Resolution 418-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 418 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAYSHORE MANOR a/k/a MONROE COUNTY AND ELENA B. MCCOY, RESIDENT; CHARLES "SONNY" MCCOY, RESPONSIBLE PARTY, CONCERNING RESIDENCY AT BAYSHORE MANOR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the agreement between Bayshore Manor a/k/a Monroe County and Elena B. McCoy, resident; Charles "Sonny" McCoy, responsible party, concerning residency at Bayshore Manor, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this J//$"t day of JIA/'j , 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /J/!~~ Mayor/ nal.rman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk J:?...L /j&!-1 Af).~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By Cl 0:: C (..J 1..0.. 0::. 0. C 1.1.. o Lu ...J ;:z: . R f\"\ Q. .J '...... :..;:>..: ~ =I J& .." ,.- ':;-;a:;:z '.-.:::> Wo ~I~I...U. zQ '< Q BAYSHORE MANOR A/K/A MONROE COUNTY HOME ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY - LEVEL II A G R E E MEN T This agreement entered into this 14th day of June , 19~, by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called "County" and Elena B. lvlcCoy Charles "Sormy" McCoy , hereinafter called "Resident", and Party." hereinafter called "Responsible ~" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the resident desires to use the facility of the county known as the Monroe County Home, a/k/a Bayshore Manor, ana WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the application of the resi- dent for admission to the Monroe County Home and has determined that the resident is eligible for admission to said home, now therefore, In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and premis- es herein contained, the parties agree as follows: A. BAYSHORE MANOR 1. To furnish room, board, linens, prescribed medicines and general personal care. 2. To arrange for the transfer of the resident to the hospital of the resident's choice when ordered by the attending physician or the health of the resident requires same, and to immediately notify any responsible party (as designated herein) of such transfer. 3. To make refunds on a per diem basis in accord with date of discharge from the home. Refunds cannot be made as long as personal belongings remain in the resident's room. Refunds cannot be made as long as there are outstanding expenditures for se~vices received by the resident. 4. In the even-t of closure of the facili ty fo;~ ':-':~<l reason, a pro-rated per diem refund shall be made in accord with date of closure within seven (7) days. 5. Residents will be notified in writing thirty (30) days in advance of any basic rate change. 6. Bayshore Manor is not affiliated with any religious organization. 7. Other: B. THE RESIDENT OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. To provide such personal clothing and effects as needed or desired by the resident. 2. To pay the monthly rate agreed upon and such charges as determined by the Monroe County Home to be necessary for the operation of the home. 3. That, upon certification by a physician or the administrator of the home, the resident is no longer capable of meeting the requirements for occupancy in this facility, the resident, next of kin, legal representative or agency acting on the resident's behalf, will have to make arrangements for the immediate transfer to an appropriate facility. In the event a resident has no person to represent him/her, thist facility shall assist resident in contracting an appropriate Social Service Agency for place- ment. Applicant agrees to vacate the facility within forty-eight (48) hours after disquali- fication. 4. To comply with all requirements as set forth in the application made by the resident. . 5. To comply with all rules and regulations esta- blished by the County for operation and control of said home. 6. Agrees, if not paying the maximum rate, to pay any increase in income during the course of residency, up to the maximum rate. The maximum rate as established October 1, 1985, is $1,195.00 per month. 7. Individual monthly rents not to exceed the maximum rate, will be established by evaluation of the applicant's income, asset, resources and need. 8. Other: -VJill pay Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Medicare premiums and dedu~tibles and any other medical costs not covered y insurance, lncluding all medications. C. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS The resident and/or County $ 1,195.00 facilities. responsible party agrees to pay , per month as rent for use of the PAYMENT WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: 1. Personal funds of resident $ N/A 2. Responsible party will pay $ 1,195.00 :::. Unearned income of resident will pay: Social Security Civil Service Annuity V.A. Pension Other $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A 2 D. STANDARD ADMISSION WAIVER The County, through its employees, has agreed to exercise such reasonable care toward the resident as his or her known condition may require. However, this home is in no sense an insurer of his or her safety or welfare and assumes no liability as such. The management of this home will not be responsible for any valuables or money left in the possession of this person while he or she is a resident of this home. E. TERMINATION J, If resident is absent from the home in excess of fourteen (14) continuous days, such absence shall automatically terminate this agreement and the resident shall remove all of his or her . property or belongings immediately. If resident fails to remove same, the resident does hereby authorize the County to remove said property or belongings and deliver same to responsible party. F. MEDICAL SERVICES The parties agree that Monroe County shall not be responsible for or assume any responsibility for payment of any medical or hospital services unless specifically agreed to by the parties or their representatives at the time of the rendering of service. G. DURATION OF AGREEMENT Either party may terminate this agreement on thirty (30) days written notice. Otherwise, it will remain in effect until a different agreement is executed. However, this does not mean that a resident will be forced to remain in the facility against his/her will for any length of time. This agreement may be amend- ed by written and executed approval of such amendment by both ....'" /. ---1.1. t ~.c1 'c -!' parties or their representatives at the time of the amendment. (;~~~;~oY 3}l~~<0 y;,,/L," ) +-==C7Y::."'-- ~~ ---G RESIDENT ~j 'xLi J'- ..(J.., L-,C_ ~-. / 1)/' l ::L-1- I SIGNATURE 0; OF'REiSpONSIBLE PARTY W WI 3 DATE: (~/ /3/19' / I tL@~ Representative of Monroe C unty Home a/k/a Bayshore Manor ~~ Signature of Executive Director - Monroe County Social Services APPROVED: &-ICZ-f"l_ ~, f1~,-ft~-- Signature of C nty A~ Administrator · This is to certify that this Admission Agreement as approved by the County Home and the County Administrator was ratified by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at their meeting held on the day of , 19 Signature of the Chairman Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk AIWIOVED AS TO FORM AND J.EGAI. SUFFJ 'ltNCr. LI , BY ~ ;/ / Atto" 'it:e 4 .\:C,\JROE CCll.\TV 1iC.'.!E Jll.'-:ICR CCLlEGf k'L"\ f f:EV [,'EST, F lCRH'A ,\r,.IISSIC.\J Cf.nn'IA AND rl'l1C1fS The ,I,lcn!toe. CCUH..ty HOllie., ~dLLlt COfl~l.'tegJtCtt('.. llvlng Fac.Lt..Uy ()uJt. the EtdeJU.Y, level.. II, fu~Jt.una~ te.'t !1e6 ~/l/t.e.d to a..~ the F ac..i...GLty, .U, Llc.ell.6 e.d th!tough the Sta..te 06 FlO!l"i..da. rcpMtl11ent d He.aLtll and Rdlab.LtLtaA:...<..ve Svrvic.e6, IlVtUn- ante!t !ten VUted to (L~ H ~, llnd opVta..ted by the. GOMd 06 COlOtty Comm'u'-6ioneJ!h 06 1\lonJtOe Coun.ty, H.O.'Llda. Tile. F(lc..Lti...-ty .c.~ govVtIle.d ill ac.c.o!tdaYtc.e LIJ-<-th the -'teqLU)t.ement~ 06 CltaptVt .J 00, PeVtt 17, rtofLida S tat.u. (!,6 and tit e MeA and Re.gu.- iauorL6 M adopted by the. 60Md 06 j1loflJtoe COLutty Comm..{"MioneJ!h he.!tUHa6tVt (, !te6 eJv'Led to ct6 COLUl-ty, c.o n.ta...<..ne.d h e-'te..-i..Il. Re6ide.n.t 06 Mon-'toe County, rLo.uda,6..{;dlj (601 yea!li> 06 age. Oft oide-'L, a.mbula;to!tlj, in Jt.ect6onabie heaLth, in aeed 06 a home al1d havillg no 6a.mir.y able .to meet tf'Je-0't ne.eds, abie to c.Me 60-'t. them!! ef..ve6 to a c.eJLta...<..n deg -'tee and not in need 06 nuJt6ing c.ct.-'Le, C.OHval.Mc.ant c.Me, te.myJOltMY ot e.meJt.g enc.lj ,~heLteJt. .6haU be eligible. 6o!t adm"'u'-6ion to .:the 6ac..tLi..ty in ac.c.o!tda.nc.e. w-<-th the. teJtm-6 and c.ond...{;t..{..on-6 c.onta...<..ne.d h e.Jt.ej..n . Appac.a..:U.orL6 CUte ac.c.eyJte.d 011 a Hon-cU6c.JWnina,toltY bct6...U, il1c.fucUl1g but not wniled to -6 e.X, c.oio,'t, ttac.e Oft cJt.ee.d. The. 6ac..c.U"ty -6ha.Lf. pltOvide. a homelike. a;t17lO-6phe!te. [!toom and bOct.-'td), peJL6onal. ,~eJt.vic.e6 and a c.omyJJt.e...heYL6ive. yJJt.og!ta.m to meet day to day nee..ct6 06 the.. ambLLt:..a:tO!ttj age.d on an incUvidual. bCl.t~"'u' - c.onduuve. to 9 !tOup UV...lng. PeJl,6 0 nal.. S eJt.vic.e6 m e..w!,6 -6 eJt.vic.e6, in addt,Uon to hOMing wtd 600d .6eJt.V...lC.e. LlJYUc.h ...lnc..wde bu"t a!te. 110t .Um-<-ted to: pe.MC'nal. (t.~-6,U,tanc.e.. wilh batfung, cf..'t.e6.6...lng, ambt.LtaA:...<..on, ftou.6 ekeep...lHg, ,~upeJt.v-0~...lcn, e.mo.Uonal. -6 ec.uJU.;ty, and Wllj otheJt. !teXa;ted -6e-'tv.i..c.e6 wyuc.h .:the 6ac..<.LLtlj may de6ine. Pe..Monal. .6eJt.V...lC.e.. dOe6 HOt ...lnc.iu.de mecUc.al. .~eJt.V...lc.e6. ELIGIBILITY AMV A'CMISSIOM POLICIES The adm...lM...lOI1 06 eac.h !te6...lde..nt to t/U6 6ac..<.LLttj ,6ha,U be ul1deJt. thf.. ,~upeJt.- v"'u'...lon 06 the Adm...lllh6tJta..tO!t 06 the Fac..i..Uttj w--Ltful1 the c.0116...lne6 06 the 60Uowing 9 en e/r.ai po uu. e6 : [ /1 A Jt.e~ide..l1tl apr-uc.all-t mlt,~t: (al Mot have a c.ommWUc.a.ole.. di~ea..~e ,In a ,t'tWt6- 6 e.tr.ab f, e.. ~ tag e.. [b 1 Have.. a c.he..6,t x - !talj Oft ~ /2,{.ll te..~ t (TB 1 w--Ltll-tll l1...lne..tlj (90 1 datj~ pJL.lO.'ttO admc.6.~ioI1 .to .the.. 6aciLLtlj. (c.) DC' a ~('~{d(,ilt d ,IfOHJtoe CUWlty, FCC,'Lida fJ",'l (tt lCCLH Cil(' (1 J ye(v't alld 6LUlJLi/~1t VL'/Lt;iic.CLttUH U ~ ~ame. (dl Fl(,'Uu:..~/l 1.1/tC'C'1) oil Hee.d nO/tt1le. fla~tU.tl} (wdtllCLt tItVtC'..0~ ItO 6amu~/ able. to mee): the.Ut ne.e.d~ no/t adeqllCLte. c.Me. (c.) FlL'Ul-L~1t wtLi..tten mCcUc.CLt e.xam,{I1CLCtOn n/tom (tUee.IL6e.d phy~.<.~taH (60tun wil.-t be. 6WlJLiAhe.d) wfUeh MICLU c.eAU6tj tlta,t tlleVt me.cUc.al c.oncUUol1 ..L6~Lic.h that tltey W-Ltt me.et tlte. /te.- qLUJt('Jne.nC~ 06 the. 6auWtj and that ,~e-'Lv.<.c.e~ be.yondtha,t CL'te. peJun-Ltte.d '<'H the. 6auUty Me. Hot /te.qu..iAe.d. {, (6) Be. ambu1.a;to/ttj -that .iA the. c.ond.LUon 0 & bung phy.6.<.c.etU.y and emo,UonetUy abte. to ~ e. n/tom a {lOtt.i.-U:ontal o/t /~..i...tUng po~.{;Uon, and.<.n an emeJtge.nc.y to e.x..i...t the building to a pO.<.Ilt 06 ~a6e-tlj. ThM wou1.d ,(nc.fude.tho~e. .<.ncUv.<.dua,~ who matj be. abte. to ambutCLte w..i...th .the. M~..L6,tanee. 0 6 p/to~theUc. dev,tc.e6 Htc.h a,.~ c.ttu:tc.he6, walk.VL6 o/t whe.el. c.habL6. (9) Be. .6,txttj (60) tje.cr.M 06 age. o/t otdVt and 6lUU1..L6h age. veJL.i.6,t- c.a,.Uon btj eilheJt pftOpeJt .<.de.nu6.{.c.aUon, doc.wne.JLt6, O/t btj .<.n6otunaUon 6ftom otheJt pubuc. ageJlc..te.6 ,~ltc.h a,.~ the. Soual S e.~ttj A dmirU,6 .t!taUo n. (h) F lUtlU-6 h p/too 6 06 ho.6 p-UaLi.:aLtO n alld medic.al ,tIUUftctJ1ee. wluc.h ..L6 e.qual to Oft bettVt than c.ove-'tage 066eJte.d by AI e.d,teM e.. (.<.) Exe.c.LLte. a Wtt.U.teJ1 c.ont/ta~t w-Uh t{t-iA 6auUty a;t the. tUne. 06 adm..L6~.<.on, o/t pJUo/t theJte.to, be,tween ,the. 6acA..u.A;y an(i .the. ftu,tde.YL.t Oft hM du.<.g ne.e. o/t tegCLt /tep/tM e.nta,Uv e.. A c.opy 06 c.on:tJr.ac..t to be e.xe.c.u-te.d ..L6 CLttac.he.d hVteto and made. a paM: theJteo 6. (2) THE AVAINISTRATOR SHALL: (a) MaJ../'rtaJ..n a wtt.U.te.n /teco,'td ,tn the ftu,tdent'.6 pVL60nal nile 06 CLei. 6,tnanua! MJtangemen.U w.<..th the. /te,,~.<.de.Ht, /U-6 next 06 fUn, Oft ~pon.6oft, w..i...th c.op,t(',~ e.xe.cu-te.d by and 6wlJt-iAhed to e.ac.h pcvLtf{. Tlu,6,~ hCLU .<.ndllde. cletcUe.e.d /te.co !td~ 06 an~{ 6uncio o!t po!topeJttlj Itel.d So/t ,tlte. /te.6,i.deJlt 60/t .6a6e k.e.ep,Lng ,Lll ac.c.o!tclallc.e wi.th C/Ulpte./t .JOO F. S. Pa.'Lt II. (1) The 6a~i.U.tl} 1IIl} hotd pCJl,6011CLf 6wld~ co/t tlte ftM.i.de.nt not to exceed $100.00. (2) Tlte. 6ac,i.tUy ~ltaf.C. 1l0,t accept CUI!' otltVt 6Wld~ Oh r.' 'tCj.'",''' t~1 ,'\ e l't.1 t ,t~ HJ ci l'lttlt ut 1 tlOO\! ('. (b 1 r\Yh>~ ~ ltG' ,1ddi..ttCllae. ehcVtg C.~, (,Xpl'116l',~ 0'1. 0 tlteA :ltllaHc..tt.LL l,i.a.b.U)/i..ttQ;~tH exc.(?~-6 CJ 6 tlte p/fuv.{,~iolL-!l tllc..LUdcdtll the adm-i..6,~,tOI1 c.oIL.tJtad. (el DGtC':Jntllc. ltHdtnc.wde ct6 a mtnvnwn, the 60c.eow-tng p,'tc\..'(,~,tO.L.~ lUtd .~ Q;'tvic.Q;~ in tlte ba,~,tc. adm,i.J.>6-ton c.ontltac..t (L:,Ult ('adt't('.~,tdC'Jtt, next 06 lUlL Olt .opOI1.601t: ( 1 ) Tlte cia.i..C.y, weefU.y, 0,'1. mort.tft,ty ,'tate, and Itenund J", )_"W\..'-t~,i.on ciolt UHU-6ed pOIt:UOIz,.~ tileJte.06. ( 2) Au~,ti.ltg 06 ,~eJtvic.e6 to be. pltov-tde.d. Soc..i.a.e. c.cmpone.nto app,'tC'p!L-i.ate. to tile. ne.e.dll 06 the. [ 3) . ,'te.5-tde.IL.t-~ . (dl Appi~{ the 6o.ttcwinq ,'te6vuc..ttOI1.6 to ac.m-i..6,~iol't and .'te..tC'JtUcn c 6 ,"~c.!l,tdent-5: 1. A fte.~-tdeJ1.t wilo manine6.to .ouc.h de.glte.e 06 be.hav-toft :that he.{;~ a dangeJt to fWn.oe1.6 Oft o.theM, Oft who.oe behavioft i,~ .~ 0 LUlac.c.eptabie Oft d{,,~tWtbing a,~ to -tnteJt6 eJte. wUh tILe. adequa,te c.cv'te Oft c.omn OJt..t 06 otheJt fte6ideJt:t.~ in the. 6a~tu .~ltat.e. not be. adm.<,.tted Oft ftucUHed, aJtd .ohat.e. be ft0nove.d 6ftom the. 6a~ty. 2. No ,'te6idmt .oilCLtt po,~.!le6.o Oft C.OI1.6wne. atc.houe. be.veJtage.~ Oft aJIY e.olt:t.'toUe.d ,!lub.~tanc.e. in the. 6ac.it.{,ty W.<,.tllOut lUll phy,~ic..taJl ' -6 oftdeJt. 3. No .'te!lideJ1t ,6hat.e. be. ile1.d in tile. 6ac)LLty agcUll.6.t lUll will., unle6-6 w1.deJt COU.JIX Q,'tdeJt. 4. No fte.!lideJ!.-t ,6hat.e. be adm-Uted to eft fte.tcune.d in a nac.U..Lty who .'teqtU.Ae-!l f., eJtvic.e..o beyond tllO.o e the 6ac.it.{,ty -i..6 LLe.eJ'Ul e.d to p.'tov-tde. Th.-ill 6ac.LWy may not yJ-1tovide nUJt..!ling e.Me LUt- te66 60ft a t0npOftMlj ,LUne6,5, not to exe.eed -6 e.ven (71 day~. 5. A fte..!l-tdent ab!l eJL.t 6Jwm tlU5 6ac-i..utu ,tn exc.M,~ 06 60WLte.en (7 4) clau~, dtw. to hO.5pLtCLt{:a.uoll e.lt abc'JldoHlllent.5hate. be tvuntltated 011 a fte..6.iaent -tn t/U.6 6ac.i.Li-tlj. Sttc.lt ftM.i.deHt may fte-ap).1tlj 60ft admL!l,~iolt 60-te.owtllg ,the ,5ame. pltoe.edufte a.~ that (} S a HCW L1ppUccmt. (3) The. montlLf'.!J .ltate So't ar-pUc.aHt.~/ ftM,i.deIL.t-6 ~!taee be ac!jtt6ted totfte abi..tLty e6 tfzc, t~)J).1t'i.c(mt/.'te5tdclltto pay. ).ppUc.all.t5/!le6.<.deltt~ Lt'.aft - ./- tdccmn (,'~~ tIILV: tile ,"tlXUllum mal( tJ(' LU('('(t'ccl tl' ).'(11/ tl[(tt ,:m(l(OZ t lt~ t 11 c L'L /1Ii' J! tl! t ~/'1 u t (', tf!.i,~[tI(J!l e eli .: Cl lLel (' a I ru .iJ! c. 'r()aH',~ ill tltc.-i.':.iJlcct:1c dtc'1.iJ!g the. CimrdC' 0(\ tfll',iJt fte,~iel(,J!cU, ltptO tft<'. max-imwn 'Late. (Ll) Tfte tni:Jlt/tfy bM.i..c .'ta.tC'.~ftaf-C be C'i~.tabtL~hed at the bcg-i..JlIl.i.J19 (10 the 6,0~ ceLt tjeM and .~ftaf-C pftevcvU: tlVtC'ugh old tfte tjeM. (b) ,\fOII thfy ,'1ate.6~haLe. be ftev.i..eIfJed and admcnde.d by .the ~ 8oa'td c6 ,\lon'we CowLty COmln0~.6.i..oneJt.6. r c) ("hen Arr.t.tcant!Re6.i..dent l'teCc,tVe6 .i..ncome and hM aH e t~ fe.~.~thaH the maxhnum mOl1thff( ftate, .~ur-pe.e- men.ta.t~tLPPOIL-t will be accepted oftom theJA oamily, . othe/'t a6,~,c~tance age.ne-tu OJr. ,'tcpftc/HntCLuvu. (d) 16 tfu.?/'te. .L~ no ,~uppe.emell.ta.C~UPpOftt avcUfabf.e, each arrf-<-caILt! fte.6.i..dent w-W .the.n be. corV6idVted 011 an in- dividuae. ba6L~ . (e) ALe. .'te~.i..denu except .thM e. pay.i..ngthe. max-Unwn Itate all. tho.6 e. who do have othvr. a6.6 eto all. .'te6 OLUtCU, will be .'twnba'L6e.dte.n (10.001 dotea.'L-~ pvr. month by the County 60,'1. .tfte-0't peMonae. lL6 e. (4) Upon c~'1,u6.i..ca:Uoll by the Adm.i..lu6tftatOIt 06 the 6ac,UA;ty w,cth .the concUMance. 06 the Fx.e.cttUve D.i..Ju?ctOft 06 the MOll,'toe. County DepaJz;t- melLt 06 Soc-<_ctt SeJtv.i..c~~, that aU c..JLi...tvUa and fteqtUJtemento ,~eX. 60IL-th heAun have be.en compued w.i.th and! 0,'1 me,t, the. appucal1.t .6ha11. be. adm.i.Ue.d to .the. 6a~l). Subjed. ,to adequate 6auWJ.u bung avcUfabf.e. and exe.cu,UOI1 06 the adm,{}'d.i..on aglte.emell;t by the lte.6.i..den:t and the. Cowdl}. OPF1<.ATIONAL STANDARDS The 6ac,.U:-,Utj~ha.tC 066eft c.CC',~e MLrvr.v.i..~.ton and uving CO IlCi.i...uoIU. a.~ -iA l1ece.MMtj to tile condLt.ton 06 the. fte6.i..dc.n-t. Tfl.L~ .iJ1c..etLdc.~ MLPCltV,{,!:"LOll 06 d,{et~ a~ to qu.a.Uttj and qlWH tLtu, (tJCLtclt6(dJte.~~ OV('/t the g ClteAaf he.atth, -!Jae ettj and wc.Lc. be/tng 0 6 .~ c-!>.idc.Jlt!l. Tfll'.he. .6ItaC e. be. a dCLLttj cuVa'tenM.6 06 the ft('~ .i.d ('Ilt~ btj d e.~.{!J nat ed ~ ta6 6 co6 tfl e. 6 ac.iXdl} {L~ to th c. appCL'te.J1 t Wl'.U b e,tllg C! S th(' '{l!d.{v.i..duaC.~ {{!.i..tft "'u.66 i Cte.llt pftO\)i.~.ton 60ft contacUll!] the. Itu.tdeyt-t '.~ - ;- phy~ ici,tll, d tlte ,'teJ-idC'llt Ita~ HOt llL'tC'adl} dOHl' ~U, ltt alll! t.ime t!lC'lte a)_'pea't~ to be ~'(~iluS-icallt dev.ittUOll nJtom ItA.-~ H(}.~ma( t1PP('cVtaHee c't Hllte (I ~ fte.aUlt and weer. be,(llg. AnJltop,'l,{ctte 110 Uc.e (111 !>uc.!t .tllHlUlec.~ ~ Ita.t[ be ,'tec.o'tdedil1 tlte pe/(,~ 0 nctt'. ftec.oftd-6 06 tlte .(lld,(v-iduaL. ((j,'l,{,tten agfteement~ be.twC'en the. ()ac.,iLt.ty and eac.h 06 .~t!> 'te,!>.(dent~ ~ftctU pftov-ide tha.t, [tpon c.eAuMc.a.u(J/l blj a phlj6,(c,(an tlla.t tlte Jtc,,!>-ideH t -0!> no .~ tcng eJt capa1.bte 06 mee..ullg tlte ,'tequ-Ltwnent!> 60ft occ.upanc.y .(n tft.L!> ~ac.,iLt.ty, tlte. he..~.(del1,t, next 06 fUn, e.e.ga1 hepJte.6 e.ltta.UV e, Oft ag e.nc.lj ac,ti.llg on the ,'tM-ide.nt',6 b e.ha1.6, will. be. nou6-ie.d that tlte. ,'tM-ide.nX WA.-te. ha\J e. to make. CL'Utang em e.nt6 6 Oft ..&nme.cU.a.te. t/tal1.,6 S eJt to an appftopJr,(a.te. C.Me. .~ etullg . III . the. e.ve.nt a ftM-ide.nt hM no pe.Mon .to he.p,'te.6e.nt fWn, tfu"~ 5ac.J.i,Uy,!>ltctU be. fte..!>po/u-ible. 60ft fte.S eJr/ta1. ,to an appftopJua.te. ,!Joua1.!J Vtv,(ce. ag cnclj 50ft plac em e/1,t. Tlte. ac!m,u,,6.-i.on 06 a fte.6.-i.de.llt to tfU,,!> Sac,iL{,tlj and l-uo pJte.6 e.nc.e. the-'tun ,!J ha.U not c.onS e.'t on the. 6aUWy, Lt!J ac!m.-i./1,{,,!JVta:tOft, (!)nploye.e.6 Oft ftep,'te..!> e.nta.Uve..6 any OJLthowy to manag e, lL6 e. Oft d-UpO,6 e. 00 any p,'topeJt,ty 0 S .tlte ,'te..!J.-i.de/u:; 110ft ,!JhctU ,6uc.h ac!m,u,,6.<.on OJt pfte.6e.nc.e. c.onoVt 0/1 a/1l} 06 ,6uc.ft peJr..!JOIl.!J aHY au,thowy Oft fte.6poM.<.b-<.LUy 60ft ,the. peMona1. a6Sa.0'V6 06 tlte. fte~.-i.dent, exeept wha.t may be nec.e.6I.>MY 60ft the. ,6a6e. and oftdeAey manageme.nt oStlze. 6aUWy Oft 60ft the. ,6a6 e..ty 06 ,the. fte.6.-i.de.nt. TfU6 6ac..,{Li;ty, admbu6Vta:tOft, employee. Oft ftepfte.6e/l.ta.uve. thVte.o6, may not ac,t M the. c.oUJt.t appo.<.nXed gUMcU.aJI, ;tJuude.e., Oft COrt,6 Vtva.tOft SOft any fte.6.<.del1-t oS the. 6ac..<.uty Oft any 06 ,6uc.h fte.6.<.de.n:t'1.> pftOpeJt,ty. AD.fINISTPATTVE STANfAPfS Tf~ 6a.c,u.{,ty ,6fla.U be. undvztlte, c.ol1tJwi 06 an adminL!JtftatoJt. ( 1) The 6ac,LUty Oft A.-t!> cluey de.6,tgna.tcd ,'lep!lc,,!J elttattve. .!Jftctte. ma.i.nta.tll tlte Sof.CCW.{llg W't,~ttell M!,c.O'z.d6 (urd allY otltc,'t .'te.coftd !leo" :""d b~( tlte C(l[(Il,t~( (I,'t HR.\: ill (l ),1Caee, nOM! and ,~~(Hem - 0- ,"Ui(lllt,'!-{,lll l'l'lt.1t'cucd tlI t]L'(.tf bU.'IuIl'..'I.'I p,'1Ltcf{c.l',.'I. ( a) All ,1, ~n{.'I .'Ii c It an d dL.'I c! la:;~ll: '1C 9(,.'1 t l':t l' LHA.H!1 ItaJnC'j d '1C'.'I.<:ctent.'l .1Hd ctttl' ac&ndtC'.o, tdC'nt'<:;lY'<:llg (It ~ oma.U.un abou..t e.aclt, the peac~ ,) !tom wh'<:ch tfte !tC',~.i.o('nt ltJ(t~ adm.i.tteoj tlte da.-te. and !t~a!.lOH ,)Olt d0.'1chaJrge, aoe.qLta.te. .tde.lt.un,i.ca.-uon an the 6aUtLty to wludt .tlte. ,'te,,~.-i.de.n.t.-i.~ d0~ chatrg e.d Olt t~ 6 eJtlte.d. (b) A pe,~ona.e. 6ile. DOlt each 'tM.-i.de.n.t cOn6.-i.-~:Ung 06 appJl.Oplti.a..te da.-ta, .-i.ncfud,i.ng .-i.de,J..t.-i.Mca.-Vfn 06 next '" 06 fun, (U1d a..U cdta ,'tequL'1.ed 60lt the FtoJt.-i.da Ce!t.u6.-i.ca.te 06 f'ea.-th. f'e.ta;.L~ 06 the !te6ilfU1.O.i., adm.~/~'<:on. pelt.ul1.ent non-medical. and medical. .-i.n- ~O!!ma.-uoH conceJuuHg tlte ,~"A.-i.dent -6haU be mcUn- tc...i.ned w.J.h the ge.ne/tal. 6L~cae. !!ecoltd 06 each, .tncwcU.ng COp.tM 06 aLe. agJteemena OJt contJtac..t~, accowu ,'teco!td6 and a CUJI/'ten.t .tnven;toltij 06 peJv~onal pJtoPWY ltetd 60Jt ,~a6 e-I,-eep.tng. (c.) A 6a~ty acudeJt.t/ .tnudeJU /'1.ecoJtd 6ile, cOlucUl'ung a ce.eM dM cJt.-i.p:Uo n 06 each acudent/ .tnudelu and any othe/t .t11c-tdent .tnvolv.tng haza/tdou..6 OJt de6.-i.an.:t behav.toJt 06 a ,'tM.tdent O,'t -6ta66 membeJt w.J.h namM 06 .tnckv.i.du.aL~ .tnvolved, dMC!t.i.ption 06 medical OJt othvr. -6 vr.v.tce~ pltov.-i.ded and the -6tep-6 taken .t6 any to plteveJLt ,'tecuJUtance. (d) PeJr,6onnet ,'tecoJtd 06 each ,~.ta6tl membeJt. T~ Jtecoltd w-<--U. be. kept upda.ted and contcUn oJt.-i.g.-i.nal empeoymen.:t appuca.uolt w.J.h lte6 C?/'teJtCM 6UJtIU,.~ hed. (e) A Iteco/td 06 pefL6oHl1.et pottUe6. '<:ncfueUng -6ta.-temen.t6 06 POUUM and woJtk a~,~,i.fjllmeJt.t6 60it. each pMLUon. (6) A Jteco!td 06 mont/L.ey 6Dte d-~U~, .tncU.ca.-Ung the da.-te, hoUJt an d 9 en vra.e. d M C!1.tp.uo n 06 e.ach cLute., tll e. e.x..tent 06 tlte -6'ca66 ,tnvofve.d and .tlte name 06 pe/t.6011 'i.H -c.hMge.. (g) Fi.nancta1. !teco!td~ wluch .tdentt6tj aee .tllcome 06 the. 6autLttj blj~ouJtce and oMc.'1.ib,tllg a.ee expeJlddu!tM btj ca.tefjo!ttj ,tn ~uch a malllle,'t a.'l to be cutd,i,tabf.e by bcv~.tc accoulI ttng (.','to e cau!! e6 . ~ - , - F BJMJC'1 At STMJfI\i(L'..S Tile. c1(.miJl~~t':{tt(l!t d tll-C~ Saect.Uu ~/taLt lna-iHta.il1 ~i/~c.at !t('c.cr!td~ if! ac.c.c!tcUwc.e. w-i-tlt tile'. ft('qtt.i}temen-G~ 0& CltapteJt -100, F.S. PalLt II. Tltc}te ~llalL be. a !U!_c.L'glli:ed /~~/~tem 06 ac.c.ounting tt,~ed to ac.c.tVtatuy /te.fl.teet de-tlLd~ 06 tile btL~i;leM. The. 6aeLUty Mtal.1.: ( 1) Be admilL-L~.te/tc.d on a60w1d MltallC-iM l>M--U C.Olv~-<-6tent w-i-tlt good btu.inu~ p/taeuc.cy~. (2) Speu{jy -<-.t~ flC.~Ulld jJo.ttC-tU M pct!t-t 06 the acmi~~iol1 c.o 11X,'UtC.-t. (3) Speu6Y that HO admin;.J..tJULto/t, c.on6uttal1-t, /~taSS membeJt o/t .'tep/tue.ll-tctUve ~l1ate.: . (a) Pay any c.omm--u~io H, bonM, ,u.bate Olt g/tCLtlUty to any o/tganiZCLUOYl, agenc.y, phy~ic-ial1, -6ta66 Olt oth eJt peA'~ 0 11 601t .'te6 VZJutt 06 :1ny /tuiden:t to the 6ac.iLUy. (b 1 Requut o/t ac.c.ept allY /tellwneJtCLttOn, /tebCLte, gi6t bene~a o/t adval1Xage 06 any cOJun 6/tom CU1Y vendolt o/t otheJt /.suppUe/t bec.aM e 06 the pUJtc.hCL6 e, 1ten:ta1. Olt .tOCUl oS e.qu..i.pme.nt,~uppUM Olt ~ eJtvic.e-.s SOIt the 6ae-i.LLty o/t !te.sidel1X Hot C.01U-<-6ten:t w-<-th I10Junal blL6inM-6 pltoac.uc.e. PERSONNEL ST AN VA RVS Tlte admin<.J..tJza.:to/t 06 tiU6 6acAL{;ttj ~ha1.t opeJtCLte .the 6acAL{;ty .tn ac.c.oltdal1c.e wah the. e.U.sung AlonltOe COW1XY PeA601mu PoUuu and Pltoc.edultu. VI ETA IN ST AN VA RVS TIUJ.. 6ae-i.LLty ~/lCtte. have w,utte.n poUuu culd p/toc.edu/tu SOIt pltOVicUHg pltOpeJt nlLttU-ttollM c.alte 06 .Lt.s Ituidento. (1) The 60Uowing !teqtUtzemen.to .6hctte. be met: (A) The admin.iJ..tJtCLto/t Olt a pe'L60H duigllctted by tlte --. ...~-: ' admiI1A...6tJLa.to,'t -6fzate. be JLe~poll/6ibf.e. 60/t .the totcif. di.e.tct'w MVtV-tc.e alld the day to da~, -6UpeJtV.i.~.tOIt -06 die.taf/lj .6 eAvic.e.. The. dc..~.{gHatc.d pe/t6011 -6haU be JLc..~poIl6.ibf.e 6oJLc.coJLdil1aUl1g die.tMy -6 eJtv.ic.c...s w.dh o tit e!l.6 e.JLvice~; del' eiopil19 1t'0'1 I: a6 -~.t9111nent.6 . r -~ - Tltl' 1_'C.'1~)l"1 dnidllatC(f b1l ;:Il' ,tr:rn<lli.'l t'ratl''r .'llltH~(' ).1l''l.,)t'~Jn Iti.'J/I/l"1 cfLLttc.'J ill ,( .'Ja,~l' all(; .'lllll.{'ta.'l.lI t~Wllll(,~'r . (6) TItC'l.apcutlc dl\?,t.'J lL.'l P'r<!.'lc't,lbrcf bU tlte, pItU,.'l,tC-lan .'J11(ltt betH tlt{, ftc'.'JidcHt'.'l '!.cco,'1d l111d ,.'lVtvcd M o-'1deftc.d. (el PC9tda/t dlC,t.'l.'lltill meet 11LLVLt-UOllcU. It(?,e~ 06 '1e.~.tdeILt..'J in accOftdallCe (t'.i.-tlt the cuVten.t ,'tecommended [teta,'tt( Attowance 06 .the Feed alld N(lLu..uon BoaJtd, t. l,! MctUonal Re,6 eMch Counc.t.t., adju_~ted ;;Oft age, ,.'lex, an d ac.uv,i.-ty. Tit Vtapeu.Uc. d.tct6 6ltalf meet thell e HLL;t'1A.A:-tOnctt.'Jtanda,'td.'l to tlte extelLt that -<.--.'l mecUcctUy . pM~ibfe. (17) The dA-c,tM,y ctUowaHce ,.'llta.tt be met by tlte U,.'lell 06 ~talldcvUzed ftec-ipM o66e,"vtng a VMA-ety 06 6oo~ adapted to .the 600d hab-<.--t.'l, pfte6 e/teJtcM and phY.6ic.af ab,-iLLU.ell 06 .the ftMideH.t~. ( f) AI1 up to c.a,te mamlaf app."tov e,d b~( HRS ,.'l haLt be tL-.'l ed a,.'l the .6tandaJtd !te6 eJtenc.e ill plamung fteglLtaJt and theJtareLLUc. cUct.'l. [F) Vated mel'ltL-.'l ,.'lhctU be planned ctt leMt one week ilt acvo.nc.e 60ft ftegu..talt and theJtapeLLUc cU.et.'l; al1d coft/tected M MUtved and tept 011 6ile 60ft ..'lix monthL Suppf,tell 06 non-peJU-.'lltable 600d to mect IlLLtUUOnctt l1eecl.J.. 06 ftellident).} 60ft one 11) week peJLlod.'lhaLt be on hand. IG) Food .6haU. be ~eJt\Jed a.ttfto.c.u\Juy at .6a6e and pafcttable .tempeJta:tUftM. AU !tMideJl.U .6haLt be el1- COtlftag ed ,to e.a..t ctt :table~ .ll1 cl.bt.tl1g MC?a,.'l. A '.'luppfy 06 app.'top,uate C?.a.ul1g !tlct-'tC?. ,.'lIta1..e be all hal1d .to .6Vtve aLt ftellidellU. IH) Ate tnat.teA.'l pefL.tcUlt.i.ll~) to 6~'('d ,.'le'tvic-{'; .'l/rctf.i (('mpry 11.',Uh tlte pftOv.i.Ston~ 06 Clwpte/t 10- 13, Feotuda SaHit~1-'ty Code. -9- RIGHT TO fJFARV":G Any appLtc.an.t who ,0~ ciL~,~CLu.~ D-te.d w,i..tlt tlte. de.c.L~,tovt Itc.HdVte.d by .the Vcpa/tA1nent 06 ,\lonltoe. Coult,ty SocJ.a..t SVtvic.e.6, hCL6 tlte. tU.ght to !tequ~t a ,'Lev,tCl(} 06 tltC.0't C.CL~e. by ,tlte. Soc.iClt Se-'l.V,tc.e~ Exe.c.u.t.tve. O.uz.e.c.tOIt. Tlti.6 ,'Le.v,tCW ,!)ItCltf. be done. l(}..Ltlt.tn Dive. (5) WOItr..tHg day,~ a6te/t the Ite.que!).t -iA Itec.uved Sltom .the. aprtic.aJlL I6 .tlte O.uz.ec.tolt'~ ,'Lev-teJ.rJ do ~ IiQt ,'L~ olv e. tlte. appUc.an,t'!) c.omp,tcUllt, tile. applic.a.Jt.t tlten ItM tlte tU.gltt .to ,'Leque~t a F cU,'L H ea/r,tng . FAIR HEA~I~G PROCEfURE W..Ltlun ten (I 0) woltfUng day~ a6tVt a c.omplaint ,(,,~ ,'tec.uved 6ltom all apptic.aJ1t, a he.lling w.u.t be h e1.d -tIt .tlte 06 6ic.e 06 tlte Cowlty AdJ71..lIUhtJuttolt. The pU/tpM e 06 tlLL6 hecvUng w,{,u be. to a.Uow .the applic.allt a 6aiJu OppOILtuIt.L.ttj to voic.e. lU6/heJt c.omplcUn,t be.601te a heaJUng c.omrr.,Lttee. TlU6c.omrrUttee will c.on6L~,t 06 the County Adm..lnu:tltcrJtoJ!, .the cte.ltb. 06 the BC'MC 06 Afo YV'to e. Cowlty CommL~,~-toneJt.~ and one (I) COW1-ty Comm.L6~..lovtVt. The. 6.{.nai. de.u~..lon ,~ha.U be made by the hecvu.ng c.cmm-Utee wLtfuvt.ten (IO) day,!) and a c.opy 06 uune ,~ha.U be. 6U/t1u.~Ite.d to ,tlte apptic.al1,t by UIt..L{:ed Sta;t~ .\lCLil. Olt peJ1J.lOnM deLt\"e-W. A~ 06 th-t~ date., I have. Itead the ~~e.~~t.~. Adm-t~~-tolt CIt-ttelt-ta and Pol-tc.-te~: w.,/M ~ -, t,-cStf Vate &-I~-c!' Da.te