Resolution 166-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 166 -2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING REQUEST THAT FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY TRANSFER WASTEWATER TO MONROE COUNTY THE JURISDICTION FOR PROJECTS SOUTH OF THE 7-MILE BRIDGE TO, BUT NOT INCLUDING, THE AREAS CURRENTLY SERVED BY K W RESORT UTILmES CORP. AND KEY HAVEN UTILITY CORPORATION. WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has had over four years to complete the Little Venice, Conch Key and Bay Point wastewater treatment and sewerage projects; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has completed only the Little Venice project except for customer hook-ups; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has exceeded $16,000 per EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) of taxpayer's money on its projects; and WHEREAS, K W Resort Utilities Corp. has been able to provide 1,500 EDU's and an upgrade to Advanced Wastewater Treatment on their existing plant at considerably less cost to the taxpayer, within nine months and under budget; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the public and the environment that every effort be taken by the Board of County Commissioners to reduce costs of wastewater treatment/sewerage projects and implement those projects with as much speed as possible; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, THAT: 1. Monroe County hereby requests that the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority transfer to Monroe County all wastewater jurisdiction for the area of unincorporated Monroe County south of the 7-Mile Bridge to, but not including, the areas served by K W Resort Utilities Corp. (Mile Marker 5.5 and below) and Key Haven Utility Corporation. 2. This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. 3. The Clerk is directed to mail copies of this resolution to Representative Ken Sorensen, the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau Chief of Water Facilities, and the executive officer of the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of May, 2005. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Commissioner Nelson Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Rice Yes Yes Yes Yes No " ~ , (S~~): Attest'>~J.-.KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~ . . J)eputy Clerk ~- ,..... '- <t I".'r' N W ...."".,.,. "-" -J 0 .. 4: .Ll.. U - ::I: t-.>= L:.J - a::: !i -1(..)1- S;o::% .....~ --=:> .....!i,_ ,...- M . (..) C) 'i.-.J ...J . (..) W. N >-~w C' >- :,;: -40 ~?~. uJ C( ;"" (.) 0::: ._.....1 :&: '; :z: u.... tr.l ~_ 0 C ::E: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,()J~ >n ~~ By DIXIE M. SPEHAR, Mayor/Chairperson EY UZA NE ,HUTTON ASSISTANThO~ ~TORNEY Date 5; J-;