Resolution 422-1989 James R. Paros Public Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 422 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF MUNICIPAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. 6 AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AGREEMENT ADDENDUM WITH PHYSIO CONTROL CORP. IN THE AMOUNT OF $192.00 CONCERNING MAINTENANCE OF AN ADDITIONAL PIECE OF BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chairman/Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a Contract Agreement Addendum between Physio Control Corporation and Monroe County, copies of same being attached hereto, concerning maintenance of an additional piece of biomedical equipment for Municipal Taxing District No.6. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioner of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~H day July , A.D. 1989 . of BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By A'lI~R/J Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: D.ANNX L. ;KOI.JJAG~ Qlerk ~L~~'()'L C rk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. . BY:C~g A~ J:'~ ,)d~WW C nty At1?orney's Office J Ll: V d tf 9f1\f 6B. jJUv~h; ,iL,-:; JJ1J.::l C<NI'RACI' AGREEMENT ADDENDUM THIS AIDENIXJM TO CXNI'RACI' AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1989 A. D., by and between the Board of County Corrmissioners, Monroe County, Florida on behalf of the Municipal Taxing District No.6, hereinafter "DISTRICT" and Physio Control Corporation, hereinafter "cx)NTRACIOR" in order to arrend the Contract Agreenent l:etween the parties dated 'Ihe following piece of Schedule A, Key Largo Equipren.t Agreerrent: LS-100 Auto BP - Serial rb. , 1989, as follows: biomedical ~iprent is added to Inventory, as shown in said Contract 001422 'Ihe Contract SUm, as shown is said Contract Agreenent by One hundred ninety 'b.o dollars ($192.00), as additional to the CXNI'RACIOR, for addition of said inventory. In all o~r respects, the Contract Agreerrent between the parties , 1989 ranains in full force and effect. rn WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract Agreenent Addendum to be executed the day and year first above written. is increased carrp:msation dated OOARD OF CCMITSSIONERS , CCXJNTY FLORIDA COUNTY r-mROE (SEAL) Mayor/Chainnan Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Clerk PHYSIO CONTROL CORPORATIrn ~~^": Orl.ze Representative 2/$ 117 C'l\--\_Z'0 CJ,; - C( '~LG.~-f"'-~ , 1/ t '-~ (([\0 fO \ () Wltncs cs AIWfOVED AS ;0 IIOMI //k:~'l~' S;;;;:~I/ ,\' ,I" ,'.$ 0 ( ,