Resolution 159-2005 Mavor Dixie M. Soehar Resolution No. 159.2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE NANCY ORDWAY JAMESON WHEREAS, Nancy Ordway Jameson, known for her dedication to preserving Key West's architecture, culture and history, passed away on April 19, 2005; and WHEREAS, Nancy Jameson was instrumental in establishing the Oldest House as a museum, and after working many years as a volunteer, became its director for fourteen years; and WHEREAS, Nancy Jameson contributed financial and intellectual resources toward establishing a memorial to hundreds of Africans who died in Key West in 1860, and was instrumental in a state historical marker being placed at the memorial site; and WHEREAS, Nancy Jameson was active in many other aspects of the community, most notably: Key West Woman's Club (serving several years as president), Wesley House Family Services, Key West Art and Historical Society, Friends of the Library, and S1. Mary's Soup Kitchen, as well as co-founding the Prithie & Forsooth Society; and WHEREAS, Nancy Jameson's early life, prior to marrying writer Colin Jameson whom she met during a cruise through the Panama Canal and thereafter moving to Key West, included working for the government decoding secret messages during World War IT, stamng in a 1940-41 radio show as Helen Holden, Government Girl, marrying a New Yorker and having three sons; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS:OF MOI;9.0E: o '. - COUNTY, FLORIDA: % ~: :J:.1Ti ::O('")::~ )::110 ~-, " 0'('"""":" -< ~, Section 1: Hereby adopts this Resolution as an expression to the family~r .e~ sympathy in the passing of the late Nancy Jameson. g~~; :;:1.;) %. 0 ~ ::Q -in' I'll Section 2: Hereby directs the Clerk to forward to the family of Nancy J~ d:2opg of this Resolution expressing the Board's sorrow. ~ ~ ~ ~~ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of May, A.D., 2005. MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ,.);'X~i"=~~:~=''Sonny"McCOY ~:: ~::E::O N /.I;,\\::-.:=J ",~~~~ss~oner Geo~ge N~gent Yes ANT_C~OU~~Y A OBtlEY /~;;'( C:::\i~' ;) J~"\ \\ .ss~oner DaVId P. Rice Yes Date ~_7!1.._ ~ :1;\'/' l~" ~,~( oIinmlssloner Murray E. Nelson Yes '\',.""..... ,{.:l>f.. .',: \ j'! \ -:- <..-' -~(.:;_.;:~~:, .-~// ~'},8i,.j, _ _ " -~'~_,,<; ::/-' \~,:.' . -<e::';' ~:l~ OLHAGE, Clerk .~::~~_. . :-c :-,j..-.c(.. ~~;~~r: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO~07'~~UN'\!~ FLO~ , By ~~~/U /J7. ~