Resolution 509-1989 :RESOLUTION NO. 509-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF. WHEREAS, by Resolution 384-1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, authorized the submission of a grant application to the Florida Solar Energy Center for a $20,000 matching grant to convert Pigeon Key to solar power, and WHEREAS, the said grant has been approved and has been rated the number one project in the State of Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the said grant is hereby accepted and the Mayor is authorized to execute the said contract and the proper county authorities may execute other necessary documents in furtherance thereof. PASSED .hND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting of said Board held on the .alJfif day of ~, A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~ (Seal) Mayor/Chairman Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -.Q.A)? ~IIP.~ JOHNOW '1 \.':n ""'rf2~~;~ " ..' . 11.:1 ,. ~ : : .; c-, -..,.. -; j --,Ot;d J", 'J',~_I U..:1 Subcontract Agreement Between The University of Central Florida and The County of Monroe This subcontract entered into this day of 1989 between the University of Central Florida . (hereinafter referred to as "UCF"), maintaining its principal place of business at Orlando, Florida 32816-0001, for and on behalf of the Florida Solar Energy Center (hereinafter referred to as "FSEC"), and The County of Monroe (hereinafter referred to as the "Subcontractor"), maintaining its principal place of business at stock Island, Kev West, Florida 33040 The Subcontractor agrees to provide services set forth in the below listed Schedule in support of UCF's Contract for Consultant Services #862 with the Florida Governor's Energy Office (hereinafter referred to as "GEO"). UCF shal'l compensa te the Subcontractor on a cost-reimbursable basis for services rendered. This agreement is comprised of the General Provisions, and the Exhibits which are made a part hereof by attachment or reference. Any inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the following order of precedence: 1) the Schedule, 2) the Statement of Work, 3) the Authorized Budget, 4) the Standard Conditions of Contract. .' Part 1 - SCHEDULE A. SCOPE OF WORK The Subcontractor, as an independent Subcontractor and not as an agent or employee of UCF/FSEC', shall furnish qualified personnel and facilities to perform the following work and services set out below and more fully described in the Statement of Work attached hereto and incorporated herein. As part of the Pigeon Key Photovoltaics (PV) project, the Subcontractor will purchase PV modules, batteries, inverters, reverse osmosis pump, water purification equipment and reqUired material for the conversion to PV power generation, PV water osmosis system, and upgrading of exiting wiring at the Pigeon Key facility in Monroe County. The PV modules will be of a sufficient quantity to provide 2 Kw @ 6 hours per day. The existing 40 KvA di~sel generator will be incorporated into the system for back-up purposes. The above action will create a hybrid system that will convert Pigeon Key to 90 - 95% solar power. B. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The Subcontractor shall perform the work called for under the Work Statement during the period of performance of this contract. The period of performance shall be effective upon execution of this agreement and end on 1 February 1990. C. CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT This is a cost reimbursement contract. As consideration for the services rendered by the Subcontractor under this subcontract, UCF/FSEC agrees to pay the Subcontractor a sum not to exceed $ 20,000 as reimbursement for expenses required for the full and successful completion of this contract. Invoices will be accepted for payment on a bi- monthly basis with documentation of all expenses. The Subcontractor shall expend funds in accordance with the budget identified in the attached Authorized Budget form. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Modification of Contract Statement, the Subcontractor may make budget adjustments only with the prior written approval of UCF/FSEC and GEO. All invoices and requests for reimbursement shall be submitted . 1 , . . and records maintained in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations and guidelines, and the policies of UCF /FSEC. All invoices will be submitted in -, , , ...,;~ ~ 'i sufficient detail to allow for a proper pre- and post-audit. , .;.: Invoices shall be submitted to UCF/FSEC. Final payment may be withheld for a period of 30 days after termination of this -1 :~ 1 ., contract or until UCF /FSEC approves in writing the final report, whichever comes first. j ..~ I ~ 1,'" 1 ~~ I D. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT This subcontract shall not be amended or modified except by an instrument in writing similar to this document. Any modifications shall only be valid when they have been duly signed by each of the parties hereto and attached to the original of the contract. E. MONTHLY AND OUARTERLY REPORTS The Subcontractor will report informally on a monthly basis the activities which have been conducted on this contract. Formal quarterly reports will be submitted no later than the end of the 15th day of the month following the end of each calendar quarter. The quarterly report will describe the actions undertaken, goals achieved and problems incurred. F. FINAL REPORT The Subcontractor will provide UCF/FSEC a final narrative report which details and evaluates the accomplishments and impact of the project. The report shall include an evaluation of the energy savings directly attributable to the project, the methodologies used, data verification, and projection of estimated energy savings expected to accrue from the project. This final report shall be submitted no later than 1 February 1990. Part II - STANDARD CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The Subcontractor hereby agrees to abide by all applicable provisions of GEO Contract #862, Standard Conditions of Contract, which are appended hereto and by this reference are made a part hereof for all purposes. These provisions have the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Where appropriate, the terms "Government," and equivalent phrases in these provisions. shall be interpreted to mean UCFjFSEC, and the term "Contractor," "Participant," or equivalent phrases in these provisions shall mean Subcontractor. Part III - List of Exibits Exhibit A - Statement of Work Exhibit B - Authorized Budjet Exhibit C - standard Conditions of Contract IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this agreement as of the day and year first written above. University of Central Florida Florida Solar Energy Center Subcontractor By: Dr. Joan R. Burr Date Director, Division of Spnsored Research University of Central Florida By: Date Name: Title: Date '.'-- Personnel Fringe Benefits Travel: In state Equipment/Material Supplies Printing Contractual other TOTAL: Authorized Budget Monroe County Contract $ 20.000 $ 20.000 . competitively procure the equipment. Subcontractor will, at perfo~ance specifications, and RFQ tlocument by FSEC, of system design, upon approval Subcontractor will, 4. model for an in-house developed document. utilize this prepared document as their RFQ document or as a Subcontractors are encouraged to a generic RFQ document. 3. The Subcontractor will develop bid specifications and a Request for Quotations (RFQ) document both of which will be submitted to FSEC for review and approval. FSEC has developed evaluation and approval. specifications will be submitted to FSEC for review, System designs and performance performance specifications. 2. The Subcontractor will develop complete system design' and by the budget categories. used in the attached. 1'1!thorized Budget. , broken out Subcontractor's match money, totalling $ 20,000 The work plan will show the amount of the purposes. be clearly explained for both review and implementation and the sequence and time schedule for each. Each task will Subcontractor will provide' FSEC/UCF with a work plan and milestone chart identifying the activities and deliverables 1. Within 30 days from the execution of this subcontract, the STATEMEN~OF_WORK , '.. a minimum, utilize FSEC' s listing of solar firms for RFQ dissemination purposes. FSEC will be available to assist in answering questions from possible bidders. 5. The Subcontractor will evaluate RFQ bids for contract determination. FSEC will assist proj.ect directors in the review of contending bids when requested. The Subcontractor will submit the chosen bid, as well as the bids of the second and third ranked bidders, to FSEC for review prior to award notification. 6. The Subcontractor will award a contract for system installation. Procurement of materials and equipment and system installation will be supervised by the Subcontractor. The Subcontractor will consult with FSEC, on an as required basis, in the event technical/installation problems arise that need to be resolved. FSEC will be advised on a routine basis as to the progress and general status of work in progress. 7. Upon completion of system installation, the Subcontractor will contact FSEC and schedule a final system inspection. FSEC will ensure that specified equipment was installed properly and that tne system is performing as required. The Subcontractor will be informed by FSEC of all system discrepancies and in turn will ensure that corrective actions are taken prior to final FSEC system approval. 8. As part of this project, the Subcontractor will provide an informational sign at a highly visible location on the island describing to all visitors the use of PV on Pigeon Key. The sign will also indicate that the project was a cooperative effort between Monroe County, GEO, and FSEC to demonstrate the viable application of solar technologies. , App x A ST}~DP~ CONDI7IONS OF CO!~~:7 7his Con:~a=: is sUDJect to alia: the conci:ions lis:ec Delo~, waive~ 0: any a:: these conci:ions oust De upon the ex?ress ~~i=te~ auuroval of the Agency, and such waive~ shall De a par: of this Con=ra:=r.. 1. Allowable Costs E.xpendi~ure of proceed's tram this contract shall be subj ect to OMB Ci-rcula~ No. A-102, IlUniform Administra-::ive Requirements for Scate and Local Governments", OMB Circula~ No. A-liD, "Grants and Agreements w.itn Institutions 0:: Eigner Educatio!'.., Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations", and either O~ Circular No, A-87, "Cost P-:-inciDles for Sta'r.e and Local Gove::nments" or OMB Circular No.. A-2l, "Cost P-:-incitlles io~ EducationaL Institutions". No Droceeds from this Contract shall be 'usee. to pay inairec: costs or adI:.inistrati've expenses unless explicitly autho=-ized ,in the budget in the c.ontract.. 2. 7e-:-mina:ion of Contract This Cont~act may be te~inatedby either pa-:-ry for reason or for no reason by giving 'thi~ty (30) days ~~it:~en notice to the other party; said notice shall be su==icien: ~f it ~s delivered "to the pa:::'-::y 1'ersonall:y or :mailed .by cer,=i=i.ed :.mail to his Iher: ~ail~ng address as,speci':ied herein. oT.c.is 'con'tract: -may '.be 'UIlllate=ally cancelled 'by .the .Agency -.- -=:o.e Con=r.actor -reiuses -::0 .allow 'Oublicaccess 'to .aJ..1 documents, 'let'ters, 0':' othe: :materials subj ect: '"to "the' " - ~. 110 -- S ,.' . -pro,\.,::"s.:l.ons o:::l",nap:e= __;., -1: ,.. . wnl.cn 'Were 1'':'epareCl 0= =eceived by ~he Con==ac'to= in 'conjunc-::ion ~i=b ~his con==ac~- ~JI:.: ., f/: ;.( ;-,~ . 'D~he event oi'=e~i~a~~oD ,of -the Con==act: by eithe= 'par~, all p~oper~y purchased wi~h funds under this Co~t=ac=shall_ beco~e the ~rope=ry of the Agency and di.sposed c= in accordance with Amenament N~o the ~=operry ~anagement S=ancia=ds of OMB C~-rculs.'!:' ONo. .A-I02,which sets~o-=-=h -:the :Dnuo:m _~nis,=rative ~eau~=ements .:Ear Gran=s-~~Jl-id to .S=ate. and :Local Gove::'IlLents_ . 'i -a.:'J. -,: ~ished c-::- lln=i:Ilished documents, -aa=a) :,S-=uc.:..es", .2-nd ~euo-:-ts D-=~~p=ed ~v~he Con==acto-::- shall be .~e~inouished -to . _ _ ...t - -=b.e _t._gen:::y_ 7ne Con=ractor sha.:.l be en=~-=led ~o :::o=?e!lsa.-=io~ =~r a.?~=ove~ se::-,.~ces, and e:A-p.enses ::Ln:::..:.=red -=,:,':'0= -':0 =n.e cia.-=e c= not:..:::e c= ~e==:..~a=~on 0= ~ne Cont:=ac~. .<'1 , Noc~i~~scancing ~he above, the Contracto= shall no: be =e~ievec 0: liaDili~y :0 the AgencY :o~ da~aQ:es sustainec ~v -~o AOQ~~V ~V '.~-~'Uo 0; 'D-eac~ '0; "~O r~~:-ac- 'DV -~o --'.. ......_ ..._::_....._.. -::. Y__._ _. _ _ ."1. _ '__.1._ '--....,1.6...__ : .. ....&..- Concracto:- u::t:..;. suer. t:.me as :ne ex.3.c: a:::.oun: 0: aa::.ages C'uo ~~o A~Qn~Y ;-0- "~o Con--a~~o- ;~ ~ry-~o~ u~o~ 0-_ , _ __ _ '::'5__ _., __ ~ 1......._ 1.._....._.... -.:> ~=---- ,..J... othe=w-ise dete==inec. 3. Chanszes The Agency may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the services to be performed by the Contractor under this Contract, Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the Contractor's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between che AQ:ency and the Contractor, must be incorporated In ~itten amendments to this Contract, Upon mutual Contract of the Agency and Contractor, ~he Contrac~ period may be ex~endec. 4. Assisznabili:v Tne Conc=actor shall not assign any io~e~es~ in cn~s Cont":"act,, and shall .noC t":,,ansfer any interest in cne same (whether by assignment: or novation), without: the prior w~itten consent of the Agency. However, the contractor may employ consultants to assis~ in the perfo~ance of its resuonsibilities under this Contract with the prior w=itteo. consent of the ~geocy. .Tne Contractor shail ~u=uish ~he Agency copies of any and all assignmen~s, agreements, or subcon~=acts connecced w~th ~his Coo~ract. 3.. Continszen-: "Fees -Prohibited Toe, Con-:=accorwa":,,rantsthat: no -person, selling agency, or ocher orga!liza~ion has been employed or Teca~neci ~o solicit 0':' secure ~his Con~ract unoo a Contrac-: or underscandiog .for a commission, -percentage., broke~age, or cont'i.ngen-:: .fee. 70r breach 0':' "V.iola~ioo of the wa-n.-ant, the Agency shall have the r:ight ~o annul this Cooc:act , ~'" . " . ,,' , - ' . . . '" w~_nout _~ao~_~ty, or ~n ~ts a~scre~~on to aeauct =r,om the compensation, or otherwise to Tecover the ~ul1 amount 0= such co~is s.ion, 'perceo:.age, brokerage, or cont:ingent =ee.. 6... Jjisc::-=-=_:"::le.-:ioD:..-n Z::'Olovmen': "?=oh:.b:..~e<1 -~ -. Toe Conc=acto":,, ,agrees 'to campI: ",~i--=h ':'i--=le VI 0= -::ne C. .. ~ ~' A - 196 I (-. - 88 ':l '" "') S ' , , - ~v~~ ~g~tS ct 0= _ 4 ~UD,~. :_~~, ect~on _0 0= -=he ~ecieral Z~ergy A~inis't":"ation Act 0= 197~ (Pub. L. 0'" ,., 7 -) ~ . 40' - . - R. "^ - _~_~ , , ~ect~on' _ 0= tne ~nergy eorgan~zat~on ~ct c= ., c7~ (~U'D i 0-:'-438) ""!".; ~le i.... 0':: ~b.e '~":u~a-.; 0'" --" -. -. .., - , --- ~ - - ~'-" - -- ~ A. . - .: ., 9 -. 2 . . ( 'P..... i 9 'i -3' 8 -P' ~ _~enc:.:nen_s 0 _ _ I , as amenQ ec: , . u..... .... - -, - UD . 0'" -'8 . ~' T 9' 482) S . 504 - , _~-~O , anc _UD..-. ~- , ect~oO 0= ene 'e . "" , A .. 1973 ('P' - 0'" -l?) , A L\,enaOl._~tat~oo ct 0:: _UD,. .... ",~-.l - ,tne ge D' ,. . A - 197- ("P' .L 9~ '':1''') ...' 1 'T~I- :..sc":"::..m.~!la.tl.on co: 0:: ;) _UD. .-_...;), .l.~t e v~ ..l.. 0: t ivil Rights Act of 1968 (Pub, L. 90-L~4), the De?a~tmen: of En~~gy O~gan~zation Act of 19i7 (Pub. L. 95-91), and the Ene~gy Conse~a:ion and P~oduction Act 0: 1976, as ~endec., (Pub. L. 9'::'-385), In acco:-dance ....;it::. the above laws and regulat~ons issued p~~suan: the:-e:o, :~e Contractor agrees to assure that no pe:-son in the United States shal:, on the g~ounds 0: race, coler, national o:-igin, sex, age, o:~ handicap, be excluded f~om pa~:icipation in, be denied the benefits of, 0:- be otherwise subjec:ed,to discrimination under any prog~am or activity in which the Agency receives federal assistance from the Department.of Energy, 7. Records Retention and Audit The Cont~actor shall maintain such 'records and accounts, including p~operty, personnel, and financial records, as are deemed necessary bv the A2encv... or the Sec~eta~ of r" _ .. the United States Department of Energy to assure a proper accounting fo~ all project funds. Those records will be made available unon .reouest for audit "DU-::-Dosesto the Agency, the Depa=tment 'of Energy or the Compt~oller G 1 - . U' . S . ~11' .... enera_ 0= tne n~tea tates and w~__ De reta~nec DY tne Contrac:o~ fer three years arte:- the expiration of the Contract unless pe~ission to destroy them is granted by both the Agency and the Department of Energy, 8. Le~islative Ai:>tlro-oriation 'No:w.i1:hstandingothe-r l'rovis;ons of this Cont::act, the continuance of this Cont::act shall be subject to bi~nnial '.legi.slative .approp-ri.at:ion ottunds 'to :the Executive Q:::::ice of ,the Gove=nor" Gove-::nor IS ::'ne=-gy, O==ice, 'pu=-suant to Section 216.311, Flor.ida Statutes, and the recei"Dt of ~ede=al Con~rac: :funcis under which -t~is Con:::.ac= is '1Ilade. 9 ~ 'Publication and 'Publ.ici-::v Tr.i.e Cont=-acto-r shall not: '"Dublish any mate-:-ia'ls iundedbv this Cont:::-act: without ,the" -prior -written approval of 'the" Agency ~ All l'ublicati.ons -shall .acknowledge ..!:ha: .t:he l'=og=am is support:ed ~y runds 'granted ,by the ~epa=-tment of ~ne=gy ,and ~he Agency. ' 10.. "Patents and CO'OV"':"i.2b.tS != a~~ ciiscove~ or inven:i.on a~i.ses 0= ~s develoneci in ~he c;~=se c= c~ es a ~esu1t 0= wo=k 0= se~~i=es 7er=0:m~c ~?der :~is Con=::~c=: o=_in ~?yway connec:ed ne=-ew~=~, -::ne Con:=-ec:or snal~ =e=er tne c~scove~ c= inven:ion ':0 =he Agency end de=e~ine whe:he= "pate~= .....-ote,..-~ o~ -_.: 10j .oe souO"n- .; ~ -~e !l~'Pnc" 0': -ono S~a-o :: :---- ---.." .....--- e- - -... -.;.... '.......- ......... _ .. __ 0_ F~o-:-ida. Any and a12 ~a=en= =-ights acc=-uing unde= 0= ~n connec=i.on .....:..t~the pe=-=o:::-::::ance of this Con:=-ac: are J..-3 hereby ~~e~ to the S::.a::.e 0: :lo=iaa~ In !ven: ::ha:: any books, :aouals, ::i.l=.s, 0:- o::ne:- CO?y:-::..~...:ao.J.e '~a.~e=i.al a:-e prociucec, ::be Con::rac::cr shall no::i:y ~he A~Q'r'\"'''' :,-... a~c ~ i 1 I""O"",....-i ::r':1-~ a""--"~:1."" "....0.0- c- ~.... ..:_.._..T. __..T ....1 ~__ _ ~., --::.. _:J -----...5 -..... -- - _..~ connec::i.o~ ~i::~ ::ne Der=o~a:1.ce =?ce~ .::~is Con::rac:: are nQ-O~"'" -QsO~e'" -_~ -.....~Q_ S-__~-_Q_ c_: .~-'~--'-~~, ~._--'..I" __ -- .: '"' .. - -- I --' ~o:::.::ori:1E: 7he Con::ra.cco:- shall pe~i: che Age:1.cy, or :'::5 Ct.:.J.y au::borized re?resen::a::ive, to mor.i::or :he projec= per::ainiog co chis Con::rac:: as deemed necessa~ by the Agency. :2. ?oli::ical Ac::i~i::v ?rohibi:ed None of :be =~nas, ma:e=ials, p=oper::y, 0:- se~~ices con::r~Du:ec oy ::he Agency or ::he Cor.::rac::.or under ::his Con::~ac:: shall be used in cae pe=to~ance 0: ::~is ~on::?ac:: ~or ~ny '~a=::isa~ ~Qli::i~al ac::iv~~~, 0:- :0 =~=::ner ::':J.e e~ec::~on or ce=ee:: 0:: any ca.nc~ca::e =or tlublic o::=ice. , ~3. Reli~ious Ac::ivi::v ?ro~i~:.::ed ~nQ-e ~~" 'ot:> no _Q1~~iO"S wo-~~~'D ;""s--.,,,,,-ion o~ _ __ .0___ _ ____=_ \oM. _#,_"__...' -... __"-60___ , - prosely::i=a-:.ion as pa::-: oi, or :i,.n connec::ioD '\o,,-i::h,:.he ~o-~o--=~~~ o~ -~;s Con--ac~ :-'-- _ -..............- - --- ...- -. i /, -~.. Co:~lian:e wi~h Local Laws -- ~P"\t:> Co---,a""-o- S~""i' "'O~,.."i- ".~-M ""j"' .....,o'~,..aoIA -.!..a....s _...._ ~__ __ _ ...-._ _ .......:'-l ,,~-~_. ~-- --:r'.. ~-- -- w, o!:':i:"!lan:es, and cocies 0':: s-::a-=eandloca.l gove=nmen-=s,.' 1-. - L.