Resolution 473-1989 3~owth Management RESOLUTION NO. 473-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE EXISTING AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN BRW, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY CONCERNING THE PREPARATION OF A TRAFFIC ANALYSIS NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE ACCC DESIGNATION FROM HOLIDAY ISLE -r'1 m :- rn CJ WHEREAS, section 9.5-480 et seq. of the Monroe --., C) ':~"J -_'J '''1 C) ':::::J f-,,:):::O \.J..J ,:::J County c"\ ..... :.:-....). C.,:J Land Development Regulations (MCLDR) designates Holiday Isle as an Area of Critical County Concern (ACCC); and WHEREAS, section 9.5-480(C)(1)(c) MCLDR requires a certain traffic analysis as a prerequisite to rem9ving the ACCC designation; and WHEREAS, BRW, Inc., is a consultant already under contract with Monroe County for other planning services and is qualified to perform such a traffic analysis; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, at its meeting on June 27, 1989, passed Resolution No. 378-1989, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute a certain agreement between Monroe County and BRW, Inc. involving the preparation of a focal point plan for Lower Matecumbe Key; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an addendum to the existing agreement by and between BRW, Inc. and Monroe County concerning the preparation of a traffic analysis necessary to remove the ACCC designation from Holiday Isle, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9-1; day of 4t)ltcSi- .;a..D. 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST :DANNY J,.. ~OLtIAGE, ~lerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~~BY Clerk f. /llI~,(///J Mayor/Chairman (Seal) ..tf J~.MDM 10 /IOIIM ANDLb ;:u~ 3Y _~__ ____'____ Au i .n '$ OHicf! PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING URBAN DESIGN BRW. INC 200 FIRST AVENUE NORTH SUITE 206. JANNUS LANDING ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA 33701 PHONE 813'895,1692 24 July 1989 Mr. Donald L. Craig Assistant County Administrator/ Growth Management County of Monroe 5825 Junior College Road Key West, Florida 33040 " (.; Dear Mr. Craig: This letter is to serve as an addendum to the Lower Matecumbe Key Agree- ment between Monroe County and BRW, Inc., for the review and evaluation of the Holiday Isle Parking Study. BRW, Inc.s responsibilities shall include the following: a.I) Review and evaluation of the Holiday Isle Parking Study for conformance with Monroe County Land Development Code Regul ations, specifically Section 9.5-480 (c)(I)c. a.2) Review and analysis of the Holiday Isle Parking Study for con- formance wtih acceptable Traffic engineering circulation and parking design. a.3) Review and consider existing material pertaining to U.S. 1 Traffic Capacity analysis ROW design maps. Monroe County shall compensate BRW, Inc., for these services as follows: b.l) For the delivery, within 6 weeks, of a written report and sketch analysis on the original blue line drawing: hourly, according to the attached fee schedule, but not to exceed $2,700. b.2) In addition Monroe County shall reimburse BRW, Inc., for all direct :xpenses associated with providing professional and analytical services including travel, lodging, meals, and any special ~production costs associated with the work and approved by Monroe County. J .~ .:~ ~.~~ ,'~ 1 1 ~ ~, .,'" ;:1 . ',11'...:....1.' " ^ :i ~ 1 ',~ i 1 AN AFFILIATE OF THE BENNETT RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS. GARDNER. INC GROUP DAVID J BENNETT DONALD W RINGROSE RICHARD P WOLSFELD PETER E JARVIS LAWRENCE J GARDNER THOMAS F CARROLL CRAIG A AMUNDSEN DONALD E HUNT MARK G SWENSON JOHN B McNAMARA RICHARD 0 PILGRIM DALE N BECKMANN DENNIS J SUTLIFF JEFFREY L BENSON RALPII C BLUM DAVID L GRAHAM ST. PETERSBURG PHOENIX TUCSON DENVER MINNEAPOLIS y,"'~'- . Mr. Donald L. Craig Assistant County Administrator/ Growth Management County of Monroe 24 July 1989 Page 2 If this Agreement is acceptable to you, please have one copy executed and return it to us, We look forward to worki ng with you, and for Monroe County. Sincerely, Accepted Monroe County BY: Mayor, Board of County Commissioners BRW, INC. (SEAL ) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By: Deputy Clerk. . j , .~ ,~ '<~ "{Ii' -~'; .v -) \~it '.. )~ '-.'!J '<~~ ;'~ ';1 '~ .,;. '.~) -,~ :'~ .. ~\~ j 1"','. '... ; ..~ J j J J ,~ AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES Thi s Agreement made by and between the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida, (hereinafter called the "CLIENT"), and BRW, Inc., 200 1st Avenue North, Suite 206, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33701, (hereinafter called the "PLANNER"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the CLIENT, in pursuing its goal of preparing a Community Plan for Lower Matecumbe Key, has determined a need for land use planning, urban design and tra.nsportation planning services relating to its pursuit of these activities; and, ">0' WHEREAS, the PLANNER has specialized skills to perform such work; and, WHEREAS, the CLIENT has chosen the PLANNER to perform that work. ." NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually understood and agreed as follows: 1. Services to be Performed by the PLANNER The PLANNER is retained as an independent contractor to utilize its professional skill and best efforts during the terms of this Agreement for the performance of the work requi red by thi s Agreement. The PLANNER will perform the services outlined in Exhibit A., Scope of Services, as di rected by the CLIENT and subject to cost 1 imi tations hereunder. All work shall be performed in a diligent and timely manner. The foregoing services and any additional services, if authorized by the CLIENT, will be compensated as described below. The foregoing services, if and when authorized by the CLIENT, shall be performed at the direction of the CLIENT and accompl ished by working with the CLIENT"S staff and others, as directed by the CLIENT. ~;; 'r ':.i ~'~ 1 '4 1'., ';j ; } '1 2. Staffing A. The PLANNER will assign Jack Lynch as Project Manager, and such other personnel as required. If assigned Project Manager, Jack Lynch, is unable to perform his duties, the CLIENT shall be ad- vised. Any new Project Manager assigned shall first be approved by the CLIENT. ,j ~ '~ ~ ~ t Ii .~ .~ .~ B. The PLANNER will at all times maintain a staff sufficient to mee~ the needs of the CLIENT or provide any professional assist- ance acceptable to the CLIENT within a specified time period. C. Any use of subcontractors shall first be approved in writing on thi s project. 1 D. The PLANNER will maintain close coordination with all appropriate federal, state, county, and local public agencies and other groups that may have rules, regulations or available resources that could affect projects and programs. which are planned and designed under this Agreement. 3. Work Schedule A. It is hereby understood and agreed by the parties that the terms and conditions of this ,4greement shall be considered effective upon execution of this Agreement. B. The PLANNER and the CLIENT will decide upon an individual time schedule for each specific task in the Work Program, The general project time schedule will be to complete: General Project Schedule Work Task Completion 1.0 Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions 2.0 Formulate Alternative Plans 3.0 Final Community Plan 4.0 Final Reports 15 September 1989 15 December 1989 31 January 1990 31 January 1990 :,~ ~ ~ t J ,~ ,j The PLANNER may, if necessary, apply in writing for a contract extension to the CLIENT, citing appropriate reasons. C. The CLIENT may, at any time, upon written order, make changes on work items to be performeg_under this Agreement. The PLANNER upon receipt of any said written request, shall prepare an estimate of cost either as an "add on" or ."deduct amount" to the Agreement in terms of dollars and/or time and shall promptly transmit the wri tten estimate of the revi sed Scope of Servi ces to the CLIENT for formal approval. Written authorization of any changes shall be requi red before the PLANNER modi fi es the Scope of Services. '" Jl 11 i I I ~ ~ ~ 1 .~ ~ :~ l ." 'l 'I ~ i 4. Project Limits The project limits are all those lands defined as lying within the Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida. 5. Compensation A. The total contract amount including reimbursable expenses shall be on an hourly basis not-to-exceed Thirty-eight Thousand and No Cents ($38,000.OO).Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to travel, subsistence, mailing, graphic reproduction and supplies, etc. The PLANNER will invoice the CLIENT monthly on an estimated percent completion basis of the project, plus reimbursable expenses. 2 , i :1 , 'I ,...;~:" ~ ,;,,'.~~'''~,~.. Schedule of Values Task Amount 1.0 Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions 2.0 Formulate Alternative Plans 3.0 Final Community Plan 4.0 Final Reports Subtotal $ 7,300 15.500 7,500 4,200 34,500 3,500 ~ ,000 . Reimbursable Expenses TOTAL PROJECT FEE '~ j :~ ; ,) j B. The PLANNER shall submit to the CLIENT a Progress Report, along with the monthly invoice, to serve as the basis for payment. C. Compensation for reimbursable expenses (e.g., travel, subsistence, mailing, graphic and photographic supplies), shall be invoiced as reimbursable expenses and shall not cause the total project cost to exceed the contract amount described in subparagraph 5.A. :! , ~ ~ 1 '1 1 .~ ,~ 6. D. Additional services, as outlined in Subparagraph 3.C. above, sha 11 be compensated on an hourly basi s at the rates 1 i sted in Exhibit B, Hourly Rates by Employee Classification. E. The PL^NNER shall submit to the CLIENT a monthly statement re- lated to services performed and reimbursable expenses incurred during the previous month. The CLIENT shall pay all monthly invoices within thirty (30) days of their date of receipt. A monthly rate of 1-1/2% interest will be assigned to all invoices not paid within 60 days. Restrictions and Regulations A. Prohibited Interests: ,. '.~ :j ;~ , J ~ ~ < (l) The PLANNER agrees that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which hOul d confl i ct in any manner or degree with the performance of its services hereunder. The PLANNER further agrees that in the performance of the Agreement no person having such interest shall be employed. (2) Interest of Public Officials - No member, officer,or employee of the public body or of a local public body'during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof, without written consent of the CLIENT. 3 "","",," I~ .~~.., :.~ -'i '1.' .' ~'.:; ;~ "... '." ,;i' ;'.~ _."!t' .'d'\ '.'V. ':',";:':, :;:j; .;:~ :~, ':,~ '~ ':~ ..~ :1 ! . ,ili: '~ ':f; !.i'~ '~ '"" I ,~", :if. :i(. ...~ ~; ,I, ".~ ..f. i' ::, e. ':'j ,,:..,. " '~'.' k ( t B. The PLANNER agrees to comply with all Federal and state laws, local ordinances pertaining to equal employment and Executive Order No. 11246, entitled lIEqual Employment Opportunityll, as ~nended, and agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age or handicap. The PLANNER agrees to insert this provision in all subcontracts hereunder. C. The PLANNER agrees that the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the CO~Dtrnller General of the United States, Monroe County or any of their duly authorized representatives, may have access to any accounti ng records, books, documents, papers or records of the PLANNER which are directly pertinent to the PLANNER for the purpose of audi t, exami nati on, excerpts, and transcri pts for a period of three (3) years from the date of acceptance of certificates of completion. (In the event litigation, a claim or audit is begun before the expiration of the three year period, . said records shall be retained until all such action or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.) D. The PLANNER agrees that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the PLANNER, to sol icit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this clasuse the CLIENT may terminate this Agreement without liability,or, at its discretion to deduct from the compensation. or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. 7. General Provisions A. Servi ces requi red of the PLANNER under thi s Agreement shall be performed in a diligent and competent manner and shall be subject to review and inspection by the CLIENT at all reasonable times. B. Reproducible copies of all drawings, maps, reports and materials prepared by the PLANNER specifically in the performance of this Agreement shall become the property of the CLIENT upon its payment for the services rendered hereunder, and all such drawings, maps, reports and materials shall be delivered to the CLIENT as specified in this Agreement. C. Any reports, information, data, etc. given to or prepared or assembled by the PLANNER specifically under this Agreement shall remain confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or organization by the PLANNER unless authorized in writing by the CLIENT. 4 3ection 7 General Provisions (continued overleaf) 8. Indemnity The Planner, shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold Monroe County and its officer, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all expenses, liabilities, losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, and claims of any kind including attorney fees and all costs of litigation and jUdgments arising out of any willful misconduct of negligent act, error or omission of the Planner, its agents, employees, which are incidental to the performance of this contract. 9. Insurance The Planner agrees to carry $500,000, per each occurrence, Professional Liability insurance and supply a Certificate of Ins.urance upon request. All coverages shall be insured by Insurers authorized to transact business in the State of Florida and have a current AM Best Company Rating of A or better and provide coverage on a form acceptable to the Client. ,~ :~ 1 l ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ A ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 4-A 1 ~ , ~ , \.L D. The PLANNER shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement or delegate its performance of duties except upon written approval of the CLIENT. E. The failure of the CLIENT at any time to insist upon a strict performance of any of the terms, conditions and covenants herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in the terms, conditions and covenants herein contained. F. This Agreement and any modification thereof may be terminated by the CLIENT at its absolute discretion with or without cause upon ten (10) days written notice. Upon such termination, the PLANNER shall be paid the reasonable value of any completed work in any stage of this Agreement, which has not already been paid hereunder, as determined jointly by the PLANNER and the CLIENT. Upon any such termination, the PLANNER shall render a final report on its work performed up to the date of such termination, and shall turn over reproducible copies of all maps, reports and other materials prepared for the CLIENT. G. It is agreed between the parties that, in the event any clause, paragraph, statement or exhibit to this Agreement is found to be i nva 1 i d for any reason, the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this twenty-seventh day of June 1989. ;"i~ ;-: \q . ~ l 'j '~ '" ..', ~! ,'~ .1, ;:-i -1 +~ ,~ :~ ::~ ~ ~J $ ,J .~ ~i :..~ 'A :1 ,~ j '~ .i ,~ ,J ; j ;, '" '" t()NROE COUNTY BRW,INC 5 EXHIBIT A WORK PROGRAM/PROJECT SCHEDULE SCOPE OF SERVICES The Work Program for the preparation of the Community Plan for Lower Matecumbe Key, consisting of six primary work tasks, has been established to complete the project in accordance with the Approach to Project previously presented. This Work Program is graphically illustrated on Figure 1. Work Program/Project Schedule. and described below. In preparing the Work Program the Project Team has kept in mind Monroe County's Growth Management Division study objectives: o Provide future land use element o Provide future transportation and traffic elements o Provide conservation, recreation and open space elements o Provide capital improvements element o Provide community design/urban design guidelines element The Work Program to prepare the Community Pl an for Lower Matecumbe Key includes the following work tasks. and appropriate sub-tasks. PHASE I - ISSUE IDENTIFICATION Objective: To carefully insure that all pertinent issues pertaining to development of the Community Plan for Lower Matecumbe Key. 1.1 Issue Identification , ~ The Project Manager wi 11 meet wi th the County's Project Manager and appropriate staff to insure that all issues from the County's standpoint will be addressed in the Work Program and to gain insight as to perceived problems and strengths of development in Lower Matecumbe Key. .' " :;".It ;~ .'.~ ,:-~ .~ ;:~ ,~ . ~~ 'F. !:~ 1.2 Assemble and Evaluate Existing Data The Project Team will collect, assemble and evaluate all existing County and local agency data and studies for the purpose of further refining the scope of work. 1.3 Initial Meeting The Project Team wi 11 meet wi th the County I s Project Manager and appropriate staff to review the Work Program and make any refinements. At this time it is also necessary to begin to identify the various citizen groups. and citizens at large who, through the study process. should be kept informed and encouraged to attend the public input sessions. It is assumed that throughout the study process the Project Team will be meeting with the County's Project Manager "and appropriate staff at a minimum of six times throughout the planning process. or as necessary. ;.~ " :~'1 ;~" it ,;;~",," 'J r _~~ ~~ I 1/ ;;~ ~ ~ , ,'I ~i. i~i PHASE II - INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS OBJECTIVE: To carefully identify and assess the cultural and natural factors that wi 11 affect the Community Pl an for Lower Matecumbe Key. , I ffi i~ " "j" fk ~ , ~ ..... .; u '5 . ~ lj ~ ........-. = ... ~ = ~ ... =- ~ ;.. ~ '1~ .,.'~ -j ~{} ;~. ; '~ ~ ~ J ,I 1.) .,~ ;~ '~ , ,~ .\ '1 '1 , '\ " ~ Ide lIlII9_ .( I IJ b i . . i ~ - ] r:a..WJ (,:l' i 5110. . . , c:I - t-~ ~~ ~ := i u j 0 "0 .. ~iiar~ i 0 ib ~ ! ul"iL,! J' .. .3]Jl"~!l~ . . :;r; -,.. ] ...~~~ 5 . . . . . flJ 8 .sa !~II.i . t~l~ ! ! ~ :t ::a · · · ... . . + II 1!IJI t . cf · · · · .i :s Q .P::- ii I ill . . ~ " flf~illj1i !. ~ f 11'-' I 8. ~ 11 j~~!t~~~~~ :i . . . -I ... :I i lit i f I! .@ I ~ ~f~!"- .,.- 2.1 Area-Wide Analysis The Project Team will identify and analyze major features and development patterns within Lower Matecumbe Key. Specifically, the Project Team will: '.": o Review and identify the current action plans. o Review and identify current land use plans. o Review and identify cur~er.t General Plan goals and objectives. o review and identify development patterns and projects. o Identify existing zoning activity o Identify existing and proposed transportation system o Summarize, evaluate and illustrate area-wide development forces. 2.2 Detailed Analysis The Project Team will initially review existing data and generate new detailed data. It is understood that all inventory data sufficient to address the specific concerns outlined within the Request for Proposal will be obtained, mapped, and analyzed. The minimum data to be developed and analyzed would include: ~1 o Building Types and Conditions o Architectural Character/Image o Pedestrian Circulation o Visual Analysis o Hi story o Drainage o Soils and Geology 2.3 Detailed and Area Analysis Report o Vegetation o Noise o Cl imate o Utilities and Infrastructure o Roadways o Natural Resources/Land Forms The Project Team wi 11 prepare a Technical Report which summarizes the results of the Inventory and Analysis Phase and the Opportunities and constraints of the area through text and appropriate graphics and will be formatted into the required deliverables,draft Community Plan and the Final Community Plan. , ~ ! I ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ r 1 1 ~ j ;; i , I ! ll.",,", PHASE III - PUBLIC INPUT Objective: Solicit public oplnlon as to existing and future issues and intrinsic value of the Lower Matecumbe Key environment. 3.1 ~Jorkshops The Project Team will conduct the necessary public workshops to obtain public input and reaction to the inventory and analysis, their desires for the future direction of Lower Matecumbe Key, transportation facil- ities, utilities, open-space/recreation, and public facilities. They wi 11 be asked for thei r opi nions regardi ng archi tectura 1 character of the Key and minimum design standards. They will also be asked to evaluate alternative development scenarios. The Project Team proposes to utilize project newsletters to get people involved, keep them informed, and present decisions. It is through this vehicle that the public will be informed before public workshops such that they become two-way discussions and are more meaningful. In working with any public involvement program it is essential that prior to beginning, everyone's role is well defined. The ultimate decisions are always made by the County Commission, and the public is being asked to assist the Project Team in developing the "best" plan whi ch accommodates thei r needs whi 1 e enhanci ng those atri butes which provide the intrinsic value to Lower Metecumbe Key. The public should never be asked to formally "vote" on land use or design issues. Resolution of land use and design issues is the role of the consultant and building a consensus. 3.2 Workshop Reports The Project Teams upon completion of this phase, will prepare a summary of the proceedings. PHASE IV - POLICY DIRECTION Objective: To insure that the Community Plan for Lower Matecumbe Key is consistant with the direction of Monroe County's Comprehensive Plan. 4.1 Review Goals and Policies The Project Teams together with appropriate county staff, will reveiw existing/proposed goals and policies for Monroe County regarding: '.i.>< .;~. o Land Use o Transportation o Housing o Infrastructure o Coastal Management o Port Facilities o ;, Conservation Recreation/Open Space Capital Improvements Cultural Facilities Intergovernmental Coordination o o o 'H: :~ r1,~ 4.2 Evaluates Refine and Document Goals and Policies for LO\'Ier Matecumbe Key. ,I i~ :~ i~ .,~ I ,J l ,~. 'I .~ ~; ,~~ 'f;' The Project Team will evaluate the general goals and policies for Monroe County as to how they relate to the specific needs of Lower Matecumbe Key. The Project Team wills if necessary, make suggestionss raise issue with, and provide possible options to those goals and policies by which alternative development scenarios must be evaluated. PHASE V - PREPARATION OF ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS Objective: To thoroughly test various land use options and locations for major activities/elements. ,{ 5.1 Alternative Plans .\.!; '.~ (~ :~ t!i', i~ I,: ~'>. The Project Team will generate alternative land use options based upon the intrinsic character of lower Matecumbe Key. These alternative programs will explore various land use by type, density, circulation systems. preliminary infrastructure systems, preliminary traffic systems and locations of various public/cultural elements. The Project Team will also explore various absorptive rates or build-out rates. The Project Team will identify the advantages and disadvantages of each plan, in terms of how well they respond to the general goals and policys identified in Phase IV. This evaluation will include various impacts such as transportation impacts, uti 1 ity and infrastructure impacts; hi stori c impacts, cost impacts, maintenance impacts, land value impacts, and environmental impacts. 5.2 Alternative Program Presentation The Project Team, utilizing appropriate graphics, will present to the County the inventory and analysis, all public input, and the alternative land use schemes/programs complete with each programs opportunities and constraints evaluation. It ~ould be the intent of the presentation to assist the County in prioritizing the various elements of the alternative programs which best address the needs of the Lower Ma tecumbe Key commun ity, the County I s needs, and the public needs. 5.3 Alternative Program Refinements The Project Team will document for public consideration those refinements suggested by the County Staff. Any adjustments to the vari ous graphi cs as deemed necessary, based upon the Coun~y IS input will be an additional fee. ,~ 5.4 Public Input The Project Team wi 11 conduct a pub 1 i c workshop for the purpose of obtaining, from the public, their reaction and evaluation of the alternative land use scenarios. It is assumed that no one alternative will be selected in total but various elements from each program will best respond to their desires. ,,-! " ;. :~ .r '4 \~. 'J; .1 ~ ~ (~ ~ ~~ m '-f :5 I ~ I ~ i ~ ~ * ~ 13 ':l ~ ~ ~ ~l fj fI r: ~ t; 5.5 Alternative Plans Report The Project Team will summarize the results of the alternative programs, impacts, agency review and public review and distribute, for comment, to all participants. PHASE VI - FINAL RECOMMENDATION Objective: To arrive at the "best" program which best addresses the needs of Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, and its residents. 6.1 Final Community Plar After a thorough revi e\'/ by the County, County Staff, the pub 1 i c, and the Project Team, various parts or portions of the alternative programs will be integrated to form a final I~ecommended community plan. The Community Plan for Lower Matecumbe Key will contain a future land use plan which proposes land use catagories and densities; a trans- portation element which proposes road standards and overall system plan; a conservation, recreation and open space element which proposes standards and location of facilities; a capital improvements facilities which suggests when key utility and overall infrastructure elements need to come on 1 ine and anticipated costs; and a community design element which will propose certain public facilities which should be planned for and overall community design guidelines which should be incorporated in future projects to maintain the desired character and imaQe of Lower Matecumbe Key. "-';, 1~'IrI.' 6.2 Implementation Program The Project Team will prepare and identify absorption rates, development phasing strategies and projected build-out scenarios. The Project Team will convert the various land use elements projections into acreage absorption estimates and present them in 5-year intervals from 1990-2010. 6.3 Final Products The Project Team will assemble all appropriate text, graphics, plans tables, etc., from the entire study process into a final document. This document would represent the entire process, analysis, and final recommendations. It would be reviewed in draft form by the County Staff and any changes made. The Project Team wi 11 then prepare 100 copies of the Final Plan and deliver to the County all required deliverables. :i '.~ ,t' :-t t ~,J 'A ,"- ~ ',,~ "5, .,~ ,~ '" ;<'~ .~ I ';i ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;". 'j ';i' " ',' .;> ~ ;~P' ::~ ~, ,', , , ;~ ,:,. " " ~'.~"'/,'. ,:~ll'!',: ''JI'~~''-' IlORK EFFORT The Project work effort provides a detailed breakdown of the estimated person-days to complete the work tasks previously outlined and in response to the anticipated funds available for this planning effort. The proposed total budgeted Project Team work effort is estimated at 117 person days or almost 1000 person hours. PERSON DAYS Work Tasks Sr. Pro Pro Tech/ Cl erk Total Percentages 1.0 Area Analysis 2.0 Prepare Alternative Plans 3.0 Final Community Plan & Implemen- tation 4.0 Final Reports', 5.0 12.0 7.0 24.0 20% 10.0 20.0 26.0 56.0 48% 5.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 23.0 20% 14.0 12% j I:~ L,'b\: :~ 22.0 46.0 49.0 117.0 "'... ~. }'i '", .;. ,'1 * !~ :: ;1 t; ~ '~ ", ;,. ,.t~ ;~ " ,~!ot r 1: ,'l ,;, ;~ I~ Jo; c;:;' "'; ,~~. ,,, I~ 'l~'~~ .f.r . ", ,,~;.r.;;;::__' EXHIBIT B: HOURLY RATES BY EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION BRW, I nc. Principal Senior Associate/Vice President Associate Senior Professional Professional II Professional I Senior Technician Technician III Technician II/Printing Technician I/Word Processsing 'r:, ........r,;,~-.l $90.00 80.00 65.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 37.50 32.50 30.00 22.50