Resolution 130-1991 , I " - James R. Paros Public Safety Divi~ion CJ 0 e::: ':'t 0 w 'O:;J'" w CL 0::: c.,,~: 0 c' M u.., D::: 0- a c::c: W -J -- u- P' lJ..i ~ !...~J ......J RESOLUTION NO. 130- 1991 c:::.~ . .L- -TO' ).... ::'~ c :' ;2~....RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 'M0NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF >_GRANT APPLICATIONS TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2;:: 8NP REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, OFFICE OF EMERGENCY -.-. ...." <:~ICAL SERVICES, TO FUND A COMMUNICATIONS PROJECT AND o D~CTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER COUNTY AUTHORITIES. WHEREAS, The Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, is accepting applications applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Matching Grant funds, and WHEREAS, the grant is for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 1991 and ending on September 31, 1992; and WHEREAS, the total grant application is for $133,998.00, with a 50% match requirement; and WHEREAS, the $66,999.00 match requirement is included in the district budget requests for Fiscal Year 1992, as follows, District 1 - $41,023.00; District 5 - 12,988.00; District 6 - $12,988.00; and WHEREAS, the communications project, if awarded and accepted, will be utilized for the replacement of certain low band frequency radios currently being used by the various fire-rescue and EMS providers in the county; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That said Board has been notified of the availability of matching grant program funds from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services. 2. That the Monroe County Department of Emergency Medical Services is hereby authorized to submit applications for grant funds to the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, to improve and expand Monroe County's EMS systems. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of the grant applications by the proper County Authorities. 4. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Cormnissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of April , A.D. 19~. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -.- - ---.........--~ - ~~_II--~. ._ ~p~ By .. . - - Mayor (Seal) Attest:DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~.~J)/ C rk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. By: County At orney's Office ~~ ~~- ~\ '......" ~ ... -.. "- -.. - v ...."-'''''- - I_._~._..--_..__.. ...,... ID Code to bc Assigned by Statc 'EMS OffiFe: Ml_ _ _ Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emcrgency Medical Services (EMS) MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION . rl Legal Name of i Agency/Organization: BOARD OF CXXJN'IY CXMfISSlOOERS, ~E caJm'Y, FLORIQA - Name and Title of I I - Grant Signer: Wilhelmina Harvey, I Mayor/Chainnan , Mailing 5192 Over?eas Highway Address: Marathon, 'Florida 133050 County: MONROE Telephone Number: ( 305) 289-6002 ! SunCom Number: 472-6002 2. Name and Title of Contact Person: ! Janes R. Paros, Public Safety Director 5192 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Mailing Address: r- L_ Telephone Number: (305) 289-6002 SunCom Number: 472-6002 3. ugal Status of Agency/Organization: (Check only one) Privat~ Not for Profil (you mUSl provide copy of certificale) ENDS Your fiscal year: 10/01 09/30 BEGINS Privale for Profil x Publie ~. Agency/Organization's Federal I Ta:\: IdcntifTcation Number nine digits VF -2.. 9 6 0 0 0 7 4 9 L____ ______~- ~~. I I ^ ppl icat ion St:ltuS: (Check only one) n,is is tlle cnnlinualion of a projecl alr.:ady funded by the SUI.: I;1\1S malching granl program, -X n,i. is!!!2! lhe continualion or 1I projecl already funded by Ihe st~h, EMS matching grant program. (j. Type of Pt.ojcct: (Ch~;1; onl)' on~): v C'Ollllllunicati0ns C . P r. . ,A- _ onlinulll/: ro ~sslonal Education (medical director mUll Ii!:" 11em ISa) Flll~lg~I1~)' Tr.nsl'on \'~hid~s Public Educaliun . . ~j ,1,'111 Evaluation/Qu.'iIY A~sllranco: - RCSC3~'ch . , ~lc.1""I..I{~>,"~ E'l"ii'lll~nt (~jt:n.lllr~s reqllir~d for lt~lllS 15h on" 15~) , ,. 'J,. (I Jh~'lkh.'s 1'1'",,"\'l"U~ ~diliul1.~) ----..--- --....---- .... . '. '.-'... ',~ '.' ..I., \'1 ,'I I' il J " j1rl " " I ,I : .: I 6"\. St:ltc Plan'Goals, Objectives, and Improvement and Expansion: I ' , St:1tc EMS Plan Goal: Identify in the space below the.pecific goals and their page numbers in the FY 1991-93 ~state EMS pl:in, which your project will help accomplish. Descdbe how your project 'will do this, and if possible, the J1l'rCenl:lge of the goals you 'will accomplish. I .' !./. , Comnnnications, Goal 2: Irrprove two-way rad~o ooomun~~t~ons capab~lity for " emergency rredical services providers (Page 15). . CcmnUlucations, ~l 6: DevelOp" a ccmnnnications -specific equi~nt and evaluat~on program to prov~de up-to-date information needed for the efficient developnent of Florida's ~tatewide emergency .medical services coomunications system (Page 18) ., , ., . I " , MJnroe County intends to install U.H. F. radio ccmnunications equiJ;mmt in all ambulances owned or operated by the County, including thosea'ssigned to ~ , Tavernier and Key Largo Volunteer J\mbulance Services, install U.H.F. rad~~ CCIIIn1;U1~~ cations equipmant in at least one (1) rescue vehicle that is used for me<hcal fl.rs~ resfX)nse by each of the ten (10) volunteer fire departments operating in the I Connty, and equip appropriate arergency response personnel and supervisory staff wi th U. H. F. pagers and! or hand held fX)rtable radios. ! i /. St ;ltc EMS Plan Objective: Identify in the space below the specific objectives and their page numbers in tho state pbn. which your project will help accomplish. Describe how your project ~ill do thi., and if possible, the percentage of Ihe ohjc.clivcs you will accomplish. Objective 2.2: By June 1991, 100 percent of all anergency medical services pro- viders will be in carq:>liance with the frequency spect.run management plan as identified in the State of Florida, Emergency Medical Services Ccmnunications Plan (Page 15). I Objective 2.3: By January 1993, 100 percent of all advanced life support and basic life support u.nits will be able to ccmnunicate by two-way radio with their medical directors, trauma centers and hospital emergency departments (Page 15). Objective 6.3: By June 1993, encourage the updating of the ccmnunications equipyent in at least 25 percent of the errergency medical services ccmnunications agencies to state of the art ccmnunications equipment. MJnroe County will purchase state of the art ccmnunications equipnent and place l sarre into operation in canpliance with the State of Florida, Emergency Medical Services Communications Plan. ., Improvemcnt and Expansion of Prehospital EMS. Describe as quantitatively as possible, how YOur project "Jij both Improve and expand prehospital EMS in Florida. . This project will allow Monroe County to replace existing unreliable radio ccmnunica~ions equipmant, currently in use by the County Emergency Medical Services Sys~em~ ,,:,~th state of the art ccmnunications equipnent, thereby inproving the ~el~~~l~ty of the.overa~l cammunications,system; Installation of this equipment ~n f~~7-re~cue med~~1.f7rst response Meh~cles w~ll provide them with expanded cammun~cat~ons capab~l~t~es for emergency medical services related functions. -., ,""'''':. ".'" 1 j.. . ,/ I ~.., ,......~'.,. c',., . ,....-. I I II I' :/ .- .-----..----..... -~. , , I'~ y. """'~'..; ~,...;..~.~-t,..~>;.~....I..,,','':'''..,..~l'':T.;,e_...;..~'''- ,_ For both thl!"'nccd and outcome statements: include numeric <lata, thc timc framc for the data, the data sourc'e~ aH-d the target population and geogl'aphic area. 7, Need Statement (use only the space below): r-bnroe County's'property control records show sixteen (16) pennitted ALS and BLS e.rrergency transport vehicles .and ten (10) fire-rescue ~ical first response vehicles being equipped with low band radio equi:r;ment. 'Ibis equipnent is ... unreliable due to age and condition and increasingly out of service for repair according to depart:Irental maintenance records and incident reports. Reliable state of the art cannunications equipment needs to be purchased in order to . __illIrrove the situation, S, Outcomc Statcment (use only the space below): This project will increase the reliability of the M=>nroeCounty EMS Carrnunications System and inprove emergency medical service dispatch, vehicle coordination and medical control capabilities~ Additionally, it will expand these capabilities into the fire-rescue medical first response program. 9. Research Projects Only: Jf Y')U Irc n,)1 ,.,nduelin; a r~l~arch proje", skip this ilem Ind go to hem 10. If) <1U ar< condu':ling · research proj"t, anach lithe end oC the applicalion concise slatements oCthe hypothesis, design/method, illltruments, methods III I'rOl<<1 Illun"" lubjecl', any limitalions invo~ving the study, research inslrumenls, Connsand lislings of other relcvant .tudics. J O. Wark Activities, Objectives and Time F.'ames (Use only lhe space below): Research and develop specifications for radio cdmumications equiprent within 1 - 2 months after grant begins. Bid, purchase, and install radio carmunications equiprent _ within 3 _ 9 m:>nths after grant begins. . ., 4 ._. _. ,_.. ~., . .. -_._.~ . ~ -... ......-.--. i i! --. . ..---- .. ...------,.-- - - ._. ......fl. , , I I " I !I , ' , I ;) , _n____,____ .. ---------- -. --- CRull",' ill I" -: rt,:,1 l;oual'J. , . --_. ..---- - : - ~ .! "PPUCANT ~Inle -, " I ~IlS~ , IR.Ki~d ra:u TOTAL CA TEGORIES 1\ ale i 1ale I un i 11. Sal:tries and Benefits: I I ! a. New positions. i Do Not Wri.. I In Thl. Arca ' . " . I I I , I ! I I ,i I .' , ., I . I I I '0.00 0.00 0.00 b. Ex isting/In-I<ind Positions i I I ,i I Po Ncl. Wnlo Do Not Wri.. In Thi. Arca I In Thb Aru , i ! i 0.00 0,00 c. Total Salaries and Benefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 12. Expenses Po NOI WrilO a. New Expenses In Thi. Arc. ! , .,. . 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 b. Existing/In-Kind Po NOI WrilO Do NOI Wril. In Thi. Arc. In This Arc. . . . I f, I i , , - I 0.00 0.00 <- TOI ;J I Expenses "".. - ----- - ---- 0.00 0,,00 0.00 '\!lnch a!d'r. . . c,. -.Q.,.D-L I I( n.ll p.I.,(s If needed) Ii . "l'" . , "'.'~ ~ l"~"'l'l , , ..........,..... .~ , ,'I,' I f I , --......- - "' --- ._- -- ~_. - --- - - ! - I RlIund III N~:an~l l)ullarl I . - ! AI'PLlC^NT ~IUIC ~lIS~ In-Kind rU~1 TOT,\ l~ CA TEGORIES IV alc r.hth:h un s 13. Equipment: 3. New equipment. Do Not Wrils . 'In Thil Ar~1 . .. 28 U.H.F. llibile Radios, 34 Hand- held Portable Radios, 58 Pagers (Personal Alert Units) ,. .. ,. 66,999 66,999 133,998. b. Existing/In-Kind Equipment Do NOI Write Do Not Write In This Area In This Area I 0.00 nnn c. Total Equipment Costs i 66,999 0.00 66,999 133,998 1~. Fin~ncial~ummary. TOlal of salaries and b~nefits, expenses, and equipment, all combined. , i . I I $ 66,999 s 0.00 s 66,999 s 133,998 ==aaa=-== &:11__-=____ -_aa_aC:SD a::raccc:z== Cash The Iboye r.~ure The Iboye figure The IboY~ figure Mitch mUll be equII mUI' equlltho musl cqullthe Grand 10 or IclS thin lh. sum ~f the lhe sum of the TO'I' the c ash milch Iwo preccll.i!'1 preceding three Grind TOlal columns th rce columns I I , "'. , ., . -- - ---- - - - .. --- . . " -:----.- . ' . , (AlIlCh ."'1.11101..1 11.Ig,-~ It n.:cded) , APPLICATION ITEM:t6 (signature required) REQUEST FOR MATCHING GRANT DISTRIBUTION (ADVANCE PAYMENn EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) Govcrnmcntal Agency and Non-profit Entity ONLY I I In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 401.113(2)(b), F.S., the undersigned hereby requests an EMS matching" grant distribution (advance payment) for the improvement and expansion of prehospital EMS. Payment To: Board of County Carmi.ssioners~ M:)nroe County, Florida Legal Name of Agency/Organi:z.ltion 5192 Overseas Highway Marathon (City) ! Address I Florida (State) 33050 (Zip) l V. I!ful · M Authorized 0 ficinl SIGNATUR. ~nlJ' ~ATE:: 3 Printcd Name:Wilhelmina Ha Title: Mayor IChai.rman SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR MATCHING GRANT APPLICATION TO: Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Office of Emergency Medical Services (HSTM) EMS Matching Grants 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee. Florida 32399-0700 For Use Only by O"partmenl or H.:allh and Rehabilitative Seevie"s, Office or Em"r::"ney Medical Stevie"s M:ltching Grant Amount:$ Approved By: Grant ID Code: Date: Signature, Tille, Slate EMS Grant Officer State Fiscal Year: ~ Amount: S O~qanization Code 60-20-60-30-100 ~ HS .; Obiect Code Federal Tax ID V F: I l Grant .Beginning Date: Ending Date: - ------------.--- ..------ I 7 - ,\ S S U Il,' ~ C ES ^ N J) ^ 1'1' LI C ^ '1'1 0 N S I G N AT U Il E (^ ppl k"";",,, wW...", i... "pp"'p..." I.." "" hoc, 11111111" '(elll will Ilul Ilt: l'Oll,idl"'t:d for funding): r~',!iri\.:I!i~!!!_i1r SlafllLtr!/s Stall'"lt'"l 1. the: Ulld~15igned, certify lhat if granted funds under Chapter 401, Pnrtll, F.S.; as am~nded, all applicable regulalio~s IInd :.i:"ld.lrd~ will b.: :ldhcr.:d to inclucJing: Chapler 40J, F.S.; Chapt.:r 1OD-66, F.A.C.; Minimum Wage ACI; Till.: VI of lh.: CI\d R.1~'hts ACl of 1964 (42 ISC 2000D Cl. seg.); DHEW Regulation (45 CFR Part 80); Rehabilitation ACl (See 504); [J.:\dOp~l;:nlJlly Disabled Assisl.mce and Bill of Rights of 1975 (P.L. 95-602) as amended by Title V ofth..: lOf11/lr"h-::-nsivc Rehabilitative Services Amendments of 1978: Confidenliality; Human Rights; Habilit:Jlion Plans: Frllpl,,~ 11".111 of the' Handicapped; Services for Persons Unable 10 Pay, ~1:lr(J!H'Il/ of' Cash & In-Kind Commitment 1. Ii;.: ll:lJ<.:rslgned, cerlify that cash arid in-kind match will be available during the grant period and used in direct SUpport (,f this ::rim! proje.:!. Slale and federal fun(1s:will not be used for malching requiremenls, unless specified by law. No cosls "r IhlrJ'p~;tj in-kind contribulions countlowards satisfying a matching requirement ofa department grant iflhey are used Iv ~:dl$f) a matching requiremenl of another stale or federal grant. Cash, salaries, fringe benefits, expenses, equipment, .H1J 0:0':[ expenses as list~J on Ihis application shall be Commilled and used for the department's final approved project <Jur::l;' 1),,-, ;'ranl pefJOu. '\('<'H1J:i 11 ('t:!'U!:!,Il1<; :Jnd Conditions A", I""" ,c "r, he ""m' 'e '"'' ."d '""d; I,,,,,, in App."dix C "r Ihe h"ok I.., "Flo,id" Em"g,,,,y M""i,,' Smiee, M""h,,,~ c; """ l'"" """ '" j -, by Ih, D'p","m'n" of H..hh and R.h, bil; '''"i ve S,ivi", i, "knowl""g'" by th. '''nl'' wh,,, fund, .11e crawn or othcnvlse obtained from the grant payment system. !li<rli!!!.!.lD.: L "" "' J "'" n ,-J, I"" hy "" i r y th,," Ih. f.", and inf""nali"n '''n.. ;""" in Ih" 'pplie"'"n a"d any f"n"w-up do'"m."" '" ''"'' "J '0 "'" 10 Ii" b,,, of my I<oowl"" g., info,m",,,,,, a"d bel; ,f, I fU"h" und',,"and Ih" if it i, ,ub"q u',,1I y "',emw,-J ""," 'h" " not '0""". Ih, g",,,, fund"" "nd" Chap'" 401, Pa" 11. F.s,; Chap'" IOD-66, F.A.C.; .. am'nd.d ,.' C !", c'" 85 - 167, Law, 0 r F I onda, may b, ,"vok"". a"d a"y m"ni" ",on."u,'y ",'id a"d in""" "m,d wi n be r'rc;~:,Lcl 10 Ill" Jepanm"nt with any penalties which may be imposed by law or applicuble regulaliOl1s. ., \/Jril!i.';Jli(!11 ,lI' AW;lrd, 1 ::~Jd"rsr"nd rhe availahilitv of the nOlice of award will be advertl'sc" I'n the Flo ',' Ad . . t t. W kl "I 30 ' ,~I ',.. ,.' ' , ". . U nua miniS ra Ive ee' y, anu tlat -,,- ....J[ c..'" "fl<.:l thiS Flonda AdmlOlslrallve \Veekly advertlsementl wal've any . ht I h II . ., , I, . ' - ng 0 c a cnge or protest In anyway II..... L.~'-1~!(!11~ [v a~.C1rJ grants. .\' J I oS:;.; 11.1IlJrt: of A 1I1!lorized Grant Signer (1::.!,. iJuallLkntified in Item 1) ------- ~ Date Ui7.,;-~~;,~C^ to insu,e that all required signalures have been made [0 It 15 -- --. r ems ,16, and 17, "..