03/1/1980 Agreement
Agile Courts Construction Company
.'k1~' ~
Bruce uer, resident
Brian Bauer, Vice President
Accepted by
If Customer does not pay as agreed upon, Contractor shall hive the rig ht to file a lien; against the rlNll estate for the amount of the work done.
No further work shall be accomplished if installment payments are not made at time specified. In the event it is nec_ry to employ the
services of an allorney to secure payment as per the terl11l of the con tract, then the Customer agrees to -pay reasonable attorn-v fees.
x Credit
IX Guarantee
The Contractor guarantees all work against defects in workmanship or materials for a period of one year. The Con-
tractor accepts no responsibility for repairs done by anyone except Agile Courts Construction Company.
VIII Conditions
1. The Customer will furnish access to site for equipment and materials.
2. The Customer agrees to provide a clean water supply at job site for construction purposes.
The Contractor accepts no responsibility for acts by anyone at jobsite except for those sub-contracted or employed by
Agile Courts Construction Company.
VII Provisions
1. The Customer agrees to a first payment of $ xxx upon installation of
2. The Customer agrees to a second payment of $~upon installation of xxv
3. The Customer agrees to a third payment of $ xxx upon installation of vyy
4. The Customer agrees to a final payment of $ 2 , ., 00 n OOwithin 10 days after completion of above work.
VI Fee
The Contractor agrees to provide tools, materials, labor, supervision, and insurance to complete the above work for a
sum of $ 2," 00 . 00
V Fence
Jf.;XlJHPailit~_aall terminal posts to be 3" 0.0. pipe; line posts to be 2%" 0.0. pipe; top rail to be 1 %" 0.0.
l'~:xr:iAi~iI:)b"i installed around the botton perimeter of fence. Corners will be braced and trussed.
~~~~m4Mii1( high galvanized/green vinyl fence , guage , mesh,
~::t.>t8tWGIXXXXXXX running feet.
J!~~OJI:idlftlWllPbe insttllled as follows:
3. Other conditions
III Surfacing/Resurfacing
1. The Contractor will sO.aii'resurface the courts as follows:
C 1 ) coat(s) laykold Surfacer.
( ) coat(s)laykold Wearcoat.
(2 ) coatCs) laykold 200 Acrylic Surfacer, green
(1 ) coat(s) laykold 100 Colorcoat-ColorCs) green
( ) coatCs) Plexipave Acrylic Surfacer, green
( ) coatCs) Plexicrome Colorcoat-Color(s)
2. The Contractor will paint two inch white playing lines to meet U.S.L.T.A. specifications (three inch base lines).
3. Other conditions
OPTION: Two-tone surface, inbound and apron, with full individual
color thru each color coat, add $250000 to fee below.
IV Court Accessories
%.X1li1[x:HatatiBi'rJWIDCiViirall net posts to meet U.S.L.T.A. specifications. 3" 0.0. steel net posts in sleeves set in concrete.
:vcJfai:~ii-xwmc,,*,ish a top quality nylon net with vinyl top strap to meet U.S.L.T.A. specifications.
.a;Xlfii:ailit~~UaIl a center anchor and center strap.
4. Other conditions
II Base-Asphalt Existing area approx 60 ft. by 120 ft.
~XJrafi1IjHai~trllde the sub-base to slope 1" in 10 feet in a direction for drainage.
1XJJi~nataal!t...XWiillp in a Iimerock base rolled and compressed to grade.
~DSiKi1iaf.aiJWmCiKirall of SR02 asphalt with rice rock rolled to a smooth finish to grade.
~~~Illiit for low spots and correct those deeper than
I Clearing, Fill, Tree Removal.
Agreement made between Agile Courts Construction Company hereinafter called the Contractor and Monroe County
Eo~rd . of C~~ereinafter called the Customer for the ~a.m/resurfacing of one
eXlstlng tennis court(s) with respect to the following terms and specifications:
Monroe County Board of
County Courthouse
Key West, Florida
Resurfacing of one tennis court
Plantation Elementary School
Mile Marker 90
Monroe County
Work to be performed:
/ltpte ~'et4 ~ ~
8830 S.W. 153rd TERRACE
PHONE: 233-3535