Resolution 263-1991 /' 6991120 ~tU I 8 I ~E 1,Iu IS ~... ' FILEO FOR RECORfI 091 AUG 23 P 1 :07 [);\ :~! }-~ , , ld.l (UN: , " MONRO" gESo.~U'I'J OKnNQ.,.... n~n63- ~9 9...1__ Plannin~ De~ar~en~ o~,> --- r :z: ):> rT1 3S-! ~~ ~ CJ - r',' ffi'" C::) .-:0 N -.J A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD Q~ COMMISSIONERS AFFIRMING PLANNING COMMISSIQN RESOLUTION NO. 14-91, GRANTING THE REQUEST ~ THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA FOR APPROVAL, FOR AN AMENDMENT TO A MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1 THRU 11, BLOCK 1, TOLL GATE SHORES SUBDIVISION, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 64 SOUTH, RANGE 36 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, LOWER MATECUMBE KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. MILE MARKER 73.4. ;:g --' :::0 T1 ::J (:) ::u .~ j:;. \0 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission during a regu- lar session held on .June 20th, 1991 conducted a public hearing on the request by the Boy Scouts of America for approval of an amend- ment to a Major Conditional Use, as previously approved by Devel- opment Order #29-89, allowing the relocation of the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant and the proposed Reception/Conference/ Administration Building for property described as Lots 1 thru 11, Block 1, Toll Gate Shores Subdivision, Section 20, Township 64 South, Range 36 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida. Real Estate number 390240. Mi Ie Marker 73.4. The land use designation is SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL (SC); and WHEREAS, as a result of said public hearing, the Planning Commission granted approval of the Boy Scouts' request via Resolu- Page 1 AMBSA.I0/TXTDR,91031 Initials 699lt20 2H I I 8 I PA,GE I u u \) tion #14-91, which was signed by the Chairman on July 1st, 1991; and WHEREAS, the notice requirements for the issuance of a Major Conditional Use permit as specified in Section 9.5-69(d) of the Monroe County Cod~_ Amendeq have been accomplished in a timely manner, with the notice to affected property owners being dated June 28th, 1991; and WHEREAS, Section 9.5-69(e) of the Monroe County Code, Amend- ed, requires that all development orders issued by the Planning Commission in regard to an application of a Major Conditional Use permit shall be placed on the consent agenda at the next regular- ly scheduled meeting of the Board of County Commissioners follow- ing expiration of a period of thirty (30) days beginning upon the sending of notice by the Planning Director; and WHEREAS, no person or body has filed an appeal of the approv- al granted by Resolution #14-91 within the thirty (30) day time period specified in Section 9.5-69(e) of the Monroe County Cod~ Amended, and no member of this Board desires to remove this item from the Consent Agenda; NOW THEREFORE, Page 2 AMBSA.10jTXTDR,91031 Initials 699~20 ~~u I 8 I rAP,'~ I 0 t.. ,'r ,l..'o.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. That Planning Commission Resolution #14-91, including all the terms, condi tions and requirements con- tained therein, is hereby attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2. That Planning Commission Resolution #14-91, including all the terms, conditions and requirements con- tained therein, is hereby affirmed. Section 3. That this Board's Findings of Fact and Conc1u- sions of Law, in addition to those stipulated above, are predicated upon those specified in Planning Commission Resolu- tion #14-91, and which this Board hereby adopts as it's own. Section 4. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby di rected to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. Sectio.!L_~. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Depart- ment of Community Affairs. Section 6. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolut,ion in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. Section--.Z. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the agent Page 3 AMBSA.IOjTXTDR,91031 Initials 6991\20 RtU \ 8 t P~GE\ 0 8 8 for the applicant; William N. DeVane Jr, Attorney at Law, Marathon, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 7th day of Augus~, A.D. 1991 Mayor Harvey Yes Mayor Pro Tern London Yes Commissioner Cheal Yes Commissioner Jones Yes Yes Commissioner Stormont BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA -'. .. ~- ~ .~\l...AJ~-~ __.,.- -. \ BY MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEALY . ... .'....' '; ~ ATTE'S:':T;;'. "i:,ik r.J ~. KOLHAGE, CLERK .:b ~~. 8'1 i\" ~f- Page 4 AMBSA.I0/TXTDR,91031 Initials 699"20 2f~ I I 8 I F~GEI 0 & .J Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 14-91 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY' PLANNING COMMISSION GRAftING THE REQUEST BY THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA FOR APPROVAL FOR AN AIIEHDMENT TO A MAJOR CONbITIONAL USE FOR PROPERTY' DESCRIBED AS ID'.rS 1 TBRU 11, BLOC1C 1, TOLL GAD SHORES SUBDIVISION, SBCrION 20, TONRSIIIP 64 SOU'l"II, RANGE 36 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, L01fER MAT&;aM.8.R ICEY, MONROE comr.rr, I'LORIDA. MILE MARICER 73.4. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission during a regu- lar session held on June 20th, 1991 heard the request by the Boy Scouts of America for approval of an amendment to a Major Condi- tional Use as previously approved by Development Order #29-89 in order to relocate the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant and the proposed Reception, Conference, Administration Building for prop- erty described as Lots 1 thru 11, Block 1, Toll Gate Shores Subdi- vision, Section 20, Township 64 South, Range 36 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida. Real Es- tate number 390240. Mile Marker 73.4. The land use designation is SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL (SC) i and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission was presented with informa- tion via the following: 1. The application for an amendment to a Major Conditional Use as submitted by William DeVane, Esquire, who is acting as attorney and agent for the Boy Scouts of America: and 2. The report from the Development Review Committee meeting of May 15th, 1991, as prepared by Ms. Lori Hoover: and 3. The Planning Department staff report prepared by Ms. Donna Bosold, Upper Keys Planner, which is dated June 5th, 1991: and 3. The presentation by Mr. William DeVane, Esquire, representing the Boy Scouts of America: and 4. The remarks of Mr. Nicholas W. Mulick, Esquire, representing the Toll Gate Shores Property Owners Association: and AMBSA.06jTXTDR,91002 Page 1 ~(Q)~W Initials M 699'20 ~~u I 8 I rAGE I 0 9 0 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the requested amendment to Development Order #29-89 complies with the provi- sions of Chapter 9.5 of the Monroe County Code, Amended~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION FLORIDA, as follows: OF MONROE COUNTY , Section 1. That the preceding Findings of Fact support the decision to APPROVE the request by the Boy Scouts of America for an amendment to a Major Conditional Use as previously ap- proved by Development Order #29-89 in order to relocate the pro- posed Sewage Treatment Plant and the proposed Reception, Confer- ence, Administration Building, as indicated on the site plan before the Planning Commission and which is dated April 19th, 1991. Section 2. That the conditions which were specified in Develop- ment Order #29-89 will continue in effect with this approved modification as follows: 1. A plan for mitigation of proposed mangrove removal and envi- ronmentally appropriate outdoor lighting will be reviewed and approved by the county biologist and the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. The loading zone shall be clearly marked on the site plan. 3. Final detailed landscaping and drainage plans shall be submit- ted and approved by the county biologist prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Permits from all agencies having jurisdiction project shall be received prior to issuance of permit for each individual phase of the project. 5. The sewage treatment plant shall be designed as conservative- ly as possible under existing regulations, and, an inlet to the plant shall be provided at the docking site where sewage will be emptied from the applicant's boats. over this a bui lding 6. All outdoor lighting shall be cutoff lights. 7. Relocation of the existing osprey pole shall be coordinated with the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. 8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall comply with Fire Marshall's requirements. 9. Vacation of road segment shall be processed through the coun- ty attorney's office. AMBSA.06/TXTDR,9l002 Page 2 ~- ~(Q)[j2)W Initials llL 699'20 ~~ft I 8 I PACE I 0 9 l 10. The applicant shall coordinate an on site recycling plan with the county recycling coordinator. 11. The applicant shall install bicycle racks once the bicycle path is provided on the public right of ways. Section 3. That the five (5) year time limit wi thin which to obtain all Certificates of Occupancy for the phased development as approved in Development Order #29-89, shall be amended by this Resolution to terminate on January 1st, 1997. Section 4. That as specified in Section 9.5-72(a)(1) of the Monroe County Code, Amended, if the developer fails to comply with the time constraints as specified in Development Order #29- 89 or as amended by Section 3 herein, then the Major Conditional Use and it's attendant development orders shall be deemed to be null and void with no further action required by the County. Section 5. That as specified in Section 9.5-72(a) of the Mon- roe County Code, Amended, this conditional use approval shall not be transferred to a successive owner without notification to the Development Review Coordinator of the Monroe County Planning Department within five (5) days of the transfer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida, at a reqular meeting held on the 20th day of June, 1991. PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By 7l!1Y ?lu/7~~~ , Milt Mravic, Chairman ,.' i--\~ Signed this / day of :r~ ,~ I 1991. ,; .... t .. .,.~... . ~ I ...., - . . \ AMBSA.06jTXTDR,91002 Page 3 (~(Q)[FJ')1 Initials 7ZL