Resolution 256-2005 RESOLUTION NO. 256 - 2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA EXOTIC PLANT PEST COUNCIL FOR THE FLORIDA KEYS GREEN THUMB EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Advisory Group Agreement was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on February 22,2001; and WHEREAS, Goal 1 of the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Corridor Management Plan is to protect, preserve and enhance the resources found within the Florida Keys Scenic Highway corridor and provide an integrated environment that allows flourishing habitats for indigenous plant and animal communities while permitting appropriate access to these resources consistent with sound environmental planning; and WHEREAS, the Florida Exotic Plan Pest Council has provided funding to complete education and outreach programs to educate the public about non-native invasive plants and their affect on the environment and economy of Florida; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Advisory Group proposes to initiate the Florida Keys Green Thumb Program in cooperation with the Florida Keys Invasive Exotic Task Force to educate Keys homeowners about non-native invasive plants; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT IT: Approves acceptance ofa grant of $1,000.00 for the Florida Exotic Pest Council for the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Advisory Group to print educational materials for the Florida Keys Green Thumb Program. The remainder of this page was intentionally left blank. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of July, 2005. Mayor Dixie Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David P. Rice ,::,:", .. 'J-: Commissioner Murray E. Nelson /)/ /~ v i$i{\ !;:"./ C;~';;lfr\Ml\ ~'i\ !"",l~~",~", '~"a,' .,1' "<"If !'~ (,',"".. /, \,'.,':;.\V('.~\:, ,', it KOLHAGE Clerk .,. '~ ->'~. . ,,::"""<,:~}~f!/~ ' /~;)' Att~-'~t>.<. ClerK of Court (Seal) County Attorney's Office Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Monroe County Board of Commissioners By: ~~Ju >n ~ Mayor l-~~~ I ~'" ~r__-, (-) , ~~~ -l r -< C'") __ . :-1::;:- ..." ~.. r- C") l> 1'1 I 0) --i""'" , , ,"--' :P- -~ ) -J