: 1. The County shall pay to Contractor the sum of Six- ty-eight Thousand One Hundred Twenty-four ($68,124.00) Dollars, being the remainder of the full amount accruing to the Contractor by virtue of said contract; said payment also covering and including full payment for the costs of all extra work and material furnished by the undersigned Contractor in the con- struction pursuant to said contract. 2. The Contractor hereby releases County from all claims whatsoever growing out of said contract and waives all rights and liens which the Contractor may now or hereafter have claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill, or materials fur- nished, delivered, or performed to or for said construction against the County, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the County or against said improvement or against all that land, and the buildings thereon and appurtenances thereof on the Island of Marathon, in the County of Monroe, and State of Florida. 3. The Contractor in consideration of the payment acknowl- edged herein affirms that all work, labor, skill, or materials furnished, delivered, or performed to or for said construction on said premises were furnished, delivered, or performed by the Contractor or his agents, employees and servants, or by and through the Contractor by subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants; and further affirms that the receipt of the aforementioned $68,124.00 releases in full all and any hereto existing or possible future mechanics' liens or rights against said construction and premises. 4. The Contractor affirms and warrants to the County all warranties, guarantees, and promises concerning materials and equipment furnished under the contract and that the work conforms to the requirements of the contract documents, and such other warranties and guarantees as are contained in the aforementioned contract, especially those guarantees and warranties under Article 9 of said contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have hereto set their hands and seals this IS", day of 4../i'l...- ' 1991. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By (SEAL) Attest: DANNY KOLHAGE By ADVANCED STRUCTURES, INC. By au 550 SW Third Florida City, "'" Sh....; s....""/(~'^<rlJ Altj (SEAL) Attest: By APPROt'!:J !'~ '1'"' ,- ~~. , ANDfr'-'! . '.... .. ~q~~d?/~-.4.f/~' c ~ Ii,:.."i....;:."" " l , "",. -- -0/ /:, - (3(', /5- :7(, _ / f l ' /' ~Advanced Structures, Inc. 6600 S.W. 57th Avenue. Suite 115 Miami. Florida 33143 Tel: (305) 669-9311 · Fax: (305) 669.9322 -... - ;00 .- ::; _ _ _ _ _ ....-..... 00;..=---01:"--;- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ;;_.;;:; _.:;_...- _ _ _ _ ~~.~~ HVVRNCED STRUCTURES INC. P.04 -'---- 1 4 : 5 :2 AD..... A NeE D S T R U C T Li ~ E. ::::;--:1. N C. P. 0:2 :-:- --= May 7 ~ 1991 Ms. Sheri Smallwood? Esquire 209 Duval Street Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Sheri: Pursuant our dISCussion and your May 7, 1991 fax~ let this serve as written permission f~r yOu to execute the original Monroe County settlement agreement reference the Marathon jail on behalf of myself and Advanced Structures, Inc. ~tni-elY ~ U-r Q~~ ~ Pad A. Toppino PAT/mrn By ~-,- ,1"1"/ 4~i~ ~ ~~ ~ AA (SEA / ..,..--..., ,.....l., ....,.,. ., ....... wi'" .... ~ ~. ,.' ~::_.f -, ~ .;::....":.:1" ":. .... "'--' '. ..... - . '" '.:-:: -~ .~ - . - --- --- .---. -- T ......, .., ....... -=.. ....... ~ I I"'C: U __ I U t< t:. ==- ~ 1 S::27 '1 I C:HAEL HAL-PERt... .INC. P.04 P.02 S h:T'I'L.F.Nl:~'t ACR&F.M'F.NT .......,.......,.,.,."".................~ J '1'HIS AG~EEMl':NT clade this . day of ....___ .._",."...,_.......... ~.,.' -..:......, 1991, by and between th$ Board of County Comml1s1onera for Monroe Co\mty, a subdivision of the State of P'lorlda, here1nafter C/:ll1fHJ "County,1r and Advaneed Structures. Ine" herein. fter cal1~d "Con- tractor," WIT N E 5 SET H~ ........,..~.....,......"-'.... .......................~- f~ .............. "" WHF.RF.AS, a dispute ex1$ts between the parties .8 to the fair aod reasonable val~e of credit' and debits resulting from th~nge8 during the course of construct1on of the Forty-S1~ (46) InmAt.e Reduced Custody Modular Housing on the 1s1end of Ksrachon. li'lor1da; for County by Contractor \lnder contract d~ted Janusry 10, 1990, the changes involving alterations. additions, And deductions in and from ~ork described in the plana end 9pee1f{c~tton8' and ~TJ1F.RJo~AS, the pat't1e& de$lre to resolve thi8 diSptitt' by entering into this agreement and thereby to ter~1nat~ controve~.y And avoid lit1gatioor now, therefore, IN CONSIDt~tl0N of the premises. the part1es agree: 1. 'I'he County shall p.y to Contractor the 8um of S~x- ty"e1gh t 'Itlo\.18and One Hundred Twenty" four ($68.124.00) Volla rs, being the reme1nder of the full ~mount 8ccrutng to the Controctor by virtue of 8aid contraot. .aid payment a190 covering and ---------------------------------- ~~~ rUE 14:52 ADVANCED TUE lS:2? MZCHAEL HALPERN STRUCTURES INC. p. ea -----~~-------------------------- p..e~ includIng f.ull pa}"Ulent (or the COst. of en e~tra "0'-).- end m.,'terta t furntshed by the' unders1gned Contractor 1n the con- 8tru~tlon pUr8u~nt to e~id contract. 2. The Contractor hereby reIeeees County (ro~ all clalm. WhStooever growing OUt of S.ld contrect and waivea all rtghtd and Uen! which the Contractor may no" Or hereafter have ChI", <'r assert for all end .ny WOrk, labor. ak 111. or metet h Is fur- niShed, delivered, or performed to or fDr s.ld ~onstructlon against the County, .gainst any fund of or in rhe POS.easlnn or cOntrol of the County Or .gainst ..id improvement or 'gslnot all thSt lsnd, snd the bUildings thereon 'nd 'ppurtenances thereof on the ta land of Marsthon, in the County of Monroe, and State of Florida. 3. l'he Contractor In conaideration of the payment .cknowl_ edged herein a{flnn. that a U Work. lebar, .k111, or ",.cerisls furnlshed, delivered. or performed to Or tor ..id constrUCtion on SlItd premises were furnished, del1vered. or performed by the C<lntractor Or hh sgente. employee. .nd servants. Or hy and through the Contractor by subcontractor. or materialmen or their "1:\('" t s · e",p loy ee s snd s e rv.n t s , .nd fur ther a f f Us's th't the receipt of the aforementioned $68.124.00 release. in full all and any herato eXiStlng or pOSSible future mechsnt~.. 11en. or rights 8gainst said con8t~u~t1on and premises. 4, The Contractor .fflrms and w.rrants to the COunty .tl w.rranti.., guarantees. 'nd promises concel'nfllg ..ateris Ie and equtpment furntlhed under the contra~t and that the work conforms I ~...,/~ , ,,,... ~-~- --.. .. / ~ '- ---'-'- --- -'----------- ~TUE 14:53 ADVANCED STRUCTURES .-';;;;';'9 1 T U E 1 =:: : :2 e M I C H A E L HAL PEP: t-" _':r----- '- - '- - - - _ _ _ _ _ ....--a-;.-=- INC. P.05 P.04 ,// to the tQqu{rclIneate of the eoutrttct documents. and 8t1~h other ~alr~ntles and guarantees as ste contained in the aforem~ntlo~ed contract, especially those guaranteec and warranties under Article 9 of Geid contract. It't WllNESS WHF.REOF the undere1gne-d h~ve 'hereto ~et. t het T h~nds and seals this ~1.4.""'~t day of __ "'" ~"W... ............ '''1 , ),991. 1.~ BOARD or COlJN't'y cor,1M tSS rONERS 0' MONROE COUNTY, Fr.ORIDA !Y--mt)'or7ni91'rinan~ ..-... ..'. '., -..... ($F,:AL) Attestl OANN"{ KOLHAG~ By..... _...........~ . trepi1 cy .1:rer'K....................."..." .-"......''''..1. .....,........... .........."'. . . ;,.,. p. ....~ .."," ,....,.......:.~ '......... .'.. ~..... ,.. _I -. ..:.. ... '.. . "",1 /I' - ~.:... -" .....; - - '- ~ =--~ ~ 2- :. .:-.... .... - ....,... .., .'- ~ ::: ~:. ,.:-..: .;.., ." ..." I. -..,- '\. ..{ '<. .:' (SEAl..),.. ,.:-....~._, .... .. "'~ ... "'....""."".,~ .. " ,.. ..' ..r . STRUCTURES, INr., iJ c ;mP~- --i) atrr-ropp no. teil<ien-t- SSO SW Third Avenu. Florida City. FL 33034 , .... AI'P.",o\ ::',,' l .. . . . I Afoo,~' , ,.. . " . /:' ", ~. . "'-j .' ....'/' . ~1 ~'''''':'':l~'' ."'," .: .' // ~ /... \.....~.... ''.:1 ",',' . 1 .'." : b(d;':'. ~<n I it .'/(.l ;.(., (/ " ,.' ....