Resolution 336-1991 r_ > ",L 'c;. r L c_ ~ L: .. C' ll-' - , , lL.- 70L~805 I ' 0 r i..tC: I 0 D \ ,'") ;.,,:U :1 " jU 'P;.3.nning Department, RESOLUTION NO. 336 -1991 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNJ3NG_. DIRE,CTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDi1~.Y: INTERPRETATION NUMBER 62, A PART OF LOT ~, BLOCK 12, AND A PART OF LOT 13, BLOCK 1~, COCO PLUM SUBDIVISION, FAT DEER KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MM 54. :I: ~ \- \Ci ~,.:!j ..- --' , -"1 -:J CJ C"J -', I , -. .~ u - N r .::; (.oj :!J -, .f_..... WHEREAS, the property described as Part of Lot 13, Block 12, and Part Lot 13, Block 13, Coco Plum Beach Subdivision, Fat Deer Key, Monroe County, Florida, as more precisely shown on the at- tached map (marked as exhibit "A"); and WHEREAS, the staff recormnended approval of the boundary changes as indicated in the Staff Recormnendation dated February 25, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director reviewed the Staff Recormnenda- tion and determined that the requested Boundary Determination should be considered instead as a Map Amendment; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries which were established with the adoption of the September 15, 1986, Land Devel- opment Regulations, and which indicate that the property was lawful- ly changed from RU-3 to Suburban Residential and that therefore the subsequent maps were not in error; and WHEREAS, the applicants wish for the Suburban Residential part of Lot 13, Block 12 ,,~nd pl;lirt.of ~tot 13, Block 13, to be changed to . .... . ...' ":.: CJ' '1 "'1' -4 uuL:~~L. c""::J ~ I..." 704805 ~." .--- r ' \" . n I 9 I F.l.,l U 0 :,.;::u 1 Suburban Commercial, Area of County Critical Concern; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director has determined that the appli- cant's request should be denied; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, which recommends denial of a boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpreta- tion Number 62, dated August ~, 1991, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Mon- roe County Code, and therefore approved; and that 2) The above described property should remain as currently designated, that is, Suburban Residential; and that 3) The above conclusion of law, is predicated upon the finding of facts and conclusions determined by the Planning Director, as reflected in his memorandum, and which this Board hereby adopts as its own. 4) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. 5) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. 6) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to file a certi- fied copy of this Resolution in the Public Record of Monroe County, 704805 D; r i ,'8' r :X:, II I, 9 2 rliel b u ,'"". I Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of September , A.D., 1991. Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Cheal Commissioner Jones Commissioner Stormont Yes Yes Yes Yes Absent BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~...~,.tJ~":_""'-~- By: ~,'~'_r . ~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk By:~U-.1>f!' Deputy erk Ft' 704805 ;';C; I J 86 . r"l f 93 iitc ; ;\,'~U MEMORANDUM From Board of County Commissioners Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director~ . \ Robert Herman, Growth Management Directo~ Boundary Interpretation #62 To Through Reference Date August 16, 1991 REQUEST: The applicant requests that the SC (ACCC) boundary line for part of lot 13, block 12, and part of lot 13, bloc~ ~3, Coco Plum Beach be extended to Coco Plum Drive. [;--,t' ~,; /-.J' f i , FINDINGS OF FACT: 1) Part of lot 13, block 12, and part of lot 13, block 13, Coco Plum Beach were not included as part of the SC (ACCC) zoning district on the Charles Pattison Maps. 2) Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and all of lots 14, 15, 16, 17, block 12; lots 10, 11, 12, block 13 were zoned SC (ACCC) on the Charles Pattison Maps. 3) The current maps show lots 14, 15, 16, 17, and, part of lots 18 through 26, block 12, lots 10, 11, & 12, block 13 to be zoned Suburban Commercial. 4) The BOCC on 1/23/86 approved a zoning of SC (ACCC) for Coco Plum Beach Subdivision: block 12, lots 10, 11, 12; block 13, lots 12, 13, 14, 15; block 12, lots 18 through 26. Also, the following wording from the BOCC minutes dated 1/23/86, was not incorporated in the Land Development Regulations as previously approved. BSMITH.07/TXTDR 704805 n; i I I 8'" . F' '"' I 94 R~c1 0 ;.,.;; U Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Land Devel- opment Regulations, the Coco Plum Marina and Bird Sanctu- ary Area of the Critical County Concern shall not be used for any use permitted as of right or as a minor or major conditional use except for hotels of twenty-five or more rooms and marinas which shall be permitted as major conditional uses. Subject to the conditions estab- lished for such uses in Section 9.5-235 and each and every other requirement of the Land Development Regulations. RECOMMENDATION: The requested boundary determination to include part of lot 13, block 12, and part of lot 13, block 13 in the "Suburban Commer- cial" zoning district clearly amounts to a rezoning of property which Monroe County requires to be processed as a "Map Amend- ment". Pursuant to section 9.5-24(a), I have interpreted that the subject piece of land is in the "Suburban Residential" dis- trict as determined the the Board of County Commissioners on January 23, 1986. BSMITH.07/TXTDR j'Oi.805 ;'i: I ' ...., r 1\1 lIb 0 ; ~,;i 0 I 9 ~ LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY DETERMINATION #62 Pursuant to section 9.5-24(h) the Planning Director has reviewed the Land Use District Map and interprets that the land use district boundary for the property with RE 00364910, 00364970, 00365120 #00364860, 00364870, 00364880, 00364890, 00364900, 00364920, 00364930, 00364940, 00364950, 00364960, 00364980, 00364990, 00365090, 00365100, 00365110, and legally described as Lots 13 through through 13, Block 13, Coco Plum Beach Key, Monroe County, Florida 26, Block 12, Lots 10 Subdivision, Fat Deer is designated as Suburban Commercial and as Suburban Residential and the Land Use District Map should be corrected accordingly and as precisely shown on the attached map. This decision relies documentary evidence: upon the following information and A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison; A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig; A copy of an aerial photograph from Real Estate Data, Inc., 24th Edition, 1989 at a scale of 1"=600'; A copy of the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners from the January 23, 1986, meeting. A staff report by Ty Symroski to the Board of County Commissioners dated June 11, 1990 and is based upon the following findings of fact: On January 23, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners voted to designate an SC/ACCC district and did specify the area but not the exact portions of the above described lots. It was the intention of the Board of County Commissioner to include a portion of the lots along Coco Plum Drive. The Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison is imprecise and requires an interpretation to precisely establish land use district boundaries. The Land Use District Maps incorrectly show the SC (ACCC) area because of the imprecision. The property owner has been informed of the intention to precisely locate the land use district boundary. Recommended Decision: Approval of the application so that, the above described premises as precisely shown on the attached map are included within Suburban Commercial/Area of County Critical Concern Land Use District designation, which would also include the attached language. '-;-::' _S~~1l Ty ~OSki I ,kvelopment Review Coordinator A/-ZJ. 177/ / Date BSMITH.04/TXTDR 7048U~ . ,....... ,,-~ , I \ ~--rlwo.:.l .~'-:~.J ",\.., c:;') ~3~ ('" , ~ t ~ \',~~. .. "". D~.: [,:.....~ . ,:.r." I , ..,. =~ -l \)~ ..,......, ;, ! ,,' .:J'" ...::-'" , . ~ ~ a:l t ~ , 1 .. 1 ~ .j ~ /0 e,e. ~...d~eI -10 'Tex -I .J- ,1'-// Y s. _..~ ~~-;;- i F.i cI ~I"j-nt. I' .~ ....., ; ':'~:, " -. :,~:. i' :": :~.~..~t._"~r';; " . ""..... -..... _.j 186 :,I.r;:O 196 . ..I" . c... ~. ..r4" 4-~f'~___ _._____ ....-.-- .' u' .,.~ T . \ . .,....,..';~ ,,, ~~~:." ",...r"'" t L t h t h f I I I t '-SA'''' J..J ....,"t'd I I v 0 t ~ .. d " .f', en w i ~ () I) wi IltJ r I' S U ~ : .~ /W Comm i s ~ i oner f c\hr er Commission~r freemdn Commissioner Stormont CommiSSIoner Swift Mayor tlJrvey No YI'S :10 YI:S YC''i Motion c"rricd. Itl'ln I., Coco Plum Beach Subllivisi~~; Block 12. Lots 10, 11, IT;11o'k~ 13, lots 13, 14, 15, 16; 'Block 12, lots 18 through Z6~;M 55! Staff recommended chanl) ing the des igncl- tion from SC to SR. Jim Lewis, representing Ralph Smith, property owner, addressed the Bo"rd. Ralph Smith then "ddressed the Board. Alice Moore, Albert Oelqado, and Frank Greenman, rCIl,'esentlng the Bonefi'.h 10wers Prflpcr~y 0\1ners Ass 0 cia t ion, add r l! sse d the 00 d r d con :: ern i n 9 t his LI c 'i i l) n a _ tion. Motion WB made by Commissioni~r Swift ,1nd seconded by Commissioner Stormont to postpone nntil the nt'xt ~:"p Ineeting and hdve Mr. Siemon and the Staff f~vi~~ the desiqnation with recommendations concerning live-Jboards. Uurin? discussion, mQtion was withdrlwn. The Board recessed for lU11l I, * * . The "o~rd reconvened "t dp~roAimatply 2: 10 p.m. with all Com~i55loners present. Item aD, HoliddY Isle, './illdl.:! K~y, ';;OUlll Of U; 1, M~.I 84.5 and Adjacent Howdrd. Johnson", Propl,,.ty: ~i? Roth, owner, addressell the Board and requ/:.ted cl OR L1c' 'Ination, Phnners ref;cmln!'nded . DR designalio'l with Ar..a I, County Critical Cone-I'rll for thl! purpl)se of sl1l,ting llaf, ':: probi,'ms in the dreJ. Mutioll was madl! lIy Com,ul.,sioilcr St"'IIIf)nt all:l seconded by Co;~:nissionf'r F.1h"l'r toj oI',siqrl.1l.t' OR \', Ih Arna of County Critic~' Concern alld lllfl!l.1 1111, 1)I:llln('."s i" prepar~ I .1 n g u d 9 e for l h.~ ,\r ~.) 0 f COli II t Y C r 11 I r ,1 I COli i.: I~ r II des i gnat llHI "nd with the provisiQn that lh., PfOIl~fly will rClI,Iill SC if t n e con d i t ion 5 0 f t1w Ar 0 a 0 f COli II t Y C r , t 1 I, a 1 Co " e f n a r I! n 0 ~ 11 ~ t . R 0 I I C.l" V 0 t I' .~ a S I) n a 111111" U ' . It~ Y, (:ocpPlum Declch ';ul;:Jivi<;i..n; BIl".,;( 12, Lots 10. 11, 117 liTO,-:.. 1,3:, Lots 12, 13, Ill, lS;.;lllock ::Z. Lots 18 t nrough 26., ,.PI 55: St af f rl?comm.'lId,'d t1I,l t till S .).',:.1 be design.t~d SC with ,In Area of COullly Crillcal CorlC..>,'n to provide for the prohibition of Ilvl'-Jhoards. Hr. r.hJffee, Alberto Delg~do, Willidm Dickinson .)/11.1 George Mo,,,c dddressf!d the Soard in o~POSitlon 01' this dc',ign'1' iOll, Jim Lewis addressell the ROdrd -\nll re'lllc'.lt'd frum the :IJ~rd lhE: desi?ndtion ..('commended lJy the StJi, of SC "lith c,' ,iCCC. Chdrlcs SiemQn dIscussed a prOpo';ed 5C dnd C"co rlum Motrina Bird 'ianctudl'f Area of County CrItIcal Concerll. ~"r. 5ier.lon " d y i sed . the U f) ai' d t h cl till S pit ~ II f t Ir (' \l 0 S s i LJ Iii " I "s 0 f the designation Ul JII Arl!d of Cuunty (ritlcal Concef". th,lt Staff still '"ccommended 'iR df'sign.ltlon. Mutlon ,'oIS m.lde by Co mm i s ~ ion e r 5.. i f t d n d s I~ con d e d II y I:': ":11 i s s i 0 II e r ire e on ant 0 clpprovl? the fOIlf)wi,,'.l dl!~ign...t.io" - 'It. wllh :,CCC as follo..s: 1I0rtwithst~ndin ,)11 other provi',IOII uf tilesI' Loll..: Develo ment ~e II ations, the OCQ 11m ,trlnd dn" fiird a r Ar E" '.l II ,C r i tIC d <<.: 0 un t 11 rr r ern ~ h,) I () l bud for any use permitted in the Suburb!n Commcrcjal 0istrict ~s · use permitted as of right or as " minor or maior con-, ditton,,1 use exceot for hotels of twenty-five or more rooms and marinas whIch shdJI be permitted as mdJor conditional ,uses. subject tu the conditIons estalJlishf'd for such uses In in -205 doll f!ach "nd cver t.he.. ,'I: U1I''!mCI'' Jf these Lan dOe vel 0 p m ell t Reg u I a t ion S . R 0 lIe ,,11 v " t.~ .. a ~ U II J n 1 m 0 u So .........-... 7/1 '" :J ? yt, ~ ... ~~~~ ~"-"""-~"~"\II" . ~ I "n;n"_:!"~,,;...,... .,., ,~ .. .; :. I" '.., \4) ~ ... ....... '" t' '4 ~ ~ ,.. t ,r , ~ I~ "" ~ I II I 1 704805 c" I ' 8 r Rt C I 0 :\:0 I n""'1 . rt;L.L ..- ...... ..... ..-"- ..- ..- " " " ._-.......' !Y ** Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Land Developnent Regulations, the CoCo Plum Marina and Bird Santuary Area of the critical COunty Concern shall not be used for any use permitted as of right or as a minor or major conditional use except for hotels of twenty- five or more rooms and marinas which shall be permitted as major conditional uses. Subject to the conditions established for such uses in Section 9.5-235 and each and every other requirement of the Land Developnen~ Regulations. NA ! . . . . ! . ! . .. . i . c . . . . ! ! II .\.~ . . z . i . . c i- I . . lC . I I i . I . . Pwa.nt to Section 1.5-24CaU2)(h) of tha Monroe Count, Cotte, the boundarlas of the Land Use District Map are Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly described u: Extend the SC boundary south from, lots 12 and 14 to CoCo Plum Drive as shown. Redesignate the entire SC area as SC (ACCC) and attach language per minutes of BOCC meeting Jan. 23, 1986. ** Director of Planning Sheet# 222 Key Fat Deer (62) 1"- 400' Date BOCC Re.olutlon FAT DEER,. 3313L 4 3 .... ." 1 PROPOSED 704805 ':; ; I I 8"" '.. 0 Inn ~f L D )..f .~ ~-- ~---- ...----- ..' .... ,.. .... .. ,,' , , , , ;4/1'---_........", FAT .....,. ~ '--------, . . .., ---11 . . I ~c NA . , ,.. --- ----- II Ii I II J II . I I' I I . i I I, ~ I i Ii . Ii I I I: I: Ii I, . . J: " ... M ., I . .; I . I . I . . :1 c . . . . . I . I , . I . . . I ---1 I · . I I N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida January 19,1988 Pane' or Sheet# 222 Applicant: Ralph Smith / Staff Key: "'~t- nc...,.. K...y i-~ L4f~ ;ra ~ Flle# 62 t- 1"=400 ~ Mile Marker: EXISTING 704805 ;:i I' 106 ,'.';'0 I 9'" rite u . ",,, i N t 1-.100' I Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 25 Edltlon,19 Pane' or Sheet # 64 Applicant: Ralph Smith / staff Key: Fat Deer Key File # 62 Mile MIIrker: 704805 ~U,l I 8 6 '1"020'" ; .~,~,: " ,/ :; ...... BAY F15~ ~ oNE. - , < : 0' 'oJ Jjf t/ ;:._ l... " <' "......# ~:.5 4 s ~.~ ~'''''l\..:I~:O.'_:.~) ~'"' ",O~~OF...-:'O-,f~.;.':./b~H't.~ 1 ~....J:aJ coco PLLJJvJ PB4- J66 P::- ,\ c- I j U~.r-\ _J: ATLANTIC OCEAN N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. ?4 Edltlon,19 Rq 1"=-200 Pane. or Sheet# Applicant: Ralph Key: 157 Smith / staff FUe# 6? f Fat Deer Key ".e Marker: 704805 Lf r I' 1\[[; '06 :G.02""I I u II~lJl 2.} I 2.J 4 - ,., r:l t~ t ~ i:; ...J I , ~. ua I I s ~ " ~I. ~ .~ I I lJ II -, 4 < ,1 .'&J~ IS I ~ : <{ I. ~ 7 @ 14 to 1 U .., > . 1--' ,: d:. ':..:C: :~:-"':'"7~:;~;-..,.~. _ .~..~.:~.:> .. . - .~.... ~ . @ ., , Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 . I 1"=200' I Panel or Sheet# 225 Flle# 62 Applicant: Ral~h Smith / staff Key: F';:'!r Dppr Kp,y Mile Marker: 704805 ,;;t!cr 1 I 8 6 ;,\" 0 / U / \ i t~;;~" '- '- .r.... , /\,-.. ........ , , .; ... ,-. ./ '"---~~j "oJ ~~~.~ ., s-- \ ('" v _---'-..~ .) . --.) \.... ~ .. , " . ~- ~.' ., ~~ ...~'.~ - i " / / / ~ ---- --- --'- --- -- /' ./" ,/ / -- -- .... -- -- --- N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,19'86 Panel or Sheet# 12 Flle# 62 Applicant: Ralph Smith / staff Key: Fat Deer Key @ I 1"= 600' I Mile Marker: 704805 Ci;,' , 0 S ',-. ,,,", ,..,...... 1 ,'.. . "j tH.... I U ,!'ct,. '- [[) 32 I ACA KEY~ OROCK 33 3 .~:~ ';,'t.~, . 10 r-- _", N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 '1 "=2000' I Panel or Sheet# 4 Applicant: Ralph Smith / staff Key: Fat Deer Key Flle# 62 Mile Marker: 704805 cr r; I 8 r '.. 0 2 ' tire I b r~[jr 0 MEMORANDUM From: The Board of County Commissioners Lorenzo Aghemo, Planning Director~ September 10, 1991 To Date: Re Boundary Determination #62- Additional Information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subsequent to the continuation of Boundary Determination #62 at the August 28, 1991, Board of County Commissioners' meeting, Mr. Ralph Smith gave to the Planning Department additional submittals to be attached to his application. A survey and legal description of 'Tract A', Blocks 12 and 13, Coco Plum Beach, the agenda of the January 17, 1986, Board of County Commissioners' meeting and a finding of fact and list of supporting evidence written by Mr. Smith have been attached to the application for Boundary Determination #62. On January 23, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners approved a map change for this part of Coco Plum Subdivision with an errone- ous legal description, adding some lots that were not intended to be in the SC district. To rectify this situation, a map amend- ment would be necessary. A boundary determination can only re~ti- fy typographical or drafting errors. The information submitted by Mr. Smith, however, does not provide additional detail or comprehensiveness to his application and, thus, does not change the recommendation of the Planning Depart- ment to deny the request to extend the SC boundary line to in- clude part of lot 13, block 12 and part of lot 13, block 13, Coco Plum Beach, in the Suburban Commercial District. SMITH,R/TXTGERLISeptember 10, 1991 7L._05 Ni c~,l I 8 6 :n 0 2 0 5 .. L~GL . Aut:., G7. 1991 KEY COLONY BEACH GOLF CLUB. I NC, P , O. BOX 716 KEY COLONY BEACH. FL. 330~1 PH: #(305)289-0672 MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FHOM: LOHENZO AGHEMO. PLANNING DIRECTOR THROUGH: ROBERT HERMAN REFERENCE: BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION #62 DATE: AUGUST 16. 1991 REQUEST: INCORRECT APPLICANT REQUESTS HIS ORIGIONAL BOUNDARY I.INES AS TRANS- MITTED TO THE STATE IN JULY 1985 BE MAINTAINEU. THIS BOUNDARY LINE IS KNOWN AS TRACT "An BLOCK 12-13, COCO PLUM BEACH SUB- DIVISION, PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 166 OF MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. FINDING OF FACT: B.O.C.C. MEETING JAN. 23, 1!l86. #1-- NO CHANGE MADE IN BOUNDARY BY B.O.C.C. 010' SUBJECT PRO- PERTY. #2--MO CHANGE MADE IN BOUNDARY BY B.O.C.C. #3--NO MAP CHANGE MADE BY B.O.C,C. #4--S.C. ZONING AFFIRMED FOR TRACT "A" PUBLIC HEARING MAP CHANGE AGENDA: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN JAN. 9, 1986, CONTINUED JAN. 17, 1986. ITEM Y: COCO PLUM BEACH SUBDIVISION; BK 12, I.OTS 10, II, 12; BK 13, LOTS 13. 14. 15. 16: BK 12, LOTS 18 THRU 26, MM 55. ERRORS AND OMMISSION MADE ON ABOVE LOTS AND BLOCK LOCATIONS. MEMORANDUM TO: FILES FROM: RUTH WEISS, PLANNER DATE: DECEMBER 4. 1987 RE: ACCC DESIGNATION ON COCO PLUM WITH RESPECT TO RALPH SMITH'S MARIE'S YACHT HARBOR CLUB PROJECT, THE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATES PART OF THE PROPERTY WHERE THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECT IS LOCATED AS ACCC. THE TEXT, HOW- EVER. CONTAINS NO PARALLEL REFERENCE, THEREPORE, WHEN AN INQUIHY WAS MADE. IT WAS CHARLES PATTERSON'S OPINION THAT THE DESIGNATION ON THE MAP WAS INCORRECT AND THAT THE PLAN NEVER INTENDED THE PROPEHTY TO CARRY THE ACCC DESll;NATION. Q~ -j ~- RW/SJB STOHE 34 704805 en I I 8 C ", 0 2 0 6' REe. 0 I,b . AUG. 31, 1991 KEY COLONY BEACH GOLF CLUB, INC. P.O. BOX 716 KEY COLONY BEACH, FL. 33051 PH: (305-289-0672) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN BOUNDARY INTERPERTATION #62 (RALPH F. SMITH) EMCLOSURES: 7-5-85--LETTER FROM JIM LEWIS, PROPERTY S.C. 12-13-81--PETSCHE SURVEY TRACT "A". 9-25-85--MONROE COUNTY RESOLUTION 47-85. 9-25-85--SUBJECT PROPERTY. PATTERSON MAP: COUNTY MAP: 1-9-86--NOTICE MAP CHANGE AGENDA ITEM Y COCO PLUM BEACH. ERRORS MADE LOCATING PROPERTY BOUNDARY. SEE PLAT OF AREA. 1-23-86--HEARING TO CHANGE S.C. DESIGNATION TO S.R. DESIGN- ATION. ORIGIONAL S.C. DESIGNATION WAS AFFIRMED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE BY B.O.C.C. ROLL CALL. 12-4-87--COUNTY FILE, CHARLIE PATTERSON'S OPINION. 12-30-88--DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICATION. 2-10-90--LETTER TO COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. 2-18-90--LETTER FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. 3-7-90--LETTER FROM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR. PLANNING DEPT. HAS DESIDED (ALL THE AREA SHOWN AS TRACT "A" ON MAP '1 AS S.C.--A.C.C.C.). (3 PAGE MEMO). 4-3-90--NINE PAGE MEMO FROM PLANNER, TIM DUBOSE. AND PAT ~ McNEESE, BIOLOGIST. SEE ITEM 7 PAGE #2. THIS LEGAL DISCRIPTION IS OBVIOUSLY IN ERROR, ON PAGE #4 CONCLU- SION OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION IS TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 2-20-91--LETTER TO COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND TY SYMAROSKI. 8-21-91--LETTER TO RALPH SMITH, NOTICE OF BOUNDARY DETERMA- NATION. ~ U?4j~ RALPH F. SMITH ~ )0 ~ OE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING MAP CHANGE AGENDA PROPOSED COMPRE~ENSIVE PLAN January 9, 1986 Continued January 17, 1986 704805 \j i ~ I REel 186 ~". U L 0 7 J t",lil. // x LOWEll ItEYS 10. Upper Sugarloaf, Oceaside; Hammock along State Route 939 on eastern shore of Key, MM 20 .--..--.- -.-------- "- 26a. Pine Key Acres I ) O~ ~26b. Palm Villa, MM 31, Big Pine Key M. ' North canal of Big Pine Shores Louise Street (BK 6 Lot 5) N. Koehn's Subdivision, West of Big Pine Shores Subdivision, Big Pine Key; Bayside, Big Pine Street O. East Shore, No Name Key, Eaken's Property P. South side US 1, Sunshine Key Travel Park, MM 38.6 HIDDLE KEYS 34. From Knight's Key to 43rd Street, northside of US 1, Marathon 35A. Crane Point, Marathon, MM 50 ~30 -7 35B. Yardarm Motel; Lots 3-6 West one half of Lot 7, Casa Manana Shores, 6200 Overseas Hwy, MM 50.5 36. Seahorse Motel, Marathon, MM 50.9 37. Native area north of Aviation Blvd, Marathon 38. ~r-->39. Hammock area of Airport, Marathon, MM 51-52 West side of Sombrero Blvd, across from Monroe County Housing Authority; Aerial #60, MM 50 -----? 40. Sombrerro Anglers Club, North; Lots 27, 28 and 29 and entire street 41. Voice of America Broadcast Station, Sisters Creek Island, Marathon (b~ ---' 704805 ~;:< I J 8 6 'TJ 0 2 0 8 /, .JL 42. Golf Course on Sombrerro; Sombrerro Properties, Marathon 43. South end of Days Avenue, MM 50.5, Marathon . .-------- - --. -- -- --- - 45. ----- 46. 47. 48. V 52. 53. 54. .- --.- Seawatch Resort, MM 53 MM 53.2, immediately east of Marathon, both sides of US 1 Crawl Key, MM 53.8, between Pul' n' Be' Dam Creek and Key Colony Beach Subdivision, both sides of US 1 Marathon Inn, 13201 Overseas Hwy, MM 54 Baron Prooperty, in northwest corner of Grassy Key of US 1, Bayside, MM 57.4, Grassy Key Crains Subdivision, Lots 19,20,21; BK 58; PB 1-51, Grassy Key and BK 37 Lots 8, 9 and 10 Bk 19, lots 1 and 2, Crains Subdivision, Grassy Key Little Conch Key WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT Q. Marameade Subdivision, Lots 1-5, Block D, Oceanside, Marathon R. Lagoon Motel, opposide Gulfstream Blvd, at west end of airport, MM 50.9, Marathon S. "Tingler's Island", east side, Sombrerro Blvd, Marathon WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT T. Nuccio Property, MM 52, Marathon WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT U. Property south of Airport, Marathon, MM 52 WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT v. Property south of Airport between 97th and 98th Street, MM 52, Marathon x. W. Clinton Property south of Airport, MM 52, Marathon Edwards Property south of Airport, MM 52, Marathon ._ --_.--,",~--,'-"" _.._.~..,-~- ._----_..----_.----_._.~,_.----~ -. , ~. Coco Plum Beach Subdivision; BK 12, Lots 10,11,12; BK ~ 13, Lots 13,14,15,16; Bk 12, Lots 18thru 26, MM 55 --------- - --- 704805 m~1186 iAGrULU9 UPPER KEYS /.55'. ) Tea Table Key, approx1.mately 1,400' east of US I, south ~ of Upper Matecumbe Key, MM 80; Aerial #77 56. Tropical Reef, Windley Key, MM 85.2 WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT 57. Between Richmond's Landing and the Windley Key Quarry Site; north side of US I, Windley Key, MM 85.6 WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT c;~ Coral Shores Subdivision, across from Rainbarrel, MM 86.8, Plantation Key 60. Bay Hammock Subdivision, Key Largo, MM 100 BB. Between Lietner's Marina and Max Marina, Islamorada, MM 80.5 FF. Bayside, between Hammer Point Park and "7 Acres"; across from Dove Creek Subdivision, Tavernier, MM 93.8 GG. US 1 frontage Wynken, Blynken and Nod Subdivision, MM 96.2, Key Largo HH. Bayside US I, south of American Outdoors, MM 97.5, Key Largo 11. Oceari Reef Club - Skeet Range; Upper Key Largo Comments of the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding Hammocks of Tavernier and Key Largo 3 SR Hammocks: one hammock at Blackwater and two between MM 104-106, Oceanside MM 104.5, bayside, Key Largo - Largo Sounds and 11 Hammock sites, Key Largo Tarpon Basin 9 Hammocks - Tavernier, MM 93 704805 ~'lf; I I 8 6 : Fr 0 2 I 0 " v 1-"'(;( , THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM THE AGENDA OF THE JANUARY 9,1986, ARE POSTPONED UNTIL JANUARY 23, 1986, EITHER AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR AT PLANNING STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION PENDING NOTICE TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS 17. Hammock north of US 1, along Cutthroat Drive, Cudjoe Key, MM 23 20. Southwest portion of Ramrod Key, MM 26.5 22. On the west side of the road to Silver Shores Estates; about 600' north of US 1, Ramrod Key, MM 26.6 A-1 Key Haven - 9th Addition/triangle bounded by Key Haven Blvd, Key Haven Rd and Allamanda Ave. A-2 Key Haven - 9th Addtion/uplands east of Key Haven Blvd and south of Key Haven Terrace A-3 Key Haven 9th Addition north of Allamanda A-4 Key Haven, 6th Addition E. Old Ferry site, Cudjoe Key, MM 22 K. Approximately the northwestern quarter of the southwestern quarter of Section 25, T66, R29, MM 31, Big Pine Key 44. Key Lime Resort, West of Seawatch, MM 53, Marathon 49. Hammock designated SR on both sides of US 1 , Fat Deer Key, MM 54.5-55 50. Hammock on both sides of US 1 , Long Point Key M-16 Valhalla Island off Crawl Key; MM 56.5; on south side of Crawl Key 58. Marina on the west side of Treasure Harbor Road, MM 86.6, Plantation Key 61. East of Esther Street and south of Susan Street; Bk 4, Lot 8, Largo City; Aerial #97, MM 104.5 62. Largo City Subdivision, Lots 1 thru5, Lots 36 thru 39, Key Largo, MM 104.5 704805 ~t U J 8 6 ;'ALr u! I I 63. Part of south half of south half of northeast quarter of southeast quarter of Section 3, T60S, R40E; Aerial #104, Upper Key Largo AA. East end of Key; bayside; west of Davis Shores Subdivision, Lower Matecumbe, MM 76.8 cc. Stratten's Subdivision; Lots 1, 2; Block 6; Aerial #79, MM 82.4 DD. Holiday Isle, Windley Key, south of US 1, MM 84.5 EE. All land in S24, T63S, R37E on both sides of Treasure Harbor Road south of marina, Plantation Key, MM 86.5 704805 ~~u I 86 rAGEO 2 I 2 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING MAP CHANGE REQUESTS FOR THE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Following is a list of items for the public hearing for changes to the Land Use District Maps of the proposed Comprehensive Plan for Monroe County. The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 23, 1986, at the Key Colony Beach City Hall. These items are not necessarily in the order they will be heard. Lower Sugarloaf, Sugarloaf Beach, South of State Road 939 Lower Sugarloaf, North of State Road 939 Lower Sugarloaf, Sugarloaf Mobile Home Park, South of State Road 939 Upper Sugarloaf, South of US 1, both sides of Old State Road 939 Lupo property Cudjoe Key, Cudjoe Gardens 4th Addition, BK 15 Lot 3, south side US 1 Sarcarma Subdivision, Cudjoe Key Surnmerland, Snug Harbor, 1st Addition, BK 4 Lots 1 and 2 Surnmerland, North of US 1, adjacent to J & B Realty Tracts A and E Ramrod, Ramrod Shores 3rd Addition, North of Maripos and East of Coral Ave. Big Torch, Rainbow Beach Subdivision- Little Torch, East Shore north of Torchwood Canal Little Torch, north side of Elinor Ave. Little Torch, land bounded by State Road, Elinor Ave., Aloha and County Road Little Torch, across from Elinor Ave. and County Road Big Pine, South of US 1 at Chapman Street Big Pine, Doctor's Arm, south of No Name Road Marathon, Keys Trailer Park Marathon, US 1 frontage west of 95th Street southeast corner of US 1 and Cocoplum Boulevard --- Cocoplum Beach, BK 12 lot 13 ~ ~ 704805 ~tU I 8 6 Cocoplum Beach, north of Cocoplum Beach Boulevard ;(;t~02 I 3 f :'\\,~~_ . Cocoplum Beach, tracts of land in the vicinity of Bonefish Towers Cocoplum Beach, Bonefish Marina Tavernier, Bayside of US 1 North of 7 Acres subdivision Plantation, Rainbarrel and Plantation Potters Plantation, houses behind Rainbarrel Key Largo, Upper Keys Sailing Club site JOHN A. PETSCHE, JR. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER" SURVEYOR , 14~ ,ARAI hlll~. r LUtHUA. ~ PHON[ 14) ~)'88 AREA CODE JC6 December 12, 1981 FLA. REG S 19'. & E . ]3141 OtilO RlG. S. 62}4 & E . 4UtU9 DESCRIPTION OF TRACT "A" BLOCKS 12 and IJ COCO PLUM BEACH ....., o +:- CO o c..n Situated in Section 4, Township 66 South, Range )) East in the County of Monroe, and State of Florida, and known as being a tract of land consisting of a vacated portion of Avenue "1"; all of Lots 14,15,16, & 17, Block 12; all of Lots 10,11, & 12 Block I); portions of Lots I), 18, 19, 20; 21, 22,2J, 24, 25, & 26, Block 12 and a portion of Lot I), Block I), all of Coco Plum Beach a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 166 of Monroe County Public Records and more particularly described as followsl Beginning on the northerly line of Coco Plum Drive at its intersection with the West line of Avenue "I" of said Coco Plwn Beach SUbdivision, bear South 640-15'-00. West along the northerly line of said Coco Plum Drive 122.1) feet; thence bear North 178.06 feet to the southwesterly corner of Lot 14, Block 12 of said Coco Plum Beach Subdivision; thence continue bearing North along the west lines of Lots 14 thru 26, Block 12, 14)7.09 feet to a Point on the northwesterly line of said Block 12; thence bear North 540-55'-00" East along said northwesterly line of Block 12, 61.10 feet; thence bear South 10)2.21 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 17, Block 12; thence bear East along the said North line of Lot 17, 60.00 feet to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence bear North 850-17'-34" East 50.17 feet to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 10 Block 13; thence bear East along the North line of said Lot 10 110.00 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence bear South 491.94 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Coco Plum Drive; thence, bear South 640-15'-00" West along the said northe~ly line of Coco Plum Drive 177.64 feet back to the place of beginning and containing 4.6046 Acres. ~~ " -, co 0") -',. t :1,_ C> N .;:- ---------------------- DESCRIPTION OF TRACT "B" Block 12, Coco Plum Beach. Situated in Section 4, Township 66 South, Range )) East in the County of Monroe and State of Florida and known as being a part of Lot I), Block 12 of Coco Plum Beach a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 166 of Monroe County Public Records and more particularly described as followsl Beginning on the East line of Avenue "H" of said Coco Plum Beach Subdivision at the northwesterly corner of Lot I), Block 12, bear East along the northerly line of said Lot I), 110.00 feet to a northeasterly corner thereof; thence bear South along an easterly line of said Lot I), )0.00 feet to an interior north- easterly corner thereOf, thence bear North 640-15'-00" East along a northerly line of said Lot I), 222.05 feet to an interior northwesterly corner thereof; thence bear South 122.1) feet to a point on the northerly line of Coco Plum Drive as shown by the Plat of Coco Plum Beach recorded as aforesaid, thence bear South 640-15' -00" West along the said northerly line of Coco Plum Drive J04.36 feet to a point of curvature, thence continue on the arc of a curve deflecting to the right 50.51 feet, said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, the chord of which bears North 570-52'-30" West 42.34 feet to a point of tangency on the east- erly line of said Avenue "H"; thence bear North along the said easterly line of Avenue "H": 165.J8 feet back to the place of beginning and containing 1.0035 Acres. Shee t 1 'of .3 JOHN A. PETSCHE, JR. *1 ftFlH AvE ,GulF RArHON. fLOHIUA J...lO!)Q f'HOFl:5SIONAL ENGINf"ER ftl SURVEYOR December 1J, 19B1 f"t10N( '.1 "Jll-e AHLA LOOt JI.(\ fLA tU G S. 1'9u 4 I 1lhl 011_0 HtC. \ .6Uc A BLOCKS 166 Or' DELINEATION OF PHOPOSED THACTS "A", "B", &: "c" 12 AND 1) COCO PLUM BEACH SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 4, MONHOE COUN'fY PUllLJ C HECORIJS. PACE .oS>.... ~~'-.J....'~ ,. I " I ~!> ~ ", ''----- , I I I , i , -. r - - I -.J o +:" ex> c:> U1 SCAlE 1"= 200' " ,- , - -, I -:~ ; , -. - , I 2.~ I I .: co en , II' I I e " ::"1'::.) I ~ ---'~ " 0 (i-' A >- I f\L 0) --1 u: =1 0"' 1- .... I Z u: --::, . , 111 ;1.-- ~ '~ p r"T-., I ~ 0 I JO N " ,~. I I '" ~~ .1 I "... U1 ,J ... I '" :'.~ LU I, J <V (- , cr ...J ." >:: I"~ I , " .... " ........- '-.... ......... ~' '>.. L _ _ . I , ~ I I \... - - . - , , , -, , , -....:: ~ ....... ..... .' J . , ...J - <. I.,J rc L. : :c: .. ; u:: ", .r. l LJ " I I I I ~ (J : ~~ I '_I~ I - : i:j ~_.-- , , Zi :.r: .. ; ;~ i ~ _ . _ _ . --.,.. : ..... I. I ~ :..:" 11....1 . " , - - _.~ l, I; - - - 1:-.1. r~ : ~ _~: B ,1_.1, I - --, r- '0 ....E ,,'r-, '" .... " " ~ ~ x , .' s " e. ~ " ,. -, I , I , I " , .;--:, ; ~:i: . ......1 I I L Jl I ".1 : t i:: :x: ~ .....8 ~N <;::j " ...; to.- .. L..&.J = ;.:;; L..J ? a: Reg. Land She c t J of J' ,/' / /< 704805 Crr j' i 8,r f<le 0 ! '01"\ I r i " ::r I JOHN A. PETSCHE. JR. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER a SURVEYOR 11:?4!lFIFTH AVE" GULF MARATHON, HORIDA3J050 PHONE 14J'!l188 AREA CODE 3O!l December 12, 1981 FLA REG, S. :1914 & E ,23742 OHIO REG, S, 62:14 & E - 4Ot\.J9 DESCRIPTION OF TRACT "AII BLOCKS 12 and I) COCO PLUM BEACH Situated in Section 4, Township 66 South, Range J) East in the County of Monroe, and State of Florida, and known as being a tract of land consisting of a vacated portion of Avenue "III; all of Lots 14,15,16, & 17, Block 12; all of Lots 10,11, & 12 Block IJ; portions of Lots IJ, 18, 19, 20; 21, 22,2J. 24, 25. & 26, Block 12 and a portion of Lot IJ, Block IJ, all of Coco Plum Beach a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 166 of Monroe County Public Records and more particularly described as follows. Beginning on the northerly line of Coco Plum Drive at its intersection with the West line of Avenue "I" of said Coco Plum Beach Subdivision, bear South 640-15'-00. West along the northerly line of said Coco Plum Drive 122.1) feet; thence bear North 178.06 feet to the southwesterly corner of Lot 14. Block 12 of said Coco Plum Beach Subdivision; thence continue bearing North along the west lines of Lots 14 thru 26. Block 12. 14J7.09 feet to a Point on the northwesterly line of said Block 12; thence bear North 540-55'-00" East along said northwesterly line of Block 12, 61.10 feet; thence bear South 10J2.21 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 17, Block 12; thence bear East along the said North line of Lot 17, 60.00 feet to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence bear North 850-17'-J4" East 50.17 feet to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 10 Block IJ; thence bear East along the North line of said Lot 10 110.00 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence bear South 491.94 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Coco Plum Drive; thence. bear South 640-15' -0011 West along the said northe~ly line of Coco Plum Drive 177.64 feet back to the place of beginning and containing 4.6046 Acres. ---------------------- DESCRIPTION OF TRACT "BII Block 12, Coco Plum Beach. Situated in Section 4, Township 66 South. Range JJ East in the County of Monroe and State of Florida and known as being a part of Lot IJ, Block 12 of Coco Plum Beach a subdivision recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 166 of Monroe County Public Records and more particularly described as follows. Beginning on the East line of Avenue .. HII of said Coco Plum Beach Subdivision at the northwesterly corner of Lot I), Block 12, bear East along the northerly line of said Lot I), 110.00 feet to a northeasterly corner thereof; thence bear South along an easterly line of said Lot IJ, JO.OO feet to an interior north- easterly corn~r thereof; thence bear North 640-15:-00~ East along a northerly line of said Lot I), 222.05 feet to an interior northwesterly corner thereof; thence bear South 122.1J feet to a point on the northerly line of Coco Plum Drive as shown by the Plat of Coco Plum Beach recorded as aforesaid; thence bear South 640-15'-00" West along the said northerly line of Coco Plum Drive 304.J6 feet to a point of curvature, thence continue on the arc of a curve deflecting to the right 50.51 feet, said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, the chord of which bears North 570-52'-JO" West 42.J4 feet to a point of tangency on the east- erly line of said Avenue "H"; thence bear North along the said easterly line of Avenue "H": 16.5.J8 feet back to the place of beginning and containing 1.003.5 Acres. Sheet 1 'of 3 ...-:---- (.""'"1 ~ 7 0 4 8 0 5 ~~U i 8 6 t~Jt 0 2 I , JOHN A. PETSCHE, JR. PROFESSIONAL ENGINFER,. SURVEYOR Dc ccmber 1), 1981 'U.~FIFTH AvE, GU~ MARATHON. HORIOA:l.JOOIO PHONE "}-~IIIII AH(A COOl lI6 FLA HlG S, 19'. & I })I<1 01i00 Ht G S, 6U. A .... Po DELINEATION OF PROPOSED TRACTS II A", "B", &: "C" BLOCKS 12 AND 1) COCO PLUM BgACH SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 166 01'-' MONROE COUNTY PUJ1LT C RECORDS. SCALE 1"= 200' , . ", " , , "'" "",' "'- ""- " :'--. ~' :--:.... "- "- :'---- " ........ , r-: r' '0 "- x: "r. - .-- L., '" "- r,..I " , , .. , -1 ,.<. l. ,I [C "'" ~_. : ~ ...~ u: ", jr.-4 LJ ~ , ~ ~ x " 0$ "- t:- el "- L I I I I I I I I _, Jo_ I I '--1 r-- I '"S I '- I I - - 01 I 2.1 : I - _...! I ~ : L I I I L__. ,.J I I I I I ~ I I I I ~-----'1 f I I ., f I ...- L.. ~i :r: ~ 1-8 ~N l::::l " a;:t.... . . u..J .;;.;;:J &; L....I ? a:; ~1!\\ ~r6' ...,., .....d \0 V"~ I'ol"{;'" ~~ru . CoUr'~'i, ,.' Monrcl8" '. \.Q 'VAra1...-; rlf u r r: '''.1 i "!ICO('~':: ,; 1 T.uun .' " !"'I'''' "Xlr-t '{ "to . Cn..,..i F '.' ..... C...t:P.!J. v' ,< . <''''''<'r;k .' fl. She c t ~ CD cf1 p ~ r-\ a: . .. I I . , I <':1 ..... R ?; LI: ::J r l.-J z a 111 p ~ /1:1 , <A.J. I -1 . I I , . J I ::J: .,.. .1. _-.4 U- '. .. ", ,_. ~ LJ OJ C:~ ~ _..I , !.~ I~\T ,. ,- 1 f I I I . . I . I I I ;.. "':, . L.I. J I : :::!: , .:., I . I i.J I : ;:~: . < I., I ~;"~~ in Monro.~. F", .. Recoru '-iAecf OANNY l. kOlHAGE Clerk Circuit Cou.t F OM