Resolution 207-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 207-2005 RESOULUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO OPPOSE H.R. 6, THE ENERGY BILL WHEREAS; The National Association of Counties has expressed strong concerns to Congress regarding H.R. 6, The Energy Policy Act of 2003 for its disregard for state and local land use rights and for the unfunded mandates imposed upon its citizens by shifting the costs of cleanup from polluters to local taxpayers, and WHEREAS; the Energy Bill contains many provisions that weaken the State's ability to object to oil and gas activities off of Florida's coast including the weakening of the present Coastal Zone Management Act, and WHEREAS; Section 2010 of the Energy Bill gives the Secretary of the Interior authority to site on the outer continental shelf not only alternative energy facilities but also any facility related to the exploration, development, production, transportation, or storage of oil, natural gas and other materials. This edict essentially gives the Secretary of the Interior czar like authority to site a wide range of oil and gas facilities on the outer continental shelf without guaranteeing state participation, specific protection or competitive bidding, and WHEREAS; the Energy Bill contains 39 known roll backs to protections given in current law that will negatively effect public health, state and local rights regarding public lands, rivers and coastal areas and compromises the rights of citizens by shielding polluters from clean-up liability WHEREAS; the Energy Bill contains defective product liability protection for producers of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) preventing communities from suing MTBE manufacturers for the contamination of our water supply and placing the costly and retroactive burden of clean up from the oil and gas industry to state and local taxpayers and WHEREAS; Florida has the most MTBE spills in the country presently at 29,000 and this bill would extinguish active suits such as the one presently filed in the City of Pensacola, and WHEREAS; the Tax Payers for Common Sense, a non-partisan budget watchdog group has identified 18.7 billion in industry tax cuts within the Energy Bill which sadly supports many present industry policies which simply perpetuate the unsustainable practices of the past WHEREAS; there is a growing broad based group including tax and consumer groups, state and local governments, religious leaders, labor unions, hunters and anglers, environmental and public health advocates and Native American tribes that oppose the Energy Bill and recognize that the Unites States can meet the energy needs of its citizens without sacrificing environmental protections, despoiling pristine lands and putting at risk the needs of future generations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOERS opposes H.R. 6, the Energy Policy Act of 2003 as presently written and call upon our Florida Senators and Members of Congress to restore state and local government's rights and to advocate legislation and funding for more secure, renewable and sustainable energy sources. Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David P. Rice Commissioner Murray E. Nelson Yes YeR Yes Yes Not present D AND ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 2005. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By 4# >n ~hev MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~W:fCFORM JOHN R. COLLINS Date-1l(,j~U~11~~~~~"-,---~- U :3: .-..." I;:::j 0 CJ1 r z '- (T'I ;0 oS: c: 0 "'7.; :z N "TI ("'). r 0 0("'): 0 C:3ij=^ ::0 :Z:. 0 > ..... -t("). ,...... :x P-l :<,....::I: - ("') .> - ." C) .. 0 · /Tl .r:- :::0 > 0 c.n