Resolution 507-1989 /' Growth Management RESOLUTION NO. 507-1989 c r- (;-- ~~} c: 0\ C. :.:-1: U.. ,~ N ..- LL 0- L:..J ("..oJ C L..-: c', -' ~ LL- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/ CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE EXISTING AGREE- MENT BY AND BETWEEN BRW, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY CONCERNING THE ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IMPACT REPORT WHEREAS, section 9.5-474 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations (MCLDR) requires the preparation of development impact reports to assess the potential impacts of proposed development within those areas of the county with marginal public facilities; and WHEREAS, the rule proposed under section 380.0552(9) F.S. by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) would require the preparation of development impact reports for proposed development in those areas of the county with either marginal or inadequate public facilities; and WHEREAS, BRW, Inc., is a consultant already under contract with Monroe County for other planning services and is qualified to perform the analysis of traffic impact reports: and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, at its meeting on June 27, 1989, passed Resolution No. 378-1989, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute a certain agreement between Monroe County and BRW, Inc. involving the preparation of a focal point plan for Lower Matecumbe Key; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an addendum to the existing agreement by and between BRW, Inc. and Monroe County concerning the analysis of traffic impact reports, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~~.CJ day of ~jlJ~~ A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: I>..ANNX 1.. ;KOLIlAGE, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ;ijjT.:Jd 4I/~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) BY PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING URBAN DESIGN BRW. INC 200 FIRST AVENUE NORTH SUITE 206. JANNUS LANDING ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA 33701 PHONE 813'895.1692 24 July 1989 Donald L. Craig Assistant County Administrator/ Growth Management County of Monroe 5825 Junior College Road Key West, Florida 33040 ;j .~ Dear Mr, Craig: This letter is to serve as an addendum to the Lower Matecumbe Key agreement between the Monroe County Board of County Commi ssi oners, the County, and BRW, Inc., for the preparation of Traffic Impact Report (TIR) guidelines, BRW, Inc's responsibilities shall include the following: a.1) Preparation of Traffic Impact Report Guidelines, to include at a minimum, guidel ines for access analysis, traffic impact assess- rrent, Traffic signal warrants, Traffic operation analysis, rrethodology meetings, requirements, and alternative review re- quirements. a.2) Preparation of at least two (2) alternative fee schedule methods that Monroe County staff can utilize for the purpose of recouping the consultant costs to review the TIR's prepared under the above guidelines. a.3) Review and prepare written analysis and comments on each TIR submitted by developers. Monroe County shall compensate BRW Inc., for these services as follows: b.1) For preparation and delivery, within 4 weeks, of a draft TIR Guideline to be reviewed by the County staff leading to approval (with recommendations) to proceed with preparation of final TIR Guidelines document. Hourly, according to the attached fee sched- ule, but not to exceed $2,300. b.2) For preparation and delivery, within two weeks of conclusion of draft review, the final TIR Guidelines document and recommended regulation amendments: Hourly, according to the attached fee schedule but not to exceed $1,100,00. ,"J . , :j .i . <~ ., ,I , ...~ , .~ :j i l , j .1" -~ A~J AFFI:...IATE or THE GENNETT RINGROSE. WOLSFELD J^R'';I~> G/\RDtJER INC GROUP DAVID J BENNETT DONALD W RIlJGROSE MARK G SWENSON JOHN B McNAMARA RICHt.RD p l""/OLSFElD P[T[f~ [JARV:S LN,'.{r-E:NCE J (jA8Dr-JER THO~"M~::; r C/',RROLL CFl;\IG l\ !\~""UNDS[r'''J ~O~Jj\LD [ HUNT F{ICH:~RD 0 PILGRIM [VILE ~~ G[CKMAlJN [)!:::~HJI;:; J SUTLlrF Jfrr-H[Y l. G[NSON R,t,LPt1 C GLU~.t1 :)NJID ',- Gr--l':\H/IM 51. PETERSBURG PHOENIX TUCSON DENVER MINNEAPOLIS Mr, Donald L. Craig Assistant County Administrator/ Growth Management County of Monroe 24 July 1989 Page 2 b,3) For preparation and delivery, within five weeks, of at least two(2) alternative TIR fee schedules: Hourly, according to the attached fee schedule but not to exceed $700,00, b,4) In addition, the County shall reimburse BRW, Inc., for all direct expenses associated with providing the above services and approved by the County, including travel to and lodging in Monroe County, meals and any special reproduction costs not contained in b,l- 3 above. b,5) For review and comments of each submitted TIR, the County shall compensate BRW, Inc" based on the final approved fee structure in b.2 above, If thi s agreement is acceptable to you, please have one copy executed by the County and returned to us, We are looking forward to working with you and serving Monroe County. Sincerely, Accepted: (SEAL) Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Deputy Clerk Mayor Date 1.~pI\OVeo ~oR. \.LGot\. ~uf'~\el~cL-t .~ y C.~4N1"1 t'\"f'"N I HOURLY RATES BY EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION Inc, prj nc1 pa 1 Senior Associate/Vice President Associate Senior Professional Professional II Professional I Senior Technician Technician III Technician II/Printing Technician I/Word Processsing $90.00 80,00 65.00 60,00 50,00 40,00 37.50 32.50 30.00 22.50