Resolution 263-2005 KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. 263. 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS TO PLACE ON THE BALLOT A REFERENDUM QUESTION REGARDING ASSESSMENT OF AD VALOREM TAXES BY THE KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida has enacted Chapter 2005-329, Laws of Florida, establishing the Key Largo Fire Rescue And Emergency Medical Services District (the District); and WHEREAS, said law requires a referendum of the electors of the District to approve the District's assessing and imposing ad valorem taxes not to exceed one (1) mill; and WHEREAS, said law requires the referendum to be held at the same time that the initial Board of Commissioners of the District are elected; and WHEREAS, it is found to be in the best interest of the residents of the Key Largo Fire Rescue And Emergency Medical Services District that the referendum be placed on a special election ballot to be voted upon on October 4,2005; and WHEREAS, Section 125.01(1)(y). Florida Statutes. provides, in pertinent part, that "any election costs, as defined in s. 97.021, associated with any ballot question or election... for the creation of a district shall be paid by the district..."; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2005-329, Laws of Florida, did not provide for a source offunds to offset the costs incurred by the Supervisor of Elections to conduct the special election and referendum for the District; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to advance funds, on behalf of the District, to the Supervisor of Elections to offset the costs of conducting the special election and referendum for the District; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Elections has calculated the costs of the referendum and special election to be approximately $28,000.00; now, therefore 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners now calls for a referendum to be conducted by the Supervisor of Elections on October 4,2005, within the following area: All of Cross Key and that part of Key Largo from South Bay Harbor Drive and Lobster Lane to the southern boundary of the right-of-way County Roads 905 and 905A, which area comprises the lands within the District, on the following question: AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT FOR KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT. SHALL THE KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT LEVY AD VALOREM TAXATION UP TO 1 MILL PURSUANT TO SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER 2005-329, LAWS OF FLORIDA? Yes for the Levy. No against the Levy. Section 2. The County Administrator is hereby directed to make the appropriate arrangements to immediately transfer to the Supervisor of Elections the sum of$28,000.00 as and for the costs of the special election and referendum; and the County Administrator is further directed to recover this sum from the District after the collection by the District of its first ad valorem assessment, but not later than 3 years after October 4, 2005. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of July A.D. 2005. => T, Cl:: Ul :;c: .)..'. c- :::0 C") ::< c: Pi Or-:;;': r- 0 ~~;:: N . or: O(J. en 0 C:::X:;;:::!:. ;0 z. 0 -0 ;;0 -t ('") r :::r: rr1 ::< -t:r: ,.,.... ...,......, - \o.~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMjIS$joNiRs~ OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA ~ '::J , ")J# >n ~ Mayor Spehar :-;~yor Pro Tem McCoy / .'=€~sioner Neugent "\;f{~~~ner Rice \\<~.~ner Nelson ':,-:.,?;\' "j-" ., Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Seal)..'..;.:. AtttSt:"p~ L. By: B: 2 DIXIE M. SPEHAR Mayor/Chairperson MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~go~M: JOHN R. COLLINS Date__,_8~lI~1~O?Y