Resolution 510-1989 ~ Mayor Michael H. Puto RESOLUTION NO. 510 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING REAL PROPERTY ON LOWER MATECUMBE KEY KNOWN AS CALOOSA COVE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a Lease Agreement between the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof, concerning real property on Lower Matecumbe Key known as Ca100sa Cove. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting of said Board held on the ..1d~ day of 4MJM~-t ' A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY, d~_ MA YORj (Seal) A D ^,.' r"V T. "' CiJ:iAGH' Clerk t t est :,..-:U~~"',~,~_H~--- _"""'J. --.-- ~~~,/JL A"r!l 'l;O FORM BY AN1<uC~/ENCr. Attomey", OHIc. i\! udNOW ..;;:, ~fn tl\--in '_1 ~E: 17 d t L d3S 69. , ".1 J (,! .>1 L! ~ tJ _1 1 i j OAL8101 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA LEASE AGREEMENT Lease No. 3783 THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day cf 198 by and between the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA here1nafter referred to aE; "LESSOR," and MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE." LESSOR, for and 1n cons1deration of mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, does hereby lease to said LESSEE the lands described 1n paragraph 2 below, together with the improvements thereon, and sUbject to the following terms and cond1t1ons: 1. DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY: LESSOR'S responsibilities and obl1gat1ons herein shall be exercised by the Division of State Lands, Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Chapter 18-2, Florida Administrative Code and applicable delegations of author1ty. ~. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES: The property subject to this lease, 1S situated in the County of Monroe, State of Florida and more part1cularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and hereInafter referred to as the "leased premises". 3. TERM: The term of this lease shall be for a period of fIfty (50) years commencing on and ending on , with no option for renewal, according to the terms and conditions specIfied 1n this lease unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the provisions of this lease. 4. PURPOSE: LESSEE agrees that the purpose of this lease shall be for a park along with other allowable uses which are deslgnated in the Management Plan to be developed and approved for the leased premIses as provided by paragraph (8) of Page 1 of 12 Lease No. 3783 thIS lease. 5. QUIET ENJOYMENT AND RIGHT OF USE: LESSEE shall have the rIght of ingress and egress to, from and upon the leased premlses for all purposes necessary to the full quiet enjoyment by sald LESSEE of the rights conveyed herein. 6. UNAUTHORIZED USE: LESSEE shall, through its agents and employees prevent the unauthorized use of the leased premises or any use tllereof not In conformity with this lease. 7. ASSIGNMENT: This lease shall not be assigned in whole or In part, wIthout the prlor wr~tten approval of LESSOR. Any assignment granted either in whole or in part without the prior wrItten approval of LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 8. MANAGEMENT PLAN: A Management Plan for the leased premlses shall be prepared by LESSEE, in accordance with Section 253.034, Florida Statutes, and Section 18-2.005, Florida Admlnlstrative Code, and Chapter 18-4, Florida Administrative Code, wlthln 12 months of the execution date of this lease and shall be submltted to LESSOR for approval through the Division of State Lands. The leased premises shall not be developed or phYSlcally altered in any way other than what is necessary for security and maintenance of the leased premises until the Management Plan is approved, without the prior written approval of LESSOR. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with an opportunity to partlclpate In all phases of preparing the development and Management Plan for the leased premises. The Management Plan shall be submitted to LESSOR in draft form for review and comments within ten months of the execution date of this lease. LESSEE shall gIve LESSOR reasonable notice of the application for and receipt of any state, federal or local permits as well as any public hearings or meetings relating to the development or use of the leased premises. LESSEE shall not proceed with development of sald leased premlses including, but not limited to, funding, permit applIcation, design or building contracts, until the Management Plan required herein has been submitted and approved. Page 2 of 12 Lease No. 3783 Any financial commitments made by LESSEE which are not in compliance wIth the terms of this lease shall be done at LESSEE'S own risk. The Management Plan shall emphasize the original management concept as approved by LESSOR at the time of acquIsition which establIshed the primary purpose for which the leased premises were acquired. The approved Management Plan shall provide the basic gUIdance for all management activities and shall be reviewed jointly by LESSEE and LESSOR at least every five (5) years. LESSEE shall not use or alter the leased premises except as provided for in the approved Management Plan without the prior written approval of LESSOR, The Management Plan prepared under this lease shall identify management strategies for exotic species, if present. The introductIon of exotic species is prohibited, except when specifically authorized by the approved Management Plan. 9. EASEMENTS: All easements including, but not limited to, utIlity easements are expressly prohibited without the prior wrItten approval of LESSOR. Any easement not formally approved in wrIting by LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 10. SUBLEASES: This agreement is for the purposes specIfIed herein and subleases of any nature are prohibited, wILhout the prior written approval of LESSOR. Any sublease not formally approved in writing by LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 11. RIGHT OF INSPECTION: LESSOR or its duly authorized agents, representatives or employees shall have the right at any and all times to inspect the leaSed premises and the works and operatIons of LESSEE in any matter pertaining to this lease, fOllowing coordination with LESSEE herein. 12. PLACEMENT AND REMOVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS: All buildings, structures, Improvements, and signs shall be constructed in accordance with plans prepared by professional designers and shall required the prIor wrItten approval of LESSOR as to purpose, location and design. Further, no trees, other than Page J of 12 Lease No. 3783 nOI1-nd II ve ~:;peCLes en" malor land 21J t(~Id l: lonF done wi thout the pI 1. or ">-/ r 1 t lc->'11 a ppruv a J ur L1-;;:80[,. RemovabJe equipment and ['sm;)\!,h L:' lilli,.'i.\JVC;WPiH.:; p.laced on the I.ed::..~ed premises by I.E~"~::::t,;E and '.";;dcl'L llut becume part of the ["ealty w.il1 remain the L,>" UI i?;-;;:r::.: ,,,:1 m:l'f ~"., rem,:!'/C'd by LE:';:,'.ji;li; upon termination of tlll-; 1 ea se, pro v lded a 11 sums due LESSOR as lease fees for the lE'a~:,eu prem,L'=,(:"s are pald; otherw,i.:"E) such equipment and 1 luprUV::ollIellt::: ;':',j1::'}l [,C dUl1 ! t.;i1idJ lJ ,:,l\t>Ject to lien for the sums due L l: :~; :.~; j) f{ . .~XJ ;.-: Tj f<.iil~: t:___(~J\!~LLJ_X. f< ~:;!\1El~tT.r~._ : inl!'lng the term of thlS lease iJE:~3:"~~~\: :31}a.Li pl'()CUr~e and. rnairlt(.-llI1 p<:Jllcies of fire exte11ued rlskl and llabllllY lnsurance coverage. The extended riSk and fire Ln:,:,U:!:tIlce coverage ;;hall be in an::-UTIount equal to the full insurable replacement value of any improvements or flxtures 1';1:3: ed.':n Llh' , ", J c,;, 'O':..'U prc?in _1. ::~ es . TIle lLlbil i ty insurance coverage ~.'I':'llJ i't:.' In dlliUUlltiC' not ~": 11;')11 ~~.l(lO,OOO.OO l')er OCCtlrrence and :t~ ;~ <i U , !..f"!' ; , . , '. (" ). (:1 C C J. C1 c~ r 1 1 ('r' per~:(:" 1; ] "" :'-~ !. {'\-~.rer ty ,[Jtc 01 ~L~rljJ Jn~ LESCC:::: ,~! in8ur,=mc:~ ~,hClB_ Jc :1...\ co ln~ured~. .;1.:~ :11 (~.i '--~ ~:~ ; , 1 t. n ~:') ! C:9~J,;_~,e(i prell;l.;:~.C;~-. ':'~tL.II f-,e.lJClC. LE::~~;'C!' ;,lLll1 :',UlotiUi Flltl (,el, eVJ:;ience of havlnq procured all In;:,l" ,11C'i' pO.i.,.!" Lfe';:' , :?Cjl..tl,.n"cc ;len,;l.I1 prIor tD the effective date of llJ:", elL" ;~lL.il: :~ut)!li : cli1Iltldl1;i iIlP1Pc"after, written eVIdence 1::,L1 tl.l :nllq .Lr!EUranCe ;:uch poL .LC .lEe'::; U) the Bureau of Uplands ManaCjement, Illvu:"l.on uf ~:i ell(:' Lane1::'" Lc'partment of Natural t;:e:::,UUI'Cf:'S ,;"OU CommOllHedl III Boul<:cvard I Tallahassee, FlorIda ,~', ~-: 3 9 S~l . LESSEE shall purcnase all pollcles of insurance from a :-:'lanCidL1V-JJ',;:-,pOnE:I,ble lIlE,l.trer duly authorized to do business inJ L--. j L", ~:;t a L:' of Florlda. hn) c[!,ItifH::ate of ."!elf ill~Ural1('~ ;:,11011 bt:: J .~ 0-' L.....:- \i ',' lj ~ 1 u v ,~ j by t' ,_l1e ~ u.~.u.r ~llce C\._..1t11111~~ lOllcY , 3tate v[ Flar H:;,:~. The certJIJCate of lnsurance shall provide for casualty and 1 L ,I t: l~. l. ; y'nveraqe . LESSEE shall immediately notify LESSOR and tile ].nsurance dqenc ,,1 any c~rectlon or removal of any t..u.llciLIll) () C 0 LIli:'J J",~" r,)vemen L on the leased premlses and any cnangR~ aiTPc:Cl.llq the value of any lmprovements and shall request the 1, nE Ui3.nCe aeren t to makp adequa t [?-~hangps Hl the coverage to Paqe 4 of J.-,~ Lea 2, e i~ (~ . 7 8 =; reflect the changes In value. LESSEE shall be financially responsIble for any loss due to failure to obtain adequate Insurance coverage, and faLlure to mainta~n such policies in the amounts set forth shall constitute a breach of this lease. 14. INDEMNITY: LESSEE hereby covenants and agrees to investIgate all claims of every nature at its own expense, and to indemn1fy, protect, defend. hol~ and save harmless the State of FlorIda and LESSOR from any and al] claims, actions, lawsuits and demands of any kind ur nature ariSing out of this lease to the extent provided by law, 15. rftYMENT OF TAXE~ AND ASSESSMENTS: LESSEE agrees to assume all responsibility for liabilities that accrue to the leased premises or to the Improvements thereon, including any and all ad valorem taxes and drainage and special assessments or taxes of every kind and all mechanic's or materialman's liens WhICh may be hereafter lawfUlly assessed and levied against the leased premIses during the effective period of this lease. 16. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: All permanent improvements located on the leased premises shall, at the termination of this lease, become the property of LESSOR. 17. NO WAIVER OF BREACH: The failure of LESSOR to insist 1n anyone or more Instances upon strict performance of anyone or more of the covenants, terms and conditions of this lease shall not be construed as a waiver of such covenants, terms or condit1ons. but the same shall continue in full force and effect, and no waiver of LESSOR of any of the provisions hereof shall in any event be deemed to have been made unless the waiver is set forth In wrItIng, signed by LESSOR. 18. TIME: Time is expressly declared to be the of essence of th1S lease. 19. NON DISCRIMINATION: As a condition of obtaining this lease, LESSEE hereby agrees not to discriminate against any indIVIdual because of that individual's race, color, religion, sex, national orIgin, age, handicap, or marital status with respect to any activity occurring within the leased premises or Page 5 of 12 Lease No. 3783 upon lands adjacent to and used as an adjunct of the leased prem1ses. 20. UTILITY FEES: LESSEE shall pay all charges for the furnish1ng of gas, electrIc1ty, water and other public utilities to the leased premlses. 21. MINERAL RIGHTS: ThlS lease does not cover petroleum or petroleum products or mInerals and does not give the right to LESSEE to drill for or develop the same, and LESSOR specifically reserves the r1ght to lease the leased premises for purposes of explorIng and recoverlng 011 and mlnerals by whatever means appropriate; provided, however, that LESSEE named herein shall be fully compensated for any and all damages that might result to the leasehold interest of said LESSEE by reason of such exploratIon and recovery operations. 22. FIGHT OF AUDIT: LESSEE shall make available to LESSOR all f1nancial records relating to th1S lease, and LESSOR shall have the rIght to either aud1t such records at any reasonable t1me or requ1re the subm1ttal of an annual independent audit by a Cert1f1ed PublIC Accountant during the term of this lease. This right shall be continuous until this lease expires or is terminated and exerc1sed Without unreasonably interfering with the operatIon of LESSEE'S facilities. This lease may be termInated by LESSOR should LESSEE fail to allow pUblic access to all documents, papers, letters or other materials made or receIved in conjunction with this lease, pursuant to the proVlS1ons of Chapter 119. Florida Statutes. 23. CONDITION OF PREMISES: LESSOR assumes no liability or obligation to LESSEE with reference to the conditions of the leased premises. The leased premises herein are leased by LESSOR to LESSEE in an "as 1S" condition, with LESSOR assuming no responSibility for the care, repair, maintenance or improvement of the leased premises for the benefit of LESSEE. 24. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: LESSEE agrees that this lease is contingent upon and subject to LESSEE obtaining all applicable perm1ts and complying with all applicable permits, regulations, Page 6 of 12 Lease No. 3783 ordlnances, rules, and laws of the state of Florida, the United States or of any political subdivision or agency thereof. 25. NOTICE: All notices given under this lease shall be in writIng and shall be served by certified mail including, but not limited to, notice of any violatIon served pursuant to 253.04, Florida Statutes, to the last address of the party to whom notice 1S to be given, as deSignated by such party in writing. LESSOR and LESSEE hereby designate their address as follows: LESSOR: Department of Natural Resources Division of ::.,tate'Lands Bureau of Uplands Management 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 LESSEE: Monroe County Board of County CommiSSIoners Key West, Florida 26. BREACH OF COVENANTS, TERMS, OR CONDITIONS: Should LESSEE breach any of the covenants, terms, or conditions of this lease, LESSOR shall gIve written notice to LESSEE to remedy such breach WIthin 60 days of such notice. In the event LESSEE fails to remedy the breach of to the satisfaction of LESSOR within the time period specified, LESSOR may terminate all of LESSEE'S rIghts hereunder and recover form LESSEE all damages LESSOR may incur by reason of the breach of this lease, 27. DAMAGE: LESSEE agrees that it will not do, or suffer to be done, in, on or upon the leased premises or as affecting said leased premIses, any act which may result in damage or depreCIation of value to the leased premises, or any part thereof. LESSEE agrees that LESSOR may take any remedy available to LESSOR as a result of such failure by LESSEE. 28. SURRENDER OF PREMISES: Upon termination or expiration of this lease, LESSEE shall surrender the premises to LESSOR. In the event no further use of the leased premises or any part thereof is needed, LESSEE shall gIve written notification to LESSOR and the Bureau of State Lands Management, Division of State Lands, Department of Natural Resources, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 at least six (6) months prIor to the release of any or all of the leased premises. Page 7 of 12 Lease No. 3783 Notification shall include a legal description, this lease number, and an explanatlon of the release. The release shall only be valid if approved by LESSOR through the execution of a release instrument with the same formality as this lease. Upon termInation or expiration of this lease, all improvements shall automatIcally become the property of LESSOR, unless LESSOR, at its optIon, should require immediate removal at LESSEE'S expense of any or all such Improvements upon written notice to LESSEE. Any improvements to remain on the leased premises upon termination or expiration of this lease shall be at LESSOR'S sole discretion. LESSEE shall meet the following conditions upon termInation or expiration of this lease: (a) The structures or fixed improvements on the leased premIses shall meet all building and safety codes in the location situated; (b) LESSEE shall properly dispose of paying any utilIty fees, including having all the utilities turned off; (c) LESSEE shall not commit waste; fair wear and tear IS acceptable; and (d) Prior to formal release a representative of the DIVIsion of State Lands shall perform an on-site inspection and the keys to any building on the leased premises shall be turned over to the DIvision. If the leased premises do not meet all conditions agreed upon, LESSEE shall reimburse LESSOR for any expenses Incurred In meeting the prescribed condItions. Any structures or fixed Improvements remaining on the leased premises shall inure to the benefit of the State of Florida. 29. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: LESSEE agrees to implement applIcable Best Management Practices for all activities conducted under thIS lease in compliance with paragraph 18-2.004(1)(d), Florida AdministratIve Code, which have been selected, developed, or approved by LESSOR or other land managing agencies which will protect and enhance the leased premises. Page 8 of 12 Lease No. 3783 30. PROHIBITIONS AGAINST LIENS OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCES: LESSEE hereby covenants and agrees that fee title to the leased premIses is owned by LESSOR and that LESSEE shall not do or permlt anything to be done which purports to create a lien or encumbrance of any nature against the real property contained In the leased premlses includlng, but not limited to, mortgages or construction liens agalnst the leased premises or against any 1nterest of LESSEE thereln. 31. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: If any term, covenant, condition or provlslon of thlS lease shall be ruled by a court of competent JurlsdIction, to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder shall rpm~ill in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, Impaired or invalidated. 32. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC SITES: Execution of this lease In no way affects any of the parties' obligations pursuant to Chapter 267, Florlda Statutes. The collection of artifacts or the disturbance of archaeological and historic sites on state-owned lands is prohibited unless prior authorization has been obtalned from the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State. The Management Plan prepared pursuant to 18-2.005, FlorIda Administratlve Code, shall be reviewed by the DivISlon of Historical Resources to insure that adequate measures have been planned to locate, identify, protect and preserve the archaeological and historic sites and properties on the leased premlses. 33. PUPLICATE ORIGINALS: This lease is executed in duplIcate orlginals each of which for all purposes shall be considered an origlnal. 34. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING: This lease sets forth the entire understandin9 between the parties. It shall not be changed or termlnated orally. The prOVisions of this lease are not severable. This lease shall not be amended without the prior wr1tten approval of LESSOR. Any amendment not formally approved 1n wrltlng by LESSOR and executed with the same formality as this lease shall be void and wlthout legal effect. Page 9 of 12 Lease No. 3783 35. MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: LESSEE hereby covenants and agrees to maIntaIn the real property contained within the leased premIses and any structures or fixed Improvements located thereon, In a state of good condItion and repair including but not lImIted to, keeping the leased premises free of trash or lItter, maIntaining any and all eXIsting roads, canals, ditches, culverts, rIsers and the like in as good conditions as the same may be at [he date ot th~s lease. 36. ASSENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT 1'ERMS AND CONDITIONS: LESSEE jOlns in thlS lease tor the purpose of lndicating its assent to all terms and conditlorls hereof and agrees to be bound hereby. jl. GOVERNING LAW: This lease shall be governed by and Interpreted accordIng to the laws of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF! the parties have caused this lease to be executed on the day and year fIrst above written. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA WItness By: (SEAL) DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF STATE LANDS, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES WItness "LESSOR" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19___, by Percy W. Mallison, Jr., as DIrector, Division of State Lands, Department of Natural Resources. (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Approved as to Form and Legality By: DNR Attorney Page 10 of 12 Lease No. 3783 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:_ (SEAL) Witness 1 ts: g)_airman Wltness "LESSEE" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing lnstrument was aCknowledged before me this day of I 19_. by I as (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ~tt~= By--1(IJL~ Attorney'.OHit:" Page 11 of 12 Lease No. 3783 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LEASED PREMISES '!'he Southeasterly 50 feet of the State Road N\.m1ber 5 (ts-l) Right of Way, as shown on Florida State Depertment of '1'ranSPOrt8tion Right-of-Way Map for Section 90050, lying in the NW 1/4 of Section 29 and extending to the NE 1/4 of Section 30, Tcwnship 64 South, Range 36 East, in LCM!r Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida, and being DDre particularly describe as follC1orls: CDMMENCE at the nost westerly carner of Tract -Aa of -Lowar Matecumbe Beach w, .according to t.'le plat the-~f as recorded in Plat B001t 3, at Page 34, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, Eiaid point being 50.00 feet southeasterly of station 724+00 of the Baseline of 8lrl.d Right-of-4iay Map: thence run S33026'01"E, along the most 'southwesterly line of said Tract "Aw, for a distance of 100.00 feet to the intersecticn with a line 150 feet southeasterly and parallel with the Baseline of said Right-of4loy Map and the POINT OF BEGINNING: then...~ continue S33025'01"E, along the most southwesterly line of said T.;:act wA" and its extension, fo:: a, distance of SO .00 feet to the intersection with the aoutheasterly right-of-\my line of S.R. 5 as shown in said Right- of- Way Map: thence run S56035'59~'l, along said right-of-way line, for a distance of 2,7~7.67 feet to the West line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 29, as shown in said Right-of-Way Map; thence continue 856035' 59"W, along said southeasterly right-of-way line now in the N! 1/4 of said Section 30, for a distance of 152.33 feet more or less to the shere line J thence ::un on a mean bearing of S75 000' 05 ww meandering along said shore line for a distance of 158.11 m:>re ar less to the intcsection with a line 50.00 feet northwesterly and parallel with the southeasterlY ric;ht-of-way line of S.R. 5 as sham in said Right-of-Way Map, thence %Un N S6033'S9-E, fran said shore line along the last described parallel line for a distance of 335.11 feet more or less to the East line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 30; thence continue .N56033'59E-, back in the N'w 1/4 of said Section 29, along said line 50.00 feet northwesterly and parallel with the southeasterly right-of-way line, for a - distance of 2,714.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' : Containing 3".415' acres, more or less.lps) Page 12 of 12 Lease No. 3783 -........ .' .- l ( RENEWAL CERTIFICATE DECLARATIONS Agreement No. FML 240 FLORIDA MUNICIPAL LIABILITY SELF INSURERS PROGRAM I. DESIGNATED MEMBER: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Administrative Services Address: Wing 2, Room 207, Public Service Building Stock Island, Key West, FL 33040 ATTN: Donna Perez II. ADDITIONAL DESIGNATED MEMBERS [i] Clerk of the Court ~ Tax Collector :xl Property Appraiser ~ Supervisor of Elections o Sheriff III. COVERAGE PERIOD From October 1. 1988 to September 30. 1989 12:00 Midnight Standard Time IV. COVERAGES Effective Date October 1, 1988 Unless Stated Below LIMITS OF LIABILITY FOR ANY OR ALL COVERAGES OR ENDORSEMENTS [j Comprehensive General Liability Bodily Injury Property Damage Personal Injury $100,000 - Each Person $200,000 - Each Occurrence o Law Enforcement Liability Estimated Annual Premium: $ J81,336 / / ../ J.Yfmat/ .;A-djUst~ ~remium: / ~ /V' . -TJ"Trt .~;(. ..r/ , Signature of Authorized Representative $ Revision II, Effective 10/1/88 May 30~ 1989 Date W~ 1 q 'D?G. - .... ~~ V. ENDORSEMENTS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) U) (k) (I) (m) Added (n) 10/1/88 (0) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) Added 10/1/88 ( ( RENEWAL CERTIFICATE DECLARATIONS (Cont.) Agreement No. FML 240 00 Completed Operations and Products Hazard ~ Contractual Liability (Designated Contracts Only) ~ Owners' and Contractors' Protective Liability ~ Host Liquor Law Liability 00 Incidental Medical Malpractice Liability o Premises Medical Payments $ Each Person / $ Each Accident o Fire Legal Liability 50,000 $ Each Occurrence 00 Public Officials Errors & Omissions o Medical Attendants Malpractice Liability [i] Watercraft Liability o Personal Injury-Fellow Employee Exclusion 00 Advertising Injury Liability [lg Employee Benefits Program Administration Liability ~ Broad Form Property Damage [lg Automobile Liability I!I Leased Automobile Liability o Uninsured Motorist Protection $ $ Combined Single Limit of Liability o Automobile Medical Payments Per Person o Personal Injury Protection (Statutory) o Liability Deductible $ General Liability $ Auto Liability o Specific Excess $ Per Occurrence 00 Specific Excess (Self Retention Members), $ 2.000.000 I Per Occurrence GO Additional Exclusion o o Revision II, Effective 10/1/88 J1':~ 1 9 4"'......... 'J:n