Resolution 155-2005 Marine Resources RESOLUTION NO. 155- 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AMENDING ATTACHMENT 2 OF RESOLUTION 471-2003, COMMITTING FUNDS TO ASSIST LOW AND VERY LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS IN THE PAYMENT OF WASTEWATER CONNECTION FEES AND IN MAKING NECESSARY AND RELATED ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR PROJECT AREAS LOCATED IN THE STOCK ISLAND, BAYPOINT, CONCH KEY, AND KEY LARGO (KEY LARGO TRAILER VILLAGE, KEY LARGO PARK AND SUNSET WATERWAYS) WASTEWATER PROJECT AREAS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 471- 2003 committing funds to assist low and very low income households in payment of wastewater connection fees and in making necessary and related on-site improvements; and WHEREAS, grant funds provided through the Community Development Block Grant program remain available, though application deadlines have passed; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Housing Authority wishes to use all available funds so that future CDBG applications are not jeopardized and further wishes to allow additional CDBG grant applications on a first come first served basis; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. Said Board hereby amends Resolution 471-2003 to replace Attachment 2 of the existing resolution with the following replacement Attachment 2. LowlncFunding ImpPlan 4/29/2005 3:35 PM Marine Resources PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of May, A.D., 2005. Mayor Dixie Spehar Yes Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Yes Commissioner Murray E. Nelson Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~~)~ >n ~ MAYOR/CHAIR PERSON APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY BY'~1!~ i/J k~ ) AT RN Y'S OFFICE 5.3'05 " 3': 0 r _C~ :;';J r'~. L. fT1 ~~t c::: CJ z .-. N "'T'l ("") . a .0 ("") ; N ~ :::0 ;:J'.~ :;r:J . a -0 ....... -in' ~,C~_' :<,.-i::X:: ::B: rTl .J> W CJ "TI Gi 0 r- fT1 ::;0 )> w 0 LowlncFunding ImpPlan 4/29/2005 3:35 PM Marine Resources Attachment 2 Implementation Plan for Wastewater Assistance for Low and Very-Low Income Households LowlncFunding ImpPlan 4/29/2005 3:35 PM Marine Resources All funds awarded will be in the form of grants to the homeowners and loans to property owners providing rentals to qualified beneficiaries. The process for selecting, accepting, reviewing and approving requests for assistance will be by advertisement in local newspapers of general circulation on at least four occasions. This process will provide a minimum sixty (60) day application period. Additional outreach activities shall include, press releases, announcements at public meetings and notification to the following: non-profit organizations, social service providers, local churches, daycare providers and organizations serving the elderly. Any subsequent application periods necessary shall meet the criteria outlined above. Properties to be addressed shall meet all of the following criteria: Priority #1 . Single family unit . Owner occupied . Primary residence . Contain Housing Quality Standards or Health/Safety Violations or sewer connection requirements Priority #2 . Property owners . Single family unit or multifamily rental properties . Occupied by qualified beneficiaries with sewer connection requirements. Applications received within the application period(s) which meet the primary criteria above shall be prioritized based on the schedule outlined herein. Those households/projects receiving the greatest priority score shall be addressed until all available funding has been expended. Subsequent applications processed will be on a first come/first served basis and in accordance with the priority criteria contained herein. Priorities Elderly (one owner greater than 62 yrs.) Disabled household member Documented Multiple Housing Quality Standard violations Very low income Children in household (greater than 2) Length of Ownership (greater than 15 yrs.) (0-5yrs = 0; 6-10yrs = 2; 11-15yrs = 3; 16yrs+ = 5) 10 10 10 05 05 05 LowlncFunding ImpPlan 4/29/20053:35 PM Marine Resources Single head of household (2 or more persons) 05 Note: In the event of tie scores, very low-income households will receive priority. Conflicts of interest will be addressed pursuant to 24 C.F.R. Section 570.489 and Chapter 112.311-112.3143, F. S. by immediate identification of potential conflicts. Additionally, beneficiaries will be identified in minutes of the Monroe Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the CDBG Citizens Advisory Task Force meeting(s) so that any previously unknown conflicts may be surfaced. The conflicts will be acknowledged publicly along with the final selection of beneficiaries. It is the intent of the Monroe County Commission and the CDBG Citizens Advisory Task Force to deal with these conflicts if such conflicts occur on a local level and request waiver for acknowledgement of the conflicts when appropriate. Monroe County will also provide funding for sewer connections for property owners of single-family rental properties, occupied by eligible households. These will fall under the priority #2 category listed above. In the event of funds availability and completion of all applicants under priority #1, the County will provide funds for the sewer connection and on-site improvements for Priority #2 under the following process. Assistance will be provided as a loan. Applicants will execute a note secured by a mortgage on the subject property. The term of the note will be for three (3) years at zero (0) percent interest and requires no regular payments. The principal balance shall be forgiven by 1I3rd annually on the anniversary date. The mortgage shall contain affordability covenants that require that during the term of the loan, the property shall be rented on an annual lease to very low- and low-income households subject to annual income certification. LowlncFunding ImpPlan 4/29/2005 3:35 PM