Resolution 233-1991 ~ " Growth Management RESOLUTION NO. 233 -1991 .. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, GRANTING KEY LARGO ASSOCIATES, LTD., A MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE FOR THE ISLAND PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED IN KEY LARGO. MONROE COUNTY~ FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Honorable Richard Payne, Circuit Judge, in an order dated February 13, 1990, ordered the Monroe County Commission to grant a major conditional use permit to Key Largo Associates, Ltd., for a proj ect called Island Plaza Shopping Center located on Key Largo; and WHEREAS, such order has now been affirmed on appeal; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Section 1. As ordered by the Court, Monroe County hereby approves the application by Key Largo Associates, Ltd., for a major conditional use for the Island Plaza Shopping center filed on October 6, 1988, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, as modified by the recommendations of Ty Symroski in a memo dated April 25, 1989, a copy of which is also attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2. _..I:>- We disagree with the Court's decision; however, the Board is taking this action on the recommendation of their attorney. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 26th day of June 1991. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tem London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes Yes "...11 'iI& 1 Yes 11 1 Yes No BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ . ~ ~- BY:~ ~1b~J <0"'" ~",-.. - -', \ Mayor'1thairman (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY:~~~~ j).~' ty er ~A TOFOFlM , .,.....~ I (" _~: .-....-'~-.!- AN, ' , '" " .. -,_.. ,-,.l'.. By , " ,.'- Dele .4-11' ,t~~ J 'tAJ~ I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 89-893-CA-l8 ) ) ) ) KEY LARGO ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, vs. ~HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florlda, Defendant. FINAL ORDER This matter comes before the Court upon a petition for writ of certiorari to review a final order of the Monroe County Planning Commission and a decision of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners regarding the petitioner's application for a major conditional use ~egarding the Island ?laza Shopping Cente!;.,. The order of the Monroe County Planning Commission and the decision by the Monroe County Board of County Corr~issioners xust be measured against the standards descr ibed by Judge Zehmer of the First District Court of Appeal in his opinion in :~vine v. Ouval County ?lannina Commission, 466 So.2d 357 (Fla. lst DCA 1985), ",.;hich -,.;as adopted and approved by the ?lor ida Supreme Court :..n Irvine '1. Juval County Planning Commission, 495 50.2d :67 (Fla. :986.) These standards include the fcllowing: (a) if an applicant for a major conditional use makes a prima facie case for granting the conditional use, the burden then shifts to the zoning authority to demonstrate by competent substantial evidence that the proposed conditional use is adverse to the public interest. (b) If the staff of the zoning authority has studied the proposed conditional use and issues a report that reco~~ends approval of the application, the applicant has established a prima facie case for granting the conditional use. (c) The personal opinions of the members of :he zoning authority do not cons:it~te competent substantial evidence. (d) If the burden shifts :0 the zoning authority and it fails to demonstrate by competent substantial evidence in the record that the proposed condi tional use is adverse to the public interest, the reviewing court must reverse the order of the zoning authority. (e) If the zoning authority demonstrates by competent substantial evidence in :he record that the proposed .., conditional use is adverse to the public interest, the order . denying the application must refer to the facts in the record :hat support its conclusion, and may not simply state conclusions :hat ':he applicant :ailed ':0 satisfy :he requirements of the applicable ordinance. -2- " In the proceeding now under review by this Court, the staff of the Monroe County Planning Commission recommended approval of the application for the condi tional use, thereby shifting the burden to the Monroe County Planning Commission to demonstrate by competent substantial evidence in the record that the proposed conditional use is adverse to the public interest. The record in this case does not contain competent substantial evidence that the petitioner's proposed conditional use 1S adverse to the public interest. Furthermore, the order of the Monroe County Planning Commission improperly states conclusions about the application when ~easured against the subparagraphs of ~he applicable ordinance, without reference to any facts in, the record, all in violation of the principles of law set forth in Irvine, suora. THEREFORE, based on ~he petition for writ of certiorari, the record of the applicable proceedings before the Monroe County Planning Commission and the Monroe County Board of County Commission, ... the documents in the Appendix attached to the petition for writ of certiorari, the County's answer to the . petition, the Petitioner's reply, and oral argument of counsel, IT IS ADJUDGED that: 1. 7he resolution of the Monroe County Planning Commission dated May 11, :989, and the development order of Monroe County Planning Commission dated May 25, 1989, and the decision of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners on August 29, :989, all of which denied the application by Key I..argo Associates, Ltd., for a major conditional use regarding the Island Plaza -3- Shopping Center, are hereby quashed. 2. The Monroe County Board of County Commission is hereby ordered to approve the application by Key Largo Associates, Ltd., for a major conditional use regarding the Island Plaza Shopping Center, which was filed on or about October 6, 1988, with the modifications recomme~ded in the memorandum dated April 25, 1989, from Ty Smyroski, development review coordinator, to the Planning Commission (a copy of this memorandum is a part or Exhibit A-2 in the appendix to the petition ror writ of certiorari.) The Monroe County Board of County Commission is directed to approve the application with these modifications within twenty (20) days from the date of this order. 3. The Court retains :ur isdiction of this proceeding to enforce the provisions of this fi~al order and to issue any writs that ~ay be necessary to compel compliance and/or to effectuate the provisions of this order. :)ONE AND ORDERED in' Chambers in Key West, Monroe County, Plor ida this /3;Q. day of ~~~ /:/ RICHARD G PAYtU RICHARD G. PAYNE CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE , 1990. Copies furnished to: John T. Blakely, Esq. Mark Graham Hanson, Esq. \915\JTB\12179MSP03 82023 M EMU RAN DUM '1'0:" The Planning Commission THROUGH: Howard Tupper, Planning official, FROH! Ty Symroski, Development Review coordinator1"~/ ,. . . I SUBJECT: Major Conditional Use - Island Plaza ProJect DATE: April ~5,1989 MEETING DATE: April 27,1989 PLANNER: Lrrenzo AghemO' PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: Yes X No January 5, 1989: Postponed due to improper no~ic~. March 2, 1989: Public March 30, 1989, Planning Staff to ences apparent at hearing held but continued to to allow the applicant, neighbors and meet to attempt to resolve the differ- the hearing. March 30, 1989: Public hearing held but continued until April 27, 1989, .to allow the applicant to revise the plan and for the Planning Staff to prepare a comprehen- sive list of conditions. 1. SUMMARY OF REQUEST r~itial Request: I ! Major. conditional use approval of commer- cial retail and two fast ~ood restaurants in addition to an existing Winn-Dixie Food Store and as shown spe- cifically' below (from dimensions and tabulations on tne si te plan). . . PROPOSED TOTAL RETAIL 85,025 sq. ft. Existing Retail (Winn Dixie) 36,200 " Proposed Additional Retail 48,825 " PROPOSED TOTAL RESTAURANT 7,050 " Fast Food Restaurant 7,050 " -------- TO~AL AREA OF EXISTING & PHOPOSED 92,075 " Rev jsc:9 R(~quest: As a result of meetings held hy the ctc- vl~lop~r anu lllo neighborhood association with the media- ~} tiOll of the Planning Department, the developer has re- duced the proposal to what is shown below (from dimen- sions and tabulations on the site plan). Legal Description: Section 39 East, Key Largo 1; Township 61 Sou~h'; Range' Commissioners District: 5 0pplicant: Gonzalez & Taylor Architects on behalf of Key Largo Associates Limited. Land Use District: Urban .Commercial Size of Site: 8.53 acres , .1. . . ~xlstlng Vegetatlon: Date of Application: I , . Disturbed with hammock October 7, 1988 iT. BACKGROUND INFORMATION . . The proposed shopping center was first presented to the Coun- , for dpproval as a Major Development under the regulations of tho previous Monroe County Code, however based on existing files ;!t the Planning Department, a determination as such was never q';anted by the County. A regular building permit under # 16161 \':<i:; issued on Decembdr 17, 1984 for construction of a Winn-Dixie :;lore on the r;i tc of the current application. The permit indi- c~ted conditions regarding the land clearing, specifically stat- ed: ..." '(3) Paradise tree hammock to remain intact (may be used for' 1 andscaping) . . . " . ~>lb:;cquen'll y, 1)'::"'\ appealed the permit on the basis that the I'J'ojcct needed [lIrther review regarding traffic and landscapiT10 i)lljl~',:t;, on t he ~omm1jni.ty.' '1'110 appeal was dismissed on April 7, q 1985, upon a joint stipulation of settlement agreed by DCA, ~'onroe County, and I.D. Properties Incorporated. Part of the ngrecment consisted in changes to the original landscape plan, specifically some 'of those changes included the preservation of hammock areas indefinitely, which were later amended to the ~uilding permit #16161. J 'III. RECOMMENDED ACTION APPROVAL SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS . In order to reduce the impact that a project of this scale and'type has on the natural and built environment, as well as on the 'surrounding community, the proposed development shall comply with the followiag conditions: ]) PROJECT SIZE A) The proposed shopping units shall be limited ,to medium intensity use, except for Pad #2, which will be destincd for afast food restaurant'or 1cssintensive use~ This and oth- er reductions shall remove the requirement that the sewage treatmcnt plant be located as far as possible from the wet- lands. B) The Developer shall reduce Retail 'A' building by 1400 sq. ft. on the south end- so as to allow installation of Class "E" buffer along Blackwater Lane ('30 feet wide). I, .' c.) sq. . end il19' the Developer shall. reduce Retail 'c' building by 1200 ft. of commercial retail floor area on the north-east in order to preserve a substantial portion of the exist- hammock. , I . D) The proposal shall be limite~ to the following areas of uses. The areas conform with th dimensions on the site plan received April 12, 1989: , - to PROPOSED TOTAL RETAIL 84,665 sq. ft. { Existing Retail (Winn Dixie) 36,QOO " PH)posed Additional, Retail 48,465 " PROPOSED TOTAL RESTAURANT 4,550 " Fast Food Restaurant 3,550 " <J Sit Down Restaurant 1,000 " -------- TOTAL ARE~ OF EXISTING & PROPOSED 8'9,215 " E) . The Devoloper shall not provid~ more parking other than necessary to meet the minimum requirements of the Develop- ment Regulations. Based on the size of the project proposed by the Planning staff, only 331 parking spaces will be need- ,cd. Therefore 59 parkirrg spaces should be eliminated from the 390 snaces shown on the site plan. The priority for selecting the spaces to be eliminated shall be: 1) preservation of hammock; '2) preservation of trees; 3) improvement of safe traffic flow; 4) shading of parking spaces; 5) creation of attractive landscape features such as a small playground or' seating area near the center of the project. The imp~ementation of this criteria shall be coordinat- ed by the developer with the Planning Department. , ' 2) HAMMOCK PRESERVATION t . A) The applicant shall submit to the County a mitigation plan for the use of hammock a~eas which were to be preserved i~definitely, as ~ result of the joint stipulation agreement / between the Count~; DCA, and the previous property owner. This plan shall consist of the-donation to the County of a tract of high quality hammock (with development 'potential) of at least twice the 'extent of stipulated preserve araa that is removed by this development. The app+icant has the alternative of preserving the hammock areas agreed to be left intact by reducing the size of the proposed shopping center. ,- B) Tree removJl shall be performed according to the follow- ing mitigation plan: j i) ,The buffer on the north and east sides of the property Shl1U be increased to as shown on the staff recommended '1/ ii) iii) , iv) site plan and left in its natural state (with the excep- tion of Brazilian removal), All native trees on the site with a diameter breast height (DBll) of greater than four inches shall be inven- toried. These trees shall be transplanted on site in accordance with standards set forth by, the County Biolo- gi~t. Where trapsplanting is not feasible, trees re- moved will be replaced on a two by one basis by ap- proved native landscape trees of at least two inches DBH'and at least ten foot in height, All threatened, endangered and rare species shall be transplanted on site in accordance with standards set forth by the County Biologist. These shall include West ,Indian mahogany, satinleaf, cinnamonbark, and para- dise tree, as identified in the original vegetation survey [or this property, Every effort shall be made wherever possible to retain native trees' in their natural condition on site. Ef- forts shall include rearrangement of parking islands, where feasible. 'These trees shall be protected during constr\lction according to standards set forth by the County Biologist. The above mitigation conditions are in addition to the landscape already required for this site (buffers and park- ing landscaping). These conditions shall have -been met for the Biologist's final inspection for the Ce~tificate of Occu- pancy, with thc exception of the protection statement in condition. If existing trees are not being adequately pro- tected, the contractor shall stop work until adequate protec- tion measures are taken. C) A fence shall be cprlstructed around the areas to be served in order to prevent the construction activity accidentally destroying the preserved areas. This ,must be installed and approved by the county biologist to the building permit for the buildings. D) The Developer shall coordinate with Florida Department of Transportation!to relocate plants from the site and used as landscape material in the U.S, 1 right of way pre- from fence prior . . 3) BUFFER ALONG BLACKWATER LANE A) The applicant shall install a 30 foot wide Class E buff- er along the entire length of Blackwater Lane. In addition, there shall be a 3 foot high berm and, a 3 foot high opaque wall internal to 'this buffer. Within this buffer, over 70 percent of the! shrubs and bushes shall be installed along thc outsidc of the wall and over 70 percent of the installed trecs fihall be inside the wall. '/~ ~ 0, j B) The Applicant shall install the buffer along Blackwater Drive before is~uance of the building permit for the build- ings. 4 ) OUTDOOR LIGHTING ~ All new outdoor lighting on site shall be cut-off lights and the; maximum height shall not exceed 18 feet. 5) DRAINAGE AND WETLAND PROTECTION A) A permit from the South Florida Water Managcment Dis- ~rict will be required for the site grading and drainage. A full copy of this permit including the approved drawings and calculations must be submitted with the final development plan. . B) A DER permit will be requircd!for expansion of the sew- age treatment systcm and must be submitted with the final development plan. C) The Deyeloper shall install and Jnaintain an alarm in the sewage treatment plant to detect a failure. 6) TRAFFIC ALONG BLACKWATER LANE ~. A) The applicant shall construct a bicycle/pedestria~s path access to the site from Blackwater Lane in the vicinity of retail A. D) There shall be no automobile or truck connection to Blackwater Lane. However, in order to meet a potential de- mand for access from the residences in Stillwright Point and ,Paradise Point Subdivisions, the applicant shall provide an casement tp the County to install an access to the shop- ping center if more than 50 percent of the residents of Para- dise noint and Stillright Point Subdivisions agree Ito or re- quest such access. This potential access shall be behind the front of retail A and shall be angled in a north- 0~st/southwest manner to prevent it from becoming an access fbr U.S. 1 traff1c~ . . C) Subject to approval from the Florida Department of Transportation; the developer shall use the transportation impact fees from this project to improve the Blackwater Drive/USl intersection. In'order of priority, this shall include: " i) north. bound, left hand turninq lane from U.S. 1 onto n, ",..."'''' t. Hf ' t.,ottH. I I~ . ii) south bound, right hand turning lane from u.s. 1 onto Blackwater Lane, iii) left hand turning lane from Blackwater Lane onto u.s. 1. 71 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS A) The Applicant shall agree to allow a drive to adjacent "UC" parcels. Monroe County will have the to determine the exact location of this access and adjacent developer to build it. I B) The Applicant shall increase the turning radius isting access to the same turning radius as shown North East side and extend the length of the existing way so as to allow greater stacking space ,for cars left onto u.s. 1 (north bound). and from apility requir.e of ex- for the drive- turning B) SOLID WASTE, The Deveropcr shall coordinate ~ith Municipal Service ~ District to present a management plan for the disposal of construction debris and solid waste generated by the devel- 'opment. such a ,plan wil} be submitted with the final devel- opment plan 9) TRASH The Developer shall install a 4 ft. high fence~ behind the buildings within 5 feet of the edge of pavement and the sewage treatm~nt plant to contain any litter on the site. 10) SETBACKS ,,' All'setbacks shall be measured to the pavement and no parking shall be located in the setbacks. 11) LEAST TERN HABITAT A) The habitat for least tern nesting shall be ptotected and potehtially increased by taking the following measures: . i ) ii) All rooftops of new building shall be gravel finish identical to t~at of the existing Winn Dixie store, A visual screen shall be erected on both ends of the existing Winn Dixie roof in order to completely block the new construction area, inclUding moving equipment and people until all construction activities have ceased or until the County Biologist certifies that there arc no nesting terns on the roof, and, The contractor shall assure that no structures such as lad~crs, boards,' and catwalks by' which any non-flying . , , . iii) -)~ animal could gain access to the Winn Dixie roof, are left unattended at any time during construction. ,~2) HANDICAPPED PARKING, Of the total required 331 parking spaces, 9 will be des- ignated for the nandicapped. 13) FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Applicant will submit a final, development plan to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 9.5-70 of' Monroe County Code. This plan shall show: . i) , . . ii) J all conditions including necessary le- iii) Compliance with gal 'documents The required number of these, the required (9 spaces) the location and number of dumpsters on site in a man- ner 'so as not to be a nuisance to' the adj acent proper- ties. The bicycle rack moved from b~hind the building (ret'ail A) to a place in front of the building near retail 'A' and Eckerd's. parking, spaces (331) and of allocation to ~andicapped parking iv) IV. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS 1) Summary of Information: A) B) C) D) E) F) A complete staff report, Extensive input'from residents from neighborhoods near . the parcel proposed for development, A report from the Development Review Coordinator as to the recommendations of the Development Review ~ommittee, An aerial photograph of the site taken within one year of the application photographs of the site taken by the staff during the review of the application, The complete file on the proposal maintained by the l)lanning staff I ;~) . summary of Documentary Evidencc: '! A) B) . A complete'application by the applicant; A letter of reference by Arthur Bigelow, Senior Vice President Commercial Lending, Barnett Bank of South Florida, attesting' to the capability of the applisant to develop such a shopping center; f'5" 3) Findings of Fact: A) . The proposed development as approved is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and standards of the plan and the development regulations and .pecifica~ly the purpose of the Urban Commercial District and the intent. to protect and conserve hammock species and bird nesting sites; The community character of the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development is predominantly rural and residential with a church adjacent to the parcel, vacant land to the west and nor~hwest, the John 'Pennecamp Park across U.s. 1 and U.s. 1 in the front. Therefore the proposed development as approved with the protection of the existing vegetation, increased buff- ers, reduced size, and additional landscaping will be consistent with the community character.of the immedi- ate vicinity; , i .. r . . B) C) The proposed development as approved minimizes adverse effects, including visual impact of the proposed usc on adjacent · properties by the use of additional buffers, additional landscaping, installation of a trash fencc, restricted access on Blackwater Lane, and limited out- door lighting; D) The proposed use as approved will not have ~n adverse affect upon the va1uc of surrounding properties by im- proving the access to Blackwater Lane and reducing the travel time for shopping; E) There are adequate public facilities to serve the pro- posed use as approved. However, due to the current limits to the county"conqerning solid waste and traffic on U.S. I within 3 miles, it is necessary for the appli- cant to coordinate with the Municipal Servi~e District, not develop the parcel to the maximum that may possibly be permitted and limit the type of retail and restau- rant activity as approved; In addition because the sewage plant is not lo~atcd as far' as possible from wetlands, it is necessary to limit the size of the proposed development; F) .. The applicant! has the financial and technical capacity to complete thc developmcnt as proposed and will have made adequate legal provision to guarantee the provi- sion and development of any open space and other im- provements associated with the proposed development; I . . 1b i , G) The development will not adversely affect a known ar- cha~ological, historical or cultural resource; H) Public access to public beaches and other waterfront areas is unaffected by the proposed development; and I) The proposed us~ complies with all additional standards imposed on it by the particular provision of the devel- opment regulations authorizing such use and by all oth- er applicabl~ requirements of the Monroe County Code. ACTION BY: Ordinance ~Resolution CITIZENS COMMITTEE STATEMENT: X No ___Yes (attach) . . I~