Resolution 436-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 436-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE THE RENEWAL OF AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND ROBERT NELMS, M.D. FOR HIS SERVICES AS MEDICAL EXAMINER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a renewal of an employment agreement by and between the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners and Robert Nelms, M.D. for his services as Medical Examiner, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ..d I "6 i day of 0c.t I ~ , A.D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By./III~~ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk p..li, ~ AI), ~ r.U).~tNn.03~.... . , '! '~IJ 'Wltf"-.' "I ). 'iN'VO A'''''''''. JI' .. AND LEGAL....] .1'" BY (;t&~.~'r1 An....... ' 6tl fd 9Z 11' fiR. OtlOJJd dOl Q311:1 CON T R ACT Between ROBERT J. NELMS, JR., M.D. MEDICAL EXAMINER DISTRICT SIXTEEN AND MONROE COUNTY for MEDICAL EXAMINER FUNDS This Contract is entered jnto between Robert J. Nelms, Jr., M.D., Medical Examiner, District Sixteen (Monroe County), appointed by the Governor of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER", and Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", through its Board of County Commissioners. .' ,n f,f'; '"i " Any reference in this Contract to "DISTRICTS" shall mean Medical Examiner District XVI (Sixteen) as established by the Medical Examiners Commission under Chapter 406, Florida Statutes. WIT N E SSE T H: ;'6 11 .~ .::; WHEREAS, Chapter 406, Florida statutes, and Rule llG-4, Florida Administrative Code, establishes Medical Examiner Districts and guidelines for medical examiner services, f~ 'i :~ ,~ ~ .~ i '1 :1 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understanding and the provisions, terms, and conditions hereafter set forth, the COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER mutually agree as follows: I. COUNTY Agrees: ,< ,', ,.~ ~ j >i i i 1 A. To comply and act in accordance with all prov1s1ons of Chapter 406, Florida Statutes, and implementing rules of the Medical Examiners Commission, where applicable. B. To use funds provided to the County by the Medical Examiners Commission and through taxation revenues appropriated for the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINERS Budget only for medical examiner related expenses, said uses to include, but not be limited to, the -'1 , ,1 -2- fOllowing: 1. Salaries and/or fees for medical examiner and associate medical examiner services 2. Transportation reimbursement 3. Facilities and equipment as required, to include office space, storage space, morgue space, X-ray film developing space, laboratory space, and histotechnology work space, with related equipment, including telephones 4. Laboratory services 5. Administrative costs 6. Employee salaries, as allowed through "standard staffing ratios" developed by MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION May 25, 1988, allowing four(4) full- time employees for District Sixteen, to include secretary, chief forensic investigator, PhD Chemist, and custodian/diener 7. Supplies 8. Other related expenses C. To provide the MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION with: 1. A County Annual Expenditure Report on forms to be provided by the COMMISSION identifying total funds expended or encumbered and budgeted, for medical examiner services during the current County Fiscal Year. 2. A copy of the budget adopted for medical examiner services for the current County Fiscal Year. 3. A copy of the financial audit report (including a management letter) required by Section 11.45 (3) (a)2, Florida Statutes. , D. To comply with requests from the MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION for information regarding expenditures for support of medical examiner activities pursuant to Chapter 406, Florida Statutes. II. The DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER AGREES TO FULFILL His duties as set forth in Chapter 406, Florida Statutes and Rules promulgated by the MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION as follows: A. Office 1. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner shall be established and maintained in such a manner that it provides for the necessary facilities and personnel in accordance with recognized 1 j I L.q .~i_ ~. ..... ' -3- standards. 2. The Office shall be an independent agency. 3. The intent of the governing law shall preclude any political interference in the selection and appointment of the staff or the operation of the Office. B. Appointment 1. The Chief Medical Examiner shall be appointed with tenure by the Governor of the State of Florida. He shall be a board-certified pathologist skilled in Forensic Pathology. He shall organize, operate, and direct the Office. 2. The Chief Medical Examiner shall name and appoint qualified professional, technical, clerical and other staff of the Office. The staff shall be directly responsible to the Chief Medical Examiner., and shall include associate medical examiners, secretary, forensic investigator(s), diener, custodian, etc. .. C. Investigation of Death. The Chief Medical Examiner or his appointed associate medical examiner shall have the authority and responsibility: 1. To investigate and certify any death that falls in the following categories: a. Criminal violence suspected b. Suicide c. Accidental (motor vehicle, boating, aircraft, diving, snorkeling, swimming, etc. d. Suddenly when in apparent good health e. Unattended by a practicing physician f. Suspicious or unusual circumstances g. Gunshot h. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) i. Suspected poisoning j. Drowning k. Abortion 1. In prison or pOlice custody m. In State Institution n. Diseases constituting a threat to public health o. Disease, injury, or toxic agent resulting from employment p. Unexpected death associated with diagnostic or therapeutic procedure q. When a body is to be cremated, dissected, or buried at sea . ! Ii j L ~-~-.,...~' . "~..-...,;- , i' ) .~ ; '" , ';, . "i .~ D 4 . 'il .:." ~~ 1 ,~ '~ 1 " ~ ] " ,1 , . J 1 { ~ ~' " 'i ,~ 'Ii " " I .~ ...~ . t ~ "~ .,~ .J; ~ ] ':, 'I ~ -4- r. Unclaimed bodies s. When a dead body is brought into a new medicolegal jurisdiction without proper medical certification. 2. To take charge of the dead body upon direct notification of such death. He or his duly authorized associate medical examiner or forensic investigator shall respond to the scene upon request by proper authorities whenever possible and appropriate. The dead body shall not be disturbed unless permission is granted by the Chief Medical Examiner or his designee. 3. To conduct an investigation of circumstances surrounding the death in conjunction with proper authorities. 4. To conduct all necessary examinations of the dead body which could include performance of any autopsy and retention of whatever tissues and biological specimens that he deems are necessary. 5. To take possession of any object or article which, in his opinion, may be useful in establishing the identity of the deceased and/or the cause and manner of death. 6. To reduce his investigation and findings in writing and shall keep such records in his Office. 7. To administer oath and have the power of subpoena. Specific tasks. In order to effect above general requirements, the specific duties itemized below describe in more detail how duties are accomplished. 1. Answering telephone a. Mode - telephone, voice pager, car or boat radiotelephone b. Source of calls - Police, Sheriff, Navy, FBI, Highway Patrol, funeral homes, family or acquaintances of deceased, attorneys, insurance companies, private investigator3, newspaper reporters, TV or radio reporters, physicians, etc. c. Nature of calls (1) Request for oral information - toxicology results, cause of death, etc. (2) Request for written information or reports - autopsies, statistical reports, etc. '.,;.~.-~'-,~' .~ .,;''"''''''-~ ....' -5- (3) Questions about previous cases. (4) Requests for immediate scene investigations. (5) Notification of deaths. (6) Cremation, dissection, or burial at sea approvals. (7) Scheduling depositions. (8) Actual depositions. (9) Request to witness in court. (10) Other questions or considerations. 2. Initiating phone calls a. To whom: (1) Law enforcement agencies. (2) Funeral homes. (3) Witnesses, family, friends. (4) Personal physicians or dentists. (5) Attorneys. (6) Other. b. Nature of calls ,'1 (1) Case investigations. (2) Scheduling exams or autopsies. (3) Answering voice pager. (4) Returning phone messages. (5) Calling secretary for information. (6) Changing appointment times. (7) Calling for toxicology results past due. ~ " '. '- .'~ ~ ~; i~ ?~ 3. Subpoenas a. Received at Office b. Frequently at impossible times, necessitating phone calls to reschedule. 4. Automobile travel .~ ~ '~ "1 1 J .~ ':) ~: ;4 ',ii ~~ ,'j ~ a. Scene investigations - usually 50 miles distant, one way, immediate response always requested, day or night, seven days a week - performed by Chief Medical Examiner, Associate medical examiner, or forensic investigator appointed by Chief Medical Examiner. b. Autopsies usually scheduled within 24 hours, may be 50 miles away where performed. c. Conferences - usually once annually, in Florida, 50-300 miles one way. ~ " " i Jj .J J ,'i , J ) 'J i,L, ,. ~o;t~:~ ~~,,",.-. -.' -6- d. Depositions e. Court trial witnessing, usually 40-50 miles each way f. Grand jury, usually 50 miles each way 5. Autopsies/Examinations a. Time 2-4 hours, not counting travel, for autopsy, l/2 to 1 hour for post mortem exam. b. X-rays sometimes taken by medical examiner. c. Photographs d. Toxicology specimens, esoteric tests (DNA probes) e. Gathering of some trace evidence - fluids, hair, particles, clothing, jewelry f. Preparation of bones and teeth for anthropological studies. g. Microscopic examination 6. Generation of reports a. Handwritten (l) Labelling tubes, photographs, and x-rays (2) Notes during autopsy (3) Notes during telephone conversations (4) Correspondence (5) Preparing rough drafts on statistical reports, correspondence, contracts, etc. (6) Keeping case log (7) Keeping cremations log (8) Completing death certificates (9) Budget (s) b. Dictated :,,~ l~ :1 i :1 .i ~ (l) Autopsies, postmortem exams (2) Some correspondence (3) Some statistical reports (4) Rules and regulations (5) Review laboratory examinations and prepare reports (6) Contracts (7) Other reports c. Typing - occasional, typewriter or compu~er w/ word processor 7. Depositions a. Some by telephone " 'i... :_~=' :l.,. ~... > .... -7- b. Some in the Office, electronic or clerical c. Usually travel 50 miles each way d. Grand Jury 8. Witness in court a. Location - usually 50 miles each way b. Duration - 4 hours up to 3 days portal to portal c. Preparation of testimony - 2-6 hours minimum time 9. Transport bodies 10. Provide professional consultations 11. Prepare and present materials for teaching / public education 12. Counsel families 13. Continuing education - ASCP Check Samples, conferences - 20 hours per year generally required 14. Review and approve all pertinent building construction plans, lease contracts, designated worksites, etc. III. The COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER further agree: A. To comply with Title VI and VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d), Executive Order No. ll246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity", as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (4l CFR Part 60), and Federal Regulations concerning nondiscrimination because of mental and physical handicaps. B. To meet the standards of accountability of Rule llG- 4.06, Florida Administrative Code, which include the following: l. Each county shall use an accounting system which meets generally accepted accounting principles. 2. Each county and each district medical examiner shall maintain such records and accounts as are necessary to properly account for state funds disbursed by the Commission. "".",;1:"".".: -8- 3. All records relevant to this rule shall be retained for a period of not less than three years, unless otherwise provided by law. 4. Records and accounts necessary to justify the use of state funds for medical examiner services shall be open to inspection for audit purposes to the MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION, the Department, and the Auditor General. 5. Funds received from the MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION shall only be used for the provision of medical examiner services. IV. This Contract is effective for the State Fiscal Year July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989. V. Any alterations"variations, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Contract shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly signed and attached to the original of this Contract. The parties agree to renegotiate this Contract if State revision of any applicable laws or regulations make changes in this Contract necessary. .!, ~ , VI. The COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER shall be independent contractors, and not the agent or servant of the Department and shall not be entitled, as a result of this contract, to any benefits granted employees of the State of Florida. The COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER shall have complete supervision and control over their own agents, servants and employees. .{ " ,~ t. Z i-, :-t , \- .' '~~ ,< VII. The Department shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions to act or negligence of the COUNTY or the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER, their agents, servants, and employees1 nor shall the COUNTY or DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER exclude its own negligence to the Department or any third party. ~ ~ I .~ :r ~ >~ ,~ ~ :, .~ l'! I i 5 :~ f 1i i I~ '. ,~ ~, VIII. This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. Any items incorporated by references are physically attached. No other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and ex~cuted this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: Monroe County through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its chairman, authorized to execute same by Board action on the 21st day -9- of July , 1989 , AND the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER, signing by and through its Chief Medical Examiner, duly authorized to execute same. (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Clerk Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida oaf'" '1; /'1 g-1 Ii.., / /h. D, DiSt&{~l Examiner, Robert J. Nelms~Jr, M.D., XVI District, State of Florida ,I ,~ j~ Ff, ;~:'" ,ij f/,l ~"M lOffMM AND LEGAL ~1CIENCr. BY LolAA.~ J': a~ AltGflWy. QIb i I 1{1"". . I '.' ir: '.7{- '[ ""1 .', '-: '. :"" ~ ~ " ~~ ~:( ~-~