Resolution 417-1989 # RESOLUTION NO. 417 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAYSHORE MANOR a/k/a MONROE COUNTY AND JERRY SHRIVER, CONCERNING RESIDENCY AT BAYSHORE MANOR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the agreement between Bayshore Manor a/k/a Monroe County and Jerry Shriver concerning residency at Bayshore Manor, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this 4/# day of \)~ I~ , 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ///I~~ Mayor/ aJ.rman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~.L.'~-1'~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By CJ 0::: o c.J I.i. Q:.:. c.t: o u... Q L&.I ...J - LA- ~ rr') Q. ., _J l.:.. , .....))- ~ :;J J8 _.... ~ :.< a::: Z ..,. --::::::J (.)0 (J i~r ~O'... C) BAYSHORE MANOR A/K/A MONROE COUNTY HOME ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY - LEVEL II A G R E E MEN T This agreement entered into this 21st day of June , 19~, by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called "County" and Jerry Shriver , hereinafter called "Resident", and N/A , hereinafter called "Responsible J. Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the resident desires to use the facility of the county known as the Monroe County Home, a/k/a Bayshore Manor, and WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the application of the resi- dent for admission to the Monroe County Home and has determined that the resident is eligible for admission to said home, now therefore, In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and premis- es herein contained, the parties agree as follows: A. BAYSHORE MANOR 1. To furnish room, board, linens, prescribed medicines and general personal care. 2. To arrange for the transfer of the resident to the hospital of the resident's choice when ordered by the attending physician or the health of the resident requires same, and to immediately notify any responsible party (as designated herein) of such transfer. 3. To make refunds on a per diem basis in accord with date of discharge from the home. Refunds cannot be made as long as personal belongings remain in the resident's room. Refunds cannot be made as long as there are outstanding expenditures for services received by the resident. 4. In the event of closure of the facility for any reason, a pro-rated per diem refund shall be made in accord with date of closure within seven (7) days. 5. Residents will be notified in writing thirty (30) days in advance of any basic rate change. 6. Bayshore Manor is not affiliated with any religious organization. 7. B. THE RESIDENT OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. To provide such personal clothing and effects as needed or desired by the resident. 2. To pay the monthly rate agreed upon and such charges as determined by the Monroe County Home to be necessary for the operation of the home. 3. That, upon certification by a physician or the administrator of the home, the resident is no longer capable of meeting the requirements for occupancy in this facility, the resident, next of kin, legal representative or agency acting on the resident's behalf, will have to make arrangements for the immediate transfer to an appropriate facility. In the event a resident has no person to represent him/her, this facility shall assist resident in contra6ting an appropriate Social Service Agency for place- ment. Applicant agrees to vacate the facility within forty-eight (48) hours after disquali- fication. 4. To comply with all requirements as set forth ln the application made by the resident. . 5. To comply with all rules and regulations esta- blished by the County for operation and control of said home. 6. Agrees, if not paying the maximum rate, to pay any increase in income during the course of residency, up to the maximum rate. The maximum rate as established October 1, 1985, is $1,195.00 per month. 7. Individual monthly rents not to exceed the maximum rate, will be established by evaluation of the applicant's income, asset, resources and need. 8. Other: C. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS The resident and/or County $ '100 00 facilities. responsible party agrees to pay , per month as rent for use of the PAYMENT WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: 1. Personal funds of resident $ $ NA 2. Responsible party will pay NA ') .J . Unearned income of resident will pay: $ 500.00 $ NA $ NA $ NA Social Security Civil Service Annuity V.A. Pension Other 2 D. STANDARD ADMISSION WAIVER The County, through its employees, has agreed to exercise such reasonable care toward the resident as his or her known condition may require. However, this home is in no sense an insurer of his or her safety or welfare and assumes no liability as such. The management of this home will not be responsible for any valuables or money left in the possession of this person while he or she is a resident of this home. E. TERMINATION {, If resident is absent from the home in excess of fourteen (14) continuous days, such absence shall automatically terminate this agreement and the resident shall remove all of his or her . property or belongings immediately. If resident fails to remove same, the resident does hereby authorize the County to remove said property or belongings and deliver same to responsible party. F. MEDICAL SERVICES The parties agree that Monroe County shall not be responsible for or assume any responsibility for payment of any medical or hospital services unless specifically agreed to by the parties or their representatives at the time of the rendering of service. G. DURATION OF AGREEMENT Either party may terminate this agreement on thirty (30) days written notice. Otherwise, it will remain in effect until a different agreement is executed. However, this does not mean that a resident will be forced to remain in the facility against his/her will for any length of time. This agreement may be amend- ed by written and executed approval of such amendment by both parties or their representatives f: );1 ~),d~ ",,~ (. /, - ~I l/ ' \ . '-. / 1'.' '( ~1 ' " ,....... - , -,--- ITNESSES at the time of the amendment. )1J7c~/>-d],r OF RESIDENT N/A SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY WITNESSES AS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY 3 DATE: I & /:40/ 89 I I , of Representative of Monroe County Home a/k/a Bayshore Manor ~~ Signature of Executive - Director - Monroe County Social Services APPROVED: (0 -,2- I - 'r, {, ~ ~h~ Signature 0; u y Administrator . -- This is to certify that this Admission Agreement as approved by the County Home and the County Administrator was ratified by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at their meeting held on the day of , 19 Signature of the Chairman Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (SEAL) Attest: Clerk ~ ..UlOVIO AS TO FORM AN!:; LEGAL SUFfICIENCY. ~~':tI BY / C 6--' :t4f( 'it /,If'. . Aii (. Ll .'.:C,\!RCE CCW:n' 1i(,.\E )U,'\ICR CCLLEGf 1,'(\\r "EY [\'['ST, FLCRH'-\ An.IISSH'.\! Cr.1T[PU ,\;l,JD rCLIcns The ,\icH/tC'c. CCUH,ty Hernc, ~dLLlt C('H~l.'tcg:t{ttc. LtVtH9 F(lc.ttU~r :\u:t the. Etd~'ttu, Levd~. 11, :leJteiHLll~ te't'1e6 '-'-,'l:led to (L~ tlte Fac-U'j"ty, .0~ C-t,c.CJL.Hd th/tC'1l9Ittlte State 06 FLo.'L-tcLl t\'-pev'ttment d Hc.aLtlt and Rdlab,LCUa.-tLve SC/t\!,tC.~~, Ile,'tc<-n- ante:t ,'te.n C/t/te.d to cU HRS, Lwd ot)eJta.-te.d by .tlte BocuLd 06 COtmtU Comm~~.~..toneJt,~ 06 ,\lon,'to e. Coun,ty, Hc.'ttda. TIle. FacLL,LtY0~ gOViJ'tHe.d ..tn ac.c.o,'tdanc.e. w.<.-th tfte. .'teqtU..'temen t~ coD CfLap tc-'t ..J 00, PeVtt 11, re.oftida S ta,tu CI.> and tfl e. Rue.e,~ and Re.g~- ta.-tLon.6 as aCu}ptcd bU tlte. Soa/td 06 j1tolz,,'toe C()[tney Comm.{.M..tOl1e/L-~ fte./tUHa6teJt J, !'! }te.n e.,,'t--'te.d to a~ CCLU1,t~(, c.C'nta.tne.d Ite.M..tn. Re..f>..tdmt c 6 1\1 0 Il/tC e. Cowdy, F Lo.uda,~.aty (60) Ue.a..~ 06 ag e. Oft olde.,,'t, ambu.f(Lto}tY, ..tn /te.a.6onabte. ILe.a.tth, ~11 ne.ed 06 a home. al1d Ilav,tHg no 6am~llj able. to me.e..t tf}eh't ne.e.t.j, abLe to caJte. 6o.'ttlwn~ e..tVe6 .to a cVLtain de.g/'te.e. and HO.t in ne.e.d 06 HuJt6ing c.a..'te., COIll)a.te.~caJLt CM.e., te:mpo,'[CL-'tlj ot emeJtgeJlCU ,~he..f..teJt ,~lta.tt be. e..Ug~b.e.e. 60ft at.m.0~~~on to :the 6ac-LtLty ~n ac.coJtMnce. w.<.-ththe tvun~ and COllcU.-tLOI1.~ containe.d , . r1 e./tUH. Appuc.a.:t.tO rt6 a...'te. accep.te.d 011 a no 11- elM c.'LUn~na. to/ty ba.6.<.-~ ..tHCtU Ml1g but not i-i.mde.d :to .6 e.x, coto.'t, lta.ce. 0.11. c/Le.e.d. The. 6 ac-i.1A..ty ~ hill pltOvide. a Il.Ome..Uke. a:tmMphe.,'te (,'loom and boa...'tdl, pett60l1ai .!JVtvic.e6 and a compJteJ1e.nl.>ive. p.'togJtam to meet daUto da~( He.ed-~ 0& the. ambu,ta...to/ty age.d all all illcUv~dua.t ba..!J.0!J - cOl'lduu\Je. to 9 ltOUP uving. PeAM nal S e/"~v~c.e6 meaJz,!> ,~eJtvice.6, .tH add.i...tLo n to ItaMing aJLd 60cd6 e.,,'tvice. wlUch ~nceude. bLLt aILe. Iw_twn.de.d to: p~'t6C'1!a,t (L!J'~.0~tl1HCe. w.Lth ba:t!ung, d'teMiHg, ambu...f.a.tioll, 11OMe.ke.epiHg, ,~up~'tV.<.-!J~C:H, emottonai ,~e.cuJU.;tU, and any c::tItVt /tela.te.d ,~~'tv,tCe6 wh--tch :tILe. 6acJ..LLty may dd,tlle.. PC/L~C'nai .6eJtvic.e. do e6 Hot ~Hcwde. me.cUc(Lf ,6 eJtvic.e6 . ELIGIBILITY M.JV AVvI1SSION POLICIES The. aclm.<.-6~ion 06 each ILe.6~deJl.t to .t/t.0~ 6aUUty .!Jha.-U be. wldeJt th~ .~upeJt- 'J-L.6ion 06 :the. At.milt.L~;t/ta,toJt 06 the. Fac-LWy w.<.-tlul1 the. C0I16..tne.6 06 the. 60Uowing 9 V1M.at poLi.ue..'!J; ( 1 1 A Jte.6iclc.llt/ appucall,t mlt~t: (al Not have a comtnluuc.abc.c. di.~e.a.~e.ul a .t'l.aJi6- 6 eftabte ~,tag e. (bl Have a cite-of x-Jtay 0.11. ~10{ll te.~t (TBl to~th,tll H~Hety (90 l day!J pftto/t to adrnL~.!J,<-on .to .the ~ aciLLttj. (c) Be a ';.\!~{dCHt d ,1I01l'1oe CuwltU, U(,/lido. ;)I''{ (It (Cint ell(' (I) ue(u't alld 6LL.'tlli,~1t V\!/Lt;;ic.attUH u~ ~aJ)le. (ei) F[l,'{Jl~~ll V'[('C',~ o~ He.ed ;)Olt tile. 6o.c.iIUlj t1.!u{ tltat tll(,/[(, L~ no D(UnUU abte to meet tltei./t neecl,~ ;)Olt acle.qLlate CMe. (~) FU/lJl~,~1t W,'LitteH mecLicat e.xmninaUoH (lf1om aUcenoed plllls;'ciaH (6oJ[J)l wA..J:,f.. be. nLUul,L6hed) wfuc..1t ,shaLe. CeJt-tLDlj that tlteJA.. mec!;.caf.. concLLttoll ~~u..chthat the.y w;.tt meet tile. fte- qLuAemen,ts 06 the 6acLe~ty and that ,s ew;'ces beljonct that a'r..e.. r-Vlm"ctted ;'Htl1e 6aciLi....ty Me. not ,'(.e..QU...0H!..d. ~" (6) Be ambuf..Mo,'t1f that i....s ,the.. condiIioll 0& bung phYJ.>;'ca(fy and emoUonaUy Llbfe.. to w'L{,6e i)..!wm a 11OJU...t..i...:0Iltaf 0,'(. !;),i....tUng pO-6i...tiOH, and..{,n an emVlgCJ1CY to e.x~t the. bcu..1cLtng to a pO..{,)lt 06 -.sa6ety. Th...-i...6 would ~nc.f1J..de tItM)e.<-nc!;.v..{,duo,(/;, wile may be. able.. to ambu...f..a,te. wLtltthe aJ.>.o"c6,tanCc. 0 b pJW6tlte..UC de..v,tces .ouch (US cfUucnM, wafb.e/v6 Oft whc..ef.. chaL'Ls. (g) Be ,s..{,xty (60) yeaM OD a~je Oft oldeJL and bLUtH..Loft [tOe.. VeAt6-<-- caUoll by e..LtheJt pJwpeJt ..(,de..n,ti..6~c(lU0J1, doc..umeltu, eft by ..tnDOltmaUOIl DftOm othCJt pctbY....{,c ag CJlcie,swch as ..the Soc...<-af S eCLuU..ty A dm..{,ll"csl)tauo n. (It) F1Ut11...061t pfto06 06 hO-6pLtati...:aUDn and mccucat ,tll-6ctftCUlCe [dt-iclt ..-0S equal.. to Oft be..tteJt than c..ove..-'W..ge.. 066eJte..d by ,\Ie..dLca'te. (..{,) Exe..cu...te.. a WJt-LtteJl c..ontftact wilh th,Lo 6auuty at ..the.. time 06 aclm~,~;'on, Oft pn...i...ofL the..'Lc.to, be..twe..e..nth('.. 6auutlj and ,the. !te6~de..rt-t Oft 1tL~ de6;'g nee.. 0-'1. R.ega,f.. ,'i.ephe.s e..ntauv e. A copy 06 cOlt-tltac....t to be.. e..xec1Lte..ct "cs attac..he..d hvreto and made. a.. paJtt theJte.o 6. (2) THE Aa~INISTRATOR SHALL: fa) Munta.<-!1 a w~te..n ftecOfr,d ~11 the fte6~de..VL..t'/~ peJv~ollaf 6..ue. 06 aU 6~Hal1c....ta1 Q,'L'r.allgcme.ll-u w-i....th the.. ftc,,~..{,de..ltt, 1t-0s IH?xt 06 RA..11, Oft ,sponooft, w-i..-th COp,te.~ e..xec..Ltte.d by and SlUlIl~hed to e.cic..h pCUltU. TlL-0S ..sh(tU "{'Ilc..fltde deta..{"f..C?..c1 ttecoltds 06 any 6uilcU, Oft pOfLOpe/tty Ite..f..d ()Oll.. the. ftc,sideH t Daft /Settle.. 1ze.e..p,tltgLn acc..oJu1tt1tce vJLtft C{wp..i:c>,'l.. .JOO F.S. PCULC II. (1) The. 6ac..LtUy mlj hoed pe..JLMllaf 6Wld-6 SOft the ftc"s..ident Hot to excee.d $100.00. (2) The.. 6ac....Le..UU sftafe.. not accep t al1~' (' the.Jt 6wtd6 (},'(. J..''1('r_'\!"tt~f l'XCl'r_'(: lt~ ~ c.t ;)tl,'ttll <It I llbo\)('. (b 1 A~~ d ~ ilL' ctdcLLUcllaf.. c..ha/lg C'~, ('x..p(,l1~ l'/~ (I,'t 0 tIU!/t ,) (IIaHCt.-U: l..i ab..i...ti...U...eJ.>ln cxc..e,~o (J 6tltc ).lltUVi,.'l.iOlt~ tIlClLLc!cd(1! the adm~,6..t0I1 c.(JlLt./ract. (e) [1c.tc:untllC llndi...ncwde a)., a mtll,tmwn, the 6oacw..{,llg p'1..C'\)i,~,t(m~ lUld .~ c.J1..V..{,cu ,tl1 the. ba-6..tC adm,L...'l6,i.ol1 con..tltact (l~..Ltll (,Clch .'1C,~..ldCJlt, next 06 I:.i...ll Olt ,6POILSO!l: (1\ i i Tile.. cictif~{, LVee..fdy, O,'t mOIl,tlt..€..U ,'tate, and ,'1.e6ctHd ~. )..\"tC'\"'L~i..cl1 601t ctHtued POltUCIl-6 theJte..06. (" , '-I A t..l..S..ti...llg 06 ,6 eJtv..{,ce6 to be. pltOv..{,de..d. (3 ) SCCtlV:.. c...omponent6 appAcpft..{,cde.. to the.. needs 06 the.. /1..(',6 ..(,den,t-.'l . . (d) Apply the.. SoLfcw..{,1l9.. ,'teAtUc..Uol!/.'l ..to adm..i...o/~,tOI1 and hetell,UCH (' ,)'i..(',~..i..dent-6 : 1. A ,'te..6~deJLt who man..i...D e.6,ts 6ctch de..glt,ee 0 6 be..ltav~olt :that he.. .L6 a dangeJt .to Mnse...t6 Olt o..tlie/t-s, 0,'1. who~e be..ltav..{,olt ~ ,60 lUlacc..e..p.table.. Olt d,L.6,ttUlb,Lng a-6 ..to ~ltteJt6 eJte wi....th the ade..qlLate c..Me.. Olt com60lt-t 06 othC/t 1te..6~deJt-t~ ~H ,the... 6a~ty ,~ftaU HO..t be admLtted Olt lte..tMHea, and ~haU be 1t0noved 6ltom the.. 6a~y. 2. No he6..{,deJJ..t /S IW.Lt pal,S eM OJ/. COILS ctme ctE..c..hoUc b ev eJtag e..6 0/'1.. any COIt-tlto.te..ed ,sub,6..tanc..e ..tJlthe 6a~ty W--etilOu...t It-w phY'6,i...c..Lan' ,6 (Jltae/i... 3. No ,'1.e.~..{,de..Ht ,6haU be.. hud ..i...n ..the 6ac.....U....Lty agMILS,t (UJ.-, will, WUe..6.6 ctl1deJt Cou../tX. QlLdeJt. 4. No Ites..{,de..nt ,~haU be.. a clm--ette..dto Olt ltetMJted ~11 a 6auU....ty who ,'te..qu...L'tC'..t6 .6 eJtv..{,ce...s beyond tlW-6 e. ..the 6a~ty ~Uc..CJ1.6 ed :to phov..{,de. Th..i...o 6ac..i....tLt1j may not pltov~de HWVS..{,rlg CMi?.. UH- e.e..66 601t a tempoltMY ..Utlle..6,6, Ilot to e..xc..ee..d -6 e..vell (7) daY6. 5. A ,~es~de..nt ab CJlt Sham tlu.'l 6aci...utljLH excM,.'l oS 60UJtte..eH ( 14) days I dtwto ho,~pUctti:(tu(,'l OlL abaHclollllle..nt Mwte. be tvuntlltt.te.rt ctb a JtM~tdent lit ,t//.-U; 6ac-Ll?.i"tlj. Sac..1t JI..e6.i.de..nt may !L(!..-appt'..y nOlL admi...S"S..<"Oll oO..f,('OWLllgtfle.. ,.'lame.. pltOCedlLlte as that 0 S a )1('1\1 appUerll/....t. (3) The. monthfy !tate.. &(1'1. appt..-i.c..cUlt..s/ltM..tdcJLtJ.> 6haU be. ac'..juste..d to the.. ablGUy c~ tllC.. l1PI_'i.'tc..altt/''te6.i...dcllt tl' I-Jal}. ,1P)J1..i...c..CW..t.'l/ltc..6.i...delLt.'l w;.tfL , - ./- (Ilccmc~ tC~~ tit,v~ tile '''tUUllwn Inau [)(' ,U{'('(l'('(( to I-'al( t(Ult tvnowtt lt~ tllC(..'7.. m(,lltllf~1 'rlltC, tll<6Woufc{ il:Ct'lU{C aHlI ..<nc'r('Cl.'l(',S ii! tll\!"i....illccmc ,~a'riIl9 tllC COUfdC'. ('~ tll(',i,'l ..'le,.'lidcllClj, up to the, m[tx-<-l11ul11 'rate. (al Till! mCHtldu ba6,{C'l..a..tC..'lItClf..e.. be C',6.tabtL-.'lhed at the bC~li..IIIl{llg cD the.. 6~~ cae.. ue..a'l alld.'lltaU pnevai...[ tfr'lCUCJIt o(d the.. YCM. (b) ,I.lcm tlU'u ,'rCltes ~ hate.. be f1e.v..{,('llled and admcHded bljthe 80 Cl, 'lei (' 6 /.Ie n 'to C' C C'Wl,t~f Comm..0.'lS..{,0 II C/(,6 . ~, ( c) [lilt ell Ari,".t..LCcuzt/ Re/s..{,dent ,'le..Ce..LV e,~ ;'nccme and hM ctS,6ct~ ,te6~ than tile.. maumwn montll-fff 'lctte,~ctppfe- mentat~ 5LLPi_10ftt wilt be accepted 6,'tom thu't 6amillj, . ot!!c/'t ClS,S,{,5 tance a9 en c...t e-6 Oft .'tCP,'1C,.'l ell taUv e..). (d) I ~ the-'te ..i..~ ItQ ,.'lctppteme..ntClt.'lUiJPO'l..t Clvai....f..able, each arrLi...cal1.-t/I'1es,{,clc..nt w..{J.'..t t{len be cOIl-6..{,dc,/ted on an ~n- d.<...v,LdwTt bCl.,~..i...6 . (e) At)', ,'te6..{,dents except tho,~ e pCllu..ng the.. max..Lmctm ftate Oft tho,6 e who do have.. otheJt n6~ et6 Oft ,'teoOttltCe..6, will be ,'tcA,mbcLft6 edte..n (I 0.00) do ttLl'0~ peft mon..th by the Cow'Lty ~o/Lthe,{/'( peJ1,..SOnM U...S e. (4) UpOIl CeJ1,..ti.MCCL:t--tOH bu the Adm;'!U6tftatOft 06 the 6ac...u.......L-ty w~th the conCct!t!tance 06 ..the FxecI.Lt{ve Di...fte..ctOft 06 the MOIl,'toe COctlLty DepctJt:t- me.1t-t 06 SOUM SeJtv..{,ce6, tl1Cl,t aU c.!l...Lte-ua and JteqwemenU ,6 e..t 60ft-th. he..'tull have been compued w--eth. alld/o/[ mc,t, the appuca.11X /6h.aU be admilled to ,the.. 6acLUtlj. Sctbje..c...t to acfeqctnte 6acLw.J...e..6 beJ,ng available alld execu,t{on 06 the adm~6;'on agfte..emeJtt by ..the fteJ.>~den:t and the Cowr....ty. OPf1<..ATIONAL STANDARDS The 6aci...tLtu ..'lilatC onnen c.e..O.'le Olq:'eJtV,-l.'l..tOH andti..v..tllg cOllcLLUoH/,) a6 ..{,,6 llece6,sCt-'ty to the COlttLUlOI1 06 the.. Itc,s,i..dellt. Til,i...6 ,{IlCelLdC?.6 MLpC'..!tV~-LOH 06 diets a/, to qu..a..U.ty dl!a quailf..{,ty, [iJCltc..f16(ltl!(,/.'l~ oV(',''l tltC' 0CJleJtat heatth, 6a& etr..r and ti"lliee be,tJlfJ LIC ,'ttt,{duitS. Tflt"U.!, ,share. be a da,i..,C.y ((LVa,'i..eHe6-6 06 the ncsi..d ('Ilt~ by d c..,s..i [J11Clt c d HaS S (, 6 tlu!.. S (Ie, cU"tLf CL6 tu tiz <'.. (lppev't<..'Jl t LtJete.. b etl1g uS tl1('{llcuv'{duats walt 6uSSfctCIlt )JftOV,L.'l..i.OIl 60/( cOlltactillg the. !te6,i..dCJlt'..6 - 5- pl1y~iCtlU!, d the ,'tC-j-idC'1l t Ila~ not ilt.'teacllj dOIl('.. SO, (t,t alll} t,{me tfl(?Jr..e al-'pea'L6 to be ~..t~Hu6..{,callt de..v,ta,Uon 6!lOm It-L.'l IlO,'lmctl LlppeMallCe. Oft 6 t(tt e 0 ~ It e..aUll alld were b e,{,1l9 . Arpfto p,'t--i.ate.. 1l0Uce.. 00 ,.'lllCIt ,LIl/6.tallcel) 6hatt be.. 'teco..'tdedtn tile peA.'l011cU.. fteCOltM 06 tlte ..{,nc!;.v..{,ductl. (J),'(,{,tteJl aglteemejlt~ betweCJl the DacLtLty and each 06 ,ct6 ltes-idento ~ftaU p!lOv;'de that, upon ceJtU6..(caUon by a phY.6.tuan that the ftM-ide..IU ~ HO ~. tC'llg e..'t capatbfe 06 mee..ting ..the ,'tequ...Utemeytu~ 60ft OCCctpanclj ,LIl th~ 6ac..i.Li..J:..y, the.. ,'tM~delu, Ilext 06 fUn, fegaf.. ftCpftMelltative, Oft agency act-tllg on ..the ,'te..~-ident' ~ bchcU..&, will be JlO..U6ied that the ftMiden:t wLtf.. have to mab.e Q.,VlangemeJt-t.6 60ft ;.mmecU.ate tltm'166e..Jt to an appftopJUate CMe ~etUllg. In the evelu a ftMideJu hao no peJt.6on to ftep,'tMeH-t ~, thM 6ac..i.Li..J:..Y6haU be fte.-6poH.6..{,bfe 60ft fte6CJUtcU.. .to an appftopft..{,ate ,~ouaf.. ,.'leJtv..{,ce agenclj 60Jt pfacemelu. Tfle adm~.6ioll 06 a ftM~dellt to tlt-i...o 6acLtLty mId It-i...o pftMellCe theJtun ~haU Hot con6 Ci't on the 6ac..i.Li..J:..y, ill adm~Il~..:tJtMOft, e..mpfoyeM OJt JtepftM entmvM alll} au...thotU...ttj to manage, uoe Oft fupo.6e 06 any pftOpeAttj 06 the ftMiden:ti no,'t ,6haU ~ctch adm~~~on Oft pftM ence con6 e..Jt 011 any 06 .ouch PVV60H.6 CU1Y a1J....tllOtU...ty Oft ftMPOM..{,b-<Li...ty 601t the.. peJt.6ona..t a66~ 06 the fte~;'deJu, except what may be neCM~MY 60ft tlte ~a6e and oftdVLfy managemellt 06 the 6ac..i.Li..J:..y Oft 60ft the ~a6e..ty 06 the ftM..{,dmt. ThM 6ac......i.Ld.y, adm..{,~tltMOft, emp.toyee Oft ftepftM entative theJteo 6, may not act ao the c..OUJr..,t appo~n:ted gctMcUCUI, tJwJ.dee, Oft c..OH.6 e..JtvatoJt 60ft any ftM~deYLt 06 the 6 ac......i.Ld.y Oft any 0 6 ~ uch ftM~delu'.6 pftO peAty. !tequ",tlte..d COH.6~teJ'tt wUh t/H? tel' e.t 0 6 ,~eftviCM 066 elled. ThM Saci....tLty ~haU empfoy Oil o..theJrW~e aMallge.. I~Oft the ~e'Lvice 06 ,~uch peMol1llel ao aJr.e fteq~M..d to pJr.opeftfy ,~ta66 the 6acULty. AVI1NISTPATIVE STMlfAPfS TI~ 6ac...i....tLty J.>haU be ctndeJlthe COH-tM.t 06 an adm,tll~tJr.atolt. (1) The 6aci..Uty Oft --et.'l OLlCy deA..{,gllate..d fle..pJr.eAeJ'ttattve .6haU.. matlltatn tlte SoUcw..ing W'l..i..ttell fle.c..o'tds and allY otlt(','t ,'tec..oJr.d Jr.rQu...c'ted bythe C(ltmt~( (I..'t f/R-~ ill 0.. !.,race, 601tm alld '~U.'l teJn 1 - \J- ,,'7..diJl,t,....Cli{ Cl'lr..'t'l'~/(~..d ot 9uo cf OU.'l (Hl',~ 6 p.'1.acUc(',s. [a) 1\11 ,1,jn{~~il'Jt (tHd dc~c..fta,'1Lle'1.cg,{,~tl'/'t t',L~t...tJt,q Jtcun('~ ('.~ '1.c~~dc..nt.'l (tnd date acin..ctte..d, tdCILUilY..{,llg iJt&cl,mati..ull abOll..te.ac.lt, tile pEace 1~!Wm wh..{,dttile. ,'(.c,.'l..{,dc..nt WetS adm.{,ttc..d; tire. date. aIL d l'teM ort 60/'1. dL6 clra!lg c.., adeqllate. ..Lde..lt-u&;'cauol1 0 r1 the & ac.il....J..,ty to lduc.lt the .'te.'l..{,de..n..t -L.'l d0~ chaJrg ed Oft ,{ftaJ'V.'l 6 e..Jtfte.d. [b) A pc..!r.6onat 6~c.. Daft c..ac..h .'teo;'de..n,{ c..ol1J.>Lsung 06 app!wp,'l.<-a...te. data, ..{,ncWc!;.ng ~de..H,uMca.tifn 06 ne..x,t ',. 06 lUll, and aLe. data ,'teqctL'ted 60l! tire.. F.e..oft..{,da Ce/tu&~cate 06 Death. r:e..tai...L~ 06 tire fte..6VrJlcU.., acm,0so,{,on, pe!r.ti.l1el1,t non-me..c!;.ccU.. and me..cliccU.. ..{,n- . 50Jrmauon COJ1ce..vung ..the t't{,J.>~dmt ohill be.. nlMn- tcr.A..ned l{)Lththe gC'..lle,,'tcU.. 6~ca.e. Jre..coftd 06 e..ach, ..(,ncfucLi..n9 Cop..i...e6 06 ate.. agfte..eme..n-t.~ Oft c..m1tltact~, accowt-t ,'te..c..o ft~ an d a Cct/'t!telt-t -Lnvelt-to!tlj 06 pe..'LO oncU.. pftOpeJr..-ty he..td 60ft ~a6 e..- b.e.e..P..{,llg. (c) A 6aU1...{;ty acude..n,t/ -Lnudvt-t l'tec..oftd n~e, colt-tMlUng a ce..e..aJt de~ c1upuon 06 e..ach acuden..t/ ~nuden..t and any othe,,'t -Lnci..dent ,{,nvolv-Lng hazaJtdou.6 Oft de6ia..1t-t behav..{,o,'t 06 a !teo-Lden..t Oft .6ta66 membeJt wUh nameo 06 -Ll1ckv..<.duat~ "('J1volved, deoC,UptiOll 06 mec!;.c..cU.. Oft o.theJt 0 eJtv..{,ce~ pftov~cte..d and the ote..P/~ taken ~6 any to pftevent ,'te.c..tUt!tance.. (d) Pe..Jt60nne..t Jte.coftd 06 each ,~ta6 6 membe..Jt. TfUo fte..coftd wLU be. kept ctpdated and c..olt-tMn oft..{,g-Lnaf.. empto!fmen..t appucaUon wUh ften eJtellCe6 DMlt-i...ohe.d. (e.) A ,'teco,'td 06 pe.Jt.6011l1e..t pOLtUe6, -LncfucUng otatemen.t6 06 poUueo and WOftb. M/6{gllmCJ1..t6 60,'t e.ach po.~~uon. (6) A ftecoftd 06 mo~thf..!f 6~e d!z;,ft~, -Lndi...caung the.. date.., hOM and gc..l1eJtcU.. de6C!r.Lp..uon 06 e..ac..h dJU.tf.., the ex..te..nt 06 :tire. ,~,ta66 "{'Ilvoived and ..the name 06 peJt60H ..(,H cJ1Mge. (g) F..i..nallCtcU.. ftecoftds w/uch ,Ldenti.6Y a.U -Lncome 06 the.. 6aUtLty bY60ctJrce and dMc...'t.tb..i.llg etU expvldLtuftM by ca.tegoJtlj ,<..n .'lllch a mawze..ft a6 to be. aud.{,tabie. by bct~-LC accowlullg p,'tOCC'..dllJrM. - - I - F I\JA,\jC'1,\L STAN CM'L'S Till!.. ,1(:miH{'~ t~atoJt c' ~ tlt{,6 Saci...Uty ~llaLt mCLtll..tL"Ltll 6i,s<..'..at ,'tC?CC'Jtd.6tn acccJtC',,-'UlCc.. w~tlttile't('qll..0'temc..ITt.6 06 CfwpteJt .JOO, F.S. Pa:tt 11. Thefte.. ~1l(l..U.. be. (t'r..ecL'91l..L:c..d ,~~(stem 06 accowl-Ung lL-~ed to acctUr..ate..f..t( fte.6fect dc..ta.d6 c6 tile. blL6vle,~,6. Tile. 6aci..Ldy .6haU: ( 1 ) Bc.. ac'un..{,Il/{,6teJted on asowld 6..{,nanctcU.. bM~ COlv.'l~..te..n;t w~th good blL-S..{,nU.6 pftacti..c0~. ( 2 ) SpeuilY ~t6 ,'le6Wld po,UC-tU M pMt 06 ..the ac'miM-LOn co 1t-t:w..C t. (3) Spec-i..6Y that no adm..{,lU6t:r..a..tOft, CO I'L6ctttalt-t, .6ta66 membeJt Oft ..'tepft06 e..1'ttatiV e6 ila.tf..: (aJ Pay any comm~.6..{,ol'l, bonM, fte..bate.. Oft gftatU-Uy ..to anlj oftgaluzation, agency, phY.6..{,uan, .6,ta66 . Oft otheJt peJ1..60n 60ft fte..6eJtJutt 06 ::U1f1 fte..o~den:t to the 6a~y. (b) Reqctut Oft accept any nenUffleJtati..on, fteba..:te.., g~6t bene6rCt Olt advalt-tage.. 06 allY noltm nftom any vendolt Oft oth0't ,~ctpplielt be..caMe 06 the.. plVr..chct6e.., ften.:ta1. Oft ..foan 06 eq~pme.;t-t,suppUu Oft .6eJtV~C06 nolt the.. 6a~ty Oft ne..6-Ldelt-t not COIM~S..te..n:t w~th 110Juna1. bu"6~lleM pMacuce. PERSONNEL ST ANVARDS The admilU6tltatOft 06 t~ Dac.il..iltj .6hatf opeJtate.. ..the 6ac...iLUy ~11 accoftdal1ce.. wrCth the.. ewul1g Alol1/tOe Cowt-fy PeJtOOnl1e..f.. Poliuu and PMcedu.fte6. VI ETA PY ST AN VA RVS Th.<..o nac.....U.,{;tlj .6haU have wutte..11 polici...u and pftocedunu 60ft pJr..ov~cii..H9 pltOpeJt Hu...tJU...UOHcU.. cafte.. 0 6 .(,t~ fte6~dent6. (1) The.. 60..tfow-Ll1g fteqU"UcemenU ,~ha.U be.. met: (A) The adm"{'IlML'tatoft Oft a peJtOon de..6-Lgllctte..d by the adm"{'IlA.,6tMto,'t ,shaU be Jr..C?opoll,s..{,b..te 60ft ..the.. ,to..tal di..e..ta'tu 6 eJtv.tc..e alld the day to day .6UpeJtv..i....~,i..OI1 06 c!;.etcul.Y .6 eJ1..vice. The.. d0~"<9Ilated pC?Jt60n .6ha.U be.. Jte..6POll.6..i..bfe.. 6o,'tc..C'oncU.llaUIl9 dtetMY .6 eJtV-LCe6 tI),Uh o the,'t.'l eftVic..c...'l; de..v e1.op..{,1l9 (t'o.'lf~ a6,~..i..gmneJl..t,6. - .'- T{/c 1..'C,'1~('lI d('~i,(lI(ltl'(1 bu ::Il' ,[(;,~illi~t'1atL''1 ~{'lll'l' ;t'C'1,~('''Jn Ili6/11e''!.. (hti...l'~ ill ,( ~11,~\! (ul(1 ~,lll,itlvw Inct/11l c/r. IS) TItC!'1ClpCllUC. dic..t6 cU p'1('~c'ttbccl by tile. pltU~tctalt 6/1att beUl tlt<!.. 't.e.~.LdeHt' ~ 't('cutrd llllt! .6Vlved M U'1 de,'tc..ct. (C) Pe911t'cv't dtt'-t~~ILCt.tr.. meet llU.t,'LctLollat need~ 06 '1e;6,tde..H..t..~ ..tH accoftdance [...'dh tfte cttVtent ttecommended fteta'tU AUowaHce 06 ..the Feed aHd Ntlt'L4!-OH BoaJtd, MaUa Hal Rc,O ecv'!..ch Co un c...ct , adjlt-~ted ~;Olt ag e., 6 ex, Clnct acUv.i...ty. The.'!..Clpe..u..ttC d,tet~ 6itaU meet the~ e.. nu...t'1..LttOncU.. standa....d~ to the exten,t that ~6 me..cUcatty pOM..{,ble. [C) Tlte.. cLi...cta'tlj ateowance6ltati be met b~! tire.. LL,6eo 06 .6tanca.-Uzed ftectpe..6 o66e,,"vi...ll~ a vcvucty 06 600d6 adapted to .the ooed hab~t6, pfte~ e,,'teJ1Ceo and ph~!.6..tca.t ab--etilie6 06 the fte,,6..{,de..n,u. ( f) An ctp to da..te mal1LLcU.. app,'to\! e..d b~! HRS .~ haLe. b e.. u,,~ e..d (U6 the .6tanda./td ,'te..6 eJteJICe.. ..(,H plaitMng fte.gu...f..M and thvutpeu.Uc c!;.ct6. (F) Pated menM ,6hate. be planne..d at ie..Mt aile weeb. ~H ar.vo..l1ce Daft ftegu,fcv't and theJtapeu.Uc cU..et~; and co!t-'tecte..d as ,~eJtvect aild ~ept on 6.-i..fe DOft ,6..tX montlt6. SctppLteo 06 1l011-pe..Jt--06hable.. 600d to meet nu.t'LLuollat nee..do 06 fteo~delt-t6 60ft one (1) wee..k. peJLLodshaLe. be.. all hand. (Gl Food ,~haU be -6eJtve..d attJracuve..f..y at ,6a6e and pcU..atable.. tempCJtatu,,'teo. AU ,'teo..tdeJl,t,6 ,6ha..tf. be.. el1- COctftag ed to eat at tables .tn c.tltLng {{/te.M. A ,S ctpply 06 arp.lwpliate. eaung wa..'te6hai...e be.. on hand .to -6eJtve a..tf. Jr eo ..{, d en U . (H) ALf matteJL6 pe..fl..tMIl..tI/9 ..to Dc'cod ,6C'tV..tCc''' shtcte..':c.o',"ptlj t4,'~th the p!tOV..C~LOI1,~ 06 CI1Cly_'te..'t 10-13, Ho,'Ltda,. San..ttct,'tlj Code... -9- RIG/IT TO /'F/\RH':G AllY appUc..altt (l'iw ..G~ dL~,~ati....6 ~..{,ed W..LtlLtlLc.. deCG~.Lol1 ft(,Jldvred by .tlte.. Verx!../l:Dnent 06 A{on,'toe COUllty Souaf SeJtV;'CC6, hM ..tlte tt.i..gh,t to ftequMt a ,'tev..tew 06 tlle0't ca6 e by the So uat S e.'tV..tCM Ex ecu...tiv e V-Utc..ctOft. TIU6 )tc..v..tCW ,6ltatt be do ne w~tlull Mve (5) woftk....i..ng daY,6 a6te.'t.. ..the lte..qcte6.t ~ Itc.c..uved Sftomthe appucallt. IS tiLe V-Utc.ctOft'6 ,'tev.i..eLlJ dOM l1~t ,'te6olve .tlt e appUcal1t'6 compf..a..{,IU, the.. apPucQll,t tit e..1l 1t(U6 the.. Iti...g htto fteqctMt a F a0't H e.cv't..i..ng . FAIR HEAPI~G PROCEDURE W--etfull :ten (10) woftb...{,ng day.6 aDteJt (1 compi..Mllt L6 hecuved 6/tOm an appucan.t, a hewUng wLtt be.. hef..d ~n the.. o66.i..ce 06 tlte Cowuy Adm..{,IUo.tJta..tOft. The pllltpo,se 06 tlt..-06 he~l1g wLtt be to atfow ,the applicalu a 6aiJu oppo!t:tuuty to vo.i..ce.. ltM/he..!t c..ompi..a.i..lt-t be..60fte a he..aJr...i.ng comrr.~ttee... TltMcomrrU..ttee. wLtt C0n6-06t 06 the COWttu Adm.i..Jt-WVr..(I"tOf[, the. CleltP.. 06 the. BO(1"/u:{ 06 '\loYV'toe Coun.tu Comm~,s~one.!t6 aHd one (7) Cowt-ty Comm~,s..{,one..Jt. The Mnaf deu6..{,on ,6hatf be. made. by the he..cvul1g commLttee wLtfun te.n (I 0) daY,6 and a copy 06 ,6ame.. ,6haU be 6ll1t~6he..d ,to the. appUC(1il,t by Ult-Ued States Mw Oft pVlJ.JOHcU.. deLi..ve.'tu. A,s 06 th~J.> date., I have ftead the. Adm~,s.6~on C!t;'te.ft~a and Pol~c~e,s: S~gnatctfte 06 Re.,s~dent Va..te W~tne,sJ.> Vate. '-: , ' W~tl1 e,s.6 Vate.