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Resolution 235-1991
/ Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 235 -1991 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY-GOVERNED FEES PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT. ..... MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF APPROVING INCREASES IN FOR THE MONROE COUNTY 1'1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby approves increases in County-governed fees for the Monroe County Public Health Unit as shown in Attachment I attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 26th day of June, 1991. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tem London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes YesTr,. No - - Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~.a~~..':~..~~'~~ BY t '\ 'Mayor I Chairman .. ""... .. (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY~~)).e. o-puty erk By U!(fVED TO FORM . . r- tCAL UFF1CIENCY. 1!-orney's Office I ,) ',(' ',;(" t v / /"1 /'" I , I Date i A'l'TACHHEN'l' I Monroe County Public Health Unit Fee Schedules -------------------------------- REGULAR CLINIC SERVICES I \ CURRENT MCPHU FEE SCHEDULE (IN DOLLARS) PROPOSED MCPHU SLIDING FEE SCHEDULE (IN DOLLARS) 1. Adult Services Cardiovascular Screen 40.00 0-50.00 * Chlamydia Test 10.00 0-10.00 Drug Screening 50.00 0-50.00 Epileptic Medication NO CHARGE NO CHARGE 2. Family Planning Initial 0-92.00 0-92.00 Annual 0-69.00 0-69.00 Medical 0-46.00 0-46.00 Resupply/Counseling 0-23.00 0-23.00 C.A.R.E. Panel II 12.00 0-25.00 * Tubal Ligation 0-806.00 0-806.00 Vasectomy 0-226.00 0-375.00 3. HIV Testing and Counseling 20.00 0-35.00 * 4. Immunizations for State & Community Colleges NO CHARGE NO CHARGE 5. Improved Pregnancy Outcome ( IPO ) 1,200.00 / full-tem 0-1,200.00/full tem (nomal) 0-1,700.00/full tem * (high risk) AntePartum Care(10 visits) (15 visits) Physician Visit (Initial) (Limited) ii 0-400.00/low risk * 0-650.00/high-risk * 10.00 0-70.00/each visit * 0-30.00/each visit * ARNJ? Visit (Initial) (Limited) 10.00 0-60.00/each visit * 0-25.00/each visit * 6. Sexually Transmitted Disease Initial Visit 15.00 Revisit 10.00 T.O.C. ---------- 7. TB Control TB Medication NO CHARGE TB Testing (PPD) 4.002 8. Travel Immunizations (per Dose) 0-50.001 * 0-30.001 * 0-20.001 * NO CHARGE 0-8.002 * Cholera Immune Globulin HMR MR Polio Tetanus Typhoid Yellow Fever 9. Miscellaneous 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 0-15.00 0-15.00 0-35.00 * 0-25.00 * 0-20.00 0-15.00 0-15.00 0-30.00 * Intestinal Parasites 10.00 + Scale 0-25. 00/visit PAP Smear 10.00 0-25.00 Pregnancy Testing NO CHARGE NO CHARGE Tetanus 15.00 0-15.00 NOTES, 1 No charge for DIS referral 2 No charge for nursing student, contact or school board 10. Children's Services EPSDT MEDICAID CLIENTS ONLY 0-30.00 Immunizations(Childhood) Infant Metabolic Screening Intestinal Parasites Lead Screening Orthopedic Clinic Initial Visit Revisit Each X-ray School Physical Sickle Cell Test Walk-in Clinic Well-Baby\Well-Child Initial Visit Revisit iii NO CHARGE 3.00 10.00+SLIDING SCALE 8.00 NO CHARGE 0-15.00 * 0-25.00 * 0-15.00 * 10.00 8.00 10.00 24.00 8.00 10.00 0-50.00 * 0-30.00 * 0-20.00 * 0-30.00 * 0-15.00 * 0-20.00 * Individual Lab Tests 18.00 0-40.00 * 14.00 0-25.00 * CtJRRENT""LAB FEE PLUS WALK-IN-cLINIC FEE * VITAL STATISTICS Birth Certificate Certified Copy 9.00 10.00 * Additional Copies 5.00 7.00 * Death Certificate Certified Copy 9.00 DENTAL CLINIC SERVICES I 7.00 * Examination Recall Examination Emergency Examination Prophy & Fluoride X-ray (1 Single Film) Each Additional Film Panoramic Bitewings (2 Films) Amalgam (1 Surface) (2 Surface) (3 or More) Comp Resin (1 Surface) (2 Surface) (3 or More) Stainless Steel Crown 12.00 14.00 7.00 32.00 4.00 2.00 27.00 8.00 17.00 25.00 35.00 18.00 23.00 28.00 50.00 0-20.00 * 0-15.00 * 0-15.00 * 0-40.00 * 0-8.00 * 0-4.00 * 0-35.00 * 0-12.00 * 0-25.00 * 0-35.00 * 0-45.00 * 0-25.00 * 0-35.00 * 0-45.00 * 0-75.00 * iv Pulp Cap (Direct) (Indirect) Pulpotomy Oral Hygiene (Train) Fissure-Sealant (per Tooth) Extract 1st Tooth Qt Additional Tooth Qt Erupted Palliative Treatment (Emergency) Temporary Crown (Emergency) 11.00 9.00 40.00 11.00 16.00 20.00 17.00 36.00 11.00 16.00 0-20.00 * 0-15.00 * 0-60.00 * 0-15.00 * 0-25.00 * 0-35.00 * 0-25.00 * 0-50.00 * 0-20.00 * 0-25.00 * THE HEALTH CARE CENTER (HCC) SERVICES. Initial Visit (Comp) 0-10.00 0-70.00 * Return Visit (Comp) 0-65.00 0-65.00 (Inter) 0-45.00 0-45.00 (Lim) 0-40.00 0-40.00 (Brief) 0-30.00 0-30.00 Chest X-ray S. View 0-63.25 0-70.00 * 2 View 0-82.50 0-98.00 * PPD (Intrad) 0-4.00 0-8.00 * Tine Test FREE FREE Sickle Cell 0-8.00 0-15.00 * Hemoglobin 0-19.25 0-19.25 HGB & HCT 0-33.25 0-33.25 Urinalysis 0-39.25 0-39.25 VORL 0-56.25 0-56.25 Pregnancy Test (Serum) 0-52.00 0-52.00 GC Culture 0-35.05 0-35.05 Smear 0-14.50 0-14.50 Glucose 0-29.50 0-29.50 HIB Vaccine FREE FREE HIV (HTLV Eliza) 0-20.00 0-45.00 * (HTLV Western) 0-20.00 0-45.00 * Dva/Parasite (Smear) 0-25.00 0-43.50 * Chlamydia 0-10.00 0-15.00 * Gram Stain 0-10.00 0-43.50 * Sputum 0-50.00 0-50.00 SOOT 0-43.50 0-43.50 c:\word5\ralona/propfees.doc ATTACHMENT II Ii'.S to.'II1' ""Ollt "tAlIII 111111 SIIDIIl(. 'll SCAlt ' HOlltlll' IIlC(Jl[ UIlC.U .....Iud '1\0/90 ffrtttl~. V~ "(flrt . ..... ................ .... ..... ....................... ........ ............ ..... .........- ...--.. .,... ..... .......... ....... ........ ...... .... 1~O 1'(( t~wrSI Il'a(stMl't1V! II "IC. I ,Al\llf 1- ------ ___n_---:-_-: - ----- ----- -- --- ---:-' ----.----------IMtOICllO "lllCllIlItT I sur I 'A . . 't ' ,D I ' , ' I llllliUllIU II , .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. f t .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , Ie 1~2' 15H . 16)(; . In~ . IMO . 19H. ",050 .1 4 1765 \I 4 li22 I I' 1629 H:U I&S9 19t.' 11,040 I . II I I .... ...............................................1............11............. .......". ................................... . , 2 Ie 1702 ITO' . 18'3 . J~M' I',12S. ",2M. .','06 -,<< I1,OS) II 4 l1,ur I I. , I~2 19&3' 11, '2t. t1,?6S i1,'OS I . II ,.........,.............--...................................................................1............11............. ] Ie ,~O 1M'. ",OSt. ",~n. ",(to. ",SM' 11,762 ., c 11,'20 II e Sl,5S1 I I' ",OS6 ",H2 ",409 ",5e5 11,761 I . II 1.........t....................................................................7.............1............11............. , Ie ",050 ,tt,060' ",272' ",I.M. ".61>6. 1',9'08 - n,uo.1 c ",588 II c tt,M6 I I. ".27' ",'Ill 11,695 11,907 il, "9 I . . II I.........,.................................................~................................I............I'............. 5 1<( 11,217 1',~l&. 11,I.M. 11,1'33. 11,9&1. 12,229 - n,476 -I.c II,MS II .. 12,1&0 I. 11,(&1, S',ts2 ",1>&0 12,228 n,HS I . II I.........,..............................................................~...................I............tl............. 6 Ie ,11,"5 ",(16 . t1,6~' s1,~e2. 12,266 . 12,"~' 12,A32 4' c 12,123 II c 1','95 I 1- 11,696 ",~&' 12,265 12,St.8 U,831 I . II 1.........1..................................................................................1............11.............. 7 1< ",~~~ 1- II,~~S . ",913 11,1;1< . '2,23Z H,(33 - S(,~51 P, !>~~ . H,~1(l t2,~71 . t3,'~9 B,11)O+1. I - S2,3~ II " < I', Mt 1. . .. . .. . .. '" -t- .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. ......... .. ... ~.. .. .... .. .. . .. . ... . .. . .. .. . ....... II- .... . t.... .. .. .. .. . . . . .. J t .. . . . .. . , . .. . .. .... e Ie 11,772 ,- " ,71'3 . S2,126 '~.1l7 . 12,480 12,(81 . S2,836 SZ ,837 . 13,190 '1,191 . Il, ~u 13,5(5 'I e I . U,~58" el3,12' II' I........ ...1........ ... f. ............. ..... .... ....... ,<II ............. ...... ..... ..... ... .......1............ ..II.... ..... ...... 9 Ie S '. 950 S1. 95 1 . .2,3(1 . 12,73\ . 1',122 . ",512 . n,~2 .1 4 tl,Q2S " c tS,C39 I- n,3t.O 12,130 I~,171 '3,5\' 13,901 I . II 1.........1......................4................................................_..........I..........~.II.............. t 10 Ie 12,129 '2. no . 12,556 . '2,~&2 . n,({l! . t3,~3' . t(,~~O ., c 13,193 II ( t1, 7'5' I I- U,5~5 '2,981 n,'01 13,8n ",259 , . II ........... ..................................................................................................1,.............. r(IC{I(T c 10Q 100-120 121. "0 14'.160 16"180 1e1-200 . 200 ( no e 185 rOyun PERCENT OF FULL FEE CHARGED 0% 17% 33% 50% 67% 83% 100% · ~IC Itl~lbl\lty I. b8'~ on C.O$S I~COKt, T~' f.. .ch~t. In b8t~ on MC' '"C~!. Mottl '6r fAMI!I.. wtth ~t. th.~ t~ ~@r., .dd 1'79 fOt e~(h .ddltIOn~t ~r to f.. oroup A. 'or f.. .roUPi '-0, ~ltlpty thl ,roup A .~t by the ~KI~ ~tttnt.o' ef po~trty for elth "~. 'or 'r..umptlv. Htdle.'d II'v1bttlty, f~III'1 wIth ~rl th8~ '.n ~r', .dd '268 for ttth ~ltIOn.1 rtr.on. for ~IC, f.~lt'.' wlt~ ~r. th,n t.n ~r', .dd 1330 for t.ch addltlOn.1 ~r, "Ie t~'t.. that . rr.gntnt wom.n bt count.d .. only onf pttl6n.