Resolution 472-1989 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 472- 1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUEST- ING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AF- FAIRS (DCA) TO AMEND THE SUBMISSION DATE FOR THE COUNTY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROMl: JUNE 1, 1990 TO JULY 1, 1991,AND AUTHORIZIN~ A LETTER TO THOMAS G. PELHAM. SECRETARY3 OF DCA EXPLAINING REASONS FOR REQUEST" ~ ..." - C r ,- rr1 -::J ::l=' a9 ''1 :J N "./ - - ~.,'1 ;::::> , ; \0 ) ,,-... 0 '-- :;0 \0 ,-:J WHEREAS, Florida Statutes section 163.3167(2)(b) provides that the State Land Planning Agency may establish later deadlines for the submission of proposed comprehensive plans for counties which have been designated as an Area Of Critical State Concern and that such extensions not be later than July 1, 1991. WHEREAS, the County is presently undertaking several studies with consultants and in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation which are essential to a complete and accurate comprehensive plan and will not be complete until 1990. WHEREAS, County and DCA proposed amendments to the County's land development regulations are pending and will materially affect comprehensive plan elements, and will not become law until late 1989. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida as follows: THAT the Florida Department of Community Affairs is respect- fully requested to extend the deadline for the submittal of the County's Comprehensive Plan from 1, June 1990 to 1, July 1991, and that the Mayor/Chairman of said Board is hereby authorized to 3ign the attached letter for Thomas G. Pelham explaining the 3oard's reasons for said request. The Monroe County Clerk is also hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Department Of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9th day of August, A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /IlI~~ Mayor/Chairman !SEAL) Attest: D~,:tiX ~ ~OI.J;{AG:E.t ~lerk n .~. 3,~~r: ~R~~'~04~E 13051 ;>944641 --< --' - r.-. ,- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont. District 5 - -~- r- .-~- ..,. ft .., ~', ..-' \' . j , ~y~'-,I ~~,:;~,ta-\ ,L~~ ~J.--;'';. I" "~b .. II\! '~..' ' (-." 1\ :11" " ' ( L I ~)r \:-:::: >;,,;?' ,1111y ?7. 1989 Thomas G. Pelham Se~retary ')epartment of Corronunity Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dear Secretary Pelham: It is my understanding that the Florida Department of Com- munity Affairs (DCA) has recorronended the extension of the state area of critical concern for another year until such time as satisfactory progress is made in protecting the Flori- da Keys' environmental resources. That decision involved an dssessment of compliance with the principles for guiding devel- opment/ especially the protection of transportation and solid waste disposal facilities, and progress in devising an accept- able concurrency management strategy. There is the likelihood that, given the difficulty of implementing such a strategy, some time will be required before progress becomes evident. Locally, we estimate designation as a critical area may not oc€ur by July 15/ 1990/ again because of insufficient time for new policies to effect change. In the meanwhile, Monroe County is required to comply with Chapter 163.3167(2)/ F.S., and prepare a revised comprehensive plan; Florida Administrative Code 9J-12.006, the "Schedule for Submission of Revised Local Government Comprehensive Plans/" sets out a June 1/ 1990/ deadline for submission of the revi- sions to your department. There is, however, provision for requesting an extension, not to exceed July 1/ 1991. Considering the complexity of implementing the concurrency management plan while preparing a Keys-wide traffic model to assess current and extrapolate future traffic demand, as well as the need to generate the entire future land use element that must coordinate anticipated transportation facilities capacity with estimated development patterns of land use, the local community thinks that the June 1, 1990/ deadline may be unreasonable. Furthermore, the county is presently creating a base map on a geographic information system that should short- 2n and simplify the planning process for preparing the future ldnd use and revising the transportation element. This process is anticipated to be completed in 1990. Finally, the county growth management division estimates a cost exceeding $500,000 for revising the comprehensive plan, a burden for our citizens which could be less burdensome if divided over a two-year peri- od. Therefore, in conclusion, I am requesting your cooperation and support in securing an amendment to the submission sched- ule to allow Monroe County to provide its revised comprehen- sive plan on July 1, 1991. This appears to be a reasonable alternative to the present deadline in consideration of the important work to be accomplished in the months ahead. Very truly yours, Michael H. Puto Mayor HMT/sm mpletOl -- --- *'~~\:: Ii" to ~.~~.~:.~ Co cf..~li.... w'Q",:....';,. ~~( , ...:.: . \~....... ......./s~ "'0 >'m'" "...ct, liCOIJ!\lT'l,. =-'" . 1J9annp 1.. 1.({olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 1305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (3051 294.4641 August 21, 1989 - - BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. 13051 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED POq?- /SC. -Dl-! (.:, Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dear Secretary Pelham: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on August 9, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of ~onroe County adopted Resolution No. 472-1989 requesting DCA to amend the submission date for the county's Comprehnsive Plan from June 1, 1990 to July 1, 1991, and authorizing a letter to you explaining the reasons for such request. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution and letter from Mayor Puto. very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board 0 County Commissioners , . I - cc: Department of Community Affairs p-OCJ 7 -(3 Co -/7 J Key West Field Office Mayor M. Puto Mayor Pro Tern E. Lytton Commissioner W. Harvey Commissioner D. Jones Commissioner J. Stormont County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File .!~Nr;R: CompJ.-te Item. 1 end 2 when addl'ClonelMr'Yie.. .r. ctwfm, end Campi... ,..,. 3 Put your addt_'n,the "RETURN TO" 'pace on ttt. rw..... lid.. ~.t1ur. to.do 'thIs will prirUnt thl. c.rd frem ~;f, .....r~od .C you. T", ___..1 "'lie ..... - ~. lIUft<i _ diII~ ft!o. ,,,.,/data ofdaU'liC1f. forticldlt,JonaJ'teit the ,Ow, MrvlHl .NlY.II!lfUf.. ChWlt.- iiOiimilMlffof' ....icfCfilClk bOilii) for Itdd=:l ~.(.) requ " .' ,. , c. -.. '. ,. CJ .Show to whom dlllvered,d". Ind Idd 'I add,... ..2. 0 AllttleUtd Olltve,ry . . I (Ex'" .""""11 ''';' I Ex.... . I -1-he~mA-') tot; (}/Iv~.lhl~: :'J1.~~r 3 -02/~ . 0.4~'1 C00i1h ~ B~~red q 71 ~()-t.-tf!td ~ -r 0-fP{' k ' t.j'::f/,g ;?'301 - ~ y .ANDER: Complete Itlm. 1 'nd 2 when addltlona' ",vie.. .r. dftlred, and complew Item. 3 Ind". Put you, eddi'eIIln the "ReTURN TO" Spece on tn. rev..... ald., Failure to cto- mi. will prevent thlt carl:f frQm being retum~ .to'VCN. 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