Resolution 377-1989 . _...-J' f'/~- RESOLUTION NO. 377 -1989 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE THE CONTINUATION OF THE TITLE III B TRANSPORTATION GRANT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND HRS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to approve the continuation of the Title III B transportation grant between Monroe County and HRS, for the period of July 1, 1989 through December 31, 1989, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on this ?- day of JU. eo ,1989, A.D. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //II;;M~ Mayor/ hairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. By , ,I'll A ;/!j 'ii : o !H-l OW l z: 6 \1 L - lOr 68. ...J !..J -...) --< ' -~ I ~ , "j II ~ \1: .l.) SERiJI~ !:If;O':Ir;:SR St:~::-'At;'.Y INFOR.''1l>'!'I:::N ;ontra~~ ~~en~~ent j · PSA/aistrict XI ['ate of t.1;is application: 12/27/88 ( ) Revision, Dated: I -_. - 2. NAJ.'1E MID ADDR1::SS OF TI:::: ~S:::;)E:;T -, l. PROVIDER AGENCY N&'1E, S~RE:ST ADDRESS I AND FHONE: (CHAIRMAN) OF THE EOARD OF DI<U:CTORS: I I t-bnroe County Board of CmIDty Comnissioners Mr. Gene Lytton, Mayor /Chainnan Older Americans1 Transportation Program t1onroe COlIDty Board of COlmty Corrrnissioners Social Services Building P.O. Box 1680 1315 Whitehead Street ~~ BFsS~W-~E~~~~O o . Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-8468 3. PROVIDER NUMBER (IF ASSIGNED) : 4 PROPOStD P1:'PTOMF 1:'H~~t'I~ 87-1-887 January ,1989 oug.' et:! er 31, 1989 - 5. J:'KiJVIUER. STAFF RESOURCES: I 6. EXECUTIl/E DIRECTOR OF P~OVIDER~ I Name: Louis laTorre <lI <lI Business (Mailj ng) Andress: .UNPAID STAFF PAID ST1.FF e e o~ .... ..... .... SCSE? (OM TITLE V) 8.... 81.1.l Social Services Building '" '" o-l-l-J -l-J-l-J Positions Assigned: o-lt/) \..It/) 1315 Whitehead Street ;:J 11: 2 ~ il. Key Hest, Florida 33040 TOT.;L 5 F. Total BUdgeted Aqe 60+ 1 ? Business Phone: (305 ) 294-8468 - Volunteer Hours: Female ~ 4 Emergency Contact Phone: (305) 296-7171 0 Minority 1 1 - Ha.'1d~capoed 0 1 7. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION: 8. APPLICATION DATA: 9. FUNDS REQUESTED: TOTAL (Check one) (Check one) BUDGET: I I (x> Public Agency ( ) New Applicant OM Title IIIB $J.59 57P..OO $19~6~OO ( ) Private, Non-Profit, (x) Continuation Titla IIIC-l $ $ , Charitable ( ) Revision to Title IIIC-2 $ $ ( ) PriVate for Profit Application Title IIIP $ $ Dated: Other S S 10. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: lI. SERVICE AREA: ( ) Single County ~ N LJ Multi-County Specify: I I /Xl U U Cl List: Mmroe H H H H H H H H H H H H ( ) Selected Communities .;; ort::!tion X of a County. Spec ify : , ~ ...::; I- l~ l~ J_.... I ;:;: 12. -----'-_._-,- 0' ~ ~ -.~ IDE.:'t.2IFICATION OF iAGENC;.-: OF?IC''''..r. -8 f---_ AUTP.OEl2iD 'I0 SIGN l'.PPLlCATIO:;: g ~ i (G=:AJ) , , ~ -i @7 . . (Sign~1:ure) "'l{ Name: Mr', Michael Puto , t: Title: Mayor/Chairman Rv' Address: Monroe County Board of Corrmissioners Deuutv Clerk P.O. Box 1680 Key tves t , Florida 33040 Phone: (305) 294-4641 Date Signed: i-- 13. ADDRESS FOR PAi1-'.ENT CHECK.~: (Check cna) L ( ) Item #l. eX) Item #6. ( ) Item #2. ( ) Item #12. 7---, I 1-- I I I ~ I I I (I') !~ I I '+4. 1 0 I I I ~ 'd I I I I Iff I I I]) lu ., I I I I ~ a. ~ I "0"0 I ~ Ql .,J I .,J+I C I ., 10 Ql I ooe I "0 I . · C I -f C QJ I ., 0 Iii 1-- C....< J I ~ .... III I , 1]).... .,J I , '.-1 :> U I , >- ~ !jJ .J I , C- D c:: l. I I-l +I I I > '" '" C I , I-l :><:0 I I. E- .., "'U I ,- t.) _.-- < I , I I ~ 1 , I , 0 0 01 A' 01 , 01 ::IC .... ('II I~ 0 0 A' 01 Of , 01 < , 1 . " 'I ., N1 " Q: ~uu :2 N \.0 1.1"\, C"i, C"i, . , C"i. 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C"") ..::t N \0 \0 N . . . . , . , , I , If- 'toJ Itj 'Q ;:) CJ a: toJ Q - ::. o ~) L..l, ..z:, , . , .0. .... . '.J: ...:;) · XI .PSA/D1.3trlct BUDGET EXPLANATION ~O~KSHEET >bnroe County TraTlSDortation Progrzm ')V I DER. ellH PART I - BuDGETED CASH CCS!S 1989 Page la J"' Ser'::ct!S: I TITLE IIi B Cost C~tegory ISub Total' ?rovider Explanation/JuBtifica~ion I III B I Adm~n I -.. - - - - - - - - - - .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ . _ .. _ _ 11. PERSONNEL: Salar1es/Wayes 1 I I PosItIon Tit:e Rate I I IS 11. Executive Director Louis LaTorre. 10% salary, I I 9.9% COLA and .Merit mc. October 1. Total armual I Isalary - $47.291.00 I I') Tr~n~pnrrRrinn Dire~rnr c'p~;l RRin, 16% salary' '9 9Z r.OTA Rn~ mprir inrrPR~p Orrnher 1. Tntal I Rnnll~l ~~1 Rry - $')7, RCjfi 00 '3 Amini c:rr~t-;'m' Ac:c:i c::rRnr, Tnyrp SRnner.c; J 1 fit: I c:~ 1 ~ry, q q~ rOT A Rnn mer; r ; n~rpa se, October 1. ITnr~1 .::iTmllR1 C::R1Rry - S18,7~9.00 lu SprrprRry rnmpllrpr OperRrnr, lOOt: salary, 8% IrOTA Rnn mpr;r ;nrrPR~e, O~rnher 1. (posjtion '\TRr~nr fnr mrmrh nf Apr; 1) TnrRl aTmllRl sAlary 1$11,uOR 00 I ') Rll~8pr rnnr~in.::irnr, l.hRrlnrrp Rlmnn~k, lfit: I ~R 1 ~ry. q q~ rOT.A Rnn mpr; r ; nrrPR.c;e, O~tober 1 0 I Tnr~1 .::innll.::il s~1 <;jry - $')'), 39u 00 I I n T)ri \Tpr TRnp Dp T;::l r1l17., lOOt: .c;R 1 Rry, g. gin c,m ~I I Rnn mpri r inrrPR~p Orrnhpr 1 Tnt'Rl ";Tmll;:Jl .1 sR1Rry - $ln,70u 00 I ~',. 7 T)ri,TPr r.::rrnprnn Nnrri c::, CjO% ~Rl Rry, R~ C,OT A I IAnn mpr;r ;nrrPR.c;p Orrnhpr 1 TnrRl ";nnllRl I I c:~hry - ')16,309 00 I R, 1 ')Cj I R T)ri upr, A11~rpy TYm 1 nn , ')0, c:~ 1 ~ry q q rOT .A I I Rn~ mprir in"rp~sp O"rnhpr 1 Tnr~l ~Tm11Rl I I~R1RT)T - $17,3~1 06 I R,n70 ';,1 q nri\Tpr P~111 RPnnn, ')o~ nf C:Rl RT)T R~ rOT A Rnn Imprir in"rPRC:p O"rnhPr 1 Tnr~l RnnllR1 ~R1Rry l$ln,109 nn' , ~~ IHI nri'TeX', 'te"l-~Y Cleave1111d, '00% of" C:.::i1~T)T, I ~ ~ A and me""'i~ ; ncrease O(.tob~';': 1 1'l""'IrR 1 '~'1~ ;;'lill - 1~309.00 · *'_1. __1 r __ Fors__h, 30hrs wk. 100% salary~ 8% I I Sl'b Total - SalarieslWaqes I I I I I , I I I PERSONNEL: Fringe Benefits Sub Total - Frir.4e Benefits I 13,408.0QI I I 3,581.001 J I 16,704.00' , I OO! I , 001 -81- 13,408.00 3,183.00 --------- --------- 16,704.00 ~,l')') 00 R,n70 00 R,1,)c) 00 16,309 00 $ >: > $ > I R , 1 ') ') 00' I I J 6 30Q 00' , , I ---------1 --------_ _________ ___ _____ is 1$ I $ $ I ---------1 --------_ _________ _________ I I 1$ J $ 1 I I I I I I ---------1 --------- -________ ____.____ 1$ 1$ $ ~ I ---------1 -----____ _________ _________ I SUB TOTAL - PERSONNEL 1$ IS $ 3 I===============================================~=I =========1 ========= ========= =====~=== 1$ S ~ I I 4 ,800.00 I 4,800. O.Q I 4,457.001 4.457.00 I , - 2,Q98.001 2.998.00 ! > > PSAI1>i3trict YT BVDGET EXPLANATION WORKSHEET PART I - BUDGETED CASH COSTS 1989 Pa~e 1a j ~VIDER Monroe County Transportation Program I TITLE IIi B Cost C~tegory ISub Total I Provider Explanation/Justification I III B I Adm~n I -.. - - - - - - - - - - .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ .0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. PERSONNEL: Salaries/Wages I I I Position Title Rate I I I I $ 1.$ Ill. CorA ;mrl mpr;1 ;nrrp::lC::p. OrrtihPr 1 'ftir.::l1 I I I !';.q 1 ;:11)7 - Sl/, ?Oq 00 I 12.209.001 11? S11hc::r; rlllP nr;"pr~ J 4RO h()11r~ (d $7.119 per hOnr I ___ I rti minim; 7.P ;mp::lrl rlllP 10 v.qr.q!i on~, ~ick 1 P.::lVP I I l.qnrl prlllr::ll; tin W1irkC::honc:: I pt:r. I 3,691. OQI 113. Driver. 30hrs per-wi< x 6 rronths (June - Dec.) I I 8% COLA and merit increase. October 1. Total I I lannual salary - $6.236.00 I 6,236.001 I I I I I I I I I I ;'( StAff P1Tlployprl ftir 1pc::c:: rh.::ln f"mA (1) ye: :rlill leli ~;h1 P ftir .::l mAr; 1"" ;nf"''''~a5e of '1p to 2% -ly- I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1---------1 -------__ ______u__ __..______ 1$ 109375.00'$ 29,246.ocf 80 129.ocl I - - - - - - - - - I - - ,- -, - - _ _ _ _ _ ~.' _ _. _ _._ I I I $ _I S I ....a~D.9; IRet:irernent (d 14.18! of sala~ I 15.198.001 I GroltP Insurance $190.10 per rronth per full time I I I employee w/12! incrp.qse October 1. I .12..5Z8.QQI 3.720.00 1l,8oa~OO IWorkmen's Compensation (d 9.2% for Executive Director _' land Transportation Director. .51% for clerical I -2,906.0Q: 1.042.00 -5,8114.00 'and 7.25% for brivers I _________1 _________ _________ _________ Sub Total - Fringe Benefits 1$ 1$ S C >> I ---------1 ------___ _________ _________ I SUB TOTAL - PERSONNEL 1$ 1$ ~ $ I===============================================~~I =========i ========= ========= =====~=== Serv:.c~.9: s $ > 12.209.00 3.691. 00 6,236.00 . \1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sub Total - Salaries/Wages 1 I I ISOC~dl Security ~ /.~170 ot salary )> PERSONNEL: Fringe Benefits $ $ 2,196.00 ~6~LD.O 4.206.00 10,qq2~OO >> >> -81- PSA'D1atrict XI BuDGET EXPLANATION WORKSHEET Monroe County Transportation Program ')VIDER PART I - BUDGETED CASH COSTS 1989 Pa<;e la ~ I TITLE III a Cost C~tegory ISub Total I Provider Explanation/Justification I III B I Adm~n I - o. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. PERSONNEL: Salaries/Waqes I I I Position Title Rate I I I I $ 1$ I I I I I I I I 1____ I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------1 -------__ _________ _________ 1$ IS $ $ I ---------1 ---..---__ _________ .._____.___ I I 1$ 1$ ~- ~ I I, 093.00 I -1,500. OQ I 54.0Q I I I I I I I ---------1 ----_____ _________ _________ Is '$ ~ ~ 48,492.0~ 11,456.0~'37,036.0~ I ---------1 ---______ ___ ._____ ___.._____ I SUB TOTAL - PERSONNEL 1~5J694.00.~j40 702.0tYI09792..00. I===============================================~~I ==-===-==1 ==~====== ==~_ .=== ~====~=== I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sub Total - Salaries/Wages I I I f lJnalIployrnent Compensat~on (:! 17. of I UvertlIIle I Med~care I I I salary -~ PERSONNEL: Fringe Benefits Sub Total - Fringe Benefits -81- Serv:.ces: $ e > 292.00 $ $ ~OL..Q.Q.. 1,500.00 54.00 >) >> >> PSA/District , ,\ I BUDGET EXPLANATION WORKSHEET MOnroe County Transportation Program PROVIDER ( PART r - _ :ED CASH COSTS Page 2a >> Cost Category : Explanation/Justification :------------------------------ :2. TRAVEL: In Area I ( I Transportation Director's travel in-county @ :WC per rru.~~ and $6.00 reimbursement tor : lunch : I I Dri VE'r I s Travel in-count;v ra : Sh.OO n>imnnrsl"!lTIpnt: for llmch : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Provider Admin $ 4UU.UU 60.00 4bU.UU $ 400.00 4UU.UU 648.00 TITLE III B Services: $ 60.00 60.00 126.00 186.00 $ - .76 --------- --------- ---------- $ , .1UlAL : TRAVEL: In State, Out of Area I I I I : Tr::mp' rn HRc; fnr ;n-sp-nn I"'P: · : ;:Inn n;:lnp ;:Inn "Mrmrnp lr>;tl itiop. : I " ~ O"l"\. . I I mf'pr1"~ or I ("ml~QrtatiQtL._1 _~ ._ : ni rpC"tnr -; ..e:leJ1t: (~..ttips...@-_: SR' 00 ppr rrip (S?l 00 ppr' :. clAy mp,q' s mln S60. 00 for gfl S : (a 20c ppr mil p) : 648.00 I I I I I I Transporting Clients to Medical Facilities in Dade Coun~ - : per diem reimbursement - meal~ { . at $21.00 per trip - six (6) : 126.00 ~ trips : --------- _______n I SUB TOTAL - TRAVEL :$1,234.00 $ 1,048.0($ I~ : $ $ >> >> '''' -~..--.-...,.~.~ >> --------- --------- --------- >> $ $ PSA/District , ).1. BUDGET EXPLANATION WORKSHEET PART I - B ill CASH COSTS ~VIDER l'1onroe County Transportation Program ( I TITLE III B Cost Category : Provider Services: ~ Explanation/Justification : Admin :------------------------------: --------- --------- --------- ~J. BUILDING SPACE : ~ :$ ~ I n I b I a I . I . I . I . ~ ~ ~ , . . \, . L . . . : 'SUB TOTAL - BUILDING SPACE :$ . I _ . I :4. COMMUNICATIONS & UTILITIES : : Communications : ~ :$ : A. LDng UlS tance Calls to : : .l:' lantatlOn b: l'1arathon Area : ~ Coord111ators and to Area I I I : ~ency on Agmg. : 100. UO (~ 4. UU er month for radlo : me or ve . cles 6 mths. : U : : : $ : C. Stamos I r ~ t . I . I I I : SUB TOTAL - COMM/UTILITIES . I :5. PRINTING & SUPPLIES : Printing , . :~. t' f hr Li'3) ff' $ $- ,rnn mg or L_.~ ,.~,....2-.~ _-"'"-_" ~~h~~."!sBJ}~J:"g.!iQp...lE2~s-65O:"b(r. ~ 650.00 I . . I I . I I . I :Ottlce suP1lles for three (3) :ottlces x l months I I I ( Page 3a )) $ $ $ $ $ . )) --------- $ $ $ $ $ )) $ $ $ $ $ >> ~ 100.00 84.00 84.00 $ 500.00 $ $ $ $ >> 500.00 $ 684.00 $ 684 . 00 $ $ $ $ >> .. $ $ $ $ >> i ,..~ .._.~---.,....._- -....._~ Supplies $ $ $ $ $ $ >> 500.00 500.00 I I I I I SUB TOTAL- PRINTING/SUPPLIES:$1,150.00 I I --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- $ 1,150.00$ $ $ $ >> 79 \. "- I I PSA/Di,strict Xl BUDGET EXPLANATION WORKSHEET PART I - b~~v~_ED CASH COSTS ~Dnroe County Transportation Program I I : Provider Explanation/Justification : Admin ------------------------------: --------- --------- --------- 6..EQUIPML~ - Purchases : :$ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 Page 4a >> PROVIDER ( Cost Category TITLE III B Services: $ $ $ $ $ >> I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I p. I I I I I I I I I I I I I C' --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- SUB TOTAL - EQUIPMENT MEALS/FOOD $ $ $ $ $ $ >> SUB TOTAL - MEALS/FOOD $ xxxxxxxx$ xxxxxxxx$ xxxxxxxx$ xxxxxxxx$ xxxxxxxx$ xxxxxxxx>> "" 8. SERVICE SUB CONTRACTS $ $ $ $ $ $ >> ,.,..-..., --------- --------- --------- --.------ --------- --------- j ~ '.\ ') '~ 'j :'~ ; SUB TOTAL- SERVICE SUB CONT $' $ $ $ $ $ >> ~ n 19.. ,OTHER, I , .'OJ : A. lB. :C. :D. :E. :F. :G. :f1. I I I ~ SUB TOTAL - OTHER I 1 lGRAND TOTAL BUDGETED CASH COST :- ,_~_.:.._. _ i $ $ Insurance and Bands 10.666.00 Maintenance of Equipment 1? 4QQ, 00 Gasoline 8.000.00 Rentals 540.00 Medical Exams 240.00 Education 300.00 Hedia Advertising 150. 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 400.00 __Ji_ j1___~...._._!..._,_~,~.. 10.666.00 .l2-49~OO 8.000.00 :s "'____"r.o, .____.. _...." __..._-.. >) 540.00 240.00 300.00 150.00 400.00 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- $ 32,795.0C$ 1,650.0($ 31,165.ob $1.86,357 . O~ 45,214.0($141,143.06 $ $ $ $ >> >> .. 82 PSA/D1S't.::-:ct XI BUDGET t::~PLAllAT ~ O~ ioi02KSHEET "i 'JI J:::R ~.'.onroe ColL.'1tv Trcln~~Dort3 t:::Jin Progr3:il ?AR7 II - 3U)GE~ED IN Kr~D ~0SrS 1989 ?:l.g~ Sa >:, I Cost C~tegory I Ex~lanatlcn/J~st:f~ca:~o~ 1-------------------------------------------------1 11. ?E~SO~NEL: Salar18s/Wages I ?osltloll Title I 1 1. TranSDortation Director. 3..."'lI1ual salary !$27.183.00 x 257 hrs. I 2. Aciministrative Assistant. <1IlI1uaJ- salary 1$18.286.50 Yo 249.9 hrs ________ 1 3. Area Coordir3tor. annual salarl $28.014.86 X_' 1148 _ 1 nrs ________. __ I 4. .-\rea Coordin.gtor, annuaLsalary $21,691. B x i 114 9 1 h,-" _____ ____ _ ___ _ .___ 1 I Rate I I I I J I J I I I I I 1 I I I I :ill\D :'ota} Sal a t' ies / ',", ages PERSONNEL: Fringe Benefit3 :Sutl :O't31. TITL::: III B ? t" 0 v :. ,-: E' :: A, d , 1 ,) '$ 3.359.001 ~:j.JO I 2.197.001 2.10).00 s ~ :- 'J :. .: 2 S : ;3 .3 --.---. ----.-. $ .3 >> ---- ----- --- ----.-- -----.. - 1 . '.Ie . )0 ~_698. 00 , .. I~ I I I I I I I I ----....-- -- I ---------1 --------- ---. _________ 1$ 9,253.0013 9,25~.00$ >~ : -.. - - - - - - - i .. - - - - - - - - 0- _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ ! r I 2, ---------i :$ 1,998.001 I -L.6.9.3..JlO. ! I I I 1 I I I I I I t .. ,., --- .._-- -.--- ---- S~O To~al - Frinqe 3~nef:t~ I ---------1 _________ _________ _____"._ is !$ :3 J >> ! - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - ",. _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __~~~_~?~~~_~ :~?SO~ir~c:L . 3 9,253.00 '39.253.0 $ I - - - - - . - - - - - - - :: _ _ :: :: :: :: = = = = ": = :: : = = = _ _ ~ .,., _"" = : ": : -: : -: ., ": : :; :: = = = = = :: = =' ~ = = : :: = = :0= -97- :::.::-::==-= .. .... ;- , ----.---- ---- "--- \...' -'....) ! ?SA/D:3t~:C:_~ 9UDGET EXP~A~^TIOS WORKSHEET 0V![)ER >':~nr()c Cnu::r:V TrJr.11n.n'~r-:lt i (~n Prc~~~rCCl PART IIr - CTHE~ ~ESGG~CES L9B9 ?cH).~ 9a :; e. r If :..: :: :! : I Cost Category ISub Total ~x~lanatlon/Ju~tif:c3tlcn i III 3 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. ?ERSJNN2:: Sa1)rles!Waae3 I I Po~:t:on Tit18 Rat~ 1 I ! :3 "2.. S??:1::.or Ccrn1"-..Irlitv Serrice DisD3.tcherlSchedulersl 20 r..r /~\i< p-ach 50~~ Coun~v ~ 50/; Title III B I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I f I I I __, '__'_ I ---------1 ----r---- _________ _________ IS 6,968.001$ 6,968.00": .'; I ---------1 --------_ _________ _________ I I S 1$ I I I 26.001 I 1 '__..1 I I I _____., I ---------1 ---______ _________ ___.____. 1$ 26.00!:3 :> I ---------j -________ __._____. ____., '_. ._ SJO :OTAL PERSONNEL 1$ 6,994.00:~ 6,994.00$ 3 l-==:==~==:=:===:=======~::==:=======:==========:=I ~=~======: :==~~:==~ =.~:~==~~= ==~:~~_~~ _I I s~~ r~tal - Salaries/Wdges ?E~SONNEL: Fringe Benefits ('Jorkmen's COOlpensat:l.On ';! . j/C per S100. 00 of sa tar / j I 1 j 1 I ,i : Sub Total - Frlnqe 8~neflts -113- I _~68.001 I I I I ':':'z:.::: :~I 3 ? ~,:)'J :.~~ ~= AC"'l1:1 - -------- ---------- ... !.;) 3 .3 ;, _6,968.00 :> .3 ~ -' -- 26.00 ----...- -'--- ---.-- 26.00$ 3 (rEi) CO~~IT~ENT OF CASH CONTRILUTION TO: Mmroe County Older Americans I Transportation Program _ (nc.me of provider aSE'Ilcy) FROM: Mmroe. County ooard of County Corrmissioners (donor name) P.O. oox 1680 (street address) 1<I"U T.TI"~t (city) JV1'nnrnp (county) Cash in the amount of $ 16.779.00 is corn.'1li tted for use by your p~oject for the current year. This donation will be made in one paymen t (s) of $ 16,-779-.00 each, beginning on or before completed on or before January 1, 1989 December 31, 1989 and being This cash is not included as contribution for any other Federally assisted program or any Federal contract and is not borne by the federal government directly or in- directly under any federal grant or contract except as provided for under (cite the authorizina federal regulation or law). Mr. Michael Puto (donor) . Mayor /Chairmarl - -c----o-T--.~-...,. ,pos~ t~Oli., (donor's signature) (da te) (SEAL ) ATTEST: DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, CLERK Deputy Clerk ..J 9 LIOOfDM TOIQIIM AND LEGAL ~F/ 'ffCr. / "I BY: BY 123 \.... ... , (~"". ..., ," f .' _ ~ \".... \. f ~ :-, ..,-. -' - . t( (( F. A?::t~.~.'..TTV-:= .-\C1IO~~ ?L~\1 1. F 0 1 i :: ",,- r ~ is ~he po 1 icy 0 f the (agency naliJ.e) Countu of Monroe. ~O p:-::':::..c.e ec.u.:i.l e:;-:plo:r.::e:1t oPPO:-~uniL:Y to a.ll peOpLe wi~~ou~ reg~:-c. to race, cOl04, creed, sex, age or nat::..on.:i.l ori6i~, and to prowote the full reali:ation . 0:: that po licy th:.ough a pos i ti ve. Con tinuing__progran ~ to be k.""10'nll as the. (ag ency name) ....'County.oof.Monroe A.:.:i:-::2.L:ive Act:.on Pla.n. . The (agency n~:Je) County of Monroe is fully Commi tted to assu:-lng eq~.:i.l oP?OrL:U~lL:Y and equal consideratio~ to all applica.n~s and e=ployees in personnel matters, inclucing rec=~it=e:1t and hirin51 tr~ining, pronotion, salaries ana otner Cc~~en$ati8n, trans:er and layof.: or te~i- na~icn. In the i~ple~enta.tion of this policy, it will ag6=es3i~el/ see~ personnel for all job levels wi~hin - ~ 0 ""' - - - ~ - .... - ; t \... -, -. - - . ~,., c.~'" _,,, .: _ ~ t::t. n" .....- ......s....~--c..I.._on .l.r",u:5n upg.;.....c._n~ an ..ec....._...__.... f=8= winer:ty group ~e~bers and we~en. T~e (age::c;- na.::e) County of l1onroe 51:<111 li~e~dse -0505"-'" Q"'u~l O....-.'"'r-.'-. ~y -0 --,. n~nc.'c~""~ed. riO-son w'no c:. ....~ --.... v~.... ......._.. I.. 0...., ....... _ .....u.. __. . is a~ ~pplica.n~'o~ er.ployee, wi~h respec: to' the e~?loy=en: p7~C~:ce specified above, unless t~e dis- ability in'/ol'/eci pre':ents satisfc:ctc~y pe:-fo:-=ance of t~e work inVolved. . 2. Diss~=ina:ian o~ ?olic~ This policy ~ill be i~le~ented through the (agency na.:Je) Monroe County Personnel Director r;;,e Eqt1~l E::l;=lo)'":lent Oppo:-tunity Policy is, 2.nc. "'-ill ccnti~ue to be, CO~~t1~:caL:ed to all relev2.nt aUdiences. a. The pel icy is specifically included and will be a cen::n~ing and essential component of t~e pe-=-~onne 1 polici~s J.1ld proc:edures.1 b. It will be publici:ed in appropriate co~unication 0: th2 or~a~i:~ticn. c. A copy 0': this dCc~~ent ~ill be given to every e=?loyee ~nd b~ issued to all persons englgcd i~ t~e rec=~it=ent, hiring, placeaent, trai~ing and ed~c~ticn 0: e~ployees. d. T~e policy will be thoroughl, discussed i~ e~ploye~ orient.J.'ticn and all tT::lining PTogr:::.=s, and iu ap?-=-:pr:.:i.:e man3;e=ent and suPcr1isory ceetings. :- ... 115 C:;C) tr.J.t ((. o.g:!ni::::n:on' s policy(( ...~...... cle:J.r. (.r. 0'. ...... e. ~otic~s .~~~:.~~ by t~2 cqu:J.l E~ploynent Op?o~t~nity Cc~issicn. the Of:ic~ of Fedc.J.l Contract Co~~liance in tt.c De~:!.:~ent of L~DorJ :J.nc any st~te or city h~~~ r:;~:s agencies will be displayed in working arn~s --~ 10~ e~~lo~en~ o~:;ces -- ~..~ .... -.~- JH. .. ~ ...._..... ._ All sct.:.:-::es cf rec7:1it:Je:1t h"ill b~ infor::ed o.2.l1y and in ~4i::ng of the equal e~?lo~en: policy S~lo""ll--.;.,,.. ....,t thoy aC-';"ely reC"'Ul'- a"'d r...t:n~ .. :" _....._~s \..a_ . -. ...... .. I... ___. \;Ooen and :::ir.oo-i ty candidates _ fO<:'.~LJ,..P92 i t~.s~ listed. 3. Re5~ons:bili:y :0. I~ole~entation or' 0 (.J '" .;...... _ _ "".J t: .= .; .; _ , 411_ u.-S".5j"Q."-...~ O......._C_c1_ nill be res~onsible for: in agency) Monroe County Personnel Director a. D'" "0 , C'" .; ....... a":": l' . ; 0 n .., 1 -"""- ;-....0 .....'- '-_ "''"'' as ne~~~d, additional inte~~l a~d external or a~ended policy s~ate~ents Af=i~ative ACtion Plans, and Co~unicat:on tec~~:ques. b. \ . 0 . r\ss:s-::::~ 1:1 . ... . ac..=.'::';:':s-:e~:";l5 t~e identi:ic~ticn of prcble~s in :his policy and helping to reselve the=. ("'"". I -, '.... .' c. .Desig~i~g and i=ple~en:ing re~ord keeping and ~udit sYs~e=s that will measure the effectiveness of the progr~, ind:c~te the need for remecii~l actions ~~d ciete~i~e the degree to which the goals and objectives ha~e been at:~ined, keec the Bdard of Directors of t11e (a~ency r.':::e) County of Monroe i::.fo-:-::cd of ?rcgr~ss 1."1 att~ln.:n:L tl1e oOJeCi:lves o~ t:'...e policy ane! .U::r.:;~tbe -~ction Plan,' and of the la::es~ cevelo,,_ ~Q"-S ,,~ t~Q e~t.-o eaU11 "'~~lo'~en~ OC~O-~"n'~y a~e? ...-..... ... u_ .. _.._ . __ _...~ ,,",, .....:' ........._.., .._. d. Provi~e re~crt:~b to J.nd liaison with cenpli~nce ager:c:es. ,. . .. . . G::~v~nce ?rcceciu~e .~~)~ applic~~t or e~ployee who believes thJ.t he (~4 s~e has been d:sco-::::in~:ed against mar file a co~plaint \;i::h Monr-oe Count:! Personnel Director within 180 days or the action CC::JP.L.1.1~ec 0.:. All. COlj~pLll;.ts shall be treated in ac=orcl~nce With-the procedures set forth i~ the personnel r'..lles :L"'1a. :-egulJ.:io:1s 0: (.!~encr n.:.=e) County of Monroe (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK N I .:l.:1 e \ Titl~ Michael Puto lPrlnt oi TyPe)_ M:iyor/Chainnan Monrge County Board of COlrn!"': lrn.nt or. i'Yllc . r.~ssi6ners BY: Sig:1J.turc .-:--- DJ.te 11 h ' - (FU') ( ~ (Annually ASSt:RA...'1Q OF CO.'U>L!.A..~CE wrrn THE DEPARTME.'iT OF H E.U n; Ar-,n HUMAN SERVICES REGULATION UND ER. TITLE VI or THE. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT Of 1964 Upd.1ted) H::mroe Col.mty Board of Col.mty Corrrnissianers ',1'-:~fTle 01' AFplic~ntl (~ereln..fter caUed the "Ap?li-:a~t") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will eomply with ~itle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and all requir::nent$ ir:1posed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Departmer.t of He.4.lth and Human Services (45 CFR Part 80) im~ed pursuant to that title, to the end that, in accordance ....;th tide VI of that Act and the Regu~tion, no person in d:e U:-tited St.:ltes shall. on the ground of face, coler. or national origin, be excluded from participatio!1 in, be denied the benef;.ts of, or be: other".ise subjected to discril"nir.a::i()n under any program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal fi:..ancial assistance: frem the Dep&:tmen:; and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it will L'11me- di-uely t:..ke any rneas1.:.res necessary to effeCtU4te this agreement. If .;.ny real property or struct\;re thereon is pro\"ided or L'11proved with the aid "f fede..al nr.ancial assistance extended to the Applicant by the Department. this assurance shail obligate the Appiicant. or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real preper.ty or structure is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the pro\.ision of similar ser...ices or bene fits. I f any personal proper:)" is so pro\'ided, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the prope:::y. In all other cases, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period d"Jring which the Federal financial assistance is extended to it by the Department. THIS ASSURA...>...:CE is r....en in consideration of and for the purpGse of obta.ining any and all Federal s;ants. 10 3.."1S , contrac:s. property. discounts or other Federal fina:JciaJ assistance extended after the date hereof to the Applicant by the Department, including installment payments after such dat~ on .ccount of applica.tions for Federal financial assistance which were apprC?\"ed before such date. The Appiicant recognizes ar.d agrees that such Federii1 financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and ag:-eements made in this assurance, and that the LTnited States shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the Applicant, its suc:essor:;, t~ansfcrees. and assignees, and the per:;on or Fersons w~ose signatures appear below are 3Uthc:ized :0 sign this assurance on behalf of the Applicant. Dz.ted . Monroe Col.mty Board of County Corrmissioners (Applic~nt) .j P.O. Box 1680 Key West, Fl 33040 By , r1ayor IChai":-.:'a1.1 (President. Chili:m~n of BOilr~. or CQmp~:~b!e ~I:thorized o(ticiill) . (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK (J.jl;:;;...nc's :r;..tlin~ aedreu: BY: Deputy Clerk HHS...':41 .l1. .......MIaI M TO 10IfM ANO LEGAL ~F1CfENCY. BY .~i'6 r L~"i~j.ltL((: , Art m'" " ,lltrr hTIS GRANTS MANAGE~1ENT - .' 117 \f~... ) 'DEPA(..~E~'T af HEALTH .~~D HUMAN 517',r:r:ES ASSURANCE OF COMPLlANCE WITH SEC110N 5~ REHAB tLIT A TI0~ ACI Of 1973. AS A.\{E.'mE\.) The \:ndersig:1ec (hereinafter cilled ~he "recipient') HEREEY AGREES nv.. T it wll1 ccmp:y with !~ctian 504 of the Reo ha'cilita ton Act of 1973, as a.""':1ended (:9 U.s .C. 794), all requirements impoStd by L'1e 2jl?licable HHS ceglliatian (4$ C::.F.R. Put 84), 2nt! all guidcli.."les and i;nteq:netitions issued pursuant thereto. Punuant to S 84.1)(&) of the regulation [45 C.F.R. 84.5(a)], the recipient gives this A~\uance in conside:'c.tio:1 "f and for the purpoSt of obtaining a."lY and all federal grants,loans, contracts (except procurement contracts and contracts of insurance or guuanty), property, discountS, or other federa.l financial assistance extended by the Depa.'1rr.ent of Health and Human Services after the date of this Assurance, including payments or other assistance made after such date on applications for feeeral flI1ancial assistance that ....ere appro'led '::lefore ~uch date. The recipient recogr.izes and agrees that such federal fmancw as!.istaIlce ~'ill be extended in reliance on the re:presentations and agreements made in this Ass\;ral1ce and that the United States will have the rib,ht to erJorce this Assurance through lawful means. This Assurano:e is binding on the recipient, its successors, transferees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signatures appear below are luthori1.ed to sign this Assurance on behalf of ttle recipient. nJs Assurance obliga~es the recipient for the period during which federal flI1ancial assistAnce is extended to it by the De. partment of Health and Human Services or, where the assistance is in the form of real or personal property, for the peri01 provided for in 9 84.5(b) of the reg'Jlation {45 C.f.R. 84.5(b)] . The recipien..: a. ( ) A73 b. ( X ) A74 {Check (a) or (b)] employs fewer than fifteen persons; employs fifteen or more persons and, pursuant to 9 84.7(a) of the regulation (45 C.F R. 84.7(a)], has designated the following person(s) to coordinate its effortS to comply with the IDiS regulation: ..J ...~M T010IfM AND LEGAL SfJIF!CfENCY. .J Z'" l.. ( ,. . bY ,>t~Jl(; l ii i, JlIU r( amel' OI/in C42 P.O. Box 1680 Street Address or P.O. Box A42 Key West, A71 Monroe County Personnel Director Name of Designee(s) - Type or Print C12 M:mroe County Board of County Comnissianers t'a.-ne of Recipient - Type or Print Al2 596000749 AM (IRS) Employer I:ier.tification NUllIber City Al All B1" B41 B1 Bll FL 33040 C1 Cll State Zip , B42 B71 I certify that the above L'1formatlon is completp. ~,nd cClrrect to tne best of my knowlecge. I . ., Mavor I ChairrrdIl Date Si!;=1ature and Title of Authorized Official B72 B71 578 (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L KQLHAGE CLERK If there has been a change in name or ownership within the last year~ prease plu~rr tnetoi-ftler name below: BY: Deputy Cler k NOTE: The 'A', 'B', and 'c' foUowed by roumbers Ul: for .;omptlt~r use. Please disregud. PLEASE RETLR"\ ORIGINAL TO: Omce for Civil Ri~1t!. HHS P. Q. Box 8121, W,s~.:.:~ston, DC. 20024. - -."- . -.- H.D~ GRA~"S !-.{A.l\AGDiE~T Ht'lS-S411\0/801 . -118 ._.'.:. :.: .. -: 'J.;:" :::.. :.: ~ 1 ". .'~ -:~:.;..:..':" ~ (F71 i (t;OMHITMENT OF IN-KIND ( CONTRIBUTION Of SERVICES BY STAFF OF SERVICE PROVIDER OR STAFF ML~BERS OF OTHEK CRGANIZATIONS FP.O~ : H::mroe Cornty Older Americans 1 Transportation Program (na~e o~ provider agency) Monroe Cornty Board of County Corrmissioners (donor name) TO: P.O. Box 1680 (street address) Kev \'Jest ~city) l-bnroe (county) The below described personal services are committed for use by your proj ect for the period 1-1-89 12-21-89 . (from) (until) Description of positions - Hourly Rate or position Title Annual Salary $ TransoortationDirector 26,194.00 Area Coordinator 153.9 168.5 Value to Project* $ 3,359.00 2.197.00 I, 998.00 1,698.00 #Hrs. Worked 1) 2) 3) 4 ) 5) 6) 253.8 Area Coordinator 17,194.00 19,988.00 16,976.00 241.3 Admin. Assistant Total $ 9,253.00 * Value to project = (# of hours provided) x (Hourly rate of Annual Salary). 2080 . It is certified that the time devoted to the project will be performed during normal working hours. These services a:Z:l~ not included as con"lribution~ for any other _ federally assisted program or any federal contract 'and are not borne by th~.federal government directly or indirectly under any federal grantOor contract except as provided for under (cite the authorizing federal regulation or law), Mnnroe Cormty Board of Cormty Comm. Donor Donor Signature "tA'.ayor jChairrnan Position (SEAL ) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Date -::.r -~ - i36 ~PPRO'lEV AS /0 FORM A I',{i I.E G.4 L St./FFlCIE/W:'f. 4'~ (l" BY.. . -\,6.- ' '.,"" lJ/- / BY: Deputy Clerk (~5) ST 1\ TI"XEN1' or 08JlX:":' IVE ProTi~r NUle I ( ) Ori..~, t.W'D ISnuCT XI Da toe d (X ) 'rITI.Z III 1\ (n Reri.aiQn ( ) TITLE III C-l << ) ":rrLE III C-2 ( l ~ (SP!CI1'Y) t Oated Mav 1989 srA'I'EMDlT or OBJEC'l'I"C"E (WBM' service will be dono,vho will do it, ."he rill nce1ve thfl service. State the estimated ~~its of service to be delivered and unduplic~ted persons to be served.) The Plonroe County Older- Americans I Transportation Program will continue_ to provide convenient, accessible transportation services throughout MOnroe County to 600. unduplicated persons aged 60 and over from January I, 1989 through December 31, 1989 totalling 40,000 units of service. DESCRl?TION OF SL~/rCE ESS~7lALS: WHEN: SerVice will be provided on a daily basis, MOnday through Friday, 8: 30am to 4: OOpm except legal holidays as designated by MOnroe County Personnel Policies. WHERE: Wi thin the three (3) designated service areas in Monroe County. Participants wil be picked up at their residence or other specified points and transported to a variety of sites enabling them to conduct their personal business and/or take advantage of social services and recreational programs. Four (4) vehicles are equipped with wheelchair lifts to accamodate \Jheelchair bound clients. HOW: Using a total of six (6) vehicles purchased with Title III B Funds, the program will continue to provide service to a participant nopulation of 600 elderly persons from JanuaI 1, 1989 through December 31, 1989. In order to assure compliance with Title III B regulat ons all transportation requests \.n.ll be screened by the Project Director and the two (2) Area Coordinators by using the following criteria: 1. Persons aged 60 and over. 2. Persons aged 60 and over and handicapped. . 3. Persons aged. 60 and over who live alone and need help getting on and off the van. 4. Married, 60 years of age and over one or both requiring help on and off the van. 5. All other persons 60 years of age and over when space is available. ~. In order to enable elderly persons to conduct their personal business, remain in . t eir own homes, maximize their independence and reduce the possibility of institution- ~ alization . . I . , .-"-- ~ I TASK .L I Evaluate and assess participant rpplications and referrals I I on-going from other agencies , t . I -.- I TASK 2 See TraiLing Plar , Project Staff hired and trained on-going TASK 3 Disseminate project information to public and private agencies, Senior Centers and Housing Projects, Senior Organizations and on-going the General Public i j. ::1 ;, ::j l ATTACH CONTINUATION Sm:.E.'TS AS NEEDED. 4 0 (J'f>> ) ST~TEMDn' OF OBJECTIVE (Continued ....) SERVlCE: Tr~nqrnrt~tion IODn'IFY OBJEctIVE: To provide 40,000 units of convenient 3Dd accessible transportation services for 600 - unduplicated elderly clients during the project year January 1, 1989 through December . 31, 1989. MA.,JOR WORK TASKS TO ACHIE"iE OBJECTIVE: ESTlJol.J\TED DATE OF mWPT ~"'Ij~. TASK 4 Routes researched and defined on-going .' .. ~ .. TASK - 5 Evaluate quality of staff and project performance by on-going distributing participant evaluation questianaires. Semi -annual TAS K TASK TA.'SK .,r- TASK .. - "'"--- ~- TASK : Ii , TASK I I 4 D --. ._'.........'..-.._~ .~....-.... '. .. .-.. .. .....; .. ':. ~'" .,..-..:~,..~;.,.,1IOji ESTlMA7el PAroRAM OUTPUT ( J O,UGI1CAl OATEDI WOimICT XI fL'I'()ING PEJllOO: 1/1/89-12/31/89 (Xl REVISION DATED, Hav 1989 ~OVIOEH ,wr.=2 ~bnro~ County Transportation Program CO~RACT AMENo~eNT , I I CCUNrtl I Ca~I;TYI I COUNTYJ I COUNTY: 1 I TITLE III lJ I UfIDlI?l.'::CAT:;n I t:tlITS a: I UNOlJ?l.ICATED I UNITS 01= I UNOUPLrC.ATED I UNZT9 OF I UHOUPLlCA TED I U!'!ITS LlF I I I PERSONS I ::o;vICE I PERSOHl3 I SEP.VICS I PERsal-40 I SERVICE I PERSONS I SERVICE I _I I I I f I I I I f 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I L I 1 1 L I I- I I I Il.DUl T O.l Y CAA& I I 1 1 I , I I I 1 --'-- ,1 1 r I , . I I I 1 CASE twu.06'f"'T , I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~o IQtORi 1 , , I 1 , I J J 1 I , 1 , I , I I ~* , ~AHICHS;lIP I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I ! J 1 t:MCSalliS 1 , 1 1 I , I I I I I I , I I I I I I 1 E:lUCATIWl I I 1 1 I I r I I - , I YA....-f I 1 I I 1_. I I 1 EJEJ;GeCf ALERT 1 1 I 1 j 1 1 1 r 1 I I I r I I I I El4FlOYMENT I 1 I , I 1 I I I , I I '__.._1 , I 1 ~INS 1 1 1 1 I r 1 I --I I I I 1__._1 _I , 1 I~TH. StFPQRT 1 . ., 1 1 I I I I J. j I I I_~i_ I I I .-e IIQE HEALTH AIDE I I 1 I 1 I , I r 1 1 1 - 1 , I 1 1 ~ * HICMlS'MAAER 1 , I , I I I I I 1 1 I , I I I I lHCI.'SIHS II'I'ROV. 1 I , I I I , I , I I 1 I I 1 I I a I!NFORKATION I I I I I J 1 J , I , I I 1 I 1 1 \oil ILEGAL ASSIST. 1 ,. I , I J , ..1- _, I I I , I I ". SOtIITr- 4CH f I I , I I L ! , ;,} ! I J I 1 I I I 1:/ f r.a:REATION J 600 J I I I I I ;; I I 1 40,000 I '__I ~I I '::i .... IREJ:ERRAL I I I I 1 , I ':- -.~ I I I t _I I I I ~; 1 ReSPIT! I f I I I I I I I , 1 I I '- 1 19IIlPING ASSIST'. 1 1 , I I I I I 1 I I , I I 1 ~,.. ITa!: REASSURANCE I I I i , 1 I , . I I I I I 1 I .1 : rRAHsPoRT ATlON I 1 1 I I I I , I 1 I 1 , -, I , I ,. ~ JSEJUOA CEHTERS l>OOOooooooooc IX>>XOooc< I XX)O()O()OOOOC< l~ I X>OOOOooooooc IXXX>OOOooc I X>OOooooooocc I XXXXXXXXX 1 I I I I I I I I I I ..~ Priority service. 62 \. lJJ ESTIMATED PROORAM OUTFUT ( ) ORIGlfW. DATED, (}j REVISION DATED, ;.lay 1989 PW"OISTRXCT XI COHiIKl/S),.,.."."" PAOVIDEft ~I Nonroe County Transportation Progra--:1 C!JNTRACT AMENOM9lT , I J TlTl.f III 0-1 I _, I I I COUom', I COUNTY, I cnUHTYI I CCUHTYI I UHDUPUCA TE) I UNITS ell I UIQJIUC/. iED I i!ftlTS OF I Ul<<llFUCA TalIlRUTS CF I UHDUP'dCA TED I \JH ITS OF I 1 Pl:1OONS I SERVIC1: 1 PERSC:<<f I SEJi'VICS I P~NS I SSNICE 1 PSlSOH8 I SEJlVICE I 1 I 1 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1___1 I ICO~e&AT! MEALS' , I I I 1 I , I I I ,_ I I I ,_ I I I I NUTRITION ~. I I I I I I , I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 10UlMAQI I I I I I , I I . 1 I J I , I I , I I 1 TIiL! III 0-1 I J I I I I . I J I I , 1 IHOM! oar... MEALSJ 1 1 I I , I I I .-, 1 'NUTRITION EDUC. J 1 I I 1 I I I . . I I , IOUTRQCH I 1 .1 I 1 I 1 , I I. I ,JO-O -- OEKraRAFHICS I SERiIC:: AREA I ESTIMATES ~ UICltFLICATED PERSQH8 TO ee SERVED IN ~Qt COUNTY I 1 I BY OE!<<:lGRAPtfIC GOO... r , · COUKn', I COUNTY, I COl.;NTY. I CtJUHTY,- I J MOnroe MOnroe I I , I , "I _,._, I 600 I II J r I 1 I 1 I I 34 I 1 1 I 1 I I r I I 438 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 116 I I I I 1 I I 1 106 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I , I I I I I I , 1_- \,j I PERS:lQN:q AGE 80 + t I PERSOHS A6I 7E1 + , 1 PERSONS Nil BO + SA. I IMlHORITY PERSONS ME 80 + I IFERSQHS AGE Be + PI 1 1 I , 1 I' t ~; 63 F.4.1 Site Budget Info~ation Name of Site SeD/ices Title III-8 Adninistration Chore Co:npanionship Counseling Day Care Education Escorting Health Support Horne Health Aide Homemaker Housing Improvement Information Legal Services Outreach Recreation Referral Shopping Assistance Telephone Reassurance Transportation Total Title III-C-l Administration' Congregate Meals Nutrition Education Outreach Total Title III-C-2 Administration Home-Delivered Meats Nutrition Education Outreach J,,') Total Title III D FOI L:~ : ~'~'::i .'4 ~.~~?~1 , .J :1~ 1;1 Administration Homemaker Home Health Aide Chore Companionship Telephone Reassurance In-Home Respite Care Adult Day Care - Respite Care fer Families Housing Improvement limit of $ 150 ,'J ,! I 'j '~ , '1 L.. Total Budget By Site Kev l.vest Unduplicated Clients .... ", ...., ."'''UT_ &. __ r 4. L ~J,l/~.)O 300 Ql,178.S0 ...*,--.-l'*- 100 I I Units of Service If'~-:- . . ..~ 20.000 20rOOO ----- Ser'! ices F.4.1 Site Budget Information Name of Site r-hrathon Title 1II-B Administration Chore Companionship Counseling Day Care Education Escorting Health Support Home Health Aide Homemaker Housing Improvement Information Legal Services Outreach Recreation Referral Shopping Assistance Teleohone Reassurance Transportation Total Title III-C-l ;1 ,',~l , ,I .; .! Administration' Congregate Meals Nutrition Education Outreach Total Title III-C-2 'I i ~l o "," ~ Administration Home-Oelivered Meals Nutrition Education Outreach ';j "', Total Title III 0 FOI , -,' : ~ Administration Homemaker Home Health Aide Chore Companionship Telephone Reassurance In-Horne Respite Care Adult Day Care - Respite Care for Families Housing Improvement limit of $ 150 . ,:'~ .\ ! {: j' ~.~ ,; Total BUdget By Site Ur.duplicated Clients . .._ .. -v.. .............. .....~ ~ 27.953.55 90 --27,91)101)') "ro. 90 II Units of Service L~Jll -' ..., 6.000 6,000 -- -..--- Serv ices F.4.1 Site Budget Information tlame of Site PLmtation Kev Title r:::I-B Adninj.stration Chore Cor.,panionship Counseling Day Care Education Escorting Health Support Horne Health Aide Homemaker Housing Improvement Information Legal Services Outreach Recreation Referral Shopping Assistance Telephone Reassurance Transportation Total Title III-C-l Administration' . Congregate Meals Nutrition Education Outreach Total Title III-C-2 " ^,' t/~' Administration . Home.'Delivered Meats Nutrition Education OutreZ:.ch Total Ti.tle III D FOI Administration Homemaker Horne Health Aide Chore Companionship Telephone Reassurance In-Home Respite Care Adult Day Care - Respite Care for Families Housing Improvement limit of $ 150 Total BUdget By Site Unduplicated Clients -- o. .._.......~I..~r,..-- """"'qJ1,. he:; ??6. Q'1 , n'1,?/4.9,) '.""*.:" 210 210 ---_..~,..- Units of Service ""iW .' 'i\.?I1 14.000 14.000 ---