Resolution 395-1989 Janes R. Paros, ACA Division of Public Safety RESOLUTION NO. 395 -1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE IDWER AND MIIDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBUI.AN:::E DISTRICI' OF MCNROE COUNTY, FIDRIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXEC(J.['E AN AIDENIlJM TO AGREEMENT BE'IWEEN '!HE ISI.AmRADA FIRE AND RESCUE CORPS, INC. AND THE IDWER AND MIDDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICI' IN ORDER TO AID A VEHICLE 'ID THE LIST OF VEHICLES LEASED BY THE CORPS TO THE DISTRICI' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE roARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE IOWER AND MIDDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICI' OF Ma:\IROE COONTY, FIDRIDA, that the Chairman of the ~r and Mid:'Ue Keys Fire and Ambulance District is hereby authorized to execute an Addendum to Agreerrent between the Islarrorada Fire and Rescue Corps, Inc. and Monroe County, copies of same being attached hereto, concerning the lease of vehicles. PASSED AND ADOPI'ED by the Board of Governors of the I.a-Jer and Middle Keys Fire and Ambulance District of M:>nroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ;~-r;l, day of ~>i'-C , A.D. 19 /7. roARD OF OOVEROORS OF THE IDWER AND ID:DDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICI' OF MCNROE COUNTY, FIDRIDA ~~~ (Seal) Attest~~L. ~OIJI.AG~ ~l~It ~.L~,'/)L, Approved as to fom and legal sufficiency. By: ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT - \~ . \. 'L1"'.-'- Inc. ( the THIS ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT 11 1ftad. tht.. ___i'.7.'!~) ~hlY of , 1989, between the Islamorada 't~. an4 .,saq~ gg~s, "Corps'" and the Lower and Middle Keys Fire and Ambulance District (the "District'" in order to amend the agreement between the parties dated November 22, 1988, as follows: The following vehicle is added to the list of vehicles " leased by the Corps to the District, as shown in said agreement: "3. 1984 Ford E-350; 1 FDKE30G6EHB01461. " In all other respects, the agreement between the parties dated November 22, 1988 remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this . Addendum to Agreement to be executed the day and year first written above. ISLAMORADA FIRE AND RESCUE CORPS, INC. By. ~~~~fL (SEAL) Attest: 'l~ 1 I' I ~-tf,..{M ' /)~/l~ Secretllry LOWER AND MIDDLE KEYS FIRE AND AMBULANCE DISTRICT By; Chairman of the Board of Governors (SEAL) Attest: Clerk AJlM...wD. 10 10IIM AND LEGAL $tJIFIC~, CY. 'j ~) " . ~ ~ l '(,1 _ I, J BY . ~ I .UiA' ' Altor ,'.' nI" .