Resolution 483-1989 ~lanning Department RESOLUTION NO. 483-1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN EMPLOYMENT , AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND DONALD LELAND CRAIG BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor/Chairman of said Board is hereby authorized to execute an Employment Agreement by and between Monroe County, Florida, and Donald Leland Craig, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of employing the said Donald Leland Craig as an Assistant County Administrator. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9th day of August, A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //11~~ Mayor/Cliairman (SEAL) ,Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~-4e1:~--1/.(Q~ /APPRovfD AS 10 FORM / MDLE , lei ,I,;.. BY Z ~~: 0 L~l t7z , '8 u fj. GdOJ::;::'; (lCj G~rllj / MONROE COUNTY STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Agreement entered into this 9th day of August 1989, for a period of three (3) years by and between the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a political subdivi- sion of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Board" and Donald Leland Craig , hereinafter referred to as HEmployee". In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: The Board hereby employs, engages, and hires Employee as the Assistant County Admi.nistrator for Growth Management , under the direct management of the County Administrator and Employee shall carry out to the best of his ability the follow- ing functions and duties: In addition to the jurisdiction, authority and duties which may be conferred upon the Employee by other provisions of the Monroe County Code, the Employee shall have the following jurisdiction, authority and duties, as described in Addendum A (Attached signed copy of job description). 1. Employee agrees that he will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of his ability, experi- ence and talents, perform all of the duties that may be required of and from him pursuant to the terms hereof. 2. This Board shall pay Employee, and Employee shall accept from the Board, in full payment for Employee1s services hereunder, compensation as follows: (a) Salary of $57,495 per annum. (b) Benefits and services received by other Monroe County Employees, including but not limited to life insurance, medical, hospitalization, dental and vision care, retirement, holidays, annual and sick leave and Social Security benefits as provid- ed by the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures except as expressly amended below: (c) Employee, at the direction of the County Adminis- trator shall represent the County's interests at national, state and local professional society functions. 3. The Employee shall be entitled to annual cost of liv- ing raises as may be awarded to Monroe County employ- ees each fiscal year beginning October 1, 1990. 4. Merit raises as may be awarded on an annual basis at the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved rate, if so recommended by the County Administrator. 5. Employee shall devote all of his time, attention, knowledge, and ski 11 during working hours solely to County matters, and Employee shall not engage in the practice of his profession in the private sector. 6. The Employee shall have the use of County services and personnel to carry out the functions of his job, in- cluding, but not limited to: Legal, accounting, secre- tarial and clerical assistance. (Office space, utili- ties, telephone services, custodial services, books, library, postage, office supplies, photocopy equip- ment, furniture, office equipment and computer equip- ment as may be necessary.) 7. Employee shall have the following amenities in addi- tion to those mentioned above: (a) An additional five (5) days administrative leave at the County Administrator's discretion. (b) At the County Administrator's discretion, employee may be reimbursed for tuition and costs of prof- essional education programs related to his duties. (c) Employee shall be provided with a properly marked county vehicle for his use in the performance of his duties. 2 8. The Board shall reimburse the Employee for all travel and lodging expenses on approved County business. 9. Employee may be terminated in the following manner: (a) For Cause. The County Administrator may remove the Employee from office for cause as set forth in the Monroe County Employment Policies and Procedures Manual in accordance with the proce- dure set forth in the County Administration Law of 1974, also known as Part III of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, as amended. (b) Termination Without Cause. The County Adminis- trator with concurrence from the Board of Commis- sioners, may remove the Employee at any time without cause by enactment of a resolution at any regularly convened Board Meeting in accordance with the procedures set forth in the County Admin- istration Law of 1974, also known as Part III of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, as amended. Upon adoption of said resolution, the Board shall cause to be paid to the Employee six (6) months severance pay, together with payment for accrued annual leave not yet taken by him. Full payment shall be made by the Board wi thin twenty (20) days of such termination. Addi tionally, in the event that said Employee is re- moved for cause under the provisions of 9.(a) above, and a court of competent jurisdiction renders a judgment which shall become final after appeal, he shall receive his reasonable attorneyl s fees and court costs incurred in successfully bringing said suit, if Employee is adjudicated not guilty under 9.(a). In the event that the Board shall vote to abolish the Employee's position during Employee's term of office, the same shall be deemed a removal without cause under the provisions of this subsection. 10. Notwithstanding Paragraph 9, the County Administrator shall review the Employee's performance at the end of the first year's employment. The basis for said 3 review shall be an analysis of the employee's perfor- mance as specified in Addendum A. 11. Employee may begin the period of his employment on or before August 10 , at the Coun- ty Administrator's discretion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY MAYOR/CHAIRMAN CLERK L WITNESS 4 .f' ,. ,. ..... ".,. \. /// ?t2/e:(' L/dj JOB DESCRIPTION -- TITLE: Assistant County Administrator/Division Manager for Growth Management. ACCOtNI'ABILITY : This position reports directly to the County Mministrator and is accountable for the perfODnaIlCe of those depa.rt:rcents within the Incumbent's Division. MllJOR FlNCTICNS AND DUl'IES: May be assigned as Acting County Administrator in his/her absence. ':; Functions as a highly professional administrative, planning and managerial position. It involves planning, coordinating, assigning, and supe%Vising the work of the , , Planning, Building, COOe Enforcement and Parks and 'Recreation Departrrents. Directly assist the County Adrni.n.istrator in organizing, staffing, coordinating, planning and budgeting for all phases of County govenunent. Reviews with Depa.rt:rcent Heads matters related to hiring, firing and assignment of Departmental personnel. o -;~ 'j ,'~ ":1 .".J J -~~ '" ;~ ,1 j '1 'J --'I 'd ..~ A J J J 1 J '1 , Assures Divisional' canpliance with County rules, regulations, policies and procedures. Recx:mnends actions to be taken by the Olief Mrninistrative official. . Identifies problems, fonnulates plans of action and reports findings to the County Mrninistrator and elected officials. Attends regular and special Board of Cotmty COnmission meetings and any other pertinent meetings as directed by the Cotmty Administrator. Reviews depart:mental bUdgets, plans and objectives and reconmends alternatives when appropriate. PerfoDnS other duties as assigned by the County Administrator. ,I -j J L:. SPECIAL SKILLS: /\bili ty to exercise jooganent and discretion in fOrmulating, interpreting and implementing County rules, regulations, policies and procedures. Addendum A :~ ,: .'t.~-~;r.i~ .1. ~;jiiil :u.~'J.J' i .).., . " ~ . ~ ., Jl ~ :-~ , ..~ -It; .; ':' '~j _:::~ :'~ ,;.~ :~^,,". .\ :..~, I ,- '.1 :'J' "~ '. ,; 'ie. :,~ " ~' , ..... .:Ability to establish &nd maintain a working relationship- \ with the camunity, departmental personnel and managers wi thin and outside the Incumbent' s Division. Ability to analyze data and reports relating to the Division's operational units and to utilize professional managanent techniques to resolve problems. MINJ:MU.1 RE:CUIREMan'S: Incumbent must possess a four year uni versi ty degree in an area relating to one of the Division's fu11ction or; Experience in a functional area can be substituted for education. A Masters level degree in one of the Di vison ' s ftmctional areas is preferred. :Z~ ..,....-:- J~ 2C7 /'9// Date ..- I have received a copy of my job description relating to . th Monroe County. t. -(~ -8 ~ Date ,j-,.". '~-'"':;:" =:.~ "' .....;. --. " i~"_-,':.~~ "~1'",~'_l!t_r,..::,::"",