Resolution 167-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 167 -200S A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA COMMlTllNG TO ASSIST THE KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT IN THE FINANCING OF A REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan requires Monroe County to meet State mandated wastewater treatment standards by 2010; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan identifies Key Largo as among the highest priority areas for central wastewater service in the entire County; and WHEREAS, centralized wastewater service is available to only a limited number of businesses and residences located in Key Largo; and WHEREAS, the prevailing method of wastewater treatment in the Key Largo area is the utilization of cess pits and septic systems; and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature created the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District, as an independent district pursuant to Chapter 2002-37, Laws of Florida (the "District"), which is responsible for providing wastewater service in Key Largo and its environs; and WHEREAS, the County previously has entered interlocal agreements, passed joint resolutions, established a Municipal Services Taxing Unit and taken other steps to assist the District in meeting its responsibilities and desires to assist the District further in making a central wastewater treatment system available to the residences and businesses of Key Largo; and WHEREAS, the District is pursuing State Revolving Loan Fund financing from the Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP") to finance a portion of its capital costs for the construction of wastewater facilities to serve the northern portion of Key Largo; and WHEREAS, the District is in the process of securing bids for the design, permitting, and construction of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal facilities necessary to serve such area (the ''North Components"); and WHEREAS, the parts of the collection, treatment and disposal facilities which constitute the North Components also shall be used to provide wastewater service to the remaining areas of Key Largo; and WHEREAS, for the reasons stated above, Monroe County's commitment of fmancial assistance is necessary to facilitate the District's construction of the North Components and such commitment of financial assistance serves a public purpose with only an incidental benefit to private persons; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. above. The Board hereby adopts the findings of fact and conclusions set forth Section 2. The County hereby agrees to assist the District in the financing of the capital cost necessary to construct the North Components of the District's regional wastewater system by way of grants as may hereafter be authorized by the Board, up to the amount of TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS ($20,000,000.00). PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of May, 2005. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,i)J~ >n ~~ By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairperson c, ....... 0.::: eo 1....... <t 0 ;;..1 -J (...) c3 <to Ll.. W - -,-.-~ w:: :c :30..- c:&: 2~z Cr':: .~- ~-::::> .::~ (I') .wo L1." . .....I .0 Z '-:::r:::w ..~.' .> ~':.:dC) t1-. = - ,.::; 0:: ............ C" :z: Lt':, 0 '-",'., c ::c