Resolution 261-2005 Mayor Spehar RESOLUTION NO. 261 -2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 496-2000 TO PROVIDE CHANGES TO DOG LICENSE FEES. WHEREAS, Monroe County Code Section 3-6(1) provides for an annual dog license, but the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) bas detennined that licenses should correspond with the length ofeffectiveness of the rabies vaccination actually administered, and bas approved an ordinance to revise said license requirement; and WHEREAS, Resolutions 136-2000 and 496-2000 have established fees for animal control and shelter setVices; and WHEREAS, the BOCC finds that calls for the contractors providing animal control to pick up un- neutered and unsprayed dogs at large exceed such calls for dogs who have been neutered or spayed; and WHEREAS, it is desired to provide greater deterrent for allowing animals which have not been spayed or neutered to become a nuisance by being at large contrary to County Code and State Statute; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, mAT: I. Resolution No. 496-2000 is hereby repealed. 2. Fees shall be collected for the following setVices as specified: A. SERVICE Pick-up.: (I) First Time (2) Second Time (3) Third and each additional time within a 12-month period FEE S 25 $ 50 SIOO *The above pick-up fees shall be doubled if the animal picked up was not vaccinated for rabies. B. C. D. E. Boarding (per night) Adoption Disposal County License: (I) Animal is spayed/neutered (2) Animal is not spayed/neutered (3) Replacement Dangerous Dog Certificate of Registration (1) First Year (2) Annual Renewal ..:::> (Jl F N (J1 ONE YR. SIO $35 $2 $ 10 25 ~. S 10 z: ~:. ;'0('""):::';; S 10 ~~~ TIIREE~. r $ 25 0('")' $ 105 ~?OS ""0 $ 2 ~~~ = :." ':p- 0- SIOO '; ~ ~ $50 F. "'~.<~.-."..'.'.'-.. s ~-.'..JiS~. ,.R..D. ....AND. ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a /::)~~I!1~;o.f.the Board held on the 20t!Jday of July. 2005. ',; ~~\Qp'';'.''farried unanimously. " \'.J'"'- :~(. "1 '''1' ,~',"~(' .~. ~',,--, --\'.",,;," i. .~.~ .~. . ,l;./fK: . .;c,. ,..".; !~:J "-j-:.-/ J ,~~ erk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR~TJNTt.X!..ORIDr / _ . , L .: /,r/. ~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORQl~ MA~t:: . AP VED AS l: M' (SEAL) '.:J -q o ~':Q ::0 r"71 (J o ::0 (:~:J