Resolution 369-1989 I t".,~,.,' " ~" .": -: f RESOLUTION NO. 369 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE 1989-90 COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS CONTRACT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY (IN HOME SERVICES) AND THE FLORIDA DEPT. OF HEALTH AND REHABILTATIVE SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the 1989-90 Community Care for the Disabled Adults Contract between Monroe County (In Home Services) and the Florida Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this I ?-iL day of J4. II!.. I , 1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /JlI~RL4- Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk v:21~ ~-1/J./ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By ~~M~'~~ ctQ1,j~ AttorneY s Office ;'.l (1 , . DtJNOW " LE: Z d DE Nnr 6B. _ ~ --.J '".' '.J._ i "1 I U ,] If,j 7/1/89 COh.ract ;.Io, KG 0 1-f ~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES STANDARD CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabil itative Services, hereinafter referred to as the "department", and Monroe County In-Ho;-ae Services hereinafter referred to as the "provider". The parties agree: I. The Provider Agrees: A. To provide services according to the conditions specified in Attachment I. B. Federal laws and Regulations 1. If this contract contains federal funds, the provider shall comply with the provisions of 45 CFR. Part 74, and other applicable regulations as specified in Attachment ~/A. 2. If this contract contains federal funds and is over $100,000. the provider shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act. as amended (42 USC 1857 et seq.) and the Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 use 1368 et seq.). c. Audits and Records 1. To maintain books, records. and documents in accordance with accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds provided by the department under this contract. 2. To assure that these records shall be SUbject at all times to inspection, review, or audit by state personnel and other personnel duly authorized by the department, as well as by federal personnel. 3. To maintain and file with the department such progress. fi/sca1, inventory, and other reports as the department may require within the period of this contract. 4. To include these aforementioned audit ~~d record keeping requirements in all approved subcontracts and assignments. 5. To provide a financial and compl iance audit to the department as specified in Attachment -2- Additional audit requirements are specified in Special Provisions, Attachment I. Section N/A 7/1/89 D. Retention of Records 1. To retain all financial records. supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pert i nent to thi s contract for a peri od of fi ve (5) years after termination of this contract. or if an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of fi ve (5) years. the records sha 11 be reta i ned until resolution of the audit findings. 2. Persons duly authorized by the department and federal auditors. pursuant to 45 CFR. Part 74.24(a),(b), and (d), shall have full access to and the right to examine any of said records and documents during said retention period. E. Monitoring 1. To provide progress reports, including data reporting requirements as specified in Attachment ~ These reports will be used for monitoring progress or performance of the contractual services as specified in Attachment I. 2. To provide access to. or to furnish whatever information is necessary to effect this monitoring. 3. To permit the department to monitor the aforementioned service program operated by the provider or subcontractor or assignee according to applicable regulations of the state and federal governments. Said monitoring will include access to all client records. F. Inde.nification To be liable for, and to indemnify, defend, and hold the department harmless, to the extent allowed by law, from all claims, suits, judgments, or damages, including court costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the provider in the course of the operation of this contract. Nothing herein is intended, to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any provider to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision or the State of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of any contract. G. Insurance To provide adequate liability insurance coverage on a comprehensive basis at all times during the existence of this contract. Upon the execution of this contract, the provider shall furnish the department written verification of the existence of such insurance coverage. If the provider is a county or municipality, the provider shall furnish the department written verification of liability coverage in accordance with Section 768.28(5), Florida Statutes. H. Safeguarding Infonaation Not to use or disclose any information concerning a recipient of services under this contract for any purpose not in conformity with the state regulations and federal regulations (45 CFR. Part 205.50), except upon written consent of the recipient. or his responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law. I. Client Information To submit management. program. and client identifiable data, as specified by the department in Attachment ~. to the department for inclusion in the HRS Client [nformation System. J. Assig~nts and Subcontracts To neither assign the responsibility of this contract to another party nor subcontract for any of the work contemplated under this contract witl:out prior written approval of the department. No such approval by the department of any assignment or subcontract shall be deemed in any event or in any manner to provide for the incurrence of any obligation of the 2 7/1189 department in addition to the total dollar amount agreed upon in this contract. All such assignments or subcontracts shall be subject to the conditions of this contract (except Section I. Paragraph 0) and to any conditions of approval that the department shall deem necessary. K. Financial Reports To provide financial reports to the department as specified in Attachment ---L-- l. Return of Funds To return to the department any overpayments due to unearned funds or funds di sa 11 owed pursuant to the terms of this contract that were disbursed to the provider by the department. The provider shall return any overpayment to the department upon discovery of the overpayment. In the event that the department first discovers an overpayment has been made, the department will notify the provider by letter of such a finding. Should repayment not be made in a timely manner. the department will charge interest of one (1) percent per month compounded on the outstandi ng ba 1 ance after forty-fi ve (45) days. Days wi 11 be counted beginning with the day the amount was booked as a receivable by the department. H. Unusual Incident Reporting If services to clients will be provided under this contract, the provider and any subcontractors sha 11 report to the department unusual i nci dents in a manner prescri bed in HRSR 0-10-1. N. Transportation Disadvantaged If cl i ents wi 11 be transported under thi s contract, the provi der wi 11 subcontract with the designated Coordinated Community Transportation Provider, in accordance with the local Memorandum of Agreement, or otherwise comply with the provisions of Chapter 427, Florida Statutes. The prov ider shall submi t to the department the reports requi red pursuant to Volume 10, Chapter 27, HRS Accounting Procedures Manual. O. Purchasing It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are the SUbject of, or are required to carry out this contract shall be purchased from Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE) identified under Chapter 946, Florida Statutes, in the same manner and under the procedures set forth in Section 946.515(2),(4), Florida Statutes. For purposes of this contract, the person, firm, or other business entity carrying out the provisions of this contract shall be deemed to be substituted for this agency insofar as dealings with PRIDE. This clause is not applicable to any subcontractors, unless otherwise required by law: P. Civil Rights Certification The provider gives this assurance in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining federa 1 grants, loans, contracts (except contracts of i nsurancb or guaranty), property. discounts, or other federal financial assistance to programs or activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. The provider agrees to complete the Civil Rights Compliance Questionnaire, HRS Forms 946 A and a, if so requested by the department. The provider assures that it will comply with: 1. Title VI of the Civil Ri~hts Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.. which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race. color. or national origin in programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. 2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended. 29 U.S.C. 794, which prOhibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. 3 7/1/89 3. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. as amended. 20 U.S.C. 1681 et se~.. which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. 4. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975. as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.. which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. 5. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, P.L. 97-35. which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and religion in programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance. 6. All regulations. guidelines, and standards lawfully adopted under the above statutes. The provider agrees that compliance with this assurance constitutes a condition of continued receipt of or benefit from federal financial assistance. and that it is binding upon the provider, its successors, transferees, and assignees for the period during which such assistance is provided. The provider further assures that all contractors. subcontractors, subgrantees, or,others with whom it arranges to provide services or benefits to participants or employees in connection with any of its programs and activities are not discriminating against those participants or employees in violation of the above statutes, regulations, guidelines, and standards. In the event of failure to comply. the provider understands that the Grantor may, at its discretion, seek a court order requiring compliance with the terms of this assurance or seek other appropriate judicial or administrative relief, to include assistance being terminated and further assistance being denied. Q. Require.ents of Section 287.058, Florida Statutes 1. To submit bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses in sufficient detail for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. 2. Where applicable, to submit bills for any travel expenses in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. The department may establish rates lower than the maximum provided in Section 112.061. 3. To provide units of de1iverab1es, including reports, specified in Attc:..chl"1ent I accepted by the contract manager prior to payment. findings, and drafts as to be received and 4. To comply with th~ criteria and final date by which such criteria must be met for completion of this contract as specified in Section III, Paragraph A.2 of this contract. I 5. To allow public access to all documents, papers, letters. or other materials SUbject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. and made or received by the provider in conjunction with this contract. It is expressly understood that substantial evidence of the provider's refusal to comply with this provision shall constitute a breach of contract. R. Withholdings and Other Benefits 1. The provider is responsible for Social Security and Income Tax withholdings. 2. The provider is not entitled to state retirement or leave benefits except where the provider is a state agency. 4 7/1189 3. Unless justiried by the provider and agreed to by the department in Attachment 1. Special Provisions, Section D, the department will not furnish services of support normally available to career services employees (e.g., office space. office supplies, telephone service, secretarial. or clerical support). S. Sponsorship As required by Section 286.25. Florida Statutes, when sponsoring a program financed wholly or in part by department funds. including any funds obtained through this contract, the provider assures that all notices, informational pamphlets, press releases. advertisements. descriptions of the sponsorship of the program, research reports. and similar public notices prepared and released by the provider shall include the statement: "Sponsored by Monroe Count-, In-HomE" Sp~vi ("pc: PROVIDER and the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services". If the sponsorship reference is in written material, the words "State of Florida. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services" shall appear in the same size letters or type as the name of the organization. T. Physician. Dentist. or Chiropractor Services If this contract and/or any subcontract resulting therefrom involve engaging, as part of the provider's full or part-time staff, a physician, dentist, or chiropractor required to be licensed pursuant to Chapters 458, 466, and 460, Florida Statutes. respectively. the provider or subcontractor(s) will conduct a background investigation on each individual, prior to hiring such individual, or if already hired, prior to the execution of this contract or subcontract. The background investigation shall include contact with the Florida Department of Professional Regulation (DPR) to ensure that: 1. The physician. dentist, or chiropractor has a current license to practice in Florida with no restrictions which would preclude the carrying out of assigned duties and responsibilities. 2. The physi cian. dentist. or chi ropractor has' no record of havi ng been di sci p 1 i ned (i.e., license suspended or revoked. censured. penalized/fined, or placed on probation) in Florida or any other state. The provider and/or subcontractor( s) shall submit document at i on of the background i nvestigat ion substant i at i ng the above condit ions to the contract manager and sha 11 obtai n departmental approval prior to hiring or otherwise continuing to engage the services of a physician. dentist, or chiropractor. The documentation requirement shall be met in all cases regardless of the fact that the individual has a clean, clear, unblemished discipl inary record. Failure to comply with this provision will constitute a breach of contract.. I II. The DepartJllent Agrees: A. Contract Amount To pay for contracted services according to the conditions of Attachment I in an amount not to exceed $123,386.00 . subject to the availability of funds. The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. The costs of services paid under any other contract or from any other source are not eligible for reimbursement under this contract. B. Contract Pa~nt Pursuant to Section 215.422, Florida Statutes. on receipt of an invoice and receipt. inspection. and approval of the goods or services. the department shall file the invoice with 5 I , 9 '~J~J~UOJ S~4~ }O SL~u~6~JO o~ pa4J~~~~ UO~~~J~}~~OU p~~s pu~ AlJ~d Ja4~0 a4~ ol 6u~l~J~ U~ paJapuaJ aq LL~~ a^~~~~uasaJdaJ ~au a4~ }O SsaJpp~ pu~ aw~u a4~ }O aJ~lOu '~JVJlUOJ S~4l }O uO~lnJaxa Ja~}~ AlJ~d Ja41~a Aq pal~u6~sap aJ~ Sa^~lR~UasaJdaJ lUaJa}}~p liLll ~ua^a a41 uI pEaH :+uak':j.xedac 'a.:r.:w:+'E''!. sTno,: s~ P~JlUO:l S~4~ Japun w~J50Jd a4~ }O UO~l~J~S~U~WpR JO} aLq~suodSaJ Jap~^OJd aLll }O a^~li~UasaJdaJ a41 8~TEE 'Td 'T~~TW ZTES anuanV pUG 'M'~ 107 STPpE~ 'V P.T~T.:r4'E'c : S ~ ~:l~JlUOJ S ~L1~ JO} ~UaWlJRdap aLll JO} Ja5~UiW PRJlUOJ a4l }O ssaJppv puv aumu a41 l:JVluOJ puv a:> ~ lON 0 J 'sa5RW~p Ol JO ~il l~ sa~pawaJ o~ lLl6~J s,luawlJedap aLll l~w~L lOU op u~aJa4 SUO~s~^oJd a41 'l:lVJlUO:l S~L1l JO swual a4l JO UO~liJ~J~pow v aq Ol panJlSUOJ aq ~ou LL~L1S pu~ 4JiaJq ~a4lo AUV JO Ja^~iA v aq Ol pawaap aq lOU LliLlS lJ~J~UOJ S~4~ }O SUO~S~^OJd AU~ JO 4J~aJq JO Ja^~iK 'apoJ a^~liJlS~U~WP~ ~P~JOl3 'I-~EI Jaldi4J u~ SUO~s~^oJd ~lnRJap aLll AOldwa AVW lUaW~Jidap a4l 'aLq~JHddi JI 'AJa^Hap}O }oOJd 4H~ uosJad u~ JO 'palsanbaJ ~d~aJaJ uJnlaJ 'lP!W pa~JnJaJ Aq paJa^Hap aq llV4S a:l~~ou preS 'a:>nou SJn04 (PZ) JnoJ-AluaAl ui4~ ssal ou uodn p~J~UO:l S~4~ illiU~WJal 'Jap~^oJd a4~ Ol aJ~lOu Uan~JA Aq 'AVW luawlJ~dap a4l '6u~l~JM u~ luaWlJvdap a4l Aq pa^~i~ s~ 4:lVaJq s,Jap~^oJd a4l ssalun Iptla..tg "oJ UO~l,ul&la.L Ot 'spun} JO Al~l~qvl~i^i a4l ol sv Al~J04ln~ l~u~J a4l aq llV4S luaWlJl!dap a41 'AJa^Hap}O JOOJd 4H~ uosJad u~ JO 'palsanbaJ ld~a:laJ uJnlaJ 'l~VW pa~JnJa:l Aq paJa^~lap aq ll~4S a:l~lou p~~s 'Jap~^oJd a4l ol 5u~l~J~ u~ a:l~lOu SJn04 (PZ) JnO}-AlUa~l UR4l ssal ou uodn l:lRJlUO:l a4l al~u~wual A~W luawlJidap a4l 'aLqRl~R^RUn awo:laq l:lRJlUO:l S~4l aJUiU~} ol spun} lua^a a4l uI Spun3 JO ~JVl JO asnVJag UO~l,u~&la.L 'Z 'AJa^~Lap }O }oOJd 4l~M uosJad u~ JO 'palsanbaJ ld~a:laJ UJnlaJ 'l ~RW pa~,HlJa:l Aq paJa^~ lap aq llR4S a:lnOU p~RS 'asnR:l ln04H~ 'aJ~lOu SARp (DE) AlJ~4l Ui4l ssal ou uodn AlJRd Ja4l~a Aq palPU~WJal aq A~W l:lPJlUO:l S~41 LL~" lV UO~lvulUJa.L '1 uOllvu~&la.L '9 065:: 'OE aUD[' UO pua llR4S l:l~JlUO:l S~41 'Z 'Ja~Rl s~ Ja^a4J~4~ 'sa~~Jid 4~oq Aq pau6~s uaaq SR4 lJiJ~UO:l a4l 4:l~4~ uo alPp a4l uo JO 686: ':: krn[' uo u~6aq llR4S l:lRJ~UO:l S~L11 '1 altlD aAllJaJJ3 'V :aaJ6v ^lLVnlnH lUaBlJvdao puv JaPlAOUd aLl.L '111 'paS~MJ aq o~ ~uawAPd JO} aU~lpeap aLl~ ~~wJad AiW 'salnli~S iP~JOl3 '(Z)Z2p'SI2 uO~~:las U~ pau~Jap s~ Sa:luPlSwn:lJ~J liUO~~da:lx3 'Jopua^ aLIi Ol pal~Rw s~ lURJJR~ aLIi SR aW~l L1Jns l~lun pO~Jad ARP (5v) a^~j-AlJOj L1Jns jO UO~lRJ~dxa aLIi WOJj aJuilPq p~Rdun aLll UO '}OaJa41 UO~~Jod JO 'L11uOW Jad luaJJad (1) auo jO aliJ R li lSaJalu~ 'aJ~o^u~ aLIi JO lunowR aLIi ol uO~l~ppi u~ 'Jopua^ aLIi ARd II ~M iuaWlJidap aLIi 'saJ ~^Jas PUP SpOOD aLIi JO [l!^oJddp pup 'uon:ladsu ~ 'ld ~aJaJ puP aJ ~ O^U ~ aLIi JO ld ~aJaJ Jaur SAPP (517) a^ ~J-^lJOJ u ~ L1HM Jopua^ aLIi Ol luawlJidap aLIi Aq pal~Rw lOU s~ a:l~o^u~ aLIi JO iuawAPd aLIi J1 'SARP (51) uaaiJ~J u~4i~~ JallOJldwoj aLIi 6811 / L 7/1/89 D. Renegotiation or Modification 1. Modifications of provisions of this contract shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing and duly signed. The parties agree to renegotiate this contract if federal and/or state revisions of any applicable laws, or regulations make changes in this contract necessary. 2. The rate of payment and the total dollar amount may be adjusted retroactively to reflect price level increases and changes in the rate of payment when these have been established through the appropriations process and subsequently identified in the department's operating budget. ... E. Hue. Mailing and Street Address of Payee 1. The name and mailing address of the official payee to whom the payment shall be made: Monroe County In-Home Services i3l5 Whitehead Street Kev West. Fl. 33040 2. The name of the contact person and street address where financial and administrative records are maintained: Charlottee Bondock 1315 Whitehead Street Kev West. F~o~ida 33040 :\~.w~; , ;, , t 7 7/1/89 Contract No. -- F. All Tet"llS and Conditions Included This contract and its attachments as referenced, ( At~achn2:Jt .I., Attachne:r:. II, Attachnent III, Attach~ent IV ) , contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. ... IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this .2.2... page contract to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. PROVIDER STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTHENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES SIGMEOBY: ,?,;/~.t~ NAME: Michael H. Puto SIGNED BY: NAME: ,1ohn (' F",,~o~" TITLE: :'-1ai'o::: TITLE: ~istrict Adninistrator DATE: FEDERAL 10 NUMBER: (or SS Number for an individual) 596000749 I STATE AGENCY 29 DIGIT SAMAS CODE: (for journal transfer only) PROVIDER FISCAL YEAR ENDING DATE: 09-30-89 APP,t:?O\/En AS 701'0IIII , ,"'UFFlC/DCY. 8:'- C5lQ,,-~.~ -l~ (l ~G ~ , Iff: · "-R.. "Ij '" ICe 8 07/01/89 AGING AND ADULT SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS FIXED RATE ATTACHMENT I A. Services to be Provided. The services to be provided are identified in Section C.2. of At tachment 1. The appl icable serv ice def in i tions and standard s are found in HRSM 140-8. The performance standard, Attachment ~, will be used during monitoring and quality assurance visits if the provider determines client eligibility for services. B. Manner of Service Provision. 1. The provider will maintain a current record on each individual in the program including current documentation of eligibility for the provision of services; identifying information about the recipient and established need to receive the service; serv ice delivery data; and all other forms or records necessary for program operation and reporting as (is determined necessary by the department and rendered to the prov ider in wr,iting th irty (30) days before reporting implementation) set forth, in HRSM 140-8 Community Care for Disabled Adults. 2. The provider will maintain those facilities in which the services are provided so tha~ at all times the facilities are in conformance to the standards requ ired by local f ire and health authorities, or state requirements, whichever are more stringent. 3. The provider will maintain sufficient staff, facil- ities and equipment to deliver the agreed upon services or will notify the department whenever they are unable or are gOing to be unable to provide the required quality or quantity of services. C. Method of Payment 1. The department shall make payment to the ,provider for a total dollar amount not to exceed $ 123,386.00 , subject to the availability of funds. 2. The department shall make payment to the prov ider for provision of services up to a maximum number of units of service and at the rate(s) stated below: ,9 07/01/89 Services to be Provided Un i ts of Sea ice Homemaker/PC Home Delivered Meals 1 Ho ur Unit Rat~ Maximum Units 16.33 3260 3.56 8771 16.j 6 725 18.69 1448 1 Hour Respite 1 Hour Case Managemen-c 1 Hour 3. Rates listed in paragraph C-2 are the department's 90% share of the gross cost per unit of service. 4. The prov ider shall submit in'!o ices for paymen t on a monthly basis on the invoice form provided by the department to the contract manager. The invoices shall be, submit ted to the contract manager at the following location 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue 5-312 Miami, Florida 33128 . The invoices are to be submitted in triplicate. 'The due date for these invoices is the 10th day of the month following the month being reported. 5. The provider expressly understands that any payment due under the terms of this contract may be withheld pending the re- ceipt and approval by the department of all financial and program reports due from the provider as a part of this contract and any adjustments thereto. 6. The provider must submit the final invoice for payment to the department no more than sixty (60) days after the contract ends or is terminated. If the provider fails to do so, all rights to payment are forfeite~ and the department will not honor any re- quests submitted after the aforesaid period. 7. A final report will be made to the department within seventy-five (75) days after the contract ends or is terminated, on a form prov ided by the department, identify ing total units of service and total payment received. In the event- of an over-payment resulting from revised units of service for the contract period being reported, these monies must be returned to the department with the final report. ib 07/01/89 D. Special Provisions 1 . !>1.a tc h : Total provider match for this contract period will be at least $ J34709 Fj7 __" The provi.der's contribution will be made in the form of cash and/or in-kind resources. By the end of the sixth month of the contract period matching amounts provided must be in proper proportion to Community Care for Disabled Adults Funds expended. At the end of the contract pe=iod, all Co~nunity Care for Disabled Adults Funds expended must be properly matched. 2. State Laws ~Dd Regulations a. The prov ider w ill comply with appl icable parts of the Florida Statutes, Chapter 409, Chapter 410 and Section 20.19 (2) (b) 2f, Florida Statutes, Chapter IOA-16, Florida Administra- tive Code and ERSM 140-8. b. The provider, if offering Adult Day Care Services, shall be ]. icensed unless otherwise exempted, under Chapter 400, Part IV, Florida Statutes. The provider will 90mply with all applicable standards, criteria, manuals and guiaelines of the Aging and Adult Services Program, and any other applicable manuals, guidelines or criteria established by the department. 3. Client Information a. The provider agrees to submit to the department management and program data including client identifiable data in accordance with HRS Pamphlet 50-10 and instruct ions prov ided by the Director of the District Management System. b. The prov ider must maintain records documenting the clients, by name or unique identifier, to whom services are pro- vided, the number of units provided and the dates of service pro- vision. This must track to each request for reimbursement and daily service log. Requests for funding reimbu~sements which cannot be supported with Daily Service Logs for client records will- be returned to the prov ider upon inspection by the depart- ment. .~ 4. Reportin9 Requirements a. A complete and accurate HRS Form 2006, Service Cost Report, must be submitted to the department as follows: o within 45 days of December 31 o within 75 days of June 30 '11 07/01/89 b. The provider agrees to submit a monthly summa.ry report and six, nine and twelve montbs cumulative summary reports as described in Chapter 5, HRSM 140-8 to the contract manager. 5. ~us"gensio.n a. 'I'he depan:rnent may, for reasonable cause, tempo- rarily suspend the use of funds by a provider pending corrective action, or pending a decision to terminate the award. b. The departmenc may prohibit the provider from receiving further payments and may prohibit the provider from incurring additional obligations of funds. The suspension may apply to only part, or all of the provider's operation. c. To s~spend operations of the provider, the depart- ment will notify the prov ider in wr i ting by Certif ied Mail of: the action to be taken~ the reason (s) for such actionl and the conditions of the suspension. The notification will also: indi- cate what corrective action(s) are necessary to remove the suspensionl indicate the provider's right to an administrative hear ing 7 and prov ide the prov ider with the' 'appropr iate time period to request an administrative hearing befo're the effective date of the suspension (unless provider's actions warrant an immediate suspension) . 6. CODvriahts and Riqht to Data: Where activities supported by this contract produce original writing, sound recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representation a~ works of any similar nature, the department has the right to use, dupl icate and d is- close such materials in whole or in part, in any manner, for any purpose whatsoever and to have others acting on behalf of the department to do so. If the materials so developed are subject to copyright or patent legal title and every right, interest, claim, or demand of any kind in and to any patent, trademark or copy- right, or application for the same, will vest ih the State of Floxida, Department of State, for the exclusive use. and benefit of the state. Pursuant to section 286.021, Florida Statutes (1987), no person, firm or corpoi.ation, including parties to this con- tract, shall be entitled to use the copyright, patent or trademark without the written consent of the Department of State. 7 . Bond ina The provider agrees to furnish an insurance bond from a responsible commercial surety company covering all officers, em- ployees, and agents of the provider authorized to handle fur,ds ,12 07/01/89 recei ved or d isbur sed under th is con tr ac t in an amoun t commensu- rate with the funds. handled, the degree of risk as determined by the surety company and consistent with good business practices. 8. Automated Financial Records '. a. The use of computers in f inanc ial managemen t is encouraged. The provider utilizing automated systems must comply with their contract agreement with the department, Sections lA.3, Audits and Records; A.5, Retention of Records and HRSM 140-8, Chapter 6, HRSM 75-2, Chapter 7 and HRSM 55-2 A.3. b. In order to meet these requirements original records must be kept in a reasonable form, namely: (1) A permanent written (printed and dated) record of financial transactions must be developed and verified by the prov ider and retained in a manner to fac ili tate inspection by auditors and program monitors. (2) Compu ter maintained f inane ial record s must be pr in ted out at least mon thly, properly recorded/dated, in i t ialed by the fiscal officer or project director and pI.aced into a permanent binder (general ledger). It is also recommended that the diskette containing this information be retained in the event that there is a future need to rev iew the fiscal information required for that reporting period. . (3) Proper reference and baCk-up materials such as invoices, cancelled checks and bank statements must be properly dated and grouped accordingly on a monthly basis. (4) . All records and documents are to be retained for at least five years provided that applicable audits have been released. 9. Amendments and Chances I a. Amendments and/or adjustments to the contract shall be made. according to the provisions of HRSM 140-8. b. Changes effecting valid only when submitted in department and provider. the total contract amount' are writing and approved by the c. Any reduction or increase in total contract amount must be authorized through a contract amendment. .]:3 07/01/89 10. Abuse. Ne9lect aod E~p~oitation Reportin9 If at any time an employee of the provider is aware of or suspects that abuse, neg lec t, or explo ita t ion of ch ildren, disabled persons, or aged persons has occur red, as def ined in Chapter 415, Florida Statutes, he/she is required to immediately report such known or suspected abuse or neglect to the department by calling the Abuse Reg istry, l-80Q-96ABUSE. Failure of the employee to immediately report kncwn or suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation may constitute a breach of contract and may result in termination of the contract. 4. 11. Grievance and Fair Hearinas Procedures The provider will utilize the department's fair hearing system outlined in HRSM 195-1, Chapter 4 by which client served by the provider under this contract may present a request for a fair hearing. 12. ~ No fees shall be imposed other than tho~e set by the department. Fees collected in compliance with' ~departmental directives will be disposed of in a manner prescribed by the department. 13. Pro;ect Independence ~lause The department has implemented Project Independence, an initiative to assist public assistance recipients to enter and remain in gainful employment. Employment of Project Independence participants is a mutually beneficial goal for the contractor and the department in that it provides qualified entry employees needed by many contractors and provides substantial savings to the citizens of Florida. The contractor or its agent agree to notify the department of entry level employment opportunities asspciated with this contract that require a high school education or less. The department will provide information to the contractor identifying Project Independence clients that are referred to the contractor. In the event that the contractor or its agent employs a person who was referred by the department's Project Independence office, the contract will notify the department. 1~ FINANCIAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDITS ATTACHMENT I I This attachment is applicable if the provider or grantee, hereinafter referred to as provider, is a local government, university, hospital or other nonprofit entity. The requirements of this attachment shall not apply if the total of all funds received from the department during the provider's fiscal year is less than $25,000. The provider has "received" funds when it has obtained cash from the department or when it has incurred expenses which will be reimbursed by the department. The provider agrees to have an annual financial and compliance audit performed by independent auditors in accordance with the current Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions (the "Yellow Book") issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Local governments shall comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-128, Audits of State and Local Governments. Universities, hospitals and other nonprofit providers shall comply with the audit requirements contained in Attachment F of OMB Circular A-IIO, Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations, except as modified herein. Such audits shall cover the entire organization for the organization's fiscal year, not to exceed 12 months. The scope of audits performed need incl~de only the financial and compliance requirements of the "Yellow Book", and may disregard those related solely to economy and efficiency or to program results. An audit performed by the Florida Auditor General shall satisfy the above requirements. Compliance findings related to contracts with the department shall be based on the contract requirements, including any rules, regulations, or statutes referenced in the contract. Liabilities due to the department, because of unexpended funds or because funds were not expended in accordance with contract terms, shall be calculated and fully disclosed in the audit report. This requirement does not expand the scope of the audit as prescribed by the '"Yellow Book". Audit reports of audits performed by independent_auditors other than the Florida Auditor General shall include, in addition to the basic financial statements: (a) a detailed schedule of all revenues identified by source, such as individual contracts by contract number, client fees, and private donations; and, (b) a schedule of functional expenses which presents line item expenditures such as salaries, travel and supplies by program services and supporting services, with the portion of total supporting services allocable to programs presented as a single line item increasing program services and decreasing supporting services. Where applicable, the audit report shall include a computation showing whether or not matching requirements were met. I Copies of-the financial and compliance audit report, management letter, and all other correspondence related to the audit, if any, of audits performed by independent auditors, other than the Florida Auditor General, shall be submitted within 120 days after the end of the provider's fiscal year, unless otherwise required by Florida Statutes, to both: a. Office of Audit and Quality Control Services 1317 wlnewood Boulevard, Building 3, Room 219 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 b. Contract mana~er for the department Patricia A. Gaddis The provider shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the department, or its" designee, upon request for, a period of five years from the date the audit report 1s issued, unless extended-in writing by the department. 7/1/89 15 " '1 ,.l "i j \. < t:l H ~ o ....:l ~ .. >< H Z :::> o u ~ o ~ z o ::E: ..... ..... H U H ~ H U) H t:l I U) ~ U H l> ~ ~ U) ~ S ::c z H >< H E3 o u ~ o ~ z ~ U) H ....:l :::> ~ t:l ~, ....:l i=Cl < U) H t:l ~ o ~ ~ ~ < u ~ H Z ~ o u ~ l> H H ~ ~ < z ~ c.!> o ~ p.. rIl rIl "0 OJ -I-l r-i OJ OJ U ~ CIJ r-i .c: OM OJ ~ ..o+J~"OO CIJ ~ 'M rIl (/) eo 0 (/) l-l 'M~ OJ OJ Q 'M -I-l l-l 0. "Or-i l-l 'M ;:l "0 "0 O:>"OOJ~ ~O<r-iCIJ l-l ..0 OJ 0. "0 CIJ l-l ~ rIl CIJ .. CIJ'M UOJ "0 OJ eo :>, -I-l ~ -I-l ~ 'M 'M CIJ eo ~ l-l < ;:l eo ~ OJ::::: O.c: U -I-l Q) o l-l ~ o Q) ::E:.c: H z o H H U :::> Q o ~ H Z H U") 00 . ~ ~ l-l .c:eo CJO.c: l-l l-l rIl C'Il 0. C'Il ::E: CJ (/) Q) Q)-I-lr-i.c: CJr-iC'll-l-l ~ ;:l CJ 'M"O O~ U)<r-i0 :>,Q) CJ l-l ~ CIJ 0 OJ rIl eo.c: r-i C'Il CJ CIJ 'M l-l .c: "0 Q) ~ ~ .c: CIJ eo -I-l rIl ~OOJ:>' 'M CJ +J ..l<l :>"M 'M C'Il ~ :> ~ (/) S CIJ l-l eo Q) Q) Q) 'M :> S :>, rIl "0 l-l 0..0 Q).c: rIl ~"O Q) 0 ~ "r-i CIJ S -I-l..o l-l CIJ ~ CIJ OJ Q) l-l Q) r-i "0 U eoSoM'M ~ o Q) C'Il :> Q) l-leo:>O"O 0. CIJ CIJ l-l ~ ~ p.Q)~ C'Il -I-l 0. 0 S 0 OJ Q) 'M ~ r-i "0 -I-l o ~ C'Il (/)'M N 'M .c:r-i -I-l CIJ 'M ~ ~ 0 'M Q) -I-l :> ;:l 'M -I-l r-i 'M -I-l (/) ~ 'M Q) l-l CIJ Q) .c: -I-l Q) -I-l Q) CIJ.c: -I-l -I-l U) Q) Q) a.c: o -I-l ~.c: Q) Q) ~ -I-l Q) ..0 "0 Q) -I-l ~ C'Il "'M CJ Q) .c: 'M l-l-l-l"O CIJ 'M Q) CJ~"O Attachment III Q)"O rIl Q) o l-l p.Q) o :> l-l'M p.r-i Q) Q)"O ~ S Q) CIJ -I-l l-l CIJ eo "0 o 0 l-l S 0.0 CJ U C'Il Q) rIl ~ Q) rIl Q) CIJ l-l Q) 0 l-l~ CJ Q) ~ l-l 'M Q) o .c: -I-l :>, H l-l l-l (Tj Q)r-i "0 CIJ l-l rIl o ~ o r-i Q) ..0 "0 Q) +J rIl . 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II ~ I ~ ~..... ~::l " 1'0 I l'Cl 104 l'Cl..... 1'0'011 E I E Q) Ee..> e C II ~' -l I -lQ" ..... ';;:)11 C) ~ I ~ ~ -.J II - u: I lI.I Ul Ul II ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ II ~ . II Ul . II ...j 0.. r::t: tfl " STANDARD METHODOLOGY PERIOD OF ASSESSMENT J.UTHORITY I\TTi\CIl>lL:~rr I V QA-CCDA-I COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS · ,QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARD . . Clients receiving Community Care for Disabled Adults (CCDA) services meet all eligibility requirements and case records are up-to-date. (a) This s~andard will be assessed during Qual~ty Assurance site visits to Aging and Adult Service units and/or providers re- sponsible for CCDA. . . (b) Quality Assurance Specialist will deter- mine total number of clients being served~ (c) Quality Assurance Specialist will ascer- tain the number of cases to be reviewed according to sampling procedure below. (d) Quality Assurance Specialist will review . those selected case records to determine . compliance with the following criteria: o Client's age is 18-59; o Client has a disability as defined in HRSM 140-8; o Client's income is not greater than the established financial eligibility requirements except when a waiver has been granted by the State Program Office. o Client needs a CCDA service, which cannot be made available to them through other resources; o Current (within one y~ar) form in case records, containing a disability code; o Current (within one year) client assessment (3003); o Case plan is updated at least bi- annually and coincides with assess- ment. Current fiscal year. HRSI,~ 140-8. 29