Resolution 127-1991 c' " C". . .., ,- l'"", '_ I i.f Community Services Division , 0 '1 ri P '; J. r:: P rl 1 S 9 v.... :" ., _ v RESOLUTION NO. 127 -1991 , A 0 RESOL~+rON OF INTENT OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. TO CONNECT INTO THE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST TO SERVICE THE KEY WEST INTERNA- TIONAL AIRPORT AND OTHER ADJACENT MONROE COUNTY OWNED PROPERTIES. WHEREAS, Monroe County is desirous of renovating and expanding the terminal of the Key West International Airport. and WHEREAS. the City of Key West is willing to extend its existing sewer collection system to service the needs of the Airport and other adjacent county-owned properties. and WHEREAS. the City of Key West will expeditiously undertake and complete the sewer extension to meet the construction schedule of the Airport project, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby states its intent to connect into the sewage collection system of the City of Key West subject to the following conditions: 1. The City of Key West will begin work on the sewer extension in a timely manner and deliver the service to the County within one year of the date of this Resolution. 2. The connection fees, impact fees, and monthly rate charges shall be consistent with those outlined in the attached Revised Evaluation of Wastewater Service to Airport Area, dated 3-5-91, prepared by CH2M HILL. 3. It is understood that if the City desires to construct lift stations on county property that a fair market value for an easement to use said property will be determined and those sums will be deducted from the total of connection fees and impact fees. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rd day of Apr il 1991. Mayor Harvey Yes Mayor Pro Tem London Yes Commissioner Cheal Yes Commissioner Jones Yes Commissioner Stormont No BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . 4 ~ By: ~'~aJ~...,,-,",-. ~ ~~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By:~&'~f e ty er By ~ S 'FFICIENeY. Attome,Y'8 Office '"3 z '5 . 1/ "",. @_ Engineers _ ,Planners ~ Economists _ Scientists , March 5, 1991 SEF20064.GE.05 REVISED Mr. Paul Cates Director of Technical Services City of Key West Post Office Box 1409 Key West, Florida 33041 RE: Evaluation of Extending Wastewater Service to Airport Area Dear Paul: This letter supersedes our February 25, 1991 letter in which estimated impact fee revenues were based on an outdated version of the Sewer Impact Fee Ordinance. In this letter estimated impact fee revenues are based on the current Sewer Impact Fee Ordinance of $2.00 per gallon per day of estimated sewage flow. This revision does not, however, change the overall conclusion that extension of wastewater service to the airport area is expected to be financially beneficial to the wastewater system, but only revises the dollar amounts of Option 2. The ~ity of Key West requested that CH2M HILL evaluate the economic feasibility of extending wastewater service to the area around the Key West International Airport. The extension of service would result in the connection of the following establishments: Key West International Airport, Florida Highway Patrol, Monroe County Youth Center, Martello Museum, Martha's and Benihana Restaurants, Key Wester Resort Inn, and the Key Ambassador Resort Inn. CH2M HILL had previously projected anticipated wastewater flows from the Airport area, and had estimated the project costs of providing wastewater service to this area in a letter report, dated January 31, 1990 (copy enclosed). This present letter compares the costs and revenues projected to result frorp' the extension of service to the airport area in order to assess the impact on the City's Wastewater Enterprise Fund. CH2M HILL Key West Office 3154 Northside Drive. Suites 101-102 Key West. Florida 33040 305.294,1645 FAX NO. 305.294,6809 Mr. Paul Cates Page 2 March 5, 1991 SEF20064.GE.05 PROJECfED CAPITAL COSTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS The January 1990 estimated project cost of $786,000 was adjusted upwards to reflect the impact of price inflation through to the most likely construction period of 1992. This resulted in a revised estimated project cost of approximately $834,000. This projected anticipated capital cost to the City was compared to projections of connection fee and impact fee revenues to be paid by the establishments in the airport area (see Table 1). Connection fee and impact fee payments were estimated as a function of the projected wastewater flows for each establishment, and of our understanding of the connection fee and impact fee provisions in the City's wastewater service ordinance. These estimates are based on our. interpretation of the City ordinance. The City should verify that our interpretation is correct and consistent with existing City policy. Total connection fee and impact fee revenues were estimated for three different options that might apply in the airport area. o Option 1: Charge Connection Fees to all establishments, do not charge impact fees o Option 2: Charge Connection Fees and Impact Fees to all establishments ~ o Option 3: No Connection or Impact Fees As shown in Table 2, total connection and impact fee revenues to the City for these options range from zero for Option 3 to approximately $329,000 for Option 2. Table 2 also presents the net capital costs to the City of Key West for providing wastewater service to the airport area under the three different options of connection and impact fees. The lowest net capital cost to the City (about $505,000) results in Option 2, where all users pay both connection fees and impact fees. The highest net capital cost (about $834,000) to the City obviously occurs in Option 3 where no connection fees or impact fees are paid. ' Mr. Paul Cates Page 3 March 5, 1991 SEF20064.GE.05 PROJECfED IMPACT ON OPERATING REVENUES As shown in Table 3, 1992 revenues from user charge payments by the establishments' in the airport area are estimated at $10,663 per month, or about $128,600 annually. This estimate is based on historical water use data and our projections of future wastewater system user charges in accordance with the City's wastewater billing system. Table 4 illustrates the anticipated impact of the extension of wastewater service to the airport area on the wastewater system's annual operating revenues. The net capital requirements from Table 2 are shown, and annual debt service sufficient to finance these amounts 'is shown as an ongoing annual expenditure. This does not imply that the City should, or would, finance the extension of service with additional debt, but serves to illustrate the impact on existing system customers by demonstrating the ability of the users in the new service area to "repay" existing customers of the system. This does assume, however, that the City will fund the net capital requirements for the airport extension from reserves of the Wastewater Enterprise Fund. As shown in Table 4, the cost impacts on day-to-day operation of the City's wastewater system are expected to be relatively small from this extension, with cost increases at the WWTP and the additional cost of maintaining the collection system estimated to total only about $6,500 per year. Additional operation and maintenance costs are projected to result from the operation and maintenance of the three pump stations required to serve the airport area. This increase is estimated at about $7,500 per year per pump station, totaling $22,500 per year. The sum of these above amourtts and the assumed debt service payments is the total additional annual costs faced by the wastewater system. These additional annual costs vary between about $80,000 for Option 2 and $114,000 for Option 3. For each of the three options the anticipated revenues from user charge payments is in excess of the amount required to cover the expected increase in annual operating and fixed costs to the wastewater system. The net annual benefit is projected to be between approximately $14,000 and $47,000, depending on the connection fee and impact fee option taken. ' This does not imply that the Wastewater Enterprise Fund' will be making a "profit" should the airport area connect to the City's sewer system. Instead, because the Wastewater Enterprise Fund operates on a cost-of-service principle, the user charge system will spread the total cost of the operation of the wastewater system over the Mr. Paul Cates Page 4 March 5, 1991 SEF20064.GE.05 larger number of total users, allowing the possibility of a slight relative reduction in rates that will benefit users in the airport area, as well as all existing system customers. In summary, as indicated by the positive net benefit numbers in Table 4, extension of wastewater service to the airport area is expected to be financially beneficial to the wastewater system. Sincerely, ~2~HII7 ~ . . ~~3/~ Kenneth F. Williams, P.E. mlKFW:052.51 Enclosures cc: G. Felix Cooper/City Manager , Ron Herron/Assistant City Manager Paul Mitchell, P.E.\Director of Engineering and Facilities David Fernandez/Finance Director Bill Zieburtz/CH2M HILL/ATL " dbt 106/026.51 1 2 3 4 Average daily water consumption and estimated wastewater flow from CH2M HILL Airport estimated ADF estimated at 70% of proposed WWfP size of 10,000 gpd. Estimated monthly wastewater flows are from column 1. These flows are used for projecting connection and Connection fees projected per schedule of fees shown in Appendix Table 1, and flows shown in column 2. Impact fees projected as $2.00 per gpd of wastewater flow, based on flows from column 1 g impact fees. letter report dated January 31 1990. Totals Airport Florida Highway Patrol Monroe County Youth Center Martello Museum Martha's and Benihana's Key Wester Resort Inn Key Ambassador Resort Inn 45,000 250 3,400 20,000 14,100 7,000 150 100 1,368,750 212,917 4,563 3,042 7,604 103,417 608,333 428,875 $238,625 $ 36,986 2,260 2,007 2,767 18,736 102,889 72,979 $90,000 6,800 40,000 28,200 14,000 300 200 500 Estimated Water ADF and Wastewater ADF (gpd)l Estimated Monthly WW Flow 2 Estimated Connection Fees3 $ Estimated Impact Fees4 Table 1 Estimated Wastewater Flows, Connection Fees, and Impact Fees Table 2 Capital Costs and Contributions 1992 Capital Costs Project Costs1 $833,867 Total Capital Costs to City $833,867 Option 1: Connection Fees Only Connection Fees2 $238,625 Total Fee Revenues to City $238,625 $595,242 Net Capital Cost of Option 1 Option 2: Connection Fees and Impact Fees Connection Fees2 Impact Fees2 $238,625 90,000 Total Fee Revenues to City $328,625 $505,242 Net Capital Cost of Option 2 Option 3: No Connection Fees or Impact Fees Paid by Any Users Connection Fees2 Impact Fees2 $ o o Total Fee Revenues to City $ o Net Capital Cost of Option 3 $ 833,867 1 From CH2M HILL letter report, dated January 31, 1990. Estimated at $786,000 in 1990 dollars; this amount was adjusted upward by 3% per year for 2 years to reflect price inflation. 2 Projected by CH2M HILL Reflects our understanding of the City's Impact Fee and Connection Fee Ordinances. The City should verify that our interpretation is correct and consistent with existing City policy. dbtl06/027.51 Table 3 'Estimated 1992 Monthly Rate Payments by Airport Area Users Estimated Estimated Monthly Estimated Average Water Use Monthly Water Use for Rate Rate (gpd) (1) Payments(2) Payments(J) Airport 7,000 212,917 $ 1,658 Florida Highway Patrol 150 4,563 36 Monroe County Youth Center 100 3,042 27 Martello Museum 250 7,604 59 Martha's & Benihana's 3,400 103,417 805 Key Wester Resort Inn 20,000 608,333 4,738 Key Ambassador Resort Inn 14,000 428.875 3,340 TOTALS 45,000 1,368,750 $10,663 (1) Average daily water consumption from CH2M HILL report dated January 31, 1990. (2) Estimated monthly water consumption from Column (1). (3) Monthly rate payments estimated per schedule of fees shown in Appendix Table 1, and 80% of water use shown in Column 2. - .., KWG053.51 , '.... Table 4 Ability of User Charges from Airport Area to Cover Operating Costs Resulting From ___ Extension of Wastewater Service Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Net Capital Requirementsl $595,242 $505,242 $833,867 Increase in Annual Revenue Requirements Projected Annual Debt Service2 Increase in P .S. O&M Costs per year3 Additional Sewerage System O&M3 Additional O&M at WWTP3 60,627 22,500 1,500 5,000 51,461 22,500 1,500 5,000 84,931 22,500 1,500 5,000 Total Additional Annual Revenue Requirements $ 89,627 $ 80,461 $113,931 Projected Annual Revenue From Airport Area for 19924 $127,950 $127,950 $127,950 Net Benefit (Cost) of Airport Expansions $ 38.323 $ 47.489 $ 14.019 1 Net Capital Requirements from Table 2. 2 Based on imputed debt service on net capital expenditures required for Airport project at 8% for 20 years. 3 Additional O&M Expenses projected by CH2M HILL. Additional pump station exp~nse is based on $7,500 per year per pump station, for three pump stations. 4 From Table 3. 5 Calculated as Projected Revenues less Additional Revenue Requirements. Note that actual revenues from Airport area could be less than shown if user charges do not increase as projected. dbt 106/025.51 Appendix Table 1 Rates and Charges 1991 1991 1993 Anticipated Price Inflation 103% 103% 103% Discount Rate to 1991 Dollars $8.00 City of Key West Rates & Charges User Charges (base + vol/kgal) $9.45 $9.73 $10.03 Impact Fees Per Gallon Per Day $2.00 Residential Connection Charges per ER U $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Commercial Connection Charges Per point + greater of: $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 a) $400 per living unit $400 $400 $400 b) $1,000 per 6 kgal per month $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 City of Key West Average Water Consumption (gal/mo) 4,000 - Estimated Return to Sewer, % and gal/mo 80% $3,200 KWG068.51