Resolution 380-1989 ~ ...-'" Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 380-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 42, A large tract of land on Aviation Blvd., Key Vaca Sec. 1, Twn. 66, Range 32, RE# 10084 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 42 dated June 9, 1989, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 27th day of June, A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /Jj/~~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: DANN'X L. KOLlIAGE, Clerk f24~~f&~ Z l: [d [l lnr 68. '-1 U ;.) '.-J_J '.~ ~ U.J -IU M E M 0 R A, N DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA, Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Section I, Township 66, Range 32, Real Estate Number 10084, a large tract of land on Aviation Boulevard, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida. DATE: June 9, 1989 MEETING DATE: June 27, 1989 PLANNING TECHNICIAN: Jeanne DuBois BIOLOGIST: Pat McNeese Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No____ Commissioner's District: Recommended Action: It is recommended that the SR/NA boundary line correspond with the upland wetland. boundary lines on site and that all wetland areas be considered Native Area. These boundary lines were marked on site by the County Biologist. A survey is attached. Summary of RequestjReport: The applicant has requested a boundary determination be made on a tract of land he is calling Heron Hammock. This property is approximately 53 acres in size and is located between Sea-Air Estates Subdivision and Venice Subdivision on the north side of Aviation Boulevard in Marathon. Tbe property is located within two land use districts: Native Area (NA) and Suburban Residenti.al (SR). Findings of Fact: 1. The property is located within an area vegetated with tropical hard- wood hammock, transitional and mangrove wetlands, and open water ponds. 2. The property is located within two land use districts, SR and NA. 3. The intent of the Native Area i:3 to protect wetland areas. 4. The upland/wetland line was flagged on site by a County Biologist and surveyed by a licensed surveyor, Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement: Yes-1L_No____ Attached Board Policy(ies) Applicable: Planning Commission Action Taken: Yes Date N.A. Alternatives: Attached Documentation: Yes No 1. Application 2. Biologist's Report 3. Survey of property 4. Current land use district map 5. Aerial photo 6. Land use district map effective Sept. IS, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Proposed boundary change '------ '~ APPLICANT APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION 7r..J3"gLjI7 PHONE # '? 1 '5 -- 7 7 J / /-1 W 'j " (Y( ft re. It T tfCJ).{ 3.1 06~ &L~lJN OJ t5 () J LE/GIf o V5(2..S' e A-- 5 ADDRESS KEY -1Jf}~~ MM 6;) OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? 13/1- y :5 / P C SUBDIVISION II K K()H II /l-m tn tJ c. Ie.. PLAT BOOK ~f3 ~I -'-/7- Lr'- /;;}- PAGE BLOCK ~ <:) N e: LOT ( S) -.N ON6' MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) f;J. L~~~~~ ~=-;.~ REQUEST CHANGE FROM :5 I!- g JJ It TO 5 f!---~ N A ~7T'~f~~~ ~~O--~~r ~~ Jr- ~, PRESENT LAND USE: J) ~~ DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: ~~ ~ ~ /~ ~ SIGNATURE DATE ~\~~ Fee paid \. ~tC \ \ '8?>'1> ~~\\\1 ' <,.,::V\ ' \.. \':~:"'.C~ \~~~",'...\O~ ~\J"\'';\ , ' ",,:; '-':---- \y-ND ',;. _/--- ----~- 13': / M E M 0 RAN DUM Date: October 21, 1988 To George Garrett, Coordinator, Environmental Resources ~~tf(\ Pat McNeese, Biologist, Environmental Resources Dept.~\ ' \ : Heron Hammock--request for boundary determination From: Re ---------------------------------------------------------------~- INTRODUCTION The applicant has requested a boundary determination be made on a tract of land he is calling Heron Hammock. This property is approximately 53 acres in size and is located between Sea-Air Estates Subdivision and Venice Subdivision on the north side of Aviation Boulevard in Marathon. The property is located within two land use districts: Native Area (NA) and Suburban Residential (SR) . SITE DESCRIPTION The property is located within an area vegetated with tropical hardwood hammock, transitional and mangrove wetlands, and open water ponds. The upland/wetland line has been marked on site by mysel f. The line marked was the hammock/transi tional wetland boundary. The main body of wetlands occurs in the form of a wetland slough running from the shoreline south through the mid- dle of the property. There is also a small amount of wetlands on the northeast corner of the property which appears to be complet~- ly impounded. EVALUATION It appears from the NA/sR line currently shown on the land use district maps that the boundary was intended to follow approxi- mately the upland/wetland line on site, roughly outlining the existing wetland slough. The northeast corner wetlands were entirely included within the SR district, which appears to have been an oversight since this area consists mainly of mangrove wetlands. Therefore, it appears that at least the larger body of wetlands in the center of the property was intended to be includ- ed within the NA district. It is felt that since the northeast corner wetlands are mainly mangrove wetlands and are not allocat- ed any density, it is not imperative that they be reclassified as Native Area. However, this would be consistent with the intended land use classification of mangrove areas as Native Area through- out the keys. .t / Garrett/McNeese October 21, 1988 Page Two RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the SR/NA boundary line should correspond with the upland wetland boundary lines on site and that all wet- land areas be considered Native Area. These boundary lines have been marked on site. cc: Ty Symroski _P.O'. ... 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'4 .. , ~ I 1"=100' I Panel or Sheet# ::(IL Applicant: 7Jettt'h /.p!J1; Key: .J6yflJfA., F lie # Hf rPn I./MilIMl k Mile Marker: ~___ _/<- "',' ------ ~ ~ , N I 1":0: 600' I . .,.\~~ ~..",..' ".,,,,' l). \) /.A r r.l Land Use District Maps Monroe Cou nty, Florida Approved by B.D.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# II or .2./ Flle# ~jj(L/M1~zk Applicant: /),f(~ ~/}A Key: hy f/ f/['d. . @ Mile Marker: :i2 MAT04 TO 210 'If -J( 'f..._~ '~ NA SR ~ ------_/=~ /~ ~ ~. ~ r-J I VACA KEY Pur....nt to Section t. !-24(a)(2)(h) of the Monro. County Code, the boundarl.. of the Land U.e DI.trlet Map ar. Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly de.erlbed u: Draw boundarie along upland wetland line as flagged by biologist. Designate wetland area NA as shown. N ~ Director, Growth Management Sh..t# ;<3/ Key Vaca Date BOCC R..olutlon 1"""200' --.----, 51 .".."".........., ......"" , ...... , ."...-'" , .......""..". " ......1 , .................................... IS ...... FLJJlllIOA .... ............... ...... ...... ... ... ...,., ...... ."".,... I ,."".."".... L ",....... I!ti ,'~ I " , ,,' ~ " ~' ,,' lie " , " , IS f ". ~ \ \ SR , ~ -t... (N' \- ~ . ~ . Jet . I . iC. . ~ If\ . . \ . 1( . . . . . .# \ . MA TOo4 TO 231 Pw....nt to Section t.5-24(a)(ZHh) of the Monro. Cevnty eo de , the boundarl.. of the Land U.e DI.trlct MIIp are Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly de.crlbed M: Draw boundaries alonq upland wetland line as flagged by biologist. Desiqnate wetland areas NA as shown. N ~ Director, Growth Management Sheet # ;z.qD Key V""f""" Date BOCC R.eolutlon 1"=200' -'~ ~- 1Dannp JL. 1!{oll)age BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 13051 7~3.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHIT.EHEAD'STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294.4641 July 17, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P,O, BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL, (305) 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 fJ-o;;ct- /3? - /'1;1 and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 !tJ;l7- /3t;; -I J? Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on June 27, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 380-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 42 - a large tract of land on Aviation Boulevard, Key Vaca, Section 1, Township 66, Range 32, RE #10084. ? Enclosed please find a certified copy of said ) Resolution. , \ I I Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board 0 County Commissioners by: Rosalie L. onnolly Deputy Clerk Enclosure cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Asst. Co. Admin. D. Craig File . .SENDER: Complete Items 1 and 2 when additional ..rvlee, .r. d..lred, and completa lurn. 3 and 4. Put VQur add,.. In the "RETURN TO" Speca on the rever.. Ilde. Failure to do this will prevent thl' card from baing returned to you. dallve,lKI to and the data of dellverv, For .ddlt Onl ... the ollowlng ..rvle.. .r. ''1' eb ':OftlU t postm..tar for fa.. and check box~..) for .a&Jltlonal ""'10.(,) requested. 1. 0 Show to whom dallvared, data, and .dd,.....'. .ddr.... 2. 0 A..trlctad Callvery I(Exmc,..,.,.)1 - I(Exmch.,.,.1 3. Artlcl. Addrmod to: 4. Artlcl. Number "l>c.~ . ~Q~~'O ~~ua~ ~~. r 5. Signature Addresses X 6. Signature - Agent X~. 7. O.t. of Delivery P8 P.,m 3811, Mar. 1987 * u.',Q,~O, 10'1'0111-10 P 027 136 194~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ::J>. ~.f.). ~ <.:J4..,J...l3u,'/J t' Return Receipt to whom and D '" ~ ~ W) I ~ '" <0 0> ~ ~ o ~ .., o o <0 M E 5 u. '" Q. Return Receip Dale, and Add Postmark or Dale Type of Service: Eegistered Ifl.d Expl'8SI Mall D In.ured D COO Always obtain signature of add....... or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addr.....'. Addres. (ONL I requested and fee paid) -j~ .jgc) DOMIITIC IIITUIIN IIICI'" P 027 136 186 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL tIIO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ~ Certified Fee 1. Spee'al Del"e'y Fee ;j Return Receipt show to whom and Date <0 0> ~ Postmark or Date - .UNDER: Complete .It!lfni 1 and 2 when additional _vie.. .r. d..'rMt, and compltte Item. 3 and 4; -'.' j:lout your .dd,.. In th."AeTU~. - TO" S,.... on the rlY'" lid.. FaUur. tO$) thlt w~rewnt this ..,d from bel'" ,OlU,nOel to~, :J'II,,~ WI~..r.: v""tl." ~ ~.~ _'~ill.H ~.~ ~ _ or. . ... 10" .... ...... "'0 ..It P<<N~n.'" or-attd Cl Ie -.. for IIddttlOMt~e{f) requ...... 1. 0 Show to-Whom dellvaNd, daM, Ind ectdr.......ddiea 2. - CJ Aetttlctltd o.tlvwy , I (Exm c,..,.,. I t 1I:~tIrI.".". t . 3. Artlcl. _ to: 4. Artlo" Numbe, ]).(!.;4. ~I ,t...tt.hI- Type of Service: -,;u.... FlIflI_ Otrtlf~ E""...,." PlF_ 1 ,Mar. 1987 D Insured Dcoo .ltnature of addrlJill DATS: DIltVIRED. I. Addr... (ONL I .nd!e. p.ld) -~ro. ~ * 1I.lI.0.1\0, '11701_ DOMESTIC RETUIIN RECEIPT